
By whitelightning_

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He might not know it yet, but Carrie Lancefull, a senior student who's about to graduate from Edison high sch... More

Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9

Chapter 5:

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By whitelightning_

Chapter 5:The Adventures Guild

With Cassady and the twins leaving their apartment with her saying, "well, I must head back to my dump and please Aislinn, don't call me out like if this was WWE, because the next time you do, I'm going to take your face and shove it up the largest mule's ass I can find." With a chuckle coming from both twins until Lady Lynn broke out with a smile then rapping them up in a reunion hug. She starts heading towards her own direction and as Aislinn and Eirian started heading towards the adventure guild because Eirian received a message from her boss that he would like them to meet the next sets of students and to help them to sign up.

With a sigh coming from Eirian and the shake of her head. Aislinn knew that she hated assisting new students especially a bunch of high schoolers because of their immature behaviors like if they know better and not knowing if it's true that this girl Kayla Grey is really royalty, it stressed her out even more. Just because there's a match coming from the royal house doesn't mean she is logistically a true princess. A king wouldn't just hide their kin away from Futuramous. No, she would already be running and not knowing the full story about the girl except for whatever Governor Matters has given her, and that's even threading the line due to it coming out from the girl's mouth. Just because the system says, doesn't mean it's true. Someone can always hack the system and manipulate their title making them a figure when they really aren't. That actually happened a few years ago, though not this extensive of faking that their the next future queen, but close enough that they impersonated a fifth district noble which, the fifth district is for the higher ranked adventurers, well paid merchants who made a good fortune by selling their wares, and for the nobles like celebrities on Earth. The way how her and the governor were able to catch this imposter was by tracking their saved data then traced the person out from the virtual because you cannot wipe your exit log even if you hack the system or fake your true physical appearance. It can get difficult at arcades for those who do sign in but the good things about signing in is that even if you do somehow do hack the system, everyone has to log in in order for you to be able to access Futuramous and since there is no way to erase your file that you've created even if you died. That's adds in the safety because even if you do hack into the system, all that really does is to allow you to create false information about your character such as, let's say you created a skin that looks like Tayler Swift. Because of facial recognition, it will have that hackers eye color, noticeable jaw structure, and if you look deep enough especially if they seemed off, such as, their voice because there is no auto tune except when you change your race but because of the technology, it will remove every false identity you place on your character making you bare except whatever you are wearing outside of Futuramous, but for Kayla being given the title of princess since the system senses a trace of the former kings blood within her. Thinking about it, it's hard to fake that, but again, none of it makes sense. Why does she not rule for her father? Was it because she was too young when he passed away so the king chose his informant just until she was old enough to be able to take that responsibility? Or can there be something else and not knowing about who this Kayla girl really is except that she is 18 years-old, a senior in high school, and that she is the daughter to King Jacobs. Well, that's what the system says at least, but the only way to get more information about this girl is to do what she's well known for doing and that is to spy on her and continue to watch her every action that she does until she can confirm who she really is.

"Oh, my dear little Eirian. Earth to Eirian, your brain is on fire. You're overthinking again." Aislinn teasingly said while flicking her sister on the side of her head.

"Would you stop it?" Eirian said irritably. "Damn you Aislinn. You act like a damn child, I swear."

"But that's what makes you love me even more." She grinned innocently.

"Says the one who wants to screw their own sister." Eirian countered.

"No, I said with Cassady." Aislinn said while placing her right hand on her hip.

"That's still including me you sick bastard." She said disgustedly.

"Well, to let you know, I'm the counter part of a bastard and so, I think you meant to say bitch correct?" With Eirian placing her hands in front of her face then shook her head, in disbelief, Aislinn just continued to smile and walked on like if this was an everyday conversation that you can have during a family picnic.

With a huff, Eirian said, "let's just get this stupid registration done. Faster we get this done, faster that I can start my investigation with this Kayla girl.

"You know sis, if you're patient enough by interacting with them, you can learn a lot more than doing a field observation. If you remember from your phycology class in college, there's a few ways of observation such as—" Before she was able to continue on, Eirian cut her off.

"No shit Sherlock, I know there are numerous of methods but—"

"You would rather evaluate from a far." She finished for her sister. With a shameful nod, Aislinn said, "remember what I've taught you."

"I know. Sometimes I need to use subterfuge to give them a false security of who I really am and that I would need to act stupid so I can downfall my true motives."

"Beautiful!" She said slapping Eirian on the shoulder.

"But how do you do it?" She asked while staring into her sister's sparkling hazel eyes.

"There's a saying that we've all heard before where it goes something like, fake it until you make it, or until you believe it, and in order to believe that you're in that roll, you have to surround yourself in their conformity. You'll never know who you are hanging with until you know what crowd you're hanging with until you test the waters and most times my dear little sister, it's all into the feel of the vibe."

Fine." Eirian surrendered knowing that her pesky sister is right. "Well, looks like where almost there." She pointed up ahead where they were able to see a large white safe room which is only made for business owners, school officials, and high VIP's like the governor who is also a principle for Edison High. Not knowing why, he does such an annoying job especially with immature students who needs to hold their tongue whenever they see her and her sister. Just because they are very beautiful sets of elves doesn't mean they should be googly eying them. It's the same thing that happens all the time. They step out from the training room, they spot her and her sister, Aislinn starts doing Aislinn things, and once they get attach to their beauty. It's a bitch to get them away from them. It infuriates the living shit out of her, but she knows with her training that she must be professional to keep her cover. The governor normally tells these little shits that their here with the principle as a guide and that her sister is a level 1 bard and that she is her twin sister. The only reason why Aislinn comes with her is so she can identify strong presents which, rarely ever happens. The reason why she comes with him is simple. She works for him as his little spy under the (GCA.)

Approaching the large white building, without having to wait, governor Matters steps out from the door and with him greeting them, it was exactly what Eirian was expecting.


Receiving our stats which the only ones who I paid more attention to were Crystal's, Kayla's, Leticia's, Lucio's, and Owen's, including myself of course, but of course, by the quick glimpse I was able to read except for one skill that Mr. Matters wasn't able to read because it was blurred for him but not for me was a skill called Apocalyptical elemental which, if it's what I am thinking it is. That is a rank S elemental and, I think that is the force I was trying to hold onto, but I had no choice but to release it on myself but everything else I received was level 1 down the board except receiving a mixed martial art skill. Thinking about that devastating elemental which if not used correctly, I can kill everything and everyone including myself at a 100-yard radius. If I am correct, to even be able to correctly use apocalyptical elemental, I must be  a level 20 when I receive my second set of classes because if I try now, this whole room with everyone inside of it will be killed and destroyed and now since we are considered official with Futuramous, we can now die and if that happens, we would have to perform the same action, the same set up, the same pain that we have endured, and I don't think anyone wants to do that. When I was looking over the rules when I was younger, in order to level up to level 10 and 20, you must have at least 3 to 5 skills for level 10 while for level 20, you must have 5 to 7 or else your stats will not rank up to the next level. For level 40 and 60, all you have to do in order to rank up to C and B is to take an exam to prove that you are worthy for your next rank. That's including for your further ranks as you hit level S+. Although Lord Flynn is considered a S rank, but because of only having an A cap, the highest that he can go is level 90 which is an A+ rank, but due to taking the position of lord, it pushed him 15 levels higher. That's for anyone who becomes king or queen.

Reading Crystal's stats, she has a LV 7 strength, LV 12 agility which is incredible, LV 10 dexterity, LV 8 intelligence, and LV 9 perception. With all of that adding up, she is a Level 10 D rank with her caps at an A while her health at 100, Manna level 80, and Stamina level 100. Her elemental is similar to Lady Lynn's. For Kayla, although her strength is at LV 5, her agility is at LV 7, with her dexterity at 8, while her intelligence being the highest of LV 15 and her perception at LV 10. Her total LV is 11 rank D with her caps at S which, surprised me because I thought I would be the only S rank but knowing who her father is, it does make sense. Seeing that her HP is at 100, MP at 150, stamina at 80, and her elemental is called dragon's elemental. Trying to not let it show, I saw it what it was. Although she has chose white mage, deep inside, she is a true dragon. It explains her scales, but not wanting to let her know that I know, I kept my expressions tight and expressionless and as I saw Leticia's stats, she has strength at a LV 6, her agility at LV 10, her dexterity at a LV 8, her intelligence at LV 10, and her perception at LV 10. Seeing that her cap level is an A rank with her total level at 9 which is an F, I knew that she can still grow. Maybe not as fast as Kayla and I, but having belief in her, reading that her HP is at90, her MP is at 100, and her stamina at 80. Seeing her elemental being fire, that definitely doesn't surprise because the feel of her heat, certainly made it hot in there and were not talking Nelly here. I chuckled to myself. Reading Lucio's, I nearly crapped myself seeing his stats, because when I stared at his strength, it was opposite from Crystal's. As hers is a LV 12 agility, he is a LV 12 strength, then his agility at a LV 7, his dexterity at LV 10 like, holy shit. As I seen his intelligence, it is a LV 5 which seems to be his weakest because as I saw his perception, that too was a LV 10 which made him a level 10 D rank. Staring at his caps, he too was an A ranker. Looking over his HP which is at 100, MP at 50, then stamina at 100 and his elemental being Earth manna. I think Lucio has took the cake from all of us besides Owen who has a LV 10 strength, LV 8 agility, LV 9 dexterity, LV 8 intelligence, and a LV 9 perception which brought his total level at a level 9 F rank. When I saw his caps, he was the only B cap I knew without having to stare at the others but seeing his elemental, it was still a mystery on what it does because when it show, (Elemental Stealer.) Something deep in my gut told me that, that type of ability is bad news. By the sound of it, it sounds like it can steal someone's elemental and he can use it for himself.


Stepping outside into the city of Garth not believing the fresh smell of this world, because though I have been here many times before when I was a kid, nothing compares to the smell of the freshness that this new world gives such as the realistic smell of something cooking not too far from here, then also not far from us, I think I smell the sweet smell of Hyacinth blowing from the soil probably on the side of this building. Allowing myself to feel the beautiful feel of what feels like 72 degrees of mid-Spring, I suddenly heard Crystal say, "is that who I think it is?"

"Welcome ladies, it is great to have you both here." Mr. Matters said with a smile which I was able to tell just by his tone like if he knows them very well. "And yes Crystal, it is who you think it is." Then I started hearing excited murmurs from my classmates with Kayla jumping around like a lunatic.

"What's gotten you so excited?" not knowing who it is that Mr. Matters was greeting us, but by the sound of them, it sounds like by my classmates expressions that they are like celebrities.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you all to our famous Bard of Garth, Aislinn and her twin sister who is my employer and good friend Eirian." What Kayla have said to me and Crystal telling Lucio that they are these beautiful high elves like Lucio but just a couple inches shorter than him with pointed ears, dazzling hazel green eyes, copper red hair with Aislinn wearing a beautiful royal blue tunic that went down to her knees leaving the rest bare which showed her toned legs and with her sister Eirian, from her sister who has copper red hair, she has brighter roomy tint and as Aislinn has long hair which went down to the middle of her back. With her  clothing, were Aislinn is wearing a revealing tunic that nearly shows her breasts although, not as large as Lady Lynn's but decent size. Eirian wore a black leather no sleeve jacket with hoops where possibly she can carry different types of blades in her pouches. For her pants, it matches her jacket but though it was also leather, Kayla told me that it seems to hug her frame like a glove making her doubly as stunning. Seeing a blade connected to her hip loosely, she couldn't fully tell what it was but if she had to assume, it might be a rapier due to its length and size.


With Aislinn amused with their recognition of her which normally, it's her looks that catches their eye first, but being recognized by a group of teenagers before even Mr. Matters even told them who she is. That is what she calls real popularity unless some of these kids are returners or already has an account and have seen her perform live. Then she shouldn't be too surprise. Beats being gawked at, but as she evaluates the whole crowd. Her first evaluation fell on the so-called princess, the so-called air to the previous king, and the so-called Kayla Grey. When she used her analyze skill. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Passing through the mumble jumble of the girls stats. Her eye landed on the woman's elemental then into her soul. Seeing that her elemental is Dragon, and an imprint of the kings essence placed on her soul. She nearly backed off just until Eirian caught her sister. She asked with a whisper, "What is it?"

"Her." Aislinn pointed with her eyes landing on the girl. "There's no denying it. She is the kings air. Her soul has the imprint of the kings essence."

"What?" Eirian whispered with astonishment.

"That's not all." She shortly evaluated the boy who she thought might've been her boyfriend but to find out that he's actually blind just by spotting the miniature headphones in his ears, but as she got a better look over at Kayla, she too saw headphones which means, "Eirian, she's a partial. The boy, he's fully, but that's not all. He's a level 1 S cap?"

Knowing that Mr. Matters wants them to introduce themselves to the class as both of them telepathically spoke to each other through each other's mind, with a quick question, Eirian asked, "what about the boy? Wait, did you say that he is a level 1 S cap?" With a brief nod, she said, "What? Who can receive such a poor stat with a high cap but why are they both S caps?"

"No idea, but what I do know is that we should not underestimate this boy because he has a deadly elemental that is the absents of manna."

"Absent?" Eirian asked confused. "What does that supposed to mean."

"In quick terms, he has Apocalyptical elemental that doesn't use manna. Actually, it absorbs magic and corrupts land and by using it. Once he releases it, one of four or all four of the four horsemen can be released such as war, death, famish, or pestilence. Or even worse, he can use his own version of what he believes is the apocalypse. With this skill, if he learns how to use it, if he wanted to, he can obliterate this world with just the snap of his fingers. Let's just prey he doesn't reach G rank with that skill or else where all screwed."

"What is his motive level?"

"Currently, he is a 0 but with his older files from what I was able to pick up on my analyzer is that he was once a motive level 100." As she stared towards Carry, a sudden alert appeared on her screen. "Wait a second sis. I was just given an alert." Reading it to herself, she shared the details with Eirian.

Quickly reading everything over, if it wasn't for telepathic powers, all of the students would think that they were weird staring out to outer space, but because of it only lasting a second in real time, to them, it seemed like if they were having a 30-minute conversation.

"You cannot rip this off by hacking. In order to receive that pass to join the royal tournament, a lord or prince must stamp your hand and by the looks of everything, it seems that Lord Flynn did it a long time ago when he was still prince. Interesting. Let's just keep an eye on both of them." Eirian warned her sister until her eyes landed on the tallest dude in their class which made her nearly stumble back, but before her sister even asked what's wrong, Eirian beat her to the punch. "That guy—" She stared at his name and said, "Lucio Sanchez... is extremely tall. I wonder if he's that tall in the real world?" That last bit started to become a whisper as she licked her lips until she shook her head to get rid of the dirty thoughts that was surprisingly bringing her to a place that she hasn't been in in such a long time. How long has it been? 3 years? Again, when she was about to shake her head out from her trans, Aislinn smirked and knowing what her sister was about to ask, she prepared herself for the questions.

"Oh?" Aislinn raised her eyebrows. "Looking to get laid?"

"Fuck you." Then with a mental chuckle from her sister, Eirian said with annoyance, "let's just get this over with." Continuing to hear her sister chuckling in her head, they both greeted the students by giving out their hands out for everyone to shake even though the girl who goes by the name of Crystal was star struck by seeing Aislinn, but interacting with a student like if they are a fan didn't bother her, but for her sister, slightly it did. However, noticing Eirian trying to loosen herself so she can introduce herself politely, a small smile appeared on her lips knowing that she is trying.

"Hello everyone." Aislinn said smoothly. "Like what gov—" she coughed. "Sorry, I mean—"

"No need to hide it. They're going to find out either way so, it's time for me to let the cat out of the bag." Addressing towards us, he continued, "ladies and gentlemen, please listen up, I'm only going to say this once and you better understand because when I tell you this and if you get in trouble in Garth, do you know where you go to when you're sent to jail or when you are about to b executed?" With no response doing what he has said which placed a smile on his face, he said, "you go to the governors office and you know who makes the final word between those two decisions?"

"the judge?" Michael says with uncertainty.

"He too, but no." With a brief pause, he says, "it's me." With gasps that he wanted to hear, he continued. "Yes. So, if I were you because not just school you should be worried about especially being sent to the dean's, but you should be afraid of me, because I can be the one who can decide your fait if you should be killed off in Futuramous or will you make it alive. As you all know and if you don't. I will remind you if you do go to jail in Futuramous that it will show your record. For those 30 days, even if you killed yourself, your record will still show whatever your crime is but within those days, it will be hidden from others players, but not from officials and if you do not make a crime, within a year, it will be erased from your interface. Allowing the words to sink in, spotting realization, he was able to see most of their eyes knowing the consequences which made him delighted of the power that he has over them. "Okay everyone, for those who are at least over level 5, please come with me." Then a thought came to him making him do some slight changes. "Lucio and Owen, before we leave, I need to speak to you both alone."

Hearing some ooh's coming from the crowd, Kayla asks, "how about Carry? He's only a level 1. What is he suppose to do? Leave?"

If Mr. Matters wasn't paying attention, he would have missed the strain in the future princess's eyes, but catching it, he couldn't help but think that just maybe, the girl likes him more than just a friend, but either way, he answered, "he can come in and collect his beginners pack but he will not be able to join to be an adventure until he is a level 5."


Understanding what he was saying. Feeling Kayla's hand grab my hand, she gave it a squeeze and told me in a whisper, "don't worry Carry, we will make you stronger." Preying in the words that she is saying, I squeezed her hand back understanding what she was saying.

"Okay everyone, fallow me." Eirian said, but by listening to her voice, though, I can her a smile that is possibly on her lips, but listening to her voice, everything that she was trying to portray was anything but friendly. Actually, she sounded irritable like if she was forced to do this, then without knowing either if it's me being upset due to my own performance, level, or so on, but what the next words that came out from my mouth was anything but what she was trying to portray

"Hey Eirian." I called out and though I can tell that they are identical twins, but as I heard both of their voices even though it was just for a brief second, I was able to hear the difference between both of them. As Aislinn is all happy as can be like even a rainy day couldn't destroy her mood. Eirian is the opposite where even if the sun was out, it couldn't push the clouds away from being over her head.

"Hmm..." She questioned which, I imagined that she is raising her eyebrow.

"Just because either if you do not want to be here, or if your underwear is so bunched up your ass to treat us like if you don't care of the job you are doing doesn't mean that you should push it on others. Hell, Mr. Matters gave you a job to do without giving any one of us issues and by your tone, you're being a disobedient chaperone."

With a bunch of gasps coming from my classmates including Kayla and Lucio saying what the hell man? I heard Eirian say with a hiss, "excuse you?"

Which told me if I didn't close my mouth now, I'm going to feel a lot of hurt and seeing that she is a level 60-C class and not expecting her class that she is an assassin, I knew that I have just made a mistake, but not letting this down, I continued on, "you heard me."

Then I heard Mr. Manners say, "Carry." Which was a warning for me to shut my mouth, but I wasn't having any of it.

"I should be ashamed of you Mr. Matters." I directed my heat towards him which nearly made Owen collapse in aggravation of me blaming everyone due to my level. Although, I don't think that is completely true, but before I was able to continue to speak, Owen started to speak.

"I am so sorry my madden and governor Matters for my classmates disrespect."

It sounded like he was bowing to them and before he was able to say anything else, I said, "fuck both of them. I don't care if I'm going to jail because in Futuramous laws, due to us still under high school regulations, us students can't be arrested until we become graduates. Which leads me to my next statement. Governor? More less, ambusher if you ask me."

"You have one second to explain yourself Mr. Lanceful before—"

Interrupting his warning, I said, "you didn't hire a chaperone, your hired an assassin and a bard to kill us off immediately. A bard class can enhance one's or others abilities. Just because she is a level 60 C class doesn't mean she's strong enough to take us all on and so, she's taking her sisters bonus boost and so before we leave, they can sponge our record giving us all a loss because if the roomers are correct, the new king doesn't want anyone to have the same win/ loss count."

"And where did you hear this from?" Eirian asked now bewildered. When thinking about it, she thought she heard the rumors, but she never thought it was true but again, now hearing it out loud, it looks like she would have to look into it behind the governors back.

"That doesn't matter!" Mr. Matters shouted which startled the class. "Carry! I will be meeting you in the principle's  office right after when I come back. Right now, I want you out of here. You have been rejected from Futuramous for 3 days!" He hissed with venom which almost made Eirian sympathetic towards him. Almost, but she couldn't believe the disrespect he given towards all three of them. However, when thinking about his antics of protecting his fellow classmates stats from being tattered with, although it is a rumor, but she couldn't help but wonder if she would do the same thing. Taking the remaining students to the adventures guild as she watched Carry being forcedly removed from the land of Garth, the last thought that came to her is, "hopes he learns." Until she received a message appearing from her interface from the governor himself which told her—

__There has been a change of plans Eirian, I wasn't going to tell you until the end, but due to Carry's perception and his high growth rank which, I am assuming you and your sister have seen, but due to him standing up then announcing to the crowd about the king's request, I am unfortunate to have to allow them to walk without a loss.__

__So, it is true?__ She typed out quickly while approaching the guild.

__I will explain later.__ He typed with a simple response. With a nod, she exited from her interface and brought the students in with her sister casually speaking to Governor Matters which, it seems that she was trying to cool him down and by the conversation, it seems that she is succeeding.

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