A New Beginning of Our Lives

By Kittycorn2000

439 33 10

Sequel to More Than Just Friends. After spending their first summer as girlfriends, Molly and Libby were exci... More

New Neighbors
Investigation of the Bloodhound of Truth
First Year of High School
Day Off
Good and Evil
Libby's Birthday
Date at the Movie Theater
Spending Christmas Together
Blooming of a New Romance
Reign of the New Chairwoman
A Spiritual Final Battle
Friendship Between Humans and Ghosts

Date in the Ghost World

33 2 0
By Kittycorn2000

AN: Before I start this new chapter, I would like to thank Garguemo for giving me the idea for this chapter! I appreciate the idea, and I hope everyone enjoys this new chapter!

Chapter 9

Date in the Ghost World

It was another bright and sunny day! Normally, that kind of day would get Molly excited make her want to spend the day with her friends, but today was different. The Ghost Council decided that Molly should have some more Chairwoman training today. As much as she didn't want to go, Molly had no choice but to leave Scratch and Libby to continue her training. As Molly was ready to leave, she grabbed the Chairman's cloak before turning to her friends to say goodbye to her friends.

"Are you sure that you have to go?" Libby asked, sad to see her girlfriend leave.

"Sorry, Libby. I really do want to stay here with you and Scratch, but I'm pretty sure that the Ghost Council would lecture me again if I skip out on my training again." Molly explained.

"Not to worry, Moll! I've worked for these guys for a long time, so I'm sure you would get used to it after awhile!" Scratch tried to assure his friend.

Hearing this didn't exactly make Molly feel better, but she appreciated the attempt from Scratch. "Thanks, Scratch I'll be back soon so we can all hang out again!"

After putting on the cloak, Molly transformed into her wraith form once more. She summoned a portal as she got ready to leave for the Ghost World, unaware that Libby was planning to surprise her girlfriend by giving her a surprise hug. She ran towards Molly in a full sprint only to suddenly trip as her body tumbled through the portal. This ended up separating Libby's spirit from her body.

"Libby!" Molly gasped as she floated over to Libby's spirit. "Are you okay?"

Once she recovered, Libby gazed back at Molly confused. "I think so. What happened? Aaaah!" Libby screamed the moment she saw her body figuratively and literally staring into her soul with a pair of blank emotionless eyes. "I-Is that my body?"

"It looks like you are in your ghost form again, Libby." Scratch noticed. "It was thanks to your clumsiness that you got separated from your body in the first place."

"Wow!" Libby stared at her ghost-like hands. "I never thought I would be a spirit again."

It was at that moment when Molly suddenly thought of an idea. "Hey, Libby! Since you can technically enter the Ghost World now, how would you like to join me in exploring the Ghost World?"

"I actually really like that idea! I can learn a lot about the Ghost World from our visit! Not to mention that I can spend the day with you, Sunshine!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go, Ahuvati!" Molly led Libby to the portal.

Right before she left, Libby turned towards Scratch and asked, "And Scratch? Can you keep an eye on my body to make sure it doesn't go anywhere?"

"Relax, you're body will be fine! Have fun on your date with Molly and make sure to bring her back before dark!" Scratch joked as he waved goodbye.

Once Molly and Libby floated through the portal, Scratch was left alone with Libby's body, who was staring at him with complete indifference. Feeling uncomfortable, Scratch tried to think of a way to break the awkward silence.

"So, do you want to do something?" Scratch asked.

"It doesn't matter." Libby's body replied with little emotion in her voice.

With Molly and Libby gone, Scratch now realized how quiet it is in the house. "You know, you are way less annoying than the actual Libby."

"I don't care." Libby's body replied.

Suddenly, Scratch thought of an idea. "Hey, Libby. You wouldn't object to making me a sandwich would you?"

"Not really."

"Great! Now, let's see! I'd say the perfect sandwich for me would be a sandwich that has ingredients like bread, tomatoes, ham, cheese, and mayo! You know what? Just put in every ingredient you can think of! Think you can do that, Libby?" Scratch asked Libby, but didn't get a response. "Libby?"

The ghost looked up and was shocked to see that Libby's body was nowhere to be found. Confused, Scratch began to search every inch of Molly's room.

"Libby, where are you?" Scratch called out, only to get no response. "Okay, this isn't funny! If Molly finds out that I lost you, she is going to kill me! Well, she technically can't kill me since I'm already dead, but you get the point!"

Scratch got more and more desperate as he searched more of Molly's room. With Libby's body gone, Scratch frantically searched the rest of the house in hopes he would find the body before Molly and Libby return from their trip to the Ghost World.

Meanwhile, Molly and Libby's spirits flew through the Ghost World together, happily greeting all the ghosts they came across. After all of the trouble she and Molly went through when they first came to the Ghost World, it was a relief for Libby that she didn't have to worry about her soul being banished this time.

Eager to spend her day with Libby, Molly decided to get her Chairwoman training over with as she met up with the Ghost Council. Libby had always been curious with what Molly had done for her Chairwoman training. She always assumed that it was something cool like learning all kinds of ghost powers. Instead, Libby was disappointed to learn that Molly was currently helping out the Ghost Council with boring paper work. If this was what Molly has been doing this whole time, Libby couldn't really blame Molly for wanting to avoid the Ghost Council.

Several hours went by before all of the paper work was finished. Relieved to finally get the work over with, Molly was finally able to spend the rest of the day with Libby. The two girlfriends flew through town as they explored more of the Ghost World.

"You must be glad that you finally got all that paper work over with." Libby commented.

"Oh, you have no idea! If you ask me, I'm pretty sure that the Ghost Council just wanted me to do their work for them!" Molly joked.

Libby giggled. "At least we can spend time together for the rest of the day!"

"That's right! I should show you around the Ghost World! I'm sure you're going to love it!" Molly exclaimed, wrapping a ghost arm around Libby's back.

As she floated through town with Molly, Libby's eyes widened in surprise when something caught her eye. "Hey, that looks like a nice restaurant! Would you like to eat here with me, Molly?"

"That's a great idea, Libby! We can have our first date in the Ghost World!" Molly exclaimed before grabbing Libby's hand and leading her in the restaurant.

The moment Molly entered the restaurant, she gained all kinds of shocked looks from the ghosts in the restaurant, each of them surprised that the Chairwoman was here. Molly didn't let it bother her though as she led Molly to one of the tables. The two girlfriends waited for a few moments in silence before a waiter approached their table.

"M-Miss Chairwoman! I-It's an h-honor to have you at our restaurant!" The waiter stuttered, handing Molly and Libby a couple of menus with a shaking hand. "You, along with your girlfriend can eat here whenever you want free of charge!"

"Really? Thank you!" Molly smiled. "Can Libby and I have a moment to decide on what to eat?"

"Of course, Miss Chairwoman! Please, take your time!" The waiter insisted before leaving Molly and Libby alone together.

"It's going to be a fascinating experience to eat food in the Ghost World. I wonder what kind of food ghosts like to eat." Libby wondered before bringing her attention to her menu.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe they eat soul food!" Molly joked, earning a giggle from Libby.

While the two girlfriends were deciding on what to eat, they were unaware that a ghost was spying on them through a window with an evil grin.

Back in Brighton, Scratch was still frantically searching for Libby's body. After searching through the McGee household with no luck, Scratch could only assume that Libby's body is lost in town somewhere. The ghost flew all over Brighton, asking any other ghosts he came across if they had seen Libby. Unfortunately for Scratch, none of the ghosts knew who he was talking about.

"Come on! How far could an emotionless husk of a body possibly go? There's no way she could have walked that far into town!" Scratch complained to himself. "Molly and Libby could be returning from the Ghost World any minute! Where could Libby's body possibly be?"

As the hours went by, Scratch searched every inch of town. The more he looked, the more Scratch realized that he was running out of time.

Back at the Ghost World, Molly and Libby had a wonderful date together as they enjoyed their food. After the wonderful meal they had, they would definitely consider this to be one of the best restaurants they had been to.

"That was amazing! I never thought food in the Ghost World would taste so delicious!" Libby grabbed a napkin before wiping the food from her mouth.

"Me neither! The food was amazing!" Molly agreed. "I still can't believe we just had our first date in the Ghost World! It's pretty weird that we are dating each other as ghosts, isn't it?"

"Oh, I don't think it's that weird, Sunshine! Human or ghost, you are beautiful either way!" Libby complimented, causing Molly to blush.

"Aww! I might be beautiful, but you are the most beautiful ghost in the Ghost World, Ahuvati!" Molly replied.

With a couple of smiles, Molly and Libby stared lovingly towards one another before reaching out for each others hand. They gazed into each others eyes before a familiar voice snapped them back to reality.

"Molly? Is that you?"

Molly and Libby looked up to see Geoff and Jeff floating towards their table to greet them. Happy to see their friends, Molly and Libby stood up from their seats before giving them a couple of hugs.

"Geoff! Jeff! We didn't know that you two ate at this restaurant!" Molly exclaimed.

"Of course we do! This is our favorite restaurant to eat at!" Jeff explained. "Looks like you two enjoyed your time here!"

Libby nodded. "We did! Molly and I just finished our meal, so we were just about ready to leave."

"Really? That's too bad! This could have been the perfect opportunity for the four of us to go on a double date." Geoff sighed.

"Aw, don't worry! I'm sure we can go on a double date next time!" Molly assured. "Are you ready to go now, Libby?"

"Of course! Just give me a second to use the restroom and I'll be right back!" Libby replied.

"Okay! We'll meet you at the entrance then!" Molly kissed her girlfriend goodbye before she followed Geoff and Jeff outside of the restaurant.

For the past couple of minutes, Molly and her friends silently waited for Libby outside of the restaurant. A few minutes turned into what felt like an hour and Libby still didn't come back. That was when Molly started to panic. Realizing that something was wrong, she rushed back in the restaurant with Geoff and Jeff in search of Libby.

She rushed through the restaurant, asking the ghosts if they had seen her girlfriend, but had no luck. Her search led her back to her table, where she found a letter. Curious, Molly opened it to see what it said.

The letter read, 'Dear Molly McGee, we both have something that the other wants. If you ever want to see your girlfriend again, meet me behind the restaurant and come alone. Signed, Jinx.'

All Molly could do was place a hand over her mouth, horrified what she read. Both, Geoff and Jeff noticed tears forming in Molly's eyes. They were about to ask Molly what was wrong before they took one look at the note to realize that Libby was just kidnapped.

It was at that moment when Molly's sadness turned to anger. After what Jinx had done to Libby, Molly was going to make Jinx pay. Without a word, Molly floated back out the restaurant before being stopped by Geoff and Jeff.

"Molly, wait! You have to let us help you!" Geoff insisted.

"I appreciate it, Geoff, but Jinx told me to come alone." Molly reminded her friend.

"Look, I know that you are worried about Libby, but I don't like the sound of this! It sounds like Jinx is leading you into a trap." Jeff explained. "You can't do this alone! If it was Geoff who was kidnapped, I'm sure that you would help me out too!"

Molly opened her mouth to argue, but knew that Jeff was right. Deep down, Molly knew that Geoff and Jeff would be by her side no matter what.

"Thanks, guys! As long as we stay positive and work together, I'm sure we can do anything!" Molly smiled.

"That's the spirit! Now let's go save Libby!" Geoff exclaimed as he and Jeff followed Molly.

The ghosts made their way through the dark and scary alleyway behind the restaurant. The further they floated through the alley, the more they could make out what sounded like muffled screams. Molly squinted her eyes to see Libby at the end of the alleyway. Libby was tied up in what appeared to be ghost ropes. The ropes were wrapped around Libby's spirit form all the way up to her mouth, effectively gagging her.

"Mlly!" Libby let out muffled screams the moment she say her girlfriend.

"Libby!" Molly rushed to untie Libby only for a scythe to block her path.

That was when Jinx floated from the shadows, blocking Molly from Libby.

"Jinx!" Molly sent Jinx at death glare.

"I thought I told you to come alone!" Jinx yelled, noticing Geoff and Jeff.

"There is no way Jeff and I would leave a friend in need!" Geoff explained.

"And really? Holding Libby for ransom? That's low, even for you, Jinx!" Jeff said, disgusted by Jinx's actions.

Jinx merely ignored Geoff and Jeff as she kept her attention on Molly. "It doesn't matter. We have some unfinished business to take care of!"

Molly didn't care about Jinx's demands and only wanted Libby to be safe. "Let go of Libby now, Jinx!"

"Don't think that you can order me around just because you are the Chairwoman, McGee! Hand over the Chairman's cloak, or I will send your girlfriend to the after-afterlife!" Jinx threatened Libby by holding her scythe up to her neck.

Libby had never been so frightened in her life. She was terrified, not for herself, but for Molly instead. Her mind was racing with thoughts of what might happen if Molly took off the cloak in the Ghost World. Would she turn back into a human, leaving her powerless to fight back against Jinx, or would taking off the cloak while still in the Ghost World cause Molly to die instantly? She didn't want to take that chance and desperately tried to escape.

"Mlly! Dnt dh ih!" Libby yelled as she tried to struggle out of her ropes.

Even though Libby's voice was muffled, Molly knew exactly what she was trying to tell her. Molly didn't know what would happen if she took off the cloak, but she wasn't going to let Jinx hurt her girlfriend, so she made her decision.

"Alright, Jinx. You win. Just don't hurt Libby!"

With that, Molly floated over towards Jinx before raising a hand up to her cloak. Just when Molly was about to remove the cloak, she took Jinx by surprise by booping her on the nose.


Just like last time, the impact of Molly's touch caused flowers to pop up in Jinx's hair.

"Aaah! Not again!" Jinx screamed before dropping her scythe as she desperately tried to get the flowers out of her hair.

With Jinx distracted, Molly, Geoff, and Jeff rushed over to Libby to free her from her ropes. Once she was untied, Libby embraced Molly in tears.

"Oh, Molly! I thought I was going to lose you!" Libby cried.

"Shh! Don't cry, Libby! I'm here for you now!" Molly comforted Libby by stroking her hair.

By the time, Jinx removed the flowers from her hair, she was already confronted by Jeff, who glared down at her in anger. After what Jinx had done to Libby, Jeff was not going to let her get away so easily.

"You know, I always warn others to never hurt my sweet, sweet Jeff, but I think it's time I also warn others to never mess with Molly's girlfriend!" Jeff cracked his knuckles, to which Jinx gave a nervous grin.

The next thing she knew, Jinx ended up getting punched so hard by Jeff, she was sent flying into a wall. She slowly recovered from the punch before summoning a portal in a desperate attempt to escape.

After Jinx escaped, Geoff and Jeff floated towards Libby to make sure she was okay. Thankfully, Libby didn't appear to be hurt as she happily hugged Molly.

"Oh, thank goodness you are not hurt, Libby!" Geoff sighed in relief.

"I'm safe, thanks to you guys!" Libby smiled.

"We're just glad that you are safe! Perhaps you would like to reward Molly with a kiss for saving you!" Jeff whispered to Libby.

This caused Molly to blush in embarrassment. "Oh, it was no big deal! I'm sure that Libby would have done the same for me and-"

Before Molly could finish her sentence, Libby embraced her in a hug and kissed her on the lips. The kiss left Molly lovestruck as she enjoyed every second of the kiss. Once Libby let her go, Molly's face turned a bright red, trying to find the right words for how amazing the kiss was.

"Looks like Molly really enjoyed her reward!" Geoff laughed.

At that moment, Molly got over her lovestruck surprise before she snapped back to reality. Grateful for their help, Molly decided to thank her friends for helping her.

"Thanks for helping me rescue Libby, Geoff and Jeff!" Molly thanked.

"No problem, Molly! We are just glad that Libby is safe!" Geoff smiled.

As happy as she was that she got to go on a date with Molly, Libby decided it was about time that she and Molly returned to the human world. "So, are you ready to go back home, Molly?"

Molly nodded. "I sure am! I'm sure that Scratch would be happy to see us!"

After having goodbye to Geoff and Jeff, Molly and Libby decided to go back home. Molly summoned a portal to the Human World as the two ghost friends floated through it back to Molly's house.

Several hours went by, and Scratch was still unable to find Libby's body. He floated back to Molly's house, exhausted from his long and difficult search. His ghost form slumped down against the front door, now knowing that he would have to face the truth. Libby's body was gone forever.

"Ugh! What am I going to tell Molly? If she ever finds out about this, she's going to summon a new Flow of Failed Phantoms and banish me forever!"

Just when Scratch was ready to give up, he noticed a light shining from the kitchen. Curious, Scratch made his way into the kitchen and was shocked to see Libby's body making a sandwich. The sandwich had so many ingredients between the two slices of bread, it towered above Scratch to the point where it was touching the ceiling.

Libby's body noticed Scratch before it carried the sandwich towards him. "Here's your sandwich."

This caused Scratch's eye to twitch, frustrated that he spent all that time searching for Libby for nothing. "Are you kidding me?! I have spent all day searching all over Brighton for you, and you were here making a sandwich this whole time?!"

"It was what you wanted." Libby's body reminded with a deadpanned look before handing Scratch the sandwich.

With a sigh, Scratch gave in and eat the entire sandwich in one gulp. It actually tasted pretty good and Scratch was relieved that he didn't lose Libby's body after all.

"Alright! You're just lucky that the sandwich is delicious!"

A few minutes went by before a portal appeared and Molly and Libby made their return from the Ghost World. Hoping that Molly and Libby wouldn't suspect anything, Scratch greeted them with a nervous grin as he pretended that everything was normal.

"Hey! How was your little trip to the Ghost World?" Scratch asked.

"Well, let's just say it was pretty eventful!" Molly replied, exhausted from her long day. "In the end, I'd say Libby and I had a fun day!"

"I hope you didn't have too much trouble looking after my body!" Libby hoped.

With a nervous smile, Scratch replied, "Oh, sure! It's not like I lost your body or anything like that! We were both here this whole time!"

"Sandwich." Libby's body said in its usual emotionless voice.

"Oh, quiet you!" Scratch said to Libby's body in an angry whisper.

"Well, thanks for making sure my body didn't wander off, Scratch! Guess it's time Molly and I returned to normal!"

Once she was ready, Molly removed the Chairman's cloak, reverting her back into a human. It was now Libby's turn to return back to normal as she returned to her body, restoring all feelings and emotions. With the two girlfriends back to normal, they both hugged each other, happy to be back in their bodies. As their long day came to an end, Molly and Libby said goodbye to each other as Leah drove Libby back home.

Later that night, Jinx floated through the dark streets of Brighton, frustrated that her latest plan to steal the cloak failed. She floated through town for what felt like hours before she came across the Chens' house. The ghost glared at the house for a few moments in silence. The Frightmares were still locked inside that house, but Jinx couldn't do anything without the cloak. It frustrated her that despite all of her attempts to steal the cloak, she was still no closer to ruling over the Ghost World.

Letting her anger get the better of her, Jinx let out a scream of frustration before repeatedly slashing at a nearby trashcan with her scythe. Her tantrum didn't go unnoticed though since Jinx heard footsteps approaching the front door of the house. Thinking fast, Jinx hid behind the trashcan before Ollie stepped out of the house with a flashlight.

"Hello?" Ollie called out into the darkness. "Is anyone here?"

Jinx stayed silent as Ollie searched through the night. Thinking that it was nothing, Ollie gave a shrug before returning back home.

As she watched Molly's friend walk back home, Jinx suddenly thought of an idea. After remembering that Molly and Ollie are such good friends, Jinx realized that she could use Ollie to not only gain Molly's trust but to finally steal the cloak and take over the Ghost World once and for all!

AN: So that's the end of the chapter. As I wrote the chapter, I thought it would be funny to add a subplot that involves Scratch seemingly losing Libby's body. I also decided that this would be the perfect chapter to include a cliffhanger ending to set up a future chapter I have planned. Again, I would like to thank Garguemo for giving me the idea of Molly and Libby having their date in the Ghost World! I really appreciate it!

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