Hey, Hello, Goodbye.

By Beezy1162Boo

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Eren James is healing or learning how to, can you really heal till you can forgive? Jasmine Black has her own... More

Good-mornings, Goodbyes, and Coffee breath.
A Tear, A Hug, and a Petunia.

Hugs, Tears, and Turkey.

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By Beezy1162Boo


Hello! I just wanted to warn you, there is multiple panic attacks as well as there is implied and talked about abuse, I also have a flashback that also implies that Eren was raped and SA so please if that triggers you be careful. If I need to add any more warnings please let me know!

Thanks, friends. Enjoy reading.


(Not edited )

November 23, 2023

7:09 AM


That's how I felt this morning. I wasn't able to fall back asleep, due to the fact I was tense and anything that was touching me was too much. It may just be a bed and blanket but it was still too much. I was able to calm down a little more now that it's been a few hours. I was very close to a panic attack. I had to be at the college at 9:00 because my first class is at 9:15 and for mentality, I needed to be there early so I know I won't miss it. It was just something that helped me feel better. If I'm early then I know I won't miss anything.

I decided that I was going to have a good day and shoved my thoughts in the 'Shit, I don't have time for' folder. I really like showers, baths not so much. Bath and I aren't friends particularly because of John but I didn't want to think about that right now... instead I put on some music and went to the kitchen to make a second cup of coffee. While I was waiting I decided that I would text Jazzy. I felt bad because I realized she had been the only one texting first.


Good-morning! Did you sleep well? I slept like a baby.

Sent 7:25 AM

I felt a little better after I sent that text. I know I lied, but technically didn't lie because babies don't sleep the whole night. I set my phone down, so I could get my cup of coffee. When it was finally ready I grabbed my coffee and went to my bathroom and got in the shower and started getting ready.


8:27 AM

I finished getting ready a while ago so I made myself toast with eggs on the side. I decided I was going to eat that with my cup of coffee. I was pretty hungry. I'm going to leave at about 8:30. When I finished eating I went to grab my bag and make sure I had everything. I check and put my headphones and wallet in my bag as well. I grabbed an extra hair-tie just in case and grabbed a water bottle and filled it. I did the final sweep and made sure everything was good. I grabbed my keys and turned off the lights.


I didn't even need to look down to see who texted me, I decided I would check it when I got to the car. I got to the car in a few minutes. I triple checked to make sure I had everything then I looked at my phone.


Good-morning! Did you sleep well? I slept like a baby.

Seen 8:30 AM


I'm so sorry for the late reply!! I was in a meeting and I don't usually have my phone with me when I go to make sure I have my full attention in the meeting. I slept pretty well. Don't babies wake up a lot in their sleep? lol, I have to go. I'll text you when I'm on break!

Seen 8:35 AM

I didn't answer because I really needed to get to college. I made it to the college at 9:06 and made it into my class.


I finally finished all my classes. It was 3:25 and at the moment I was driving back to my apartment to get ready for the coffee shop. When I got to the parking lot I realized I never texted Jazzy back. I quickly grabbed my phone to text her back.


I'm so sorry for not replying, I was just getting into class. Yes, you're right lol. How's your day been? I have to go into the coffee shop at 4:30 so if I don't answer fast it's because I'm rushing to get over there.

Sent 3:33 PM

I luckily made it to work on time, I wouldn't say I was speeding, just going a little more over the speed limit. I had work till 7pm. I close shop. The only reason we were closing so early today was because it was Thanksgiving apparently. We usually close at 2AM then are closed so the next shift person can clean up and get ready to open again at 5 or 6 am. It also gives time for the next person so they can restock and get ready. I was lucky, there were mostly online orders. It wasn't as busy as I thought. It was probably due to the fact that it's thanksgiving. I don't really understand thanksgiving.


I looked up when I heard the bell DING in the coffee shop. It was Danial, he was the store owner. There weren't a lot of people that worked at the cafe because Daniel usually worked it most of the time. He thought, "Why hire people when you can work it yourself." Though, there were 5 people including Daniel and I that actually worked at the cafe. I stared at him for a second remembering what happened that night. I was at the point of death, I had been broken for the last time. I thought... I honestly thought I was going to die that night.



Third person

January 7th, 2022

The loud bang of a boot against a metal door rang out in the alley as Daniel kicked it open, his hands gripping the material of two garbage bags. The steam of his breath billowed into the sky before almost vanishing from the flurries of snow coming down.

It was freezing in Minnesota this time of year, almost always in the negatives. The man stepped out into the snow, only hearing the crunch of snow beneath his boots as he approached the dumpster. As he stepped closer another sound was becoming louder, causing him to stop moving.

Daniel was nervous, his heart beginning to beat faster. "Who's there?" He asked, trying to hide the quake in his voice. There was no response other than a weak grunt. Gathering his courage, he moved closer to the dumpster to find the sight of a young girl.

The bags that were still in his hands instantly dropped to the ground as he rushed forward and dropped to his knees next to the girl. She was beaten bloody, her eyes and lips swollen with blood coming from God knows where on her head. Her clothing was torn, to the point that there wasn't enough left to actually be called clothing.

"Hey! Hey! What happened?! Are you okay? Christ, it's freezing out here." The panic was set in Daniel's eyes as he hurriedly shrugged off the thick jacket he was wearing to cover her body. He didn't know how long she had been out here, but he could tell she was barely conscious and she looked as if she was turning blue.

In a split second decision, Daniel decided to scoop her up in his arms and rush them both back into the café. Thankfully he was in his closing period so he could restock and prep, so no one was around. He shouldered the door to his office open, laying the girl down on the small sofa he kept against the wall.

It wasn't long after he called 911 that paramedics arrived and rushed the young girl to the hospital, Daniel in his car close behind.

(End of Flashback/TW: Daniel had found and helped Eren)

I realized I was staring too hard and looked away.

"Hey Eren, Happy Thanksgiving!"

I didn't really get nor understand Thanksgiving. I mean- why would I celebrate it? Ace and I used to hangout during Thanksgiving, we were all each other had. we didn't celebrate though, we used to do stupid shit for the hell of it. Who was going to tell us no? Our parents? Don't try to make me laugh.

I've never really understood the meaning other than what we were taught in history class. Hell, I don't think I've heard Martha or John say anything about any holiday for that matter. Either they were out or too drunk to even lift a finger, though it was better if they were drunk then sober. What am I kidding nothing was good other than Ace and he isn't here.

"Happy Thanksgiving Daniel, any plans?"

"Actually Eren, I was wondering if you wanted to join my family and I for Thanksgiving? My kids and grandkids are coming into town for Thanksgiving, also Kassie really wants to see you. She says you need to come over more."

"Sure, you can tell Kassie I will. I've just been a little busy." I gave Daniel a big smile while walking to go wipe the tables off

"So Eren, is anything fun happening?" He raised his eyebrows jokingly.

" Actually I do have news! I made a new friend, I met her a few weeks ago. She was really nice. She came over last night and we made dinner." While I was talking Daniel gave me a heartfelt smile.

"That's amazing, Eren. Did you have fun last night?"

"Yea, we had lots of fun, she even got me a petunia. She didn't even ask if I had any alcohol. She even said that she doesn't like it. I was a little nervous but it was a lot of fun. We even danced in the rain!" I think I was a little enthusiastic, while I was telling him because he laughed a little while walking to the back.

When he came back to the front he had on his apron. I don't know why I felt the need to tell him. Maybe because he was the first person to save me from hell? Maybe it was because I actually see him as a father? Maybe that's why I stopped coming so often? I almost called him dad a few weeks ago. When I realized I was about to do that I put distance, I was scared... I wouldn't lie about that.

I knew I cared for him... to even go as far as say love but I was terrified of doing that. This was unknown territory. If I went back to the underground, I would be fine. I knew how to act and what to say, that was easy but, I'm not there, I'm here.

"Eren, make sure you're safe okay? I don't want you to get hurt. I'll tell you this, if you want you can bring her to our thanksgiving. If she doesn't have plans with her own family. Would that be alright?" I was shocked and happy he asked. I really wanted their approval from him and Kassie.

"I mean if Kassie is fine with it then sure!" I smiled at him.


I looked at the door and it was Jazzy. I smiled and waved at her, she did it just back. When I looked at Daniel he gave me the look. I playfully rolled my eyes at him and went to Jazzy.

"Hey Jazzy! How was your day?" I wanted to hug her. Which was weird for me, I hated people touching me. I didn't mind Jazzy, which scared me to no end. I felt so safe with her in a way. I think she could read my mind because she asked if she could hug me.

I nodded and she did. I knew something was wrong. She just put her head on my shoulder and took a deep breath. We stayed like this for a while. I knew that I was going to hear for Daniel later on, I didn't really care though. I enjoyed the hug a little too much even though I knew that. I wanted to let go after a while, it was starting to get a little too much for me but I didn't want to tell Jazzy, I knew something was for sure wrong and I would feel bad if I did.

"You okay?" I whispered into her ear.

"I don't know... I've been better." She said back, her tone was tired. I realized how tired she actually looked. Her eyes were sunken.

"Do you want to go to the back?" I wanted to give her privacy because there were still customers still in the store. I think they were there because they didn't have anything else to do today.

"Yes, would we be allowed? I don't want to get you into trouble. I can just go back into my car and leave." I could tell she was close to a panic attack. I knew the signs. I gave Daniel a look, he nodded, showing he understood. and I went to take Jazzy to the back.

I sat her down on the stool and sat next to her. I knew that I needed to prepare myself. I was used to myself and how I tried to help myself in that aspect but I've never really helped someone else. This was new uncharted territory. This wasn't like Oliva, I was feeling way different things. I seem to keep getting myself into situations that I don't know what to do in. We will reflect on that later and put that in the 'shit that I don't have time for folder'

"You want to talk about it?" I thought that this would be the best thing to ask first, this would help me figure out if she even wanted help or if she wanted to be alone.

"I don't know Eren. It's my dad. He wants me to go to his thanksgiving and he just... well him. He's a fucking asshole. I hate him so much. He homophobic for one and he doesn't even like me. He just wants me there to bitch at me and I don't want to go but my moms there and I don't want to just leave her." I knew that too well.

"Jazzy? Do you want to come to Thanksgiving with me?" I asked, I didn't want to ask earlier right when she walked in, not like I had a chance anyway to ask earlier.

"Actually, that sounds nice. Is your family okay with that?"

"Of course, I was talking about you. They're not my real family but they helped me at my lowest so I think that counts."

"Oh, so you were talking about me?" She said with a glint in her eyes. I blushed and looked down.

"Yea, I told Daniel about you. I haven't talked to Kassie just yet though. I was planning to do it soon." When I looked at her eyes again and she smiled. That was a fast change of mood for her.

"Can I hug you one last time?" I looked at her for a second wondering if I was still okay with it. After a moment, I finally said yes. The hug was just as great as the other one. I was the one who put my head down. It has been a long time since I've had a hug like this. It made me feel both happy and sad. I remember what happened when I got caught with Oliva. That was horrible, I don't want to go through that again... never again.

She smells good, she smells like honey and vanilla. I loved it. I actually didn't want to let go. When I realized I had that thought I quickly pulled away. I couldn't let that happen again. I wouldn't. That's why I don't get close to people, why I just would rather stay in my home and chill. I wouldn't get attached, I won't get hurt in the end.

Everyone leaves. Danial will leave, Kassie will leave, Jazzy will leave, Everyone will. That's why I wouldn't go see them. If I distance myself, I won't get hurt.

"You okay? That was a dumb question... you're obviously not. Want to talk about it?" Jazzy asked, looking straight at my eyes.

I couldn't get a word out, I just stared at her. I didn't know what I needed. I knew that I shouldn't tell her anything. She would just say 'no, I won't leave you' when in reality she will. I know she will one way or another. I gave myself a few more seconds before I answered.

"I don't really want to talk about it, I'll be fine though." I didn't look her in the eye when I told her. I didn't want to, it scared me- what I was feeling scared me. "I should probably get back to help Daniel. I can ask if you can bring your mom." I said while getting off the bench and started walking out to the front.

"You can take as much time as you need back here, do you want what you had last time?"

"Eren, I'm here if you want to talk but I won't push it. Thank you, I don't know if my mom will come but I'll ask if she can. Yes, to the drink. I'll pay for it when I go back out there." She looked up with a small smile, she had a hurt expression on her face.

I felt bad, I didn't understand why I did though. This was all so new, this was uncharted territory, I have no idea what I'm doing- that's why it's so scary. I usually have a plan, I'm good at that. I didn't know what to say, so in the end I decided to walk out.


I've been at the front counter for about 10 minutes, I still couldn't shake the uneasiness I had in my stomach. It wasn't the 'I'm about to get beat or I'm being followed uneasiness' it was different. I don't understand anything. I just want to go home and lay down. It was getting hard to breathe, I could tell I was close to a panic attack. I saw Daniel look over my way and he could tell too, especially after I've stayed with him for a few months. He picked up the subtle cues that I would have right before a panic attack. I didn't want to go to the back because Jazzy was still there, I didn't want to see her.

I didn't even realize that Daniel was over till he was right in front of me. I was starting to get light headed from breathing so fast. I was so lucky that the café had slowed down and no one was in the room with Daniel and I.

"Eren, I need you to look at me." Daniel said, getting my attention. "I need you to take a deep breath with me." I looked at him and started to follow him with his breathing. I could feel my eyes tearing up.

"That's good, That's good, just like that Eren." He made a point not to touch me. "I'm going to grab you water, I want you to go sit at a table." He made no room for argument and started to walk away.

I went to the closest table near me. It took me a little longer due to the fact I was still somewhat dizzy. Fortunately, I was able to make it without falling on my ass. I could hear Daniel moving around then I heard Jazzy walking out. I heard them whispering, I couldn't make out what was said though. It was getting harder to breathe. Daniel walked back with a cup of water. I knew Jazzy was standing there, I was thankful she didn't walk over here. I don't think I could handle that right now.

"I want you to at least take three big drinks of water before you try to talk." Daniel made no room for argument. I did what he asked, It took me a little longer because I was breathing so fast.

"T-thank you." I said softly.

Daniel is very patient with me. It doesn't matter what is happening, he is always calm with me. It was very weird at first. It was foreign at the time, I was always used to violence. Then Daniel found me and he taught me there was a thing called kindness. That I didn't need to fight just to scrape by. Now, that doesn't mean there aren't hard days, there will always be hard days- though I have people now. 'I have people...' it just really clicked. I actually have people. I felt my eyes starting to burn, I could tell I was starting to tear up, I looked away and at the floor.

"Eren, Do you want to be left alone or can I sit at the chair that's beside you?" I looked at him and nodded. He pulled the chair out and took a seat.

"Jasmine, can you please grab a few paper towels?" I forgot that Jazzy has been standing there.

"Yes." She got off the wall and went to grab them. She walked back and gave them to Daniel.

"Ren, do you want me to leave? I can go and we can talk later." She asked.

I didn't know what to say. Part of me wanted her to leave, to understand what I'm feeling and what I should do. The other part wanted her to stay. Her presence was calming in a way. I finally said something after a minute.

"You can stay... if you want." I whispered softly. I didn't know if she heard me but she had to because she walked to the bar and took a seat. I couldn't help the surprised look on my face. She was giving me space but she was still close enough to where I could still see her. She looked at her phone, her eyebrows creased and she looked up.

"I need to call my mom real quick. I'll be back. I'm going to step out for a few minutes." She got up and called her mom.

"So, want to tell me what happened?" Daniel asked while handing me the paper towels. I looked at him, nodding slowly.

"I- um- I don't re-really know. I was tal-talking with Jazzy, we were do-doing fine, no-nothing was wrong, then we hu-hugged and I pan-panicked- I wasn't sc-scared or any-anything I- I- don't know how to explain it. My heart was beating faster and I-" Daniel stopped me from continuing on because I started talking faster.

"I think I know what's going on here. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I think you like her more than your average 'bestie' that's what they call them nowadays right?" He put the air quotes while saying 'bestie'. He smiled. I couldn't help the laugh that came out.

"No! Nobody says that." I said smiling and wiping my eyes. "That's what scares me though. I know you're probably right but I don't understand anything. I don't know." The smile that was there, was gone.

"Well Eren, sometimes you have to go into unknown territory to figure new things out. How do you think the world was made? By men sitting on their asses with the monkeys? Now, that has probably happened." He laughed a little. "What I'm trying to say to Eren is that you haven't lived, I mean actually lived. What you're used to is having to fight, fight to survive and I'm so proud of you for that. You're the strongest person I know, and I'm proud to know. Now, you've met someone. Now, I'm not a dating expert or anything close to that. I'm an old man for god sake- though being an old man gives me experience, let this old man try and help you for once. You don't know what to do because you haven't felt anything like this. I'm not saying you haven't liked people before. I mean actually liking someone more than a friend, am I right?" I nodded and he continued. "This is very much out of your territory, I know this is going to be hard. You're probably going to feel new things and that's okay. Don't try to rush it and take it slow. Don't force yourself. Talk with Jasmine to understand everything when you're ready. Now, I need to get the last orders ready and close up shop. Anything else you need?" I stared for a few seconds, taking in everything he told me.

"Actually, do you think Jazzy's mom could also join us?" I knew, I knew I wanted Jazzy to be there tonight. Why? I couldn't explain. Maybe, in time I could but, right now- I couldn't.

"Of course, let me call Kassie and let her know first. Go tell Jasmine now so she can let her mom know." Daniel got up and went to the back while looking on his phone.

I got up making sure to pick up all of my trash. Throwing it in the garbage and walking to the door, I saw Jazzy standing there. She looked uncomfortable. I didn't want to interrupt. Instead of randomly walking out there I tapped on the glass. She looked at me and smiled. I walked out and stood there quietly. Whoever was on the other line I could hear. It sounded like they were yelling, I could tell it was most likely a man. I didn't like that one bit. I really wanted to grab that phone and yell at them, I would if I needed to.

"-ake sur- to g-t your -ss to t-is -his night" It was very butchered, I couldn't understand very well but I got the idea. I tapped Jazzy's shoulder and mouthed to her to press the mute button. It took her a minute but in the end she did.

"Who is that?" I asked

"My sorry excuse for a father." rolling her eyes and looking back down at the phone, then back up at me.

"You're mom can come over as well tonight if you still want to come."

"Really?" I nodded with a smile.

"Thank you so much, that helps more than you know. Let me try and finish this conversion before I go back in. Don't worry about me, I know you will if I don't say anything. Go back inside and finish whatever you need to, I'll be done soon." She gave me a look and as much as I didn't want to leave to go inside, I did. When I walked in I decided I would make Jazzy her drink. Daniel was already back in the front, finishing the online orders and getting them ready for delivery.

"Jazzy and her mom are most likely coming for dinner with everyone." I said finishing up Jazzy's drink and getting ready to wipe down tables.

"That's good, Kassie's excited to meet them." He said while wiping down the tables.

"I hope she likes Jazzy, I really want them to get along." I looked up to see Jazzy still on the phone. I was getting a little worried, but in the end said nothing.

Daniel stopped wiping the table and looked up. "Do you have any reasons to think Kassie won't like or get along with Jasmine?" He was serious.

"No... I'm just worried- not worried. Worried isn't the right word, more so nervous... I think." Daniel rolled his eyes and laughed.

"I don't think we should be worried or nervous about Kassie not liking Jasmine. You know Kassie, you know that she is very open in meeting new people. She is not one to judge. You and I both know that." He gave me a look and turned to look at Jazzy. "I don't know what happened with you meeting Jasmine but, I've seen you actually smiled. You seem happier and as such Kassie and I will welcome anyone that makes you smile and be happy with them. We care about you very deeply, we want to see you happy. No matter what."

"Thank you, Daniel. Honestly, thank you for everything so far." I was thankful for everything Kassie and Daniel did for me and are still doing. If they weren't there, I would've been dead. I would've been fine with that months ago... but now I don't want to die, I want to live life and explore the world. Help kids that went through the same things as I did.

We finished wiping the tables and stacking the chairs. I went to the back to grab my keys and phone. I looked at the photo with Ace and I. I felt my eyes start watering. "I miss you so much. I think you would be really proud of me right now... I'm sorry, for still crying like a little kid when I think about you. You'd slap me over the head and take me to Josie's place. I'll have you meet Jazzy, when I know for sure she deserves to meet you. I love you, Ace. Happy stupid family day. Goodnight." I felt a tear go down my face as I closed my locker. I wiped my face. Going to the mirror that's a few steps away, I looked at myself. Turning the sink on and washing my face. I looked back up, taking in all of my features. My hair in a low messy bun with pieces sticking out. My eyes were puffy and red. I grabbed a paper towel and put cold water on it to help with the puffiness. I just wanted to go home and have a hot coco. I finished up and went back to the front. Jazzy and Daniel were talking. They turned when I walked out and both gave a smile. Daniel turned back to Jazzy.

"We'll eat dinner at 9:00, Jasmine. I'll make sure Eren sends you the address."

"Thank you again Daniel." Jazzy smiled.

"Eren you can go walk out with Jasmine. I'll close shop. See you at dinner. Make sure you drive safe there may not be a lot of people out but the people that are will most likely be drunk or something. Are you stopping at your house first?"

"I'll stop at my house and get showered. Don't worry Daniel, I'll drive safe. I'll see you soon."

"Bye Mr. Jacobs. Thank you again, I'll see you at dinner."

Jazzy and I started walking out. I sent a wave to Daniel and got one back in return. We walked to the parking lot. " I'll see you later Ren, Thank you for seeing if we could. Are you sure you want us to come?" Jazzy asked while we were walking.

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry about it. You're welcome and thank you for coming." I flashed a smile that was most likely hard to see due to the darkness. When I looked at her my breath stopped. It is not far that someone can look that good in a messy bun. 'When did she even put her hair up?!' She was so beautiful. She walked me to her car. She made these dumb jokes. They were so dumb that I actually laughed. When we made it to my car I told her I'd send her the address.


I got home and showered. I blow dried my hair and was curling it. I was on my last curl when I looked at the time.


"Shit, I really need to manage my time better." I finished my makeup. "I'll clean this up when I get back." I made a mental note to do that when I get back or I'll make myself stressed. I made sure I had everything, triple checking. After making sure I grabbed my bag, keys, and phone. Walking out and locking the door I made my way to the parking lot.


I made it on time. I have never been prouder. I stared for a little too long. I finally snapped out of it and took the keys and my bag. Locking the car I went to the door. I walked in and saw the little kids running around. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Kassie finishing cooking the food and all the adults at the table.

"Eren! Hello dear! I missed you, you need to come over more and come see this old lady." She smiled and hugged me for a while till Daniel walked over and saved me. When I tell you Kassie has bear hugs, I mean it.

"Darling, you're going to kill her. Be gentle. I'm happy you're here Eren. You look nice." He said, grabbing Kassie and giving her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled and rolled her eyes playfully and went to go check on the food.

"Go sit at the table and go tell everyone hi, they missed you. It's been awhile since everyone's been home and you need to meet a few people." I nodded at him, he flashed a smile. Patting my head turning to go to help Kassie finish up. I didn't know all of their family. I knew Bennie and Kathrine, that was about it though.

"Hey Eren! It's been awhile. How are you?" Bennie started walking towards me and hugged me. "You've gotten taller or maybe I've gotten shorter" I laughed. He always laughs and jokes at how short I actually am. I may be tall for a female but he is over six foot.

"I haven't gotten any taller than the last time you saw me, Bennie. Don't even go there. I've been good. How about you?" I hugged him back for a sec then patted his back signifying I was done with the hug.

"I've been good. I think I'm going to ask Kathrine soon." I gasped, while smiling.

"That's amazing! Do you know how you're going to do it?" I whispered. He was about to answer when Kathrine called my name and started walking towards me. Bennie and I looked at each other knowing what the other would say. We left it at that.

"Hey Eren! How have you been? I've missed you. We don't get to talk anymore. You need to start answering my messages." She pulled me into a hug. She pulled away.

"I've been good, busy for sure. My friend is coming tonight so I'm excited." Kathrine gasped when I said that. She gave me knowing eyes and lifted her brow. She obviously wanted more information. When I was about to finish the doorbell rang. Knowing who it was, I smiled "I'll get it." I opened the door and I don't know how but my breathing got even faster than it was early. She looked beautiful... no she looked even better than that. I couldn't even put into words how beautiful she looked.

"You look great, this is my mom Bianca. Mom, this is Eren, the one that I told you about." Jazzy said, smiling while grabbing Bianca's bag. "Let me hold this for you mom, don't worry about it."

Bianca had a tight lipped smile for a minute then turned to me, she smiled then looked at Jazzy for a last time. "Hello, my name is Bianca... like my daughter said. I've been excited to meet you for a while now." She said with a slight accent, she looked tense and uncomfortable. I could understand how she felt, she was at a completely new place and she didn't know anyone, aside from her own daughter.

"Hello Mrs. Black, I'm Eren, like Jaz- Jasmine said." I laugh quietly. "I'm happy you both could make it. Is there anything you would like to drink? Let me take your coat and hang it for you." I smiled and took my hand out to shake hers. She grabbed my hand to shake it. She gave me her coat, I hung it on the coat rack next to the front door.

"Would you like to meet Daniel and Kassie? They're in the kitchen right now."

"Yes, that sounds nice.. Do you have water? Mrs. Black asked, She had a smile on her face that didn't match her eyes. Now that I am actually taking a look at her, I saw her foundation smudged slightly. It was below her left eye, it looked purple. If I didn't know how to look for the signs I wouldn't have seen it. I could tell she realized I looked too long.

"Are you alright Eren?" She asked with a raise in her voice though it wasn't sounding mad or more nervous. I didn't want to just comment before dinner on it, that was rude and would bring down the mood. Though I made sure that I would ask before she left tonight alone. I could ask Jazzy about it. Though I don't think it would do much. I nodded my head no and asked her to follow me to the kitchen.

"Kassie, my love.. We have a starving army, I'm sure they will love anything you make. I know they are happy you put all of your-" Daniel saw me at the corner of his eye and smiled while waving. "Eren, I see you brought guests. Hello there, my name is Daniel. Let me wipe my hands real quick." He walked to the sink and washed his hands, dried, and walked to shake Mrs. Black hand.

"Hello, my name is Bianca. It smells wonderful here." I would have to agree, it smells amazing. "Thank you! Welcome to the Jacobs chaos, my name is Kassie. It's lovely to finally meet you!" Kassie said, wiping her hand on her apron and shaking hands with Mrs. Black.

"Oh, and Eren you can call me Bianca, thank you all again for inviting us." Mrs. Bla- Bianca said.

"Eren, you and Jasmine go enjoy your night. I'm sure Kassie would love to talk with Bianca. Daniel said, stuttering slightly while pronouncing Bianca's name. Then started apologizing Bianca laughed lightly and said that it was alright.

I looked at Jazzy and smiled. "Thank you again for letting us over Mr. Jacobs." Jazzy said.

"Of course, what did I say? Call me Daniel, please." Daniel turned around to talk with Bianca and Kassie. Jazzy and I decided to go to the hallway before we went to the dining room.

"So, I'm saying now I only know two people- not including Kassie and Daniel. I will be meeting everyone else the same as you. The only thing different is they probably know my name from Kassie and Daniel." I chuckled while telling her. She stopped for a moment, probably trying to get her words in order.

"Eh, I mean at least I won't be alone when it comes to meeting people. I should be fine because I have to speak with a lot of assholes at work. This should be a piece of cake and an amazing night of not having to deal with assholes. This should be fun don't you think?" She laughed at herself for a moment and took a deep breath before we looked at each other and walked into the louder room that had kids running around playing a game while all the adults laughed while drinking. Once one person saw use they all looked. We walked up to them and most of them smiled.

"Hello, my name is Eren and this is Jasmine." I shook their hands while Jasmine was shaking the others' hands.

"You're Eren? Hi! My name is Kathy and this is Nathen. It;s amazing to finally meet you. Kassie always talks about how amazing you are!" Kathy had long brown hair, it was curled and pinned out of her face. She was on the taller side; she was at least 6'0 foot. I smiled at her and nodded. "Thank you, it's amazing to meet you, you look gorgeous." She smiled even bigger which I thought was impossible. "Don't mind her, my name is Jenny. It's lovely to finally meet you." Jenny was beautiful as well. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was breathtaking but she wouldn't beat Jazzy in beauty... Why did I think that? I really need to just snap out of it. "It's amazing to meet you both." They looked at each other and smiled, I was worried for a second till I looked harder. This wasn't meant to be rude, they were actually really nice. Why is this whole damn family so nice?!

"It's time to eat! Who's ready?" Kassie walked in, Daniel right behind her with the rest of the food. This got the kids attention, I was honestly scared with how all the kids stopped and ran to the table. The look in their eyes just like a pack of food who hadn't eaten in days. I chuckled to myself to find a seat for jazzy and I. Everyone sat down, Jazzy and I next to each other. The food was amazing, the night was fun. There was no drama, no yelling other than the loud laughter from the jokes and games. Even Bianca was having fun talking with Kassie. Jazzy and I met everyone and when the night was over I was actually sad. Is this what it was like to have thanksgiving? With family and friends? We all said goodbye, and I took Jazzy and Bianca to their car that was parked behind mine.

"I had an amazing time, thank you for letting us come." Jazzy said.

"Yes, thank you Eren. It was very nice, I hope you will come to dinner with us sometime. Bianca said with a smile and turned to get into the passenger side of the car.

"Of course, Jazzy. Thank you for coming. I had an amazing time." She nodded and looked at me for a moment before we both waved goodbye and got into our cars. I waited for them to leave before I got into my car and put my leftovers in the passenger's seat. I drove home and went to bed after taking off my makeup and pajamas. I was too lazy to finish anything cleaning wise. I couldn't sleep for a while, just thinking about the night. I smiled to myself, it's been getting better. Today was hard for a little bit till it got better. I was able to sleep fully that night.


It's been a while since I've posted. That is my fault, honestly life was happening. I'm happy I was able to finish this chapter and I hope the next will be out soon but I've been so busy. I hope everyone had an amazing day.

You should totally check out my friends book, It's Great!

No Fun League BY:

I hoped you enjoyed reading, see you next chapter! <3

-Boo <3

WC: 7000

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