Oshi no Ko: The Maestro

By Lighningtzzz

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Hiroshi Shirotaka, a brilliant young genius, finds himself trapped in a world that fails to challenge his int... More

Prologue: The Bored Genius
Chapter 1: Youtou High School
Chapter 2: Hoshino Sibling
Chapter 3: Hidden Motives
Chapter 4: Lala Lie Theatrical Company
Chapter 5: Blossoms of Destiny
Chapter 6: Dreams and Determination
Chapter 7: Running Towards Trust
Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounters and Sinister Intrigues
Chapter 9: Unveiling the Enigma
Chapter 10: Unscripted Chemistry
Chapter 11: A Little Adventure
Chapter 12: Whispers of Deception and Desire
Chapter 13: Shadows of Deceit
Chapter 14: Confrontation and Allegiance
Chapter 15: The Fierce Rivalries
Chapter 16: The Phone of Secrets
Chapter 17: Blossoms of Love: A Night of Enchantment
Chapter 18: Enigmatic Constellation
Chapter 19: Shadowed Pursuit
Chapter 20: Stellar Intrigues: Echoes of Enigma
Chapter 21: LoveNow !
Chapter 22: Unveiling the Unexpected Contestant
Chapter 23: Beneath the Charisma
Chapter 24: Akane's Heartfelt Resolve
Chapter 25: Unraveling the Enchanting Lie
Chapter 26: A Candid Connection
Chapter 27: Algebra, Acting, and Almost a Getaway
Chapter 28: Romantic Rumble on the Love Bus
Chapter 29: An Date in Osaka?
Chapter 30: Jealousy's Hidden Embrace
Chapter 31: Entangled Hearts Beneath the Fireworks' Glow
Chapter 32: Dancing Shadows and Hidden Motives
Chapter 33: Aqua and Hiroshi's Malevolent Symphony
Chapter 34: Maze of Hearts: Navigating the Love Triangle
Chapter 35: Tangled Hearts and Trusted Confidants
Chapter 36: Clarity Amidst Complexity: Akane's Dilemma
Chapter 37: A Web of Ambitions and Intrigue
Chapter 38: Unexpected Twists and Midnight Conversations
Chapter 39: The Strategic Dance of Akane and Hiroshi
Chapter 40: Echoes of Akane's Heart
Chapter 41: The Grand Finale of LoveNow
Chapter 42: Revelations in the Shadows
Chapter 43: Hiroshi's Enigma
Chapter 44: The Audacious Pursuit
Chapter 45: The Perils of Hiroshi's Mischief
Chapter 47: Dramatic Dynamics
Season Two (Anime) Announcement
Chapter 48: Scripted Conflicts
Chapter 49: Behind The Curtains

Chapter 46: A Starlit Serenade of Friendship and Fans

490 17 7
By Lighningtzzz

Hiroshi found himself in a precarious position as he accidentally stumbled into Kana's dressing room. Kana, wide-eyed and scandalized, unleashed a flurry of accusations.

"Whoa! Stalker alert! Pervert in the dressing room!" Kana exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at him.

Hiroshi, flustered and attempting to defuse the situation, exclaimed, "Nyet! Wait, I mean no! It's misunderstanding, tovarishch. I'm not stalker, just wrong door."

Kana reached for the nearest objects, launching them at Hiroshi like a one-woman circus act. "Oh, wrong door, huh?" she retorted, aiming a pair of shoes his way. "This is my private sanctum, not a Russian monster hideout!"

Hiroshi, dodging with surprising agility, pleaded, "Nyet, tovarishch! I am not a monster! Just lost in labyrinth of doors!" A hairbrush sailed past him as Kana continued her barrage.

"Lost? More like lurking with that 'I'm lost but let me check out your wardrobe' look!" she teased, grabbing a hat and flinging it toward him. "Fashion advice from the Russian invasion, maybe?"

Ducking and weaving through the storm of garments, Hiroshi managed a sheepish grin. "Fashionista not my expertise! Please, Kana, believe innocent stumble!" Another item soared through the air - a sock this time - as Kana rolled her eyes.

"Innocent stumble? The only thing innocent here is my closet, and you're turning it into a war zone, you Russian tornado!" she exclaimed, punctuating her words with a theatrical toss of a scarf.

Kana, pausing in her onslaught, smirked and said, "Russian tornado, huh? I bet you've got a secret spy mission hidden under that 'innocent stumble.'"

Hiroshi, feigning offence, retorted, "Nyet, Kana! That's just a stereotype. Not all Russians are spies. It's a misconception created by clueless foreigners."

Kana, with a mischievous glint in her eye, grabbed a bra and tossed it in his direction. "Guess who's the clueless foreigner in my dressing room, then?"

Hiroshi, catching the bra with a bewildered expression, raised an eyebrow and quipped, "Well, this wasn't in my mission brief."

As realization dawned on Kana, her face turned beet red, and she exclaimed, "Wait! No, I didn't mean to throw that! Oh, this is so embarrassing. You pervert!"

Before Hiroshi could explain further, Ruby burst into the room, shouting, "Hiroshi!"

Kana and Hiroshi both turned toward the sudden entrance of Ruby, wearing expressions of surprise.

Kana, hands on her hips, quirked an eyebrow and exclaimed, "Is my dressing room some kind of public attraction now? Did I miss the 'Tourist Welcome' sign?"

Kana, still fuming, crossed her arms and demanded, "Alright, spill it! Why are you barging into my personal room?"

Ruby, looking bewildered, glanced between Hiroshi and Kana, then tried to laugh it off, saying, "Oh! There you are! I was just calling my friend, you know, the one who's definitely not lurking in dressing rooms." She pointed at Hiroshi, attempting to divert attention.

Hiroshi, frantically gesturing and mouthing, "Don't tell her I'm Hiroshi," only added to Ruby's confusion.

Kana squinted at Ruby, suspicion evident in her gaze. "Friend, huh? Spit it out, who's the mysterious lurker?"

Ruby, sensing the need for a quick cover-up, glanced at Hiroshi and whispered, "Uh, he's my friend, um, Ivan! Yeah, Ivan the Not-So-Terrible Tourist."

Hiroshi, facepalming internally, played along with the impromptu alias, giving Ruby a look that screamed, "Ivan? Seriously?"

Hiroshi, realizing the awkwardness of the situation, quickly stepped forward, a contrite expression on his face. "I apologize sincerely, Kana-san. It was a genuine mistake, and I had no intention of invading your privacy. Please accept my deepest apologies."

Kana, still a bit flustered but noting Hiroshi's sincere demeanour, softened slightly. "Well, you better be sorry! Invading someone's dressing room is not cool, even if it's by accident."

Hiroshi nodded earnestly. "You're absolutely right, and I assure you it won't happen again. I value your privacy, and I didn't mean to disrupt your personal space."

As he made his way toward the door, Hiroshi turned back with a respectful bow. "I appreciate your understanding, Kana-san. If there's anything I can do to make amends, please let me know."

Just as Hiroshi was about to exit, he couldn't resist a mischievous smile. "By the way, I won't tell anyone about the unexpected flying lingerie. Your secret is safe with me."

Kana, already regaining her composure, furrowed her brows. "What secret? There's no secret! Just get out already!"

As Hiroshi left, Kana, a mix of flustered and irritated, muttered to herself, "Terrible, terrible manners. Ugh, foreigners!"

Later on...
As they walked down the hallway, Ruby couldn't contain her laughter any longer. She turned to Hiroshi and said, "You know, Hiroshi, that wig of yours is quite the fashion disaster. I mean, I appreciate the effort for undercover work, but we might attract more attention with that acting."

Hiroshi, scratching his head, suggested, "Perhaps I should adopt a different persona, like a mild-mannered museum curator. No wigs involved, just a sophisticated air of art appreciation. What do you think, Ruby?"

Ruby burst into laughter, shaking her head. "A museum curator? Hiroshi, stick to being yourself. No need for disguises or fancy personas. We're not auditioning for a spy movie."

Hiroshi, looking a bit disappointed, asked, "Are you sure? I could pull off the sophisticated curator vibe, you know?"

Ruby chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. "Trust me, Hiroshi, your true self is entertaining enough. No need for theatrics."

Hiroshi raised an eyebrow, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. "Are you talking about Hiroshi?"

Ruby chuckled and nodded, "Yep, Hiroshi, that's the one."

Hiroshi, smirking, teased Ruby, "Lonely without Hiroshi's dashing presence, were you?"

Ruby playfully nudged Hiroshi and said, "Come on, dummy, ditch the wig. You're not fooling anyone with that fashion disaster."

Hiroshi, removing the wig and running a hand through his hair, responded, "Well, aside from the elements of surprise, the disguise did help me avoid becoming the centre of attention for all the girls around here. Gotta appreciate the perks of going undercover, Ruby-chan."

Ruby, rolling her eyes, retorted, "Hiroshi, you don't have to value yourself that much. Not all girls go around following every so-called 'pretty boy' they see."

Hiroshi, smirking, teased Ruby, "Oh, did you just call me pretty, Ruby-chan? Flattered."

Before Ruby could respond, a passing girl recognized Hiroshi and exclaimed, "Wait a minute, is that Hiroshi? He's so charming!"

Hiroshi, striking a pose, grinned and said, "Well, what can I say?"

Ruby sighed and said, "Okay, okay, you may be a bit more famous with girls than I thought."

Hiroshi, grinning, teased her, "Ah, revealing your jealous side again, Ruby-chan? It's hard being irresistible, I know."

Ruby blushed and nudged him, "Jealous? Please, Hiroshi, I just find it amusing how you attract attention without even trying."

As they continued walking, a group of girls who seemed to be idols spotted Hiroshi. They excitedly shouted his name and ran towards him.

The group of girls rushed towards Hiroshi, giggling and exclaiming, "Shirotaka-san! Can we take a picture with you?"

Hiroshi, ever the charmer, welcomed them with a warm smile and replied, "Of course! It would be my pleasure."

As Hiroshi posed for pictures with the enthusiastic girls, Ruby couldn't help but feel a twinge of being ignored. She stood awkwardly on the sidelines, watching Hiroshi's charm in action.

More girls gathered around Hiroshi, drawn in by his charismatic presence. They giggled, snapped photos, and exchanged excited whispers. Hiroshi, revelling in the attention, continued to pose and chat with them effortlessly.

Ruby, realizing he couldn't escape the growing crowd, sighed and muttered to herself, "Well, good luck being the centre of attention, Hiroshi." She decided to make her exit, leaving him surrounded by his newfound admirers.

Later on...
Kana, with a confident smile, addressed Ruby and Mem-Cho, saying, "Alright, you two, let's give it our all out there. This is our moment as B-Komachi! Ruby, show them your infectious energy, and Mem-Cho, let your unique style shine. Let's make our first performance unforgettable! Are you ready?"

Ruby nodded enthusiastically, "Absolutely, Kana! Let's rock the stage!"

Mem-Cho, adjusting her hat with a determined expression, added, "I'm ready. Let's make B-Komachi the talk of the town!"

With their spirits high, the trio stepped onto the stage, ready to captivate the audience as B-Komachi.

The stage was set, the lights dimmed, and the infectious beat of their opening song echoed through the venue. Ruby, Kana, and Mem-Cho burst onto the stage with boundless energy, their synchronized dance moves captivating the audience.

The fans erupted into cheers, waving glow sticks in the air as B-Komachi took centre stage. Ruby's infectious energy radiated as she engaged with the crowd, her vibrant personality shining through every movement.

Kana, with her confident smile, delivered powerful vocals that resonated throughout the venue. Mem-Cho's unique style added a touch of flair, her dance moves seamlessly blended with the rhythm of the music.

As the performance reached its peak, the audience's cheers intensified. Friends, colleagues, and Aqua, Ruby's brother, joined in the applause, their faces beaming with pride. The venue echoed with the collective excitement of fans witnessing the debut of the new B-Komachi.

Ruby exchanged glances with her brother, Aqua, who gave her an encouraging thumbs up. The connection between the performers and the audience was palpable, creating an electrifying atmosphere.

As Ruby revelled in the cheers of the crowd, her heart raced with the thrill of the performance. The vibrant energy of the fans enveloped her, their excitement fueling her every move. The stage lights illuminated her, casting a spotlight on the joyous moment she had worked so hard to achieve.

But amidst the sea of cheering fans, Ruby's eyes scanned the audience for a familiar face. She hoped to catch a glimpse of Hiroshi, the one who had been with her through the unexpected events and the subsequent laughter-filled moments.

As she danced and sang with infectious enthusiasm, a part of her longed for the warmth of his support, the comfort of seeing him proudly holding up a glowing red stick amid the crowd. Ruby's heart swelled with pride for her performance, yet a small void lingered, a yearning for the shared joy that came with having someone special cheering her on.

Amidst the cheers and music, Ruby's mind echoed with Hiroshi's words: "I want to be your number one fan." The memory brought a warm smile to her face, a reminder of the support he had offered during their amusing escapades.

As B-Komachi continued to dazzle the audience, a sudden burst of fireworks illuminated the starry night sky. Ruby looked up in surprise, her eyes widening at the bright red hue painting the sky. It was a display that resonated with a familiar warmth.

At that moment, Ruby realized that Hiroshi, true to his words, had orchestrated this dazzling surprise. The vibrant red fireworks mirrored the glow of the stick he would have held proudly in the crowd. The synchronization of the fireworks with their performance felt like Hiroshi's silent declaration of being her number one fan.

The security guard, noticing the unexpected fireworks display, turned to his colleague with a perplexed expression. "Hey, did you let someone bring fireworks in here? We've got strict rules against that!"

His colleague scratched his head and replied, "I didn't see anyone with fireworks, but I guess someone managed to sneak them in."

Amidst the sea of cheering fans, Ruby's eyes finally landed on Hiroshi, who was holding up a homemade sign that read, "Am I your number one yet?" Ruby chuckled at his playful antics, a mix of amusement and affection in her gaze.

As she continued to dance and sing with infectious energy, Ruby locked eyes with Hiroshi, playfully mouthing, "You're getting there!" She then directed a heartwarming smile at him, acknowledging his role as her supportive fan.

The next moment, as the music transitioned to a slower, more emotional melody, Ruby seized the opportunity to express her feelings. She sang a heartfelt lyric that resonated not only with the audience but also with Hiroshi, who stood among the cheering crowd, his eyes fixed on her.

In a sweet, melodic voice, Ruby sang, "In the city lights, where dreams take flight, Among the stars that shimmer so bright. A single one, a guiding light, Your love lifts me to endless height."

Hiroshi's face lit up with a proud smile as he caught Ruby's playful gaze. In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the connection between them. His eyes conveyed admiration and support, silently affirming that he was her number one fan.

Author's Note:
With this chapter, the book has successfully covered the first season of Oshi no Ko. I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you who has been on this journey from the very beginning. The overwhelming support, reaching 1k votes, fills me with joy and motivates me to continue crafting this story.

Taking a short break of around 10 days to recharge and plan ahead, but rest assured, more chapters are on the way. Your feedback, questions, and opinions are always welcome, and I appreciate the engagement from this wonderful community.

Thank you once again for being part of this adventure. Farewell for now!

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