Tommyinnit's Tome Of Magic

By JordanBright0

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Tommy, after leaving work is given a book and witnesses a fight between a villain named Mage and two heroes n... More

Chapter 1 - Learning Magic
Chapter 2 - did that just happen?
Chapter 3 - Horrifying day
Chapter 4 - Moving in
Chapter 5 - Patrols or break ins, either way an eventful night
Chapter 6 - Vigilante Life Isn't That Bad Is It?
Chapter 7 - Las Nevadas
Chapter 8 - Gifts
Chapter 9 - Rush
Chapter 10 - Vibing with a missing hero
Chapter 11 - Get up (my ass attempt at angst)
Chapter 12 - Solid evidence
Chapter 13 - A hero tried to kill me
Chapter 14 - Baking a cake
Chapter 15 - fucking hangovers man
Chapter 16 - The moon rises
Chapter 17 - A battle under red light
Chapter 18 - Partners for life
Chapter 19 - Grand plans
Chapter 20 - Grand Heist
Chapter 21 - Car Chase
Chapter 22 - Answers
Chapter 23 - Meeting of truces and concerns
Chapter 24 - Stressed
Chapter 25 - Newcomer
Chapter 27 - Counterclock
Chapter 28 - The Consequences
Chapter 29 - Cracks in the truth
Chapter 30 - Strange Thoughts
Chapter 31 - Nightmare

Chapter 26 - Change

66 3 3
By JordanBright0

Tommy opened his eyes to find himself bound to a chair in the center of a dimly lit room. "What?" he asked the air around him, it seemed as if something was living down here, though he couldn't see what, or who.

"Ah, you're awake," a new voice said, Tommy paled as Dream stared back at him, an evil smirk plastered on his face. He could tell there was malice behind his emerald green eyes, he seemed slightly disheveled and unsightly.

He grabbed a vial off the table and held it out for Tommy to drink, the younger blonde turned his head away from its horrible stench. Dream shrugged, placing it on his own lips and taking a sip. He cringed away from the smell and taste but forced himself to finish the entire thing.

"Well, you need to drink it eventually, you have no choice," the corrupt hero laughed. He gazed at the wall as if something was there and fell silent, he stood there for a solid minute just staring at the stones.

Tommy felt uncomfortable being so close to the man, and while he was distracted, he attempted to push the chair back. Something however, had forced him to stop in his tracks. He turned to look behind him and felt a rush of fear strike through him.

"Ender?" he asked, the man stared at him with a dull expression, he avoided eye contact with Tommy for an unknown reason. His heterochromatic eyes were fixated on Dream, Tommy felt rage boil in his head, and his whole body felt the fires in his mind.

Without realizing, he had released a huge wave of flames around the room. Ender let out a yelp and jumped away his dual colored tail had burst into flames, the fur being ignited by Tommy's anger.

He felt the ropes begin to loosen as they burned away to ash and dust, releasing their terrible hold on his wrists. A yellow and black streak appeared through the corner of his vision. Tommy dropped low, dodging the stinger-like spike that stuck out from Halictidae's wrist.

He followed the movements Techno had taught him and kicked his leg out into the back of the vigilante's knee, causing his legs to buckle. Tommy turned on Dream, but he had vanished from his previous spot.

"Come out, you coward!" he spat into the flames, letting out a gasp as Ender collided with his side. The vigilante winced as he hit the ground hard. "What has gotten into you, why are you helping him!" he cried.

When Ender readied to punch him Tommy responded first, catching Ender on the side of his neck. This was something he'd learned from Phil, there was always a spot on the neck that when hit could cause someone to faint on collision.

"Ender!" Halictidae screamed, managing to lodge his stinger into Tommy's shoulder. The villain cried out in pain, grabbing the vigilante and tossing him to the side. The small spike was pulled out of him, causing him to bleed all over his arm.

Tommy fought to cover it, while trying to get away from the chaos. His arm was burning from the paralyzing venom Halictidae had injected him with. It fell limp at its side, he had lost all control over his dominant hand, which in hand-to-hand combat was a problem.

A hand grabbed him harshly, pinning him down to the ground on his stomach, Dream attempted to cover his mouth and pin his arms behind his back. However, driven by his fiery strength, Tommy forced his entire weight upwards, nailing Dream right in the stomach with his elbow.

The ex hero stumbled, falling off of him with a cough. Somehow, he was beginning to feel his arm again, it was unnatural how fast he was healing from such an attack.

He didn't stop to think any longer, he focused mainly on keeping away from Dream as much as possible, and dealing as much damage as he could. Progress was slow, but he could tell the hero was slowing down, Ender was still down, and Halictidae was stunned.

Both were a problem with the types of powers they had, lowering Dream's chances of winning was the only thing he could do at the moment. Tommy managed to get behind the older blonde and struck a harsh electrical charge into his throat.

Tommy wasn't entirely immune to the power, as it wasn't his by birth. He held onto the other and long as possible, wanting to paralyze him, if even just a small bit. Dream screamed as he took wave after wave of shocking power, he was beginning to fall limp.

The younger blonde was forced to release, the strength of the attack becoming too much for his body to release then take in. Dream hit the ground, electricity crackling around his body.

Tommy had no clue if the other was paralyzed or not, but he made a break for the door. He stopped for a second and he had no clue why, "Tommy!" He had heard that voice before. He turned to stare at Halictidae, who was forcing himself up.

The vigilante had removed his mask, and Tommy was horrified, "Tubbo?!" he shrieked, anger welling higher, "why are you doing this?!" he yelled. Halictidae's eyes darkened, "i'm sorry Tommy, but he can bring them back" the vigilante stated.

"Bring who back?!" Tommy snapped, but Tubbo wasn't given a chance to answer as the villain was grabbed by Dream, and a serum was injected into his neck with a syringe.

Tommy fought to keep conscious but his body was giving in to whatever the older blonde had forced inside his body.


Tommy groaned, finding himself on the ground with an ache within his entire body. He could barely move, he looked around, using whatever energy he had left to see the area around him. Something kept the air around him from engulfing his area.

Dream used a sedative on him, that was what he did, but the paralyzing feeling sparking in his muscles was all Tubbo's doing. The adrenaline coursing through his veins only seemed to hold the toxin off until his heart started to beat normally.

"Why did you do that?!" a voice called, Dream seemed enraged by one of the vigilantes. He heard a scoff coming from one, "at least he stopped" Tubbo hissed. There was a silent cast over the room, none of them spoke.

Finally, after a few minutes a third voice spoke, Tommy turned his head to see Ender remove his mask. Tubbo was staring at the tall, black and white haired man with a shocked expression in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" the shorter asked, Ranboo smiled, "there really is no reason to hide our faces, this will all be over soon," he responded.

"I just hope you didn't kill him with that venom," Dream snapped, Tubbo looked offended by the accusation.

"My toxin only causes short term paralysis, it can't kill someone," he retorted.

Dream seemed amused, and pleased by this response and he only nodded. "Good, I want him alive," he admitted, "Ranboo, would you be a dear and get me the purple vial off the counter".

Ranboo nodded, teleporting away to retrieve what Dream had asked for, Tubbo seemed uncomfortable as the purple particles left behind began to drop to the floor. He didn't seem all too happy to be in this kind of situation.

When the heterochromatic man returned, he handed an indigo colored vial to the corrupt hero. Dream smiled, and regarded Ranboo with a quick glance before approaching Tommy.

"I see you're awake," he laughs, "I tried to play nice, if you had just drank that liquid you wouldn't be in this situation." It made Tommy sick, the way that Dream was smiling at him, almost like an older sibling looking at a little sibling, he hated it.

It seemed like Dream felt he was inferior to him and he never wanted that, not from this man. Tommy glared daggers into Dream's soul, he wanted to impale the man with a knife and toss him into the raging flames.

"Fuck you!" Tommy growled, Dream popped the top off the syringe and placed it to a vital part in his neck. He knew dream wanted to hit a vital vein, so he began to struggle, knowing if the corrupt hero missed it wouldn't be as effective.

Dream hesitated, struggling to keep Tommy still, eventually he got angry and grabbed the younger blonde by the throat. Spreading two of his fingers to give direct access to the vein.

The hero glowered at him, eyes dark and filled with evil. Tommy panicked as the point pressed into his skin. However, Dream pulled away at the last moment, being tackled to the ground by a small blonde man.

He was clad in reds, and purples, and a bit of pink, with large scarlet macaw colored wings. They were spread out to their full size as a means of intimidation. Though Dream only seemed amused by the display.

Tommy was confused, he knew this man from somewhere, despite his face being covered he could tell. Dream walked around the winged man, attempting to escape from his sight.

The smaller blonde turned and placed himself between Tommy and Dream, the corrupt hero seemed mildly pissed off by the distraction. "Get out of my way!" he snapped, the other only shook his head and spread his wings to hide the injured blonde..

It finally clicked in his head, "Grian?" he asked, it had to be him, he felt too familiar to him to be anyone else. He didn't remember much about his twin, but he felt that biological connection, and he did remember those colorful wings.

Tommy tried to get up, but the winged blonde used his foot to push him back down, "don't worry we've got you" he explained. Suddenly, Tommy was grabbed and pulled into a tight hug by Wilbur. He was sobbing into the blonde's shoulder, holding him tightly.

Tommy hated that he couldn't hug him back, his body still hurt like hell, and he was still under the toxins effect. He saw Ranboo jump the fire by an inch and pull a weapon from his pocket.

The blonde panicked, opening his mouth to warn Wilbur, however he didn't need to as Warden collided with the two colored vigilante. The other man yelped as the hero pinned him down with his trident.

Ranboo's neck was trapped between two of the sharp blade-like tips, trapped on the ground by the force used. He struggled against the entrapment, letting out a scream when a particular movement caused his neck to bleed.

The black and white haired man attempted to push against it but he only ended up slicing his gloves, and in turn his hands. Ranboo fell limp, closing his eyes in defeat.

The only reason he wasn't teleporting was because there was nowhere to go. Extreme heat, weight, or pain was also a factor, if he was too hot, or in pain he couldn't teleport.

Due to the heavy weight of Warden's trident, he wouldn't be able to escape. The blades were wedged into the sides of his neck, which meant it was connected to him, therefore he would need to teleport himself and the trident.

Tubbo was standing to the side, a grim look on his face, his eyes were dark and it was hard to tell what he was feeling. Tubbo pulled a small vial out of his pocket and transferred it into one of the clean syringes.

He approached Tommy and Wilbur slowly, attempting to hand it to the brunette. Wilbur seemed shocked and wary of the liquid, glaring at it as if it were about to turn into a sea of writhing snakes.

"What's this?" he asked, Tubbo frowned and pushed it up into his face, "it's an antidote. For the toxin, using it on him should null any remaining effects. Though my power is only temporary, it can leave lasting damage on a person in the long run."

Wilbur hesitantly took it, and Tubbo kept glancing back at Dream, who was ensnared in a battle with Warden and Phoenix. "Why are you giving me this?" he asked.

Tubbo looked sad, he looked on the verge of tears. "Because i'm sorry, for everything I've done to Tommy, I feel horrible for betraying him. It's all my fault for trusting Ranboo and allowing us to get caught up in this mess," he admitted.

The brunette pressed the syringe to Tommy's neck, pleading to the gods that this wasn't some sick trick. When he positioned it, he pressed the liquid into the vein, Tubbo seemed anxious. Still periodically glancing back at Dream with a scared expression.

Tommy gasped, finally feeling his limbs again, he could flex his arm a bit, and he felt a rush of relief run through him. The antidote was working faster than he thought, he was regaining control at a rapid pace.

The blonde forced himself up, finding his legs feeling strong again, he finally felt energy in his body. He was thankful Tubbo hadn't betrayed him for a second time.

Tubbo pushed Tommy towards the door "go, and hurry," he said with a smile, he pointed at the door, in order to help him. Wilbur made a run for the door, but Tommy stayed still, staring at him with a hurt expression.

He hugged him tightly nonetheless, "i can't forgive you, not entirely" he admitted, Tubbo sighed. "I figured you wouldn't, i'm sorry Tommy I really am, stay safe.. Big man." he responded, turning to Dream and the other two fighting near the flames and jumped into the fray, this time he was on their side.

Tommy ran after Wilbur who was waiting for him near the exit; he helped lead him out of the maze-like paths, towards the fountain entrance. "404!" Tommy called, spotting the colorful man with Rush, Warp, and Syren.

Rush was the one who called his name, jumping up from his crouched position and engulfing the blonde in a tight hug. "We found Chrono!" he exclaimed, Tommy smiled excitedly, "you did? Oh thank god".

Syren was frowning, however, which scared the hell out of Tommy. "He's not in the best shape, but he's alive," she stated, the blonde sighed, thanking the gods that he didn't believe in, that Karl was alive.

"Where is he?" Tommy asked, Syren finally smiled, "he was evacuated by whiteout and Hearthfire, Healer is currently tending to his wounds," Wilbur nodded. "Let's get Theseus out of here, he's the main target," he said.

Warp stared down the hall, an uncomfortable look in her eyes, "wait!" she called, 404 and the other three followed her gaze, a dark look in their eyes. Wilbur held on to Tommy tightly, refusing to let go.

The hero looked vaguely similar to Ranboo, except her hair was brown instead of two colored, and her eyes were a similar color. Tommy meant outfit wise, the only real difference was ounces of deep purple instead of magenta.

Warp's tail began to swish as a show of aggression and her eyes began to glow, becoming a purple-pink color. Her pupils sharpened as she looked at the group. Suddenly, she let out a hiss, leaping towards Tommy and Wilbur.

Wilbur tensed, but it was obvious that it wasn't because of Warp. his eyes were fixed a space before Warp, he pushed Tommy to the side and delivered a sharp kick towards the air.

A loud grunt was heard as the attack collided with something physical, Warp lunged, taking the unknown assailant down to the ground. 404 grabbed a hold of Tommy, refusing to let him go, he was what Dream wanted, and if he got a hold of him again, nothing would stop him.

Tommy had no clue why Dream had suddenly become obsessed with Tommy becoming his apprentice. Really, he didn't want to find out. Warp pulled a pair of handcuffs out her pocket, and cuffed the invisible figure.

The solid air became filled with color as the camouflage faded, Ranboo glared at Warp who pushed him against the halls walls and locked the other side to a pipe. Ranboo pulled the cuffs with his free hand, but he began to panic when he realized he wasn't strong enough to break out.

As they made their way to the exit, Tommy realized he had a bit of a limp, most likely from his fight with Dream, Ranboo, and Tubbo. The black and white vigilante hissed out, "I won't let you ruin this for me, this is my only chance to get them back!" he snapped.

Tommy didn't stop to listen to the vigilante, who was spitting venom their way, and he doubted Wilbur and 404, who were helping him towards the exit, would let him.

He was just thankful they came after him. As they reached the spot below the fountain, Tommy stared upwards and was shocked to see just how far down they were.

As Wilbur flew him up to the top, Tommy was finally allowed to lay down as Healer fussed over his wounds. The blonde spotted Karl, his mask was off and his face was soaked with blood.

"How is Chrono?" he asked Healer, the man suddenly stopped and glanced at the bleeding male. "He's seriously injured, but he was adamant I see your wounds first, he says you're more important than he is," Healer explained.

Tommy shot up, almost hitting the hero, though he moved fast enough to dodge. He was surprised to see Karl standing over him, "thank god you're alright Theseus" he said with relief.

Everyone seemed relieved to see him, which was surprising, he remembered when most people avoided him because he was annoying. The sound of crashing and a struggle were heard from the tunnel.

Phil and Techno were dragging Ranboo up and out the entrance, but the dual colored man was thrashing wildly, attempting to use his tail to cause them to release him.

Which wasn't a good idea, since he was currently dangling over a hole, with his hands bound by power canceling cuffs. He wouldn't be able to escape this one as easily as he usually would be.

Karl let out a laugh, watching the vigilante struggle. By now the police had arrived, and they seemed on guard to the high amount of villains and vigilantes walking around.

They didn't do anything, just watched with wary and weary eyes. Everyone was exhausted, Dream had been a thorn in their side for so long. Techno pinned Ranboo against the side of a cop car and checked the cuffs, making sure they wouldn't slip off.

He attempted to force Dream's accomplice into the door, but the other swung his tail violently, smacking Techno clean in the face. Tommy could tell his brother was pissed off now, he grabbed Ranboo hard and shoved him forcefully into the car.

The vigilante yelped in pain as he was practically thrown in, the window was partially open, just not enough for Ranboo to get out. Though, Tommy could still see his grim face.

Warp reappeared with a group of people, 404 was holding Dream down, Warden held his trident to the man's throat, Whiteout held his hand over Dream's face as a threat.

The hero's resolve seemed to have died, he laid there limp, he seemed exhausted as he was breathing heavily. Healer got up and hesitated, he didn't seem to want to get close.

He turned to Karl and sighed, "May I heal you now, Chrono?" he asked, the hero nodded. Lowering himself to the floor in order to sit next to Tommy. "They got him," Tommy muttered breathlessly.

"Yeah, it's about time he paid for what he did to everyone, especially you.. And Mega," Karl half whispered the last part. He remembered the file, Mega's file, and all the vile things hidden within it.

From what he'd read, it had been midsummer after his freshman year in high school, when he'd been chosen as Dream's apprentice. And the first month of his sophomore year, he had died.

Dream had ended his life on purpose, he wasn't going to let the ex hero hurt anymore people. He lied so he wouldn't get as much backlash for choosing such a young apprentice.

Then he found Tommy, who at the time was also a minor, he was older than Mega, but it didn't matter. As the heroes forced Dream towards a different car, the ex hero had spotted Chrono. He seemed uncaring for Tommy at the moment.

Dream smirked, and struggled against them, managing to catch Whiteout off guard and pushed Warden off of him. With Whiteout and Warden stunned he raised his hand, pointing at Chrono. The retired hero panicked, pushing himself up in order to get out of the way.

But Dream was faster, he opened his hand with a smile, radiating pure evil. Karl screamed dropping to the ground, he began to convulse and shake almost like he was having a seizure.

A large portal opened up in front of him. "No!" 404 cried as Dream made a break for the open gate. Tommy pushed him out of the way, knocking the ex hero from his path.

Dream seemed shocked by the force used, Tommy aimed a sharp punch to the older man's cheek. It landed, Dream didn't have a chance to dodge Tommy's anger. He landed another on his other cheek and then kicked him hard.

Dream stumbled, blood pouring from his mouth, a slight bruise beginning to form on one of his cheeks. The other blonde spat out a bit of the metallic liquid and glared at Tommy.

He wasn't afraid anymore, he had hurt so many people up to this point, he couldn't let him do more. Dream's eyes widened at Tommy's confidence. "Oh?" he said aloud, "where did this confidence come from?" he asked.

Tommy didn't respond, just remained in Dream's way of the now closing portal, and the spasming Chrono. Healer was at his side, attempting to calm his body before he seriously hurt himself.

"Move Tommy, it doesn't have to end this way," he hissed, Tommy shook his head, "no" he spat defiantly. This enraged the older blonde, who lunged forward to attack.

Tommy punched him again, harder this time, Dream collided with the wall and he didn't seem very happy. The hero smirked at the portal as Tommy turned and saw Ender jump through.

Tommy hesitated, which was a big mistake, as he had taken his attention off Dream who broke for the portal again. 404 leaped forward grabbing Dream as he jumped through, being dragged in with him.

"404!" Raynard screamed, the portal closed, leaving a small white glow. This small orb grew to a massive size engulfing the area that had once held a portal. It shrunk again, "watch out!" Warden cried, Phil pulled Techno and Wilbur close and tried to grab Tommy. But he wasn't fast enough.

White filled his vision as the orb exploded throwing him into a wall, a small squeak was heard from his jacket. "Tallulah?" he asked, as everything went black.

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