Lush Corruption | Harry Styl...

By butterflytattoo

4.8M 153K 62.8K

BEST FANFIC SERIES 2018 - @thefanfictionawards Book 2 of the Lush Trilogy (completed ✓) | Continuation of Mou... More

Before You Read (Stories, Trailers & Info)
Lush Corruption | COMPLETED ✓ | Harry Styles AU
AFTER or Lush Corruption??!11?
12 (part one)
12 (part two)
Lush Corruption is
The Fanfiction Awards 2018


101K 4.4K 2.7K
By butterflytattoo

Vicky West


 It's all about surviving in this world. People don't seem to understand it when I say that, but it's true. The moment when my mother gave birth to me, I needed to survive. In this cruel business lifestyle, there are so many people who want to drag you down to the point you might end up dying.

Life became harder when my grandfather died, and I was responsible for the Moulin Rouge. Also, when my father passed away, I had no one. They questioned me 'What about your mom, Harry?' We said goodbye, and left each other's life. I'm satisfied with her departure out of my life. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, and I know her feelings are mutual.

So there was no one who could even help me. At least, I thought that. On the contrary, I found out that my employees are my own family. They made me who I am today, and they helped me survive throughout the stress and with manipulative businessmen and women. I'm forever grateful for their love and support. I assume my grandfather experienced the same thing.

Yet, I need to be powerful enough to make it on my own. No matter how many times you go to meetings, or undergo a new business deal, you eventually end up being a bit more powerful than before. However, we will never be strong enough to really make it on our own. You always need people by your side, whoever they may be.

I've seen people struggling with expanding their business because they were incapable of having people by their side or just did not have anyone, sadly. At these moments, I realized how important people are. How important it is to have each other. I am blessed with this team because some people don't have a shoulder to cry on.

I might not have my grandfather who could give me advice. Nor do I have my father because he left earth. Also, I do not have my mother because she left me. But one day I'll have that certain person in my life who could help me survive in this cruel, chaotic, corruptive world."

I reached the end. My fingers brushed over the paper, and I sighed. I was aware Harry lived a tough life. Now and then I thought I witnessed heart-breaking moments in my life, but Harry most definitely experienced worse things. I closed the book, resting it on my nightstand, and turning the light off. But I didn't find the need to fall asleep when I knew Harry had a rough past.

I didn't understand how someone like him could be the only thing I could think about. He captivated my mind, whether it was positive or negative. Out of curiosity – and because I wanted someone to talk to – I grabbed my phone and opened Louis' and mine conversation. Maybe I would wake him up, maybe he was already awake, but I knew Louis was the one person I wanted to talk to right now.

Vicky: "I just finished it. It's so sad, Louis."

I was relieved to know that he found the need to response quickly.

Louis: "He has witnessed a lot of crap in his life."

Vicky: "What was the real reason he didn't publish this book? It feels like there is more..."

Louis: "There is indeed. Harry never wanted people to pity him. He once told me a business man needs to be strong and self-assured. Showing your true emotions isn't something he prefers to do. He runs away from his feelings or problems too much."

Vicky: "Maybe that's why he didn't contact me in the first place? He told me you are aware of what has happened between us."

Louis: "I'd say yes, however, I cannot read his mind. He has witnessed a lot of crap – like I mentioned previously – and I know most of the situations he has been through. Even so, I don't know everything about him. Once you tear his wall down, slowly, he manages to fix that wall again and add a new story of his past. I've heard a lot, seen a lot, but the only person who will be able to get everything out of him is you, Vicky."

I stared at Louis' text. Was I really capable of pulling everything out of Harry?

Vicky: "You really think so?"

Louis: "More than sure. I've heard him talking about you, Vicky, and he is willing to give all of him to you. You just have to let him. I know it's hard for you to accept all of this after what happened, but Harry would open up to you if you just ask him what you want to know."

Vicky: "You being his best friend, do you know when would be a great timing?"

Louis: "Always question him once he has settled down and is stress free. Harry is regularly stressed – because of the pressure from work – so I'd recommend in the evenings. I promise he will always tell you the truth because he doesn't want to go back to the time he messed up and lost you."

Vicky: "Thank you, Louis. I'll try my best and see if I can figure him out."

Louis: "Keep me posted, Vicky :)"


I was pouring milk over my cereal, and started the day good. I was dressed in some jeans, a white long shirt, and some Converse.

At this moment, I glanced through my window to look at the people rushing by. Everyone was busy. My doorbell rang, and I was delighted to know Red had stopped by early in the morning. So I rushed over to the front door to make sure my best-friend could enter the apartment I owned for not so long anymore.

"Why the hell are you so chirpy?" Red questioned me instead of greeting me politely at this time of the day. However, I didn't complain. I was used to Red's behaviour and never thought she would stick with a normal greeting.

"There is nothing that pisses me off right now," I informed her, and she made her way inside my apartment. I offered her some cereal, but she declined. Instead of her taking the same breakfast as me, she decided to go for some left-overs of ice cream from last night. "Why aren't you chirpy?" I brought a spoon full of cereal to my mouth after I questioned Red.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking yesterday, and it has captivated my mind. That's why I am not showing any damned emotion right now." Red huffed, and spun around on the bar chair. It surprised me how she didn't get sick while she was eating and spinning so fast.

"About what? Something happened?"

"Not to me, but to you..." Red answered slowly, and she stopped with spinning around.

"All right, now I am getting curious." I confessed.

"To be very honest, I contacted Marcel last night and we talked about Harry and you, since it's a topic we discuss often." Red said to me, and I raised an eyebrow. I was focused on Red and what she was going to tell me. "We basically made a decision for you, and we demand you to accept what I am going to tell you."

"Is it a bad thing?" I asked her eagerly. The anticipating was building up in the room.

"Not at all, it will be an amazing thing." Red assured me immediately, and she placed the ice-cream away. "Remember that day in V's café that I told you about Harry and you being fucked up?" I nodded, I didn't forget that day. "Marcel and I think you both still are. It sounds rude – I know – but it's the truth, Vicky. You guys have some beautiful love together, but are absolutely horrendous when it comes to communication."

I slowly took a seat on the bar chair next to Red.

"You are going to Texas, but only on one damned condition; you take Harry with you. He brought you to New York which is his special place. Your special place is your home. Take him with you, and talk about everything you want to know. He will be away from the Moulin Rouge for a while. Marcel and I would happily take care of the Moulin Rouge." She explained truthfully.

Besides Red's harsh words about Harry's and mine relationship, she was more than right. Harry and I were bad when it came to communication, because we weren't good at discussing our problems. We basically had a heart-to-heart conversation lately, but there is so much more we don't know about each other.

"Harry needs some time off too after all the shit you two have been through. Tell him stories about yourself, and show him the world you have been living in for years. He shared his life with you, it's time you do the same thing, Vicks." A genuine smile was plastered onto Red's face when she talked to me.

"You are right, Red. Harry and I are bad at communicating. Would he be okay with going to Texas?"

"Ask him, that's all you need to do. That's a part of communication, Vicky." She patted me nicely onto the shoulder. "Also, about the Keeton problem, we understand why you are saddened by finding out Harry has shared his bed with someone who pushed you off stage. Someone he hated, too. But that happened in the past. We are living in the present, and instead of looking constantly back we need to focus on what is ahead of us."

I sighed. "I know. It's a habit of mine." I chuckled softly. "I got that from my mom."

"We all have flaws, Vicky. It's not entirely wrong to think about the past. Zayn has hurt me in the past – because of that slut Carmen – but I decided to move on from that and now I am living with the thought that one day someone will come around and love me for me. Who isn't going to ditch me and screw some random chick I awfully loath." Red shook her head while she chuckled. "You are lucky, Vicks. Don't ruin your chances."

I looked down and thought about why Harry and I aren't moving on is because I am stuck thinking about the past. He tries to get the best of the present while I am being pulled into his cruel actions from weeks ago. I was bickering over something what influenced my life days ago. It wasn't bad to think about it, but I shouldn't let those happenings control my current decisions.

"That's why Marcel and I decided to end the Anti-Harry club." Red lifted my chin, and she was smiling brightly at me. Even thought our serious conversations, she always managed to make me smile. "There is one more thing though," Red said, and she instantly grabbed my full attention.

"What? Did I do something wrong, again?" I wondered.

She laughed at me, and took the bowl of cereal out of my hands. "No, Vicks, but we are going to arrange some things right now. Get off that chair." Red instructed me, so I did. "I love how casual you look, but we are going to change you into something comfortable yet sexy."

"Oh God," I pleaded.

"He isn't here right now, Vicks. I am going to save your ass. Follow me," Instead of actually following her, she just took my hand and pulled me to my bedroom. Red demanded me to sit on my bed, and I was going to do whatever was pleasing her right now. "There is a taxi outside which will take you to the airport. But there is no such thing as a 'grand entrance' when you are just in a plain white shirt."

My heart started to beat faster when she mentioned I was going to the airport to see Harry. Red opened my closet and searched through every piece of clothing I owned, there was no need to feel embarrassed. She hummed some songs while she was going through my dresses. Then, at one point, Red turned around with the brightest smile on her face. It started to freak me out.

"This is fucking amazing!" She exclaimed and pulled out a piece of clothing out of the closet and held it in front of my face.

The red Valentino dress.

"Red..." I spoke faintly.

"I know, it's outrageously gorgeous." Red said overwhelmingly.

"I never wore it," I confessed, and I stood up to get to Red. My fingertips brushed against the familiar piece of clothing. "Isn't it too much?" I questioned.

"It's perfect," Red told me honestly. "You might think this is not something you should wear to an airport. But – being truthful right now – he would fucking melt from the moment on he sees you. It just fits the whole picture I have in my head! So dramatically romantic!" She handed me the dress. "Wear it."

Red had to push me multiple times before I decided that, maybe, putting this dress on wouldn't be such a bad thing to do. So, here I was, standing alone in my bedroom while I stared in front of the mirror. I saw the time – I stood in the fitting room trying this dress on – appearing in my mind. I shook my head, wanting to make sure these moments vanished out of my brains.

"Don't look back, look ahead of you, Vicks." I whispered to myself when I slipped into the heels Harry had given me in New York.

Changing into this dress didn't take that long, luckily. I let my hair fall down my back, and I was satisfied I already had done my make-up earlier today. A few knocks were heard, because Red was getting impatient.

"You better get out now!" She shouted, but I could hear that she was very curious and nervous about me. I opened the door, and she appeared right in front of my face. "Holy shit, Vicks. If I was a guy, you would have given me a boner right now."

I laughed loudly at her remark and waved her off. "Thanks?"

"Yes, it's a compliment, take it. Ready to go?" She questioned me while wiggling her eyebrows.

Although nerves were inside my body, I was ecstatic to see Harry again. Red and Marcel were right about that I should focus on the future, and I was doing that since the moment she told me those words. I was beyond grateful that I had these amazing friends who supported me till the end.

As Red and I stood in front of the building, I hugged her tightly. "I am so thankful for you and Marcel, Red." I told her, and I felt Red holding me tighter. "Without the both of you I am basically just a mess and fucking clueless."

Red chuckled softly. "You aren't, Vicks. You are one of the strongest woman I know. Now, announce your plans to Harry, and be honest. Don't forget to embrace him once he sees you." I let her go. "Show this man that you love for him is real, and that nothing else should be in the way anymore. Start all over again."

"You are crying," I said, and wiped away the tear from her cheek.

She laughed shortly. "Marcel and I feel like proud parents. Except you aren't really our child, we aren't married and he is gay." Red remarked playfully.

I hugged her one more time, thanking her for being so amazing. I told her I would see her as soon as possible. Taking in a seat in the taxi – while I was wearing these clothes – was so weird. It wasn't like Harry and I hadn't seen each other for months, but the feeling that I felt right now was pure blissfulness.

He made me happy in every way possible, and I was too blind to even notice how much he was trying.

He made mistakes, I made them, we all fucking made them. But I stuck to them longer than anyone else does. I was too focused on my own feelings that I completely forgot about how he must've felt. I had the right to be mad at him, and yell the hell out of my lungs. Just, at a certain point, we all needed to move on, and I was most of the time too late with realizing those things.

I could feel that my heart was beating faster, and I was anxious for seeing him again. Buildings, streets and people were passing by me. I picked at my nails, and stared down at my dress. Quite ironic how I purchased this one on my saddest days, but wore it on a moment-changing day. I could feel my cheeks turning red by the thought of what I was going to do. I heard my phone going off, and I had received a message from Red.

Red: "He is arriving at the doors at 11 AM. Go get him ;)"

I shook my head when I read her text message. I knew what was going on in her mind sometimes, and I placed the phone in my clutch. It felt like people would think I was going out, but this was just a normal attire for a businesswoman. I didn't wear this because I wanted to show I had transformed into someone who was usual to his lifestyle – because I wasn't – but it was the dress he loved on me with every vessel in his body.

The taxi parked in front of the airport, and I paid for my ride. I made my way into the airport, and saw how crowded it was here. I took a deep breath, watched the clock, and almost panicked when I saw Harry would arrive at the doors around 11 AM. With a faster pace, I walked to location. Thank God, Harry purchased these shoes which are outstandingly comfortable. Also, the dress – even though it was tight – was wonderful to walk in. I never thought I'd like to wear these kind of clothes.

I searched for the right spot, and I found it quite quickly. I walked over to the entrance and my smile grew wider as I approached it. But I stopped in my tracks.

The door went open and Harry appeared. I knew he flew with a private jet, but he would always enter the airport normally. It was unreal how hard my heart was beating in my body.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. There he stood, the guy I loved so much, but I had grown afraid of. Pathetic how everything had changed between us, but it brought us here after all. I had learned I was too stupid to stay in the past, and I needed to accept that life goes on even after horrible situations.

My hands were sweaty, because I had no idea what I needed to do. He looked incredibly handsome when he walked towards my direction – he hadn't seen me yet which wasn't a surprise, because he was metres away – he unbuttoned his blouse a bit and placed his sunglasses on his head. With his Louis Vuitton bag in his right hand, he walked further. When he looked up to see if he was really heading the right way; he saw me.

Goosebumps were covering my body, and slowly but surely I walked over to Harry. He had currently stopped in his tracks, and stared at me in bewilderment. He couldn't understand what was happening, neither could I. Nevertheless, I loved it.

When I came closer, Harry noticed that I was indeed coming towards him. His eyes couldn't leave my face nor body, but my eyes couldn't leave him too. When it became more and more real to Harry, he shook his head and a smile was plastered across his features; the one where he showed his teeth. It was impossible not to smile back at him, and I was so happy the distance was vanishing as I came closer.

He dropped his Louis Vuitton bag, and wrapped his arms around my waist, and immediately I embraced his neck. We were hugging each other tightly, and I could feel his heart beating against my body. I was glad he was enjoying this moment as much as I was.

"Vicky..." Harry whispered against my ear, and he faintly chuckled. "Why ar-"

"I am so sorry," I cut him off instantly, I wanted to let him know how fucked up I had been towards him. "I am sorry for pushing you away, I am sorry for not talking, I am sorry for making you leave my apartment, and I am sorry for questioning you," I took a deep breath, and I held him tighter in my arms. "But I am mostly sorry for telling myself I shouldn't come back to you, because that's everything I want. I fucking love you and I am not going to deny that or run away from my feelings anymore. I want you. All of you."

Harry loosened our grip, and lifted my chin so we were staring each other directly in the eyes. "Baby girl," Harry whispered against my lips. "I am sorry, too." He told me, and I bit my bottom lip. "I never meant you any harm, but I was naïve and caused you pain. Thank you for these words, they mean a lot to me, Vicks." His lips touched my forehead delicately. "You know I love you more than anyone or anything that has ever been a part of my life, right?"

"I know," I replied softly.

I was surprised when I felt Harry's lips touch mine, and I was absolutely lost by the kiss he gave me. But I was thankful that his lips wouldn't leave mine. His arms were back, wrapped around my waist. "You look so fucking hot wearing that dress," He spoke into my mouth. His tongue entered the inside of my mouth, and he touched mine. "I've missed you these past couple of days."

"I missed you, too," I confessed instantly, feeling the urge to kiss him even more, but the airport wasn't an appropriate location to kiss passionately. I grinned shyly when I felt and heard Harry moan against my mouth. I placed a quick peck on his lips before we both stopped kissing each other.

He let go of my waist, but Harry's hand slipped in mine as fast as he could. With his right hand he picked up his Louis Vuitton bag. It was truly magnificent to even see him move, because he was so beautiful and how his veins would be visible whenever he lifted something was unbearable for the female body.

"The Bentley is already outside," He informed me and shot a quick wink. I was out of my daydream and back focusing on what Harry had to say to me.

"All right," I breathed out. I hadn't been in the Bentley for a long time, and always loved Harry's car. With his thumb he brushed repeatedly over my hand. It was beyond comfortable to walk with him through the airport hand-in-hand.

We had reached outside and my eyes caught the Bentley immediately. Harry lifted his bag in the trunk. As I walked up to the passenger side, Harry hurried over to me, and opened my door.

"You don't have to do that," I told Harry nicely. "I am capable of opening the door myself, Harry." I didn't want to be one of those people who demanded the man to open their door.

"I insist, Vicks. Always." He said, and kissed my lips quickly like he hadn't done that enough in the airport.

I gave in, and stepped in the car. Harry closed the door, and walked over to his side of the car. He took a seat, and buckled his seat-belt. Harry lowered the radio that was on, and suddenly started to speak. "Vicks?" Harry asked me, and I turned my head to look at him. His green eyes were fixed on me.

"Yes?" I questioned curiously.

"Be my girlfriend, please?"

I didn't expect him to ask me this question at all right now. But that didn't make me think twice about answering him right away.

"Yes, a big fat yes." I said, and smiled brightly at him.

The smile which appeared on his face was one I had never seen before; it was that kind of smile someone would show after they had been nervous for such a long time. I cherished his smile and this moment.

It didn't matter to me that he asked me that in the car. I would care less if he would've asked me when I would do the dishes or as I did the laundry. The thought was the only thing that counted; he wanted me to be his girlfriend after everything we had been through.

And that would be one of the things I'd never have to say 'no' to.

Harry started the engine, and I heard the car coming alive. I felt Harry bringing my hand to his lips, and he kissed my skin tenderly. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, and I knew he felt it to from that moment on.

 Today was the day we had been waiting on for quite a while; to be together again, but for real this time.

"Let's go to our home." Harry spoke.



no cliffhanger, so vote and comment ? *pouts*

With this chapter I hopefully made up for all the drama :) I told you guys; wait patiently and it will happen :) 

please stop commenting ''update'' for so many times. I won't update if you do and it's annoying. Instead of saying ''update'' maybe give some feedback I can work with or tell me if you just liked the chapter yes or no.

check out the DESTINATION TRILOGY on my page

xo Lay

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