Stray Kids Hyunjin Oneshots

By emily1454750

8.9K 198 29

Just some one-shots of stray kids hyunjin with members. Include fluff,angst,little space and might be a litt... More

Accident (part-1)
Accident (Part - 2)
A Litte Day 🌈 (hyunchan)
Sick Omega (Part-1)
Sick Omega (Part 2)
Lifestyle Test
Results (Lifestyle Test part 1)
Results (Part - 2)

Accident (last part)

838 20 0
By emily1454750

(This is a small chapter , hope you like it :))

It's been two days since Hyunjin woke up. He had gone through several tests after waking up to ensure he was now doing fine. By god's grace he is not suffering from paralysis. After hearing this news all the members were so happy and excited that he could finally go home.

Hyunjin did not slip out of his little space since he woke up, about which Minho and Jisung were concerned and when they asked the doctor about it , they were told it was maybe because he was in so much pain that he slipped completely and it is not a matter of concern.

All the members aside from Jisung and Minho decided to surprise Hyunjin by decorating the house with balloons and make the house cozy with his plushies spread everywhere. All of them even went to the shopping mall to buy their cute little dumpling many gifts. Chan has already talked to Jyp and they have decided that Stray Kids will be on a temporary hiatus until the further notice , so they do not have anything else to care about while spending time with their only little. Although only Minho and Jisung are the main caregivers of hyunjin the other members are also his caregivers and they love him equally.

Back in the hospital, the room was filled with the cries of the little, as it was time for his daily injection dosage. It has been a real nightmare for Jisung and Minho to handle hyunjin past two days at the time of his dosage. Today was supposed to be a last one and as usual our baby drama lama was crying his eyes out.

Jisung : shh.. baby it's going to be over in few seconds you'll not even know

Hyunjin: appa it will pain (crying)

Jisung  : it will not , you believe in appa right?

Hyunjin : hmm

Minho : our hyunnie is such a good and brave boy , he is not afraid of injection.

Hyunjin was sitting on Jisung's lap and Minho was also sitting closely to them as per Hyunjin's demand , although it was slightly uncomfortable for him because of his legs and shoulder fracture but he didn't want his precious appa and dadda to be away from him while he is dealing with his monstrous dosage.  He was continuously sobbing.

Jisung: Look it's already done

Minho : you dide so good baby , we are proud of you

Hyunjin just hugs both of them as a response.

Minho : ok so now who wants to go home and wants gifts from his hyungies? Hmm

Jisung: yeah even I wonder who will get those gifts?

Hyunjin : hyunnie ?

Jisung: how can hyunnie get the gifts he is busy crying?

Minho : yeahh

Hyunjin : no hyunnie no cry, now will hyunnie get the gift

Minho : that's my hyunnie . Yes you will get the gifts but before that you need to get ready so we can go home hmm?

Hyunjin : oteyyy

After some time....

At the dorm everyone was waiting for the other three members to come back home .
There in the middle of the living room table was a colourful cute cake and the dorm was decorated with bright pastel colour balloons and confetti.

As soon as they heard the noice of car stopping they all gathered around to surprise their baby.

Jisung was holding the handles of hyunjin's wheelchair and Minho was entering the dorm code. As soon as the gate opened hyunjin was shocked and surprised

Members: welcome back baby...

Soon the members started asking about hyunjin's condition, how was he feeling, was he experiencing any pain , did he liked the surprise? Later they all settled down and ate cake and all the members gave their gift to hyunjin.

First it was jeongin and seungmin who gifted hyunjin many new plushies and games. Then it was chan and changbin's turn they gifted their baby many cute little products like new  pacifiers, sippy cups and a new pair of headphones for when he was big . Last came hyunjin's lixie hyungie who gifted him so many onesies of nice colours and a big box of freshly baked cookies and brownies he baked himself for hyunjin. And last but not least Minho and Jisung gifted hyunjin a new phone because his previous phone was destroyed in the accident and so many kisses .

After eating dinner they made a pillow fort infront of their big tv and made the living room comfy and cozy so that hyunjin can lay comfortably and decided to play Frozen as per Hyunjin's demand. Changbin, Minho , Jisung and Hyunjin was sitting on the couch while other four members were laying down on the blankets on the floor cuddling. This is how the night was spend in stray kids dorm.

The following month also followed the same schedule. They wanted to spend as much time as they can together before they start to get back on their work.

( So you must be thinking where is hyunjin's family , they reached the hospital the day hyunjin woke up and after being reassured by the members that they will take care of hyunjin they went back :) )

The end of Accident ..

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