EreMika : The Past That Follo...

By breshea_carter

947 27 1

Mikasa Ackerman, she's the new girl in town, due to a tragic experience, she's coming to a new city to live w... More

Present Day
New Beginnings
Good Times
Paranoia and Confessions
Drama and Reassurance
Understandings and Better Days
Euphoria and New Memories
Mishaps and Accidents
Getting Away
First Dates and Promises
New years and Newcomings
Figuring It Out
Revisting The Past
Love Day
Bright Future, Dark Past

First Love

49 1 0
By breshea_carter

"Here you go sir, your vanilla frozen yogurt with chocolate toppings." Mikasa said handing the customer his items, he happily smiled and thanked her as he turned around and left the store.

"Wow, you're really good to only be working here for 2 months." Her manager walked up to her. Her name was Petra, she was the boss around here with her employees being Mikasa and a couple of guys Petra knew.

"Yeah well it's only fixing frozen yogurt it's not really hard." She said.

"Yeah but you'd be surprised how many people struggle after being here longer than you have." She said. "So... how's Levi?" Petra asked.

Ah, of course, Mikasa knew it was coming. Ever since she's gotten this job she's been asking her about her cousin. At first Mikasa was confused on why, but then she watched Petra talk about Levi and realized she liked him. She just didn't understand why Petra didn't walk out to talk to him when he drops her off or picks her up.

"He's fine." Was all Mikasa could answer.

"Really? That's good, what did he do today?" Mikasa had no clue, half of the day she was at school and the other half she was at work. She barely even see's him unless it's on a weekend when she stays home.

"I'm not sure, I was at school today. I do know he was cleaning though."

"Man it must be so good living with him." She said as Mikasa cocked a brow. "Are you sure about that? Don't use a coaster on the table and watch how fast he freaks. Honestly he should be a janitor with how much he loves his cleaning supplies." Mikasa said as Petra started laughing. "That's definitely Levi, he was like that in high school too, I think he just has OCD."

"Oh yeah? Makes sense. Other than the obsessive cleaning he's pretty chill." Mikasa said. "I'm going to go grab more containers we're running out up here." Mikasa said as Petra nodded. "I'll watch the front for a minute then." She said.

Mikasa ended up opening a new box of containers, as she was collecting them, Petra called for her to come back up front. "In a minute!" She yelled back.

"Mikasa a guy is here to see you!" Petra yelled back. Mikasa stopped in her tracks trying to think of who would come to her job looking for her. Then she remembered, she chuckled to herself at the realization.

"Eren." She spoke to herself smiling. She left the containers where they were and walked back up to the front of the store.

There standing in front of the counter was Eren, in one of his many sweat suits and a snapback hat turned backwards. He was busying himself with the little decoration's they had on the counter."Eren?" Mikasa said as he looked up at her. A big smile made his face. It was always so charming.

"Hey you." He said happily. "I came for some frozen yogurt." He added.

"Is that all you came for?" She asked as he laughed lowly. "No, I came to see you too." He smirked as she chuckled.

Mikasa turned to Petra who stood there awkwardly, as if she was waiting to be introduced. "Eren, this is my manager Petra and Petra this is my....." Mikasa paused looking at Eren whose grin widened on his face.

Energetically he extended his hand. "Her boyfriend." He said as Mikasa turned away a bit embarrassed. "Mikasa! I didn't know you had a boyfriend, we've been working together for almost 3 months and you never mentioned it!"

"Well it just came to be today." Eren butted in.

"Well it's nice to meet you! Mikasa you can take your break if you want to talk to him. I don't mind." Petra said as Mikasa nodded.

She ended up making Eren a small bowl of frozen yogurt that Petra said was fine that he could get it for free. They sat side by side at a table in the store. Mikasa watching Eren devour his sweet treat.

"Man, this is good. You should've told me about this place sooner." He said putting another spoon full in his mouth. "Sorry, just don't tell Sasha, she'd put us out of business." Mikasa said as Eren laughed.

"You're right about that. She can fucking eat. I'm starting to think she was born with a permanent tapeworm." He said as Mikasa chuckled. "More realistically, she probably just has high metabolism."

"Do you want to go somewhere after you get off?" He asked out the blue.

"Go where Eren? We have school tomorrow."

"Yeah well I won't keep you out long, there's just something I want to show you." He said. "You're going to like it. Do you mind being outside and sitting in grass?"

"I don't mind, why?"

"Because we're going somewhere where you'll be outside and sitting in grass. I promise it's not far. It's going to just be me and you." He said looking down at her. "You trust me don't you?"

"Yes." No doubt, she did trust him with her life if need be.

"Then be ready." He said. "Want some?" He said holding the spoon up to Mikasa's mouth. She shook her head. "I'm okay Eren."

"Oh come on, have some." He said with a smile. He held it close to her face, gently hitting her nose making some of the frozen yogurt sit there. He burst out laughing seeing her that way as Mikasa just stared at him. "Really Eren."

"Wait, Wait! Don't move yet." He said pulling out his phone taking a picture of her as she pouted and crossed her arms. "Eren, delete that!"

"What? Why? You look so fucking cute when you're mad."

"I'm not mad! Don't send that to anyone!" She said.

"I won't! It's for my personal benefit." He said chuckling looking back at the picture. He ended up grabbing some napkins from the dispenser on the table wiping her nose for her. "There." He said.

"How generous of you." She said sarcastically. Eren didn't take it seriously, he threw an arm around her and pulled her closer to him. "So, you down for a party at Historia's this Saturday?"

"A party for what?" She asked.

"Just a regular high school party. It'll be the main group of friends, and some others from school, like some cheerleaders, football players, and other kids." He said.

"It sounds like it'll be crowded. I'll pass."

"You have to see her house. Nothing is crowded about it, it's huge. So come on! I'll stay with you the entire time."

"You don't have to Eren."

"So will you go?"

"Will you stop pestering me if I say yes?"


"Okay fine, I'll go. I'll be sure to look at the weather more thoroughly this time." She said.

"Yeah I would hate to see you in a crop top and a skirt like that again freezing your ass off." He said.

"I'll dress warmer." She said. "I'll even wear your jacket." She said.

"Yeah and stay well away from Jean. He gets a drop of liquor in his system and he becomes unbearable." Eren said.

"How do you guys even get alcohol?"

"Eh, Reiner looks older so he uses a fake id to get it, and plus Historia has her own connections. We make it happen."

"Do you drink often at these kind of parties?" She asked.

"Not really. I don't like being drunk most of the time, I'm usually the moderator of how many drinks the others can handle. What about you? Have you ever drunken something before?" He asked.

"No I haven't. I had friends back home who used to but, I was never influenced to do so." She said.

"Why am I not surprised. You're like the most innocent person I know, and that's coming from me and I know Armin, who's like a little angel, but even he has some skeletons in his closet."


"Yeah, he told me him and Annie hooked up like a month ago. She had finally broken up with Bertolt and came running in his arms."

"Really? I wouldn't have expected that." She said. "How does Bertolt feel about this, I mean does he even know?" She asked.

"I don't think so. He probably thinks Annie is just putting a hold to everything, but it was true she had feelings for Armin for a while." He said.

"Wow, well I'm happy for him. I just hope drama doesn't be a result from this."

"Bertolt will be fine, it's his own fault, he didn't treat Annie right. He can't expect her to be miserable just because he's insecure." Eren said.

"Have you ever been insecure?" She asked.

"Me? No." He said.

"Really? You never got insecure?"

"No because I trust the girls I get with. I don't like playing with people's feelings, so talking to multiple people will cause trouble and problems, but when I actually decide I like a girl and we're together I have no reason to be insecure if they're all about me and I'm all about them." He said as Mikasa looked up at him.

"Wow, well that's good to know. You have no reason to feel insecure about me by the way." She said as he chuckled. He reached up and ruffled her hair. "I better not have a reason." He said as she laughed.

"It's 7:00pm. You ready to go?" He asked looking at his phone's time.

"Yeah, let me say bye to Petra and grab my things from my locker." She said as he nodded. He ended up walking out going to warm his car up, Mikasa hugged Petra goodbye letting her know when she'd be at work again. Mikasa took off her apron, and put on her sweater putting her phone in her pocket.

She walked out to Eren's car getting in all by herself. "No door service today?" She asked joking.

"I kind of forgot and got comfortable here." He said as she smiled. "It's okay, you don't have to do it every time."

"No but I want to. Next time I'll open it and a million times after that." He said. "That's sweet Eren." Mikasa said.

"So, you ready to go to this super secret spot?" He grinned.

"When you look that mischievous I'm not too sure." She chuckled as he did as well. "Well trust that it's a good secret spot." He said.

She watched the road as Eren drove, she still wasn't familiar with this city, so as they drove past a few places Eren was pointing them out to her and describing them.

Eren ended up driving down a gravel road, with nothing but trees surrounding them on both sides. "Eren why are we in the woods?" She asked.

"Because we have to get through here to get to where I want to show you." He said. "Just ride, I promise you'll love it."

He parked the car and hopped out quickly to open her door like he promised he'd keep doing. When she got out, he held her hand and began walking with her, leading the way.

They walked through a bunch of bushes and trees, Eren gripped her hand tightly to make sure she stayed with him and that she didn't slip away. He stopped when he came up to a big bush in their way. "Are you ready?" He turned to her grinning.

"Am I going to regret this Eren?" She said as he chuckled. "No, you're not." He said as he pushed the bush aside, bending down and going through helping Mikasa come through as well.

When her vision was done being obstructed by the view of the bush, she looked wide eyed to where Eren had brung her. "Eren."

"This is a perfect spot right?" He asked.

There was a huge lake before them, the stars in the sky and the light from the moon shimmered as they reflected off the lake's surface. Across the lake Mikasa could see a huge cabin or house.

"Eren where are we?" Mikasa asked as Eren pulled her going down. There was a landscape of grass before getting to the lake. Eren sat down first and then he pulled Mikasa to sit between his legs. "This is Lake Jaegar." Eren said.

"Wait what?"

"My dad owns it, well it was given to him from my grandfather. It's like a family heirloom kind of thing, you know passed down from generation to generation." Eren said.

"Really? So does that mean it'll be going to your brother next?"

"Well no, only because he doesn't want it, he claims he doesn't have as many friends as me, and thinks it'll be something me and the guys can use in the future." He said.

"That makes sense, it does look pretty big and you do have a pretty big group of friends."

"Yeah yeah, well if anything I'll probably just bring you and Armin. Those other heathen's will tear it apart on a first night here." He said as Mikasa laughed. "Don't call our friends heathen's Eren."

"So has Armin been here before?" She asked.

"Yes, whenever my family came here for the summer, we'd spend like a month here, I've invited Armin plenty of times."

It made Mikasa think, who else has he brought here? This place seemed special to him, so who else is special enough to be brought here.

"Who else have you brought here?" She asked shyly. She was happy her back was on his chest, so he didn't see the embarrassing look on her face.

"Just you and Armin." He said as her cheeks warmed up more than they were. "You have to be really special for me to bring you all the way here." He said. "I've done alot of things here as a child, so it's almost like introducing my childhood to you." He said.

"So I'm the first girl you've ever brung here?" She asked turning to finally look at him. He hugged her closer to him. "The first and the last." He said as she smiled looking at him.

The feeling that welled up inside of her made her feel euphoric in a way. She loved the fact that she was the only one he's shown this place to, she loved the fact that he trusted her enough to bring her here.

She just had to understand that she was in love.

Her first love, everything was different with Eren. No one has ever made her feel so happy and safe. He's the best thing she needs right now. The mental gymnastics she does on a daily cease when Eren is around, when he shows her that cheeky smile, and his small dimple that faintly shows. She loved it all about him. Some may say she's too young to know what love is, but she believes she's found it.

Eren looked back at her smiling, a soft smile, nothing playful about it. He lifted his hand while she was turned to him, placing it under her chin, tilting her head up. He bent down and gently placed his lips on her's kissing her lovingly.

Mikasa felt like she was on the moon. She felt extremely special, she felt as though she was the only one who could hold such a place in his heart.

It was selfish but it was true, nothing could ever replace the feelings they have for one another. The love they have would never die down.

Their mouths moved on one another, Mikasa was catching on quickly by just having her first kiss earlier that day. Eren had gently pushed her to the ground and hovered her while kissing her, Mikasa instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her.

She didn't care that the grass tickled her face a bit, all she cared about right now was Eren.

He was the one to pull away, looking down at Mikasa who smiled back at him. "You're so beautiful." He spoke. The glow to her skin was amplified by the moon's light. She giggled when he said those words. "Thank you Eren, you're not too bad yourself." She said as he chuckled.

"I'm all that and a bag of chips." He said as she laughed.

"You're everything Eren." She said softly.

"I'm your everything." He said back

"Yes you are." She said as he bent down again sharing another kiss with her. He ended up rolling from on top of her lying flat on the grass beside Mikasa.

"Isn't the night just the best thing ever?" Eren asked looking up at the stars.

"Yes, it almost looks magical." She said.

"Man Armin and I used to sit here in the grass and just look at the stars. Of course that know it all knew all of the constellation's and astrology shit." He said as Mikasa giggled.

"That sounds like Armin." She said.

Eren turned to her, propping himself up on his elbow with his hand resting on his cheek. "So, what do you say about coming here next summer? It'll just be us, getting away, being alone for a month or two." He said.

"Come here? To your glorious lake house?" She said.

"Yes, we'd go fishing, take the boat in the middle of the lake, have a picnic or two. Take pictures for memories and just enjoy life." He said.

"That does sound nice."

"So.. will it be a yes?" He asked grabbing her hand bringing it to his mouth softly kissing it as always.

Mikasa couldn't deny him.

"Yes. We can do that next summer." She said smiling. Eren smiled too, so big that she thought it would blind her.

A phone notification sound made them both go for their devices. It was from Mikasa's.

"Who is it?" Eren asked.

"My Aunt, she's wondering where I am." She said.

"Fuck man, I hate that we have school."

"Yes but it's our dreadful reality. At least Saturday we have the party." Mikasa said. "I might go to the mall and buy a new outfit."

"Oh? A sexy one?" He smirked as she rolled her eyes. "If you consider my style sexy then yes." She laughed as he did as well.

He was the first to get up, helping Mikasa up too. "Let's get you home, so I can sleep and dream about you tonight and get ready for school early tomorrow to see you again." Eren said as Mikasa laughed.

"I can call you Eren." She said.

"Are we going to sleep on the phone?" He asked.

"Most likely." She said.

"Fuck yes, I wonder do you call my name in your sleep."

"Why would I do that Eren?!" Mikasa asked as he shrugged. "You might dream about me." He said as she scoffed. "Don't get too full of yourself." She said.

He pulled up in front of her house, he didn't want her to go, he held her hand stopping her from leaving, but Mikasa only laughed. "Eren I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow."

He sighed. He slowly let her go. "Fine, I'll pick you up tomorrow." He said. "But remember to call me, or I'll call you." He said.

"I will call you Eren." Mikasa said smiling as he nodded. "I'll be waiting on it." He said.

Mikasa walked up to her home, unlocking the door with her key. This time it didn't slowly creek open like before, so there was no mini heart attack. She slipped her shoes off like always when she got inside.

Walking deeper into the house she saw her Aunt and Levi both sitting at the dinner table . Her spot at the table had a wrapped plate in front of it.

"So, you gonna join us for dinner tonight or what?" Levi asked as Mikasa looked at him. "Or did your boyfriend already get you something to eat?" He asked cocking a brow.

Mikasa rolled her eyes and walked over to the table.

"Is this true Mikasa? You have a boyfriend?" Kuchel asked watching Mikasa sit down.

"Do you want to meet him or something?" She asked.

"Oh so it's true?" Kuchel lit up with a smile. "Is it the young man who picked you up that one time and comes over often?" She asked.

"He comes here often?" Levi asked.

"Usually so we can do schoolwork together, we have the same class schedule." She said. "But's...true." Mikasa said shyly as her Aunt's smile widened.

"Well I'm happy for you! It's good to see you've started making friends and even got a boyfriend. He seems so sweet, he's always respectful when he comes here." She said. "I like him, I think your parents would have approved of him." Kuchel said.

Mikasa smiled dropped a bit at the mention of her parents. That's right, they would never meet her first boyfriend. She couldn't sit up all night with her Mom and talk about Eren or girl things involving relationships. Eren couldn't get her father's blessing for anything.

Things were going good for her yes, but somehow something always reminds her about her parents. It was depressing.

Kuchel noticed the quick change in Mikasa's mood and instantly regretted what she had said. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"It's okay." Mikasa flashed a smile that didn't reach her eyes this time. "I think you're right, they would've liked Eren just because I do. If he makes me happy they would've been happy." She said as Kuchel gave a soft smile.

"Well then I want to formally meet him too." Levi said as Kuchel and Mikasa looked at him. "What? I just want to see if he's actually as good of a guy like you say. Some guys put on a front at first and then show their true colors once they're with a girl to treat them like complete shit." He said.

"Yeah but Eren isn't like that." Mikasa said. "There's guys in our friend group who are, I've witnessed it, but Eren has been himself since we've met. Nothing about him has changed and tonight proved that." Mikasa said.

"How so? What did you two do?" Levi asked cocking a brow at Mikasa. "Look, I don't know if you were taught about safe sex practices but at your age I understand your hormones get all high-" He said as Mikasa cut him off waving her hands and blushing from embarrassment.

"We didn't do anything like that! He just took me somewhere that was special to him. He voluntarily opened up to me about something he cares deeply for, we didn't do anything lewd or inappropriate." She said.

Well they did make out, but what couple doesn't kiss?

"I see."

"Even Petra thinks so too." Mikasa said looking at Levi to see his reaction. He looked at her for a brief second before picking up his cup taking a sip of his drink. "Is that so?" He said.

"Oh Petra! How is she doing? She's such a nice and sweet young lady." Kuchel said. "Levi have you spoken with her? You two used to be really close in high school." She added as Mikasa turned to Levi with wide eyes.

And he's trying to get the scoop about her relationship. The nerve.

"That's a thing of the past." He said.

"Well No, I remember you both got together your first year of college which was only a couple of years ago.." Kuchel said.

"Mom.. just stop." He said in a low voice turning away slightly embarrassed. All Mikasa could do was laugh.

When she finished her food she went to go take her shower, once she came out to get dressed in her room, she noticed that her phone was going off with notifications.

She checked and they were all Eren. She chuckled reading all the messages he sent after she didn't answer the phone.

She responded back with a simple. "I was in the shower Eren, I'll call back in a second."

And of course Eren replied back saying. "It's been a second."

Once she was fully clothed, she plopped on her bed, she pulled her blanket close to her and started to dial Eren's number.

"Finally I was about to go crazy."

"Please Eren, it wasn't that long of a wait."

"It really was. I thought you had already fell asleep after you didn't answer."

"I was only in the shower, I ate dinner before too, so that's probably why, sorry." She could hear him yawn. "Well you surely sound sleepy."

"I am kind of tired. But I'll stay up for you."

"No Eren go to sleep, I don't want you tired on my behalf."

"Will you stay on the phone?"

"Yes, I'll put it on the charger, and stay on Eren."

"Okay, Goodnight Mika." He said yawning again.

"Goodnight Eren. Sleep well."

"Are you going to sleep too?"

"I'll be asleep soon."

"Okay, Goodnight again Mika."

She chuckled. "Goodnight again Eren."

Before long she could hear his snores over the phone. She smiled when she did. She remembers when they both fell asleep at Armin's place that one time. She wished she could do that again, like maybe staying the night at his place or he comes to hers.

She already missed that warmth he emitted to her, she missed everything about him. She probably won't be as vocal about it like he is, but she definitely feels the same as he does.

As the week went on, the weekend came faster than ever. Mikasa decided that she would travel to the mall with Sasha, Pieck, and Annie. They were all going to buy new outfits for Historia's party.

"I'm happy you finally decided to hang with the girls Mikasa! You're always around Eren or Armin." Sasha said

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Don't apologize to Sasha, she's always around Jean and Connie." Pieck said.

"Okay but those two are idiots, I'm like the smartest out of the three of us. Atleast Eren and Armin aren't like those two, they don't need Mikasa around all the time."

"Well, I'm just a bit closer to them." She said. "I'm close with everyone though, it's just that I gravitate towards them." Especially Eren since she knows what they are.

"I guess I can get that. Whatever, where are we stopping first? There's a lot of things I have as ideas for tonight." Sasha said. "I was thinking sexy chique."

"Yeah I was thinking something the same, Historia's parties always require to wear something a little spunky." Pieck said.

Mikasa didn't know what exactly they meant, she was just going to go to a regular store and pick out something simple that she would usually wear, these girls were talking like they were about to attend a gala or fashion week. Maybe this was their normal.

"What about you Annie?" Pieck asked.

"I don't know. Maybe a matching set or something." She said plainly.

"And you Mikasa?" Sasha said turning to her.

"I was just going to get something in my regular style." She said. "Girl! You dress really cute but you need to get fine! I mean you're already fine, but you should wear something that will turn heads!" Sasha said.

"Why would I want that?"

"Don't you want a boyfriend?! I mean I get it Jean likes you, Reiner's sometimes is looking and Eren shows an interesting liking you, So maybe you don't need more of that but what if you find a cute guy?!" She said.

Mikasa didn't need that. Eren and her were already a thing, but he did ask her if she would wear something sexy. Maybe she should step a bit out of her comfort zone. It would be so she could try something new, not because she wanted to be approved of by the male gaze. That was never important.

"I guess I can try something new." Mikasa said as Sasha grinned. "Then lets go!"

"Sasha I can't wear this."

"Why not?! You look good!"

"Where's the rest of it?!" Mikasa exclaimed. Sasha made her try on a few outfits she'd chosen for her, one of them included a tight two piece, the shirt was literally almost a piece of cloth that even revealed her under boob alot of it. The skirt she wore as well came up so much she couldn't even consider it a skirt.

"That is all of it! You look good girl!"

"Sasha I'm not wearing this. I'm uncomfortable. This is way too far out of my comfort zone. Give me the one I picked out."

"Aww man.. Fine." Sasha huffed. She handed Mikasa the outfit.

Slipping it on, instantly Mikasa felt a little better. It was a black jump suit that had a spaghetti strap wrap around her neck. Her back was exposed but it wasn't too much. It was skin tight so it showed off her figure more but it wasn't too much for her. With a cute black denim jacket, and some nice boots, the outfit would come together.

She stepped out and let the girls look at her.

"Wow.. that looks amazing on you." Pieck said

"Fuck yeah, girl what is the work out routine? Your body is snatched!" Sasha said.

"It is cute." Annie said.

"Yeah, I think I'll get this, I feel a little bit more comfortable in this than whatever the hell that was Sasha threw together."

"Hey! My outfit will be something similar!" Sasha said sticking out her tongue. "You'll see!"

They had all purchased their clothes and went back home to start getting ready. Mikasa rarely ever did her makeup but for tonight she would. Some light foundation, mascara and some pinkish clear lipgloss and she would be ready.

After a full shower, her makeup and doing her hair it took a few hours, considering she washed her hair and had to blow dry it. She pinned it up in a small bun, she let a two straight hairs hang down in the front and put a few hair clips in to accessorize a little.

She slipped her clothes on with the black jean jacket she owned and held her black boots in her hand. She definitely made sure she had Eren's jacket too because she promised to wear it especially if it got colder later on.

She definitely felt pretty, and to top off the look she put on her locket. She was finally starting to think that she would put her first picture in it. It would be a picture of her and Eren. She felt it would be very special if it were that. The second picture will take more thought. Maybe with all of her friends.

But she needed a perfect moment with Eren, maybe their first date.

"Mikasa! Your boyfriend is here!" Kuchel yelled down the hall. Mikasa would never get used to that. She put on a small purse throwing it around her body, she slipped her phone and wallet inside and then she walked out of her room.

Eren was inside of the living room sitting on the couch and there was Levi, talking to him.

When Eren's eyes landed on her, his mouth fell agape, he didn't close it until he visibly gulped looking at her. His entire face was in flames.

"Wow." Was all he mustered to say. When Levi looked at her he even looked a bit impressed. He'd never seen her dress up like this before.

"You look so good." Eren said standing and walking up to her. Mikasa shyly smiled. "Thank you." She said softly.

Levi saw the look the two of them gave one another and analyzed them on this small interaction. He noticed how strung Eren looked when Mikasa walked in, he couldn't even think straight. Was he that infatuated with her? He actually thought he saw his eyes turn into big hearts.

Maybe this guy did really like her.

"So, are you coming home tonight?" Levi asked breaking their eye contact as Mikasa looked down at him.

"I believe so, but if things change, I'll text Auntie or you." She said as he nodded.

"Then go out and have fun." Levi said as Mikasa smiled and nodded. "Should we get going Eren?" She asked as he nodded.

She walked closer to the door slipping her shoes on, Eren held her hand and helped her balance when she did and he opened the door for her so she could walk out first. Before he could leave Levi called out to him.

"Hey Kid." He said as Eren turned around.

"Yes sir?"

"You take good care of her. Watch over her for us." He said as Eren nodded.

"Will do sir."

Was that Levi's blessing? Eren wasn't sure but it definitely seemed like it.

He opened Mikasa's car door letting her get in before closing it then he walked over to his side getting in.

"Man you look so good I don't even want other people to see you." He said as she chuckled. "Well that sucks because Sasha, Pieck and Annie already saw me in it when I tried it on today."

"They're fine, well it's better than Ymir seeing you, if she was there I'd probably have to fight her." He said as Mikasa laughed. "Eren just drive!" Mikasa said.

The drive to Historia's was like 25 minutes away from where Mikasa lived. Eren had to input a code at the gate before being let in. Passing by all of the houses, Mikasa wondered exactly how much money Historia really had. If she lived here then she must really be as loaded like everyone says she is.

There were already loads of cars parked on the street in front of her home. People were outside as well. "I thought you said it would be a few extra people." Mikasa said turning to Eren.

"Well, it was supposed to be but knowing Ymir she probably invited more people." Eren said. "Don't worry, I'll stay close with you." He said.

"Okay." She said softly. Eren ran around and opened Mikasa's door helping her out of his car. He held her hand walking with her all the way up to Historia's house.

"One shot for entry." It was Ymir standing at the door holding a tray of shots.

"Move freckles, we don't drink." Eren said trying to squeeze through but Ymir side stepped him. "Well today you start." She smirked as she grabbed a small shot for Eren then Mikasa handing them over.

Eren and Mikasa shared a look holding the small cups in their hands. "Let's just do it Eren, it'll just be one." Mikasa said. "Are you sure? You've never drank this before." He said. "It's okay, it's just one."

They both lifted the drinks and drank them quickly. Mikasa grimaced at the taste of it, so did Eren. "What the hell did you put in there?"

"It's a fireball shot idiot. It's supposed to feel like that." She said as Eren huffed.

"Out of my way." Eren said pulling Mikasa inside.

Mikasa didn't even bother taking her shoes off this time, there were so many people inside she was sure she didn't want to be walking around barefoot.

"Nice ass." She could hear someone say, she turned to see two guys staring at her as she walked. "Come on Mika, I don't want to kick their ass." Eren said. He must've heard it too.

They were lucky to find a seat on a couch that wasn't occupied by someone. "This is definitely something." Mikasa said looking around.

"Atleast the house is spacious in a way." Eren said.

"I guess but it's still crowded." She said. "It's actually kind of stuffy and hot in here." Mikasa said. She began to slip off her jacket. When she turned to fold it neatly, Eren got a glance of her back being out completely. When she turned to the side he could see some of her side boob.

"Mika, you're kind of exposed." He said scooting closer to her. He didn't want anyone to stare at her.

"It's fine Eren, it's made to be that way." She didn't really care about a little bit of side boob showing but she definitely couldn't wear what Sasha had picked out for her, it was a bit too provocative.

"I know but isn't it a bit much?" He said as she looked up at him. "Are you that worried someone will look? If anything compared to others here, I'm the most covered." She said as he huffed.

He was already pissed that those guys were looking at her butt, now he had to worry about others looking at her in another way.

"I'm going to go get something to drink." She said about to stand but Eren stopped her. "I'll go get it for you." He said as she waved him off.

"Don't be silly Eren, I'm just going to get a bottle of water." She said. He watched as she walked away and facepalmed shaking his head.

"What's got you so stressed out?" He looked up to see Armin looking at him.

"Mikasa does."

"What did she do?" He asked taking a seat beside Eren.

"She didn't do anything! It's just, she looks so good that other guys might start hitting on her and I'd hate to get in a fight here." He said as Armin laughed. "You're crazy Eren."

"Am I really?"

"Yes!" Armin said. "Mikasa wouldn't let anyone flirt with her that isn't you."

"I know she wouldn't but there are idiots like Jean who let their penis's lead them." He said sighing.

"Armin." They turned around to see Mikasa walking back up. Even Armin looked shocked seeing Mikasa.

"Hey Mikasa." He snapped out of it and stood hugging her. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good, I got a cold water."

"Nice, your guy is over sulking." Armin teased as Mikasa looked at Eren. "He'll be okay, I'll stay right here with him." Mikasa said as she squeezed in and sat close to Eren.

His arm went around her pulling her to him. "Eren if I get any closer we'll conjoin." Mikasa said turning to him. "Well then that means I'll keep you with me at all times." He said as she chuckled.

"Poor you Mikasa." Armin said. "I'm going to go find Sasha and the others and let them know you're here." He said as Mikasa nodded.

"So did a guy flirt with you when you walked around?" Eren asked as Mikasa rolled her eyes. "No, but I ran into Reiner and Jean, they helped me get a water."

"Jean? What did he say?" Eren asked.

"He just greeted me Eren. He didn't say anything."

"Yeah but he probably looked at you walk away." Eren said as Mikasa waved him off. "Who cares if he did, it's just looking."

"Oh so if I look at another girl it's just looking?" He said raising a brow. "No I'd probably unlock my inner bad ass and choke you." She said as he burst out laughing. "Now you see!"

"No! It's different, if girls were looking at you, I wouldn't say anything it's different if you're looking Eren! You have a girlfriend." She said.

"Hmm." He hummed. "Well we're just different then, because I'll probably get into a fight today so be prepared to wrap my hands up." He said.

"Eren don't fight." Mikasa said. "It's not worth it."

"Yeah but-"

"Mikasa!!! I'm happy you're here!" Sasha said walking up to them. Eren smoothly moved his arm from around Mikasa's waist so that Sasha didn't see.

"You two look nice!" Sasha said. "Have you been around the place yet?"

"Well no.. Ive only been here and the kitchen." She said.

"Well you need to come with me! We'll dance!" Sasha said.

Mikasa turned to Eren who looked at her then to Sasha. "Fine.. Go with Sasha." He said.

"Why does she need your permission sir?" Sasha said as Eren rolled his eyes. "Because I promised to stay with her, duh."

"Yeah but she's in good hands with me!" Sasha said smiling brightly pulling Mikasa up from Eren. "You can't hog her today!"

"I'm sorry." Mikasa mouthed to Eren.

Before he knew it Sasha had pulled Mikasa elsewhere. He sat there by himself looking and scrolling on his phone.

No one had came up to him but suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder then a call to his name.


He turned and looked up slowly and his entire color drained from his face.

He couldn't believe she of all people were here.

His ex.

"Aj?" He spoke as he watched a smile came to her lips.

"Long time no see." She said to him.

This wasn't good. Why was she here.

Of all times, she had to be here.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

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