𝐢 𝐝𝐨 ; s.c.

By laboomlalacaca

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the rain creates a certain ambience brings a sense of peace. but too much rain is never good for you; what ha... More

𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗧 - 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟯
𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗧 - 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟰


96 7 39
By laboomlalacaca

the neon glow of the diner's sign flickered overhead as ellie pushed open the door, the familiar jingle announcing her entrance. the air inside was a mix of cigarette smoke and the sizzle of frying food. ellie's eyes scanned the room, searching for an empty booth.

as she made her way through the crowded diner, her attention was drawn to a figure sitting alone in a dimly lit corner. ferris williams, with his golden, tousled hair and enigmatic eyes, seemed absorbed in a book, an air of mystery surrounding him.

ellie hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to join him or find another spot. the dim glow accentuated ferris' features, casting shadows that seemed to dance with the secrets he held. intrigued, ellie boldly decided to approach.

"mind if i join ya?" she asked, her voice cutting through the low hum of conversation.

ferris looked up from his book, his expression unreadable. after a pause that felt longer than it was, he gestured to the empty seat across from him. "suit yourself."

ellie slid into the booth, curiosity flickering in her eyes. "what're you readin'?"

ferris closed the book, a small smile playing on his lips. "just a bit of philosophy. tryin' to make sense of the world, you know?"

"that sounds interestin'," ellie said as she glanced around the place. "you here alone?"

"yep," ferris replied, tapping his index fingers on the cover of the book. "my brother don't got time for anything that's..." he trailed off before shrugging. "never mind."

ellie tilted her head quizzically. ferris didn't seem very open, but she knew that trait all too well. after all, it was her.

"i've got an older brother, too. his name's two-bit. he's a real jokester, don't take much serious."

ferris smiled warmly, looking down at the book. "yeah, i figured."

"figured what?" she asked, her eyebrows inching closer together.

"that you're related to two-bit. it makes sense that you're so quiet. i only ever see you talkin' to melissa or ponyboy in class." he licked his lips before making eye contact with her, ellie's cheeks started to feel warm and she looked away. "and you guys look kinda similar, too."

ellie's hand instinctively went to her face. "that's insulting. i'd prefer not to look like him."

ferris chuckled, sensing ellie's discomfort. "hey, don't get me wrong. i didn't mean it as an insult. it's just an observation."

ellie shot him a skeptical look. "observation or not, being compared to two-bit ain't exactly a compliment. he's got a way of gettin' on everyone's nerves."
ferris leaned back in his seat, a thoughtful expression on his face. "fair point. but you're different, ain't you? you don't strike me as someone who gets on people's nerves."

ellie's gaze shifted to the tabletop, her fingers tracing the pattern etched into the surface. "maybe. but bein' quiet don't mean i'm not payin' attention."

ferris nodded, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "quiet, observant types usually have a lot goin' on in their heads. like you've seen a lot but don't feel the need to say it all.

ellie let out a soft laugh, a mixture of surprise and amusement. "well, you've got me figured out, then. not many people notice that."

ferris smiled, his gaze lingering on ellie. "i tend to notice things that others might not."

curiosity flickered in ellie's eyes as she met ferris' gaze. "like what?"

ferris hesitated for a moment, as if weighing his words. "people's motives. the things they don't say but reveal in their actions. it's a skill you develop when you grow up in a place like this," he motioned vaguely to the surroundings, encompassing the diner and, by extension, the neighborhood.

ellie nodded in understanding, a shared recognition of the unspoken realities that shaped their lives. the diner's ambient noise provided a backdrop to their conversation, a blend of murmurs, clinking dishes, and the occasional laughter from nearby booths.

ferris ran his hand through his hair, noticing how she went quiet once more. "what's on your mind, ellie?"

she hesitated, the weight of unspoken thoughts pressing on her. "life, i guess. figurin' out where i fit in, what i want. it's not easy, you know?"

ferris' gaze softened, his understanding evident. "i get that. life can be a puzzle, and sometimes the pieces don't seem to fit. but that's what makes it interestin', right?"

ellie managed a small smile. "interesting, huh? more like confusin'."

ferris grinned. "maybe a bit of both. you never know where the twists and turns might lead. sometimes, it's the unexpected paths that make the journey worthwhile." he shrugged. "at least you ain't middle class. you don't gotta decide if you wanna hang out with greasers and socs. it's already decided for you."

ellie too leaned back in her seat, her eyes lingering on ferris as he spoke about the twists and turns of existence. the warmth in ferris' grin and the ease with which he shared his perspective created a sense of comfort. the mention of societal expectations and predetermined paths resonated with ellie.

"decided for me, huh?" ellie echoed, a hint of bitterness in her tone. "sometimes it feels like we're all just playin' roles written by someone else."

ferris nodded in understanding, his gaze steady. "but you don't have to let those roles define you. there's always room to break free, to choose your own path."

ellie's gaze met ferris', a flicker of determination in her eyes. "yeah, maybe you're right. i just gotta figure out what that path is."

their conversation continued, weaving through the complexities of life, dreams, and the search for identity. the diner's ambiance provided a backdrop to their shared reflections, creating a sense of intimacy within the bustling space.

as the conversation reached a natural pause, ferris glanced at the clock on the wall. "time flies when you're deep in conversation, huh? i should get goin'."

ellie nodded, a mix of gratitude and reluctance in her expression. "thanks for the talk, ferris. it's been... enlightening."

ferris smirked, a playful glint in his eyes. "anytime, ellie. maybe we can continue this conversation sometime."

with a nod, ferris left the booth, leaving ellie with her thoughts. the diner's door chimed as he exited, the cold night air briefly sweeping through the establishment.

after ferris excused himself, leaving the diner with a casual wave, ellie sat alone in the dimly lit booth, her thoughts lingering on their conversation. the ambient noise of the diner continued around her, a blend of distant conversations and the clatter of dishes.

unbeknownst to ellie, curly and angela shepard, the younger siblings of the infamous tim shepard who were known for their street-smart attitude, had observed her interaction with ferris through the diner's window as they stood on the sidewalk. their eyes, sharp and perceptive, caught every nuance of the exchange.

when ferris disappeared from view, curly, with his tough exterior and a glint of mischief in his eyes, nudged angela. "look, ange, ain't that ellie sittin' with that guy?"

angela squinted, recognizing ellie's familiar figure. "yeah, it is. wonder who that guy was. she don't usually hang out with people like that."

curly raised his eyebrows. "she don't usually hang out with people at all."

the siblings shared a knowing look, fueled by the unspoken rules that governed their lives in the tough neighborhood. as ferris walked away, the siblings waited for him to be out of earshot before pushing open the diner door, a burst of cold air rushing in as they entered. their footsteps echoed across the worn linoleum floor as they made their way toward ellie's booth.

curly, with his characteristic tough demeanor, spoke first. "well, well, if it ain't elizabeth mathews sittin' cozy with a stranger," he remarked, a teasing tone in his voice.

angela, who was a year younger but no less assertive, folded her arms, a smirk playing on her lips. "who's your new friend, ellie?"

ellie glanced between the shepard siblings, noting the mischievous gleam in their eyes. "just someone i know from school. what's it to you?"

curly leaned against the booth, his eyes narrowing playfully. "no need to get all defensive, ellie. we're just curious."

angela grinned, her curiosity almost challenging. "he ain't a soc, is he?"

ellie raised an eyebrow. "why would you care?"

curly chuckled. "just keepin' an eye on things. you know how it is, ellie. we gotta watch out for each other."

"well, he ain't a soc. he's middle-class. you can leave me alone now," ellie said irritatedly.

curly leaned against the back of the booth, a smirk playing on his lips. "you're runnin' with the wrong crowd, ellie. greaser and soc wanna-bes. what's he got that we don't?"

angela chimed in, her tone sharp. "you think you're better than us now? hanging out with some middle-class kid?"

ellie shook her head, frustration simmering beneath the surface. on the uncommon occasion that she did interact with the shepard siblings (particularly the younger two), they found it amusing to mess with her. "it's not like that. he's just... different. and what's wrong with talking to someone from a different background?"

curly scoffed, a mocking grin on his face. "different, huh? you're playin' with fire, echo. greasers and middle-class kids don't mix. you'll see."

ellie sighed. "curly, what do you want? are you just here to annoy me?"

he glanced at his sister, and they both appeared to be stifling a laugh. curly looked back at ellie. "yeah."

ellie rolled her eyes and stood up, getting ready to leave. "i was never too fond of stalkers. wait till i tell your brother what you've been up to at school," she said as she walked away.

curly's face paled, but he immediately regained his composure as he followed her. "go on, tell him. i ain't scared of him—never was, never will be. ain't like he's any better, right angela?"

angela looked at curly skeptically. "sure. but you know that ellie ain't no rat. she won't tell tim nothin'."

"oh, i will, as long as he keeps calling me that stupid name that everyone uses."

curly looked at her in confusion. "what, echo?" ellie nodded. "okay, i'll stop, just don't tell him."

angela shook her head in disappointment. "never thought i'd live to see the day curly shepard beggin' someone not to rat him out." she shot a look at her older brother. "can't believe we're related," she muttered, crossing her arms.

the middle shepard sibling scowled and shoved angela lightly. "shut up, ange, you ain't no saint either." angela smacked him and he winced.

ellie laughed. "i love pretendin' i know things when i really don't. i rarely even see you at school, curly," she said as the three young greasers exited the diner, met by a cold gust of wind.

"that wasn't funny, ellie," he deadpanned.

the biting wind cut through the air as ellie, angela, and curly stepped onto the sidewalk. the dim glow of streetlights cast long shadows across the pavement. the trio meandered through the familiar streets of their neighborhood, their footsteps echoing in the quiet night.

angela, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, nudged ellie playfully. "so, ellie, what's the real story with you and that guy from school? he seemed different, alright, but not sure if he's different in a good way."

curly, trying to regain some semblance of composure, shot a teasing look at ellie. "yeah, what's his deal? middle-class kids don't usually wander into our territory willingly." he hugged his leather jacket closer to him to preserve warmth.

ellie rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile. "you guys act like i'm plannin' a revolution or somethin'. he's just a friend from class. not every interaction has to be some grand plot."

angela smirked. "oh, come on, ellie. in this neighborhood, everything's a plot. you of all people should know that."

curly nodded in agreement. "yeah, especially when it involves middle-class kids. they've got their own set of rules. tim says they ain't no better than us; they're soc mixed with grease— untrustworthy."

as they walked, passing by familiar houses and the occasional flickering streetlight, the banter continued. angela, always the instigator, prodded curly further. "curly, you think ellie's turnin' into a soc sympathizer? maybe she'll invite him over for tea and crumpets."

curly chuckled, shaking his head. "nah, ange, she's just trying to bring some sophistication to our greaser lives."

ellie couldn't help but join in the laughter. "sophistication, huh? You guys are the ones giving me a hard time about a simple conversation."

angela looked at ellie. "i'm surprised he even knows such a word. he's dumb as rocks."

"angela, i will not hesitate to fight you."

"oh, wow, i'm so scared!" the youngest shepard scoffed, "you know you ain't as tough as you believe, right? you're only a year older than i am and we both know i can whoop your ass. only reason i don't is cause tim don't like to see his kid brother losin' fights."

"okay, angela," curly said dismissively. "i hope you know nobody believes you.

ellie really didn't know who to believe—curly was a hood; a tim shepard mini, but at the same time, angela was also a shepard. no less tough than her brothers.

"ellie, are you listenin' to me?" curly asked.

"oh, sorry. what were you sayin'?"

curly sighed dramatically and opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by his sister. "he was talkin' about how you shouldn't be hangin' with the more... uppity folks. you never know what their intentions are."

ellie picked at the little amount of nail polish that she still had on her fingers. "no offense, curly, angela, but... you guys ain't the best crowd to hang around either."

curly and angela exchanged a look and laughed. curly placed a hand on ellie's shoulder, "yeah, so what? at least you know we won't get you into any trouble—" ellie gave him a dubious look, "—that is, the kind that will get you mixed up with the fuzz or—"

"jesus christ, curly. you do all of that stuff on a daily basis. what he means is, we won't jump you or throw things at you or mess up your belongings—wait, no."

ellie looked between the two siblings awkwardly.

"see, angela, maybe i ain't dumb as you say, cause you can't say it right either," curly scowled.

angela rolled her eyes, brushing her curly hair out of her face. "okay, okay. what we mean is, we wouldn't get you into trouble intentionally. socs, or in your case, middle-class kids, would sell you out in a heartbeat."

ellie considered their words. she's never had a problem hanging out with melissa, so why would someone of an even lower class status be any worse? ferris didn't seem like the type to get into any trouble in the first place, what would compel him to set ellie up?

but then again, the shepards have seen a lot, so, naturally, being skeptical of strangers was instinct.

"i guess," ellie half heartedly agreed. "where are we goin'?"

"where else?" curly asked. "the alleys down by the tracks where we always are." be shot a glance at the girl. "you feelin' okay, echo? you seem pretty confused today."

"curly, you're one to talk. you're confused every day," angela scoffed.

curly elbowed his sister in her side. "i'm serious, ange, don't ellie seem off today? just look at her, it's like she ain't even here," curly said, eyeing ellie suspiciously.

ellie was very much present. and even with curly's concern, he was talking about her like she wasn't. "i'm okay, curly," she reassured. "where did you say we were goin' again?"

"...the tracks," he said tentatively, thrown off by the way she was acting.

the dreaded tracks.

"that's um, that's—fun," ellie stammered.

angela put the back of her hand against ellie's forehead. "you sure you're okay, elle? we can walk you home, if ya want."

curly smirked, mischief dancing in his eyes. "maybe she's just scared, ange. you know she's been sheltered nearly her whole life. god forbid her brother or two-bit let anything happen to her—hell, she's even got tim lookin' out for her."

ellie looked down at her feet as they walked, her already-rosy cheeks warming up. "i can handle myself just fine, curly. i just don't find it fun to build a criminal record."

curly hummed and lit up a cigarette. "yeah, but think about it this way. angela here don't get arrested, but she ain't like you. she's got street-smarts." angela nodded in agreement.

"well, either way. i'd rather not go down to the tracks, if you don't mind."

angela put her arm around ellie's shoulders. "c'mon, ellie, lighten up a little. our outfit hangs out there all the time, and i've seen you around there, too. you've never had a problem with it before."

"i mean, yeah, but—i don't think my brother would appreciate me hangin' out with your gang," ellie said, making up an excuse not the be there. "no offense," she added.

"none taken, ellie," angela assured. "i don't like them either. they ain't nothin' but a bunch of dumb snakes who gotta listen to what tim says. but there ain't no harm in goin'. they won't do nothin' bad, cause if tim found out... well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty."

curly exhaled a plume of smoke. "leave it, angela. if mathews is scared she don't gotta go." he walked a little faster, then turned around with a teasing grin on his face. "chicken."

"haha," ellie laughed dryly. "it's already pretty late, i don't think bein' at the tracks at this hour is the best idea."

"you ever smoke, ellie?" curly asked. ellie shook her head and he chuckled. "no surprise there. you're such a goody two shoes. ain't never experienced nothin'."

"i hate to agree with him, elle, but he's right. what do you do for fun?" angela asked.

"i draw... paint, write, um."

"okay, it's confirmed. you're comin' with us to the tracks."

"can't we go somewhere else? literally anywhere else, i'm fine with goin' with."

curly furrowed his eyebrows. "wait a minute. about a month ago, i saw two girls over there. i thought one of ya looked familiar, but i was too far away to actually see. that was you?"

angela looked at her brother in confusion. "what are you talkin' about, curly?"

"i remember i was hangin' out with a few of my buddies and there were two girls walkin' along the tracks. then the train came outta nowhere and almost killed 'em, nearly ran them over." he put his cigarette back in between his lips. "the taller one pulled the little blonde girl outta the way, though."

angela looked back towards ellie. "this true? wow, mathews, i'd never expect you of all people to have a near death experience. y'know, since you stay indoors where nothin' can really get you."

"yeah, and i don't plan on havin' another one."m

"so, mathews, you're not just the quiet, artsy type? you've got some wild stories hidden away," angela remarked, a smirk playing on her lips.

curly, still processing the memory of the incident, leaned against a nearby lamppost. "seriously, i didn't think you greaser goodies had it in ya to save someone from getting squashed by a train."

ellie shifted uncomfortably, her gaze fixed on the ground. "it wasn't no big deal. we just happened to be there."

angela nudged her playfully. "come on, spill the details. who was the blonde girl? a friend of yours?"

"rose," ellie replied, her voice quieter than usual. "she's... a friend. we were just walkin' along the tracks, talkin', and then the train came out of nowhere."

curly raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "just talkin', huh? sounds like a real thrilling time you girls had."

ellie sighed, realizing she had unintentionally become the center of attention. "can we drop it? it's not some exciting story. we got lucky, that's all."

angela laughed. "lucky or not, you faced death and lived to tell the tale. not every day we meet someone with a near-miss with a train on their record."

curly grinned, enjoying the opportunity to tease ellie. "maybe that's why you're so jittery about goin' back to the tracks. traumatized by the near-death experience?"

ellie rolled her eyes. "no, it's just common sense. hangin' around train tracks at night ain't the smartest thing to do."

"i think you're forgettin' that curly don't have common sense," angela giggled.

the trio continued their banter, their footsteps echoing through the quiet neighborhood as they walked away from the diner. the cold night air wrapped around them, and the distant hum of the city formed a subtle background noise.

as they approached the intersection leading to the tracks, Angela nudged ellie again. "come on, it won't hurt to reminisce a little. besides, you never know what adventures the night might bring."

curly added with a smirk, "yeah, who knows? we might even get to dodge another train together."

ellie hesitated, torn between the familiarity of her artistic haven and the unpredictable allure of the delinquent world. the tracks loomed ahead, casting shadows in the dimly lit night.

ellie's apprehension intensified, her gaze lingering on the tracks where fate had almost taken a different turn. angela continued to nudge her playfully, attempting to lighten the mood.

"come on, ellie, it's just the tracks. no need to be all serious about it," angela teased, her tone a mix of mockery and camaraderie.

curly, ever the provocateur, smirked. "you saved someone's life, and now you're acting like a goody two shoes again? you really are a puzzle, echo."

ellie shot him a skeptical look. "don't you start with the mind games, curly. i just don't see the appeal of hangin' around here late at night."

curly flicked his cigarette away, the ember trailing off into the darkness. "sometimes you need a break from bein' the responsible one. just let loose for once."

angela chimed in, "besides, who knows what could happen? it's an adventure waitin' to unfold."

the familiar sight of the tracks loomed ahead, a stark contrast to ellie's usual world of art, books, and quiet reflection. yet, the allure of unpredictability tugged at her, inviting her to step into a different realm.

as they approached the tracks, the distant sound of a train rumbled through the night, a reminder of the near miss that lingered in ellie's memory. she took a deep breath, a mix of uncertainty and curiosity swirling within her.

cutlets gaze met hers, an unspoken acknowledgment passing between them. "see, ellie, it ain't all that bad. sometimes, you just gotta embrace the chaos."

ellie sighed, relenting to the peer pressure and the magnetic pull of the tracks. "fine, but if this turns into another near-death experience, i won't let you hear the end of it."

with that, the trio ventured further down the tracks, the rhythmic clatter of their footsteps blending with the distant hum of the night. the tracks, once a backdrop to a perilous moment, now became the stage for a shared journey into the unknown.

as they walked, the ambient city noises faded into the background, leaving them with the rhythmic melody of their footsteps. angela, looked at ellie. "so, ells, any secret talents you're hiding? maybe you're a master acrobat or a magician who can pull a rabbit out of a hat."

curly added, "or maybe she's a secret poet, composin' verses bout the thrill of late-night escapades."

ellie rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "sorry to disappoint, but my talents are more on the quiet side. drawin', paintin', and a bit of writin'. not exactly the stuff of thrillin' adventures."

angela gave her a playful side-eye. "that's so...normal. we were hopin' for something wild and unexpected."

curly chimed in, "guess we'll have to settle for the unpredictability of the tracks."

as they continued their banter, a distant rumble grew louder. the approaching train announced its presence, its headlights cutting through the darkness. the three greasers stopped, watching as the mechanical beast thundered along the parallel tracks.

angela grinned. "now that's more like it! the night's got its own soundtrack."

curly nodded in agreement, casting a glance at ellie. "you ever hopped on a moving train, echo? it's a rush like nothin' else."

ellie hesitated, glancing at the speeding train. the rhythmic clatter beneath her feet seemed to synchronize with the beating of her heart. the allure of the tracks, once an unfamiliar concept, now beckoned her to embrace the chaos and unpredictability that awaited in the night.

curly smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "c'mon, ellie, live a little. its an experience you won't forget."

angela added with a playful grin, "yeah, let's make tonight memorable. just a quick hop, nothin' too crazy."

the train, a metallic behemoth, continued its relentless journey along the tracks. ellie felt a mix of apprehension and curiosity, the rhythmic clatter intensifying with each passing moment.

with a deep breath, ellie joined the you in stepping closer to the tracks, the vibrations from the train resonating through the ground beneath them. the wind carried the distant city sounds, blending with the mechanical symphony of the passing locomotive.

curly glanced at ellie, mischief in his eyes. "ready, elle? just a small adventure to spice up the night."

angela continued to grin, her excitement contagious. "don't worry, it's easier than it looks. plus, you've already conquered the danger of the tracks once, right?"

ellie, caught between the thrill of the moment and a lingering sense of caution, hesitated. the train's rhythmic pulse urged her forward, whispering promises of exhilaration and liberation.

curly took a step closer to the tracks, extending his hand. "come on, we'll do it together. it's all in good fun."

ellie looked at the outstretched hand, then at the passing train. yhe allure of the tracks, the embodiment of unpredictability, beckoned her to embrace the spontaneity of the night.

with a hint of trepidation and a spark of newfound adventure, ellie took curly hand, and they prepared to leap onto the moving train, ready to let the night unfold its mysteries.

as ellie's foot left the ground, ready to make the leap, a stern voice made them freeze in their tracks as the night's excitement shattered. "what the hell do you think you're doing?"

the trio froze, turning to see tim shepard's imposing figure standing at the edge of the tracks. his eyes bore into them, a mixture of anger and disappointment.

curly stammered, "tim, we were just—"

tim cut him off with a sharp gesture. "save it. you know better than to mess around on these tracks, 'specially at night. i thought i taught you both some common sense."

angela tried to defuse the tension with a nervous laugh. "come on, tim, we were just havin' a bit of fun. no harm done."

curly, usually defiant, stood silent under tim's piercing gaze. ellie, feeling a mixture of guilt and apprehension, lowered her eyes.

tim's expression remained stern. "fun? you call riskin' your lives 'fun'? you think it's a game out here? what are you, idiots? you know how dangerous these tracks can be."

ellie, feeling a mix of guilt and relief, spoke up. "tim, i didn't want to come here, they—"

he cut her off, his gaze softening just a fraction. "you should know better too, ellie. you ain't exempt from the rules just because you're with these two troublemakers."

angela elbowed curly, who mumbled an apology. tim's stern expression didn't waver. "this ain't a playground. you need to smarten up, all of you."

angela tried to play it off with a grin. "come on, tim, we were just—"

"i said save it," tim interrupted, his voice cutting through the night. "you think i don't know the dangers of those tracks? you're lucky you haven't become a permanent part of the scenery."

curly shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact with his older brother. angela, for once, seemed genuinely concerned, realizing the gravity of the situation.

tim's stern gaze shifted to ellie. "and you, mathews. i thought you had more sense than this."

ellie stammered, "i—i didn't... they—"

"i don't care whose idea it was," tim interrupted. "you should've known better. hangin' around with these two, you're just askin' for trouble."

angela stepped behind curly, whispering, "we're in deep, curly."

tim's anger simmered beneath the surface, his disappointment palpable. "get away from those tracks. now."

the young greasers, scolded and chastened, retreated from the perilous edge of the tracks. tim shepard watched them carefully, his stern expression a testament to the consequences of their reckless antics.

as they moved away, tim's voice cut through the night one last time. "you ain't kids anymore. act like it, or there'll be consequences." he looked at his siblings and crossed his arms. "you two go home, i'll deal with y'all later."

curly and angela trudged away, throwing sympathetic glances over their shoulders towards ellie.

tim watched as ellie walked away, a stern expression still etched on his face. after a moment of contemplation, he sighed, realizing that he couldn't just let her go home alone at this hour. despite his frustration, a sense of responsibility as an older brother kicked in. he let out a sigh and called after her, "hold up, ellie."

she turned around, uncertainty in her eyes. tim approached her, his expression still firm. "it's late, and i ain't lettin' you walk home alone. get in the car; i'm givin' you a ride."

ellie hesitated for a moment before nodding silently. tim led her to his worn-out car, and as they drove through the quiet streets, the tension in the vehicle was palpable. tim focused on the road, his grip on the steering wheel tight.

the ride was mostly silent, tension hanging in the air. tim kept his eyes forward, his jaw set in a firm line. ellie stole glances at him, feeling the weight of his disappointment.

as they approached ellie's house, tim finally broke the silence. "you need to be more careful, ellie. i mean it."

she nodded, a subdued acknowledgment of his words. "i know, tim. i didn't mean for things to go like this."

"intentions don't always match outcomes," tim replied, his voice firm. "you can't afford to be makin' these kinds of mistakes."

they reached ellie's doorstep, and tim turned to face her. tim's gaze softened, revealing a mix of concern and frustration. "you're not like those two. you've got a brain; use it."

"i will, tim," ellie assured, feeling a pang of guilt for disappointing him. tim shepard was the last person she'd expect to let down.

tim let out a sigh, his features softening just a fraction. "let's get inside. it's late."

ellie nodded, turning to open the door. as she stepped inside, she glanced back at tim, who stood on the doorstep, still wearing that stern expression.

"go get your brother, i'd like to talk to him."

ellie flinched and let out a sigh, knowing he was sleeping, and her returning at this hour would be reason enough for him to be upset with her. but tim explaining what happened? she might as well dig her own grave.

but she couldn't just say no to tim shepard. besides, two-bit would found out what happened one way or another.

so she made her way to her brother's bedroom.

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|Outsiders| A certain Coco Hutson rolls into town. Thinking this place would be like the last few times. Cold boring, uneventful and no doubtably he...
37.9K 288 31
this is very cringey I'm sorry. Sydney Winston has eyes on Tulsa's heartthrob Sodapop Curtis. Even if she gets pregnant early in their relationship...
78K 637 102
Preferences, but this time, with our favourite greasers from the film ,,The Outsiders''! A 100 chapters, 'cause the more the merrier, right? You're o...
2.4K 87 15
céline monet, a beautiful and intelligent girl from france goes to tulsa as an exchange student and eventually falls in love with her friend's brothe...