The food experiments

Por Kazrell

150 1 0

Otacon wants to cook something delicious for Snake, but he isn't very good at it... Más



5 0 0
Por Kazrell

Otacon spent most of the night investigating online. He joined several cooking forums and had been writing in about 47 different threads —that he had also started— at the same time.
He didn't feel sleepy or tired at all. His brain was inside that deep focus zone he would normally get in while working on his technological subjects or when analyzing his favourite anime of the week.

The sun lit his bedroom as it got higher up the sky, forcing him to realize he would soon need to switch to his practical skills. He checked each thread one last time as to make sure CooKingMama_78, amongst other supportive users, hadn't responded yet, stretched his body, and got out of bed. He quickly inhaled, exhaled and got into his role of being sleepy.

—You already up? —Snake asked while drinking the hot chocolate he had just prepared.

—I'm trying to be healthier —he answered with full confidence, as he had previously practiced today's excuse.

—It's 5 a.m. I don't think it's less healthy for you to sleep a few hours more.

—Then why are you awake?

Snake stared at him in silence for a few seconds, after which he grunted slightly. Otacon quickly realized how stupid it had been to ask that to someone who was essentially engineered for the military, but he thought it was better to keep quiet for a little bit. He stayed like that until David turned his body to serve him a cup of hot chocolate.

—Sorry, I'm not used to this. My head isn't at its best right now...

That was genuine. After embarrassing himself he felt all the lack of rest invading him. Hal received the drink and dragged himself to the living room, after which he sat on the couch. He then greeted all the huskies as they passed between him and the small wooden table. He hadn't really grown up with pets besides looking after his step-sister's bird once in a while, and was now having the best time of his life petting 50 fluffy dogs everyday even if they blackmailed him to get treats, covered his clothes in fur or smashed him by sitting over his weak body.

—So, what are you gonna do today, Snake? —he asked, rotating his torso as to see him still standing in the kitchen.

—Not sure —he replied while waiting for his dogs to follow his instructions—. Do I need to change any of those items you made me buy? I could do that.

—Oh! —he was caught off guard, as he had completely forgotten about it because of the cooking forums—. I, um... I'll check them later. You'll have to do something else, sorry.

—I'll go out with the dogs now —he concluded, already preparing the cigarette he'd smoke outdoors—, worry about that later. I've prepared toasted bread with jam, if you want some.

—Thank you, Snake —he smiled at him.

He waved them all goodbye as they left, getting up only to get himself a few slices, going back to the couch and then laying down and exhaling in some sort of relieved state of mind for now being alone. He was enjoying the breakfast.
After he finished, he washed all the dishes and tidied up the house a bit. He went to check the forum again - he was really invested before leaving the bed. CooKingMama_78 replied! Otacon didn't really know much about who the person behind the username was, but he had the gut  feeling it was a really heartwarming slavic-american woman in her late 50s who would've probably pinched his cheeks if they were to meet in person. She was definitely his favorite person in the forum, as she would always write long, clear and loving answers - even more than he had asked for.

As he expected, she had responded all of his questions - even those he hadn't thought of yet. He felt quite confident about today's experiment and, thanks to CooKingMama_78's words, he decided he'd get to it right no-

Snake came back from his walk. Or rather, was about to. Otacon could hear the excited barks from the dogs as they were getting close to their home, and... He hadn't checked the items yet!!!

—Snake!!! —he yelled as he saw him enter trough the door—. You have to change half of these things!!!—he added, pointing at random places of the mountain of items—. You do remember where you got them, right? You still have the receipts? I'll write you a new list...

—So you don't need a green flamingo sculpture after all, huh.

—Uh? —he thought for a second - he must've accidentally pointed at it—. No...! I actually like that one... Look at him, he has a little funky hat!

Snake sighed as he looked over Hal's shoulder while he was writing yet another list. It was a bit better than the last one, but he had the impression he'd end up asking help to a pharmacist - they seemed to be day-to-day experts in deciphering written codes.

—There you go —he smiled at him, offering the paper.

David grunted out of habit, picked up everything Hal told him to, got another cigarette between his lips before leaving, and went to town.

Otacon had his portable kitchen still inside his backpack, so he "only" had to steal Snake's coats —he was completely convinced they were warmer than the ones he had—, bargain with the two dogs that caught him today, and then go to a safe spot.
His two new companions were part of the oldest of the family, which made them more flexible when it came to their treat payment than the younger ones - at least based on his personal experience.

—Okay, guys, I think this place is good —he told them, looking around to make sure Snake wouldn't be able to see him there if he were to come back sooner than expected—. I'll give you one of the dishes, half for each one of you, as long as I get to try all of them first and you don't argue about the one I pick for you. You know, Snake will catch me if you guys aren't as athletic as usual! I need to look after myself too!

The huskies had no complaints. They patiently observed him cook everything in today's schedule - they didn't feel like doing more exercise after all that running and all the correcting-rebellious-teens. Hal kept thinking about CooKingMama_78's words as if they were his personal mantra, which made him certain the food would turn out to even have flavor this time! He also made sure not to be strict about measurements - it must've helped.

—Do you guys think this smells good? I think it does. I'm kinda feeling hungry right now.

The dogs barked and waved their tails. One of them started to tap tap the snow with his paws, getting excited for the food to come.

—Remember I need to taste them first!

Hal tried all of his plates. He executed deep thoughts weighting all the pros and cons each one of them had for their diet, and only then made a choice. He divided it into perfectly equal parts and gave them to the dogs, who were more than glad to help him out eating his food. It did, in fact, have flavour, after all. The help he received from the forums were working! He was also glad his extorters were rather old - his fingers would last one more day connected to his hands.
He wrote some notes about what he thought made his results better - he did this for each one of the dishes. He would even add the dogs' reaction to them - he was always getting caught and, after all, any added information was valuable.

—We all agree this was decently good, right? I feel so much better about my skills now... But there's still a lot of room for improvement, just like a Shonen protagonist!

Otacon packed everything in, after which he headed home with the dogs. He wasn't being too cautious, which was a rookie mistake. Snake was home.

—Snake?! —he inadvertently said it out loud—. You're home already?

—Why are you wearing my coat? —he asked, not too surprised about him being out, the backpack he was wearing, or the two huskies that were next to him—. What happened to yours?

—Your coats are warmer! I get cold very easily with all this snow. I don't know why it is that way, I'm pretty sure they have the same materials... —he sincerely explained, even though he was going to pretend he had picked it up from a chair or something alike—. I should've asked you first, though...

—As long as it helps you not to die out here, it's fine by me.

He invited him in. He then briefly told him he managed to get it done fast by showing his handwriting to the pharmacist - she understood everything with not even the slightest issue or doubt. She also knew exactly where he needed to go - the shop owners were her parents.

—They said I was their 10.000th client or something like that. They threw confetti and all eyes were on me. They offered to gift me anything I wanted from some of their chosen products and were insistent - I tried to just do my thing and leave. The point is - you like frogs, don't you?

—Frogs...? —he repeated, a bit worried a real frog would appear on his hand—. Well, yes. I do, but...

—I got this for you —he said, taking out a small enveloped package.

Otacon looked at the envelope: it had little drawings of frogs and leafs he'd describe as "kawaii". He found it to be too adorable to tear the paper apart, so he tried to open it with surgical care.

—A set of frog postcards...? —he said a bit surprised as he opened the bag, but pleased nonetheless—. Snake, look at them...! They're so cute! Cute little froggies with such big, warm smiles! Thank you!

Hal couldn't help but hug David, who didn't know how to react but let himself be surrounded by his arms. He did feel relieved he hadn't messed this up.

—I figured you'd like to hang them on the wall —he continued, even though he was sure he was just going to make the physical contact last longer—. I got you a frame.

—Snake, I could kiss you right now...

And he did. The happiness prevented him from being actually aware of what he was doing.

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