eski ask// seyfer

By lesale7

8.6K 168 34

Seyran gives up on Ferit. One night she flees the Mansion and leaves Ferit. She moves to Madrid where she fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

481 13 6
By lesale7

Ferit's staying on weekends became a regular occurrence. Initially unsure, Seyran cautiously allowed these visits, keeping an eye on Dilara's interactions with her father. Ferit, too, approached these weekends with a mix of excitement and trepidation, aware of the delicate balance he needed to maintain.

As weekends unfolded, Ferit made sincere efforts to bridge the gap created by years of absence. His approach was subtle yet consistent. He engaged in simple activities with Dilara, playing board games, taking her to the park, and sharing bedtime stories that stirred her imagination. Over time, laughter and genuine moments of joy began to fill the once somber spaces of their home.

Seyran observed these interactions, her heart cautiously opening to the possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation. She noticed the genuine efforts Ferit put into rebuilding their bond, and slowly, the walls around her heart began to soften. Though guarded, she found solace in witnessing the blossoming relationship between Ferit and Dilara.

Weekends became a sanctuary—a time for them to redefine what it meant to be a family. They ventured out on picnics, cooked meals together, and engaged in activities that slowly knit the fragments of their fractured past into a hopeful tapestry of togetherness.

Through these weekends, Seyran discovered a different side of Ferit. She witnessed his dedication and commitment towards Dilara, his unwavering effort to make amends for the lost years. She found herself reminiscing about their shared past and the love they once held, a love that seemed to flicker faintly in the distance.

Slowly but steadily, the tension that once lingered dissipated, replaced by a fragile sense of trust. Seyran watched Ferit's earnest attempts to be present for their daughter, his efforts not going unnoticed. They conversed more freely, shared moments of laughter, and occasionally, in the privacy of their shared space, engaged in heartfelt conversations about their past and uncertain future.

As their bonds grew, Seyran found herself observing Ferit in a different light, recognizing the genuine change in his demeanor and actions. The once-distant figure had transformed into a father figure—a presence that brought joy and stability into their lives.

With each passing weekend, Seyran cautiously allowed herself to hope—a hope that maybe, just maybe, their family could heal and find a way to rewrite their story with love, forgiveness, and a second chance.

One Sunday evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Ferit found himself sitting across Seyran, an air of contemplation surrounding them. The time felt ripe, yet the words he wanted to convey were elusive, trapped within the confines of his racing thoughts.

"Seyran," Ferit began, his voice carrying a rare vulnerability. "I've been thinking..."

Seyran looked up from the book she was reading, her eyes meeting his in silent inquiry.

"I want to... I mean, I've been considering... us," he stumbled over his words, a rare sight for someone who was usually composed.

Seyran's expression softened, understanding the depth of his intentions. She leaned forward slightly, intrigued by his sincerity. "What are you suggesting?"

"I want to give us a chance," Ferit said, his gaze unwavering. "Not just as co-parents, but as partners... if you're willing."

Ferit's heartfelt proposition lingered in the air, creating a poignant silence between them, pregnant with expectation.

"Seyran," Ferit softly continued, his gaze fixed on hers, eager for her response. "Would you want to be my girlfriend?"

Seyran felt a rush of emotions surging within her, memories of their shared past, and the hopeful prospects of a renewed bond. Her heart wrestled with the complexities of trust and forgiveness.

"It's not that I don't want to, Ferit," Seyran began, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "But it's... it's a lot to process. Our history... the wounds..."

A silence prevailed in the room. Ferit felt defeated. Seyran could see. However her heart wouldn't allow her to not show her true emotions.

"Ferit," Seyran spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze fixated on the candle's flickering flame.

He turned towards her, his eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and a yearning for understanding.

"I think... I think I'm ready," Seyran admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability and hope.

Ferit's eyes widened in surprise, a surge of emotions flooding his being. He reached out, taking her hand gently, an unspoken gratitude echoing between them.

"Are you sure?" Ferit asked, his voice a delicate blend of surprise and joy.

Seyran nodded, a shy smile gracing her lips, her heart finally succumbing to the possibility of a renewed connection. "Yes."

Without a word, Ferit went to her and hugged her tightly lifting her in the air,in a warm embrace, his arms wrapping around her, holding her close. He lifted her off her feet, spinning her around gently, the room filling with laughter, joy, and a renewed sense of hope.

Dilara peeked around the corner, her eyes widening as she witnessed her parents locked in a warm embrace, their laughter echoing through the room. She beamed, her heart swelling with an unexpected rush of joy.

"Mom! Dad!" Dilara called out, her voice filled with excitement as she dashed towards them, her smile widening with every step.

Seyran and Ferit turned towards their daughter, their laughter fading into tender smiles as they watched her approach.

"Dilara, come here, sweetheart," Seyran said, extending her arms, her eyes shimmering with happiness.

"Dad, Mom, you're both hugging!" Dilara exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with joy.

Ferit knelt down, his arms open wide. "Come here, !"his voice filled with warmth.

Dilara leaped into their embrace, wrapping her arms around both of them tightly. Seyran and Ferit held her close, enveloping her in a shared hug—a moment that felt like a celebration of unity and love.

Apologies for the short cliche episode I've ran out of ideas 🥲
The rest of the story won't be as smooth lovey-dovey as this we just need a foundation
See you soon🫶

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