Devotion / Tywin Lannister...

By rissarosewrites

11.8K 581 12

Love interests for Tywin, Sandor, Bran, Petyr, Cersei, Tommen and more! The Lannisters were about to be a ho... More

1. Family Affair
2. Bolton
3. Tyrell
4. Hightower
5. Tully
6. Bolton
7. Tyrell
8. Hightower
9. Bolton
10. Tully
11 Targaryen
12. Tyrell
13 Bolton
14 Tully
15. Targaryen
16. Hightower
17 Bolton
18. Tully
19. Tyrell
20. Hightower
21. Bolton
22. Targaryen
23. Tully
24 Tyrell
25. Hightower
26. Bolton
27. Tully
29. Wyl
30. Clegane
31. Tywin
32. Tyrell
34. Clegane
35. Targaryen
36. Bolton
37. Tully
38. Tyrell
39. Wyl
40. Hightower
41 Tully
42. Targaryen
43 Tyrell
44. Hightower
45. Bolton
46. Tyrell
47. Targaryen
48. Hightower
50. Targaryen

33. Wyl

72 7 0
By rissarosewrites

"He was so sweet." Lou agreed.

" of course he was it's the lannister Way to be sweet and charming and wonderful now tell me everything start beginning the moment that you left!" Celina agreed. Lou blushed.

" We're just friends." Lou corrected.

" yet he's got you blushing." Celina countered. " just the thought of him is making you all ooey gooey inside. It's both sweet and weird because he's my brother but because you seem so wonderful and he is wonderful I know this is going to be just the most wonderful thing ever."

"Are we doing this or not?" Robert shouted.

" come on let's go to the tourney. You can tell me everything while we watch grown men point sticks at each other." Celina agreed.

"Im going to catch my death. Heat stroke. Unconscious! Bam!"

"Aislynn you are so dramatic." Pheobe countered.

"You live at the farest corner of the south. How is this hot?" Arya countered.

"Bugger off pipsqueak." Aislynn countered. "Old town is a dry heat this is sweat through your dress hot. Rats nest hair hot."

"If you want you know who to like you, you have to be seen by him." Pheobe reminded aislynn.

"Sansa come sit by us!" Kathleen declared as her and birdie found thei spot. "Bloody hell its hot out."

"Thats what i was saying!" Aislynn agreed.

"San go sit by Mallory!" Gemma intrusted.

"No. Im guarding the shit," sandor corrected.

"Fine." Gemma huffed marching off.


"Im going to find daddy." Gemma corrected but she stumbled into Lou. "Hi ms Win."

"Hello sweetie." Lou answered. She stopped trying to correct her.

"Where is daddy?" Gemma questioned.

"Probably instead. Its bloody hot out." Celina answered. "No one likes sweaty tits or sweaty balls." Gemmas face pinched confused and disgusted.

"Its like you forgot how to speak around children." Lou declared.

"I have three children." Celina corrected.

"Almost grown children." Lou nodded to kathleen with her own daughter.

"Where are my boys? CON!" She shouted out. Like a good dog he came running. "Where are the boys?"

"Competing." Con answered.

"What?" Celina shouted. A smile cracked across his face. She smacked him over the back of the head. "Dont scare me like that!"

"Im going to bring Gemma to your brother." Lou suggested as gemma grabbed her hand.

"Lou!" Tywin declared rising up from his seat in the library. "Gemma!" He added fondly picking her up.

"Hi daddy. I found your friend." Gemma whispered.

"Thank you." Tywin answered.

"What are you reading?" Gemma questioned.

"History." Tywin answered.

"The one by the funny guy?" Gemma questioned.

"The funny guy?" Lou repeated with a laugh.  Tywin himself butchered the name holding it out.

"Im going to find my favorite book. We can read it together." Gemma decided as tywin put her down.

"I had a lot of fun last night." Lou remarked moving to tywin. He reached out a hand and she linked her fingers with his.

"Me as well." Tywin agreed.

"Might we do that again?" Lou questioned. "As friends of course."

"Friends." Tywin agreed giving her hand a tug and she turned into him.

"Friends." She repeated breathing the same breath as him. Tywins breath hitched.


"Daddy I found it." Gemma declared holding up a book. Lou took a step back and she took tywins breath along with her.

Pheobe was bored. She leaned back catching petyr baelish eye. He eyed her curiously. She spun back around.

"Whos that man?" Pheobe whispered

"Who?" Aislynn spun around.

"No dont look." Pheobe corrected.

"How am I supposed to know if I dont look?" Aislynn sassed.

"Excuse me... I hate to intrude." Petyr remarked stepping forward. "Im petyr baelish... Lady Sansa. I was friends with your mother when we were children. You look like her." Petyr remarked. "But Im afraid i dont know you two."

"Pheobe Wyl, its a pleasure my lord." Pheobe remarked with a curtsy. Petyr bowed back to her while aislynn crossed her arms over her chest.

"Aislynn hightower." She answered.

"Auntie aislynn! Come play with the horses!" Flora shouted tugging aislynns crossed arms free. Aislynn turned on a smile big and wide for her niece.

"You got it cutie." Aislynn agreed. "Dont do anything I wouldnt do." She called back with a wink. Pheobe turned red before looking to petyr. His sly smile and challenging eye's examining her.

"Lord Baelish-"

"Please. Call me petyr." He assured.

"Petyr." Pheobe agreed. "Would you care to sit with us?"

"I would absolutely love to."

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