Insanely In Love With You (Vo...

By SuperSaiyanJayden

25.8K 743 206

After escaping that fretful Camp from a serial killer, not to mention living with her for the past two weeks... More

The Story Continues...
Going Home For A Visit
Back To Camp
Back To The Way It Was
Break Out
New Camper
Unlucky Predicament
A Fall From The Murderous Intent

Girl On Girl Action~!

2.1K 75 15
By SuperSaiyanJayden

In your perspective, you didn't know what was going on with the girl, so you slowly backed away and walked towards your car. With the keys in your hand you easily unlocked the door and was about to sit on the seat until your shoulder was grabbed.

Y/n: Huh?

Turning your head, you saw the same girl as before but this time her face was closer to yours which surprised you.

Y/n: W--What are you--MMPH?!


You were silenced by a pair of lips on yours, the tall girls lips which made your whole body freeze in shock. She then gave you more kisses to the lips and wraps her arms around your body.



The onslaught of kisses continued as you stood there frozen, she even stuck her tongue in your throat as you can feel in your mouth... That was until...

You fuck-head... What do you think you're doing to my boyfriend!?

The woman separated her lips from your face, leaving a trail of saliva and I blue kiss mark. The lady turned her head to see your girlfriend with a pissed off look on her face.... Like EXTREMELY... And you don't want to mess with her when she's REALLY MAD!!!

Jaylene: I'm going to fucking rip your spine right out your body!!!




The hockey masked woman growled as she took a step foreword to the both of you. The scarred eye woman wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to her.

Michelle: Stay close honey, I'll protect you.

Her words made you slightly blush which has been noticed by the Hockey masked killer.

Y/n: I--I...

Jaylene was certainly mad now as this woman tried to flirt with HER man, she grabbed her machete that was covered in blood. Michelle looked at the blade and knew all too well that the woman in front of her was indeed a skilled Killer.

Michelle's mind: This might be trouble... But I can't let her kill Y/n. He'll get hurt, I don't want that.

The woman looked at you and spoke up.

Michelle: Do wait for me while, I'll try and be as quick as possible for the sake of your survival.

Y/n's mind: Is she a hunter?

You looked at her.

Y/n: Listen miss, your sweet and all but--

Michelle blushed, the man of her dreams just gave her a compliment. Even though she didn't show it on her face,  she was trying her best not to turn red.

Jaylene: Y/n get away from this woman, NOW!!

Jaylene noticed a menacing aura from anywhere, the one the lady in front had an aura like hers... The aura of death, this was the first time some had a similar aura of death like hers'. If anything were to happen to you between this conflict and it ended with your death, she will quite literally everything and everyone in her way. What made it worse was that you were concern for the woman beside you.

Y/n: Please, just run while you still can she's an unstoppable force and won't be taken down.

The knife wielding lady raised her hand and gently patted your head.

Michelle: Don't worry my love, I won't let her hurt you. After all, I broke out of prison just to be with you~

Y/n: Excuse me, you're a criminal?!

Too shocked, you stood still not realizing that the two killers were walking towards each other. Jaylene putting on her hockey mask while Michelle puts on a white mask in which you can barely see her eyes.

Jaylene: Hope your prepared bitch... 

Michelle: ...

Play 13th Halloween... Man, this is so much better than the offical track

Now standing in front of each other, the two look at each other face to face. Nobody said a word, it was just silence and you could feel the cold atmosphere of the two deadly gals. This sent a chill down your spine. Then... Michelle raised her arm and stabbed right through the shoulder, but that didn't affect your buff girlfriend as she too raised her machete and stabbed her with her weapon. The two look at each other and realize.

Jaylene and Michelle: She... Has high pain tolerance?!

The two continued stabbing each other as you watch in silence.

Y/n: These two are really going at, it's like they are animals.

This was your only chance to leave immediately, you quickly ran to your car and opened the door. That's when you were pushed out of the way due to Michelle getting kicked towards you, along with tearing the door with you.

Michelle: Gah!

Y/n: Ugh!

Jaylene: I'm so sorry babe!!

Michelle: Out of all the places to throw me at, you chose my dear husband.

Jaylene spat out blood.

Jaylene: I don't know who you calling husband but I know it ain't my Y/n.

Michelle: It is, me and Y/n are going to be happily married and we're going to fuck whenever we want.

The long haired killer got up from the ground and turned to you. She grabbed the now broken car door and threw it at your short haired killer girlfriend. Surprised by this action, your buff girlfriend didn't have time to get out of the way and was hit in the face sending her to the ground, letting go of her machete.

Y/n: The hell kind of woman is she that she can go toe to toe with Jaylene?! 

Michelle walked over to Jaylene and grabbed her and placed her against a tree, Jaylene grunted as she raised her hands to try and retaliate but she wasn't quick enough. Using her kitchen knife,  she stabs the hockey masked multiple times sending blood gushing out and spilling on the knife wielding woman. Jaylene's arm dropped down and it really seemed like she was official down 

You had a shock look as you stopped what you were doing and was staring at Michelle. She turned her head, under that mask she was smiling at you lustfully sending a bad chill down to your spine. You tried getting the car started but like A HORROR MOVIE, it wouldn't start at all.

Y/n: Motherfucker, the car picked a horrible time to NOT WORK!!!!

As you tried turning the car on again, you failed to notice that Michelle was right next to you. She had to lower her head since she was a lot bigger than you were, and she took off her mask. A noticeable blush was seen on her face as a smile filled with lust grew, you turned your head and squealed at how close the woman was. Doing what was instinct, you punch the girl in the face..

Oh how that only proved to make things EVEN WORSE FOR YOU!!

Michelle: Mmm~ I felt that one.

It was your worse nightmare... You already hade to deal with Jaylene but now this girl too!! 

Y/n: Not again!!!

You quickly pushed her head awhile but she raised her arm to hold your arm in place. The worst thing came to your mind, you thought she was going to bite your fingers off and was trying your absolute best to get out of her weirdly strong grip. 

Y/n: No!! No!! No!!

Her face growing closer in on your fingers as you prepared for the worst, shutting your eyes tight. But the pain never came... Instead, a feeling of pleasure overcame your thoughts as you moaned loud.

Y/n: Gaaah~!

The ponytailed woman was currently sucking on your finger, a huge blush crept on your face as you were suddenly held by the woman. 

Y/n: Wh-What the fuck are you doing... Stop!~

The girl didn't respond as she kept licking and sucking on your hand. She was in paradise right now, nothing could stop her from getting what she wanted and what she wanted was you.... Well that I should retract my statement of nothing stoping her because THERE WAS... IN FACT A VERY BIG SOMEONE!!!


Michelle turned her head slightly to only receive a firm hand taking your hands out of her mouth. It was Jaylene's and boy oh boy... Mad was an understatement, SHE WAS FURIOUS!!!

Jaylene: Using your dirty mouth to try and pleasure MY HUBBY!!

Dragging Michelle's body deep within the forest while also dragging you in too for some reason.

Y/n: Let go of me, Jaylene!!

Jaylene: Not this time sweetie... I want you to watch as I drain the life out of this whore.

Y/n: Oh my fucking lord... Can't I just go HOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!

Deeper the three go into the forest, all that could be heard was you begging your muscular girlfriend to let you leave.

To Be Continued...

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