The Untouchable Prince | A No...

By WitheredWis

52.1K 3.3K 1.9K

He was scared of being touched, even the thought of contact made him panic. He had haphephobia (haph·​e·​pho·... More



154 22 5
By WitheredWis

One Hundred
Updated: November 20, 2023

The sweet sound of birds chirping greeted the morning sun, warm and comfortable despite the late winter breeze that frosted over the morning dew. Nature sang peacefully, bare trees swaying to its beautiful tunes as if the harsh winter never once hit. It was almost spring, early March, and it seemed the world was preparing for its blossoms.

Renjun woke up in a cold sweat, jolting out of his bed and onto the floor, and he felt himself unconsciously grasping his quilt and wrapping it around his body tightly, unfamiliarity washing over him.

But, wait.


It... it wasn't not unfamiliar.

A wooden screen stood in front of him. A screen that had painted himself, and shining onto the screen was the yellow sunlight through the cracks of the window.


It... it was sunlight. Real light. It wasn't the dull orange light of the candles. It was the light that came from outside. It wasn't dark. It wasn't dim anymore. It- it was... it was beautiful.

The way the soft light landed gently on the colors on the wooden screen, brightly illuminating the vibrant and soft paint strokes. Soft dust particles swirled in its light, almost dancing happily to feel its warmth.

And, the light... it had also landed on his hand, and he felt its heat. It was warm, comfortable, like a soft blanket on a cold winter day. It brushed against the surface of his skin as he turned his hand, moving it to feel the warmth touch every part of his skin. It... it was addicting, and he momentarily forgot about that terrible dream he had, the quilt around his shoulder pooling at his legs.

A bird outside chirped, and Renjun turned his head to the window that was slightly ajar. There was the bird. It was a small sparrow, sitting on the naked branch of a small bush. It tilted its head when it saw Renjun, chirping once before flying off.


How long had it been since he was home?

Renjun's heart felt heavy.

Was... was this even real?

Was he still dreaming?

If... if he opened his eyes... would he end up in that dungeon? In the cold darkness with nothing but himself to keep company?

He looked around, staying right where he was on the ground, savoring every bit of what he saw and storing it into his memories. He wanted to keep it safe, locked up, so it couldn't run away, so it couldn't be stolen from him again in case he woke up. He didn't want to lose this dream, especially when it was so sweet.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Renjun flinched at the sound, grasping his quilt in his fists.

"Second Senior Disciple? I heard a noise." The voice spoke gently. "Are you awake?" He knocked three times again.

The prince frighteningly crawled and bundled himself into a corner, his hand knocking into the leg of a small table, causing a loud thumping sound, and he winced.

"Second Senior Disciple?"


"It's Minghao. Can... can I come in? Master had me bring you your medicine."

His heart jumped. "No!" Renjun squeaked out, shocked to hear his own mangled voice. "D-don't come in!" He hugged his quilt to his chest, peeking over it with just his eyes, watching the door.

"...Okay." Minghao's voice sounded worried. "I'll leave your medicine out here then. Be sure to take it. You have injuries that are still healing."


Renjun lifted his quilt slightly and looked down. He wore only a robe, not the usual silk tunic and pants he wore in the past. It draped over his bare lower half to just below his knees, but he didn't have to see to know that it was hurting down there, warm and hot from inflammation. What he did see, though, was his ankle. It was wrapped gently in a white bandage, yet still purple and yellow faded marks could be seen at its edges.

Immediately, he was reminded of the nightmares he dreamt of and the months of torture he suffered. The images flashing visibly in his eyes. Now, everything was hurting, everything felt like it was scraping at his skin, itching and burning.

"And, Second Senior Disciple?"

He flinched again, gaze snapping up to the door again. He had forgotten that Minghao still had not yet left.

"His Highnesses wants to see you."

Jeno... Jaemin...

So... that wasn't a dream? This was real. The dream where they took him out of the dungeon was real. The dream where they wrapped him up in warmth. The dream where they carried him around all night. The dream where they brought him home. It was... real?

"They've been waiting all night at the front gates of your residence."

Waiting... outside? They were waiting for him...?

Renjun felt his heartbeat pick up, sweat forming on the back of his neck.

They were waiting for him? For what? What were they waiting for? What did they want? Was this why they brought him back? Did they want to touch him again? Where they there to taunt him like that one time? Step all over him? Spit on him? Use him as they please? Keep him only for themselves to abuse and use? They took him from once place to another just to do it all over again? They...

His skin burned and scratched at his arms, but no matter how hard he scratched at them, there was no relief. Everything hurt from head to toe. Everything itched, burned, stung.

"Do you want to see them?"

"Go- go away! Go away!" was Renjun's immediate response. He didn't care who it was outside. He wanted them all gone. Out. Away from him. He wanted to be alone.

"Then," Minghao felt almost hurt the way Renjun spoke at him, but he didn't blame him, speaking just as calmly as he did, "I will leave. The medicine is here, remember to take it, okay?" Then, he left.

Renjun listened intently, waiting for him and whoever else was outside to leave. He heard them exchange a few words but couldn't care less about what they were talking about and then heard their footsteps recede into the distance. During this time, he was still scratching at his skin, itching every corner and every surface, and it wasn't until ten minutes after they left that he finally stopped.

With a bit of force, he got himself onto his feet, and walked to his door. His legs were weak, as thin as twigs, and that's when he realized that he hadn't actually walked in at least a few months. It hurt to lift his feet. It hurt to contract his muscles, but he made it to the door anyway. Slowly, he slid open the doors, peeking outside to make sure no one was around before gazing down at the small medicine box.

Using the support of the doorframe, he crouched to lift up the box, only to find that he was too weak. He could only hold the box for a few seconds before his arms could no longer support its weight, and he gingerly placed it back on the ground. And, as if he gave up, he sank onto his knees and opened the box at the front of the door.

Inside the box was the medicine, already boiled and poured into a bowl with a spoon beside it. There was another plate inside the box, holding three small osmanthus cakes stacked neatly on top of each other.

Renjun stared at the two small items inside, feeling something get stuck in his throat...

He... he couldn't even lift this up...

Wasn't... wasn't he basically useless?


In the cold winter breeze, in front of the opened door, Renjun drank his medicine, and despite the deliciousness of the cake, he could only take two bites of it before he felt sick to his stomach.

When he returned back into his room, the medicine box outside remained open with an empty bowl of medicine, two cakes, and one cake that only had two bites taken out of it inside.


The tension in the room was horribly uncomfortable.

The Huang Emperor's bedchambers were large enough to hold more than five handfuls of people, but now, it felt incredibly cramped. The Na and Lee emperors sat with their empresses and the Huang empress sat with her first son standing just beside her. It was clear that the mother and son pair had been crying before this, their eyes red and watery. The Thirteen stood around at the edges of the room, their heads lowered respectfully. A handful of the Huang court's highest ranking ministers were gathered in the room. The curtains to the Huang Emperor's bed were slightly parted by the Imperial Doctor's assistant, Yawei, and it was clear that there was something happening.

When Jeno and Jaemin walked in, there was the distinct smell of rot. It was sharp and rough, hitting their senses intensely.

"You're here," said Emperor Lee Junghoon.

"Your Majesty."

The two princes bowed respectfully.

When they straightened themselves, Jeno was the first to ask after observing everyone's reactions, "did it happen?"

It referred to the greatest loss an empire could ever experience. The death of the Son of Heaven.

"Three days ago." It was the Imperial Doctor, Xu Delan, who spoke. He had come from the bedchamber, the mask covering his face being removed as the curtain behind him closed. "His Majesty of Hwang has passed to the Heavens."

Huang Xinyue had passed three days ago, before the two princes had returned from Kang. He had passed without seeing his own son, without knowing his son was finally safe.

In an immediate response, everyone in the room besides the emperors and empresses dropped to their knees in a mournful kowtow.

"We respectfully send Your Majesty on your way. Have a safe journey."

Everyone knocked their heads three times as Chen Shufen sobbed silently into her handkerchief.

"At a young age," began one of the ministers after the third bow, "Your Majesty has already left the world, yet you've helped the common people with more than they needed. Your Majesty has moved on to greater things, this one will send you off peacefully!"

"Your Majesty has worked hard, please rest well!"

"Your Majesty has done great things and taught us all a great lesson. This one only wished Your Majesty could be with us a little longer, but this one will send you off with great respect!"

The ministers, one after another, praised the passed emperor for a long while, no one, not even the Lee or Na emperors stopped them. After all, this Huang Xinyue really did reach out to a lot of hearts and saved a lot of common people. He achieved twice as much as his predecessors and grew the empire to one that was well respected across the continent. No one could bring themselves to say any bad, no. No one had the right to say anything bad about this emperor.

Jeno's and Jaemin's expressions showed nothing of what they were feeling, but it was obvious that they too also mourned the emperor's death, more than these ministers in the room. After all, this man, over the years, had also been their father, raising them and training them to be the men they are today.

When everyone finished, the room was long quiet before Delan spoke softly, "Your Majesties. It would be wise to hold the funeral soon before you return to your empires."

Jaemin raised his head, "we... are returning?"

Na Daewon spoke dully, "we were supposed to return a week ago. I've been receiving notices that matters are piling up back in Na, and I'm sure it's the same for Lee."

Junghoon nodded.

"Our courts can't handle everything by themselves, but since..." he paused for a moment and turned his gaze to the curtained room. "And, Crown Prince Injoon only just returned in the condition that he is, we had no choice but to stay longer." He looked to Empress Huang. "Empress Hwang is pregnant with another heir, so it is only right that we stay and help with the funeral processions before we leave. However, our stay can only extend to after the processions."

"Your Majesties are busy," said Shufen, her eyes red, "it is only understandable." She turned to Xuxi who stood next to her. "My son is by my side, we will manage ourselves here."

"But-" it was Minghao who spoke out inappropriately. Junhui, who was beside him, elbowed him in the side, and immediately Minghao bowed, "apologies. This one spoke out of place."

"No, please speak," said Shufen, her voice gentle and motherly despite her own hurt.

Minghao hesitated, inwardly gazing at the emperors for approval.

"Please," said Daewon.

"This one... doesn't mean to make suggestions; however, this one is worrisome from the perspective of a doctor. His Highness Hwang Injoon's condition isn't improving fast enough, and Your Majesty the Empress is pregnant with a child. This one is worried for His Highness and Your Majesty the Empress. If Your Majesties leave, Hwang has no stable ruler, and-"

"We'll stay." Jeno interjected voluntarily.

Everyone turned to Jeno and Jaemin.

"Since Na and Lee are falling into disarray, it is only right for Your Majesties to return immediately. As Crown Princes, we must also return to fulfill our duties; however, Crown Prince Hwang is also one of our duties, and we have promised Emperor Hwang to take care of him. We can stay and assist with the state matters here," Jeno then quickly added with a bow, "if Your Majesties permit."

It wasn't a bad idea. With them here, there would be no worries of the Huang Empire falling into chaos and disarray as both are crown princes, whom both will rise to a throne. It will allow the two emperors to return to their empires without worrying about their old friend's home.

Junghoon agreed, "this is the future home of our sons. We won't deny you staying if Empress Hwang will also agree."

She only nodded, "my husband has left us so soon, but he's left us with capable hands. These boys are your sons, but they, too, are my sons. If my sons want to help this mother out, I couldn't be much happier." She smiled sorrowfully at the two princes but also at the two empresses in the room.

No one was in disagreement with his arrangement. In fact, everyone was happy with it. No one suffered a loss.

Minghao stepped forward again, "may I suggest something?" He looked to his master and then the imperial families.

"Go ahead."

"His Highness Hwang... his health is not stable," he looked at his master again who only nodded, "so, this one suggests that it is best not to reveal the news of His Majesty's passing until after he's been reconnected with his living situation. His recovery is slow, and this one is worried that this news will cause his recovery to be delayed."

"This... you realize this goes against Ancestral Law?" said Junghoon, his booming voice echoing through the room.

Minghao dropped to his knees, fearful for his life. "This one doesn't mean to defy the Ancestral Law. This one is concerned for His Imperial Highness's health. If... if he doesn't recover well, he... he may not ever recover from this at all!"

The room was silent, and the poor little disciple felt cold sweat dripping and soaking through his clothing.

Delan knelt down suddenly, drawing attention to him. "My disciple speaks well," he said. "Although I had assigned this disciple of mine to care for His Highness, I had seen His Highness's conditions and agree with my disciple's words. His Highness's trauma these few months has caused his old condition to have worsened nearly three or four times as much. His Highness refused to see anyone, not even his pet wolf-dog. Even a word with a stranger causes his condition to flare." He kowtowed to the emperors, "this one was the one who diagnosed His Highness when he was young. My words are true."

"Father," Jeno said. "Defying the Ancestral Law is punishable by death for someone with no imperial blood, but we must also think of the future. His Highness is also a crown prince."

After some thought, Junghoon finally said, "alright. Then, no one shall speak a word about Emperor Hwang's passing to Crown Prince Hwang until his condition is stable. Imperial Doctor Delan and his disciple, please watch him carefully, and report to our sons when he's improved. His ascension ceremony..." he looked to Empress Hwang.

"The empire cannot be without a leader," said Shufen, her gaze focused on her shaking hands. Her next words were said with a bit of regret, "My son... he... he will have to be ready for it in four months."

And with that, the edicts were made.

The death of the Huang Emperor would follow with the funeral processions without the Crown Prince, and His Majesty's death shall not be mentioned to the Crown Prince until the Crown Prince is able to eat three meals a day. Anyone who disobeys will be flogged one hundred.

Additionally, the official ascension ceremony of the Crown Prince shall proceed in four months, which will finally announce to the world that he was the new Emperor of Huang. However, this meant that he had to be recovered enough to speak in front of hundreds of ministers and walk from the ancestral hall to the hall of Eternal Blessings.


Yimu is dead, there is no more threat, but... will Renjun be able to live a normal life?

Guys, its been over four years since I started this damned fanfiction, and I've been keeping my promise on finishing it. I will continue to keep my word, and I WILL FINISH THIS FANFIC!!

Those of you who have stuck with me all these years from the very beginning, thank you for being by my side and continuing to support me. And, those of you who joined with my on this long journey, thank you for giving me hope for this fanfic. Thank you all for reading, even if you don't enjoy it. I appreciate you all for being here because without you, I probably would've given up on this story years ago.

Thank you <3

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❤️ 🖤 ❤️ Withered ❤️ 🖤 ❤️

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