Merfolks ⚢

Per AevumAce

63.6K 3.2K 455

Surviving a shark attack, Kaylor Castillo came to know that even the dearest place can be a threat. In an att... Més

Chapter 1 Club
Chapter 2 Perspectives
Chapter 3 Partners
Chapter 4 Camera
Chapter 5 Rectangle
Chapter 6 Game
Chapter 7 Team
Chapter 8 Strip
Chapter 9 Fireflies
Chapter 10 Lighthouse
Chapter 11 Emergency
Chapter 12 Underwater
Chapter 13 Letter
Chapter 14 Karaoke
Chapter 15 Photoshoot
Chapter 16 Human
Chapter 17 Date
Chapter 18 Caught
Chapter 19 Scar
Chapter 20 Pearl
Chapter 21 Sprain
Chapter 22 Shark
Chapter 23 Lunch
Chapter 24 Love
Chapter 26 Dance
Chapter 27 Karma
Chapter 28 Queen
Chapter 29 Heartbreak
Chapter 30 Princess
Chapter 31 Secret
Chapter 32 Poison
Chapter 33 Beacon
Chapter 34 Five
Author's Note
Chapter 35 Wedding
Chapter 36 Fishing
Chapter 37 Tail

Chapter 25 Rivals

1.1K 65 10
Per AevumAce


"Arrgh! My brain, my brain, I overworked my brain." Kaylor wailed pitifully at my amused grin.

I looked at the other girl and sighed. Kaylor's head was almost buried in the pile of books, thesis, and papers. We were both in the local library and I was helping the hopeless girl think of a new title.

"Why not we rest for a while and get some snack?" Kaylor suggested brightly ignoring her un-started works.

"Nope, no rest until you managed to get a worthy title for your title defense," I replied. I glared at the cowering girl sitting in the opposite chair. "I swear your brain only has a few kilobytes. So you better make use of that limited memory space."

"That was unnecessary!" Kaylor mocked being offended.

"Come on, a little bit more and I'll let you go." I urged her for the umpteenth time.

The thought of summer ending would mean that the International Photography Club would close and re-open next summer. It had been swimming in my head for quite a while. I was happy that I will be getting into my preferred college and course soon, but the idea of separating from Kaylor made me sick. Days spent with Kaylor were always fun and lively and I didn't want it to end yet.

I realized that there's nothing I could do to change the situation. The facts remained; we were going go to our separate ways. If I can't stop it, at least I can change it... by going to the same college with her here in Manila.

The idea was alluring; we could perhaps share an apartment, and do all sorts of things together. We will take turns to cook dinner, late-night movie watching, grocery shopping, and maybe, just maybe... I could further my intimate relationship with her. I blushed at the fantasy. Anyway, the point was, I wanted a future together with Kaylor.

However, it was easier said than done. The main problem first... Kaylor showed no indication of planning to remake her thesis.

"It's still early. Let's take a break! I want a break..." she croaked out.

"Are you a kid? And if I were you, I would be worried—apprehensive." I admonished.

"It's still too early for me to do this. If I do everything now, I'll probably forget why I did it months later. I've had enough of searching. I'm going to get something to eat." Kaylor stood up from the table.

"Hey wait! We are not done yet!" I grabbed Kaylor's hand.

Is being with me so unbearable?

"You are being pushy... I'm tired and hungry." Kaylor whined.

"Aren't you worried at all about the delay of your graduation? You are hardly prepared! If you didn't graduate, there weren't many high-paying job options available. What are you going to do then?"

"I don't know... get married and have babies?" Kaylor replied.

"You will have low-paying jobs! Do you want us to live in a trailer park?"

"Our conversations are mismatched! What on earth are you talking about? What my future looks like doesn't have anything to do with you anyway." She unintentionally just crushed all my hope. She wasn't prepared at all for the crestfallen look on my face.

"You... You're an impudent creature! Here I am trying to help you and you! You ungrateful bitch!" I exploded, that stupid girl, why can't she take things seriously?

Kaylor ended up getting bopped on the head by me without her knowing the reasons why. Now I'm gladder than ever that the library's empty during this time.

"What on earth are you two doing?" Iko interrupted what looked like domestic violence between us.

"Iko! Save me! Help-ouch, ouch!" I kept hitting her with a book as Kaylor ran away and hid behind the Indonesian guy.

"Jeez... and here I thought you guys were having a serious session."

"We were! Except for this runt here weren't paying attention and wasting my time and effort!" I yelled.

"That's not true! Morgana here is a slave driver!" She made a face at me which I retaliated by throwing an eraser at her head.

"Hey, hey, cut it out you two. The librarian will throw us out." Iko made us went back to our respective seats.

"Oh, anyway, why are you here?" I asked once we settled back down. "Where is Miss high and mighty?"

"How rude, for your information, I often find myself in the library too because of natural curiosity. And if you meant Empress, she will join us later. She's answering a phone call from her dad." Iko replied.

"Now you are here, do tell this stubborn impudent child to start thing of another thesis study!"

Iko looked from one girl to the other. I was all flustered and Kaylor's worn out. "Why? Aren't you being too hard on her? You should at least understand how tough it was for people with learning disability to cope with the workload."

"Hey! Which side are you on?"

"I'm kidding. Want to go for a break? Let's get some snack and recharge your brain's cells." Iko suggested. Besides, Kaylor looked like she really needed it too.

"Iko you are a Godsend!" Kaylor jumped and hugged the boy. And with that, they happily skipped away from the library, disappearing from my view.

"What the heck, those two—they are unbelievable! That Iko, isn't reading or researching was his reason to come here in the first place?"

Now alone, I thought back to what Kaylor had said. It seemed that she wasn't bothered at all being separated from me after graduation. But what hurts the most what that Kaylor didn't plan to include me in the future.

"Just what am I to you, Kaylor? You dummy!"

Here I was wasting my time to make sure that we can go to the same college together while Kaylor was as oblivious as ever.

"Huh? Wait a minute! I was forgetting something. Duh! Of course, Kaylor is oblivious! She doesn't know how I feel. That girl probably thought I'm in love with some boy." I literally wanted to bang my head on the table. It just occurred to me that Kaylor might think that I was straight and that's why

Kaylor never considered me as a potential lover!

"That explained it! I'm such a good catch and still, she never showed any interest." I mused. "Does this mean I'm not straight?"

I had never been attracted to girls until Kaylor came along.

"I must have done a lot of bad things in a previous life to deserve such cruel fate," I said. As long as Kaylor doesn't realize how I felt, I can't change the future. And it all boiled down to one conclusion. And so, henceforth, I, Morgana Cross, aged 21, will now throw away all my pride and principles. For the first time in my life, I was going to confess my love.


"Empress, is Kaylor with you?" Father asked as soon as Mother returned the phone to him.

"Huh?" That made me a bit red on the cheeks. "Right now, no. Why?"

"Nothing, I just want to know how you two progressed."

"Please leave my love life alone, dad." I rolled my eyes.

He laughed. "But anyway, Empress, promise me to stay close with her."

"Huh?" He was enjoying his teasing and I have to return the tease to him. "Is that how you got Mother to marry you?"

"No. Um, yes," he flustered. "Just stay close to her. You know... maybe some other girl might snatch her away or something."

"Fine, fine," I didn't really understand what he meant. Kaylor and I were practically almost joint at the hip. Plus, we live under the same roof. It's impossible to not bump into Kaylor.

"Okay. I really have to go now. Take care and I love you. Bye."

"Bye, father, I love you too." Then the line ended.

* * *

"Huh? Where are the others?" I entered the library and found only the American sitting at the deserted table.

"Gone for a snack," Morgana replied without looking up from the book she was reading.

"So Iko escaped too," I sighed and took a seat. I didn't really like to be left alone with Miss Bitchy.

The two of us were barely friendly towards one another, both consider the other as a nuisance. We sat in uncomfortable silence until someone approached our table. It was Jeon with a local friend.

"Hey Empress, Morgana," He stood just beside our table. "It's very rare to see the both of you at one table in a library." He gestured to his friend. "Girls, remember Philip from that cruise?"

"Hello, nice to see you guys again." The boy tried to strike a conversation, voice faltered slightly.

Oh, he was the one who was close to Rosa at that time.

Only I had the decency to greet back and smile. "Hi."

"Um, are you guys researching for any particular things?" He pointed at the scattered books and papers.

"Yes, what do you want?" Morgana replied curtly. She was frustrated and in no mood for chitchat.

What's gotten into her? There's no reason to be rude, but why do I even bother? I know I'm not supposed to be this judgmental but can't help but fit her in a stereotype. I quickly kicked her shin under the table. Morgana rubbed her foot and glared at me.

"She was just kidding, anything we can help with?" Empress replied politely.

"Uh, right, um... I was just wondering do you already have a date for the party." Philip stammered.

"Party?" Morgana and I looked puzzled. "What party?"

"The party organized by Mr. Ainsley. The last one we'll have before you kids all go your separate ways. I know you'll return next summer, but I still want to celebrate somewhat a Despedida party. You know the beach-themed party, the Farewell Dance?" Philip replied. "He actually hired us again you know. We'll be the staff that welcomed you and will bid you goodbyes until next time you come back."

It finally clued into both of us what he was talking about. It was the pinnacle of the International Photography Club, time to make a wonderful memory with the person you love. We were so preoccupied with the competition of wooing Kaylor that we totally forgot about it.

"So um... If you don't mind would I be your partner?" Philip asked hopefully at me. He had been crushing on me since we met. Although he knew he had a very slim chance, he just had to try.

"Um..." I blushed at the request. "Well, I don't have a date right now but I intend to ask someone to go with me."

Collective gasps could be heard from each person. "The unobtainable princess is planning to ask someone out." Jeon hollered.

"You copycat!" Morgana shouted out of nowhere. She realized she was making a scene and sat back down. "Ignore me, please continue." She said, embarrassed.

Philip laughed to ease the heart pain. "Well I knew I will get rejected but that was unexpected." He tried to act bravely. He was shifting from one foot to another, unsure about how to react.

"I'm in the same situation too you know. I'm not sure whether that person will accept or not." I smiled nervously.

"He's a blind and total moron if he rejects you," Philip said indignantly. "No one in their right mind will refuse you!"

"I hope so..." I cringed at the male pronoun. "Thank you, Philip." I gave him a sparkling smile that instantly mended his broken heart.

"That guy... I hope he knows how lucky he is." Philip smiled. "It sucks to get rejected but at least you spoke to me kindly. That's good enough and it made me happy." And with that, he bid goodbye to us and left with Jeon to do their stuff.

Glancing, I didn't like the eating grin on Morgana's face. "If I think you are thinking what I think you are thinking, keep it to yourself." I started.

"Someone is a lucky guy, yes? Who is he? Do I know him? What is his name?" Morgana purposely used a gender-specific pronoun to annoy me.

"Cut it out!" I had to remind myself that we were in the library and with an audience present. I really wanted to strangle the smug American. "Whatever! She's mine! I'll ask her first," I hissed out, loud enough for only both of us to hear.


I thought about it. No matter how Kaylor and Empress were indeed the best of friends. But right now, I had a 50/50 chance with Kaylor. Plus, the party will be the perfect setting to confess my love. At this stage, Empress and I threw cautions and reasons outside the window already. Two girls going to parties together were hardly uncommon anymore and we couldn't care less about what others think. We were already in too deep.

"Fine, I don't really care if you go to the party with her anyway. She's going to college with me and we are going to live together!" I said, making it my goal to make sure that Kaylor will go to college with me. I totally ignored the fact that I decided all these by myself without Kaylor's consent.

"How shallow," Empress smirked. "Haven't she already graduated? You plan for her to take another course?"

I mentally facepalmed but smirked at the advantage she has for knowing that Kaylor still hasn't graduated yet because she stopped and just needs to pass her thesis.

"Besides," Empress said. "Unlike you, I have a long-term goal. Rather than focusing on going to the same college as Kaylor, I focused on the bigger picture instead. First, I'll tell her of my feelings, and then I can bring her anywhere where same-sex marriage is legal, and finally... I will make an honest woman out of Kaylor and we could have a secure and blissful future together!"

"I don't like it." Morgana cut in disrupting the dreamy look on the Canadian's face.

"Hey you guys, we are back." Kaylor's voice brought both of us back from our frightening tension. Iko and Kaylor approached the table and were puzzled by both our expressions.

"Did we miss something?" This time Iko wondered what the heck happened between us. "Both of you have predatory looks on your faces."

"Hey Kaylor, come and sit over here," Empress waved her over to the empty chair on her left. She smiled evilly at me and linked her arm with Kaylor's.

"Watch it, bitch!" I gritted my teeth.

Now that we were all in the library, Kaylor was ready for the actual session. "I'm all recharged now." She reached out for the notes and was about to start writing when she felt eyes staring at her, "Uh? What is it, Empress?"

"Ah... Well um, I was just wondering are you going to the Farwell Dance with someone." Empress blushed at being caught staring.

"Dance? Uh, do I have to pay?" We stared weirdly at her. Despite coming from a well-to-do family, the girl could act really frugal at times.

"Tsk Kaylor, what's with that attitude? It's the dance, the highlight of our club life." Iko piped in.

"It's not that... I just don't like formal functions and kinds of stuff." Kaylor admitted. "I'll skip."

The wistful look on her face made me wonder if she really just doesn't want to dance. I bet she just wanted to spend the night with her mermaid friend. I know she's still out there somewhere, how can I chase that she-beast away?

"Eh?" Empress wailed, frustrated.

"You can't do that!" I yelled, hindering her thoughts about the merfolk fiend. That little runt has no dream or any romantic bones at all. "Didn't you agree to go Taka! You will go right T-A-K-A?" I sent Kaylor a threatening glare.

Success. Kaylor felt intimidated.

"That was really low Morgana!" she whined.

"You know Kaylor, it could be fun. Let's all go together." Empress tried to coax her. Kaylor looked at us.

"Oh, all right. If you go then I will go too." She said to Empress which seemed to be the right thing to say as the younger girl's face lights up immediately.

"Great! Then you'll plan for the shopping!" Iko cheerfully announced. His acting was getting better. "I might be a guy but I'm a little pretentious for my suits."

"Who are you going with?" Empress asked.

Iko's lips curved up with a boyish smile. "Rosa said yes."

The library was filled with shrieks from our table.

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