Love- As Real As the Moon

Por Rainaauthor

28.3K 1.6K 95

Hayley Campbell is a woman with lessons from her past. Whenever a guy comes into her life, her past comes wit... Más



388 22 5
Por Rainaauthor


" Thanks Phil." I smile at Phil as he opens the door to my car.

"Anytime, Hayley." He smiles hesitantly.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

" yeah. Um ..... Yeah I was just wondering if"  his voice trails off and he looks away.
I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it gently."Hey is something wrong?"

"No. I was- I was wondering if you would want to go out on a date with me." He blurts nervously.
My body stills with the memories of last time.

“You can't delete dating from your life because of one mistake, hay.”
Lucy's voice echoes in my ears.

I shake off the thoughts of my past and nod. "Yeah. I would love that."

His eyes widen. "Really?"
"Yeah." I smile.

"Does Maroni's on Saturday at 8 sound good?"

"Yeah. Sounds good."

"I'll pick you up?"

"Sure." I give him a wide smile.
He's about to say something but the loud noise of a car stops him. I look towards the car which made the sound.
A Black Rolls Royce.


I put on a cute but sexy outfit for the date- a assymetrical satin white dress with shiny white heels. I let my hair loose, letting my beach waves flow and apply some nude lipstick. The look is exactly how I imagined it to be - thanks to Pinterest. I spray some perfume, take my purse, also white and I'm ready to go . I click some pictures for Lucy and send them to her getting thousands of emojis and OMGs in return.
I'm about to call her but my phone rings. Phil.
"Hey phil."

"Hi Hayley! I'm outside your apartment."

"Oh okay. I'm coming." I hang up and take the stairs down. There he is. Standing near his car with a bouquet of sunflowers.
Oh god. I smile at him and search for my allergy pills in my purse. Shit. I don't have them. What do I do now? I keep walking towards him.

"Hey. You look beautiful." His gaze moves from my hair to heels.

"Thank you, Phil. You look great too." He's wearing a black collared t shirt with white jeans and sneakers. Casual but cute.

"These are for you." He moves the bouquet towards me. Oh no. I slowly take them in my hands.

"Let's go?" I ask quickly.
He nods and we sit in the car. I keep the bouquet as far as I can which is not very far as I don't want to hurt his feelings. I can feel the sneezes and rashes forming.

"You can keep them at the back if you want. Don't have to hold them the whole time." He smiles.
Thank God.

I smile and keep the bouquet on the backseat. We talk about our favourites and basic information like our likes and dislikes on the drive. He seems like a really sweet guy, totally my type but there's just something missing.
When we reach, he takes the sunflowers out and we walk towards the table. Please don't keep them on the table. Please don't don't don't don't - he places them on the table. This is going to be a long night.
We order food and talk about a few things like our likes and dislikes. I don't think I can take it anymore. My skin is starting to itch and I've already started sneezing. It's not very bad yet but it won't be long.

"Wine? Champagne?" He asks.

"Um no." I give him a little smile.

"Why not?"
"Um alcohol doesn't suit me." I say.

"Oh okay. Well anything else?" He smiles.

"No, Phil. All this is perfect." I point towards our table.

"Everything's gotta be perfect for the perfect lady in white." He winks.

I chuckle. And sneeze. And sneeze again.
" Hey. Are you okay?" He puts his hand on mine.

I sneeze. "Yeah. I'm totally fine."

" Well, uh.... I think this date is going really well." He leans towards me and places a hand on my cheek. "What do you think?" He asks.

"It's perfect, Phil. Thanks for this date." I smile.

He smiles back. "um....uh...may I?" he looks at my lips.
I nod slowly. He smiles and starts moving towards me and -

"What a coincidence" An icy voice makes us both jerk our heads away. We both look to our right and there's a muscular man in a grey shirt and pants with his hands in his pockets. I look up to see the man and- What. The. Hell. Nick is standing there, his jaw clenched.

"Nick? What are you doing here?" I stand up.

"I came here for dinner and saw my  coworker and employee here. Thought I should come by and meet you."

"Oh. Good evening sir." Phil says slowly.

"You guys on a date?" Nick ignores him and continues to look at me.

" Uh ye-" I sneeze and take a breath. "Yeah." I complete.

He raises his brows. "Well then Philip...." he looks over at  Phil and continues, "Do you not know that your date is allergic to sunflowers?"

Phil's eyes widen. He looks towards me and asks, "What! Hayley, why didn't you tell me?"

I sneeze. "I didn't want yo" - sneeze- "you to feel bad."

"Oh Hayley I'm sorr-"

"Take them away." Nick says handing over the flowers to a waitress.
"Philip." He Crosses his arms. " It's fine if you didn't know about this. But I'm sure you know your date has a moon tattoo....." He places a finger right below my ear sending a shiver down my body. "Right here."
He smirks. I look over at Phil. Shit. The hurt and confusion is clear in his eyes.

"Phil?" I move towards him and hold his hand.


"Will you please give me two minutes?" I ask softly.
He nods. I turn towards Nick angrily.

"Nicholas. Come with me." He nods.
I stomp and sneeze my way towards the back of the restaurant while Nicholas follows me. I halt and turn to look at him.
"What the hell was that?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"What? I was helping you-just letting your date know more about you."

I narrow my eyes. "You know that wasn't what you did."
I take a step towards him. "Why?" Another step. "Why do you always do this? Everytime I talk to guy no everytime I even look at guy, you shoo him away with your assholery." I point my finger at him. "What is your problem?" I shout.

"My problem?" He scoffs when I sneeze. "My problem is you go out with guys who make you sick. Literally. Look at you- you can't stop sneezing or itching.  I mean Phil. Really? You can do better."

"Do better? Yes, he didn't know about my allergy but that's because I didn't tell him. And what's even wrong with Phil? He's good looking. He's smart. He's sweet. He-"

I stop when something changes in Nick's eyes and he starts moving towards me.
"Does he make it difficult for you to talk when he moves towards you?" He stops in front of me and moves his knuckles over my arm.

"Does he give you goosebumps when the touches you?"
He takes another step toward me and I take a step backwards.

"Does he make it hard for you to breathe when he is close?" He takes two steps forward. I take two steps back. His gaze falls to my lips.

"Does he make your body go still when he looks at your pink lips?" Two more steps towards me. I take a step backward but my back hits a wall.
He closes the little distance left between us. I feel the heat pooling between my thighs as he wraps one arm around my waist and places the other on my thigh. He bends his head till his lips touch my ears.
"Does he make your heart skip a beat if he calls you moon?" He whispers into my ears.

Air. I need air.

He slowly strokes his hand up and down my thigh and nips my ear. I take a sharp inhale.
"Does he make you wet like I do?" His lips move up and down my neck.

"You don't make me wet. Come out of your head." I whisper breathlessly.
He slowly brings his face to mine till the tips of our noses touch.

"Let's check. Shall we? If you are wet for me, you never go out with that man." His hand moves up bringing my dress up a little.

"And if I'm not?" I challenge him even though I know he's right.

His grip on my waist gets tighter.
"Then I won't come between you guys ever." His hand reaches the band of my underwear. I shut my eyes close as he places it on my clit. Oxygen goes scarce when he strokes his finger over it.
"You're fucking drenched, baby." he whispers but doesn't stop stroking.

That's it. This is the end of me. He is the end of me.
He slowly stops stroking my wet clit and brings his hand out. "Open your eyes, Moon." I don't.
He moves little. Then, something hard pressed against my left thigh. Holy mother of God. Is that? NO!

"Please tell me that's a phone in pocket. Please tell me that's a phone in your pocket." I mumble and squeeze my eyes tighter.

"You know it isn't." He let's out a sexy chuckle. Wait. Can a chuckle be sexy?
He presses harder. What. The. Fuck. I'd be lying if I thought he wasn't huge but this is-
My thoughts break when he lifts me up against the wall. I wrap my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"Moon?" His voice turns soft.


"Open your eyes." This time I open them slowly. My eyes meet his brown ones. He's smiling. Those fucking dimples. The things I would do to see them on his face forever.

"You lost, Hayley." His voice brings me back.

"Hayley?" My eyes widen when I hear Phil's voice. I quickly unwrap my legs and slide down against the wall and Nick. I push him away and run towards Phil.

"Phil it's not what it looks like. I sw-"
He holds his hand up and stops me.

"I should have known. I-I. I'm leaving." He turns around and starts to walk away.

"Phil! Stop!" I shout and run behind him but he doesn't stop.
I stop and turn towards Nick.

"Are you-" I catch my breath. "Thank you, Nick. Thank you so much for ruining my first date in two years. I hope you're happy now." I shout.
He opens his mouth to say something but a loud noise of thunder stops him so I take the opportunity and run into the restaurant, take my purse and run out. Nick calls after me but I don't listen. It's raining heavily outside but I don't even have my car so I start walking to my house. The heels make it hard for me but I don't stop. I messed it all up. I don't know what just happened with Nick and I don't know what I'll do with Phil. I hurt him so bad. He didn't deserve it at all.
Dave was right. I am the problem. I can never let people be happy.

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