My Mysterious Mate ( G x G )

By MwelwaMkangaza

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"Jade please I'm begging you stop this it was a harmless joke" she said as she backed away from me "well I'm... More

Chapter One
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Two

703 20 3
By MwelwaMkangaza

Dakota's pov

As I head further down the hall and I see there is commotion and people are standing staring I wondered why

"Hey Koda what's up" my friend Lisa says as she walks besides me "what's going on" she ask's "I have no idea but they need to move so I can get to my locker" I say a little frustrated by the people crowding the halls. Then I feel my Ma trying to link me so I let her through

'yes Ma'

'Get yourselves to the front of the school and come and collect your food now, I'm on a limited time schedule' she says, ah so her and little Amoux are the tourist attraction causing this commotion

"Hey Koda are you with me" Lisa says waving her hand in front of my face "I'm fine quit it and I need you and the rest of the crew to clear a path I need to get to the source of this crowd it has something I want" I say and she nods then calls the rest of the crew and they instantly clear a path, I walk through and my Ma and sisters come into view

"Ma, Amoux how lovely to see you" I say with a smile I can already hear people whispering

"Is everyone in there family gorgeous"

"Who are they"

"Will we be seeing them often"

"That's Dakota and Dylan are they related to them" the whispers and Murmurs go on and on

"Always causing commotion" I laugh and Ma does the same and then hugs me

"What took you so damn long" Ma scolds

"Well mother if you must know I was on my way here when a huge crowd was blocking my view so I had to call in reinforcements since I'm not allowed to go wolf in school"

"Here's your food I'd love to stay and chat but I have ten minutes to get your sister to Tyler's house then head to the palace for business" she says in a hurry "oh and Dylan you're picking Amoux up and bringing her home bye love you both, Dakota stay out of trouble" she yells while speed walking to the car. Why did she have to come with that car though I thought the reason she brought us to a public school was to be normal but she decides to pull up in one of the most expensive cars we own, I face plump then look at Dylan who's shaking her head side ways

"Well so much for laying low I'm coming in my Lamborghini tomorrow" I say while wiggling my eye brows making Dylan chuckle then walk away "hey wait you can't live me by myself after Ma's little stunt I'll be bombarded with questions" I whine

"That's why you're the social and popular one enjoy" she says then continues walking away I'll get her back and she won't see it coming was my last thought before I was surrounded by pupils asking me questions

Dylan's pov

It's finally the end of the day and I'm heading to my car so I can go pick up Amoux and then head home when I get to my car I notice the two front tires are flat and there's a note on the windshield that says 'you where an asshole today so enjoy walking home' then at the bottom left of the note is Dakota's signature I'm going to kill that idiot she always does this it's not my fault she decided to be famous, I on the other hand am only famous cause I'm hard to get to oh and I look like my idiot twin. I get my phone out of my pocket and dial uncle Tyler's number so I can tell him to drop Amoux home because now I need to put my spare tires on.

After the call with uncle Tyler I took all the stuff I needed to change my tires out of the trunk and began the process I managed to get the right one changed pretty quickly so I moved to the left one

"Need help" I know that voice I honestly don't like the human attached to it "no I'm good I'm almost done anyway thanks for the offer though" I respond then continue unscrewing the bolts "come on Dakota let me help" did this chick just call me Dakota I roll out from under the car and seat up straight then lean my elbow on my bent knee while my other leg is stretched out then I look at the girl in front of me "firstly I'm Dylan not Dakota and secondly do you know the first thing about changing a tire?" I say then ask her and she stays quiet "I didn't think so now kindly leave so I can get back to changing my tire before my parents send a search party to come looking for me" I roll my eyes then continue changing the tire. I finally tighten the last bolt on the new tire then slide out from under the car and lower the car back to the ground before packing my tools and equipment back in the trunk, I look down and frown I'm a mess and it's all Dakota's fault.

On my way home I'm listening to music and singing along when my phone starts to ring I pick up and put it on speak "Dylan speaking" I say while focusing on the road "where are you and why is Tyler the one who dropped your sister off!" My mom yells through the phone "I'm 20 minutes out and I couldn't pick her up on time because Dakota decided to flatten my tires as a joke" I say in a frustrated tone "I'm going to kill that little shit!!" Mom yells then cuts the line oh I'm not missing this I step on the gas and speed home, I arrived in 10 minutes then parked and raced out the car and into the house, Ma looks at me crazy "Mom. And. Dakota. Where are they" I say between pants wow this is a huge house

"There in Dakota's room I would try and stop her but I'd end getting punished as well and I'm exhausted" Ma says

I race to Dakota's room and moms yelling at her while she sits there with her head hanging low "you better apologize to your sister when she gets back Dakota or you'll be grounded for two months you hear me!" Mom yells and Koda only nods her head, one thing about Koda is that she hates being yelled at why I have no idea but she doesn't like it at all

"Mom I think you've scolded her enough" I interrupt her yelling causing mom to turn around and look at me and Koda raised her head and looked at me with an apologetic look, her eyes where red and swollen was she crying but Koda never cries unless "hey mom I'll take it from here" I tell her and she nods then kisses my forehead and leaves

"What's wrong Koda" I say in a soft tone as I slowly approach her and sit by her side

"I hate it when she's like that" she says

"Koda why where you crying"

"Because if I fuck up this week then I get to spend the rest of my high school year abroad in a fucking boarding school for snobby kids and I don't want that Dy" she says with her head on my shoulder

"She's been threatening you with that since we started high school and yet you're still here so relax as tough as she may seem she can't stand the thought of loosing her babies" I smile down at her

"Yeah but she'll have you to keep her company" she says with a sniffle

"Koda where you go I'll follow you are my better half remember and your never alone you have Kai remember" Kai's her wolfs name

"Yeah and she's just as sad she wants to see you get your wolf" Koda has her wolf but I'm yet to get mine Ma says it's because I haven't found my mate yet so I need to be patient I am the daughter of thee aleric and a goddess so I don't mind waiting

"now stop being sad and be Dakota the trouble maker" she wipes her eyes and looks at me with a toothy smile

"So how was your walk home" this little

"I should get mom back here" her face pales and she runs to the bathroom making me laugh so hard.

"Girls dinner!" I hear Ma yell

"Coming!!!" Dakota yells then runs downstairs

"I'll be down in a minute I need to take a quick shower!!" I yell then head to my room and strip from my messy clothes so I can get in the shower.

We're currently at the dinner having dinner as a family like we always do

"So are you two dating" my Ma asks making Koda and I choke "sorry sorry just curious" she chuckles

"No we're not and knowing Dy the only person she'll ever let in is her mate because this little shit is an antisocial asshole" Koda says

"Dakota language!" Mom scolds

"Sorry" Dakota apologizes

"Well at least I don't go around messing with everything that has a hole" I retort

"Okay enough both of you Dylan why do you choose to keep to yourself?" Ma questions Simple because people are manipulative pathological lairs that use others for there own personal gain and I can't stand fake people so I'd rather be by myself than surround myself with people who don't give a shit

"I don't like people" I shrug

"And Dakota why do you choose to surround yourself with people and stick your fingers where there not supposed to be" Ma questions

"Because I enjoy the company of others plus I might need them in the future and I get horny so I need to take care of it somehow" she says this so carefree it's scary

"So you like humans and think you'll need them in the future" my Mom asks

"Who knows my mate could be human" she shrugs her shoulders

"Very true but would you be able to make them fall for you? A human mate is harder to get than a supernatural one because you need to put in more effort to get them to accept you" my Mom says to Dakota

"I'm ready and if I'm not I'll just keep fucking around" she says then continues eating leaving everyone dumbfounded

"That's not right Koda" I say to my ignorant twin

"Hey you say potato I say po-ta-to" she smiles like she just own the lottery or something

"Honestly I agree with Koda" my little sister says making me face palm and shake my head even Amoux thinks it's okay to be a whore

"Mom, Mama say something" I look at my parents

"Dylan is right it's better to save yourself for the one you'll spend your life with" Ma defended me

"Honestly I say live life to the fullest yeah you'll find your mate and grow out of your childish ways but I was a lot like you growing up though no one touched me your Ma was the first to please me but she wasn't the first person I fucked" you know I thought Mom was the reasonable one but I guess I was wrong

"Dy you seem hurt are you okay" Koda chuckles

"Honestly I didn't expect Mom to defend you but I guess life's full of surprises" I say then focus on my food

The rest of the night was spent chatting and eating till everyone finished there food and Koda and I did the dishes before heading to bed. I headed to my room and closed the door then got on my bed I love how peaceful the aesthetic of my room is, my room is an amazing jungle green and earth brown color that just screams peace there are vibrant tropical plants and bamboo furniture and the jungle murals are bathed in dappled sunlight creating an invigorating and natural atmosphere it truly is amazing. I grab my book and begin reading as I try to fall asleep after about five hours of reading I start to feel sleepy so I put my book on the bamboo nightstand and press the remote to turn the lights off the moment I lay my head on my pillow and shut my eyes I hear my door slum open so I turn on the lights to see who just ruined my sleep only for Dakota to be standing at the frame of my door

"You better have a good tea for disturbing my sleep Koda or I swear I'll break you" I growl

"Cam I sleep with you" she said in a low exhausted tone

"Are you alright Koda" I ask in a soft tone it's two in the morning and unlike me Koda loves her sleep

"Can I sleep with you" she asks yet again

"Sure close the door and make yourself comfortable are you okay" I ask hoping she'll tell me what's bothering her she closes the door and gets into my bed then snuggles close to me

"Turn the lights off and get some rest Dy I don't wanna talk about it" she say's with her eyes closed, I sigh then turn the lights off and pull her close to me then close my eyes and let sleep consume me.

Sorry it took so long I was so busy
But I hope you enjoy 🥰

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