EreMika : The Past That Follo...

Por breshea_carter

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Mikasa Ackerman, she's the new girl in town, due to a tragic experience, she's coming to a new city to live w... Más

Present Day
New Beginnings
Good Times
First Love
Drama and Reassurance
Understandings and Better Days
Euphoria and New Memories
Mishaps and Accidents
Getting Away
First Dates and Promises
New years and Newcomings
Figuring It Out
Revisting The Past
Love Day

Paranoia and Confessions

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Por breshea_carter

Two and a half months has passed since Mikasa has moved to this new city, things were looking better much better. She was talking more, she was a bit more lively, she was having fun every other weekend with her friends and Eren. She even enjoyed her new job, which was pretty steady most of the time. So it kept her busy kept her distracted.

Thinking about Eren was almost like a daily routine for her, everyday at school he would talk to her, grab her hand like always, and do small little things that made her stomach flutter nonstop.

She had summed it up a while ago that she likes him, or that she has a crush on him, but she also felt like they would just mindlessly flirt with one another but nothing ever went above that. She didn't have the gut to actually tell him how she feels, so she tries to convince herself they're just friends doing friend things.

The thought in the back of her mind was that Eren was just being nice to her, always trying to make her laugh or smile, but she hoped it was more than that.

The memory popped into her mind when he told her at Armin's that he had already stumbled upon someone he was beginning to like, but she couldn't figure out who. At school he always just talked to her or their friends, and she's even witnessed him politely turn down a few girls who confessed to him. So who exactly could it be that he had feelings for?

Could it be his ex? I mean he did tell her that he had strong feelings for her when they were together. She hurt him but he really liked her, that's what he said. She even embarrassed herself when she invited him over that one time and practically asked that he kiss her, the thought of it made her feel so shameless, she had gotten to carried away with his kindness.

When she wasn't beating herself up trying to figure Eren out completely, her nights were filled with sleeping alot better but then just last night, she saw it again, the incident. It woke her up drenched in sweat, it was so bad she had to run to her bathroom and emptied her stomach. When they go away they always come back harder than the last time.

In the morning she wasn't in the mood for school, she didn't feel up to it, she wallowed in her own misery for a while, feeling sad about what happened all over again, as if everything she's done in the past month was just nothing in the end, it still didn't help her completely forget or move on, it just put a temporary stop to it.

"Mikasa sweetheart, are you feeling any better?" Kuchel asked opening her room door. Mikasa stayed laying in her bed, she didn't even bother turning around. "I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired." She said softly.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to make you some soup or something?"

"No, I can manage." She said. "I'm going to work later, I just wanted some rest, I didn't feel good last night."

"Are you sure? Because I can stay home with you."

"No Auntie, go on to work. I'll be fine, I promise." Mikasa said finally turning around and sitting up. "Actually, I'll get up and go to school. I'll walk."

"You're already an hour and a half late, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, it beats being balled up in here all day." Those were her plans from the beginning but she knows if she stays her Aunt will just worry herself to death and she didn't want that.

"Well okay.. I'm heading on to work. Be careful okay and if you need anything call me." Kuchel said. "And don't forget your keys."

"Will do." Mikasa waved as Kuchel closed her door. Mikasa fell back on her bed, looking up at her ceiling. She was still a bit under the weather but she'll have to push through.

She took a brisk shower, brushed her teeth and did her hair all in the bathroom. She got dressed in a plain T-shirt, and some blue jeans. She put on her locket and grabbed her book bag and keys, leaving her room.

She didn't have an appetite so she just left the house the way she is. She locked the door behind herself, taking her route to school.

A few cars had passed her on the street, she didn't pay them any mind, but then she felt as if someone was watching her, or maybe following her.

She already wasn't in the best head space so the last thing she needed was to be paranoid, but the car that was moving slow down the street behind her didn't help those feelings die down.

She kept peeking over her shoulder seeing the car was still going the same pace, moving slowly going the same direction she was.

She picked up pace slightly, she didn't want to keep looking back because she was afraid to know if the car sped up when she did. She didn't want to take off running because the car would have the advantage and would definitely catch her.

Ever since her parents death she always felt she needed to look over her shoulder incase the person who killed them would try to come for her too. She hated living in fear, but what other choice did she have.

Anxiously she prayed that the school would come into view, she could hear the car behind her pick up its speed. When it approached on the side of her, Mikasa nearly screamed, she breathing crazy and she was prepared to defend herself if need be.

She looked to the side of her looking at the person driving the car. It was an elderly couple in the vehicle, it seemed like they were trying to look at directions of some sort.

Mikasa let out a breath of relief. She was seriously out of it. But the feeling of being watched didn't go away, the hairs on the back of her neck were still standing up.

She was still as paranoid as ever.

"Eren where's Mikasa?" Armin asked as they walked the halls to their next class. "I don't know, I haven't heard from her."

"Did you text her?"

"I did, but she didn't text back and she didn't call me back either."

"Do you think something could be wrong? She hasn't missed school at all since she's been here." Armin said

"I know and I'm not sure, but I'm worried. I saw her on Saturday and we talked on the phone like Sunday afternoon but last night I hadn't heard from her since." He said.

"Did you do something to her? And be honest Eren."

"What?! Why would I ever do something to Mikasa? I didn't do anything that I know of."

"Well then maybe we should go see her, during lunch we should go check on her and make sure she's okay, you said she doesn't live too far from the school right? Plus we'll need answers for the others because you know they're going to ask you specifically."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the closest to her. You're always around her and hanging out with her by yourself. If you ask me I'd say you like her."

"What? We're just friends, I'm just being a good friend."

"Yeah, hugging her from behind, holding her hand whenever we're walking, and seeing her alone on the weekend is definitely what friends do." Armin said sarcastically as Eren rolled his eyes.

"It's definitely what friends do. I just like being around her." He shrugged.

"Yeah but-" Armin didn't finish, he looked up at Eren when he suddenly stopped. "What is it Eren?"

"I don't think we'll need to go see her for lunch." Eren said.

"Why not?" Armin asked.

"Because she's here." Eren said picking up his pace, he was maneuvering through all of the students keeping his eyes trained on Mikasa.

"Eren wait!" Armin said getting stuck in the sea of students, he wasn't as swift as Eren.

Mikasa didn't even notice Eren coming towards her. She was trying to take deep breaths to calm herself down. She was so anxious that she had to tell herself to count down from 50 instead of 10.


Slowly she looked up, there he was, standing right in front of her, finding her like always. "Eren, why aren't you in class?"

That's the first thing she asks? "I was on my way, but then I saw you.. Armin and I were getting a little worried, you kind of went MIA." He said.

"Armin is with you?" She asked looking around him, but she didn't see their blonde friend. "Well he was, I kind of took off when I spotted you here. Are you okay? You look a bit, pale." He said.

"I'm fine." She said. Eren lifted his hand placing it on her forehead then on her cheek. Blushing Mikasa gently removed it. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if you have a fever. You look a bit sick."

"That's rude to say Eren." She crossed her arms looking at him. "I told you I'm fine."

"Okay then why didn't you call or text me back? Last night I didn't hear anything from you either. You went missing for a few hours." Eren said as he leaned against some of the lockers.

Did he really care that much about her texting him back or calling him? She didn't think it was such a big deal considering she would see him in person eventually anyway.

"I'm sorry about that, going to sleep last night was a bit rough and I got a little sick, but that doesn't mean I'm sick now!" She said.

"Then why are you late?" God what was he a detective now.

"I overslept." She said. "That doesn't seem a bit like you." He said as she chuckled. "Well it happens Eren."

"I was starting to think you ghosted me or that I did something that made you not want to talk to me." He said as he reached and moved a piece of hair from her face. Students were just walking around them at this point. They were now in the little world they seemed to create when they spoke to one another. "I was worried." He added.

Damn, she didn't mean to make him feel bad, she didn't want that all, he really cares about her and she knows it. She just needed to get out of her head so much.

"You didn't do anything, I'm sorry I didn't text you or call you, I'll make sure to do so next time so you don't think I've gone AWOL." She said as he laughed. She wanted to his smile too, just as much as her was precious to him, his was warmth and comfort to her.

"Next time you're feeling sick you can tell me, I will bring you something." He said.

"Yeah like what?"

"I don't know, soup, medicine, a teddy bear, hell myself ." He said smiling and that made her smile. God why did he seem so perfect in her eyes?

"That would be very sweet of you." She said softly.

Eren smiled and grabbed her hand. "Let's go find our little blonde and make sure he didn't get trampled."

"Too late." Armin said walking up to them with his clothes all disgruntled. "You could've waited for me Eren." He said then his eyes went to Mikasa. "And you! Don't ever scare us like that again!" Armin said gently scolding her.

"My bad, it won't happen again." She said. Armin's eyes drifted down to their locked hands. He chuckled. And Eren says he doesn't like her, he calls complete bullshit, but he'll let Eren keep lying to himself. "We should get going before we're late for 2nd period." He said. "Let's go lovebirds." Armin said teasing the both of them. He looked over his shoulder seeing Mikasa blushing and Eren rolling his eyes, he didn't miss the tips of his ears turning red too.

All Armin could do was laugh. Both of them were so obvious. He didn't understand why the just wouldn't be upfront with their feelings.

Mikasa ended up sitting in a different seat in second period, she usually took a seat by Eren but someone else was sitting there. It was a girl. Mikasa didn't even bother asking to sit there because she was there way before she was.

Eren didn't seem to say anything either.

"Today you'll be working in pairs, the person to your left will be your partner for the duration of the class today." The teacher spoke.

Mikasa sighed to herself. She looked across the class seeing Eren talk to the girl who was in her seat. She narrowed her eyes when she saw the girl laughing and Eren smiling too.

She didn't know what she was feeling, but something in her told her to march over there and stand between the two of them.

She didn't even know why she was feeling this way, her and Eren were just friends. He could talk to whoever he wanted to. Laugh with whoever he wanted to.

"Hey, did you hear me?" The guy to her left said obstructing her view. She finally looked at him. "I'm Floch. I don't think we've met." He said smiling at Mikasa.

"Sorry. I'm Mikasa." She said looking at him. "So for the assignment do you want to start with the first set of problems and I do the second set?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." She said bending down pulling her notebook out of her book bag. She opened the math book on the page they were supposed to be on. She started to concentrate on her work. Not paying attention to whatever her partner said.

The sound of laughing pulled her from her work, she looked over seeing Eren's partner laughing hard as ever. God nothing was ever that funny. Why did she sound so bitter? She's already told herself that they're just friends, why does she care?

"You done Mikasa?" Floch asked her obstructing her view again. God this guy was kind of annoying. "Almost." She said.

When they finished with their assignment Mikasa walked up turning their work in, and next to her was Eren doing the same.

She was surprised he got anything done considering the fun he was having with his partner. Eren was about to say something to her but she had already turned around and started walking back to her desk. She didn't even spare him a glance.

Eren furrowed his brows confused looking back at her. He watched her sit down and pick up a conversation with Floch. He scoffed seeing the two of them. He grew frustrated when Mikasa laughed at something Floch had said. He couldn't be that funny.

"Mr. Jaegar can you take your seat?" The teacher asked. He was still standing in front of the class, he didn't care, he wondered why this guy had Mikasa's attention. "Mr. Jaegar take your seat." The teacher said again this time Eren did as he was told.

When he sat down, he didn't hear anything the girl next to him was saying anymore, his eyes stayed glued on Mikasa who was still in the middle of socializing.

"Eren! Did you hear me?" The girl said. Her name was Mina. "Sorry, what did you say?" He asked still not turning to look at her.

"I asked if you wanted to get lunch together today!" She asked. Her cheeks were flushed when she asked, but Eren didn't look at her again. "Eren!"

"What?" He asked turning to her. He was visibly annoyed. "Do you want to get lunch together?" She asked.

"I already have plans for lunch." He said.

"Oh come on, you can spare sitting with your friends for once and come with me!"

"Sorry, I already have plans I can't get out of." He answered again turning back to look at Mikasa. Mina followed his gaze, she saw the girl who he was staring at.

She recognized her but she didn't know too much about her, but who was she exactly? And why did Eren keep staring at her.

She put two and two together pretty quickly. She figured maybe they were seeing eachother, but she never seen Eren with anyone, romantically that is. She wanted more information.

"Is that girl your girlfriend?" She asked as Eren turned to look at her. "No, she isn't my girlfriend."

"Then you must really like her, you haven't stopped looking at her."

"We're friends." Eren said.

"Are you sure? Because your entire mood changed when you saw her sit and start talking to that guy."

"We're just friends. Mind your business." Eren said.

He was happy when the bell rung. He quickly grabbed his things and walked over to Mikasa. She was still collecting her things putting them in her bookbag when she noticed Eren in front of her.

"Eren?" She said.

"Come on." He said. She could see he wasn't in the best mood.

"I was just about to ask Mikasa if she wanted to get lunch." Floch said.

"Fuck off dude." Eren said.

"Eren! Don't be rude." Mikasa said. "Why? Do you want to go to lunch with him?" Eren asked.


"Then come on." He said grabbing her hand when she stood up, leading her out of the classroom. Floch just watched the two of them disappear.

"Eren slow down! What's the matter with you!" She said pulling her hand away looking up at Eren.

"Why were you flirting with that guy?" He asked turning around looking down at her. "What?"

"You were flirting with him, smiling at everything he said, you even laughed once or twice." Eren said. Mikasa smirked crossing her arms. "First of all I wasn't flirting, I was engaging in a regular conversation, but what about you? You surely had that girl you were sitting next to laughing her ass off." Mikasa said.

"Mina?!? She's a goofy person, I wasn't saying anything worth laughing that hard at." Eren said. "This isn't about me, this is about you flirting."

"Why do you care so much Eren? We're just friends." Mikasa said looking at him. "And it is about you too."

She was driving him crazy. "You should know it's much more than that." He muttered. Then he sighed. "Let's go somewhere, for lunch." He said.

"Eren we aren't done."

"We can talk in the car, come on let's go." He said extending his hand. Mikasa looked down at his hand then back up to him. She couldn't resist it. She put her hand in his letting him hold it while he led her through the hallway.

She didn't understand it, why was Eren so jealous and mad she was talking to someone else? She knows why she was mad, she actually has a crush on him, even she was acting out of line but she got herself together, but seeing Eren right now, it was different than how he was with Jean or anyone else in their group.

He seemed really upset, but she thought he already established, that they were just friends.

He went into Rico's office getting them two lunch passes, when he came back out he held the front door open for her letting her walk out the school first. She followed him to his car where he opened her door for her again, something he always did.

When he got in on his side, he sat there for a minute before starting the car. "Mikasa, I'm sorry, I had no right to act out of line." He said as she looked at him.

"So why did you?" She asked.

Eren swiped a hand down his face. "Because I'm a idiot." He said softly. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

"You didn't embarrass me and you're not an idiot. I'm going to just assume you were showing intense feelings and cared about me." She said.

"Fuck, Mikasa you're driving me up a wall, don't make excuses for me when I act out of term." He said. He reached over and grabbed her hand, slowly lifting it and kissing the back of it. That feeling was back, the tingling in her stomach. "I was wrong to act that way, I can't control who you talk to or who you want to hang out with." He said as she sighed.

"It's okay Eren. I get it."

"Mikasa.. I-" Eren started but he paused. "I really care about you, and it just frustrates me when you're smiling at someone who isn't me, laughing at a joke that didn't come from me, sitting by someone who isn't me."

Mikasa chuckled. "Sounds a bit possessive if you ask me."

"Because.." he said as he inched closer to her leaning in more to her. "I want you to be mine.. not like a possession.. but I want to be the one you smile at, laugh at, sit by, the one you turn to when things get hard and tough and the one you call when you're feeling restless, when you need someone to cuddle with at night. I want to be yours." He said as Mikasa's cheeks flushed as she looked at him.

She blinked a few times before realizing this wasn't one of her dreams. Did Eren just shamelessly confess to her. All because he was feeling jealous about her talking to another guy.

"What happened to us just being friends." She asked in a soft voice.

"I tried to make myself believe that was all we were, but then when I saw that idiot Floch talking to you, I realized.. my feelings for you were deeper than I made myself think they were." He said as he looked at her, his cheeks tinted a little pink.

"Eren you're such an idiot."

"What happened to "You're not an idiot." A few minutes ago?" He said as she laughed. "So.. what will it be Mika?" He said.

She breathed in deeply before exhaling. She looked at him softly and raised her hand cupping his cheek gently caressing her thumb over his cheek. Eren lifted his hand covering hers. "You know, I feel the same way. I like you too Eren." She said softly. "I have for a while now, but I sat my feelings aside for the sake of the friendship we were creating. I thought maybe if I believed we were just friends that it would develop into something more in the time we spent together ." She said looking away from Eren. She didn't see the smile he gave her. She was a little embarrassed spilling her heart out like this.

"God I'm sorry, this is all new to me.. I know I'm rambling and all but it's how I feel. I'm learning to express myself more." Mikasa said as Eren chuckled.

"I'm happy Mikasa. I haven't liked anyone in a minute, and you just drive me batshit crazy." He said. "Thinking about you every second of the day doesn't help either, I want to do much more with you, something that's more than just friends." He said as she finally looked up at him again.

His hand moved and pushed a few strands away from her face and tucking some behind her ear. She watched as he inched even closer to her, they were so close, one movement and they would be connecting with one another.

"Eren." She whispered watching his eyes look down at her lips.

"Mikasa.. can I?" He asked as she slowly nodded.

Slowly he leaned into her, and their lips connected with each other's. Mikasa shut her eyes tight, her heart was pounding so hard she thought it would fly out of her chest and she was sure Eren could hear it. She couldn't believe it, she was actually kissing someone, and it was Eren.

Her hand moved down to the jacket he was wearing and gripped it tightly. Eren's hands moved to the side of her head, tangling his hand in her hair. He angled his head to move in and feel more of her. She was definitely inexperienced, but it was fulfilling. Knowing he would be the one to help her with things like this, and introduce her to things like this.

She slowly started to move her mouth along with his, getting the hang of it quickly.She gasped when Eren's tongue entered her mouth. She could feel the smirk that was on his face, as if he was proud of the sound she made. He ended up pulling away slowly, looking at her and how flustered she was.

"So." He said as she looked at him. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked smirking as Mikasa covered her face with her hands. Seriously he asks that after she just had her first kiss?

"Do you seriously want me to think about lunch right now?" She asked. He chuckled. "What do we tell our friends?" She asked in a soft voice, still very much embarrassed and flustered.

"We don't have to tell them anything." He said.

"So lie to them?" She asked.

"No not lie, just not tell them. They'll know when it's their time too, for now, I just want you all to myself." He said as she rolled her eyes and he laughed.

"Okay then, so do we just pretend we're still just friends?" She asked.

"Yes, but when we're alone." He leaned in pecking her lips again. "We can be more than that." He said as she smiled.

"Okay Eren." She said softly. "You're not ashamed of this are you?"

"What?!? No, I can't wait to kiss you one day in front of Jean. Just to watch him seethe." He said as she laughed. "You're so evil."

He reached and grabbed her hand locking their fingers together. "I just want us to take it easy, and still get to know each other and figure things out at our own pace I still want to be good friends Mikasa." He said as she nodded.

"I think that will work." She said.

"Good, now seriously, what do you want for lunch? We have like a good 30 minutes left." He said as she chuckled. "Anything is fine Eren."

He had took her to a deli nearby, they stood in the line behind a few other people. "So what are you gonna get Mika?" Eren asked.

"I'm not sure, I've never really been inside of a deli." She said.

"What?! Well then you're in for a good Philly cheesesteak sandwich, and some seasoned fries." He said. "It's the best sandwich here."

"I take it it's your favorite." She said.

"You're absolutely right." He said with a grin. "It's literally the best. It's kind of big though."

"Well if it's big just buy one and we can split it. I'm not really all that hungry but I'll try it if you want me to."

"Oh did you eat a big meal this morning?" He asked and her cheeks lit up. "No, I didn't eat this morning." She said.

"What? You haven't eaten anything today?" He asked she could hear the worry in his voice.

"I just haven't had an appetite." She said. "Plus I threw up last night, so I don't know, maybe I'm scared it'll happen again." She said.

"Jesus Mikasa." He said sighing. "Look, I'll buy the sandwich, as long as you eat something is all that matters. You'll fall out if you keep going like this." He said.

"I know." She said lowly. "I'll eat some of the sandwich."

"Good. I'll get you a sprite or ginger ale to settle your stomach." He said as she smiled.

They ended up sitting inside the deli to eat their food. They were already past the time of getting back to school in time so they were going to sit and try to enjoy their food.

"You said the sandwich was big. This is huge Eren. One person couldn't possibly eat this in one setting ." Mikasa said sitting across from him looking at the sandwich.

"Pfft I can eat this in 5 minutes tops. This is nothing."

"Your appetite is so big. It probably needs to be checked out." Mikasa said as Eren chuckled. He began to split the sandwich in half. He picked up a half and held it up for her. "Here, take a bite."

"I can hold it Eren."

"Come on just take a bite." He said grinning. Mikasa rolled her eyes, moving her hair out of the way, she leaned forward taking a bite of it. He watched as she chewed it trying to read what she was thinking about it.

"It's.. something."

"You always say that about food."

"I don't know, it's just interesting." She chuckled. "It's good but it's not something I would eat alot." She said.

"So you're not going to finish your half?" He asked.

"I'll eat a little more so you don't fall out." She said.

"Hey, I just want you to feel good and not get sick again." Eren said. "Yeah I know, I appreciate the concern." Mikasa said softly.

The entire meal they held multiple conversations with one another, it was pleasant, Eren was able to eat most of the sandwich and Mikasa sipped on her ginger ale. She wrapped her half of the sandwich and took it to go.

By the time they got back to school Rico gave them a stern talking to for being over the designated time to be back and told them if it happens again they end up in ISS.

"Man, it was only like 30 minutes past the time." Eren said.

"Yeah but we were still late Eren." Mikasa said. "We spent too much time in the car."

"Oh come on, you definitely enjoyed the time we had in the car." He said as she rolled her eyes. "Oh so you didn't?" He asked cocking a brow.

"I didn't say I didn't enjoy it."

"So you did like it?"

"Yes Eren I liked it." She said blushing he chuckled throwing an arm around her continuing to walk. "Then maybe we should keep that ball rolling, say your place after school?"

"I can't Eren."

"Why not?"

"I have to go to work."

"What? Since when did you get a job?"

"Ive had it for 2 months now Eren."

"And you're just now mentioning it?! Where do you work?" He asked.

"A frozen yogurt shop." She said.

"Well then I guess I'll get some frozen yogurt today." He said as she looked at him laughing. "You're going to get frozen yogurt just because I work there?"

"Well yeah, I need to see my girl at her job." Eren said so plainly. Mikasa's heart started beating rapidly again when he said that. "Eren."

"Yeah?" He said looking down at her.

"Are we... boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked as he turned back to look ahead as they continued to walk.

"We can be, labels don't really matter."

"I see. So if a guy flirts with me and asks if I have a boyfriend what should I say?" She asked with a smirk cocking a brow at him.

"You tell them hell yeah." He said as she laughed.

"Well then if I'm your girlfriend you should atleast take me on a first date, it would be weird getting together and we haven't had a date, a romantic one at least."

"Okay, that can be arranged." He said. "I should surprise you."

"Hmm, I guess that would be fun, surprise me." She said as he chuckled. "Will do."

"There they are!" When Eren and Mikasa turned the corner they were met with the faces of all their friends. "Where the hell were you two?!" Sasha asked marching up to the both of them. "Some girl and guy came over to our table asking for the both of you saying they wanted to have lunch together or some bullshit." Sasha said.

"Yeah, it was Floch and Mina." Armin said.

"Well Mikasa and I left campus for lunch." Eren said shrugging. "We told them already that we each had plans for lunch already." He added.

"Oh so you two left without us?! To go where exactly?" Jean butted in.

"Is that any of your business dickhead?" Eren said.

"Mikasa you wouldn't lie to me, where did you two go?" Jean said directing the question to her now. "She doesn't have to answer to you asshole." Eren butted in.

"I'm asking Mikasa!"

"Oh my God can you two stop for two seconds?" Annie said.

"Yeah, so fuck off horse." Eren said.

"Well I don't think it's fair we weren't invited!" Sasha said puffing her cheeks out. "You two act like a couple." She added.

Mikasa tried to control the heat that came to her cheeks, she would just blame it on being embarrassed. "We aren't a couple, we're just friends. Friends can go and get lunch together." Eren said trying to save face.

"Yeah right, you two were probably somewhere making out or doing something else."

Mikasa wished Sasha would shut up for once. Armin noticed Mikasa starting to get flustered, he had his own question for those two.

"Friends don't make out or do anything else. We got lunch, big deal." Eren said. Sasha was about to offer a rebuttal but Armin beat her to it.

"Look guys, this is so childish, Tomorrow we all can go and get lunch together." Armin said. "As for you two, can I speak to you over there, alone?" He asked as Mikasa and Eren nodded leaving with him.

"Did you two really go out for lunch?" He asked.

"Yes, what else would we have done?" Eren said.

"I don't know, I was just asking. You two have been pretty close lately, like really really close." He said. "I mean so close people are going to start assuming something is going on between you two."

"Who cares what people think?" Mikasa said. "I didn't know two friends going out someplace together alone would raise so much suspicion." She added.

"Yeah well when two friends are touchy with one another, holding hands all the time, always in their own little world, people will start assuming. Now look, if you two are dating you can tell me, I wouldn't say a word." Armin said.

"Do you think we're dating?" Eren asked cocking a brow looking at Armin.

"Are you?" He asked. "Eren I'm your bestfriend you can trust me." He said.

Eren knew this, but right now he didn't need all the attention on him and Mikasa, so what if they were dating, they both like each other, they proved that just earlier.

Eren inhaled a deep breath then he let it out. Armin will be the only exception. "Yes, we're together in a way. But don't tell anyone, not Sasha, the Horse, or even Annie, capeesh?" Eren said.

"Your secret is safe with me." Armin said blushing. "I can't believe it, I knew you two had a thing for one another. So who confessed first?"

"Mr. Jealous over here." Mikasa said pointing at Eren with her thumb. "Okay let's not go there okay."

"Wait Mr. Jealous? What did you do Eren?"

"He got mad I was talking to another guy in class, oh you should've seen his face, even his little nose was all scrunched up." Mikasa said chuckling as Armin started laughing. "That's Eren for you."

"Both of you can fuck off." He said as they continued laughing at him.

"Well I guess I'll cover for you guys every now and then, but it's going to come to a point everyone will eventually catch on."

"Yeah, we'll tell everyone once we're ready." Eren said as Armin nodded. "Good then."

When school ended, Eren was the one to drive Mikasa home. Before she got out of the car, Eren pulled her in for another kiss. "I will never get used to that." She said softly.

"Well you should. Where is your job?" He asked.

"Near the University down the street."

"Okay, I'll come and see you while you're there." He said as she nodded. "Okay, well I only work 4 hours so I get off at 7:00." She said.

"Okay, I'll come when it's time for you to get off, that way I can drive you home."

"You don't have to Eren, Levi will pick me up."

"Tell him you'll have a ride home." He said as she nodded. "Okay if you insist." She said. "I'll see you in a bit." She said getting out of the car. He smiled to her watching her walk to her porch, he drove off when she got all the way there.

When she walked up to the door, she was about to stick her key in when the door slowly opened by itself.

Deju vu hit Mikasa like a truck, the same thing happened that night. That terrible night.

Her gulp got caught in her throat and her breathing started to hurt with how fast she was going.

Walking inside she took off her shoes and called out for her Aunt and Cousin.

"Calm down Mikasa, that couldn't possibly happen again." She told herself. If right now was like before she'd probably die out of pure fear.

"Auntie? Cousin Levi?" She spoke again but no answer.

The sound of glass breaking caused her to jump, it came from upstairs, slowly she walked and started looking up from the bottom of the stairs. She wouldn't dare go up there, she was prepared to run if she needed to. "Who's there?!" She yelled up the stairs.

When she heard footsteps getting closer she stepped back so far her back touched the wall.

She was about to start hyperventilating when the creaking piece of wood in the floor sounded.

A figure stood at the top of she stairs and Mikasa was just frozen, she could've sworn she saw a knife in their hand. But she just imagined it.

When the person stepped into the light, an exhale of relief left her. She didn't even know she was holding her breath. "Hey Kid, pass me the broom and dust pan I dropped some glass up here." It was Levi. He was wearing his cleaning gear.

God he fucking scared her.

Mikasa began coughing due to holding her breath for so long. "You alright?" Levi asked walking down stairs. He patted her back a little bit before she waved him off.

"I'm fine." She said.

"You look like you saw a ghost." He said.

Yeah if only he knew.

"I'm going to my room." She said.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

She turned around to look at him. "Next time could you please lock the door? I nearly had a heart attack when the door opened like it did." She said.

"I kept it open for a reason." He said.

Mikasa was just super paranoid, just because the door was unlocked didn't mean the same thing would happen again. With how she was feeling this morning, she knew her paranoia would overwhelm her. She needed to calm down.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to raise my voice." She said softly. "I'm going to go get dressed for work." She said.

"Hey, Kid." He called to her before she could fully walk away. "Yes?"

"You're starting to feel better now right?" He asked.

She wanted to answer with a firm no. Her social life has expanded but mentally she was still struggling. Last night and today are proof of that.

She was far from feeling better, if anything she felt like she was stuck, that she would get a little further but then she gets pulled back and stuck in the same spot again. She wanted to continue to keep moving forward without getting dragged back.

But she couldn't tell him that, he would just worry and ask her a ton of questions. So for now she bent the truth.

"Yeah, I'm starting to feel better." She said.

He nodded. He didn't pry any further than that. She was thankful for that."Good then, I'll be outside warming the car."

"Oh and by the way, I'll have a ride home." She said as Levi cocked a brow at her.

"From who? Your little boyfriend?" Levi said teasing her. He just watched her roll her eyes, but he didn't miss the blush appear on her cheeks.

"Yes, Eren is picking me up." She said turning around walking away before he could tease her any further.

Levi just watched her as she did. Thinking to himself, this time when he said it.

She didn't deflect it.

"That kid." He said turning around. "I just hope she doesn't get hurt. I'll need to talk to this Eren kid myself to make sure he's right for her. It'll be hell on earth if he ever breaks her heart." He'd hate to see her back in that slump she was still pulling herself out of.

So one of these days, he'll catch Eren.

And ask his true intentions with Mikasa.

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