Me & The Boys Isekai Because...

By MrCringe1

64 5 10

A bunch of fucking idiots kill themselves because their Group Chat with war criminal ahh messages got leaked... More

Chapter 0: How It All Began

64 5 10
By MrCringe1

The sky was a deep, vibrant shade of crimson as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the world in hues of orange and pink. The air was crisp and cool, carrying with it the faint scent of autumn leaves and wood smoke from nearby chimneys. In this idyllic town, nestled amongst rolling hills and lush forests, our main character, Arjun hangs out with his friends: Gabriel, David, and Jamal. Arjun is a half-Indian, half-white man. He has black hair, brown eyes, and a mixed skin color.

The group walks home together since they all live in the same neighborhood, and they chat as their shoulders weigh from fatigue at another long day in class. The crisp autumn air was filled with the sounds of their shoes crunching against the leaves and the occasional car whizzing past them on the busy street. Their conversation, which had been sparse and infrequent thus far, began to pick up as they neared their neighborhood.

"So, if you were so mad, why didn't you just beat the shit out of them?" Asked David, he is a 16-year-old white male with blonde hair and blue eyes. He'll SWEAR he has game, but not one person has seen him with a female since... well since he came out of the womb. "Sounds like he was talking hella mess, for real."

"Me personally, I could never tolerate that level of disrespect." Jamal had commented. He is an 18-year-old black male with black hair and brown eyes. He was hardly, but still somewhat, trying to gaslight Arjun who got roasted by some middle schooler trying to act tough in front of girls. Arjun let the kid slide since he knew that kid would be bitchless due to his behavior. But on the other hand, he was so infuriated by the child, that whenever he thought about it he started seething.

"Shut the hell up, Jamal." Said our protagonist, Arjun. He spoke playfully, while softly jabbing Jamal's arm. Gabriel and David snickered at the exchange between the two.

"But for real, I could never let that slide." Jamal began, Arjun was about to make a snarky remark but he saw a genuine smile form on the former's face. "You're a much better person than me, being able to keep your hands and emotions in check."

Everyone then began walking silently, just as silent as Gabriel... Oh, I forgot to introduce him. Well, let's hop right on that. Gabriel is a Latino with brown hair and green eyes. He's 17, the same as Arjun, and his main characteristic is how silent he is. Right now he was reading a book, and only contributing to the conversation when someone brought him into it. The silence grew a bit uncomfortable for Arjun, so he slapped the back of Jamal's head.

"Aah, what the hell?" Jamal began complaining. "I compliment you and this is how you repay me?" David stood there in shock while Gabriel looked up from his book before looking back down and flipping the page. Arjun was smiling smugly before he started speaking.

"You over here talking sappy as hell, we don't do none of that shit bro." Said Arjun. He weaved a right hook from Jamal before continuing, "Come on, melon muncher, I know you're faster than that." This riled up Jamal even more, anger visible on his face. But Arjun pushed it further. "Calm down Jamal, don't pull out the 9." And with that, Jamal began chasing Arjun who was laughing hysterically.

"GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE RAT!" Jamal said. He wasn't going to lose Arjun that easily.

"Oh damn, you're using your passive agility buff for the first time in your life!" Arjun said continuing to laugh.

David quickly followed behind the two, wanting to know how this was going to go down. He knew Arjun ran on the Track Team, so he knew that neither he nor Jamal would catch up easily. Gabriel just placed a book marker on his book, closed it, and continued walking like normal while yawning a bit.

The boys lived their lives like this. They would throw very 'cultured and stereotypical' insults at each other. They've known each other enough to tell when they're being serious or not so while they may be angry in the moment, they get over it quickly. Anyway, Jamal finally caught up to Arjun after a good minute and put him into a headlock with a smile on both of their faces. "Got you, you scamming bastard," Jamal said, putting a little pressure on his friend, "you really had me running."

"Not surprised you caught up, basketball superstar." Arjun retorted quickly. He's argued with Jamal and David for years, so he's developed a knack for quick insults. It didn't matter what it was about, if he could find anything to cook you, then he'd start whipping it up in the kitchen like he's Walter White water-whipping.

Arjun managed to wrestle his way out of Jamal's headlock. Before waving goodbye to his friends since his house was here. Oh, and Gabriel managed to catch up by just walking. Bro took the Tortoise And The hair too seriously. As Arjun entered his house, his face went from joyful to blank. He didn't have his phone or any games to entertain himself with since his mother took it all from him due to his grades slipping. So he microwaved and ate a hot pocket, took a shower, put on some pajamas, that consisted of a muscle shirt and some sleep pants, and then went to bed and slept until morning.

The next day

Our protagonist can be seen resting. He was exceptionally bored, it's Saturday now and he wasn't doing anything. So he decided to get up from bed and do something. He put his hand in his pocket feeling around for the reminder he always keeps on him. It's something he always has to hold on to, he and his friends made a promise to after all.

And as he continued fiddling with the small thing, he started hearing a bunch of buzzing. He could tell it was his phone and now that he could hear it, he knew where his mom had hidden it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, in the top cabinet, aye?" He said, a huge grin on his face. But what he saw when he opened it was atrocious. 'And here I thought I was getting popular.' He thought. His phone was being constantly blown up by discord messages from Privilegeless101 who was Jamal, BitchesCheck who was David, and even 100%Online0%Messages who's Gabriel. Now he knew something was wrong. He responded to one of them, unknowing this was the beginning of something grand and atrocious.

-On Discord-

8/17/24 7:00 AM

8/17/24 7:01 AM

8/17/24 7:01 AM

8/17/24 7:02 AM

8/17/24 7:02 AM
Bro, I just got my phone back, wtf is you on about?

8/17/24 7:02 AM


8/17/24 7:02 AM
like, prolly a month ago, my mom yoinked it from me because my grades were slipping harder than Madonna fell off
I found it cause y'all were causing hella notifications.

8/17/24 7:03 AM
dude, we're going to have to do something drastic.
our lives are basically over. All of us.

8/17/24 7:04 AM
we are gonna get expelled and we are never gonna go to college and were never gonna be able to get jobs.

8/17/24 7:05 AM
mf relax and explain.

8/17/24 7:05 AM

8/17/24 7:05
no shit monke. What, did you and the football team run a train on a girl and the faculty found out of somethin?

8/17/24 7:06 AM
I WISH it was that simple.

8/17/24 7:06 AM
well whatever it is, it isn't the end of the world.

8/17/24 7:06 AM
its worse.

8/17/24 7:07 AM
BRuh, how can anything be worse than the END of the WORLD 💀

8/17/24 7:07 AM
check the recent news

8/17/24 7:07 AM
bro what?

-Off Discord-

Arjun now genuinely distraught went onto Microsoft Edge and under a new tab, he saw the News section. On the front page, he found something horrifying. The TOP article was a criminal Discord group that was leaked. His Discord Group got leaked. It showed EVERYTHING, from illegal memes to government information. And for some reason, a planned-out assassination scheme. From all of this, Arjun knew, he could not go on and live normally. So before he gets back on Discord, he decides to take a shower, put on some fancy clothes, and do his hair before preparing a meal for himself. This meal includes steak, mashed potatoes, macaroni, and an omelet. He learned how to cook from his school's cooking classes. He always thought it'd be good to pick up life skills, especially since he doesn't like to rely on his family for many things. He already lives in his parent's house, and to be honest, he doesn't like them at all.

Many times a week Arjun's parents would argue. His mother was strict with him, especially since she didn't want him to turn out like his dad. At first, he understood, but then the strictness would straight up become abusive in his latter years. One time she literally beat him with a fucking pot. It was outrageous in his eyes. He was hospitalized for blood loss and in a coma, but then he was discharged and his mother was angry at him due to the expensive hospital bill.

And his dad was straight up just a terrible role model. While he was never physical, his abuse was verbal, but somehow not to an excessive degree. He always reeked of alcohol, and would constantly be caught cheating on his mom. When he was in a pinch he'd just always take money without you noticing, like the snake he is. Nonetheless, here he is now, his group chat likely being tracked down as I narrate.

It took him a solid 20 minutes to wrap up his meal. He even decided to get fancier and took one of his dad's wine cups and poured himself a glass. Now would be a better chance than ever to do so. So finally, he got back on Discord, with his meal in front of him and started a call in his group chat. Everyone joined the call, one by one, all with solemn faces on. They knew what would happen, and thus they all prepared their own meals as well. Whether they just went out and bought them or if they cooked them like Arjun here.

"I'm just gonna cut to the chase," Arjun started, "We're likely being hunted by the Government due to our Discord Group Chat getting leaked. And more likely than not, we'll be interrogated, and either given a death sentence or a life sentence. So today, I've decided we should celebrate the lives we lived, before keeping our promise." After finishing his short monologue, Arjun pulled out the reminder that he always kept in his pocket. Everyone else pulled out their own. These small things were pills, each with a lethal dose of cyanide put into them. It would kill in about 11 minutes upon consumption. Everyone got their own cup and lifted it into the air. They all took a sip before downing it after popping the pill.

"So, what made you decide to dress up all fancy, Arjun? You even did your hair." Gabriel asked. If any of the girls at his school saw him right now, they'd either think he was a man in black or they'd start simping. Arjun smiled at Gabriel's question before answering.

"Welp, since I'm going to die, I at least want to look good when they find me." He then got his utensils and began to chow down, elegantly of course. Got to look good for the camera. As the boys ate, they joked around like usual. Eventually, they finished their plate and their discussion.

David sighed. "So this is it, huh?" He said. He was about to sigh again, but he began coughing out blood. The others began laughing before Gabriel did the same. Despite their impending doom, they've decided to make their last moments fun. Well, except for Arjun, he had plans. He left the Discord and began preparing.

He was on a timer, so he had to move quickly, so he dimmed the room and lit a bunch of candles. All before cleaning up any trash on the floor and pulling out a fancy chair from his mother's kitchen. He sat it in the living room, where anyone entering the front door would see him quickly, and posed himself. How did he pose himself exactly? Well, it was one pose Law did when he was sitting down on that crate, the small difference being that his hands were folded on each other instead of straight. But keeping this pose up while also smiling was difficult.

Blood began dripping from his mouth, he was tempted to scream as he felt the pain of his organs slowly dying. This wasn't only due to the lack of oxygen being transported throughout his body, but also a secret extra poison he put on his pill. The pain was excruciating and his fixed hair began falling out of place. Despite wanting to scream and writhe in pain on the ground, he would not let his posture fall. If he was going to die, he was going to die looking cool.

And look cool he did. For even after his death, his body did not fall. He remained like that until a SWAT Team arrived on the scene, only to see him already dead. They took pictures of the scene, blocking off any civilians from getting close, and surmised the cause of his death to be cyanide and a currently unknown poison. The pictures looked way too cool to be not staged, cause the shadows cast from Arjun's hair blocked his eyes, but everyone could see the large smile plastered on his face.

The picture of him posing in death managed to get out on the internet, and boy did the internet eat it up. Many people commented under the picture on Twitter saying things like, "Bro thinks he's the main villain" or "Bro thinks he's Law" and even "Bro IS the main villain". The picture of his smiling corpse got memed for years to come and even after a decade, it would be used and be classified as Legendary. Some random person even made an MK1 Mod where Johnny Cage was replaced with Arjun in his classy suit. It actually kind of fits.

But we're not here to talk about how Arjun managed to become popular after his death. Well technically we are, but we're actually here to talk about his second life, a life in a whole new world. A life in a world with magic, where Arjun and his friends encounter powerful adversary after adversary.

The world known as...


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idk I had the idea of it in the middle of the night
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this story is about two bestfriends who cares for each other deeply. but one of them caught feelings. find out what happened next>>>>
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