Merfolks ⚢

By AevumAce

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Surviving a shark attack, Kaylor Castillo came to know that even the dearest place can be a threat. In an att... More

Chapter 1 Club
Chapter 2 Perspectives
Chapter 3 Partners
Chapter 4 Camera
Chapter 5 Rectangle
Chapter 6 Game
Chapter 7 Team
Chapter 8 Strip
Chapter 9 Fireflies
Chapter 11 Emergency
Chapter 12 Underwater
Chapter 13 Letter
Chapter 14 Karaoke
Chapter 15 Photoshoot
Chapter 16 Human
Chapter 17 Date
Chapter 18 Caught
Chapter 19 Scar
Chapter 20 Pearl
Chapter 21 Sprain
Chapter 22 Shark
Chapter 23 Lunch
Chapter 24 Love
Chapter 25 Rivals
Chapter 26 Dance
Chapter 27 Karma
Chapter 28 Queen
Chapter 29 Heartbreak
Chapter 30 Princess
Chapter 31 Secret
Chapter 32 Poison
Chapter 33 Beacon
Chapter 34 Five
Author's Note
Chapter 35 Wedding
Chapter 36 Fishing
Chapter 37 Tail

Chapter 10 Lighthouse

1.5K 105 12
By AevumAce


"Did you hear someone scream just now?" Empress asked me after she took a picture on the night with her camera with an extra night lens.

"Huh? No... I didn't hear anythin'. "Maybe it was one of the boys playing pranks on the girls. All for the craic." I replied.

After taking previous pictures, Empress decided it was time to double our paces. We almost arrive at the lighthouse already.

No one is in a rush to reach the lighthouse. I went over to a drawer and took an ID of someone who's stationed there. Poor guy, he must've forgotten it during his last shift. I decided to bring it over as evidence that we got here.

The both of us decided to wait a little Empress was perhaps was wondering where Kaylor and Iko were. The two are nowhere in sight, the same as the other couples.

I was nervous for a while now. Nervous after Kaylor agreed for us to change colors. Kaylor is a great friend. And I hope this will end up good.

With my quickening heartbeat and tingling nerve endings, I stuttered out. "Now then, Empress, I need to tell you somethin'." I was sweating visibly and my heart was beating wildly.

She looked at me curiously. "Yes?"

"Would ye go out with me?" I blurted out quickly. Stroking my neck as a surrogate, now I'm sure my features are red.

We stood there in silence as she was digesting the information. She decided to be honest with me and told me the truth. "Jeon... I—I'm flattered by it. You are an incredibly sweet guy, but I—there's someone I like."

I looked crestfallen at that. I tried to read her expression if she was lying or making up an excuse, but it's genuine. She likes him much. There was color in her cheeks and she was feeling guilty for leading me on.

"Ah now... It's okay. I understand." I smiled at him although there is great pain. "Can we—still stay as friends?"

"Of course, you are a wonderful person Jeon Cavanagh." Empress gave me her million-dollar smile and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you."

I brightened up at that. "Not a bother." Even though I got rejected, there's nothing I can do about that. She had kissed me and it's enough for me.


Sleepy eyes slowly opened and a hand slowly crept and slapped the offending alarm clock, sending the unfortunate item stumbling into the floor. A huge yawn went out from my lips. I stretched and grabbed some clean towels from an upper cabinet and let the water running, while I sat on the edge of the tub. It was a hot day, that day, probably the hottest of that summer, but I didn't seem to have taken notice of this fact. I removed my clothing and submerged my small body beneath the water. I leaned my head onto the soft board and let my long hair fall onto my shoulders, slightly moistening the tips.

I slept late last night. Not after the party and even the dare game into the woods but I went to sleep after I made sure Morgana was okay. She was being moody again, it frustrates me. Also, Jeon was unresponsive to me, perhaps it didn't go well. Iko and Empress, on the other hand, chatted with me a bit before heading to bed.

Sometimes I hate baths. I get to see my scar on my hips. It's ugly. I tried many creams to make it disappear but it's still here. It's not even rugged, it's smooth yet it didn't give an asset to me, it's plain ugly, it discolored my skin tone.

I also hate baths because you begin to contemplate life.

As a child, I had been immensely proud of having such a family, where my parents would bring their only child in their summer vacation home—where they'd allow me to befriend anyone.

I met Rosa when we went to the beach and I saw her playing sandcastles alone. I was intrigued by her, she had talent. I talked to her and that's how we began to be friends. Every summer, I'd return here and she'd always welcome me at the airport.

And during one of our sleepovers, I would feel good when either of our fathers would tell us stories about our courageous grandfathers, who had caught huge games and then succumbed in the depths of the sea to retrieve pearls and take snapshots of corals. My personal favorites were myths and legends.

But my childhood ended when we were attacked by a shark. Suddenly my trauma triggered; frightening memories, a sense of constant danger. I felt my lips shaking nervously but I knew that nothing could make them stop. My head was hurting badly and merely moving would prove to be impossible without feeling that terrible aching pulsating, numbing every inch of my tired body. Not even thinking could be regarded as being easy and it certainly wasn't relieving in any way at that time. Nevertheless, I opened my eyes, feeling partly grateful and less disconnected.

I remembered that I'm such a fool. My therapist had helped me moved on. Rosa and her father had moved on, why did the triggers come back?

Only as I stayed in my bathroom, in the deafening silence of the morning, did I realize just how much I was hungry. I emerged from the tub after half an hour of reflections and as I headed towards my closet and put clothes on then descended the elevator

I reached the dining area. I noticed that there were only me, Rosa and some of her friends preparing the meals. Rosa looked pretty, her hair hanging loosely on her shoulders. She didn't wear it in a bun or a ponytail today.

My childhood friend let out an exclamation of surprise and in a sudden uplifted mood, "Glad you're awake, Kaka." Rosa greeted.

My head at the moment was pulsating in pain but refrained from complaining as I usually did and instead smiled, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that I was suffering from a terrible condition. I nodded sympathetically towards her surprised face.

The boundary of being civil changed when she wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back. "You don't look okay, something I can do? Ask away, I'll treat you more than I'm getting paid."

My cheeks went pink at that. "Rosa, can I have some err... breakfast?" I then asked while.

"Breakfast? We're already serving lunch, sweetheart," she replied and her friends laughed.

"It doesn't matter, does it? I could eat a cow now." I said and Rosa smirked. "I'll eat brunch."

"You'll eat without the others?"

"Hey, don't underestimate my stomach. They'll be leaving the table, and I'm still munching my third plate."

Rosa giggled at that then served me. I asked her to eat next to me and she did without any pressing. If her boss will get upset, she can just say that I insisted which I will if she refused.

"Seriously, Kaka, I've known you for years, something bothering you?"

I gulped my last bite. "Yes. Somehow, my trauma was triggered when I was bathing in a bathtub. I'd never do bathtubs ever again. I'll just shower from now on."

Rosa placed her hand on top of mine. "I'm here. Especially since the fact that you haven't opened up to any of the four students just yet, I'm here for you. You can talk to me."

"Well," I said, flustered. "You can help me pick some of the pictures I'll be taking so far to present to Mr. Ainsley. I need your criticism."

"Sure! Want me to make a perfect sandcastle for you?" the same smile plastered to her lips as if she had just swallowed impressive amounts of liquor.

My appetite was a far more pressing matter at that time. I tasted all of the dishes present.

I spend the whole day with her and it was fine because the others were by with their photos. We both went to the festival; I had started to gain awareness of the surroundings. Amidst the food and the celebration, Rosa bent forward and picked up a little white flower which I instantly recognized as being a dahlia. She loved them—perfect for their significance yet utterly faulty in their littleness. She put it behind her ear, and I took a picture of her.

The day ended and I spent the night with her. I asked her to sleepover in my room so she'd help me shoo away the unwanted nightmares and triggers. I had a restful night and I haven't been triggered again when she insisted I should take a bath in the bathtub with her.

Maybe it just meant that I should not be too hard on myself and talk to the people I trust about it.

On the third morning, all of us were gathered at the hotel's lobby ready to go back to the mainland. Empress was talking on her phone while I sat down at the lobby's sofa and let out a huge yawn.

When we got back last night, it was already three in the morning. Since we were still waiting for the cruise, I decided to nap a little.


I opened her eyes to see Jeon holding up a cup of coffee in front of me. "Yeah... I attended the festival with Rosa yesterday until midnight." I accepted the coffee gratefully.

"I heard about that." Jeon smiled at me. "Glad nothin' bad came upon ye that night in the woods. Morgana's telling everyone about that giant spider."

I nodded, remembering the spider. "It was the scariest. I've never seen that big." I shifted to the left then asked. "So... how did it go?"

He looked at me with a brief sad expression. "Don't get cute with me. It turned out that me one fancies someone else." Jeon admitted.

"Oh... Jeon," I went and hugged the boy in comfort. There have been two cases of heartbreak already. "I'm sure there's a nice pretty young girl who's just right for you." I patted his shoulder.

"Yeah, I hope so. To be sure, do know who the person is? Did she ever tell you about it?" Jeon asked.

"Hmm... I don't know either. She never mentioned anyone before." Empress hardly talks about boys or romance. "But I can ask her." I offered. I'm curious too. Jeon smiled at me and sighed.

"It's fine so Kay. Whoever caught her heart must be a really special person." Jeon said with a faraway look.

I had to agree with that.


On the cruise, Iko and I were sharing a packet of biscuits, talking about our adventures last night. We were sailing back to the loft and Mr. Ainsley reminded us that we can still take pictures. It stops after we reached the shore of the mainland.

It was almost evening already and I described watching the sunset with Kaylor for the third time already. We were sitting on a wooden bench, watching the birds flying across the night sky.

"It's a waste you guys didn't go to the forest," Iko spoke up.

"Forest? I thought we were supposed to go to the lighthouse?"

"You didn't know about the legend?" Iko asked.

"Huh? What legend?" I turned and looked at him.

"About the fireflies, the locals told us about it yesterday. The forest on the island is filled with fireflies. According to the legend, if a couple went into the forest and the fireflies showed up, that means they are destined for each other. Isn't that romantic that you girls like?"

"Oh! So that's where you all went last night? How could you not tell me? Jeon and I waited for you guys at the lighthouse for hours!"

"Calm down. Even if I tell you about the legend, you will probably not believe in it anyway. Besides, Jeon seemed to have other plans since he switched colors with Kaylor. So what happened last night?" Iko asked curiously.

"He confessed to me, and I turned him down."

"Well, it's not your fault you're gay." Iko joked and I just smiled at him.

"But still, I wanted to walk with Kaylor. It would be cool if the legend were true. I was a little jealous thinking about what Kaylor is doing with Morgana at that moment." I looked at the sleeping form of her and smiled. Kaylor was snoring lightly and curled up into a ball in the back seat, looking mighty cute and adorable.


I woke up around nine and most of the crew are asleep. I decided to take a walk and grab my camera. I wanted to picture the cloudy night because the moon was giving a silver lining and a permeating gray glow, making it look like the clouds are flakes in midnight blue liquid.

I strolled towards the stern at the backside of the ship; I liked how the moonlight now the most. I believed the tales I heard from my mother that every day, when an artist dies, God lets them paint the sky. Tonight's artist was extraordinarily emotional.

The horizon's beautiful. Like a picturesque cloudy sky. Can my camera do justice to this scenery? I'll just have to use my better lens and use the panorama mode.

First, I just have to find a good view. Looking around, I stood over the rails of the boat and raised the camera above my head, and adjusted the camera screen so the blur will sharpen.

This is such a dangerous position, considering I'm only standing in the rails up the deck, one leg over the outer side, and one in the inner. I have to be too careful. Finding the right fit through my camera lens, I started to do a sweeping motion, but what I didn't expect was that the boat turned to its left, changing directions. I lost my balance, causing me to fall off the boat and into the water.

I was met with cold salty water so suddenly.

Shit! Don't worry, my camera's waterproof, and besides, I left my journal back in my room. The only things that are ruined are my money and probably me.

"Help!" I yelled after I resurfaced, "Help!" I flailed my arms then I tried swimming towards the leaving boat but the propeller is quite dangerous for me. It can crush me and it pushed me away, because of the waves that were made by the pathway of the ship. No one saw me fell? 

Shit, I don't have a life vest!

The ship continued sailing through the rhythm of waves. It was getting farther away from me so I tried my best to call for help, but my energy in my voice and muscles weakened. I didn't have a warm-up before this; I stopped before I injured myself further. The last thing I want is drowning in the same sea that once was nearly my death bed. Why does this always happen to me? Any other seas and oceans were kind to me. Why do bad things happen to me, when I'm here at this particular beach?

Maybe they haven't noticed I'd gone missing. I'm a fool for not telling anyone about my plan. Don't panic Kaylor, I mean it's only five minutes; I have to wait for them. And I have to preserve energy and heat. I kept myself afloat and to do, that, I must do away with excess luggage. I let go of my boots, bye boots, you were my favorites. But still, no one was coming after me. I tried to float still, but my camera and my anxiety are keeping me from floating.

I have to wait, but no... Of course, if they think I'm missing, they'd search the whole boat first but by then, I might have lost consciousness. I have to swim to the shore, but it's too far away. The waves aren't strong just for me to wait and wash me away.

What do I do?

Almost instantly, I was drowned in a gripping fear. No Pun Intended.


Who's more excited for the mermaid to appear than I do? I can't believe I've written 19 chapters in and I haven't introduced the mermaid yet. If you like the chapter, vote for it. Feedback and support fuel me, literally.

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