How to Train your Dragon: Cra...

By AngltRen

1.7K 61 14

This is not the tale where (Y/n) is a friend, this isn't the tale where (Y/n) falls in love and settles for a... More

Bio and Other Things
Chapter I "Negotiations"
Chapter II "The Beast's"
Chapter III "Stirring Storms"


511 13 0
By AngltRen

A/n: This sorry takes place after the events of Httyd 2 but before the events of Httyd 3

??? POV:

I snuck through the corridors, staying hidden as the men walked past me and continued their rounds down a hall, allowing me to slip by and enter the room I was looking for, I quietly walked through, careful with every step as not to step off a trap and making it to the pedestal with a chest on in 'Can it be...' I slowly reach off the chest and took it.  I attempted to open it, but it was shut tight 'Dang it! where can the-,' I was interrupted by foot steps approaching, making me quickly duck behind some crates with the chest and hold my breath as I continued trying to open it before shortly, the foot steps entered the room.

I feel silent, hearing as the foot steps then suddenly left and suddenly, the dragons started roaring, their sound alarming everyone on the base and causing the people to start running in all directions 'Just great!' I quickly leapt to my feet and tried to merge with the crowed, keeping the chest hidden within my cloak while trying to make it to the exit. I was getting closer and closer, but froze as I felt someone grab my shoulder "Lieutenant... Chief is calling a full lockdown with an announcement up front," he said as I slowly turned towards him "I'm... sorry General... I'll head over as soon as I-," "Now..." he tightened his grip on my shoulder.

I looked at the exit and back at him, giving a small nod "Okay... I guess I can see what he has to say..." I said while following him to the main quad, the mountains around us as I walked up the stairs along side General "Do you know what he has to say?" I asked, but he shook his head "Unfortunately not... probably something to do with the recent disappearance of the chest though," he explained. I nodded, tucking the chest further into my cloak "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" he asked, glaring at me "You, me, and Chief are the only people with access to that room..." he said "...Yes... perhaps someone swiped my keys, I'll be more careful," I lied.

We made it to the top, and there he was, staring at the crowd he called his army before turning towards us with his mask on securely "General, Lieutenant," he greeted, extending his hand which we both shook "Evening Chief," I said, lowering my head in respect "Let us started then," he said before turning back towards the crowd of people, clearing his voice a little. In a loud firm voice he started "People of Ræsir Island, it is with great disappointment that I must say our plans have been... delayed," the crowd to murmur "The Chest holding the final ingredient for our plan has suddenly vanished, the person at hand is unknown," he explained, making give a sigh or relief.

I continued listening, attempting to hear for any key detail that may help me "However, the one who took it clearly doesn't know what is needed to open such a chest, so our plans will be safely stored until then," he explained before suddenly clenching the balcony's edge "However... we already have a clear lead on the traitor that did take it..." he said, making my blood run cold. I tried to calm myself down, until he suddenly turned towards me, and the General was facing me with a disgusted look as Chief got closer and closer, attempting to reach into my cloak and making me flinch away in response.

I realized my mistake and looked at him in the eyes, his expression showing clearly despite his mask as I shivered "Guards! Seize him!" he yelled while pointing at me, making me quickly run down the stairs as the crowd of people erupted and pulled out their weapons to capture me, giving me more of a reason to run faster. As I ran, the sound of the people got louder, more angrier all before I finally made it to the docks and quickly boarded a small ship, lowering the sails, untying the harness and setting sail as I heard the sound of the men getting their own ships ready for the chase and getting my adrenaline pumping.

That's when the most unfortunate happened, the sail got snagged in its own rope ", no, no, NO, NO!" I yelled, tugging at the rope as I heard the other ships start to move "Come on!" I yelled before starting to climb the mast, going higher and higher and reaching for the rope, I heard as the other ships only got closer, their sails not even down as they approached.  I reached as far as I could, finally grabbing the rope and gripping it, but heard a bang go off and a sharp pain pierce my back as I fell, bring the rope with me as I hit the deck, but getting the sail un-snagged and start speeding away.

I slowly got up, crawling to the hatch the led below deck and opening it before stumbling down the stairs and getting to a table, placing the chest and attempting to open it, but it was sealed shut, nothing I used could open it, and I felt myself loosing blood fast "Ugh... those weapons... I thought they weren't ready..." I said, understanding my miscalculation and suffering the consequence of it.

Hiccup POV:

It was the dawn of the night, I was patrolling around Berk on toothless as he let out a small subtle gargle "I know bud, but once we finish up, then we can pass on patrol to Snotlout, bet he'd be more than happy to take our place," I assured, giving him a small pat as we circled around the island for our final watch.  While looking, nothing looked to out of place, nothing was on fire, nothing was getting violent, all the dragons and people were sleeping soundly, and no one seemed to be outside at this hour "This place has really changed for the better, Ay Toothless?" I asked, making give an another small happy gargle "Yea me too..." I gave a small yawn.

"Think it's about time we-," I was suddenly cut off by Toothless shaking a me a little while giving off a growl "What is it bud?" I asked, looking out into the sea and seeing a small boat slowly approaching "That's not suspicious at all, stay alert bud," I warned as we went down to to investigate circling the ship while strangely not seeing anyone on board.  We got closer, not planning on landing as we simply hovered over the ship "Why in the world would there just be a random ship?" I asked myself before I heard noise coming from below deck 'What in the,' we eventually decided to land on the ship, causing it to shake a little as the commotion got louder.

We slowly approached the hatch where the bottom deck would be and were about to open it, until it suddenly swung open and Toothless charged his plasma blast, before I realized it was just a man "Toothless! Hold!" I said, making him immediately stop his charge and the man looked at us, with a concerned and frightened.  He slowly stumbled over, walking closer as I took my own steps back "Stand back, what's your business here?" he asked but he ignored me and walked by me going to the front of the ship and looking at Berk "...Are you from around here?" I asked, as he turned to face me with an almost hopeful expression.

He then pulled a chest out of his cloak, quickly handing to me and holding my hands close to the chest "Take it... don't open it and never give it to anyone, no one!" he yelled, his panic now started to surface "Why? what in here?" I asked before his expression became pale "Just take it! Someone will come for it, whatever you do, Don't give it to him!" He said before pushing me back to Toothless.  He didn't seemed frightened by the my dragon, but more fearful of something I didn't know "Go! fly now!" he yelled, raising his sails and stopping the boat "You need to tell me-," "Hiccup!" I heard a voice from above called as I looked up to see the others hovering over the ship.

I looked back at them man who was looking behind the ship, only when he was distracted did I notice what he was wearing... dragon scales and skin, but that wasn't all, it seemed as if he had a hole in his back, a hole causing him to bleed, I took a step back as he turned towards me again, waving his hands "GO!" he yelled as I finally complied, hopping on Toothless with the chest and flying to meet up with the others.  When I was up in the air and flying along side the other back to Berk, they stared asking questions "Who was that?" Fishlegs asked "I don't know... but he looked frightened," I said, looking back "Probably because of the ten tone fire breathing dragon landing on his ship," Snotlout simply said.

Just when I thought that was the case, I saw a bigger ship coming in from out the fog, approaching the smaller ship before stopping "I don't think it was because of us..." I stopped and stayed hovering, making the others do so as well "What's wrong?" Astrid asked, nothing my concerned expression "...I need answers," I said before starting to fly back.  I quickly flew closer and closer "Hey!" I yelled getting his attention before he simply smiled having his hand almost as if saying good by while standing in direct view of the ship "Wait!" I yelled before as noticed the bigger ship rolling something to the front.

I didn't know what it was, but it looked like a giant metal cylinder with the sculpted front of a dragon "What in the-," "Fire!" I heard someone from the ship yelled as a sudden blast of fire shot out and directly hit the man along with the ship, causing them both to sink and stopping me directly in my tracks.  I didn't know what to say, I looked at the bigger ship, looking at the thing they used to commit the act but only seeing a man with a mask, simply standing and staring at me, but it was upon closer inspection did I realize it wasn't me who he was looking at, but rather, it was Toothless.

??? POV:

I simply stared at the boy and his dragon in astonishment, watching the scaly black lizard flap its wings before circling around and flying back towards the island "Chief, our expedition team is ready to check for any signs of the chest, how do you want them to handle this?" my General asked "...No need General... it appears that worm gave our chest to his savior..." I responded while walking away.  I heard his foot steps follow "So what? Shall we fight the island? it may take a while, but-," "There's no need for that either," I interrupted "Hopefully this matter can be resolved without violence," I said, entering my corders and sitting in my chair as the General sat across from me.

"So... negotiations then?" he asked "Ah, as smart as ever," I complimented, smiling underneath my mask "Alright then... we'll anchor for the night and begin the negotiations in the morning," he planned out "Perfect, spread the word, tell the crew to get comfortable and for the searching squads that their job is over, that they may return to base," I ordered.  He then stood up bowing a little "Understood Chief," he said "Please, use my name if you'd like, no need for many formalities," I assured him "O-Of course, Chief (Y/n)," he said.

(Y/n) POV:

I chuckled "We'll work on it, now then, dismissed," I said, allowing him to leave as he exited the room and ran to spread the word to the other members "...Dragons... thought I was the only one who knew..." I said to myself, sighing "If they tamed dragons... then war against them would definitely be hard..." I started thinking.  My eyes then went to a drawers, reminding me of our certain advantage, I slowly opened the drawer, pulling out and placing three silver pellets on the table followed by my first creation, the flintlock 'Three shots only... hopefully I won't have to use them...' I chuckled silent, looking over at the door as commotion started "I'd hate to have to be the villain of this story..."

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