Bound To The Alpha [EDITING]...

By mysterixus_girl

15.7K 510 23

_A broken wolf_ I have longed for a mate and yearned for love. Maybe my parents loved me, but I have no memor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (Zade's POV)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One (Zade's POV)
Chapter Twenty Two (Zade's POV)
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four (Zade's POV)
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Two

855 23 1
By mysterixus_girl

I had a rough few days. It wasn't easy looking at other couples and feeling all alone. I should have known. Should have known from the start that he would find his mate. Fate had it's ways.

His mate's name was Claire. She was the new topic everyone seemed to be obsessed with. She was pretty. Gorgeous in fact. Slim, blond hair.

I sighed at my computer, continuing with my work. I had a huge event to plan. Belhaven was having a fundraising event, inviting almost every business to donate. The main goal was to raise enough money to renovate all the orphanages in the city and to create great opportunities for the children.

I had to make a lot of calls to sort out the decor as well as the food.

After work, I took an Uber to pick up my order from the restaurant I always went to with Derek.

Sighing, I entered. "Hi, I came to pick up my order. I ordered coffee."

"Sure, I'll get it." The sweet lady, said.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket when it beeped. I tapped on the notification only to see Derek with Claire. And not just anywhere, they were in this restaurant.

I lifted my head and found Derek and Claire sitting my the window at the far end of the restaurant. I looked away quickly. The lady came back with my order. I paid quickly and took it. "Thanks."

I turned around only to hit into someone and spill my coffee all over that person.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." And when I looked up, horror crossed my face.

"It's been five years Esra. Five years. By the way, it was nice of you to ignore me." He purred.

I stood still. I couldn't move.

How could I not notice him? One, he masked his scent. Two, he looks so different. And three, I had no idea.

He walked closer to me as I stepped back. My back hit against the wall and I had nowhere else to go.

His face was only inches away from mine.

I hadn't notice Derek come towards us until he stood between us.

"If it isn't Derek Loa. Or should I say, " His eyes turned red. "Maybe, I won't tarnish your name like that."

Derek growled. "Leave her alone."

Zade turned back to me. "Why?" He asked, ignoring Derek.

"I hate you." I pushed him away and walked towards the exit. He stood still with a smile on his face.

"You can't hide anymore Esra. I will come for you."

Derek didn't seem to say anything as Zade eyed him from head to toe. Claire pulled Derek aside when people started recording.

I walked out of the restaurant without turning back. I can't believe he still had the audacity to treat me like an object. He can't even apologize. Oh wait, alphas don't apologize. What do I even expect from him?

I didn't bother to run. I wasn't weak. I wanted him to know that I'm not scared of him.

When I reached my house, I opened the door and went straight to Carroll and Carter.

"You won't believe who I saw... Are you kidding me?" Zade sat on the couch with both of them.

Maybe I should have ran.

"Thought I'd find you here." He said, his right ankle crossed over his left knee and his arms dropped at the back of the couch.

"I'd rather die than be with you." I turned around and went upstairs. Before I reached my room I was pinned against the wall.

"Are you really sure about that? Because we all know that you'd choose me over death." I felt his breath on my skin.

"Well we're all on death's list. It wouldn't change a thing." I retorted.

"You haven't changed one bit, Esra Argent."

"And I'm sure you have." I said sarcastically.

"Actually, yes."

I laughed. "You? You changed? That's a joke. I'm sure you got yourself a slutty luna." I pushed him off of me and locked my room door after I entered.

He banged on my door. "Esra! Open up. I'm losing my patience."

"I can't wait for you to lose it all." I sat on my bed.

"Esra, open up now." He banged the door again and again.

"Or what?"

"Or I'll break it down."

"Then do so. No one is stopping you." Within a second the door flew open.

Why did I have to open my damn mouth?

"You're coming with me." He tried to pick me up but I fought.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you." I snarled.

"Yes, you are."

"No. You don't just come after five years and expect me to submit to you and act as if nothing ever happened before."

"I'm still your alpha."

"Actually, the last time I checked I belong to Derek's pack. I'll call the cops if you don't leave me alone." I held my phone in my hand.

"I dare you." He growled. I dialed the number but my phone was snatched away from me. Zade crushed it in his hands.

"You're going to have to pay for that." I growled.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my room. "Help me." I begged my Carter and Carroll who stood still, watching Zade pull me away.

"I'm sorry. You have to listen to your alpha."

"No." I wanted to cry. I didn't want to leave this place. This was my life. My home. "Let me go!" I demanded. "You will never be my alpha."

"Never. I would never let go of you again."

He dragged me out of the house. There was no point in screaming or waisting my energy by fighting with him. So I gave up.

He pushed me into his car.

"Okay, that's a nice way to kidnap a girl." I stared out of the window.

"I'm not kidnapping you." He said as he started the ignition.

"Hmm. I'm sure because you clearly dragged me out of my own house against my own will." I mumbled.

"You're mine, Esra. Mine." He growled which caused shivers to run down my spine.

Emotions I never knew I had filled me and I hated every moment it did. I shook my head to erase the thoughts that crept into my mind.

"Pull off." I demanded.


"Zade, pull off now!"

He ignored me. "Zade, I said pull off. Stop the car right now!"

He still ignored me.

So that's how you want to play it now?

"Okay. You asked for it." I punched his face. Pushing the door open afterwards, I jumped out.

There was no way I was going to go back with him. No way in hell.

I groaned as the pain struck me from the landing. I got up from the ground and dusted myself. I had a few scratches but it would heal soon.

I heard the car door slamming. I didn't dare turn around because I knew Zade was like a ragging bull making his way to me. I ran as fast as I could.

I needed to shift.

I glanced back but Zade only walked. Why wasn't he running?


I stopped and slowly turned around again. He was gone. My heart sped, and I knew exactly what he was trying to do. There was no way I could escape him.

He was the pack's number one hunter. No one could ever escape him. No one could even beat him in a match.

I stood still trying to listen to where he could be. Nothing. I took deep breaths and tried to concentrate harder. I heard footsteps so which meant that he hadn't shifted.


I sensed him to my left. I spun quickly and kicked him in his rib.

"How's that for a city wolf?" I mocked.

"Not good enough." He got up from the ground.

We stood facing each other. I crossed my arms. "So? Aren't you going to try and kidnap me again?"

Damn, I needed to control my words.

"Actually..." He took slow steps towards me. "I won't, but they will."

I turned around slowly only to see three brown wolves. I gulped. The one in the middle was the biggest.

"So what's it going to be? Me?" He smirked. "Or them?"

"I think I've made my choice." I smiled and ran for my life. I jumped over the bushes and ran faster.

I couldn't shift. If I did, he would've had a better chance at tracking me down.

I heard a few growls as I ran. I had to run faster because soon Zade will catch up to me. That's if he even bothers to catch me himself.

I ran into the nearby woods and hid behind a tree. I peeked slowly and saw three brown wolves. God, they were fast.

I rested my head against the tree and tried to steady my breaths. I heard twigs snapping and quickly climbed the tree, hiding between the branches and leaves. But I knew my scent still lingered.

The three brown wolves appeared. They sniffed the ground. I could tell they were communicating with each other through their mind links because of their expressions.

One of them looked up. He growled. The other two continued to search the trees.

Zade appeared and the three wolves shifted into their human forms.

"Have you found her?" Zade asked.

"No, Alpha. The tracks stop here, but I smell her here." The guy with brown hair said.

"She's in one of the trees." The other guy with curly brown hair said.

Zade looked up at the tree I was in as if he sensed me here immediately. He turned his head back to the three naked guys. "Carry on your search." Then they shifted back into wolves.

Something was off. He wouldn't just say that. Unless...

"Got you." Someone whispered from behind me. I screamed and pushed the stranger away but he grabbed me before I could jump out of the tree.

Same grabbed me from the stranger's hold and growled at him.

"Leave me alone." I cried out.

"You're never leaving my sight again." Zade said with a smooth and soft voice.

"Well you're unconscious half the time so I think it would be easy to lose me."

Same ignored me while the the stranger and three brown wolves escorted us back to Zade's car.

When we reached his car, Zade opened the door for me. I got into the car and shut the door myself. I locked it afterwards.

He got into the car and started it. We drove in silence.

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