the mutant

By neztrojameslove

149 5 1

earth is the center of a galatic empire run by megacorporations. the planet is overrun by factories which is... More

rain falls
Elliots offer

eyes of red

44 1 0
By neztrojameslove

The world was red.

From the rainclouds pouring outside to the darkness shrouded inside the car. Jeane looked up from his car seat toward the shadowy image of his parents.

When we get home its straight to bed young man. His mother whitney said teasing. She wore a pearl necklace that was an anniversary gift from jeanes father and wore her hair in buns.

Oh let the boy stay up a little later Whit, he needs to learn how to pull all night study sessions if hes gonna be a scholar like his old man. Jeanes father kurt said. He was bone thin and his thin wiry hair and hollow sunken eyes but when jeane looked at him their was a red x over his head.

Not your father. A voice said in his head.

The car flashed bright red as jeane felt a crash suddenly he remembered this memory he wanted to scream out a warning but too late.

A hail of bullets shot through the car cutting through jeanes parents and through jeanes body made of several metal alloys including alloy. Jeane could remember his vision going back.

Mama, papa... wake up... im scared. Jeane could feel something stir in his stomach as a bit of his mothers blood rose up and entered his mouth and the bullets began to burn away healing his wounds making him heal his wounds.

He remembers the frenchmen speaking but couldn't remember what they said.

Just then he knew there was an intruder.

Jeane turned his head to see the robot maid from before the one who appeared in his car when he arrived in tessas manor.

I like you a lot. You and are similar. We have lost a lot to the same people... I will make you strong and then we will get our justice but first... I want you to do something for me. She said then pulling out a contract.

What is that. Jeane spoke in a normal voice.

Unlike tessa I don't have the ability to enforce contracts through mutation and red eyes but I trust your word. If you sign this contract it will you make the following the conditions: you must build a family including me, n, v, and j and the criminal worker drones yeva and nori and their daugthers doll and uzi... do this and ill grant you my aid in your quest of vengeance and protection for abbie.

Abbie jeane thought. He couldn't leave her to that snake tessa. Jeane signed this contract and the robot child smiled.

Sweet dreams. She tapped jeanes head sending him flying.

The boy woke up screaming up and a crash caught his attention.

Jeane turned his head to see a maid drone look at him with shock as she shook.

Im sorry young master. Mistress tessa told me check on you after the accident in the study. The maid stumbled over her words.

Jeane rubbed his heads and realized that his vision steadied almost instantly. He could see perfectly in the dimly lit area as if it was in day light. He could see in the mirror even though there was no light that he had red eyes. They werent as bright as tessas or her mothers but they were very unseattling.

What happened.

Tessa said you had your awakening. Terrible thing that. You get some rest master. The drone said picking up the tray and its contents some medicine bottles.

Wait wheres abbies.

The young lady is out with miss v on a shopping trip poor thing didn't have a thing to wear or anything that proper young lady needs for life. She will be out for most of the day. Mistress has sent out several of our staff for your staff master.

Jeane looked up at the drone and into her eyes then saw into them sadness. He then remembered all he experienced in the vision and began to cry.

Young master what troubles you.

I-i don't know. Ive never cried like this before. This is so weird. He couldn't believe this. In the last 8 years a display like this was beat out of him as a sign of weakness. But here he was crying like a wimp.

Instead of the beating he expected from his weakness he felt metallic arms wrap around him.

There there young master. That period in your life is over now. Mistress tessa is a good woman. She takes care of all her people drones and family. Youll be happy here im sure. Now you get some rest.

Jeane gave her a hug and then felt tired and let her put him to sleep.

The next day jeane woke up to tessa sitting next to his bed.

Sleep well.

Why are you here.

Im checking on my brother. I know your upset about the deception but youll find being an elliot is a much greater advantage then being what you were an orphan without a family or a fortune.

Where is abbie. Jeane tried got out of bed and noticed he was stark naked. You undressed me.

Tessa looked her brother up and down unfazed. Would you like some pants before we continue. Im fine either way.

Jeane jerked the cover over his privates and blushed your sick!

Tessa rolled her eyes. Please. Were family jeane. There will be no secrets between us you shall soon find that out.

Tessa clapped her hand and on que several maid drones rushed into the room with different articles of clothing, a changing curtain, and several pieces of mens health care product. See to my brothers needs.

Right away mistress. The lead maid said.

The maids all rushed jeane and began rubbing his body with scented oils while others combed his black hair while putting hair care product in it.

You have such nice hair young master.

Your quite handsome too. Youll be making both lady and drone flush at the balls wont ya.

Now stop struggling your making it hard for me to apply the next layer.

Once the uncomfortable rubbing was down they began dressing him up socks first then underwear, then undershirt.

Jeane couldn't help but hear a couple of them giggle like school girls when they were touching him.

Once they had finished dressing jeane he looked like a proper young gentlemen. He then looked at himself in a full body mirror provided for him.

Jeane remembered this look... this feeling.

It was like he was back to living with his mom and dad being cared for by the staff. But they were human and these werent his parents staff.

You clean up nice brother. Now onto the business of the pet. Tessa began coming behind jeane looking in the mirror they did appear similar now in the skin, eye, hair, and face it was eery how much they favored one another.

We look so similar.

Having the same father does that. Now about your pet.

Don't call abbie a pet.

I don't know what you want me to call her. Your not interested in her sexually are you... if you are let me know now... I wont stop you but we will have to work to keep it from anyone who could make trouble for us.

No! Im not a monster! How could you even be okay with something like that!

Jeane. If you like to kick puppies id be ok with it, if you liked to fuck whores in extravagant orgies id be ok with it, if you want to poison little children because it mildly amuses you id be ok with it... your my little brother... if you want it I will give it to you... nothing is to good for you... and I will never judge you.

Whats wrong with you. Thats horrible. Jeane backed one step but felt his body be pressed against the wall by tessa who looked up at him with a smile.

Thats what love does to you brother. It makes you do horrible things for those you care about most. Tessa ran her finger over jeanes chest and clicked her tongue. Your terribly thin, I noticed that when you walked through the door. Didnt they feed you at that place.

Jeane couldn't back backway as he was against the wall and looked in the eyes of tessa who looked at him like a new obesssion.

No matter. Were off to breakfast. Your pet will be there too ill bet. Tessa then reached down and grabbed jeanes hand holding it like a jeanes child and leading him out of the room. I don't know why your so apprehensive to me.

Many reasons. Wait why did I say that.

Besides sibling honestly. I placed a seal in your head that prevents you from lying to me. One of the abilities of our red eyes. Youll find out soon in training. Tessa lead jeane out to the stairs and then before they walked downstairs she reached into her dress and pulled out some sunglasses.


What are these for.

Your red eyes are new and still very sensitive so until your body can adjust to them id suggest wearing this outside of the halls and your room. Unless you want a splitting headache. Tessa instructed.

Jeane put on the glasses and unlike usually sunglasses he didn't see the world tinted in darkness but normally. Tessa I don't think these work.

They do, sweetheart. They just don't impede your vision while protecting it. Tessa then kissed his forehead. Your so cute when your discovering new things about your new life.

The pair entered a grand dinner room with a long table where two chairs sat at the center. There are our seats. Jeane scanned the table and noticed that it the chairs were mostly empty save for four drones and abbie.

The drones included n, v, and j all in more formal attire then jeane had seen them in yesterday or the day before.

The drone next to them was a little one with yellow eyes and jeane recognized her. She was making an origami swan with the napkin while n looked on happy and j frowned.

The drone turned to him and smiled and waved. Hello, excited wave, is this my new big brother.

J lightly smacked the new drone. Enough cyn... howd you sleep tessa.

Fine j and no hitting in front of jeane. Hes the sensitive sort. Cyn jeane is my new baby brother and if he accepts you like I have then you may call him big brother but you are forbidden from forcing your love on him.

Ok affirmitive nod. Cyn nodded and then smiled at jeane and when tessa went to take a seat cyn winked.

Jeane took a seat next to tessa and turned to abbie seeing she was dressed in all red which complemented her brick colored hair and her hair was done up well with a bow done in.

You look great abbie... like a proper lady. Jeane said looking at abbie.

Abbie visibly blushed and then smirked. Getting soft already jeane. Well your not to bad yourself... nice shades by the way.

Thanks abbie. The boy replied then looked forward to see the butler drones coming with the dinner trays plopping them done with steaming dishes of bacon, waffles, oatmeal, cereal, ham, and all sorts of breakfast items.

Now jeane and abbie I know you havent eaten a lot at the orphanage so I want you to fill yourselves up. You have a big day today.

Doing what miss tessa. Abbie asked already shoveling food on her plate.

Why... were going to jensen world. Tessa revealed.

Jensen world. Really miss tessa ive always wanted to go to jensen world but miss agatha said it was too expensive.

Nothings too expensive for an elliot my dear child. Our family has a lifetime pass now eat up youll need your energy. That means you too jeane. Tessa then leans into jeane. I personally hate amusement parks but I figured it would be a great way for you and I to get to know each other while n and j takes cyn and the pet to have some fun... hows about some fish and chips at a nice pub I know in the park.

Jeane pulled away only for the tessa to put her hand on his and for cyn to do the same. Jeane looked to the abbie who happily consumed more food then she had eaten in days,

Jeane smiled at that.

Loves makes you do horrible things. Thats what tessa said and jeane was forced to agree. If it meant that abbie could live like this everyday then he would endure it.

He then looked down at cyn who smiled at him and when looked at him her eyes turned into a symbol which appeared to be a circle with three arrows pointing out in a triangular fashion as she smiled.

Welcome to your new home jeane. Cyns voice entered jeanes head.

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