A Princess of Wales

By BubblyYork

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Follow the childhood years of Princess Adeline of Wales as she grows up in the troubled household of the Wale... More

Chapter One: The Birth of a Princess
Chapter Two: Royal Christening
Chapter Three: Family Holiday
Chapter Four: The Ghillies Ball
Chapter Five: Crumbling
Chapter Six: Annus Horribilis
Chapter Seven: The Revenge Dress
Chapter Eight: Between Two Houses
Chapter Nine: An Interview with The Princess of Wales
Chapter Ten: Beginning of the End
Chapter Eleven: Couple 31
Chapter Twelve: The New Normal
Chapter Thirteen: Lonely This Christmas
Chapter Fourteen: Favourites
Chapter Fifteen: Happy Birthday Addy
Chapter Sixteen: The Invitation
Chapter Seventeen: Breaking Up
Chapter Eighteen: Dodi Fayed
Chapter Nineteen: The Endgame
Chapter Twenty: Two Photographs
Chapter Twenty-One: The Last Phone Call
Line of Succession 1997

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Question

834 36 40
By BubblyYork

30th of August 1997 - Hôtel Ritz Paris, France

"I owe you the apology. You wanted to get back to London, but there was a reason we needed to come via Paris. And that was my fault," Dodi stated coming up behind Diana as she peered out of the window and down into the street.

Tonight had been a mess, the press hounding their every step and they seemed to grow in number every time that Diana stepped out onto the street; there was no peace in the city of love for her.

Dodi turned around and turned on the stereo, a smile on his face as he made his way across the room to Diana who looked a little put off by how he had been acting all evening.

"What's this?" Diana asked unable to shake the uneasy that had been creeping up on her all evening, she didn't know what it was but since her talk with the children it felt like she was missing something big.

The music was quiet in the background and Diana leant against the wall by the window, trying to not take his shortness from earlier that evening when they had gone to dinner personally.

"It's your favourite. Julio Iglesias," Dodi told her, his hands moving to the pocket of his jacket were something very important had been sitting all evening as he prepared to make this important gesture.

Slowly he produced the box that continue the ring that his father had given him, he looked down on it knowing that he was moments away from the biggest question of his life.

"What are you doing?" Diana asked, her face revealing very clearly what she thought about what he was about to do; her heart sank and she couldn't believe that this was actually about to happen.

A sadness there that she hadn't wanted to admit, she didn't think she had led him on especially after only seeing one another for around a month; she had planned to break things off when she got back to London.

"It's the ring you said you liked in Monte Carlo. A ring with a specific title, Dis-Moi Oui," Dodi told her, his father had seen her admiring the ring and had bought it with the sole intention of having Dodi propose with it.

Diana slowly shook her head, her eyes wide and her face covered in disbelief that this was actually happening; that Mohamed had told Dodi that she had admired the ring.

"And so I have a question I wanna ask you to which I hope you will indeed tell me yes," Dodi said slowly getting down on the floor, he peeked at Diana who was running her fingers through her hair and moving away from the window.

Dodi didn't even reach the floor before Diana was stepping towards him, one word clearly on her lips as she shook her head at him and waved her arms.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. Stop, I can't bear it. It's madness. Please get up," Diana said, she felt guilty as she saw the look on Dodi's face but she couldn't allow him to continue; she helped him back up and held his hand for a moment.

After a moment, Diana moved around Dodi and turned off the music unable to bear it anymore; she turned back to him once the music was off knowing that there was no way around this now.

"We need to talk. Urgently. Come on. Sit down," Diana encouraged moving to take a seat, she watched Dodi who seemed lost and saddened by her decision to say no to him.

Dodi hesitated for a moment before making his way to sit down next to Diana, he took the chair opposite her and Diana patted his knee in comfort.

"This summer has been great fun. More than fun. It's been a godsend. And you've been amazing. And I know the whole world is wondering if we're gonna get married. But that's not a reason to actually do it. I'm nowhere near ready for another marriage," Diana admitted, she had so much work that she needed to do on herself before she considered settling down.

There was also the fact that her children had to come first right now, Diana wasn't going to jump into another marriage after only getting divorce the year before.

"And you've barely untangled yourself from the last person you proposed to. I know you're upset now, and I know you always want to make everyone happy. And that's adorable. But there's only one person in the world this marriage would make happy," Diana told him, she knew how much trouble Kelly had caused because of her involvement with Dodi.

Kelly had been rightfully upset about the way that she had been jilted by Dodi, Diana felt responsible for that and she doubted that the model would be as forgiving for what she had been through as some of the other women in the past.

"I can't make your father love you more by becoming your wife," Diana said shaking her head, she had a feeling that Mohamed had put a lot of pressure of Dodi; they had talked a great deal of what the man expected from his son.

It was clear to see that Mohamed had been calling to check up on what they had been doing since Diana had returned alone to spend time with Dodi; no doubt he was behind the pictures that had been taken of the two while on holiday.

"Well, actually, I think you can," Dodi told her, he didn't believe for a moment that his father would accept the idea that Diana had told him no; to his father Diana was the epitome of everything that he had ever wanted and desired.

"Well, I'm not gonna do it," Diana refused knowing that she would not be forced into another marriage, she knew how it ended and she valued her freedom too much to give it up.

Mohamed was going to have to take no as an answer, there was nothing that he could offer her that she truly wanted not even Dodi.

The two of them had tears in their eyes, both knowing that this marked some sort of end for them; the fun was over and now they both needed to face reality.

"Marriage is a serious and painful business. What we have is all about joy. And healing. And lightness," Diana said, she had truly enjoyed her time with Dodi and it had been what she had needed but that wasn't a reason to marry him or make his father happy.

Dodi scoffed at her words and shook his head, his reply was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door; Diana looked back towards the door as Dodi got to his feet and walked over to the door.

"What's that?" Diana asked fearing another surprise may sit up his sleeve as part of his proposal to her, she watched him approach the door; the last thing she wanted to do was make this situation worse.

"Food. Shall I send them away?" Dodi asked turning back to face Diana, there was no hiding the hurt that he felt at her refusal to marry him; he had thought that they were on the same page in all of this.

"No. Let's eat. I'm starving. Do us both good," Diana said as Dodi opened the door and allowed the waiter to enter the room, he pushed in front of him a trolley with their dinner on it no doubt arranged specially by Dodi for his proposal.


Dinner had been eaten in silence, there was no breaking the awkwardness after Diana had turned him down and Dodi seemed to accept her decision better once they had both eaten.

Staring at the ring box that was now seated upon the table, Diana resisted the urge to look at the ring that had nothing on the one that Charles had used to propose to her with.

"What are you gonna do with the ring?" Diana asked knowing that it would not sit well to keep the thing, she didn't want it nor did she have any right to take it; she didn't want Dodi to give it to her least it be took as her agreeing to something.

"Return it," Dodi said sounding a little better than he had done in the aftermath of her saying no to him, the news settling upon him with much more ease than it had done originally and he didn't look as sad now.

"I can start a new range. Say No To Me. You know, when my father hears about this, it will confirm what he's always thought. That I'm hopeless. He'll cut me off for good," Dodi said knowing that his father would never forgive him.

Mohamed had a dream that had been crushed the moment that Diana had said no to him, his father would not forgive that and would lay the blame at Dodi's feet.

"He wouldn't dare. Well, if he did, would it be so bad? I worry you'll never be happy until you break free from him. Until you live far, far away. You told me you're happy in California," Diana said recalling the many conversations that they'd had about Mohamed's expectations for his son.

Diana feared that if Dodi kept trying to live his life the way that his father wanted him to that it would lead to his death; she cared for Dodi and she knew that he would never be happy under his father's thumb.

"So stop doing what he wants you to do and start doing what you want to do. Making films and living wherever you damn well like," Diana advised him once Dodi had confirmed that he did enjoy living in California, giving him advice was the least she could do after turning him down.

"Yes, ma'am," Dodi said with a smile upon his face, he looked down knowing that he was truly blessed to have a friend like her; it was something that he had enjoyed about Diana, something that he would miss when she went back to London.

"Solutions to your problems are so obvious from where I'm sitting. But we can never see our own problems clearly. Always need a trusted friend to guide us. So, your turn. Tell me what's wrong with me. And what I should do about it," Diana laughed lightly, it was refreshing to be able to talk to someone like this.

She felt like she could tell Dodi anything and he wouldn't judge her for it, this room might hold one of the saddest moments for him but he would become stronger for it.

"First slow down. Look what you've managed to achieve in the year since you've been divorced. A global anti-landmine campaign, raising millions for charity. And yet you're still not satisfied. Stop being in such a mad hurry to find whatever it is you're looking for," Dodi told her, he had seen her greatness and she was a star.

However, stars didn't shine they burn and Diana was a great risk of burning herself out if she wasn't careful; the world needed more people like her, people who actually cared.

"You know, I think that's been the story of my whole life. Dashing around. And losing sight of myself in the process. It has all been a bit mad recently. And, you know, if I'm honest, it's motherhood that's consistently made me the happiest," Diana admitted knowing her years were numbered on being able to coddle her children.

Before she knew it they would all be grownups and she wouldn't recognise them, she wouldn't be able to tell them what to do or spoil them; they wouldn't have time for her anymore.

"When I go to bed at night, it's the kids I'm thinking about. It's not a man or a role or a job. It's the kids. I need to spend more time with my children. And you need to spend less time with your meddlesome papa," Diana said with a smile at Dodi.

He smiled back but that only lasted a moment before his phone started ringing, the two of them sat in silence for a moment knowing exactly who was ruining their evening right now.

Diana nodded to Dodi, he could do this and she had no doubts that he would be able to stand up for himself; he was a wonderful man and didn't deserve to have his life ruined by his father.

"So have you done it? Have you asked her? Have you made my dreams come true?" the questions came thick and fast when Dodi finally answered the phone, Mohamed was eager to learn of his son's success that evening.

Dodi looked over at Diana, her reassurance was all he needed to push on to tell his father what he had wanted to say for years now; that he hadn't been able to bring himself to do before.

"I have. I'm glad you called. Because I have good news. Exciting news," Dodi said with a smile, he knew that there would be no coming back from this that his father would cast him out and he didn't care anymore.

His father could do as he pleased, there was no pleasing the man and he wasn't going to get what he wanted; for the first time in a long time, Mohamed Fayed would hear the world no in person.

"An agreement was indeed reached between two people tonight. But there will be no engagement nor wedding. The princess and I will remain friends, but no more. And if you wanna cut me off for letting you down or being a failure, whatever you wanna call it, go ahead. Cut me off. It'll be a blessing, but let me say this," Dodi said, he didn't give his father chance to speak instead he said everything that he had wanted to say for years.

Diana had become a dear friend to him, one that he hoped would continue to be his friend when all was said and done; they would be happy that way without anyone trying to control them.

"I love you. But it's killing me trying to be the person you need me to be to feel good about yourself. If you cannot accept me for who I am, it's better we no longer see one another. Goodbye," Dodi said, his conviction growing with each word and he meant what he was saying.

Dodi hung up the phone, taking several deep breathes before he started to laugh unable to believe that he did that; Diana clapped for him, a smile on her face as she watched him.

"You're really special. I hope you know that," Diana told him, she crossed the room and wrapped him up in a hug that he rightfully deserved; he was standing on his own two feet for the first time in his life.

"Now where do you wanna stay tonight? Here or at my apartment?" Dodi asked her, the two of them stood close staring at one another; neither of them aware just how much Diana's decision was about to change their lives.


"Trevor. We've decided to go back to my apartment," Dodi said approaching Diana's bodyguard, it was late and the original plan had been for them to remain here for the night but Dodi was happy to honour Diana's request to stay at his apartment tonight.

Trevor looked surprised at the news, he looked passed Dodi into the apartment and at Diana before turning his attention back to Dodi who seemed eager to get out of here.

"I'd advise against that, sir." Trevor said, it was in his opinion that they were better off spending the night here rather than travelling back to the apartment; it was dangerous outside now.

"Just do as I say," Dodi insisted talking over Trevor as the body guard tried to explain just why that wasn't the best idea, the media presence having continued to grow while Diana and Dodi had been in the hotel room having dinner.

Trevor finally conceded when he realised that he wasn't going to be able to dissuade Dodi from their plans; he would have to fetch the driver who was at the bar the last time Trevor had seen him.

"The photographers all know the cars we came in. We'll send the same cars out the front, and the princess and I will go in a third car and leave via the back. Get someone to deal with the photographers. I'll call the night manager and sort the car," Dodi instructed before stepping back into the hotel room where Diana was now seated back in her chair.

The two of them exchanging a look as Dodi moved back to her side, Diana couldn't shake the uneasy feeling at facing the press; they had been relentless when they had left the apartment, bumping into the car and frightening her.

The last thing that she wanted was to face them again but she wanted to collect her things so that she could head straight back to London first thing in the world with no interruptions.

Diana had left the surprise that she had for Adeline back at the apartment, she wanted to make sure it was carefully wrapped so that it wouldn't be damaged on the flight home.



"Back to London tomorrow?" the maid packing Harry's belongings asked while the boy brushed his teeth before bed, it would be an early start and the last thing that they needed was for anyone to leave anything behind.

Harry nodded his head, he couldn't wait to see his mother again and focused on brushing his teeth while the maid tried to make conversation with him; he paid her little attention until she had done her task.

Closing the zipper on Harry's suitcase, the maid announced that she was finished before putting the case down by the door so it could be collected in the morning when Harry went down for breakfast.

"Thank you," Harry called after the maid as she bid him goodnight, she closed the door behind her before moving down to the next room that belonged to William.

The maid knocked on the door and waited until William called for her to enter, she paused at the doorway before the teenager popped his head out of the bathroom to see what she wanted.

"Would you like me to pack for you?" the maid asked peeking around the room, she could already see the tell-tale signs that William had begun to do it himself; he was always and she smiled when he turned away from the bathroom mirror to speak to her.

"Ah. Already done it, thanks," William said with a smile, he had started packing when he had returned to his room after dinner knowing that the maid would have first started in Adeline's room since she went to bed first.

"Oh, well, I'm out of a job, then. Good night, William and congratulations again for today," the maid told with a smile, she enjoyed working for people like William who treated herself and the other staff like people rather than furniture.

Itwas very different serving each of the Wales children, the staff tried not tohave favourites but they all could agree on who they disliked serving the mostespecially as he was reaching his teenage years.

"Oh, thank you, Milly," William said, a smile growing on his face as he nodded to Milly as she made her exit and he continued to prepare for bed; already dressed in his pjs and he just had to finish brushing his teeth.


Hôtel Ritz Paris, France

"Henri, plans have changed. Mr. Dodi needs you to drive. Right away," Trevor stated approaching the driver that had been seated at the bar, he was in the process of hanging up his phone when Trevor had approached with an empty glass seated in front of him.

Henri nodded his head, his face revealing nothing of the phone call that he had just received and he sighed downing the last of his drink before moving to pay the bartender and closing his tab.

The bar had been quiet for this time of evening, he had been in discussion with the bartender about the cigars that they sold at the hotel before his evening had been interrupted. Making his way outside,

Henri didn't waste a moment heading out into the crowd that had gathered outside the Paris hotel; he kept his calm before announcing to the crowd that Diana and Dodi would be out in ten minutes before heading back inside.

Diana and Dodi were waiting around the back with Trevor, the three of them laughing about the madness that awaited them outside and hoping that their plan would throw off as many of the paparazzi as possible before they left.

"Everything okay, Henri?" Dodi said greeting his driver as he appeared from around the corner, he had a smile on his face as he appeared and Dodi was eager to get out of this hotel.

There was something about Henri that Dodi could not place, he seemed a little off but he put it down to the fact that this had been a sudden change to their plans rather than spending the night here.

"Are Philippe and Jean-François out doing what I asked?" Dodi asked knowing that they only had one chance at that, he didn't want to be followed all the way home with this madness.

The paparazzi were becoming to bold, the drive here had been a nightmare waiting to happen and he desired to get Diana back to her children as safely as possible before he dealt with his father.

"Yes, they're out front doing the diversion. No one will see us leave. Trust me," Henri confirmed with a nod of his head, which bounced a little too much when he did so and he swayed a little on the spot.

Pushing away from the wall that he found himself leaning on, Henri led the way out of the hallway to where the third car was parked; Diana rested against Dodi for a moment before they headed out into the street after him.

The hotel valet had been quick to bring them a car, but there were still paparazzi outside when Diana exited the building; they shouted to her in french as she quickly got into the car and ducked down.

Henri wasted no time in driving away from the hotel, the flashing lights of the cameras blinding the occupants of the car as the paparazzi pressed their cameras against the windows to get a shot of Diana with Dodi.

The city of Paris looked so beautiful at night, the Eiffel Tower was easy to see from where she stood all lite up in the distance; the car making its way quickly through the streets of Paris, several paparazzi on mopeds following behind them.

The streets were nearly empty, the occasional car passing them by as they started to speed up along the road; paparazzi circled the car, their cameras flashing as they continued to snap photos.

Diana couldn't bring herself to look at them, she rubbed her hands together unable to escape the anxious feeling that was building; Dodi beside her looking equally as unnerved.

Both of them starting to wonder if it would not have been better to wait until morning, perhaps called for further security before they had left.

Reaching across the centre of the car, Diana clasped Dodi's hand as Henri started to drive faster in an attempt to get away from the paparazzi that continued to tale them calling to Diana and Dodi.

The flashes of their cameras still penetrating the car, the calls seeming to grow louder even as Henri sped through Paris.

Diana held on tightly to Dodi's hand as Henri started to pull away from the paparazzi, she could barely make out the sight of the dog walker who was at the side of the road as they passed him.

Philippe stood at the side of the road, waiting for his little white dog to do his business when a black car went speeding past him and down into in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel.

The speed of the car making him turn to look at it before it disappeared into the tunnel swerving slightly as it did so, the sounds of tires screeching before an almighty crash and the sound of a car horn followed.


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