My brother is who from black...

By darkprincess2010

2.1K 50 0

Crystal (Ry) has been looking for her real family for a while now. One day she receives a phone call telling... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 20

33 1 0
By darkprincess2010

A/N: Well, here is another chapter to this story. Just remember this story is being reedited and there might be a new chapter added who knows. As always thank you for reading and now on with the story.


Chapter 20


"I know. So, what do you think of the tour so far and hanging out with your brother and his band mates?" Ash asked me before he took a bite out of his food.

I took a sip of my drink and thought about what he just asked me. After a few seconds I looked up at him and said, "It's strange to have a brother that's in a famous band, but touring with CC and the rest of you guys seems rushed in a why. Yet at the same time it's fun hanging out and getting to know you all."

We didn't say anything after I said all of that. So, we just ate the rest of our food and looked around the dinner and noticed that people were starting to come in left and right. Soon we were done, and Ash waved Lea down and asked for the check. When we got the check Ash paid for the food, though I wish he would let me pay for half but no, he went and paid for the food.

We got up to leave and Ash took the packages and walked to the hostess who was Cate and handed her the package.

"Mr. Purdy, I can't take those," she told him.

I looked over at her and said, "Its a promise, and you'll like it."

I smiled when she took the package and called Lea over since no one was walking in. Lea walked over and looked at us weirdly and said, "What is it?"

"It seems that these two got us something, so let's open it before they leave," said Lea.

Cate nodded her head and Lea handed her a package and they each opened them, and Lea jumped up and down and had a big smile on her face. When Cate opened her package, she let out a small scream of happiness and looked over at us and said, "Thank you guys so much."

Ash looked at them and said, "No problem. Make sure you guys get there in time."

"We will," said Lea.

Ash took my hand, and we walked back to the venue and as we were walking, he kept on asking me questions and I would answer them. We walked inside of the venue, and he walked me over to the merch table.

I noticed that no one was around, and it was quiet. I looked at Ash and he leaned in and kissed me and said, "I hope you had a good time and maybe we can go out alone sometime before the tour is over?"

"Sure, but I don't want this to be a tour fling so..." I tailed off because I wasn't sure what he wanted.

"I want this to be more than a fling, but I want to take this slow because of the crap that you've gone through," he said with all honesty.

I smiled and nodded my head and said, "okay I can agree with that."

"Hey Ash stop looking all cute with my sister and go get your ass ready before Andy blows a gasket," said CC as he walked over to us.

Ash kissed me one last time and he ran off to go get ready. Once Ash was out of sight Cc looked over at me and said, "How was the lunch date?"

I smiled and said, "It was good. We just talked about normal things, and he asked me about tour and what not."

CC smiled and said, "Yeah about that, I was wondering what you're going to do after tour?"

I looked away from him and said, "What do you mean about that?"

Cc walked closer to me and said, "well what I mean by that is what are you going to do about seeing me and what are you going to do about Ash? You live in another state."

I didn't say anything but just looked away again and walked around the merch table so I could sit down. Soon the others came in and were ready. They did another sound check and I just chilled and looked around as other bands were setting up and getting ready for the concert.

Hours later the concert was over with. Cate and Lea stopped by and thanked me again for their gift. They bought some merch and walked to where the VIPs would be meeting up and meet the band and two hours after that we were all loaded and ready to head to the next venue.

That night I stayed quiet on the bus and thought about what CC said to me. I didn't know what to do. Then my phone went off, I looked at and saw an incoming facetime chat. It was from Kate.

"Hey what's up Kate?" I asked her.

"Pretty good. Just dealing with the bitch almost every day. But it looks like you've been crying what's going on?" She asked.

"Um nothing much. Just had a lunch date with Ash and then afterwards we walked back, and CC asked me a lot of questions and I didn't know what to do. I'm thinking about heading home soon," I told her.

"Ry you're staying there. Don't come home," Kate told me.

"I don't know Kat; I'm scared because of the fact that I just told CC and Ash a big secret and I'm scared."

"Ry did you tell them what I think you did?"

"Yes. But Kat, CC asked me what I was going to do after the tour is over with. He asked what I was going to do about seeing him and Ash."

"What did you tell him Ry?"

I didn't answer her, but I saw the look on her face though the camera on my phone that told me I was in trouble.

"Ry what did you tell him?" She asked me again.

When I didn't answer her again, she looked at me and said, "You need to tell him that you're going to see him."

"Kat, he told me I live in another state. I don't know, I might just go back to college once the tour is over and just take another set of classes. Kate, would you be mad if I said this whole thing was a mistake? That I should have jumped when I had the chance," I asked her.

She gave me a sad look when I didn't answer her. Kat then got out a picture and said, "If you did jump that night, then you wouldn't have been there for Damon, or me when we both needed you the most. I know that at the time you were going through something that I'll never understand, but it wasn't your fault for your brother or father dying."

I wasn't sure if I agreed with her on that. I looked at her and decided to change the subject and said, "So have you texted Cc? And have you two made plans?"

"Not yet but hoping to."

"Well, you two will be so perfect and he likes Damon so there is a plus," I told her.

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