
By slytherinboys1mp

6.1K 97 13

matheo riddle x Lyra Lestrange when lyra and her siblings join hogwarts they meet other broken kids, who fol... More

New begginings
welcome to hogwarts
first day
pick a side
quidditch game
the meeting
hes such a dick
chritmas break
more character information
the gangs back together
xmas holidays
back at hogwarts
all is forgiven
'ultimate game champion'
this all seems a little rushed
wedding day
not the plan
1 year later
5 years later

welcome party

337 3 0
By slytherinboys1mp

lyras pov

nia left with some of her other friends and the rest of us sat down in the common room


everyone continued conversation but i zoned out completely, tuning out all the background noise.

"Lyra what do you think?" reg asked

i was pulled out of my trance and noticed most eyes looking in my direction waiting for my answer.

"think of what" i replied sheepishly

"of the party tonight"

"oh yeah right i'll come sure"

"then it's settled party here tonight starts at 8 c'mon girls let go get ready" pans squealed

and with that i was dragged away by pans and followed her with the rest of the girls. once we reached me and pans's dorm we started to get ready.

"hey nova do you have that black dress in your bag?"

i really want that dress i meant to pack it but had no room so i gave it to nova to pack.

"ummm one sec .... yep here it is"

"thank you thank you thank you, i love this dress"

i did my makeup and left my hair straight,
once i was ready i waited for the others and we walked down to the common room.

my outfit:

novas outfit:

stella's outfit:

pans's outfit:

tori's outfit:

destiny's outfit:

once we got to the common room we were met by all 8 boys. all wearing black suits.
how creative 🙄

i grabbed enzo and destiny and took them to the dance floor, theo, matheo and blaise sat down and the others spread out the room, some getting drinks and others talking to past friends. as i was dancing i felt someone's gaze on me i turned around and saw matheo staring at me, he nonchalantly took a sip of his drink and continued talking to theo. i went over to the drinks and grabbed the nearest bottle, i think it was vodka. i started chugging it feeling it burn at the back of my throat. i walked back over to theo and some of the other boys and sat down next to cyrus.

"god lyra your completely drunk and we've not even been here an hour" cyrus went on to lecture me about drinking

i put on my best deep voice and slurred "yeah yeah drinking bad i get it. calm down" i heard some of the others chuckle

matheos pov

lyra came over and started blabbering about god knows what. something about nova and lyras sudden appearance seemed strange to me, i understand why my father kept them a secret from the world but i'm his son im his heir why keep it from me?

"i'm going for a smoke" i abruptly announced to the group.
i went up to the astronomy tower but as i'm going up the stairs i hear footsteps. once i get to the top i turn on my heel and pin the stranger to the wall.


"what are you doing lestrange?"

"here for a smoke"

"following me?"

"you wish riddle"

"listen i don't know how things worked at home but here at hogwarts i am in charge. i know everything that goes on. so tell me lestrange why are you and your sister here?"

"your precious father ordered it"

"i thought cyrus said your father loosened the rules but destiny says that nova told her that your mother let you go. so which is it"

she stood there blankly. i tightened my grip on her wrists.
she straightened up

"it doesn't matter why i'm here just be happy you got your two friends back"

i let her go, i knew she wouldn't tell me the real reason there here but id find out eventually.

lyras pov

he can't know. he can't. he's just trying to get to you. god snap out of it.

your brains so cluttered

"did you say something?"

"no you must be going mad" he smirked

i stood next to him leaning on the railing, smoking my cigarette. i heard footsteps echoed and turned round and saw enzo and cyrus

"Lyra Cordelia Lestrange what have i said about smoking"

"yes but cyrus i wasn't smoking i was merely holding it"

"you were holding the cigarette really?"


"mhm sure. let's get you to bed"

enzo and cyrus helped walk me back to my dorm and i immediately fell asleep when i got to my bed.

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