Of pastels and monochrome

By kjkrio

81 1 0

After pretending to be a couple at an Addams family party,Enid and Wednesday can't find a reason not to keep... More

A fateful phone call
Should we share the bed now?
Kiss,kiss and hopefully fall in love

Accidental double date

12 0 0
By kjkrio

"Can't believe you didn't even let out a peep!That rollercoaster was a 10 foot drop!"
"Give me a 50 feet drop and I'll consider being impressed."
"On a small city budget?Keep dreaming sweetheart."Enid said,shaking her head.

That whole experience was terrifying.The thing was so fast she was pretty sure it was going at some level of  moch speed.Wednesday seemed bored though,as somewhat expected.She let Enid hold onto her for dear life however,which was nice.And what was even nicer is that she won her a plushie at the shooting gallery.A really big and soft one which the blonde was currently burying her face into.

"Enid,get your face out of the bear's back.I have something to ask."
"You wanna go for coffee?"
"Sure.Let me guess you like coffee as black as your soul?"
"No coffee could ever match that."


"Can I have your sugar bags?"

Wednesday slid them over without much thought.And Enid promptly poured all three.

"You'll get diabetes if you keep that sort of behavior up."
"You're being dramatic."
"Do you put all three every time?"
"And how often do you drink coffee?"

Enid sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"You're such a party pooper."
"There is nothing wrong with being healthy,mi amor.After all that spares us from having to dig up your grave when I die."

The werewolf sniffed,smiling a bit.

"You want us to share a grave?Really?"
"Yes.I planned it out and everything."
"Our death!?"

Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"No.Our grave.Death comes at unpredictable times.Even I am unable to change that fact.However which plot of land we'll be buried under,I can control."
"Aww..That's sorta sweet actually."

Wednesday almost smiled at that.Of course she refused the temptation,but it was there.

"Thank you."

Enid smiled and the temptation became harder to ignore.

"Sinclair,come here."she said extending her palm.

Enid blinked,but obliged,resting her head in the palm of the paler girl's hand.

She opened her mouth,but Wednesday gave her a peck before she could say anything.

And the blonde blushing was all the confirmation of enjoyment that the oldest Addams child needed.

"What was that for?"
"We need to be convincing,mi vida.After all,people are just milling around and this town is so small that rumor would easily spread if we were not to act coupley."

Enid smiled,wolfish(she refused to mentally acknowledge the pun) and mischievous.At first Wednesday didn't understand why.Until Enid lifted her feet into Wednesday's lap.

She leaned back into the booth,tilting her head with a smirk,taunting,fishing for a reaction.

Wednesday considered throwing them off,but she said it herself.It would endanger the entire plan.So she took a sip of her coffee,not breaking eye contact for an instant.

"You don't give an inch,do you?"
"Not to anyone.So,please,don't take it personally."


Enid pouted,before noticing the slight pinkness to Wednesday's cheeks.She lifted her cup in a silent toast.

"Me?Taking it personally?Never."

They clinked their cups together with Enid muttering a quiet boop.

"You know..I do wonder.."
"Let me guess..How to commit the perfect murder?"
"No..That shouldn't be shared with anyone.Aside from the victim."
"Ok.Confidential.Then what?"
"You run that blog and your information seems to always be correct.Unless you do a truly concerning amount of cyber stalking,I presume you have a reasonably impressive deductive ability."
"And I never got to observe it."
"You want to do that?"
"Yes.In fact I believe we should make it a competition."

Enid blinked,taking a sip of her coffee.She hummed,putting it back down.

"A competition?"
"Yes.We observe the people around us to see how much information we can deduce from pure observation."
"Is this about that stalker thing or do you ask all your dates to people watch?"
"I told you.You're sorta my first and as for my unfortunate situation not to worry I will be handling it on my own."
"See..That is what worries me."


"But your safety's assured?What's the issue?"
"Oh I don't know,Weds..You nearly dying last time!?"
"And you showed up just on time.For that you have my eternal gratitude.And that is precisely why I wish not to involve you again."
"I can handle it just fine."
"As can I.So no reason for either of us to be concerned."
"If there's no reason then let me in on the investigation."
"And have you faint like last time?I don't think so."
"Unless you're gonna show me picture of cadavers that won't be an issue.Let me help you."
"Out of the question.Absolutely not."
"Why not!?"
"Well I'll be damned..Sinclair and Addams..An item.I owe Yoko so much cash.."

Wait..That annoying voice.


The two girls glared at eachother until Enid cheerfully waved,saying:"Oh,hi Bianca."
"Hey Enid."
"What are you doing here Barclay?Alone,that is.Has your social status slipped?And so early into the new semester too."
"Same reason as you two ladies."
"Oh?With Lucas,right?"

Both the siren and the psychic whipped towards Enid at frightening speed.

"What!?"they exclaimed.
"Well,you updated your relationship status a couple weeks ago,Xavier hasn't posted anything about you and you haven't posted anything about this new significant other.And since you would never miss an opportunity to brag about how you made an ex come back to you,can't be him.Can't be Ajax cause he hasn't updated his status from single since we broke up.And you don't swing the other way to my knowledge so can't be Divina or Yoko.Mostly cause Yoko would've told me but ya know."Enid said,finishing off with a laugh.

Wednesday and Bianca blinked at her.Wednesday in awe and Bianca in what one could call deep concern.For her own well being or Enid's sanity,Wednesday wasn't quite sure.She was sure she didn't really care to check or find out though.

"Alright,note to self.Once this date's over I'm blocking you on all my social medias."
"How did you deduce Lucas?"
"Addams,are you trying to give me a stroke?"
"..Maybe.Anyhow,Enid,go on."
"Well,since Yoko didn't mention anything,I assumed Divina doesn't know anything about the guy either.If it was someone from Nevermore,there'd be no reason for Bianca to hide anything.So it must be someone outside the school.A normie.And the last normie Bianca interacted with is-"
"Lucas.Mi vida,that was absolutely  breathtaking.Excellent job."
"If by excellent job you mean profoundly disturbing,then we're in complete agreement.I swear whoever decided to pair you two together will never hear the end of it from me."
"And they will never stop receiving my thanks for giving me an opportunity to vex you so."

The two glared at one another again,until,Enid,again,broke tension.

"Ahem,so..Bianca,if you're here,where is Lucas?"
"Maybe he decided he's no longer interested.I,for one,wouldn't blame him."
"I'll remember that for our next fencing class,Addams.And as for you,Enid,with Lucas's he's either late or he's in-"


Before Bianca could finish her sentence,the cafe bathroom door swung open and out came Lucas.

"Wednesday!?Enid?!What are you doing at our table?"
"I don't see a reservation."
"What Wednesday means is,we're sorry,we didn't know."

Bianca and Lucas looked at eachother and nodded at one another with some sort of understanding about..Something?Then they turned back to the two of them.

"All good then."Lucas said,wrapping his arm around Bianca's shoulders and kissing her cheek "I'll go get us some coffee babe."

As he walked over to the counter,Wednesday opened her mouth only for Bianca to shush her.

"Before you say anything about our PDA your parents have definitely done worse.And in front of you at that."

Wednesday closed her mouth.Bianca turned to Enid.

"Now,please get your feet off of her lap and go sit next to her.Unless you want me or Lucas to die."
"She has too many witnesses here,she wouldn't."
"That's a very bold assumption,Sinclair."Wednesday said.

Bianca nodded.

"Ditto.And I have no intention to bet on that.So,scoot."
"Jeez,both of you are so dramatic.A wonder you don't get along well."
"Ok,ok..Christ.."Enid said doing what Bianca said

She sat herself at Wednesday's side,setting her amusement park prize to rest against the side of the seat.Bianca slid Enid's coffee over and then settled in.

"Ok,one Americano for me and and a Mocha for you."Lucas said upon his return,seating himself beside Bianca and opposite Enid.

There was a long minute of silence occasionally interrupted by sipping.Bianca sighed and slammed her cup on the table.

"Ok can I just say what we're all thinking!?"
"And that is?"
"How the hell did you get together?"Lucas added.

Wednesday scowled.

"How is that any of your business?"
"Addams,surely you see why we'd be confused."
"No,actually.I don't."Wednesday snipped.

Enid shuffled in her seat,clearing her throat.

"I mean..We are rather different."
"Exactly!I mean last time I saw you,Enid,that Ajax guy was shooing us after-"
"You sabotaged the dance.Yes,Lucas,I do,in fact,remember that,you don't have to remind me."

Bianca smacked her lips.

"Right.So when did this happen?"
"November 25th."her and Wednesday said in unison,as if on cue.

Apparently it was very suspicious cause Bianca raised a brow at this .

"So a week after you broke it off with Ajax?"
"How do you know that?"Enid asked.

Right..She did cry on the phone about it to Yoko..Shit.

"Seems a bit quick,that's all."
"And you think you have the right to judge,why?"Wednesday inquired.
"Just observing,not judging.Learn the difference."
"Ironic,coming from you."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Nothing bad,Bianca.Just that you're a bit sensitive.Nothing to be ashamed of."
"Ironic,coming from you."
"How come?"
"You were willing to torture your boyfriend the instant you learned he was the Hyde."
"That was a purely practical act.The only thing a Hyde responds to is pain.Thus,torture only made sense."
"Really?Cause you seemed rather angry about the whole situation if memory serves."
"Clearly,you remember wrong."
"It's okay to be sensitive Wednesday,as you said,it's nothing to be ashamed of."

The two stood up and reached towards one another's throats.


The two looked at their significant others,fake or otherwise.And then they sat back down.Almost as if Enid and Lucas were  convinced that they were gonna kill eachother if given the slightest inch,the two held their girlfriends down,Enid by holding Wednesday's hand and Lucas by hugging Bianca.

"..I'm sorry."Wednesday muttered
"Same..I guess."

The four sat in silence,taking sips from their cups.

"Well,can't say I'm surprised they tried to murder eachother."
"We're still here you two.."
"We know."


"Ya know..You could've told me."
"You being upset about Tyler."
"I wasn't.As I said,it was necessary.Besides,you  know how much I love torture."
"This wasn't out of enjoyment Weds."
"So you believe Bianca?"
"We all know you're not the most vulnerable .You'd deny it."
"Are you saying I am?"

Enid adjusted the bear in her arms and pouted.

"I'm just strongly implying that it would make sense."

The two walked quietly for a bit,Wednesday starting to speedwalk.Probably to avoid talking about it.Enid took up a faster walk as well,catching up.

"Weds,I won't judge."
"There's nothing to judge me for because I had no care for him."
"Oh,so you kissed him just cause,did you?For the fun of it!?The experience?What?"
"Just admit you gave a shit.It won't kill you."
"My feelings for him weren't serious.Nothing like you and Ajax."
"But you did have feelings."

She nodded.

"And you wonder why feelings are repugnant to me..He played me.Played me like it was nothing."
"I was stupid.So stupid that I couldn't see the evidence right in front of me."
"..Yeah.But that's ok.Feelings screw you over sometimes."
"And that's why they should die."
"Ok,ok,chill,look.."Enid said wrapping her arm around Wednesday.

The paler girl didn't protest,even leaning into the touch.

"It is your feelings that screwed you over when it came to Tyler.That's true.But if feelings weren't a thing you wouldn't love your family and we wouldn't be friends."

Wednesday sighed,leaning on her shoulder.

"I suppose there is some benefit to those frivolous things."
"Bear for your thoughts?"

Enid extended the bear and surprisingly Wednesday took it.

"Won't your allergies be triggered?"

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