
By Suugko

678 52 10

(This story contains extremely sensitive topics) Around 20 years ago, an unknown virus plagued the Earth, one... More

Chapter 0: Part 1 - Move on
Chapter 0: Part 2 - That's in the distance, isn't it?
Chapter 0: Part 3 - My essence
Chapter 0: Part 4 - Oddities of Life
Chapter 0: Part 5 - Feels like nothing's changed
Chapter 0: Part 6 - Karma
Chapter 0: Part 7 - Healing
Chapter 0: Part 8 - A Pebble in a Rocky Ocean
Chapter 0: Part 9 - Only one way to go
Chapter 0: Part 10 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye
Chapter 1 - A Whole New Reality
Chapter 2 - Off The Map
Chapter 3: Part 1 - How the hell have you been?
Chapter 3: Part 2 - Is it really that important to you?
Chapter 4 - Apperton, The City of Craftsmanship
Chapter 5: Part 1 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 2 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 3 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 4 - Greater Issues
Chapter 6: Part 1 - Paid Debts
Chapter 6: Part 2 - Paid Debts
Chapter 6: Part 3 - Once old, born anew
Chapter 6: Part 4 - The past never forgets
Chapter 6: Part 6 - Murky waters
Chapter 7: Part 1 - Shadows Of a Lifetime
Chapter 7: Part 2 - Shadows of a lifetime
Chapter 7: Part 3 - Shadows of a Lifetime. Leave them be.
Chapter 7: Part 4 - Pressure
Chapter 8 - Precursors of Chaos
Chapter 9 - A trip to the past
Chapter 10 - Zamaton
Chapter 11 - Blades of Chaos
Chapter 12 - Blades of Chaos II
Chapter 13 - Blades of Chaos III
Chapter 14 - Part 1: Hope
Chapter 14 - Part 2: Hope
Chapter 14 - Part 3: Hope...
Chapter 14: Part 4 - Don't mention it
Chapter 15 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye. For now.
Chapter 15: Part 2 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye. For now.
Chapter 16 - Death is only the beginning

Chapter 6: Part 5 - All we were looking for

11 1 0
By Suugko

Kohen, full puncture through right thigh. Bruised abdomen. 
Orton, left shoulder lacerations. Ligaments ruptured.
Myra, severely dislocated shoulder plates. Muscles ruptured. Immobile.
Lilith, three broken ribs. Immobile.

Myrellie, uninjured.


She assists Orton and Kohen by bandaging their wounds, since there isn't anything else she can do for them.

Kohen: "You gotta be more careful Orton! You're usually cool-headed so what gives!?" He grunts, as Myrellie ties a knot to keep the bandage in place.
Orton exhales while being approached by her, who remains silent.

Orton: "What are you talking about?? If I hadn't told you to stop panicking, you'd have cut me in half along with her!"
Kohen: "That's not what I meant! You could've looked more carefully before walking in!!"
Orton: "Huh!? How would I have--
Pfff... you know what? Leave me alone Al. I've had a rough enough day as is.."
Kohen: "So have I jackass!! Tch. First thing I'm doing when we get back is having a word with Nali about that fucking rich snob!"
Myrellie: "Language. Kohen."
Kohen: "Why am I always the one who gets called out!?"

Myrellie's thoughts run rampant.
She turns towards the girls upon tending to Orton's shoulder.

Lily can't bear to move a single muscle. Her lungs aren't functioning, and the sharp jabs inflicted by the bone fragments piercing into her organs, make both staying awake and falling unconscious unbearable.

Myra is sprawled across the floor, a pool of saliva and tears has formed underneath her chin, heavily planted on the floor.
Her grit teeth can't hold the occasional, yet painful groans she's attempting to contain.

Kohen: "Mom... They're too injured for us to carry.."

The woman frowns.
"I'm aware. We'll have to resort to plan B."

The boys exhale.
Kohen: "Is there really no other way?" He attempts remaining calm, as Myra begins audibly giggling.

Orton approaches her.
"Hey. Don't exert yourself.. We're gonna get you guys out of here somehow, okay?" He reaches his hand to her waist in order to lift her, since the shoulders are a no go.

Myra: "Don't fucking touch me." She barks. Panting. Orton spots the unusual grin that hides behind that luscious hair of hers. The frown while she's staring down the hallway.
How can all her focus still be planted on that woman?


Myrellie: "Silence!! You'll attract infected towards us!!"
Myra: "Fuck off you hag!" Myrellie's expression remains unchanged.
Orton: "Myra!!" He pushes her to the ground. "Stop it you idiot!! The pain's only gonna get worse if you yell like that-!!" He attempts grabbing her again.

Her shoulders loudly pop, and the gripping of his shirt catches him off guard.
Wasn't she on the floor a moment ago?
He is now within her powerful, inhuman grasp.

Myra: "Ohhh Ortooon~!! You're in for a treat if you think I'm letting that bitch get away.. Hm.. hmhmhm.."

Giggle after giggle, insanity creeps into her actions, as the pain quickly catches up to her.

Myra: "OHH FFFUCK~~!!! Oooooo it stiings so baaaad Orton~!! My shoulders sting so badddd~!! I wish you'd make me feel like this more often~! Fuuuuck~!" Her eyes roll into her skull.
Orton: "Get a hold of yourself damnit!!!" He snatches her wrists.
Myra: "What is it~? Am I too much for you to handleeee~~?"

An elongated tongue slithers through her lips, intensifying the ever-growing expressions lacking in humanity plastered over her face, as it slides across Orton's cheek. Both of her eyes twitch and shoot from side to side, as slight jolts of the head begin taking place.

Myra: "I thought you could put up with me babe~"
Myrellie: "MYRA STRYDER!!" She snaps her gaze. Unable to dodge the BRT-pen (Benzanine Repellant Transfuser) that Myrellie stabs in her thigh.

The virus produces a chemical component called Benzanine, when the DNA altering bacteria comes in contact with an existing genetic code. The process of dismantling the original cells results in the production of this chemical.
This process leads to unspeakable mutations.
Fatality rate: 100%

However, the effect is vastly different in a specimen which has contracted the virus and survived the splicing. These individuals build a natural resistance to the Benzanine compound, allowing them to return to their original genetic code after a certain period of time, despite how severe the alterations end up being.

The BRT-pen was created in Thibillith Colony as a means to cut the duration of each splicing episode.

Myrellie: "Calm yourself! You're here to find out about Zamaton, are you not!? At this rate, you will never get the answers you wish to obtain about your mother's whereabouts!! Have you forgotten what she means to you!?"

Myra: "My... M-Mom...??" She slows down. "You're.. r-right..."

The grip on Orton's jacket loosens. Her gaze drops.

Myra: "Just kiddiiiiiing~"
She grips him by the face and hurls him towards the elevator shaft.
Slamming against the wall, and barely managing to blink, Orton catches a mere glimpse of his precious friend, now converted into a killing machine, dashing towards him like an enemy.
The next second, held by the fac
e once more.

Myra: "You're so fucking cute when you're in pain Orton~!! I can't resist breaking you to the core~!! Scream for me~~!! Make me feel special baby~~" He snatches both her wrists and manages to pull her claw-like hands away.
Orton: "CUT IT OUT MYRA!! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" He pummels her jaw, following it with slam to the chest that brings the girls down to her knees.
Orton holds her face between his palms as she's staggered, to keep her in place.

Complete delusion.

Her devilish smile. Eyes rolled into her skull.
The irregular pull in the corners of her lips.
The saliva still dripping from the sides of her mouth.

It's disgusting.
She seems to be in a completely different realm.
Driven only by pleasure.

Myra: "Hahahaaaa~!!! Why can you let loose and not mee, hmmmm~~!?? That's not fair now, is ittt~~?"
Orton: "Listen to me, damnit!! You have a mission to finish!! Like Myrellie said, this is what's most important to you!! So what are you doing losing control like this in the middle of such an important place!?"
Myra: "You're one to talk aren't you, big booyy~? Maybe you should've done something about the bitch that broke my ARMS~!"

She powerfully slaps him, twirling him into confusion.
Grasping his jacket, she throws him through the elevator shaft into the 6th floor, climbing up the walls to immediately catch up. The young man slams his bo into the crevices on both walls, to create a handle bar and prevent himself from falling. His quick decision was short lived due to being kicked into the lobby of the 6th floor by Myra, who leaps on top of the guy like an animal catching it's prey.


He slams both his hands to her ears, causing her to yelp out and moan, holding her head.


The mentioned tackles Myra, holding the handle of his scythe to her neck.
Kohen: "MYRA! Remember all those books you gave me that talked about the beginning of the world!!? The ones about space rocks and ancient creatures!!?" She struggles to get him off. "I'd love to- GAH!! Read them with you again!!!" She digs her nails into Kohen's arms, as Orton rushes to aid him.

Orton: "Remember what you said to me back at the campfire before this mission!?" She slightly cackles. "You said to me!! That you'd always try your best to stay in control!! ARE YOU GOING BACK ON YOUR WORD!? ARE YOU GONNA GIVE UP LIKE THAT MYRA!!? AFTER COMING SO FAR!? WAKE UP ALREADY!!"

Kohen and Orton's advances seem to be pushing Myra further into her splicing episode.
Effortlessly, she sends them both flying towards the walls, knocking the air out of their lungs.

Her hands slam against the sides of her skull, as the effects of the BRT-pen emerge. Unfortunately, two additional arms rip through the skin on Myra's shoulder plates.
Bony. Fleshy.
The maniacal laughter is accompanied by mumbled gibberish , as it seems her mind is attempting to reject the transformation.

She moves in to strike Kohen, who parries with the scythe just in time, then resorts to his brute strength to gain some more time. But to his surprise, Orton wraps his arms around her waist, raises her above his head, and lets himself fall backwards, slamming her down on the floor with all his strength.



She has stopped moving.

Orton immediately checks her pulse.




Orton: "Come on Myra...."



The drooling stops.



Orton: "Come oooon...."




The arms dissipate into the air...









Orton relaxes.
She's breathing.


Entrance of the facility 
North Wing - 11:40 am

Kohen is carrying the unconscious Lily, while Orton carries Myra.
The frown on Myrellie's face is unlike any he has seen.

Kohen: "Mom." He calls, being the last to step through the trashed metal doorframe. "Why didn't you fight back?"

Myrellie: "..."

Kohen: "Cuz if you don't have a good reason, it wasn't worth it to put Lily and Myra's lives in danger, now was it?" Orton stares.

Myrellie: "....

Let's go back to Apperton.
I'll explain there."

Kohen: "Fuck that! What's with you and keeping us in the dark all the damn time!?"

Myrellie: "Believe me Kohen. It's better that way."

Kohen: "Like hell it is!!
Gimme a fucking break!! We could've died in there multiple times over mom!! Are you actually gonna explain something to us regarding everything we've been working for!? Or are you just gonna keep swingin it in front of us like we're just another pack of lost puppies you had to save!?"

Myrellie stomps.
"Watch your FUCKING tone Kohen." He jolts.

For the first time ever, he's seen Myrellie swear in front of him. The one thing she despises him doing.

He really did strike a nerve.

Myrellie: "Apperton. We talk there.

And if I hear another word from you.
I will not answer."

Kohen grits his teeth, as she fiercely begins marching towards her sister's Colony. Orton glances at the boy, who adjusts Lily on his back.

Even unconscious, she holds him tightly.

Apperton Castle/Colony HQ
Warden's Abode  - 12:15

Slumped on her chair, pen fidgeting in-between her fingers, feet on top of her large wooden desk, she stares at the picture above the office door. The one where her family members have masks over their faces. Except for her, Stephanie and another boy.
It makes her exhale.

After all this time..
She still hasn't taken that picture down.
Even though he's right there in it.

It's still too complex for her.
The feelings are still too mixed.
Unclear. Raging. Softly.

Knock knock knock.

She sits upright, fixing the lapels of her jacket, and neatly tugging the lower sides to remove any temporary wrinkles.

Abigail: "Come in." The door slowly creaks, as an orange headed boy peeks through the side of it.

He approaches, droopy eyes seemingly itched until the swelling made it unbearable.

Abigail: "Nali? What's the matter kid?"
Nali: "The same reason you were slumped on that chair a moment ago."
Abigail: "How'd you know?"
Nali: "The collar on your shirt. It's scruffed. You always make sure it's immaculate before leaving any room.

Not to mention the marks of your soles on the table."

Abigail sits back.
"Tch. I gotta give you credit kid... You've picked up a few skills while in my sister's Colony..

Where'd you learn to observe like this?"

Nali: "Mostly when I was exploring with Kohen." He approaches to pull a chair. "We used to be in a lot of unexplored areas. Couldn't be careful enough."

Abigail observes. He hasn't made eye contact once, yet he's seen such intricate details.
But the matter of importance is what caused him to display this behaviour in the first place.

Abigail: "Sorry to change the topic. You said you're bothered by the same reason as me. Although I guarantee you they are different.

I know this is about Jacob."

Nali: "...."
Abigail: "I presume he threatened you again."
Nali: "It's only gonna get worse if I keep telling you. I know you said I could but.. This is the last time I'm coming here for this auntie.."

Abigail: "How so?"

Nali hesitates.
"He threatened to share something... Something that.. I don't think I can... I can't.... I can't deal with it..." He digs his face into his palms. "He wants.... My body.... My mind... My creations... and... I can't... I can't deal with it.... Auntie I can't anymore... I can't keep going like this.... I'm gonna get killed by his brothers if.... If word gets out..."

He stutters, his breath shaky and rapid.

Abigail stands up and walks around the table, taking her jacket off and placing it over his shoulders once she ducks next to him.
"If word gets out about what, kid?"

Nali stares at her through the corners of his puffy eyes, unsure whether telling her is a good decision, or a deadly one.
"Me and... his sister... We have something between us... No one else but Culi knows.. Because he..." Nali holds his mouth powerfully. "He... He listened to us through the door...

He listened...
The whole fucking time..

Then he walked in... and smiled....

He just...



Then when I looked at her...

She was petrified.

I had never seen anyone look so pale in my life.

Culiedro is dangerous...." He frowns and slams his eyes shut. "I can't put my finger on what it is... But he's... a monster..." 

He wraps his arms around his legs, shivering.


Abigail sits on the floor, chest on his back, she embraces him and caresses his head until he stops crying.
After a few minutes, his tears come to a full stop.

Abigail: "I get it kid. I'll do something about it."
Nali: "Don't hurt him.. He's still someone I care about.."
Abigail: "Nah. He's not the Culiedro you used to know." She stands up, rolling her sleeves. "Sometimes, people we know change into someone we don't. That's something I learned the hard way." Nali glances at her. "He's chosen to walk this path Nali. And that decision just so happens to be the wrong one. He'll have to deal with the consequences of his actions sooner or later. "


Guard Jarred: "LADY ABIGAIL!" He pants.
Abigail: "Jarred. Report."

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