Fairy Tail (Fanfic) | Family

By jamesmcbayot

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Hello this is a sequel to my other book called fairy tail friends This is About Wendy and Natsu after Erza a... More

Chapter 1 | The Beginning
Chapter 3 | Vacation

Chapter 2 | Aftermath

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By jamesmcbayot

A day after the last events of the first chapter

Erza just got home and what she saw first as she walked toward the house was a destroyed forest which alerted her that something had happened in turn she ran and as she ran she saw homes of the woodland creatures decimated and even some corpses of some small animals which were caught in the crossfire some had their limbs cut off some were burned some unfortunately survived and now bleeding to death

Trees were uprooted some burned she also saw holes created by Virgo and ice from Gray still not melted. The fire was also still present but not enough to cause forest fire thankfully. She continued, and then she saw grass that seemed to be withering from what she had no idea. When she touched them they turned to dust

Erza| What did you guys do?

She said with distaste and a worried tone

She kept walking until she got home and when she finally arrived she saw Lucy and Gray talking in front of the house

The house was for the most part livable, the only thing that was destroyed was the main living room and the front door

Erza| Lucy Gray what happened here

She said with a worried tone, and she knew that this was not their fault

Lucy and Gray looked at each other

Erza was waiting for a response

Gray| It's Natsu and Wendy, they had a fight again

Erza knows how much Natsu loved to fight and Wendy loved helping him but with this much destruction she knew it was something more

Erza| And that's it look around it's like a war zone here.

She explained

Erza| what else happened?

Lucy| W-Wendy

Lucy said with a low and uneasy tone which made Erza concerned

Erza| What about Wendy?

Gray| Well uh Wendy was --

Lucy| she changed

Lucy interrupted

Erza| How what changed about her

Gray| Her hair changed color, it was blood red, and her wrist had bones coming out of them, and so did her back and ankles. Her whole body was filled with cuts and with every single cut, blood flowed out of them

Gray said with a scared tone which made Erza even more concerned about what was happening to her baby sister

Erza| anything else

Lucy| Her skin looked like leather and her eyes were black with blue pupils

Lucy said with an uncomfortable look

Erza| Where are they now?

Gray and Lucy showed Erza where Natsu and Wendy were

Gray| Natsu's in his room with Lisanna and Happy

Erza| and Wendy?

Lucy| she's with Sherria, Romeo, and Carla.

Erza knew that if she wanted to know what happened she needed both of them to tell her what happened

So she headed to Natsu's room and knocked on the door

Erza| Natsu I need to talk to you.

The door opened and Erza entered the room

There she saw Happy flying toward Natsu and Lisanna who were sitting on the bed

Natsu looked down at the flood

Erza| can you guys leave us for a minute and tell Wendy to come here alone

Lisanna and Happy nodded

Happy flew out of the room while Lisanna said goodbye and kissed Natsu's cheek then left the room

Erza stood near the doorway waiting for Wendy while Natsu prepared himself for the talk of his life which he needed

A minute later Wendy came into the room

Erza| Sit down Wendy

Erza said it with a stern tone while gesturing to the bed

Wendy sat down nervously, her eyes avoiding direct contact with Erza's gaze. Natsu could feel the tension in the room, and he knew that whatever was about to be discussed was serious.

Erza| Wendy, I need you to tell me everything that happened. From the beginning.

Erza's tone softened a bit, but her eyes were still filled with concern.

Wendy| I... I don't know. It was like something took over me. I couldn't control it.

She stammered, her voice shaky, as she recalled the events.

Erza| Try to remember, Wendy. What triggered this change in you?

Wendy took a deep breath, trying to collect her thoughts.

Wendy| Natsu came home, and he was so angry. I tried to talk to him, but he just... he just attacked me. And then everything changed. I felt this power, this darkness taking over me.

Erza| Natsu attacked you?

Erza turned to Natsu, her expression a mix of disbelief and concern.

Natsu| It's true, Erza. I don't know what came over me. I wanted to challenge Wendy, and then it just escalated.

Erza sighed, realizing the complexity of the situation.

Erza| And this power, Wendy, do you have any control over it?

Wendy shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

Wendy| No, Erza. It's like I become someone else. Someone... something else.

Erza stood up, her mind racing with the implications of what she just heard. She knew that the guild and her family were facing a threat they had never encountered before.

Erza| We're going to find a way to fix this, Wendy. I promise. But for now, we need to focus on healing and understanding what happened.

Erza turned to Natsu.

Erza| Natsu, you need to talk to Wendy about what happened between you two. There might be a connection that we're missing.

Natsu| What about you

Erza| I'll talk to the others and see if they noticed anything unusual. We need to understand the full picture. But for now, focus on helping Wendy.

Natsu nodded, still feeling a weight on his shoulders. Erza left the room, determined to piece together the puzzle that was unfolding within their guild.

Outside, Erza gathered Lucy, Gray, Sherria, Romeo, Happy, and Carla.

Erza| Alright, I need everyone to tell me what they observed. Every detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

As everyone gathered outside, Erza listened intently to their accounts of the recent events. Each member of the group shared what they had witnessed, trying to contribute every detail they could recall.

Lucy| Wendy was different, her magic had changed. It was darker, more intense.

Gray| She had those bones or scales sticking out of her, and her eyes... they were just eerie.

Sherria| Mom was trying to control it, I could see it in her eyes. She was scared, but she didn't want to hurt anyone.

Romeo| Uncle Natsu looked really angry. I've never seen him like that before.

Happy| It was like they were both being controlled by something else. They didn't seem like themselves.

Carla| The atmosphere felt... off. I could sense an unusual energy emanating from Wendy.

Erza absorbed each detail, piecing together the puzzle in her mind. Something dark had taken hold of Wendy and Natsu, something beyond their control. She knew they needed to find a solution before things spiraled further out of control.

Erza| Thank you, everyone. We have to find a way to help Wendy and Natsu. This isn't just a simple conflict; there's something much darker at play here.

She paused, contemplating their next steps.

Erza| I'll consult with Master Makarov. We need all the information we can gather. Meanwhile, keep an eye on Wendy and Natsu. We can't afford another incident.

A few days later, Erza had been consulting with Master Makarov and other experienced members of the guild, trying to understand the unprecedented situation they were facing. Meanwhile, the guild members took turns monitoring Wendy and Natsu, ensuring no further confrontations occurred.

Carla| We can't keep postponing our missions

Erza| Don't worry i have a mission we can all do as a team

Later at a village on the outskirts of Hargeon the team (Natsu Wendy Erza Gray Lucy Sherria Romeo Happy and Carla) was doing a simple security mission Happy Carla Natsu and Wendy were deligated to overwatch Gray and Lucy were perimeter check while Erza Sherria and Romeo was interrogating the villagers

Wendy| Hey Natsu, why do you think that happened to us?

Natsu glanced at Wendy, contemplating her question for a moment before responding.

Natsu| I don't know, Wendy. It's like something triggered a different side of us, something darker and uncontrollable.

Wendy nodded, a deep sense of concern visible in her eyes.

Wendy| Do you think it's because of what happened with Erza and Laxus?

Natsu sighed, considering the possibility.

Natsu| It might be related, but I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it feels... beyond us. I wish Igneel and Grandeeney warned us

meanwhile with lucy and gray

Lucy| Gray what do you think happened to this village I don't think bandits did this see that house it looks like one of the dark guilds

Gray glanced at the house Lucy mentioned, noticing the distinct markings resembling those of a dark guild.

Gray| You're right, Lucy. These markings... they're definitely similar to what we've seen before. But what could a dark guild want from a small village like this?

Lucy| Let's get Erza and tell her about this

Meanwhile with Erza sherria and Romeo

Erza, Sherria, and Romeo were in the midst of their interrogation when Lucy and Gray rushed to them with urgent news about the dark guild's markings on a house in the village. Erza listened intently, her sharp gaze focusing on Lucy's words.

Erza| This changes things. Sherria Romeo get your mother and uncle (Wendy and Natsu respectively) and Happy and Carla We need to secure the villagers

The two six-year-olds nodded and then ran to where Natsu Wendy Happy and Carla were at

Meanwhile with Natsu Wendy Happy and Carla

Natsu, Wendy, Happy, and Carla were stationed on high ground, overseeing the village. Suddenly, they heard hurried footsteps approaching them.

Romeo| Mom, Uncle Natsu, happy Carla Aunt Erza needs you

Wendy| What's going on sherria Romeo

Sherria| Mommy I can't explain it but Aunt Erza wants us all down there

Natsu| Well then what are we waiting for

Happy| aye

An hour later

Erza| Natsu Wendy go back to the guild and tell master Makarov that this mission is no longer a B-class mission

Natsu and Wendy nodded, understanding the urgency in Erza's voice. They wasted no time and headed back to the guild at full speed, ready to relay the critical information to Master Makarov.

Erza| Gray Happy and sherria gather the villagers to the center of the village while Carla and Romeo provide overwatch above the sky

Lucy| What about me and you erza

Erza glanced at Lucy, considering their next move.

Erza| Lucy, we need to investigate that house with the dark guild markings. It might hold clues or even a threat that we can't ignore.

with that, the group dispersed

Gray Sherria and Happy hurried to gather the villagers

Gray| (talking to sherria) So kid how are you and your brother are you holding up

Sherria glanced at Gray, her expression a mix of worry and determination.

Sherria| It's been tough, but I'm worried about mom

Gray, empathizing with Sherria's concern, nodded reassuringly.

Gray| Your mom's strong, Sherria. She'll be alright. I've seen Wendy face hard stuff before

Meanwhile with Carla and Romeo

Carla and Romeo soared through the sky, scanning the area for any signs of trouble or potential threats. Romeo, though young, was determined to keep watch diligently, following Carla's lead.

Carla| So your mom is uh

Carla trailed off, choosing her words carefully, aware of the sensitivity of the topic.

Romeo looked at Carla, sensing the unspoken worry in her voice.

Romeo| Why did that happen to Mommy Carla

Carla paused for a moment, contemplating how to explain the situation to the young boy.

Carla| Romeo, sometimes things happen that we can't understand or control. Your mom and Uncle Natsu, they... they encountered something really unusual and powerful. It changed them in a way that we're still trying to figure out.

Romeo nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, even if he couldn't fully comprehend it.

Romeo| But they'll be okay, right? Mommy will be okay?

Carla smiled softly, trying to reassure the worried boy.

Carla| We're all doing our best to help them. They're strong, Romeo. They'll get through this.

Meanwhile, with Natsu and Wendy

Natsu and Wendy rushed back to the guild, the urgency of Erza's instructions ringing in their ears. They darted through the forest, their thoughts consumed by the task at hand.

Wendy| Natsu, what do you think is happening?

Natsu glanced at Wendy, his expression grave.

Natsu| It's probably one of those wannabe dark guilds trying to scare people and take advantage of the chaos.

Wendy| But why would Erza want to inform the master and increase mission from a b class

The two siblings continued their rapid pace, each lost in their thoughts about the escalating situation. Wendy's worry for their guild and the villagers was evident, while Natsu's concern was masked by a determined expression.

Natsu| Erza's just too worried as usual

Wendy| Wow you're unusually cool about this big brother

Natsu offered a weak smile, attempting to reassure Wendy in the midst of their urgency.

Natsu| Well you know what happened last time i got too angry

Wendy| Yeah I know, big brother, let's just hope for the best.

Natsu nodded in agreement as they continued their journey back to the guild.

An hour later the two entered the guild

Master Makarov| What's the situation?

Natsu and Wendy quickly briefed the Master on the developments at the village, the presence of markings resembling those of a dark guild, and the urgency conveyed by Erza to escalate the mission from a B-class to a higher level.

Master Makarov's expression shifted to one of deep concern.

Master Makarov| Alright go back to your team and tell them to fall back here I'll handle it

The two siblings nodded and rushed back to the village, their pace fueled by a sense of urgency.

A couple of hours later as the team regrouped at the guild Wendy took her kids sherria and Romeo to the guild daycare

Wendy| Sherria, Romeo, everything will be okay. Stay here for now, alright? Mommy will come to check on you as soon as possible.

Sherria and Romeo nodded, their young faces reflecting a mix of worry and trust in their mother.

Wendy joined the rest of the team, the worry for her children blending with the concern for the ongoing situation. She stood alongside Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Happy, and Carla, awaiting further instructions from Master Makarov.

Erza| Natsu, Wendy, you did well. Now we need to follow Master Makarov's lead.

The atmosphere in the guild was tense as everyone waited for the next steps. Master Makarov, with his vast experience and strategic mind, devised a plan to address the dark guild's presence in the village.

Master Makarov| Erza, um take your team to go on a vacation you all looked like you need one I'll handle that mission you were in

Erza| master? Why

Gray| Yeah master why all of a sudden

Master Makarov| My dear children, you all need a break. These recent incidents have been taxing, and I can see it in your eyes. Go, take some time off, rest, and recover. Trust me, I'll handle the situation with the dark guild.

Erza hesitated, her sense of responsibility conflicting with the need for rest.

Erza| Master, but the village—

Master Makarov| Don't worry I'll handle it personally now why don't you and your family pack up and go

Words 2579

Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima

Story by JamcMCBayot 

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