Misunderstood too late. || Ja...


638 46 11

A figure skater and an archer long separated their ways, how so? Despite being happy, where it was the archer... More

1. Arena
2. Returned
3. Wish
5. Mission
6. Time
8. Don't go..
9. Mess

4. No way!?

67 6 0

Sunghoon POV:

"What do you mean...Jake didn't steal our designs?.." It's not true..I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it being published on the D-day. I..i know I did."Sunghoon hyung...what designs even are you speaking of? Do you not know that Jake hyung isn't a designer? He's the heir of SY retails, it may have different sections, but the one hyung works in is the entertainment section. He can't even draw for the sake his own life. He studied acting, he's a director and majored in computer engineering, and on top of that he runs his own company, JS Gaming..it's one of the most famous gaming companies?" Jungwon questioned. I looked at him. I couldn't process anything. I didn't understand anything.

"I saw my sketch book there. I know I did. I saw it in his office." I know I didn't see anything wrong. I saw it being published, but who was it again? Who published it? I looked over to Jay just to see him as confused as me.

"Can you describe to me what it looks like? The sketchbook I mean" He asked."It was yellow, but it had a brown bear on the front with my signature in the corner." I tried to remember as best as i could, but it's already been years. Although. I'm surprised. Surprised I'm not panicking because of this subject. Is it because there is a possibility i misunderstood him?"Brown bear?..you mean this one?" Jungwon handed me over a sketchbook.

Both mine and Jays eyes widened. It was! The one I saw in Jakes office. Why was it with Jungwon?

I flipped through the pages, only for me to start trembling while covering my mouth with my hand. There were several compliments on each page, on each thing I drew that had my signature on it. And then a letter fell out.

To Sunghoon🩷

From Jake❤️

To my dear Sunghoonie,
How are you? It must be your birthday when you are reading this, i already
prepared you a birthday present, and I'll give it to you on our date night tonight.
I wanted to surprise you a little by writing you notes every here and there, this is the only notebook I stole!~
well, to make it less obvious and make you more surprised!
Don't worry, i know you love your work the most so let me reassure you,
i would never dream of stealing your designs, not even for the death of me. I know that you
like to overthink, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing though! That's why I decided to
take you to my company a few days before your birthday. To explain my work life and what I do so you
don't misunderstand!
Just know that you're one of the most important people in my life and I'd never exchange you for anything.
Nothing in this world could amount to how much i love you, you don't understand how crazy i am about
you and all the things I could no all the things I would do for you.

I'll be waiting for you at our favourite restaurant!!
From your beloved,

Tears started prickling my eyes. What's this? What is the meaning of this? It can't be."This isn't true. This can't be true. I saw my work being published, im sure of it." I started to feel slightly light headed because of all this information i need to process."Are you...even sure it was published by us?.." Jungwon looked at me with a face of disgust. Looking at me as if he were judging me."I..I.. i don't remember."

"Well I do. A project like this has never been published by me. I work in the designing section of our company. And since these designs are unknown to me, i can tell you for sure they weren't published by us." Jungwon told us straightforwardly. If he knew...why did he even bother to ask..."Don't tell me..you..let hyung suffer because of a misunderstanding?..wait..HYUNG!" Jungwon suddenly yelled. He dialled a number on his phone and had panic in his face.

Third person POV:

The number you have dialled is currently out of service, please leave a mess—

Jungwon hung up. He put on his puffer jacket and his sneakers and immediately ran out of the apartment complex without an umbrella since it a,ready had stopped raining cats and dogs.

I didn't leave to long ago..I know hyung is still there but...what is this anxious feeling. I need to hurry. Jungwon ran and ran, but what he didn't know was that two other people were tailing after him. Catching up in not even a second. The youngest male was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice them.

After a long while of running, they finally arrived. But to Jungwons surprise, his grandparents were there. As well as for his eldest Cousine."Grandma...grandpa..what are you doing here?..noona?..what's going..on?" Jungwon let out as he was trying to catch his breath."Jungwon? Where were you?" The young woman who's supposedly Jungwons Cousine asked."Jamie noona...I'll explain later..but..where is Jake hyung? Why isn't he here?" Jungwon tried to get an answer quickly."Dear, did he not tell you?" The grandmother asked.

"I don't understand..." the three family members exchanged a look of worry with each other, until the other two males finally made their appearance."What...what are you two doing here?! Well whatever, I don't have time for that right now. Noona! Please explain! Where. Is. Jake. Hyung." Jungwon kept on urging."Jake left, Jungwon. And we don't know when he'll be back. Heck we don't even know IF he'll be back. Have you not seen the news of him temporarily retiring of his archery career? Temporarily stepping down of his position?" Jamie looked over to her younger Cousin.

"Noona...where is he? Where did he go?" The younger started to cry out again. Jamie looked at him, full of pity.


"Noona, you're here?" Jake asked as he folded his clothes, packing his luggage."Jake, are you sure of this? It's really dangerous If we aren't there and you know that!" Jamie wanted to convince Jake into not leaving."I've already made up my mind, Jamie noona. I'll leave Jungwon in your care, also I'd like you to be so kind into accepting the two parks wholeheartedly. They're good kids." Jake smiled to himself, he found it sweet how his noona was worried for him."Besides, I've practically been trained into living in a world where I've got nothing left. I'll be fine. I need to do this to avenge my parents, and to have revenge for them taking our parents away, leaving such a small Jungwon here, he didn't even have a clue. He had such a hard time growing up without parents." Jake tried to explain, Jamie only listened.

After a while, she finally decided to answer."Jake, you did your best in raising Jungwon. You took upon the role of father AND mother, and damn did you do a good job. Look at where that cutie is at now. It's all because you raised him so well..you know your parents wouldn't want you to avenge them. Auntie and uncle would want you to live a life without regret and full of happiness." She still tried."Noona, I'm alone in this life. I don't deserve all these good things. Anyways enough of this. This is for myself. I'll be happy once I've avenged mom and dad, oh and. Don't tell anyone where i am, what I'm doing and why. Don't tell the people who don't know. Don't talk about it in front of them and don't mention it to anyone. If they ask, just say I left." And with that, Jake closed up his luggage, took his handbag and put it over his left shoulder.

So Jake left. Just like that.

Kang Ji-hye, or also known as Jamie, could only sigh. His Cousin was so young yet he hadn't lived a day where he could genuinely be happy. All she could do was to fulfill his request, taking care of Jungwon and the company. Jamie had already stepped down of the successor position since it has been designated for Jake, but now unsure of that one's future, she'll take on the position until he will return.

Back to present

Jamie shook her head."Jungwon, all I can tell you is that he won't be back for a while. But he did ask me to leave you a message." She sighed."Jake wants you to live a carefree life. A stable one, he wants you to be happy with the people you want to be. He doesn't want you to dwell over his departure, and he wants you to love who you want to, without him being in the way. He's sorry he left you so harshly but otherwise he didn't know how he'd leave. Jake is doing something really important and you staying might've made him change his mind. Actually, he should've done it 4 years ago, but something stopped him. I don't know what. Anyways, you two must be the parks, correct? My name is Kang Ji-hye, but I go by Jamie. If you have any questions concerning Jake, you can ask me and I'll answer. He told me all the necessary details so please feel free." Jamie nodded at them. And Sunghoon took that chance.

"Would it be alright if we could talk in privat?" He wanted answers. As he asked that, Jungwon suddenly fainted. Everybody got surprised and luckily Jay was quick to notice and caught him, he carried the smaller to a bedroom that seemed like it was Jungwons because of the name tag on the door. He laid him down and quickly went to the bathroom to wet a towel, and dabbed it on his face."He's exhausted because of all the crying and dehydration. He should be fine once he wakes." Jay assured the family members.

The female turned back to Sunghoon and finally answered."You have questions right? I'm assuming you're Park Sunghoon, it's nice to meet you." She guided Sunghoon to a separate room while he whispered a small 'likewise' and quietly followed her.

Dialog between Sh and KJ(Kang Jamie/Ji-hye)

KJ:"So, what questions do you have?"
SH:"These designs, do you know them?" He showed a picture.
KJ:"Why of course I do, it's your Ksana collection, no? It had been released about 4 years ago, right?"
SH:"4 years?..Impossible..it can't be...that's where the winter collection had been released. It was supposed to be for the mid autumn collection.."
KJ:"Well I'm sure there was some misunderstanding here. Are you trying to imply that Jake stole this? Despite him loving you so much?"
SH:"He told you about me?"
KJ:"Would I know who you where if he hadn't blabbered so much about you?"
SH:"I don't...i can't understand..."
KJ:*sigh* "Jake loves you from the bottom of his heart and he still does, probably. He never meant for you to misunderstand anything neither did he ever intentionally want to hurt you. He may have seemed weird or stiff when he was with you or trying to be affectionate, it's because he grew up without parents. Without any type of love. Me and my family, we all had been busy with the company so we rarely had a chance to be with the two of them at home, and seeing as wonnie was so young, he took on the role of both mom and dad for him. He tought him everything he knows, raised him In the stead of my aunt and uncle. He matured at a way to young age, he matured at the age where he should've been able to live out as a kid. And it was partly our fault. Which we are sorry for. But the only reason I'm telling you all this is because Jake asked me to accept you two. I mean Jay ans you. The first favour he'd ever asked of me."
SH:"I see. Thank you for answering my questions."

Jamie nodded and let Sunghoon process all this by leaving him alone.

Jay POV:

So he really did cut of f Jungwon because he didn't want to be in the way of our relationship. God. I feel so bad, but can anyone blame me? On the night Sunghoon came to me...he was so broken.

How could I..ugh! Someone pinched my arm."Won, you're awake?" I stroked his hair, putting a few strands behind his ear. He pushed my arm away from him."Don't touch me." He said hostile."Look won, you have to understand that I was just trying to look out for hoon. He's also like my brother, and I deeply care for him. Just like yours does, i may- no WE may have misunderstood him. And maybe we should've gone about this on another way, but I only did all this out of consideration for Sunghoon. He went in and out of the hospital due to all his attempts, would've once been successful too if i had not found him on time. It's also one of the reasons he has an inhaler now. Life was being cruel to him, because of how much he loves Jake, because moving on from him is impossible for Sunghoon. So I wanted to make sure Jake wouldn't be near him, so he wouldn't need to experience such hardships again." I did my best in explaining it calmly, and I'm surprised that wonnie listened to me till the end.

"I understand. Jake hyung made you misunderstand because he's bad at expressing himself. But you didn't hurt, or I mean Sunghoon didn't hurt Jake hyung any less. Him disappeared all of a sudden? What, you thought Jake hyung would be all fine? Moving on? He is a man of his promises. He keeps them all. There was a very specific one he kept. Waiting for him at all costs, even if he'd moved on, loved someone else or is no longer here." Jungwon sighed.

"When I told him you wanted to cut ties with me, you know what kind of a look he had on his face? When I told him Sunghoon had an asthma plus panic attack? Guilt. It was fucking guilt. Why was he feeling guilty when he didn't even KNOW WHAT HE DID TO YOU?! All these years, my hyung suffered more than yours. You may not know, but Jake hyung and I grew up without parents. No, Jake hyung was the one who grew up without ones, he was both for me, mom and dad. He was like a mother and father to me, he still is. Maturing at a young age, took on the position of heir and successor. Learning all kinds of things for business. He made sure I'd never feel left out because I didn't have parents." He stopped talking as he wiped away his tears.

"He was always there for me, doing everything just FOR ME. He's suffered several health issues, as well as for mental ones. Not only that, but he's never been genuinely happy. He didn't have the time to. 13 years. Hyung only ever wanted me to be happy and do what I want to do. That's why he suddenly pretended to cut ties with me, he knows me to well. He knew I'd go to you if I'd ever get left like that. If i ever get hurt. I shouldn't have gone. I should've stayed." Jungwon just looked empty, his eyes. I felt bad. I guess it really is our fault. We shouldn't have assumed something like that.

"I..i had no idea Jungwon. I'm so sorry.. I-" Jay was suddenly cut off by a certain someone swinging the door open.

Dialog between SH & JS(Park Jay/Jongsaeng

SH:"Jay. We need to talk."
The two of them walked out of the room, into the Kitchen.
SH:"What collection did we need to do? I mean 4 years ago. For which event did we need to have the designs?"
JS:"What do you mean? For the winter event."
SH:"Then what about the mid autumn collection?"
JS:"That's where the designs had been 'stolen'??"
SH:"No....then what designs did we use for the winter release?!" Something isn't adding up..
JS:"Don't tell me you actually forgot that you already submitted it half a year before the actual event?"
Sunghoon didn't remember. He was shocked. He misunderstood Jake just because of himself, because his fateful mistake. This is a pathetic excuse, but it's true. He blamed Jake for something he didn't even do.
SH:"No, No, No, No, No....I didn't do any designs for the winter event.."
JS:"What? Sunghoon, speak properly."
SH:"When was i asked to design for the winter Gala fashion show? And when for the mid autumn?"
JS:"It had already been decided at the start of the year that we'll be hosting the Winter gala fashion show that year, and in order to have everything perfect, our parents wanted to have the designs, specifically yours, finished 9 months earlier before the actual show. And you were asked to design for the mid autumn in the exact same week. But they should've been finished 10 earlier. After all the clothing making process takes quite some time."
SH:"Oh god, i mixed everything up. I didn't even have it finished at that time oh god please. Why..no no no, this is all my fault. Why am I so stupid?! dang it!"
JS:"Hoon, please calm down. Everything will be fine. Breath in and breath out, yes just like that. And again."
Sunghoon followed Jays instructions immediately.

Third Person POV:

After the conversation between the two parks had ended, Sunghoon went over to Jungwon."I'm sorry Jungwon...Its all my fault." He wanted to apologise."Yeah, i figured as much. So? What excuse do you have? For hurting Jake." He demanded, so I took a deep breath."I got some things mixed up. 4 years ago, in that year it had been planned that our family would be hosting the winter Gala fashion show. It's already been announced at the Start, but in that same week, the mid autumn release had also been announced. So I mixed up the deadline dates and the designs names. I submitted the right thing at the wrong time. I'm sorry, i blamed Jake for nothing. I guess i was just so shocked to see my sketchy there that I drew my own conclusions without even checking in on him." I was crying at that point, saying it out loud was far more painful. Had I not been so stupid, i could've spent 4 nice and happy years with Jake. He wouldn't be hurt.

"You can be happy that Jaeyun hyung loves you so much, otherwise I'd never accept this dumb excuse." Was all that Jungwon said.

~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yayy a longer chapter!
Sooo how was this one? I hope it doesn't look like I'm trying to rush things, I'm also sorry if its to much of a plot or something...

So? What will happen now? I'm curious so let's find out in the next few chapters hehe!
Love you guys!

Word count: 3270

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