Wild Memories

By meescha_mooscha

2.2K 53 5

--Cross posted from Ao3-- The Links are transported to Wild's Hyrule. Though, his memories won't be kept secr... More

A Hero's Sacrifice, Memory #17
Zelda's Resentment, Memory #5
Mipha's Grace, Memory #10
The Master Sword, Memory #18
Daruk's Mettle, Memory #4
Slumbering Power, Memory #13
Silent Princess, Memory #9
Revali's Flap, Memory #2
Father and Daughter, Memory 12
To Mount Lanayru, Memory 14
Resolve and Grief, Memory 3
Urbosa's Hand, Memory 6

Blades of The Yiga, Memory 7

87 3 0
By meescha_mooscha

The morning came quicker than the heroes wanted, the heat of the desert rolling into the canyon in massive waves. Wild rose from his sleep, groggy and rubbing his eyes, the warmth that rose with the sun was pleasant, though Wild knew the sun would be unbearable by mid-day. There was light chatter among the stable hands and a few heroes.

Wild sighed, pushing himself up from the bed, slowly rising with hesitance. Finally, he gave up on the idea of more sleep and headed over to the cooking pot, where Legen, Sky, and TIme were seated. Food was already present in the pot, making a face of confusion coat the cook's face.

"One of the stable workers made some food for us already." Time supplied.

"Oh, okay. Don't go replacing me though." Wild joked flopping down in front of Time.

"Wouldn't dream of it Champ." Legend smiled.

Sky seemed to be out of it, not quite like Wild was when he was recovering one of his memories, but most definitely lost in thought. Wild tilted his head to the side, curiously looking at the resident sleeper. Time followed his gaze, a sighing softly.

"He's been like that for a while." Time started, " He ate and everything before then but he's just shut down."

"What happened?" Wild asked.

"We got one of your memories last night, me and him." Legend quietly spoke.

"Which one?" Wild asked, summoning a bowl and taking out some of the rice and eggs.

"You and Floria seemed to be headed to Death Mountain? The one with the massive lizard." Legend started.

"Mhm," Wild confirmed. "You're right."

"Sky seemed to be shocked while we were watching, I think he was expecting the version of you and Flora now, not the version of you back then." Legend shifted, "She didn't seem to like you."

"According to Impa, she was jealous and overworked. She had immense pressure from her father, the gossip mongers, and from herself." Wild started, mixing his food around, not touching it.

"She's apologized to me more than once, even if it's not needed. I honestly don't blame her, we were both under a lot of pressure from the kingdom." Wild concluded.

Sky blinked at the sound of the Wild's voice, the implications of what Wild was saying were devastating. Sky looked down to make eye contact with Wild. Wild had a face of concern, the scarring stretching his face, which had to have hurt.

"I'm sorry..." Sky started, startling the others.

"What are you apologizing for?" Wild asked, feeling a hand on his shoulder from Time.

"We started this kingdom, it was never supposed to be like that. I never meant for-" Sky started.

"You didn't do anything Sky...You are not responsible for the actions of a king centuries after you. King Rhoam's actions were his own, doesn't matter that through some genetic shit that you're related. You are not responsible for anything that happened to me." Wild concluded.

"I feel some responsibility for all of this," Sky mumbled.

"You shouldn't." Legend stated. "We know you don't want to tell us why you feel that way, but, we will be here for that whenever you're ready."

"Thank you...I'm going to grab the rest of my things." Sky spoke up, walking away from the group.

"He'll be okay right?" Wild asked, looking up at Time.

"He will be." Time spoke confidently. "Now go get dressed for this dessert, We will burn otherwise."

The group started the remaining trek to the bazaar, though it was short, the heat made it feel so much longer. Wind was kicking up sand, complaining about how if there's sand there should be water, earning laughs from various members. Wild smiled from the front of the lineup, maneuvering through the sand with ease.

"How are you walking so easily? This is absolutely terrible." Warriors asked

"I have my sand boots, makes it feel like I'm walking on dirt." Wild smiled, "Let's just say that it was a good trade for what I gave."

"And what did you trade?" Hyrule asked.

A nervous chuckle came from the hero, waving a hand in dismissal. Earning a light laugh from Four and Hyrule. They continued walking, the view of palm trees and rocks formed in the sand. Wild grew excited, increasing his speed ever so slightly, making the others move quicker in protest.

"Welcome to Kara Kara Bazaar!" Wild spoke up, "There are some stalls here with Gerudo women who sell some things native to here. They've also got some arrows in here for you Twilight"

As they entered the bazaar, the palm trees gave good shade against the beating sun, There was a lake of water in the middle, where a couple of rito children were splashing around. Wind smiled at the water and marched his way over to the water to sink his feet in it.

The group watched as Wild greeted everyone by name, earning friendly replies from everyone. They went around the shops for some supplies, talking with the warriors about the influx of monsters, earning some replies about it being outside of the desert.

"Looks like they know not to hang around in the heat." Legend sassed, sitting on a rock near Wind.

"Which is a good thing, we don't have to worry about the townsfolk getting hurt." Warriors sighed, sitting down across from Legend.

"How are we going to talk to the chief? Last I checked, none of us were girls." Four asked, leaning against Warriors.

Wild sighed and moved to the Inn, where they've rented out a couple of beds. "Give me a moment, okay?" Wild spoke.

"He's got a plan?" Twilight spoke up, crossing his arms.

"Looked like it, see the look on his face?" Wind joked.

They heard a shout of good luck from the Inn, Wild came out with a light blue, green, and gold outfit that Warriors fished out a couple of months back. A laugh busted out from Legend and Wind, pointing at Warriors who looked embarrassed.

"That was for you?" Warriors almost shouted, "You made me think otherwise!"

"How else do you think I would be able to get into Gerudo Town?" Wild laughed, muffled due to the light blue veil, hands on his hips, resting on the gold belt around his waist.

"I have a card the Gerudo gave me, just gotta sneak around and not get caught." Time shrugged, arms crossed, "Though I don't think I would have been able to pull off something like that as a kid."

"They've got strict security, can even scale the wall and jump past without getting caught, I've tried." Wild laughed. "I'll head in and talk to Riju, I can see if she can come over here and talk to us about this, okay?" Wild reasoned, turning to his slate.

"She can always come the next day, no need to rush her this late in the day." Time reasoned.

"If it concerns her people and the desert, Riju would drop anything to help. I'll be back soon." Wild smiled, disappearing into strings of blue.

Time and Twilight made eye contact, a silent conversation occurring between the two, leading Twilight to announce his idea to patrol around the bazaar. Most heroes made noises of acknowledgment at the idea.

"You know, seeing him teleport like that is always a surprise," Sky mentioned, looking off to the town.

"He told me that it was his way to get him places quicker, he even said it saved him when a Lynel almost kicked his ass?" Wind expressed, earning a quiet 'Language' from Sky.

With laughs leaving the heroes, they dispersed, some going to the inn to be out of the heat while Wind continued to relax in the water. Four and Warriors stationed themselves near the water, on a couple of rocks that were high enough to see everyone.

Four was sharpening his sword, grabbing a whetstone from his pack and roughly scrapping it against the blade. Warriors followed suit, and the continuous sound of stone-scrapping blades occurred for a while. The two made idle conversation, but overall the comfortable silence was pleasant after everything that had happened before now.

Four was about to ask a question to Warriors when his vision faded to a white...

Four opened his eyes to see Warriors as well, they noticed they were floating, and moving quickly, almost compared to running. Looking to the side they saw Flora running in the thick sand, looking back behind her to see a person with an upside-down Sheikah eye chasing her.

Flora stumbles a bit before they are roughly stopped and two more enemies stumble out in front of the princess, who tries to turn and run, the one chasing her before catching up to her, making her fall over.

Warriors tried to grab at the enemy's arms, his hands phasing right through the arm of the warrior. Four took a stance in front of the princess, eyes closed but knowing it wouldn't do anything, but hoped it would.

The hooked blade rose above the princess, with clear intent to harm her before the scrap of metal on metal made the two heroes focus their attention in front of the princess. In a flash the blades were thrown in the air, Wild moving to the front of the princess while the master sword was on display, though aged, they could see her shimmer in the desert sun.

The warrior behind the princess collapsed, his blade falling not long after, the fighting stance Wild took seemed to intimidate the enemies who backed up when Wild advanced, face stoic the entire time. Warriors looked at Four, who both held looks of shock, confusion, and pride.

The princess looked up at Wild and sighed, obviously coming down from the adrenaline rush that she was subjected to. Their vision faded slowly to white as they both looked to the younger Wild...

Four was the first one to shake the memory off, looking around the bazaar, noticing Time not far from them, clearly making sure they were protected while in a trance. Warriors shook his head, blinking his eyes to focus on the area around him.

"Who in Dins name were those guys?" Warriors asked, looking at Four.

"Hell if I know. They clearly didn't like Flora or Wild, considering the situation." Four stated, "You think it was those assassins that Wild mentioned before we entered Kakariko?"

"Maybe? We can always ask him when he gets back, no need to speculate when we can get answers." Warriors informed.

'Let's finish this and head back with the rest of them, who knows how long we've been out here." Four smiled, picking up the dropped whetstone, earning a hum of agreement from the captain.

Wild felt himself drop onto the smooth rock of the shrine next to the town, hearing the sound of sand crunching like someone running. Opening his eyes he notices Twilight running towards him, a sigh makes his way out of his mouth when the hero approaches him.

"You've got to be hot with all that fur..." Wild scolded, "I don't even know if you'll be able to enter."

Wolfie tilted his head, walking ahead of WIld, huffing earning a laugh from the hero. Wild was so thankful that the shrine was close to the town, not having to walk through that heat was amazing, and it was a quicker way to avoid Bozai.

"Sav'saaba little vai, we have missed you." Barta greeted, "I'm assuming the wolf is with you?"
"Sav'saaba Barta, and yes!" Wild smiled.

"You do bring interesting company whenever you visit, little vai." Dorrah smiled.

"It's what I'm known for!" Wild joked, entering the town, the temperature dropping slightly, earring a sigh from Wolfie.

"I told you that you would be too hot for the desert." Wild chastised.

"Little vai! You've returned!" Isha announced from the Jewelry Shop.

"I have! It's a quick visit, but I promise I'll say longer next time!" Wild reasoned with the Gerudo.

"You better. Also, stop by before you leave, I have a present for you!" Isha pushed, "You look like you need to speak to the Chief, so go before you can't!"

"I will, Sav'orq Isha." Wild waved.

"Sav'orq, little vai!" Isha smiled, walking back into her shop.

If Twilight could smile, he would. It was refreshing to see Wild comfortable with people, he seemed close to each town they came across. He could hold personal conversations with various townsfolk, even the ones they would stumble across on the road. Wild's Hyrule was massive land-wise, but people, were sparse, more spread out than the other lands had been.

The two made it to the steps of the temple, Guards stationed outside the room. As they approached, Wolfie saw the guards stiffen and then relax, announcing their greetings to Wild who responded and walked into the throne room.

"Sav'aaq Riju!" Wild smiled, walking closer to the younger girl.

Twilight focused on the chief, she was young, her red hair was thrown into a braid, bunched up three times, gold accented her outfit, the same blue as Wild's tunic decorated her skirt, with the symbol of a camel embroidered into it.

"Sav'aaq Link, good to see you again." Riju smiled, jumping down from her seat, and walking to hug the hero.

"I have some questions and a request if it's not too late," Wild asked, letting go of her.

"Anything for a friend, Link. What is it?" She asked, backing up to make eye contact with the hero.

"The reason I've been gone for so long is because I'm traveling with eight other heroes, across time to stop a monster who is spreading stronger monsters. I was hoping you would be able to visit us at the Bazaar to help us discuss the issue." Wild spoke.

Twilight looked between the two and made and noise and nudged the hero. The noise made the two Gerudo look down, Riju smiled.

"Well, once again anything for a friend, I can meet you there. Sorry for the late introduction, Hero of Twilight, it is wonderful to meet you." Riju greeted.

Wolfie made a noise of shock, hesitantly bowing his head down, a sign of respect to the chief.

"No need for that hero, Zelda knows a lot. I will meet you two there, just give me a moment to get Patricia ready." Riju concluded.

They bid each other a brief goodbye, Wild instructed Twilight to run back to the Bazaar. Saying he had some last-minute things to get and then he'd be over there with Riju. WIld checked his slate, he most definitely had enough sapphires for the circlet he promised Sidon.

"Sav'saaba Isha! I came just like you told me to!" Wild announced, entering the shop.

"Sav'saaba Little vai, I'm guessing you got a chance to talk to the Chief?" Isha smiled, rounding the counter to give a hug to the hero, who returned the hug.

"Now, what was it that you had for me?" Wild asked, tilting his head.

"Oh right! Let me go and grab it." She exclaimed body jumping up with excitement.

"I'll be here Isha." Wild smiled, looking around at her newer pieces.

It didn't take longer than a minute for her to grab the gift, which was enclosed in a box wrapped with a light blue ribbon. She seemed to be nervous about it.

"I thought that, since I've been working with more solid gold things, you would enjoy these." Isha shyly offered the box.

Wild smiled, grabbed the box, lightly tugged on the ribbon, and opened the tna box. Inside, there were solid gold hoops, not as big as the ones the Gerudo wear, but smaller, big enough to leave a little space between the lobe. They were simple and small enough for him to wear daily.

"Isha...I love them thank you." Wild spoke in a hushed tone.

"I knew you would. With how much you monster hunt, I figured you would prefer smaller ones. They may look like solid gold, but inside there are small chunks of ruby, sapphire, opal, and diamond, Enough to give you a boost in the elements, but not as good as the original." Isha gushed.

"I hope you won't mind that I need a circlet from you. And I'm paying this time, no getting out of it." Wild laughed, moving his hands under the veil to secure the earrings.

"As much as I don't want that, I know you'd sneak it in my chest." Isha smiled, accepting the sapphires as Wild pulled them out.

"I'll be on the road for a while, so there is no rush to finish it. I'll come by next time I'm near." Wild concluded.

"Don't worry, little vai, It'll be ready whenever you get here." Isha lightly spoke, "I should probably close the shop now, Sav'orq, travel safe."

"Sav'orq Isha!" Wild smiled, moving his hands to his slate and selecting the closest shrine.

Just as Wild was regaining his vision from the teleport, he saw the heroes surrounding themselves around the fire, most of the Gerudo who stayed in the bazaar moved back to the town for the night. Just as his feet hit the stone, Riju came riding over to the oasis.

Wild quickly changed into his regular clothes, feeling ten times warmer now that he was properly covered. He smiled as the group looked in two different directions. Wild saw Buliara coming right up behind Riju on her sand seal.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Cheif Riju, of the Gerudo." Wild smiled, standing right next to her.

"Sav'aaq heroes. It is wonderful to meet you all. I heard you are in need of some information regarding my desert." She spoke elegantly, her stance taking one of someone much older.

"Sav'aaq, We are." Time responded, startling most of the group.

"You knew Gerudo Script?" She gushed looking to Time.

"I do, my wife is Gerudo, she taught me as much as she knows." Time smiled, earning a punch from Warriors.

"The more we learn, the more we don't know about you Old man." Legend joked, leaning against the closest log.

"Ah, I see. Tell her I said hello. Now, what information are you gentlemen seeking?" She asked, turning her attention to the group.
"I'm sure Wi-Link, has told you about the monsters littering the land?" Sky asked

"He has, yes. I can't say we've seen any in the Canyon or Highlands, but a couple of my warriors have seen some in Faron." Buliara spoke up.

"Faron? The storms there are violent, why would they station themselves there?" Wild asked, bringing out some food from his slate and passing it around the group.

"We don't know. They did have the black blood that you mentioned, none of the troops fell, but they were not able to defeat them." Buliara informed.

"I guess we're heading to Faron." Four concluded.

"It seems so heroes. Though Link, I must ask you a favor." Riju turned to the champion, who turned his head from Twilight to her, tilting his head.

"Naboris has been restless recently, I haven't been able to board her in a while, would you mind checking the control unit? I know Purah has been teaching you and Zelda about the machines." Riju asked.

"So were the others, I'll check it out tomorrow morning before we set off. You should be able to board her by midday." Wild promised, standing to hug her goodbye.

"I'll be waiting then. Now, we must take our leave. I hope you boys enjoy your night here." Riju smiled, calling for Patricia.

"Sav'orr heroes," Buliara spoke, walking over to her own sand seal.

"Sav'orr Builara." Wild waved goodbye.

"May The Seven give you strength, Link." Riju smiled

"May The Seven give you strength, Riju." Wild smiled back.

They watched as the two moved onto the shields and took off. The heroes looked at one another. A sigh of defeat left Wild, they all turned to look at him.

"Is something wrong, Wild?" Hyrule spoke, moving next to the hero.

"I feel like Hylia has us running in circles. First up north and now she's leading us to Faron?" Wild huffed, "We went through the canyon for no monsters to appear."

"They have never seemed to avoid high-temperature areas, but then again Wild you're Hyrule has extremes compared to ours." Four reasoned, easing the champion's tense stature.

"I'm just thankful that the Yiga haven't made their appearance." Wild sighed as Twilight started carding his hands through the long hair the other had.

"Yiga?" Time asked.

"Yeah, they're sheikah who decided to side with Ganon, sworn to kill the one with the Sword That Seals the Darkness, and the princess with the power of the Triforce. They were an actual pain during my journey." Wild informed.

"You have assassins after you?" Sky stressed looking at the younger.

"Ehhh, not good ones by any means. If you do see them they've got an upside down sheikah eye as a mask and hooked swords." Wild's eyes started to droop, the heat always made him more tired than he'd like to admit.

"Me and Four saw a memory with them in it. They almost got the princess." Warriors looked at him.

"Ah, the more tame memory. From what I hear you've got the worst ones for last." Wild mumbled, sinking into Twilight's side, and closing his eyes.

"He seriously went to sleep after he said that?" Legend asked, "Like we wouldn't have questions?"

"He's said before that the heat makes him tired quicker...Didn't know it was this quick." Hyrule looked at the hero.

"We've only got the bad ones left? That doesn't sound so good." Four spoke up, book in his lap and lightly turning the pages.

"He's said before that his memories can tell us more than he can. He probably doesn't like talking about it." Twilight quietly spoke, still running his fingers through the other's hair.

"No point in speculating boys, we should get some rest before we head out." Time got up, moving to pick up Wild.

"Now you want to end the conversation so we don't ask questions about you huh?" Legend joked.

"Exactly. You know Gerudo?" Hyrule spoke up.

"Malon is part Gerudo, I wanted to learn, simple as that." Time smiled at the memory.

"You are so whipped it's not even funny." Legend responded, earning laughs from the others.

"Laugh it up, I can convince Wild to use Goron Spice." Time smiled down at the others.

Quiet noises of protest left the heroes, all varying in extremes. They all brought themselves to the beds and bedrolls provided by the inn. Twilight laid down next to Wild, who quickly clung to the hero, earning a couple of laughs from the others.

"You've been chosen Rancher, you can't move now." Wind joked,

"No one is as bad at Sky." Legend teased, dramatically looking at the mentioned hero.

"Just for that, I'm falling asleep on you." Sky smiled, flopping down next to Legend, who was making noises of protest.

"Don't fight it, he will just latch on tighter." Warriors laughed, taking his place in a bedroll.

They eventually fell asleep, one by one, the heroes fell asleep. Soft snores and quiet breaths filled the inn. Who knows when the next time they will sleep in a bed, warm and at peace. As they slept the chill of the desert nights crept through the inn, coating them in a cool, comfortable sleep.

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