Reincarnated as the Starborn

By KonoXwrite

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Reborn into the world as his favorite TV series' main lead character, the Starborn, Josh's heart raced with e... More

Prelude - The Show's last Episode
Chapter - Prologue
Chapter One: Wishing Star, Baby
Chapter Two: Across Sea of Stars
Chapter Three: Explain Systematic Access
Chapter Four: Academic Success Pt.1
Chapter Five: Academic Success Pt.2
Chapter Seven: Uprising Demands
Chapter Eight: Knowing is Boredom

Chapter Six: Outlined Path

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By KonoXwrite

As Globby's voice uttered my name, emerging from the sea of students, it dawned on me that I had unintentionally created quite a spectacle. Glancing beyond his shoulders, I noticed a cluster of onlookers observing our interaction with keen interest. In stark contrast to the protagonist of our story, Emirah, who effortlessly connected with others, I found myself relegated to the role of an outcast, a perpetual stranger in this unfamiliar realm.

Lost in my despondent contemplation, I scarcely registered Globby's attempt to re-engage my attention. A brisk slap on my back jolted me back to the present. "Hey! Listen," he insisted. "I understand you weren't expecting this. I may not be able to stand by you right now, as I've committed to some promises with my friends. However, I'm still planning on choosing the same elective. I'll catch up with you later." And with that assurance, he navigated back into the social currents, leaving me to navigate the complex tapestry of my own solitude.

As he sprinted off, seamlessly reintegrating into his newfound circle of friends, their camaraderie enveloping him, I watched the distance between us grow. The reassurances he offered them about his association with me lingered in the air. Witnessing my closest companion gradually distance himself, the solitude that enveloped me seemed more pronounced than ever. While I once believed solitude to be acceptable, having forged connections now made extricating myself from this emotional rut a formidable challenge.

Navigating through the array of tents, my determination to fulfill a singular objective was evident. Most fellow students either ignored my presence or, when attempting to approach, were met with a deliberate aversion or a swift change of direction. I was adamant about preventing new friendships from forming; the intricate social dynamics of this world held situations I knew how to sidestep, none of which involved the imminent demise of the entire world, a cataclysmic event slated for two centuries hence. By then, my trajectory would have led me far beyond this solar system, absolving me of any responsibility for its fate.

Interrupting my contemplation, an upperclassman's exclamation caught my attention. Startled, he approached, a mixture of shock and fear etched on his face. "Woah," he uttered, taking me by surprise. Silently closing the gap between us, he spoke hesitantly, "Can we talk, Oceus?"

Halting my departure from his proximity, I couldn't help but question the apparent breach of my mental fortress. "How do you know my name?" I inquired, irritation coloring my words. My mind, fortified by the anchoring of my soul, should have rendered me impervious to telepathic intrusions—a fact well-established within the series. Yet here stood Ligo Vuilumlinas, a stranger who seemed privy to information he shouldn't possess.

"I'm sorry," he began, swiftly regaining composure. "My name is Ligo Vuilumlinas. I'm in the early senior division term, your senior. While I can't delve into your thoughts, I possess the ability to grasp and comprehend the inner perspectives of one's life. It's a profound, elusive skill, manifesting randomly once in my lifetime, focusing on a singular moment before fading away."

His explanation hung in the air as I listened in silence. He continued, a smile breaking across his face, "For instance, I clarified myself to alleviate your hostile perception, given your recent reserve. In your worldview, I witnessed something deeply unsettling, prompting me to make my presence known rather than shadow you. It's challenging, considering the multitude of abilities you possess." His voice tapered off, and he turned to observe the bustling crowd of students and staff navigating the surroundings.

Ligo's unique ability didn't involve traditional mind-reading but rather an uncanny ability to perceive the layers of reality as I saw them. The thought of someone unraveling the very fabric of my perceived reality was, in truth, a disconcerting prospect. Unlike abilities tethered to truth detection that could be bent to one's will, his gift laid bare the entirety and angles of sanity within one's truth.

Attempting to deceive him seemed futile; his ability stood impervious to the usual tricks. It set him apart as an anomaly, a character who had no place in the established lore of the series, much like myself. My existence, while occasionally aligning with expectations, had fundamentally altered the narrative. Speaking of abilities, the norm dictated a cap of eight for all individuals beyond the above-average threshold. In contrast, my arsenal consisted of thirteen abilities, a notable departure from the ten possessed by the original Starian, marking a distinct shift in the established order of super powers.

Gesturing a finger of patience, I silently activated the status screen within, a tool invisible to anyone even whose reception I sought to test. The internal prompt resonated in my mind—'View Status Screen.'

"Can you see it?" I queried, beads of sweat forming under the weight of the moment. Hoping his ability remained focused on me, I waited for his response. Ligo's gaze sharpened briefly before he spoke with curiosity, "I see a blue invisible object resembling a square screen floating in mid-air. Since you asked me, it seems like an ability you possess. Are you attempting to display a blue screen with some form of peculiar language?"

Although I had internally instructed the system to translate into the local language, Ligo couldn't comprehend the content on the screen. My attempts to convey the information through images or altered formats yielded only unintelligible gibberish. One certainty emerged—this was undeniably the reality of my reincarnation, a realization steadily eroding the doubts I harbored.

"What is it?" Ligo inquired, his curiosity evident. Frustration tinged my sigh as I realized the limitations of his ability, thwarted by the godly system encapsulating the elusive blue screen. Despite my efforts to alter it, explaining its contents verbally became the only option.

"Come by my room today," I suggested, a conspiratorial tone in my voice. "I'll explain. It's a secret. Should you disclose it, consequences may ensue, though I cannot specify. Your mind lacks immunity to mental abilities."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Ligo nodded, acknowledging the intricacies of his own abilities. He expressed a genuine interest in visiting, hoping for further revelations about the mysterious content he had glimpsed. As we parted ways, the curious glances of onlookers trailed me across the campus grounds. I embraced the various labels affixed to my enigmatic persona, from 'rich kid's bastard' to 'super-anomaly.' It was a welcome departure from the less flattering descriptions I had overheard in the past, a testament to the unique blend of my background and abilities.

With my extraordinary abilities known to only a select few, a mere handful of individuals, including a few staff members, were privy to the unique traits that set me apart. Enrolling in the elective class agreed upon by Globby and me, I scanned the roster with satisfaction at the sight of his name. However, my contentment was short-lived as the approach of my blond crush drew near, prompting an instinctive flight to evade them.

Hovering above, I overheard their snickers, oblivious to the genuine reason behind my sudden aerial maneuver. To the casual observer, it might seem like a reaction to an upperclassman's presence, but only he and I shared the truth—my flight was spurred by an emotional connection bordering on desire. Unbeknownst to me, he reveled in the newfound power dynamics, unaware of the genuine distress his presence caused me. Trapped by my own impulsive enrollment, I faced the inevitable prospect of encountering him in class, a situation he seemed poised to exploit without regard for my feelings.

As students gradually dispersed, having navigated various booths and checked in with staff members, I joined the stream heading back to the dorms. A few latecomers were called upon for cleanup duty, a fate I managed to avoid by arriving promptly.

Increasing my speed towards the dorm, I found myself pursued by a couple of classmates. "Oceus! Wait up!" they called out.

Coming to a halt mid-air, I waited as they caught up. "You already know which House you'll be in?" one of them inquired, curiosity evident in their expressions.

"Huh?" I responded, a bit surprised by the apparent urgency. The purple-haired boy gasped for breath, prompting me to wonder if I had been flying faster than I realized. The others joined in, bombarding me with questions.

"Whoa, whoa. I can't answer everyone's questions, especially not about the Houses. I genuinely don't know. I couldn't care less about the Houses they place me in. I haven't even checked my ID; the Professor mentioned it wouldn't update until the next day," I explained, attempting to alleviate their curiosity.

"Well, yeah, but the results came in today—you're in Luminary House!" they exclaimed, their stares fixed on my unfazed expression. I remained indifferent to the surprise, as Luminary House was revealed to be my designated house. Known for qualities that celebrated wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment, Luminary House attracted students with a thirst for learning and intellectual curiosity. Positioned as the second-best at the academy, the houses were divided into two tiers, with Valor House and Luminary House comprising the upper tier, while Zenith House and Nebula House occupied the lower tier.

"I hope they change that. I don't think I'm suited for that type of thing," I interjected, expressing my reservations. Another student, with blue hair, interrupted with a nod of agreement, "It's exactly what a Luminary would say," he added, supported by nods from the rest of the group. It became apparent that, among the few who had gathered, I was the sole recipient of this particular house. Luminary House was renowned for its academic prowess, housing students who excelled in a specific area of interest.

"I'll have you know, we Luminary House often exhibit superhuman abilities, albeit subpar in combat. But you're different; you're tied to knowledge and insight. It makes sense, I guess. Are you a prodigy in combat?" the yellow-haired student explained, shedding light on Luminary House's unique focus. "That's why professors and even skilled upperclassmates are always looking for you or talking about you. We can finally excel in both knowledge and combat, becoming the top class."

I stared at them, annoyance evident. They were in the same house as me, a realization that hadn't occurred to me earlier. Easing my hand against my temple, I floated backward, exploding in a burst of speed to return to my dorm. The day had left me exhausted, and I left their laughter echoing from a distance. "Great. I'm stuck in a nerd faction. Soon I'll have to leave the unhoused dorms to join their own house dorms. It's like that one thing about wizards and stuff, but different," I mused, contemplating the inevitable shift in my living arrangements.

As I landed at the dorm door, Globby appeared to have been waiting for me. "Hey, stranger."

"Heh, let me guess, you got Valor House too?" he asked, assuming a shared fate. I shook my head, annoyance coloring my reply, "No. I got Luminary House." The shift in his demeanor was noticeable, and he floated upward, utilizing his ability to manipulate manifestations of color, a skill I had taught him. His new friends descended to meet him, bidding farewell as he sported new athletic gear.

"At least we're upper tier now," Globby remarked as he flew steadily through the air. Despite his speed, I effortlessly tracked him in slow motion, receiving a text notification from Klanie. 'Boys. Congratulations. You're now both upper tier like me. Remember not to tell the unhoused students about the houses or even tell the students who are housed what goes on in your neighborhood-sealed house dorm sections. Other than that, feel free to ask me anything! Welcome aboard to the Academy! Globby, come see me in our house dorms tonight,' her message read.

As I entered my dorm, the vacant rooms echoed the solitude I felt. Attempting to eat dinner proved futile, and I simply collapsed onto my bed upon opening the inner door. The looming future demanded new arrangements, a realization that left me mentally isolated. Strengthening myself became a priority, not only to confront the imminent abduction but also to navigate the challenges that lay ahead in the series timeline.

I had seven years to prepare for the significant changes and an additional two for the world's formidable challenge against the villain's government. Beyond that, I could afford to ignore everything until the arrival of the Starian fleet. My innate ability of age provided a unique advantage—I didn't age after twenty-one. This peculiarity mirrored the appearance of the Starians who arrived on Farth, looking perpetually young. As an exception to the norm, my agelessness would become a noteworthy aspect of my journey, especially when the supposed hero Starian emerged and transitioned into a public servant, altering the course of the world.

Regrettably, envisioning myself in that role proved challenging. Two years post-abduction, I should have adeptness at disengaging the implanted tracking device via mental faculties which will be hampered by the absence of a genuine mentor. However, during one of Starian's routine check-ins, he found himself on the losing end of both a wager and a physical altercation. His inherently altruistic nature prompted him to assume the role of instructor, a dynamic that unfolded as the series progressed. I plan on seizing this opportunity, I have strategized to exploit his involvement further.

In the narrative, mentor Starian ultimately opted for self-demise as a means of self-destruction as petty grudge. Despite a misguided attempt to exact revenge on Emirah, he merely incapacitated him. In a display of Emirah's inherent goodness, he awoke to conduct a dignified burial for the mentor Starian and launched his possessions into space—a decision I deem imprudent. This time, I resolved to seize his belongings, utilizing them to neutralize the implanted device in my mind.

Capitalizing on the imminent explosion, I plan to absorb the released energy, redirecting it towards our sun. In effect, this strategy would not only thwart Starian's attempt on my life but also contribute to the demise of two metaphorical birds with a single stone. The harnessed energy, I surmised, could sustain the entire solar system of Farth's sun for an additional ten thousand years.

This newfound energy reservoir would afford me ample time to savor every moment on Farth before embarking on my journey to another solar system. Unlike the show's conclusion, where the new protagonist heroes grapple with an entire hostile alien race responsible for decimating the Starians, my plan does not involve entangling with those unknown extraterrestrial forces. Hell's no. The intricacies of those aliens and their capabilities remain obscured to me, given my reincarnation and incomplete exploration of the story. However, my priority lies in avoiding prolonged exposure and steering clear of potential conflicts, opting instead to venture beyond and explore new horizons.

As I descended into the realm of slumber, a faint knock echoed through the outer door leading to the individual dorms within our living quarters. My heightened auditory senses granted me the knowledge of the visitor's identity, and I silently wished for their departure. Before conscious thought could register, I succumbed to the embrace of a deep sleep.

Upon awakening, a sudden surge of urgency propelled me out of my room, clad in the appropriate attire for the day. The pressing need to satiate my hunger took precedence, overshadowing the more mundane rituals of personal hygiene. In a hasty maneuver, I neglected the customary shower and skipped the tooth-brushing routine, my focus narrowing to the imminent tasks of devouring a quick meal and making it to my classes within the dwindling minutes.

The usual routine after was attending the first class as yesterday, our schedule wasn't planned to change much until the next term in a few years. Now that the school was dyed now with house floor colors. New rules had been introduced with it, this was a term thing, when the next year came about, at the end of the term the academy would become undyed to its normal routine and rules. Now we had extra rules and a point system for each house, benefits of the upper tier house allowed them to be late to class. While also get first in line, and if your house was the top of the top in the tier, they had academy trips only for that house sponsored by the academy.

While lost in contemplation, the second day of the initial class swiftly unfolded, featuring a blend of professor-led presentations and brief group activities. I found myself intrigued by the striking similarities and subtle differences in the realms of mathematics and science, all shaped by the influence of super-DNA and other unique Farth-specific factors. Although the foundational principles mirrored those of Earth, Farth's twist lay in the unlocking of supernatural abilities among the pioneers and settlers of its earliest civilizations.

Despite my classmates' initial assumptions that I might struggle to keep pace, the tables turned, leaving them surprised by my adeptness. Drawing upon my nerdy knowledge from the series, I navigated through the material with ease. The changes in the past, illuminated by my familiarity with the show, offered a unique perspective. I now perceived angles of reality that eluded my fellow students, bridging the gap between the fictional world I used to observe on television and the tangible one I now inhabited.

During the break, the elderly lady, the one who had tested me and Globby for admission to the academy, spotted me and offered a friendly wave. I reciprocated with a bow as she approached, but her greeting carried a reproachful undertone.

"Do you even remember my name? How can you not come by to see me? I might as well meet my demise before reconciliation at this point," she chided. I had no particular inclination or reason to visit her. A whimsical idea struck me, and I ventured, "Lady Flicatori? I believe that was your name. Could you perhaps reassign me to a different house?"

Her response carried a mix of understanding and dismissal. "Oh, dear. I know you could remember my name, but you're a coy introvert, and now that you have the scene you want to run away. No, that's beyond my control. Ask the headmaster; he's the sole authority for student reassignments. I can put in a good word, but I highly doubt he would change your placement." She quashed any hopes of a house change. As she explained, Vesper, the one who placed me in this house, did so with the intention of keeping an eye on me, leveraging his alumni perks from the Luminary House.

Acknowledging the small banter and catching up on my adventures with the elderly lady, I bid her farewell as she went about her job—a role I remained oblivious to and uninterested in exploring. As the combat class loomed, a sense of dread settled in, though I arrived punctually. To my surprise, the usual professor was absent, replaced by a substitute.

The class unfolded with a game of Sky US-football, but I opted to observe from the sidelines, benching myself with each tackle. It became challenging for others to discern whether I was exerting effort or not. Valor House gained points, while our house neither lost nor gained. Post-game, the substitute professor delved into ethics, and I maintained minimal engagement, only speaking when prompted.

As the class concluded, we headed to lunch, where I unexpectedly encountered Globby. However, his allegiance to a different house and the associated social dynamics kept him from associating with me. Accepting the situation, I left the cafeteria with a modest departure, not relishing the sensitive nature of my current circumstances.

The remaining classes and breaks unfolded in routine fashion, with me intentionally maintaining a low profile. No significant changes occurred until the elective class – the advanced combat course. Globby was present, but the weight of his social influence lingered. To complicate matters, my former crush was also in the class. I had managed to move past those feelings, choosing to ignore them. Although they occasionally glanced in my direction, I remained unresponsive. Fortunately, Globby, sensing my discomfort, sporadically engaged with me to deter any unwanted advances.

Despite my unspoken gratitude, I recognized Globby's emotional intelligence, understanding the inner turmoil I was experiencing. His assistance went unacknowledged, but I could sense his satisfaction as he flashed a knowing smile and a subtle thumbs up under the table.

Amidst the combat technique lessons, I maintained focus, making minimal impact during the slow-paced hand-to-hand combat training. However, my former crush had different plans. They proposed to the professor the initiation of trials to assist future combat groups, a move intended to benefit them during apprenticeship sessions and potential field trips as semi-hero candidates. The unexpected suggestion added a layer of complexity to an already intricate situation.

The logical move unfolded, aligning with the proposed trials, but it wasn't what I needed at the moment. The subtle glances from my former crush hinted at their awareness of my restraint. As assignments were distributed, the teacher suggested a trial involving mock villain and hero groups. The trial's initiation, set for the following day, aimed to test the viability of the idea. Initially playing the role of an easy target, my reserved approach prompted the professor to raise the stakes.

"Sensing Oceus prefers to challenge the heroes without exploiting his advantages, let's make things interesting. Forget the conventional villain or hero roles; the droids will now be upgraded to level 20. Seniors understand the implications; they can attack and formulate strategies of their own. The first to reach the circle gains fifteen points for their house. I'll ensure the headmaster approves this substantial point boon," the professor declared.

The gravity of this offer resonated throughout the class, recognizing the rarity of professors granting such a significant number of points. Typically, professors could allocate a maximum of three points per semester, resetting annually. This professor, however, held fifteen points, a testament to her distinguished awards and strategic use of accrued perks.

While I usually remained indifferent to such matters, the potential impact on our house's standing made it impossible to ignore. "Erm, I think we're in trouble," Globby remarked, donning our super protective suits, a precautionary measure against potential harm within the yellow hexagon-patterned dome that enclosed us. The imminent trial promised a challenging shift in dynamics, potentially altering the course of our academic journey.

As complaints echoed about the perceived unfairness of the trial, with accusations that Nebula House's abundance of senior students gave them an unfair advantage, a wave of animosity directed at Cass intensified. The majority of the class belonged to Nebula House, comprising forty percent, with Zenith House at thirty percent, Luminary House at twenty percent, and Valor House at ten percent. Despite the protests, the teacher dismissed concerns, expressing satisfaction at the prospect of altering the usual hierarchical order.

"It's perfect. Now the upper-tier Houses can experience the lower ends. I see an outlined path, I can only hope any has what it takes to take it. I've longed to witness a change in the tiers," she remarked before leaving the barrier. The applause signaled the beginning of the trial, and all participants, including myself, had donned the protective gear.

Cass, a member of Valor, faced the collective anger of his housemates for suggesting an unpopular decision that led to the chaotic situation. Unfazed, he exuded confidence, asserting that they could emerge victorious either way. Valor had only five members participating, compared to ten from Luminary, fifteen from Zenith House, and a substantial twenty from Nebula House, making them the strongest contenders. Additionally, Valor had three pre-grad senior members, the highest count among the houses, while Zenith and Nebula each had one pre-grad senior, and Luminary had none. The odds were set, and the trial would be a test of strategic prowess and teamwork in the face of imbalanced numbers.

Following the teacher's applause, the activation of the droids signaled the beginning of the engagement. With the ticking time on the board, the upper-tier houses faced a crucial decision – either secure a victory or prevent the potential upset that could result from a lower-tier triumph. Gloppy's intense stare conveyed an awareness of my strategic awakening, prompting whispered exchanges among his teammates as we all positioned ourselves in designated areas of cover.

The droids initially moved aimlessly, but some strategically positioned themselves defensively around the circle. These semi-sentient beings operated with a collective purpose, communicating and planning regardless of house affiliations. To them, we were a unified enemy team. Eighty-five droids formulated schemes, organizing into offensive and defensive types, supplementing their effectiveness by breaking into smaller, more efficient groups. The complex dance of strategies and counter-strategies unfolded as we navigated the evolving battlefield, each house vying for success or attempting to thwart the potential shift in tier dynamics.

Globby, being well aware of my unpredictability, understood my potential to disrupt the battlefield. Memories from the slums echoed, where a near-destructive incident unfolded during an ambush, hinting at my capability to unleash chaos. Even in infancy, tales of my intense brightness emerged, bordering on blinding, as if I were a force to be reckoned with.

Amid the chaos of the battlefield, Globby's knowledge of these past incidents remained a silent understanding between us. In the current scenario, each house strategically moved, simultaneously attacking enemy house teams and engaging with the droids. The objective was clear – weaken the more numerous house while ensuring our own dominance in reaching the circle within the given twenty minutes.

However, my approach seemed to defy the strategic norm, prompting Trex, a key member of our team, to call out, "Oceus! What are you doing? Get to cover. You can't walk out in the open like that!" His admonishment reflected the determination to manage our house efficiently and secure victory in the competition. The intensity of the battle heightened as each house aimed for supremacy amidst the intricacies of the evolving conflict.

"I'll draw attention, focus on the circle, I'll make sure we win," I asserted, taking on the role of drawing attention away from my housemates and redirecting it toward myself. Despite the assumption that our house had a leader, it was a misconception, a role attributed to me due to my reserved nature and past training. Assigned to the tank role, they presumed my capabilities were limited to a one-shot cannon attack, not realizing the full extent of my potential.

Globby's counsel to the other houses aimed to exploit my perceived weaknesses, advising them to focus on bringing me down early or collaborate with me when the situation arose, risking the defeat of both upper-tier houses.

My heightened senses, both super hearing and enhanced vision, granted me an advantage on the battlefield. I discerned the positions of hidden house members, giving our team valuable information. Valor was rapidly reducing our houses in numbers, primarily due to the skill of their senior classmates. Luminary faced a similar fate against Valor, while Zenith surged ahead, approaching the circle. The droids, numerous but lacking in offensive and defensive prowess, relied on effective tactics to eliminate student competitors. Which proved keenly effective against everyone except Valor house members. The complex dynamics of the battlefield unfolded, and my strategic decision to draw attention aimed to secure an advantage for our house in this intense competition.

Realizing the imminent danger of losing the competition, I shifted my focus after ten minutes of evading, dodging, and shielding. "If this goes on, we lose! Zenith and Valor are already ahead. You guys don't know that I can see beyond walls! So, arch support for me. I won't waste any more time with these pointless maneuvers as they keep getting closer to us losing!" I shouted at Trex, who appeared taken aback by the sudden change in my demeanor.

This forceful side of me was unfamiliar to Trex; he had never witnessed this assertiveness before. Driven by a passionate determination, my efforts reflected the potency of an adult in a child's body, drawing on years of experience from my past life, including military expertise. The abrupt transformation left the other students bewildered, unaccustomed to this aspect of my character. Yet, it was a strategic shift needed to turn the tides in our favor and prevent an impending defeat.

Initially met with disbelief, my sudden display of hard-driven passion to win gradually convinced my housemates. Tanking the attacks of the droids, who operated like a linked database, I became their primary focus. I effortlessly dismantled one droid after another, showcasing an unparalleled ability to repel their assaults with a sizzling ionic energy emanating from my body.

My classmates from other houses, despite their varied abilities, paled in comparison to my sheer defensive prowess. However, the strain on my body became evident as I continued to absorb the relentless attacks. Fueled by determination, I propelled myself straight toward the circle. Numerous attempts from both the droids and opposing houses failed, their efforts futile against my resilient onslaught.

Globby stood in my way, strategically bracing for the confrontation. Recognizing the potential danger, he wisely intervened, fully aware that I could go through him, teleporting him instantly outside the barrier, preventing any harm to him in the process. The clash within the dome intensified, a chaotic dance of strategies and counter-strategies as the clock continued to tick down.

Halting my torrential bullet-like trajectory through obstacles, droids, and fellow students, I reached Globby. He stood with closed eyes and arms out wide, the last defense against the seemingly unstoppable force I had become.

Floating down to meet him, I questioned, "What are you doing, silly?"

"Stopping you, loser," he responded, opening his eyes to find a surprised glare from me as I had indeed come to a halt.

"I am losing gas, and I'm feeling sleepy, Globby," I admitted with a smirk. He nodded in understanding, replying, "Can't let you win. You just have to defeat me now, buddy." The camaraderie between us prevailed even in the midst of this intense competition, setting the stage for a final showdown within the barrier.

I couldn't muster the will to fight Globby in my current state; it just wasn't me. With a sigh, I acknowledged that he could always use this as leverage in future arguments, and I preferred to have him owe me rather than the other way around.

Before I could finish my sentence, my world turned black. I had expended more ionizing energy aura than ever before, and it took a toll on me. Globby, having witnessed this powerful display once before, knew it was my trump card, nearly impossible to defend or counter. Coupled with my durability, it made me a formidable force, where defense became the best offense.

I woke up in the infirmary, Globby sitting by my side, accompanied by all members of our class, particularly the Valor house faction waiting outside. "Valor appreciates you for letting us keep the lead. However, Luminary not so much. Cass wrote you a letter," Globby informed me, shedding light on the consequences of my actions during the intense competition.

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Cass writing me a letter, and Globby couldn't resist teasing me with a coy smile. "I'll be honest, I knew you were different, but I didn't think you'd also be different in love taste from me. Don't be too surprised; the letter is... well, you'll read it. It's good news but not the news I'm feeling you're hopeful about," he chuckled, subtly hinting at the contents of the letter.

"Let me rest; my head hurts, and my whole body feels numb, as if it's throbbing from tension. I can't even feel my toes or my fingers. My heart aches, bro," I expressed, prompting Globby to nod and gently shuffle my hair. He began another sentence with a question, clearly alluding to something, but I quickly interjected, "Hell's no. I don't feel like that to you. Leave me be, ugly." The banter continued even in my weakened state, preserving a sense of normalcy amidst the peculiar circumstances.

Globby's laughter filled the air, understanding the lack of emotional interest on my part. He was my brother in arms, and I was grateful that he comprehended my sentiments. As he snickered away from the hospital, the reality of my condition became apparent – I was burning up with a fever, experiencing spasms of dire distress. Although three days had passed, to me, it was merely a blink, an instantaneous transition from the past to the present.

I was scheduled to remain in the hospital for two weeks before being released to my new dorm. The prospect of leaving filled me with dread, as I knew the Luminary House awaited to haze me once I stepped outside the confines of the medical facility. The challenges and tribulations of my new academic life seemed to persist, adding another layer of complexity to my already intricate journey.

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