Miraculous: Tales of Mochibug...

By Kevhedgehog

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The Miraculous are magical jewels that when given to the right holder, they're given extraordinary powers tha... More

[1] The Dark Wings have Risen
[2] The Childhood Duo
[3] A Miraculous Successor P1
[4] A Miraculous Successor P2
[5] A New Destiny
[6] The Girl Puts Her Spots On
[7] The Boy Lets His Claws Out
[9] Battle Aftermath
[10] The Good, the Bad, the Cat
[11] Calling in the Vigilantes
[12] The Ten Months Training Plan

[8] The Miracle Heroez Debut

453 17 17
By Kevhedgehog

Backing up to the wall, Mina trembled at the sight of the skinny man with razor-sharp claws who slurped his long tongue like a serpent.

"Man girl, you're fast," the thug said taking a breath while hissing. "But, you got nowhere to run"

"P-Please, just leave me alone," Ashido said trying to use her quirk on the wall behind her so she could escape, but for some reason, it was too thick and she didn't know if she'd escape in time.

"Ah, don't be like that girly. I'm not asking much," the thug with the sharp nail said while walking toward her. "I'm just inviting you to stay at a hotel with me that's all."

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU FREAK!!!!" she screamed trying to burn faster. "Stay away from me!!!"

"Aw, don't be like that. Just come with me like a good girl!" he said grabbing her hand and ignoring the fact that one of those blades was cutting her skin. Watching from above the building she was trying so hard to burn through, Mochibug and Black Neko clenched their teeth and grabbed their respective tools. That sight alone was so unbearable, that they knew couldn't just stick around and watch. But just as they were about to jump...

"OI!!!" a voice said. Everyone both on and not on the roof turned their heads to the alley entrance to see a figure standing at the entrance of the alleyway.

"And who the hell are you?" sharp nails said. Slowly, the figure walked into view revealing a teenage boy with spikey black hair. Mina who was still backed up to the wall, stopped trying to burn through it as she squinted her eyes to try and get a better look at the person. Upon seeing his face clearly, her eyes widened and spoke as if she knew the guy.

"K-Kirishima?!" she said surprised to see her schoolmate like this. She sometimes seen him around campus, and he looked nothing like how he currently is right now. "My god, is that you?!"

The boy in response reached for the handgrip that was strapped to his waist and clenched it. Suddenly, his whole body turned into a grey and hard humanoid rock. He then stared at the guy with a murderous look. "My name's Scarlet Rock now"

Mina didn't know why, but she felt her heartbeat increased upon hearing him talk like a villain. On the rooftop, Black Neko narrowed his green eyes upon seeing his body change into a different rock form.

"It doesn't take a genius to know that quirks shouldn't work like that," he whispered to  Mochibug who nodded in agreement.

"You're right. If I didn't know any better, it's looked like he got that power from that handgrip from his waist," Mochibug said in response to Black Neko nodding. That's when both of them looked at each other thinking the same thing.

"He's been akumatized!" they both said at the same time before turning their attention back to the scene to see the person calling himself Scarlet Rock walking closer to the thug leaving slight craters in his footsteps. 

"Don't worry Ashido, I'm not gonna run this time," he said looking at Mina before turning to the thing again. "This time, I'm gonna show this guy what it feels like to feel fear"

"Ha! In your dreams kid," the sharp nail thug said as he ran towards Scarlet Rock and prepared to slash him. Unfortunately, the only damage that was done was to his fingernails because they were chipped off once they came upon impact to his rock skin. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"

"Oh I'm sorry, did that hurt?" he said in a mocking voice before he back-slapped the thug into the wall with his rock-hard hand. Everyone who was watching winched because they were sure they heard a bone crack.

"P-Please. I was just messing around kid. Don't kill me," the thug said in a trembling voice.

"It feels scary, doesn't it? Not being able to do anything? The feeling of being powerless" he said as he walked up to the thug. Ashido couldn't help but feel guilty as she watched everything unfold. Although she had caught a glimpse of him after their encounter with the giant villain, she had only seen his backside.

"Kirishima, so those rumors about you being there were true?" she said to herself as she watched him walk over to the thug and yank him by the shirt collar. Her eyes then widened when she saw him squeeze his thumb grip and his body turned dark like obsidian. He then raised his arm and clenched it into a fist. "Wait Kirishima, what are you....."

"Now you're gonna pay for what you were about to Ashido," he said clenching his sharp teeth. The thug closed his eyes thinking he was actually gonna die. But before he could do it, something wrapped around his arm stopping him. He turned his head to see a ladybug-themed yoyo wrap around his arm.

"Enough!" a voice said gaining their attention. Jumping from the roof, everyone in the alleyway saw two teenagers wearing animal-themed suits land on the ground. "You have already saved your friend. You don't have to go so far as to kill him"

"Yeah, dude! Stop being such a hard head," Black Neko said holding his staff in a defensive posture. His eyes widened before he allowed his alter ego to tell himself, "Okay, I didn't mean for it to be passed off as a joke, but if I can keep my identity like this a secret, then I'll just play by it"

Suddenly, a butterfly-shaped light mask appeared on his face as it created a telepathic link between him and Charonda.

"I cannot believe that everything is going precisely to what I have planned. I expected the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous to activate once their holders heard of an akumatization in Japan, but I never anticipated that they would fall into the hands of new Japanese teenagers," Charonda said before grinning under his mask. "But either way, they've come to save the day, the little novices. Scarlet Rock, those two are villains here to stop you. If you want to defeat them, you must take their jewelry, the earrings, and the ring

Back in the alleyway, Scalet Rock struggled to yank his arm from the yo-yo's wrap.

"Just, how strong is this string?!" he said before turning to the Bug and Cat duo. "And who the hell are you two supposed to me?"

Black Neko spun his staff above his head and pointed the tip towards him, "Neko, Black Neko. And don't fur-get it, cause that'll be claw-ful"

"And I'm Mochibug," she said after rolling her eyes in annoyance at Black Neko's excessive puns. "And we're here to save you"

"I don't need saving. Charonda told me all about you," he said shoving the thug to the wall and knocking him out in the progress. "You two are villains!!!"

Despite still having the yo-yo strapped to his hand, he rushed towards Mochibug and raised his fist to punch her. Luckily, Black Neko stepped in between them and blocked his heavy arm with his staff.

"Gah! Snap out of it man. You're not in your right mind," Black Neko said trying to push him back but his arm was so strong and unexpected, he ended up going down on one knee. "Brutally hurting a defenseless man is not what we heroes do"

"Shut up, you're no hero! You don't know what I've been through," he said as he clenched his hand grip and his skin turned into white quartz. "I'll crush you right here villain"

Still struggling to hold on, Black Neko turned to Mochibug.

"Mochibug, get Mi...I mean the girl and get out of here! Imma be right behind you!" he said gritting his teeth.

"Wha...but..." Mochibug said before turning to look at Mina who was on her knees probably out of fear and then back at  Black Neko. "OKAY!!!"

Retracting back her yo-yo, she rushed towards her and helped her up.

"Hang on!" she said using one hand to hold and the other to spin her yoyo. Throwing up to a nearby, antenna she yanked both her and Mina out of the alleyway, completely out of sight. Black Neko on the other hand saw this and then smiled at Scarlet Rock.

"Sorry, buddy, I'd love to stay and cat..." he said before dropping himself onto the ground so he could use his staff to kick Scralet Rock over his head into a nearby dumpster which closed shot after he landed in. "But un-fur-tunately, I've got a date with the ladies"

Using this chance, he rushed over to the unconscious man with the broken nails, threw him over his shoulder used his staff to poll vault out of the alleyway over the building. Just as he disappeared over the building, the top of the dumpster broke open, and Scarlet Rock crawled out of it shaking away any trash that was on his head.

Looking around and realizing he was alone, he yelled from the top of his lungs as loud as he could hoping the two that had stopped him could hear him, "I'LL FIND YOU AND YOUR MIRACULOUS!!! EVEN IF I HAVE TO BEAT UP EVERY DAMN VILLAIN IN THE CITY TO DO IT!!!"

--------------------❤️🐞\((( ̄( ̄( ̄▽ ̄) ̄) ̄)))/🐈‍⬛💚--------------------

Mochibug and Black Neko carried Mina and the thug as far away as possible away from Scarlet Rock. Jumping from building to building, believing they'd gotten far enough they used their weapons and helicoptered down so they could land safely. Touching the ground, Black Neko took up some old water hose he found near another dumpster and wrapped it around the unconscious thug tying him up.

"We'll hand him over to the police once we're done," he said dusting his hands off.

"Um, I hope you don't mind me asking but, are you guys like the new Ladybug and Cat Noir!?" Mina said taking two feet backward just in case. Both Mochibug and Black Neko looked at each other, then back at Mina and slightly shrugged. Her face then grew so bright with a smile that she began squealing in place. "OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! JAPAN ACTUALLY HAS THEIR OWN LADYBUG AND CAT NOIR!!! FINALLY, A REAL HERO COUPLE!!!"

Both teen vigilantes looked at each other in surprise and blushed hard while shouting at the same time, "WERE NOT A COUPLE!!! WE JUST MET!!!"

"Ah, phooey," Mina said pouting in disappointment. Shaking off her earlier embarrassment, Mochibug walked up to Mina and placed both her hands on her shoulders.

"Listen Ashido, we're the only ones who can save that guy because he's been akumatized," she said causing Mina to put her hand on her mouth while gasping. "Back there, you seemed to know him, right?"

She only sighed and lowered her head with a disappointed look on her face.

"His name's Eijiro Kirishima and we go to the same middle school," she said hugging herself with both arms. "He's a very nice guy but I don't know him all that much other than that he's always trying to help people. There were even rumors going around the school saying that he was a coward and a chicken, but I never believed that. Hell, I believed that he was just trying to..."

"... be a hero," Black Neko said leaning up against the wall beside the tied-up, knocked-out thug. The two girls turned their heads to look at him who had his hands crossed and his head lowered. "He's tired of just standing on the sidelines watching people get hurt. He blames himself for not doing anything. He must've been lonely"

As MochiBug looked at him, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She guessed that he might have had a similar experience, prompting him to say something like that. Suddenly, they both heard Mina's sniffles and saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Sorry, it's just, that I knew about this and I never had the guts to even ask if he's ok. I never even tried to be his friend," she said wiping her eyes. Just looking at her reminded Mochibug of when she met her childhood friend and how she helped defend him. She knew if she had chosen to ignore him back then and let him continue to be lonely, he could've ended up just like Mina's schoolmate. Using her thumb to wipe away her tears, Mochubg smiled at her teay face.

"What matters right now is that we have to go and save him," she said trying to reassure her that everything would be ok. "Once he turns back to normal, you should go and make up with him, okay?"

Drying up her tears with her hand, Mina nodded her head and placed a serious look on her face, "Okay, I'll do it"

"A villain with the Butterfly Miraculous is one manipulating your friend by turning into a villain," Black Neko said walking up to them. "We need a plan if we're going to defeat him that doesn't result in him and a lot of people getting hurt"

"If my memory serves me right, my kwami told me that I have to break the object where the whatcha ma-call-it... er, the Akuma is hiding," Mochibg said while holding her chin. "Which means he must have something on him that's giving him his powers"

"You mean like the handgrips. Every time he squeezes it, his body changes into different stone forms," Black Neko said as he clapped both his hands in realization. "THAT MUST BE WHERE THE AKUMA IS!!!!"

"So what, you just have to break it?" Mina said scratching her head in confusion. "He can turn it and himself into any rock he wants and I've been through enough boring geography classes to know that quartz is one of the hardest rocks in the world"

"You're right. He might even turn into a diamond if he wanted," Mochibug said nodding her head while thinking. "How're we gonna destroy the most indestructible things in the world?"

"Ahem!" a voice said interrupting her thinking causing her to look at Black Neko who had a smug look on his face.

"If I may polka dots, if you had done your homework on Cat Noir, then you must've forgotten that I have the solution in the palm of my claws," he said holding up his hand with his ring. 

"Then it's a good thing you ain't no bad old puddy tat," she said crossing her arms with the same smug look that caused Black Neko to scoff and look the other way while slightly smiling. Mina who was standing between them just looked at them with one eyebrow raised and chuckled quietly. "That leaves gaining his attention. Guess it's time to use my powers!"

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"ラッキー・チャーム(Rakkī chāmu)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Is that a video projector!?" Mina asked.

"I-I don't understand! How am I gonna defeat him with this?" she said on the verge of freaking out. She felt like she'd be better off with just her original quirk that she was born with until she felt a hand touch her shoulder from behind. She turned and was surprised to see Black Neko smiling at her with a look of confidence.

"Whoever gave us these Miraculous, must have done it because they trust us. They wouldn't have chosen you if you couldn't handle this. I'll follow your lead not as a sidekick but as your partner. When faced with a difficult situation, it's important to remain calm and listen to your heart. What does it tell you?" he said to me.

Trying to calm down, she closed her eyes and tried to think. She began to remember how her friend would always help her out whenever she was in a bind because of how smart he was. Her eyes then widened in realization.

"Deku! Deku's always in my heart. So what would he do in times like this?" she asked herself before looking at Black Neko. She smiled before answering the question he asked her before. "My heart says to stop and think through this"

He gave he a thumbs up like she answered a question correctly.

"Ok, so getting back to the projector," she said holding it.

"Maybe it could be a part of a puzzle or a riddle?" Black Neko said with his finger on his chin.

"You're right, it must just be one part of the solution. Maybe we need to project something for him. Something that would distract him long enough for you to destroy his thumb grip," she said looking at him before turning to Mina hoping she had answers. "Ashido, I know you don't associate with him a lot but have you seen anything that could help calm him down?"

She went into a thinking position for a while before shaping her fingers to speak.

"I once heard someone saying how he admires the hero, chivalrous hero, Crimson Riot," she said. "But it's not like you could just go and talk to him right now"

"True that," Black Neko said nodding his head. "I heard he went overseas for some hero work"

Mochibug looked at the projector as a thought came into my mind which made her smile.

"Maybe he doesn't need to," she said as she ran out of the alleyway and looked around the area which happened to be a shopping district. Suddenly, her vision turned grey as she looked around for some things she could use. Each time she see something useful, it's highlighted with a ladybug pattern:

· Black Neko's Ring

· Ashido's phone poking out of her skirt pocket.

· A Speaker from an electronic store

· The Lucky Charm Projector

"I got it!" she shouted as she rushed towards Mina. "Ashido, I need your phone,"

"W-Why?" she said taken back by her request.

"We're gonna make him realize what it truly means to be a hero," she said. Her face brightened as she took it out and held out her phone towards her. Realizing she finally trusts them, Mochibug took the other end of the phone and was about to take it, until she felt a grip on the other end.

"I'm coming with you guys," she said which surprised both magical vigilantes.

"No way, we don't know what'll happen," Black Neko said as I nodded in agreement.

"In some ways, it's my fault he's like this. I want to be there to help him," she said with confidence which made Mochibug smile at her bravery.

"Black Neko, are you with me?" she said looking at the cat boy whose face turned into a grin as he walked towards her, took her hand, and gave it a slight kiss.

"You can cat on me polka dots," he said with a sly grin. 

"I swear, sooner or later this cocky attitude of his is gonna give me a headache," she swore to herself before yanking her hand away and rolling her eyes showing clearly how annoyed she was with his personality. "Let's just go!"

As she ran off to get the rest of the stuff from her Lucky Vison, Mina slowly walked up to Black Neko and whispered something into his ears, "I totally ship the two of you"

Black Neko froze in place upon hearing that. It may be true that the negative energy of the Cat Miraculous was affecting his personality a bit, but he was still Izuku Midoriya, the same nerd who doesn't know a thing about falling in love with girls besides his love of superheroes.

"Me... and her?" he said looking at Mochibug who looks to be negotiating with the shopkeeper of the electronic store for the speakers. "N-No. No way. I mean she's cute and all but I don't even know who she is. I doubt it'll work"

Mina then walked up in front of him and did something unexpected. She went onto her tippy toes and flicked the front of his forehead.

"Ow, what was that for?!" he said holding the part where she flicked.

"So what? If you're with someone, then you shouldn't be afraid to tell them how you feel," she said to him in a serious tone. "Mask or not, I think you two are perfect for each other"

Hearing that made Black Neko's heartbeat in a way he had never felt before. He's been around his friend for many years and has never felt this around her. But just looking at the superheroine now, he couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Thanks, Ashido" he said before looking back to Mina. "You should probably take your own advice for when we rescue your friend"

Mina's pink cheeks went full red after she heard him say that.

"W-What are you talking about?! I'm not in love with him!" she said waving both her hands in denial. "I mean it's not like he's handsome, strong, good-looking, friendly..."

"Um, Ashido?" Black Neko said snapping her out of her rambling. "I never said anything about Kirishima"

Now it was her turn to stand there frozen as she lowered her head in embarrassment. The sound of steps caused both of them to look in the same direction to see Mochibug holding all the things she needed in a big sack slung over her shoulder.

"Okay let's..." she said before noticing that both Ashido and Black Neko's face were completely red. "What happened to guys?"

"Uh... I... we..." they both said at the same time mumbling gibberish before finally correcting themselves. "Nothing!"

With one eyebrow raised questionable, she shook her head and began speaking.

"Anyway, Black Neko, carry Ashido on your back and follow me," she said before spinning her yoyo, tossing it up into the air, and swinging away. Doing what she said, he placed his hand around Ashido and used his other hand to hold his staff. With that, he used it to poll vault them both into the air.

As they move around the city looking for the akumatized boy, they eventually come across a sight that makes the three of them gasp in horror. A whole area of the city was going up in flames. Windows of buildings we destroyed, cars flipped over, and plants and trees were burning up.

"I can't believe Kirishima would do all this," Mina said looking at all the destruction.

"We're gonna get him back Ashido, I promise," Black Neko said with a face full of determination before looking at Mochibug who looked back at him. "Cause we're the bug and cat team, right?"

As Mochibug smiled at him, they gave each other a thumbs up, jumped off the building they stopped on and ran down the streets to find Scarlet Rock.

The three of them continued down the block until they heard the sound of fighting coming from an area that was lit with fire. What they saw completely shock them to the very core. Scarlet Rock who was in an obsidian skin form was in a legit head-to-head fight with the #2 hero Endeavor and the underground hero Eraserhead. The three of them ran over and hid behind a tipped-over car to observe the fight.

"I can't erase this kid's quirk!" they heard Eraserhead say panting. "This is impossible!"

"THIS IS HUMILIATING!!! NO MATTER HOW MUCH FIRE I SHOOT AT HIM, HE JUST ABSORBS IT!!!" Endeavor shouted clearly angered that he wasn't winning. Black Neko figured as much since he already knew he was All Might's rival after all.

"Maybe because his skin's entirely made out of Obsidian, which is literally solid magma," Eraserhead said standing up. "Something your level of flames can't melt"

"ARE YOU REALLY GONNA MOCK ME NOW ERASURE???!!!" Endeavor shouted which caused Ashido to quietly snicker. Mochibug and Black Neko couldn't help but snickered too at scene I'm front of them. They were then brought back to reality on e they heard Scarlet Rock shout.

"I'm just trying to be a hero! If you guys won't let me..." Scarlet Rock said as his arms turned bigger. "...then you're nothing but villains to me!!!!"

Suddenly something landed between him and the heroes. Leaving a crater, stood a man who Endeavor didn't want to see and a man who let Black Neko's alter ego down earlier today.

"Never fear. It Is Fine Now," he shouted with his high and mighty voice. "Why? Because I Am Here!"

There stood All Might in his muscle form. As Ashido and Mochibug stared at him with surprise, Black Neko furrowed his brows. He personally knows All Might's secret and took a wild guess that already he rested up after saving him and his childhood bully from the sludge villain. But he knew right now is not the time to be thinking about it too much. He's seen All Might's strength first hand and so he knows that his strength could break any rock even a diamond.

"We can't waste any more time, cause one punch from All Might and he could accidentally crack the guy's head wide open," he said earning a terrified gasp from Ashido as she held her hand to her mouth. "Okay, I'll gain his attention while you two work on setting up the projector"

"Okay but we gotta hurry," Mochibug said placing her fingers on her earrings which were making a beeping sound. Black Neko remembered that his kwami did warn him that after using their powers, they would only have 5 minutes before turning back. "Cause 'I' can't waste anymore time"

Nodding his head, he jumped onto the side of the car and leaped into the battle zone. He knew what he was getting into as soon as he put on the ring and was willing to take the risk. Next thing he knew, he was standing between the three pro heroes and Scarlet Rock with his staff aimed at him.

"What the... what's a kid doing here?!" he could hear Endeavor shout from behind him. "Hey, you! Get out of here!"

"Agreed. Plus, I haven't heard of a hero who's as young as you before," Eraserhead yelled as well. "You shouldn't be trying to play the hero here. This kid's dangerous"

In response, he turned his head to them and smiled even though his eyes twitched when they landed on All Might.

"Paw-don me good sirs, but we're the only ones who can save him. So purr-ease, stand down and let me handle this," he said using his cat-tastic humor before mentally screaming to himself. "MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SPOKE TO FAMOUS HEROES LIKE THAT!"

"YOU AGAIN VILLAIN!? I'LL MAKE SURE I FINISH YOU OFF FOR GOOD!!!!" Scarlet Rock screamed at him.

"This is not a joke kid. Get out of here while you still can!" All Might said.

I turned my head to face Scarlet Rock.

"Well for your information All Might, I'm full of jokes," Black Neko said before rushing towards him ready to strike. In response, he ran towards me with his fist fully rocked. The next thing they knew, they were in an actual one-on-one fight. Black Neko has never fought with staff or any weapon in his life cause he's always imagined having a super strength like All Might. Thankfully, he watched enough hero movies that had to deal with ninjas, to help him block some of his attacks.

"Thank god this Staff is indestructible," he said as he blocked another punch and tried to strike him in the head. Once he was able to make contact, the staff bounced off his hard head. "Damn, his defense is way too strong"

Not having enough time to recover from the strike, Scarlet Rock grabbed Black Neko by the neck and slammed him to the ground just as thunder began to roll and rain began to fall.

"Great job, Scarlet Rock!" Charonda said to him mentally. "If you want to defeat him for good, you need to take the ring off his finger!" 

The other heroes were about to step forward, but Black Neko raised his hand, motioning for them to stop and wait. He was struggling to hold Scarlet Rock's arm that was previously wrapped around his neck.

"Any last words cat?" he said. Black Neko struggled to get his words out but he was able to do it with a smile on his face.

"You bet your cat whiskers I do," he said moving his eyelids up so he could look and point in a certain direction.  "Hear her out"

Scarlet Rock followed the direction of his eyes to see Mochibug holding the projector with Mina standing beside her holding her phone in her hand.

"Great, more kids," both Eraserhead and Endeavor mentally said while All Might smacked a hand on his face.

"Eijiro Kirishima!" Mochibug shouted. "Your friend Ashido has something to show you"

She nodded to her and she placed her phone on the projector. Mochibug then projected what was playing onto a building allowing everyone to see and hear what was playing.

"That's not it, is it?" a voice said in the video which gained Scarlet Rock's attention.

"No, I'm sorry," another voice said in the video. "Well then, let's start the questions"

"Hit me," Crimson Riot told the interviewer on the screen.

Everyone turned their heads to the screen to see the hero Crimson Riot, doing an interview.

"What the hell are they doing?" Endeavor said not understanding until he was shushed by Eraserhead.

"Wait, let's see how this turns out," he said since Scarlet Rock stopped holding onto Black Neko. Both boys got up so they could listen.

"Even Among Heroes, you have a reputation for being a bit reckless, often rushing headlong into danger, tell me are you ever afraid?" the Interviewer asked

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I'm afraid. Anyone who isn't afraid of almost certain death is just a huge idiot!" Crimson Riot lectured causing a gasp to escape from Scarlet Rocks' mouth as he stared at the projection.

"What are doing Scarlet Rock?! Take their miraculous!" Charonda shouted but he kept on listening.

"I'm where I am now because when I was a sidekick I failed to save someone in peril," Crimson Riot explained.

"I heard about that, but it wasn't your fault, with the crime rate as high as it is there's..." the Interviewer was cut off.

"I don't think you understand, that day I hesitated and somebody lost their life because my spirit was weak. Yes, I'm frightened when I fight a villain knowing it could end in my death, but there's something I fear more, the look on someone's face when they die, that's far worse, it's the fear of seeing that look again that drives me," Crimson Riot explained. Scarlet Rock stuttered a few steps backward and began looking around at the destruction he caused. Slowly but visibly, tears began to build up in his eyes.

"Can you tell me what Chivalry means to you?" the interviewer asked.

"Having a strong Spirit. It doesn't matter about being bold, confident, or fearless. I'm a hero and I'm sworn to save people. It's a vow I've written on my heart and one I'll die to keep" Crimson Riot explains. "You wanna know what Chivalry means to me, living a life with no regrets"

Once the video ended, Scarlet Rock fell to his knees and couldn't help but burst into tears. Despite being drenched in rainwater, Mina ran from her spot beside Mochibug and gave him a big hug despite him still in his rock form. The pro-heroes who were there could only stand where they were and watch the scene.

"He's finally calmed down," All Might said surprised. "And all it took were some words of inspiration,"

"Hmph," Endeavor said with his hands crossed.

Slowly, but carefully Mina reached for his handgrips and tossed them high into the air.

"She did it! Black Neko now!" Mochibug shouted.

"Alright!" he shouted back.


Black Neko looked at his ring hand which was now covered with green lightning energy. Using his staff as a boost, he pushed himself off the ground and went high up into the air. He then grabbed the handgrip with the cataclysmed hand which caused it to erode and turn into ash. As the dust from the handgrip landed on the ground, at the same time, a dark ether surrounded Scarlet Rock turning him back into Eijiro Kirishima.

"My god, Kirishima!" Mina shouted as she leaped onto Kirishima and cried into his shirt.

"Wh-what just happened to the boy?" All Might said as the heroes' eyes widened in surprise. Suddenly a black butterfly slipped out of the dust which surprised them even more.

"And what the hell is that?" Endeavor said as they watched it fly up.

"That there my friends is called an Akuma!" Black Neko shouted as he landed back on the ground. "I think that's your cue, m'lady"

"Got it kitty!" Mochibug said as she took out her yoyo.

"No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma," she said as she swiped open up her yoyo, and spun it. "Time to De-evilize!"

She threw it and captured the Akuma inside purifying it back to its original state.

"Gotcha. Bye-bye, little butterfly," Mochibug said as she released the butterfly into the air. "I guess this is when I use my other power,"

"When she had it, it was Miraculous Ladybug," Black Neko said pointing his finger. "But with you, I guess it's..."

"MIRACULOUS MOCHIBUG!!!!!!!!!" she shouted as she threw her Lucky Charm projector into the air, causing an explosion of pink energy to transform into a massive swarm of ladybugs that flew around fixing everything that was broken or destroyed. Even the rain cleared up.

"Whoa. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Black Neko said looking at all the ladybugs flying around fixing everything. Mina, Kirishima, and even the pro heroes' eyes widened in amazement looking at everything that was destroyed and broken being fixed and repaired like it never happened.

"Yeah. It's beautiful and amazing. It's... it's... MIRACULOUS!!!" Mochibug shouted as everything was repaired.

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