The lost daughter of a devil...

By IlyaWilson

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what if you found out that your entire life was a lie? your loving family was a lie, you being you was a lie... More

chapter 1: the beginning
chapter 2: normal life?
chapter 3: lost and found

chapter 5: secrets

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By IlyaWilson

3rd person pov

its been 3 years since Illia was dragged to hell, fortuna city was in danger, demon gates appeared everywhere, at this time brittni was 20 years old and was alloud to help her father on this mission, it was the very first mission she was alloud to go on, only because her mother persuaded her father in letting her tag along, Dante however was not all too keen on having a tag along, he is used to doing missions alone, pluss constantly being worried about his eldest daughter, she maybe 20 years old but to dante he still sees that little girl in a blue frilly princess dress playing with dolls in the livingroom, then his mind wonders off to his youngest daughter, how is she doing? he swore he would never forgive his brother Vergil for taking his youngest daughter from him, brittni was atfirst slow to catch up when dante ran ahead dealing with most of the demons and eventually figured brittni could hand herself more seeing how she can actually fight, so he smirked and ran ahead, brittni had a bad temper though and when she realized Dante had left her behind to deal with the swarm of demons its really pissed her off, oh she could handle the demons without breaking a sweat, what really made her mad was the fact that he left her behind to deal with the leader of the organization on his own, ya sure he's delt with big boss type foes before but brittni really wanted to show her dad that she was strong, admittedly not as strong as him but pretty close too, brittni paused some to look around, she was walking slowly on the street of the city, it looked empty and deserted for a city in the middle of nowhere, signs of demon activity though, the smell was proof of that, the air had the scent of sharp, acrid to it that most demons carried with them, there was also the stench of blood in the air, brittni crunched up her nose, she hates the sights and smells of blood, but that also probably means every human in the city was slaughtered, as brittni walked she then stopped and heard an uproar from the north that caught her attention, her eyes nerrowed as she held out her sword ready for a fight, her sword was a long, silver and blue.

a sword she got as a gift from trish, it really made brittni feel more princess like, demons approach brittni but none of them were a match to her as she cut them down and ran towards the commotion, anger fueling her and she ran as fast as possible hoping to catch up to her dad, "Damnit, he beat me to him!" brittni growled once inside, The place of worship wasn't too hard to locate, nor was it hard to gain entry, easily finding her father's choice of barging into the place through the glass ceiling like the dramatic asshole he was, she decided a more cautious approch would be better as she slipped in without a sound behind the massive statue that took up much of the front area, being careful to remain hidden until she had a better view of what was happening below, If she remembered correctly, it was a statue of the demon, Sparda, which happened to be her father's father, her grandfather, It had never really fazed her much that she had part demon blood running through her veins, having grown up with all sorts of odd happenings, It came as no surprise to her that she inherited some specific abilities from her demonic side, such as advanced healing, speed, and agility, though as far as a Devil Trigger, well...she has never actually had one yet, her parents would assure her that when the time is right hers would emerge, brittni had always thought her mother was human, there really was no signs to her that her mother was anything else, the thought of having a devil trigger honestly scared her and ecited her all at once, every time she saw her father used devil trigger it looked painful, but all that power..........she shook her head from the thoughts in her head, she silently piered around the smooth surface of the statue hearing the sounds of glass being crushed by heavy boots, as she got a closer look she could see silver-white hair come into view,"Gotcha now, you bastard!" she shouted as she leaped from her perch and caught the half devil by surprise by body rolling him to the ground and pulling out her handgun that was a pretty silver pistol she got from her mother for her birthday that she named storm, she pointed it at the man's head well ontop of him and said: "Ha! You messed up you old...huh?" suddently she was stairing into the clear blue eyes of a boy around her age, he was not the half demon she was expecting, she froze and felt like her and this boy had an odd intrant connection? but why? she though darkly chuckled to herself, ya if it was her dad he would have already knew she was there and would have easily dodged her attack, the boy at first looked shocked but then intrigued at her, was he related to brittni and her father? that was the though that ran threw her head, he did have a strikingly similar appearence to them, there was a moment of awkward silence between brittni and the boy that dragged on longer than necessary before the young man cleared his throat saying: "If you're not planning on shooting me, do you mind, know, getting off me?", brittni blinked saying: "oh uh right, sorry about that", she then holstered storm and got off of him, she then held her hand out to help him saying: im really sorry, i thought you were someone else, i swear im not as trigger-happy as i made myself look or even seem", the guy raiesed an eyebrow but in his eyes there was a shine of familiarity? did he feel the same connection? he then said: "Right. So, who the hell are you? I don't recall seeing you around these parts", brittni paused for a moment, should she tell him her name? something in the back of her mind was pushing her towards telling him, so she took a deep breath still debating on telling him, all the while he watched her, most likely to ensure that she would not pull anything onto him, he was smart enough to be aware of the fact that even though there was a connection between them that there still essentually strangers and as such could be capable of anything, brittni huffed and said: "im brittni sparda, and you are?" with a rather annoyed expression on her face but smiling a bit trying to be cordual and heard him say: "well brittni, im Nero, nice to meet you", he said with a sly grin on his face, brittni's annoyed expression softened some as she said: "nero huh? nice name", brittni looked around the room seeing upturned furniture, was there a battle? she then heard nero say: "Why are you here? I don't recognize you, unless you're from the Order", brittni turned back to look at nero who had a puzzled look on his face, the mention of the group her and her father was there to take out, eliminate, pieked her interest as a sly smile worked to her face, she could play this just right to get the info she needed and she said: "The Order? Don't have any idea what that is, I'm actually on the hunt for a man, at the moment, Kinda tall, silver-white hair, red leather trench coat and a cocky-ass attitude that makes you just wanna scream", she saw nero's eyes light up as he said: "That bastard was here, alright," Nero recalled now seeing that she was a possible allie who could help, the connection between them seemed to grow a little, and brittni got this unsettling feeling in her gut but kept her mouth shut hearing nero say: "He killed someone important to the people of this place, too", the anger in his voice was not directed towards brittni and she didn't blame the guy, but there were obviously things he didn't know about that what was truly going on behind the scenes, Plus, she technically didn't do anything wrong, even though she would have been more than ready to pull the trigger, her father however, had been a little more eager and had apparently blown the guy's brains out in front of the whole service, she grimaced to the thought then sighed, maybe it was best she was not here to see that, maybe there was a method to her father's madness? brittni then smirked saying:  "Well, Nero, looks like we're after the same man, And now that we're on as good of terms as first meetings go, I've got a proposition for you", he raised an eyebrow at her and moved slightly closer to her, then something dawned onto him, brittni and nero looked very similar to each other like..............almost like twins! this confused nero more and he was certain that people would think they were twins and brittni could see it too but was too stubborn to admit it, nero then said: "alright, what is it?", brittni then sighed saying: "well ya see, im not so good at navigation and i get lost pretty easily, this place is a lot biggar than i thought it was or expected it to be, lets uh teem up to catch the asshole and you can have the first shot at him, not in the head though, i want that satisfaction", she said with a grin on her face, in all actuality she was only saying these things to gain nero's trust, she never means any of it and would not ever dare to call her father any of that, atleast not to his face, brittni then held out her hand to nero as she smiled and he reluctantly shook it, there was deffinatly a bond of somesort weither it was being a sibling or simply being related somehow, he then said: "You've got a deal," brittni nodded then reminded herself that she was on a mission and to not fully trust nero, he seemed well enough but brittni never really trusted anyone, brittni was going to say more when a small group of people clad in white suits came rushing in, one of them a young woman calling out to Nero worriedly, nero's face soften seeing the girl but he stood firm infront of brittni as if protecting her? it took no time at all for nero to tell them that brittni was on there side, brittni bit her tongue at that saying nothing but nodded, the girl, kyrie looked at brittni then ant nero and blurted out: "oh nero i had no idea you had a twin sister!", brittni was about to say something when nero said: "oh uh ya heh just met her today, lucky for us she's on our side", brittni glaired at him but stayed silent as her blood began to boil with rage building up, she observed them closely as nero and kyrie talked and she got the feeling that they were lovers? kyrie seemed nice enough but sometimes the nice looking ones turn out to be the no so nice ones, brittni looked away as her eyes roamed the room, she could feel nero's eyes on her but shrugged it off, why did he stand infront of her protectively? so many questions, kyrie and the men in armor left after nero promised kyrie that they would be ok, brittni followed nero helping him out with demons, the ice all over the castle gave the place a more seren atmosphere, brittni sighed some, were was her father even at? was he still in the castle? she sighed some and kicked a pile of snow, brittni was more of an spring girl, she did not hate the cold or snow but she did not like it either, her mind wondered to her parents, how her mother was sweet and kind but firm enough, her father's happy go lucky attitude, he would play the tough guy act when needed, Stopping in her tracks, she looked over the castle for a long moment, when cold wind blew past bitting at the skin, it did not help that the fact that brittni had zibbed up her sky blue jacket that was still affected by the bitter icy touch that found its way through her clothes, she tried to force back a shiver, but the efforts were unsuccessful as the tremor of cold went threw her, the without warning a burst of warmth engulfer her cold body, brittni was surprised to see nero closer to her without his jacket on, she wanted to give it back to him but he seemed to not mind the cold so much, how sweet, he certainly was a gentleman, then nero said something that made brittni stop in her tracks, "I was an orphan when Kyrie and her family took me in, gave me a home, I wondered, for a time, why my parents never wanted me, I figured it was because I was...too different for them to handle", her eyes widened and questions flowed threw her mind a mile a minut and He gave an almost shunning look to his right arm, the arm that brittni had noticed he had been trying to hide from her view since they met, It wasn't too hard to notice, but the way he attempted to keep her on his left, ensuring she didn't have any view of his right side as if he were afraid it would somehow scare her spoke a lot about his character as well as how he was raised, this brok her a little, if he was raised by her father and mother than he would not be so scared and ashamed of his arm right? and if he was her brother then why did her parents leave him with humans? it made no sense! she reached out grabbing nero's arm and held it firm as she pulled up the sleeve of his hoodie to reveal his arm, the red and blue swirl made it look like armor of somesort, nero did try to pull away but brittni game him a determined look, with gentle movements of her fingers tracing the glowing blue lines that felt like leather, he was different from the others, she knew this deep down, He was special, in a sense, and despite what he may have thought of himself for having something others may have feared, but thats just what made him unique, she smiled and said: "You may be different, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. We all have something that we hide, Nero, But hiding what's essentially a big part of you...well, it will ultimately be your downfall, and it will never bring you happiness. Embrace what makes you different, and screw the assholes that can't see you as the person that you are", nero looked shocked but thats just the kind of person brittni was and she strongly stands by her words, and nero smiled some saying: "If that's the case, then what are you hiding?" Nero asked, his voice shaking ever so slightly, Once again looking over the scene of the snow-covered Fortuna Castle, brittni gave a small sigh of apprehension, "Well, I'm-", before she could finish what she was saying there was a horrible screeching sound that rang out into the air and brittni flinched some as she gets her sword out and so did nero, turning behind brittni and nero was 5 frost demons forming a group attack, brittni frowned some, it felt like the cold intensified some from the demons, made brittni wish to be in spring time and made her want this mission to be over with so she could go back to her warm home and have a nice, hot bath with hot tea her mom makes, she looks at nero who looks to be excited with his sword out as they charged at the demons, after the battle brittni heard nero say: "Hey, you gonna be okay?", she looked up at him, her arm got slashed up pretty badly from the frost demons, nero had grabbed brittni's wrist gently to inspect the wounds and she looked away saying: "uh ya im fine......", nero had a box of bandages and bandaged brittni's arm up, they moved forward till they got to a big battle with a scientist named agnus, it was one hell of a fight and once again brittni got hurt, but Nero had also had a severe revelation about himself that was weighing heavily on his mind. Granted, brittni had been rather surprised by the anger that had taken over nero during the fight, of which had been a high catalyst to his rather abrupt... transformation, brittni had only ever seen such a thing happen to her father only a handful of times before,  Nero's transformation, however, had left her baffled, speechless, That, of course, hadn't gone over so well, as Nero saw the astonishment on brittni's face as more of a negative reaction and had taken double efforts to hide his right arm from her sight, To make matters worse, Sanctus had Kyrie, a woman brittni had been aware of Nero adoring greatly, and he had made it his new mission to find her, His target was no longer Dante at that point, but brittni knew better knew that she would be seeing her dear father sometime soon if she helped Nero with his goal, she felt like she had to help him, helping Nero also helped her, in the long run to find her dad, brittni had seen the worried look on nero's face and she tried to assure him that she was ok saying: "i uh just need a moment is all", nero frowned and folded his arms as he looked over brittni who continued to breath deeply as she held onto the hurt arm, there was blood soaking threw the jacket she had on, What a hell of a moment to get hurt huh? she was just glad her father was not there or he would make it into a bigger deal than it was, then nero said: "Here, let me help you up. We'll get to a safer place for you to rest", brittni was the type of person who would have loved to argue that she'd be just fine after a few minutes, her mother often said she was bullheaded like that, but anyone could tell that the injuries would be a bigger hindrance moving forward than she wanted them to be, There was no use in beating around the bush - at the moment, and she felt practically useless and she absolutly hated it! she reluctantly noded at him, she reached up and managed only a pained grunt as Nero helped her to her feet, his arm keeping her steady as she leaned a good portion of her weight into him, He led her to a secluded area with decent coverage all around, carefully lowering her back down against a solid wall to rest, she then sighed deeply, hoping that all she would really need was a bit of rest so that the wounds could mend properly on their own, "Well, kid, didn't think I'd see you again so soon", brittni's head shot up hearing her father's voice and she felt both rage and relieved at the same time, Nero turned just as quickly with a scowl on his face, his frame blocking brittni rather well from the sight of Dante, brittni could already feel the anger rising in her veins, it would have been worse had she not previously been injured, "You.... What are you doing here?" nero spat at dante, nero was being very protective and ready to fight hearing Dante say: "Can't a guy walk around and enjoy the scenery without being judged?", Dante had a huge ass smirk on his face and brittni could hear it in his voice as if she was face to face with him, she could here the taunt in his voice at nero, did her dad know she was right there? of course he did, It was obvious that Dante had sought out the young man for something, and brittni had a feeling it was because of the sword, Yamato, that Nero was in possession of, Of course, this thought was in the back of her mind as the main thing running full-force at the front of her head was to murder her father - in the most lovingly of ways, of course, "Forget it, We don't have time for your bullshit", nero said glaring daggers at Dante who chuckled saying: "Who said anything about bullshit? I'm just here to collect a couple things of mine that you seem to have at the moment", at that brittni knew her father was somewhat talking about her and nero held his sword out saying: "Psh, fat chance, old man", at that brittni snickered some and heard her dad say: "Again with the 'old man' bit, eh? Ya know, you remind me of my daughter", the smirk in his voice never leaving as nero said: "Is that so?", Nero's reply was rather mocking, though the next thing that left brittni's father's mouth had her seeing red, "Yeah, you know what they say, All children act the same", she was sure now that Dante was now taunting her! Brittni pulled out her gun storm and shot at Dante a few times giving nero no warning as the bullets fly pass nero, one hit Dante in the shoulder as he moved easily dodging the barrage of bullets aiming at him, she kept shooting till her gun ran out of ammo with a clicking sound at the end, threw the haze of anger she saw she managed to get him once but it did not phaze him in the slightest and her anger simmered down some as she said: "You asshole, you left me! You freaking left me in this damn city by myself! What kind of man does that to his daughter?!" nero looked shocked and nerrowed his eyes at brittni in disbelieving eyes, then they widdened as pieces fell into place, if she was his twin then this man took care of her well nero was raised in the church! brittni could only offer a halfhearted smile before eyeballing Dante with her remaining anger, "Hey, you were the one that said you wanted a little more freedom, princess, Gotta learn the ropes on your own merits, That's what you wanted, right?", she glared at him more as Dante smirked some watching as Dante wiped away the blood that had come from the already closed wound on his shoulder, she was certain he was immortal, because any shot she ever hit him with, purpose or accident, never seemed to do that much damage, It was infuriating, but she couldn't help but be thankful, all the same, brittni then said: "I didn't mean in a freaking city I've never seen nor heard about! What if I had died, you idiot?", Dante rolled his eyes as he moved forward to inspect the damage done to her frame, taking great care not to hurt her anymore than was necessary, he then said: "Stop overreacting, You know damn well I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, This, however, wasn't in the plan, You'll be out of action for a good hour or so, princess, so get used to lying around for a while", brittni growled out saying: "Ugh, just...perfect!", she looked over to Nero, who had calmed features while giving a small smile, brittni then said: "Sorry for slowing you down so much, Nero" nero had his arms crossed and said something that made Dante stiffen up a bit saying: "why didn't you tell me this guy was the one who raised you?", brittni looked confused some but sighed as Dante rose up to look over at nero, there was evedint that nero and brittni looked like twins and Dante frowned as his eyes nerrowed at nero, brittni could see the hurt on nero's face as she said: "I tried once, but we were interrupted, It wasn't very important at the time, and it never came up again", Dante then said well looking at nero "Probably for the better, If he had known, he would have probably tried to kill you, too, And you know how Daddy is when it comes to boys", that angered nero who then said: "You know what, old man, I think I'll have to take you down a notch," Nero quipped before brittni could throw in her two-cents, his threat more than clear. It seemed to be what Dante wanted, as he gave a smirk and all but dared Nero to come closer, "Hey, not by me!" brittni shouted as the two drew their weapons of choice. "At least have the decency to let me heal first without giving me another cut to worry about!" after that fight trish showed up and Dante and Nero sort of came to a agreement, "You feel it too, don't you?", said trish Surprised, brittni looked over at Trish as she continued on her journey, her father a few feet in front of her as the blonde demon-turned-hunter slowed to her pace, brittni was still stunned to know that Trish had been part of this whole thing from the start, having been undercover for a while as a new member of The Order named Gloria, brittni had even met up with her while with Nero and had no inkling of an idea that it was her in the first place, Speaking of Nero, brittni was worried about how he was doing, Since being injured and meeting up unexpectedly with her father, she had urged Nero to go on without her, knowing that she was only slowing down the whole operation, He seemed a bit reluctant to leave brittni in the hands of Dante, who he both perceived as an initial threat as well as witnessed brittni's temporary anger towards full-force, but had consented, nonetheless, and headed on, At least it gave brittni some time to heal up before the big fight that was sure to come, "What do you mean?" brittni blurted out not thinking and Trish looked at her and gave a knowing smile, one brittni didn't really understand, She certainly seemed to know something brittni didn't, and she was not sure if that was a bad thing or a worrying one, "You mean to tell me after everything that's happened since coming to Fortuna, you haven't had the slightest feeling that something otherworldly is at play? And I'm not just talking about the regular demons, dear", brittni looked away from the blonde woman, brows drawn together in deep thought. Well, she had felt something once coming into the religious town, though she figured it had to do with finally getting out of the shop for a big mission that had made everything different, brittni had even thought it was just the atmosphere of the place that had her feeling all out of sorts., Maybe Trish was on to something..."Ah, there it is! So you do feel it." trish said and brittni looked at trish saying: "I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be feeling," she answered honestly, still confused by all the mysteriously hidden answers Trish was giving to unasked and very unsure questions. "Sure, things are kind of different for this mission, I guess, but that doesn't really mean anything", brittni said then she started to think of the connection between her and nero, was it that? "I wouldn't be so sure about that" trish said Both brittni and trish slowed to a stop as Trish faced brittni with that ever-present smile of hers, If it wasn't for the strangeness of the conversation already taking place, it would have been enough to make her smile in return, and trish said: "Whether you realize it yet or not, you're tied to this place more than you know, Even your father has ties, and not just through his father and the overly religious people who worship him", brittni thought about this for a long moment, taking a quick glance at her father who had stopped just ahead, she knew he was connected to this town, whether he wanted to be or not, because of the demon Sparda, brittni also had a feeling that he had a strong connection to that sword Nero had in his possession, Now that she thought about it more, the name of the sword sounded familiar to her, and yet she couldn't quite figure out why, "What about Nero? What are his ties in all of this? It can't be just his family and The Order alone", trish smirked saying: "Funny you should mention that boy..." brittni frowned some hearing Dante chime in saying "Isn't that what girls her age go on about most of the time, anyway?", his body having turned to the side in order for him to catch both brittni and Trish in his gaze, He was being his normally annoying, cocky self, but there was something in his eyes, something even from that distance away that hinted at his discomfort with the conversation brittni had been having with the she-devil, Just what was it that had him so uneasy? he knew something that brittni did not, wait was nero truely her brother? and dante knew it?! that made her angry as she heard trish say with a smirk: "well brittni has not seemed to be interested in a boy" and then dante said: "Well, isn't that swell! Let's mark it on the calendar, then. My lovely daughter takes an interest in a boy at age sixteen-" brittni growled saying: "im twenty!" and dante chuckled saying: "-And Daddy gets to take him out the very same day, All in all, it's a good day for everyone, Now, if you ladies are done talking, we have an event to crash" every word he said was sarcastic and brittni was beginning to get the feeling that unleashing yet another clip of bullets into his head wasn't going to solve any of this. Damnit, though, it was tempting though, Since the start of the mission, brittni had already come up with several possibilities on how it would end, she fully expected several injuries on her part, perhaps even a few casualties depending on the severity of the situation, she had also expected several hundred demons, an epic battle to the death, gaining and losing some allies/enemies, and hopefully being able to boast in front of her father, then there was this monster to deal with.........."You fool, escape is now impossible! The creation cannot be stopped!" This, however, was an unexpected occurrence, one that had brittni more afraid than she would like to admit, "Damnit, Nero! Dad, what's happening?"brittni had said worried, Dante's eyes remained on the scene before him just as brittni's were glued to it, It looked as if Nero was being absorbed into the enormous statue, the one created in Sparda's image, It was obvious that no good would come out of this, yet despite the battle that would surely ensue, brittni was more concerned for Nero, brittni had a strange feeling that, maybe, her father was, too, it was odd, "Hey, kid! You giving up so soon?" Dante shouted, gaining Nero's attention, Nero glanced at Dante, then at brittni, before avoiding eye contact all together, "My options...are limited", Dante scoffed at Nero's answer as brittni glared angrily at him, How dare he say such a thing! Especially after everything that he had done to get to this point! There was always an answer, there was always a way! "So melodramatic," Dante groused as if reading brittni's thoughts, that made her growl  and shout: "Nero!" she shouted suddenly, gaining both his attention as well as Dante's and Lady's, All eyes were on her at that moment, but all she could see was Nero, slowly disappearing into The Savior, "If you die in there, I swear, Heaven or Hell, I will drag you back here and kill you again myself, you asshole!", Nero seemed momentarily stunned before a small smile lit his features, "Looking forward to it." nero had said,  Dante suddenly came in with his own exclamation, not as angry as brittni's but almost as threatening coming from him, "If you die without giving me my sword back, I'm gonna be pissed!", Nero, in turn, gave a mocking smirk before flipping the bird, tilting his head back ever so slightly in a taunting manner that would have been similar to what someone brittni knew would have done, It was the last thing he could do before being completely absorbed into the monstrous statue of Sparda, "Then come and get it", said nero, brittni frowned as Dante smirked to himself himself, crossing his arms over his chest,"Heh...what a punk",  He glanced at brittni for a fraction of a moment,"Reminds me of you, princess", his words rang into brittni's ears, nero reminds him of her? then the battle began, "What the's floating?!" brittni questioned, gazing up at The Savior, now fully awakened after absorbing Nero into its being, The thing was now literally levitating off the floor, the pure enormity of it coupled with its new ability to apparently fly making it seem more menacing. Well, at least to brittni, her dear father thought it was hilarious, "Ha! Check it out! It's got wings!" he exclaimed, pointing up at the entity with a chuckle to his words, "Seriously? You think this is funny?" brittni said in disbalieve, It didn't help that Trish had to have a word in, one hand on her hip as the other came up to her chin as if contemplating what she saw, "The design shows terrible taste...." brittni was beyond exasperated saying: "You guys are just...just too much to be around right now, At least tell me you're going to fix this!" after all has been said and done the savior was defeated by dante litterally shooting the yamato sword into the savior's chest, brittni staired out over the horizon, the sun's rays reflecting golden hues off the ocean's shimmering surface, It was a beautiful end to such a hectic mission, one that, despite all the hardships, was a rather exciting for brittni's first adventure, In the end, brittni had watched the demon that Sanctus had become fall by Nero's hands, It was this final showdown that had allowed Nero the chance to make peace with his demonic side, something brittni knew he had to do and glad he was capable of doing, she was thankful that it all had ended well, The city of Fortuna was not entirely safe yet, there were still demon gates that popped up everywhere but they were not alone to deal with that and it be an easier mission to compleate now that the savior was dealt with, brittni turned away from the scenery to watch the exchange happening between Nero and her father, Nero was attempting to return the sword, Yamato, to Dante, something brittni had fully expected to happen in the end, Despite the rocky road to their odd understanding of each other, Nero was nothing short of an honest guy, and even his misplaced hate for Dante in the beginning wasn't going to hinder him in being the kind soul he was, What she did not expect, however, was Dante giving the sword back to Nero with little hesitance, she followed the action with confused eyes, catching her father's gaze for only a moment before he pulled his focus back on an equally confused Nero, "This sword needs someone to watch over it, someone who can handle the power behind it, It means quite a bit to me, kid, I trust you'll take good care of it, I figured that's the only kind of gift worth giving", Dante turned away and began walking in brittni's direction, a subtle meeting of the eyes between the two of you causing her own to widen in realization, At first, brittni hadn't been sure, but now the hidden implication was all too clear, she looked up at a still confused Nero watching your father's retreating form, Of course, it was so obvious now! All the ties to this place, to Sparda, to Yamato, to Nero all made complete sense, And leave it to her father to keep things so low profile that even she had been hard to catch on, A smile graced brittni's lips as a small flurry of tears threatened to form in her eyes, What a small, strange world you found yourself in, "Hey, Dante! Will we ever meet up again?" Nero questioned aloud, sounding almost hopeful, Dante never turned around to answer, instead choosing to respond with a wave of two of his fingers, He passed you up with a small smirk, "Don't take too long, princess", brittni's smile turned into the slightest smirk of her own as she moved forward until she stood right before Nero, the half-devil having met you halfway, "Well, it was quite the adventure, wasn't it? Looks like you got something good out of it, too," she began, referring to the sword now in Nero's possession, He chuckled, though a sad smile was well-placed on his lips, "I guess this is good-bye, then?", brittni smirked saying: "no way in hell dude!", nero raised his eyebrow as brittni hugged him saying: "i just met you, learned i have a brother, i will be damed if this was just a goodbye", nero hugged her back saying: "good, now you have a coversation with your father", brittni nods and with a tier falling down her face she turned away and followed the same path as Dante had, turning her head over her shoulder to give her final goodbye, "See you soon, Nero", brittni said waving at him, well heading back home brittni said: "why did you not mention that i have a brother? a twin?!", Dante stopped in his tracks and sighed saying: "honestly kid, i had no idea about the boy", brittni was angry as they walked around, they were not the only demon hunters taking down demon gates such demon gate was in the middle of redgrave city and out came two people fighting each other, one with silver and blue hair and one a fire sprite............

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