Just a call. (Tmnt 2012.)

By Useless_Knee

1.3K 28 21

Casey Jones calls Raphael one night, it all spirals from there in the great city of NewYork. More



227 4 0
By Useless_Knee

Ring ring.

Raph had missed the first call, having to make sure Chompy wasn't chewing up one of his action figures.

Ring ring.

Raph had missed the second call, making sure Mikey would stop using his action figures as chew toys for his pet alien-turtle thingy. (Enforced with a good old fashioned walloping.)

Ring ring.
Raph had finally picked up on the third call. Third time was luckily the charm, if he had missed it again- there was a good chance that phone wouldn't have rung again for awhile.

"Casey, The shell do ya want? I know you can't read a damn clock but it doesn't take a genius to figure out it's 3 in the morning.."

While Raph was ready to tear into his bonehead of a buddy for bothering him way later than he should have- long after patrol, especially after he had to deal with the shenanigans of his family, Casey wasn't calling for a past midnight brawl.

"..Raph- hey.."
Casey's voice was rough, like it had been all used up at a heavy metal concert he decided to sneak out too. Something Raph could except him to do- but it was different from that aswell... His voice was shaken and slow, he had to take breaks between his words as if he were out of breath and it pained him to talk.
"I know it's late- but I'm.. in kinda a tough spot."

"Case? Hey, what's going on man? Did you get yer ass kicked again or something?"
Though Raphael now had some genuine worry in his tone, he of course couldn't hold back the snarky questions which he could only assume had the answer of 'hell yeah' attached to the answer of them.

"Something like that.. can you- just come and help me?"
Through the fuzzy audio of the phone, Raph could hear his friends strained breathing and occasional sputtering.

"Uh yeah, sure. Just tell me where ya are and I'll be there as quick as I can."
By now, Raphael had already put back on his gear and dipped from the lair.

"You know where I live, Right?"
"Mhm, the Macombs place?"
"I'm up at the- roof.. aha."

Raph had lifted the sewer-lid that did little to contain him, and the turtle was now on his way to Casey Jones' apartment.

When he didn't get any answer back, he hung up his T-phone and raced as fast as he could. His mind completely focused on the destination he had to get to as he hopped on roofs, the rough stone of the buildings making his poorly bandaged feet sore- eh, he would live. But knowing Casey? He could be a whole different story.

Raph landed another rooftop, and he did see a heap of somebody illuminated by the bleak starlight of New York City. With haste, he hopped onto the apartment ahead of him and crouched down, and sure enough- it was a heap of Casey Jones.

"Case..?" Raph went to gently shake his shoulders, when he noticed the gleam from below Casey of dark blood pooling around them. His feet didn't back up in time- getting red and sticky with the warm liquid.

Raph let out a string of panicked curses as he checked for a pulse, Casey was so lucky to be alive. If he had died Raph would kill him- somehow? And drag his ass through hell and back to the damn sewers.

Raph took off Casey's sleeveless hoodie, then his sweatshirt, using the shirt sleeves the tie around the gnarly gash he had on his stomach. Then he covered him back up in that tattered and spray-paint stained hoodie.
"Alright Case, get your bum ass up."
He tried to mask the urgency in his voice, but he wasn't really sure if Casey even heard him.

Raph picked up Casey, slinging the other's arms over his shoulders. Casey mumbled some incoherent Gibberish and was able to wobbly stand, helping Raph walk him around as he leaned on.
"Yeah, there ya go..."

After way too long a journey of struggling to lug himself and his friend down a building and into the new york city sewer system, Raph got the both of them to the lair...


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