The Colts (Dean Winchester)

By writerqueenff

160 13 0

In a reverse-world, Dean Winchester is a normal teenager who goes to high school, dates girls, and enjoys ann... More

Teenagers Era
Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Adults Era
Part Seven

Part Two

30 1 0
By writerqueenff

The vampire is completely knocked out in the chair before me. If he doesn't wake up soon, I might have to do it for him. We're not precisely on the clock, but it won't take long before someone notices four students have decided to play hooky. I had to drag Mary Anne's dead body as well to hide it. At first, I thought about leaving it to find, after all, Mary Anne was still a teenager with a family that deserved to know their daughter's whereabouts. However, now that both Dean and I disappeared along with the vamps, I wanted to hide their bodies to prevent any repercussions. The last thing we need is to be blamed for murder. So, earlier, after calming down a freaked-out Dean Winchester, I had him help me with the bodies. He was reluctant at first, and rightfully so, until I explained the supernatural world to him. Needless to say, he didn't believe me till I showed him Mary Anne's fangs. Now, I'm not sure if he trusts me, or if he's just playing along. He saw her attack me, but also me shooting her.

I look out the window to find him digging a well-sized hole in the ground. He tries to look away from Mary Anne's body as much as he can. His shoulders are tense, he works effortlessly, yet he doesn't strike me as the type to work out. All things considered; I think he took things well. He decided to help me, claiming he was still debating my sincerity and wanted to make sure of it with Rodney's interrogation. To my better judgment, I allowed him to aid and witness. What else was I supposed to do? Civilians aren't meant to learn of the supernatural, but Dean already did, and I didn't want him running around spilling things about today. It would make us move away sooner than planned. Which means mom can't learn about Dean. Even one person knowing of it is detrimental to our stay.

I walk out the door and approach him. He's so immersed in his task that he doesn't hear me coming. His first reaction after I shot Mary Anne wasn't running but staying calmly still. Then, when I told him about the supernatural, he called me crazy. "What were you doing with Mary Anne in the woods?"

Dean's eyes narrow when he looks back at me. "Why'd you care?" He's defensive, he was doing something he wasn't supposed to.

"I care because you were with a vampire alone in the woods, did she lure you in?" I didn't think Mary Anne could have something that'd pick Dean's interest, but I might be wrong.

The teenager looks away, but I manage to catch the tip of his nose blushing. Odd. "No, she didn't lure me. I found her there after Ifollowedyou." The last sentence is rushed and almost whispered, but I hear it.

"Why did you follow me?" Now it's my turn to be defensive. He's about to answer when there's a clear sound coming from inside the cabin. We run to it.

When we enter, I quickly find the reason behind the ruckus. Rodney's chair has fallen, and now he's laying pathetically on the floor. It's clear that he has been trying to untie himself and has failed terribly. I have half a mind to laugh at him, but my annoyance wins over. The school is going to be over soon, and I don't have time for the young vampire's games. There are more pressing matters to do, like finding out if he's alone. While Elena never encouraged torture, Lily and I were no strangers to it. I would usually be a spectator while Lily remained in the motel, but I like to think I know enough to make a vampire talk, especially if he's a novice.

"Glad to see you awake, I was beginning to think I measured wrong my dose," I greet the vampire. In retaliation, he hisses from the floor. The animal-like sound makes Dean take a step back, though I believe is more out of surprise than fear. Without picking him up from the floor, I crouch near his head. "Hey there Rodney, now, let me tell you how this is gonna go. I'm going to put you back up, and we'll have a nice little chat where you tell me where the rest of your vamp-friends are hiding. Got it?"

"Fuck you, bitch!"

Now, I wasn't expecting him to cooperate right away, but I didn't think he'd be that stupid. Before I can say something, though, Dean steps up. "Now, that's no way to speak to a lady."

The vampire merely rolls his eyes, "Winchester, you're in on this too? I didn't know you were a hunter."

"He's not, but I am, and I noticed you've been a bad kid." I press the heel of my shoe into his leg, he complains. "I also know that someone had to turn you and Mary Anne. So why don't we save ourselves some time, and you tell me?"

"Over my dead body... not that you can do much," Rodney smirks, "vampires are pretty much immortal."

"You're dumber than you look." I grab his chair to sit him upright, then, I turn it around, so he can look at Mary Anne's dead body behind him. "Still sure about that immortality?" While I let Rodney ponder over his life, I take Dean to a corner of the room. He sure seems calmer than before, even defending me from Rodney. "How are you holding up?" I ask him.

"Fine," he's grouchy, "I mean, I'm still processing, but at least I know you're not making things up."

I sigh, "I'm not... look, I'll tell you about my family and" I gesture to Rodney, "all of that later. Right now, I need you to wait outside, though."

"Outside?" He asks distrustful.

"Yeah, I need Rodney to tell me what he knows... and you're not gonna like the methods for that to happen."

His eyes widen slightly, "you're gonna... torture him?" It's more like a statement than a question, but I nod nonetheless. I wait for him to tell me that there might be another way, or maybe that I'm a monster. Instead, he murmurs, "alright, I'll be outside, but let me know if you need me." I concede, even though I know I won't call for him.

I wouldn't describe what I did to Rodney as torture, considering that he pretty much spilled all of his nest's secrets after a few scary tactics. By the time I was done with him, I learned all that I needed. As it turns out, Rodney and Mary Anne weren't the only vampires in town. They had been turned by a rouge vampire by the name of Sydney. Rodney claimed that it was only the three of them. Under other circumstances, I would've not believed in the word of a monster, but the scared shitless face that he gave me told me he was telling the truth. As such, my next plan of action became to hunt down this Sydney guy and get rid of him. Hopefully, he hasn't turned any other teenager in his spare time yet.

While Elena gave me free use of the Colt, I have been trying not to waste so many bullets. However, I forgo bringing a machete with me, so instead of decapitating Rodney, I easily place a bullet through his brain. The shot rings through the forest, claiming dominance in the deafening silence. I exit the cabin to find Dean still waiting for me outside. The hole that he had been digging for the bodies is complete, and I can see Mary Anne inside.

"I hope there's space for one more in there." To be honest, I was half expecting Dean would've run away by now. I suppose I'm pleased to learn that he hasn't.

"Yeah..." He avoids looking inside the cabin, I don't blame him. "What did Rodney say?"

"What I already guessed, he's not alone. A vampire called Sydney turned him and Mary Anne."

"Good, good, when are we leaving?" He asks, and oddly enough, he seems kind of eager.

"Leave? Leave to where?"

"To hunt this vampire, of course." I try not to think about the fact that he clearly believes me now, but on the misguided idea that I'm bringing him with me.

"Who said you were coming?" I challenge.

"Oh, come on," Dean whines, "you introduce me to the supernatural, and you expect me to not help you when there's a killing monster out there?"

"Yes? Most people want nothing to do with this. Just pretend it didn't happen and don't say anything." The last thing I need is for rumors to spread about my family being anything other than normal.

"Then I guess I'm not like most." Dean looks at me expectantly, he clearly wishes for me to let him tag along. The rational part of me knows it's a bad idea to let a civilian into this mess. The lonely hunter part of me thinks it could be nice to have company for once, one that it's not my mother giving me orders to stay back.

"Fine, but you have to listen to every word I say." I have never seen anyone happier about the prospect of killing vampires in my life.

Much to Dean's disappointment, we don't immediately go to hunt the vampire. Right after burying Rodney, he wants to start to track down Sydney. I have to remind him that we are still in school hours, and it would be suspicious if we disappeared for too long on the same day that Rodney and Mary Anne. Dean accepts my explanation, and we promptly return to the school grounds. By the time that we arrive, the next period has inevitably started. I have to convince Dean that the monsters are not going to be jumping from the shadows at any given moment for him to let me go my own way. He seems reluctant to do so, and I don't know if it's for his own sake or my own.

Returning to school reminds me of the life normal people lead while living in ignorance of the world's truth. A part of me mourns that I couldn't keep Dean away from such fate. Elena always says that we have to keep civilians from learning about the supernatural, not only because it's easier for us that way, but also because ignorance is bliss. Many times before, mother has established how nice it would be not to know about demons and revenge. She craves the apple pie life she used to have with my father before all of this. And even though I respect her dreams, I cannot understand them. Hunting life is all I have ever known, living from day to day in dingy motel rooms has always been what I called normal. Maybe it's sad that I cannot imagine my life doing anything else, or maybe I was always meant to become a hunter.

With this in mind, I try to enjoy history class for the first time since we arrived in Lawrence. The teacher keeps going about the Civil War, placing an emphasis that the topic is going to be on the exam. Half of the class complains at his last words. Dean Winchester is not in the same class as I am. I find my thoughts wandering to him from time to time during the lesson. I'd love to pretend it's because I fear he might tell someone about what he witnessed, but I know better than to fool myself. Likewise, I don't know him well, but I've seen enough to understand he's not that kind of person. So, my thoughts keep drifting back for another reason entirely. What did he mean when he said he was following me?

When school is over, Lily is waiting for me at the main gate. Despite not getting along entirely, we're still sisters. It's been always a tradition to walk together from school to the motel when our mother isn't there to pick us up. I guess an annoying company is better than no company.

"When is mom coming back?" She asks as soon as she sees me.

I look at her suspiciously, "I don't know, probably nighttime, or until tomorrow. She wouldn't tell me anything about the hunt." She hums. "Do you know about it?"

Lily grimaces, "you know I don't." Yeah, mom could very well be dealing with Lucifer and Lily wouldn't want to hear of it. "Freddy asked me to his party, do you think she'll let me go?" She asks as we start walking.

"Freddy? Who the hell is Freddy?" Lily looks at me as if I'm crazy. "You mean Fred Highmore?"

"Of course, who else?" He's only the most popular boy in school, and two years her senior.


"Don't start, you don't mess with my life, and I don't mess with yours." She frowns, "or do you want me to tell Elena you disappeared for half of today's school hours?" Now it's my turn to frown. Should I tell her that she made out with a vampire and her gut isn't to be trusted? "Where were you anyway?"

Before I can come up with a lie, a voice calls my name from behind us. I turn around only to see Dean Winchester running to catch up with us. Lily's eyes sparkle, she looks at me, then at him, and a mischievous smile overtakes her features. Oh, no, I know that look. Every once in a while, Lily tries to trap me into liking the normal life she pretends to be in. Her plans are never nice.

"Hey," says Dean. "I was hoping we could talk before you left."

"Hey, yeah, why don't we-"

Lily interrupts, "you're Dean Winchester, right?"

Dean looks at her with a small smile, "yeah...?"

Lily giggles, "I've heard about you, like a lot, from some upper classmates." From Lily's tone, I'm assuming the talk wasn't all PG-13. Dean looks at me, blushing slightly on the tip of his ears. I raise my eyebrows in amusement.

"Right... yeah..." He clearly doesn't know what to say.

"Lils, give us a moment, yeah?" My little sister's smirk only grows. She takes a few steps back, but I notice she positions herself close enough to hear what we're saying. I sigh, "look, let's talk about this later. Meet me at the diner near the Sleep Easy motel in two hours, ok?"

Just like that, embarrassed Dean leaves as he grins flirty. "Motel, huh? Well, at least you're taking me to dinner first."

I don't bother telling him that's actually where I live. "Just meet me there."

"You got it, girl-boss." Dean hesitates, "should I bring something?"

Something? Like a gun? "No, I've got us covered."

"Alright." Dean says his goodbyes and I return to Lily.

The bright smile on her face tells me that she wants gossip. I continue to walk, and she's forced to follow. "You didn't tell me you were hooking up with THE Dean Winchester."

"First, I'm not hooking up with him. And second, THE Dean Winchester? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ah, come on, don't tell me you haven't heard?" She continues at my questioning glance. "Of course you haven't. Dean is just the most popular bachelor out there."

"Is he? I thought that was Fred."

"Well, yeah, but Fred is the good guy, and Dean is the good one." Lily giggles and moves her eyebrows suggestively, "if you catch my drift."

It takes me a second to do so. "Ugh, Lily, aren't you too young for that shit? Besides, how do you even know that?"

"FYI, I'm nearly fifteen. And the girls talk, like I said earlier." I can't imagine Lily listening to older girls' sexual exploits.

I manage to avoid Lily's questions about my 'relationship' with Dean on the way back to the motel. She seems frustrated she can get nothing out of me, but I really cannot focus on that right now. Hunting the remaining vampire takes priority over schoolgirl drama. And I really don't want to think of my little sister and sex on the same talk.

Almost two hours later, I leave the motel room with Lily whining, 'you have to admit he's hot!' I'm not blind, I know Dean Winchester is good-looking, but I've always known having a boyfriend wasn't in my cards. Not with us moving constantly.

When I enter the diner, Dean is already there. I take a sit in front of him. "You've been here long?"

"Nah," he brushes it off. Before we can talk much, the waitress comes to take our orders. "Pie and coffee."

"Just coffee for me." Dean looks at me expectantly once the woman walks away. "Look, before we get into the whole hunting business, maybe I should tell you something about myself."

I realize that I haven't been completely open with Dean, and considering that he is now involved in my business with the supernatural, I need to explain to him where I'm coming from. As such, I decide to open up a little bit about my hunter upbringing, and the complexity of my father's murder. Maybe it's not ideal to share this with a stranger, but for the first time in my life, I find myself willing to open up. I find myself wishing for someone to listen, and he does.

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