the mutant

By neztrojameslove

145 5 1

earth is the center of a galatic empire run by megacorporations. the planet is overrun by factories which is... More

rain falls
eyes of red

Elliots offer

35 2 1
By neztrojameslove

Jeanes car pulled up to the pearly white gate of the elliot family gate bedecked with marble pillars.

The boy pressed a button on the voice box implanted on the gate and waited for a reaction.

Jeane turned his gaze to abbie who was fidgeting behind him.

Abbie I know your upset about today. But we don't have to just get ice cream hows about a full course meal anything you want. We can even go to o charles.

Abbie perked up. She loved the restaurant that had the singing drone band with games for kids and great food which orphans like them could only hope to afford.

Elliot manor security, whats your business. A stern voice called from the staticy voice box.

We have an appointment with one tessa james elliot. Under jeane and abbie amber home. Jeane replied resisting the urge to tear this guard a new one knowing the elliots were definetly tich enough to afford the best security force in world which meant one mutant wouldnt be a match for them.

The silence returned as jeane turned his head back to abbie when he saw a figure in the back of the car with abbie she was a little girl like abbie except a drone with yellow eye screen and wearing a young maid outfit.

The boy met her eye and she held her finger to lip making a shushing sound.

The gate opened with a hiss making jeane jump.

You okay. Abbie asked concern clear in her voice.

Jeane turned to see the drone was gone and frowned. Im fine abbie... lets go inside.

The pair drove inside and parked near the gate where they saw a drone butler waiting for them.

Allow me to chaffeur your car for you sir it will be waiting for your arrival. He said sticking out his hand for the keys.

Jeane looked down disgusted.

Of course. The boy slapped the keys into his hands and grabbed abbies hand leading her away.

Very good sir. He said walking to abbies car.

Figures the elliots couldn't be bothered to hire human servants those damn robots are talking jobs out of the hands of people who need them. The boy looked around and noticed the house was flooded with several drones but also men with guns.

Guess they don't trust drones with every job. The boy remarked waiting in the lobby for someone to grab them.

Abbie meanwhile had stars in her eyes as she looked around at the mystique of the manor. The rich red wood polished barristers, the white marble floors, and the gold pillars. The walls bedecked with art worth more then the entire orphanage.

This place is wonderful. Abbie exclaimed. It likes a dreamland.

Someones easily impressed. Jeane then noticed abbie looking at picture of a little girl being held by a man and a woman holding the mans hand and a look of longing on her face.

Do you think it will happen for me jeane. She asked, her voice sullen.

Of course abbie... don't give up hope.

Just then a bell rung and the pair turned their head toward a stair case where a drone in a head maids outfit arrived a scowl on her face. Welcome honored guests I am serial designations j, mistress is waiting for you so lets not delay.

She spoke in an annoyed tone of voice which took jeane off guard and was refreshing to the subservient tone most drones took to humans. The boy reached for abbies hand and touched her hand and lead her up the stairs.

So drone. Why are we here.

Even if I knew I wouldnt say. Its not my place to reveal tessas plans. Youll find out when you enter the office. She replied jeane following close behind.

Your flippant for a worker drone arent you. Jeane remarked.

And your mouthy for a street urchin inside one of the fanciest manors in all of the galatic empire. She shot back.

Bitch jeane thought to himself.

Just then a worker drone jumped in front of them carrying a tray of medicine.

N you idiot you almost tripped me. What are you doing? J exclaimed taking a step back.

Oh sorry j. I just finished giving louisa her sleep medicine she should be out in a bit and hey who are your friends are these the people who tessa plans to.

Before n could continue j pressed her hand to his mouth.

N, don't reveal tessas plans to outsiders. You know the rules.

N nodded then looked to jeane and his eyes softened. When j removed her hand from his mouth he smiled weakly.

It greats to have you here... he wouldve have loved you. N said then froze. Oh no I said too much. Gotta go.

The butler drone rushed off with the medicine and nearly tripped again.

J shook her head. Idiot. Follow me.

The three continued and jeane looked into the room where n walked out of to see a near empty room save for a bed with a curtain covering it and the figure of a groaning woman her eyes like red balls as they looked right at jeane making it freeze.

It cant be... james. The name resonated in jeanes head as he felt himself being pulled. James you returned to me after so long please come to the light so I can see you.

Jeane felt his body jerk toward the figure as he couldn't resist the command walking toward the red eyes.

A pair of arms grabbed him but stopped when they met the eyes of the woman.

Lady louisa this is the boy tessa told you about... the one your husband wrote about. J explained her normally agitated voice soft.

The red eyes closed and crying was heard.

Of course j. Im sorry im so sorry. I miss him so much. I shouldn't have used my powers again. Im sorry jeane. I hope you enjoy your new life here in the manor. Louisa said her crying softening as her body began to slowly fall to the bed and she fell asleep.

J immediately grabbed jeane and pulled him out of the room.

Are you just stupid or do you have a wish to defy me.

What was that?

Listen... we are going to talk to tessa. Your here to talk to her and nobody else. Don't talk with the staff, don't look at anybody, and certainly don't go into any rooms j smacked him. Your lucky I got you before she did something drastic.

Drastic how. Jeane was worried at how much pressure he felt when he thought about that womans ability to command him and how she could do whatever she wanted to him with that ability. Figures the elliots have powerful mutants like that on the payroll.

Wait didn't n say that was a lady louisa... doesn't that mean she is an aristocrat. Could she be one of tessas relatives.... Her mother perhaps... and who is james... the father... the brother. Jeane followed while thinking about this unaware that abbie was holding his hand.

The pair finally reached a room with a sign that read. Study and j stopped then knocked.

Enter. A female voice called from inside. She sounded young and dignified.

J opened the door and pointed tilted her head to jeane and abbie to entry.

Both jeane and abbie entered to notice a room filled with oddities. A stuffed bear mutant with tentacles on his back, a couple red penguin heads over the fire place, and pictures of different mutants. Along with shelves upon shelves of books.

The three were lead to the table at the end where sat a girl dressed in an all black dress with a long white skirt, the only splash of color being the red bow in her hair. Her skin was pale like milk while her hair was black like midnight and her eyes were red like hellfire.

Your guests tessa, will there be anything else. J asked speaking in a cordial tone.

Stay close for the moment j. Tessa ordered never taking her eyes off jeane. Please sit both of you.

They did so. Jeane felt no compulsion to do so... he didn't need one. This girl reeked of authority and a fine lavender perfume popular amongst nobility.

So you must be abbie your quite an adorable little thing arent you. Tell me what are your hobbies. Tessa turned her head to abbie but jeane could feel the disinterest in her voice. Jeane was good at picking out deceit it came with running with criminals but this girl was good she hid it well.

I like drawing, reading, and sewing sometimes. abbie responded, shivering under the gaze of the red eyes.

Oh dear you must be freezing... j, give a coat. Tessa cooed as j went and grabbed a brand new kids coat and wrapped it around abbie.

Ok what is she planning. Originally they were all interested in me. Now their focused on abbie... wait. Jeane realized it all too late. Theyre buttering us up. Theyre gonna use abbie to get me to do something. How much do they know. Do they know im a mutant. They must know im an assassin.

Tessas head turned jeane making him freeze. Something wrong jeane youre being awful jumpy.

Just wondering why everyone hear seems to know my name. Jeane said looking at abbie who was mesmerized with her new coat which would cost more then half of the orphanage.

Lets just say your quite an interesting topic in our circles nowadays my boy. She replied coyly tilting her head with a smile. Irritating jeane.

Thank you for the coat miss elliot. Abbie said smiling.

Its yours forever and ever abbie.

Really no foolin.

Really and please call me tessa... we are gonna be siblings after all. Tessa revealed smiling.

What? Jeane what,

abbie meanwhile let out an excited squeal. You mean.

Thats right I worked it out with miss agatha yesterday both you and jeane will come living here starting today. All you have to do is sign here. Tessa produced a contract and placed it on the ground.

Jeane looked down and saw abbie immediately sign on the dotted line.

The boy looked up at her smile with those red eyes and her evil smile. That bitch. He thought.

She had him. She knew that if he refused she could refuse abbie and send them both back and that would break her heart and that left jeane with no choice but to sign the paper.

Jeane signed then looked toward tessa. Can we talk in private.

Of course little brother. Tessa clapped her hands together. J show abbie to her new room and fetch her a meal the poor thing looks hungry, once that is finish tell the kitchen staff me and jeane want a snack.

J saluted her then held abbie hands leading the excited youth out of the the room closing the door behind her.

So whats your game.

Your a blunt one arent you.

We both know your not doing this out of the kindness of your heart so out with it.

Alright. I was hoping to chat first but I guess we can get into the nitty gritty of business. You work for don isaac as an assassin, cleaner, and all around errand boy and have been since you were ten... you are capable of super human abilities which means your a mutant and my spies have seen you consume metal which means you have the power to burn and store metals.

You know a lot then but why am I here.

Because I want you to be part of my organization. Their is a war brewing in this city. Don isaac is growing old and it wont be long before a more violent successor takes over and id rather the elliots control the crime in london... thats where you come in... jeane I want you to be my agent in the take over of the isaac crime family.

Why me, wouldnt one of the captains be a better pick for usurption.

Not usurption. Tessa corrected raising a finger. The door opened teas here how do you take it.

I don't drink it. Jeane replied. Can we get back to the discussion about.

Tessa wagged her finger then not before tea dear.

She then had the servant another yellow eyed maid this one a shy one who hid her face when jeane looked at her poured a cup of green tea into a cup and placed from a seperate pot three sugar lumps and began to stir the steamy beverage. She then handed the cup to tessa.

The girl lifted the cup with the pose of a noble one all posh and primness as she raised her pinkie and sipped then sighed with enjoyment.

Nothing like a good green to calm my nerves. That will be all v. Tessa instructed as v bowed to her and hustled out of the way leaving the tea ware behind.

Jeane glared at tessa.

You seem to not like me. One would think youd miss this level of comfort. Considering.

Jeane glared at her and he felt something snap as he fell to his knees and he cried out.

There it is. I wondered how long id have to keep prodding.

What did you do to me.

Nothing that wouldnt have happened eventually. Really id have to thank my mother she was the one who first introduced you to the elliot family mutation... red eyes... or as the british families know them... the eyes of domination. Those who possess them will be able to conquer those of inferior minds and be masters of whatever their mutatation specializes in. Metal is yours so your very lucky considering metal is the source of 90% of the worlds weapons and those eyes when mastered will make it so that you can never be touched by metal.

Make it stop... it. Jeane let out a cry.

Cant im afraid. The awakening of the first layer of the red eyes is always the most painful since you have the least experience in building defenses it will be better If you just relax. Now would you like some tea... it has muscle relaxants which would put you to sleep.

Whats happening to me. Jeane could feel his eyes bleed and his vision turn red and suddenly he felt his stores of all eight metals he was familiar he was with suddenly fill. He looked around and noticed he was drawing in tiny bits of metal from everywhere in the room even the tea.

Jeane jeane jeane. Our parents were great friends during their schooling days. Your father and mine would study mutations. It is a study I take up after his passing and one you shall help me with after the nasty business with don isaacs succession.

What are you talking about.

Your mommy adored me when I was a baby. My mother showed me videos of her doting and spoiling me as a baby wanting one for her very own.

Don't talk about my parents. The metal stores began to fill to maximum then overflow jeane couldn't take it he didn't even know he could flood his stores like this and he couldn't concentrate enough to burn.

They were my parents to in a way... god parents but still. Oh jeane if only you could hear how your father begged mine... please james you know about my shortcoming... I wouldnt ask if it werent important... oh jeane... my father did love yours and so he granted his request. He took your mother into that bedroom you careless walked on where my parents slept together.

Stop it!

He undressed your mother.

No! Tears of blood covered jeanes face

and he inseminated her... nine months later... you popped out. A perky baby boy to be raised by a woman whose husband couldn't provide... jeane... I knew when I first set my eyes on you that we were meant for better things together and how I planned to bring you to our manor but then so many things got in the way... the accident... the orphanage.... And other things you don't need to worry about... but your home now and with this contract signed your now mine and as long as you behave you and that little pet you brought with you will be well taken care of... were gonna do great things jeane... as brother and sister... as it was meant to be.

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