Nikke reacts to the multivers...

By goldenprime1

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The commander and their Nikkes are sent a strange drone that can show them the multiverse. But it will ask fo... More



1.8K 17 17
By goldenprime1

Hey - talking
Hey - veiwing
Hey - info
'Hey' - thoughts

DA-14B: Now that everyone is done with their bathroom break can i show the next viewing then?

Ingrid: DA can you give us some information on this universe

DA-14B: Why yes i can so this viewing is about a man called the fat electrician who talks about the history of important people or things

Neow: so does he just says what the history books say

DA-14B: No the fat electrician says everything in his honest opinion but I'll let you all see for yourselfs because of that so why don't I start the viewing

Anis: Ya i want to see what this guy is all about then


The screen came to life with the image of the speaker being bearded man with a baseball cap on his head in a muscle shirt showing of his tattoos

This is a story of a B7 pilot and a bombadier. Two anti-heros that become best friends and assembled their bombing crew out a bunch of misfits that dont fit anywhere else, and they become so adamant on doing things their own way so much so that the US government wont even give them a B7 to fly. So they then proceed to build their own and become the most heavily decorated aircrew in US history.

Anis: wow thats just like us counters right commander?

Commander: i have to agree with you anis we are a bunch of misfits that the central government cant handle huh

Andersen: indeed you are commander

Neon: of course noone in the central government can control our firepower!!!

Ingrid: squad counters the squad of misfits suits this squad just perfectly

Rapi: i wonder what the names of these men are?

Mary: i wonder the same rapi

Pepper: i do hope they have someone with medical knowledge just in case they need it

Today we're talking about Jay Zer, Joe Sarnowski and thier aircrew the eager beavers, the most decorated aircrew in US history responsible for completing the most decorated mission in US history. All the while flying the most heavily armed bomber of World War II Lucy AKA old 666.

Rapi: well now we have names for our anti-heros

Neon: wait how heavily armed are we talking about?

Snow: and what types of weapons does the bomber has since its custom built?

Everyone chuckled a little at the two weapons nuts as they had a little weapons Frenzy.

Staring off with our pilot and main character Jay Zer was born in 1918 he grew up in Pennsylvania with a pretty wealthy family

Anis: so he was a moderate rich kid then?

Commander: i dont think he's one of those entitled Rich Kids you see around here anis

Anis: your right commander its to early for me to judge him yet

For high school he was sent to a military boarding school Culver Indiana. While there as a freshman dispite the schools policy on no students having vehicles, he managed to acquire a wille motor company whipit the direct processor of the Jeep and he managed to turn this thing into an absolute hot rod better then it ever rab before.

Ingrid: so this Jay Zer is a great mechanic then to turn a car into a better running hot rod

Andersen: plus he's been military academy trained so he knows how a military works

Pepper: he must be pretty scared of his hands to be able to work on machine like that whipit

Commander: i wonder if we can build something like that with old parts we during missions

Rapi: we should talk about that some time later commander

Commander: of course rapi

Until the school finally found out that a student had a car which was against the rules so he had a disciplinary meeting with the dean he goes into this meeting with the dean and he's like 'look im in the engineering program im taking all the engineering classes i want to be an engineer i just rebuilt a motor and im 14 years old you guys should treat this as extra credit' to which the dean being cool is like ' well take me for a test drive and we'll see'. So he takes the dean for a test drive yeah baby the dean has a great time he ends up giving him extra credit and letting him keep the car the entire time he's at military boring school.

Neon: i bet that dean is a fun person to be around huh commander

Commander: ya i bet they are neon

Anis: too bed all higher up cant be like that dean huh

Andersen: the dean might have been a great judge of character as well

Ingrid: i love how he used his engineering course as a way to keep that car

Snow: smart thinking on his part too

So his grades were a little lackluster as freshman year cuz he was busy restoring a car after that he T absolutely everything from sophomore to senior year he goes on to apply to go to MIT to become a civil engineer he gets rejected by MIT because his grades were lacking freshman year so he drives his whipit that he rebuilt all the way to MIT and camps outside the admissions office for days until they agree to meet him.

Commander: i dont think i could do what did right

Anis: damn i cant image anyone doing that

Andersen: im surprised that he was able to do that

Rapi: he's a very determined young man to be able to do that

Ingrid: very ballsy for a young man to do that

Neon: yup he knew what he wanted and went for it

So he then goes in and proceeds to persuade the head of admissions to let him into MIT so he gets into MIT goes on to become an engineer.

Mary: oh im so glad he was able to persuade the head of admissiins to get in

Andersen: he must have a way of words to be able to get let in

Rapi: agreed though i have a feeling he proved himself to the head of admissions

While he's at college he joins the ROC program which is like the pre-officers training program that they have at most college's, while he's there he ends up flying a plane and he absolutely loves it. It is now his new goal in life to become a fighter pilot.

Anis: i guess Jay here got hooked to Flying a plane as soon as he got in the cockpit

Commander: some people find the things they enjoy by doing it once and the can never stop doing it

Ingrid: yes many people do find their calling just by trying something out

Neon: just like how a find my calling in firepower

Snow: or with me making weapon when a was a younger nikke like neon here

So naturally he applies to go off to army air school to become a pilot at which point he is pretty much immediately imformed that there's a 0% chance that he will ever get inside of a fighter plane.

Anis: what why wont they let him become a pilot?

Commander: yeah whats the reason for not allowing him to become a fighter pilot

Rapi: agreed so far there is nothing wrong with jay zer here so what is their answer?

because he's way too big at this point in time they only let the smaller guys be the fighter pilots and all the bigger guys had to go work in bombers and Jay was a big dude well over 6ot so it's not exactly what he wanted but it is the next best thing.

Neon: really because he was to tall to become a fighter pilot?

Ingrid: neon its most likely due to the size of the fighter planes cockpit so they choose the smaller guys instead of the bigger guys

Pepper: that makes some form of sense

Anis: so its like a carnival rides that have a certain height limits so people dont get hurt right?

Andersen: yes that is right anis

Anis: thats still isnt right though

No big deal he goes in does the paperwork, does a physical exam. Bad news his eyes suck and his vision is not good enough to become a pilot so the entire notion of being a pilot gets shelv for now at least he goes back to college continues going through the RC program to be an Army infantry officer.

Neon: so he needs glasses like mine then?

Mary: yes he does neon and i do hope he gets them for his eyes

Rapi: agreed with glasses he should be able to see better so he can become a pilot

And while this is going on he's constantly researching on ways to make his eyes better and he finally comes across this crazy optometrist named Dr Bates and he has the Bates method basically this method wanted to treat your eyes like there were muscles Bates believed that glasses enabled your eyes to be lazy so he would crush his patients glasses and then force them to do a bunch of eye straining exercises in hopes of building up better Vision similar to how you would lift weights to get bigger muscles one of these exercises included staring directly into the sun obviously with
hindsight being 2020 this didn't work that well and it certainly wasn't recommended but the young Jay Zer wanted to be a pilot so bad that he was in fact willing to go outside every day and attempt to beat the sun in a staring contest.

Mary: that is no eye doctor thats an idiot to think such a method would work!!!!

Pepper: that man should not be an eye doctor due to this stupid 'BATES' method!!!!

Everyone jumped in their seats a little at the pure on adulterated anger in the two Medics voices as they went on a medical based rant.

Commander: welp at least we have to very overprotective medic that care for us

Andersen: i agreed with you on that commander

oh it's a deep burn so deep essentially trying to give himself a caveman version of Lasik obviously this does not improve his eyesight if anything it makes it better but it does highlight just how bad this guy wanted to be a pilot

Commander: wait humanity had a world war II before the raptures invasion Of the surface!?

Andersen: yes we did with a few other very small wars after that

Ingrid: wait you were never taught any of this at the academy commander?

Commander: no we were never taught any of this in the academy

Ingrid: i believe its time to check what the academy teaches now a days Andersen

Andersen: i'll get looking into it when we have a major break ingrid

so World War II kicks off standards get lowered and he gets accepted into the bombing program and from there he becomes the top of his class pretty much immediately he is so good at flying bombers that he can actually perform fighter Maneuvers inside of a bomber which is something most Pilots would never even imagine

Snow: now that is really impressive to do in a bomber due to their size

Anis: ya i can imagine how hard it would be to pull those kinds of maneuvers of something that big

Neon: the means he must be the best bomber pilot ever!!!!

Pepper: i must admit that his talent is a amazing even with his bad eye sight

but not only is he naturally talented at at it he also works extremely hard he could tell every single American German and Japanese plane and their capabilities just by their silhouette

Andersen: that is an amazing ability to have for a bomber pilot

Commander: do you think we can be taught that at the academy for standard raptures andersen, ingrid?

Ingrid: yes that would be a good thing to teach young recruits in the academy to help them survive a bit long with their nikke

Mary: can we also add basic first aid to the curriculum at the Academy

Andersen: i'll see what i can do but i wouldnt bet on any changes anytime soon at the academy

so Jay Zer hands down the best bomber pilot in training right now and somewhere along the lines during training he becomes friends with the best Bombadier in training by the name of Joe sarnowski

Neon: so he meet his equal in this joe sarnowski guy?

Rapi: yes i believe he did with the best bombadier

Anis: plus they become best friends like we did

Pepper: yes i can tell that their going to be greatest team together

this guy is basically the Larry Bird at putting Warheads on foreheads they hit it off they become best friends they have a ton in common after they graduate from school they get separ missions and they get separated so early 1942 Jay Zer gets assigned to the Fifth Air Force and
he's not happy about it.

Anis: why was he not happy about it he gets to fly his bomber now

Rapi: i dont know but the video might tell us why his upset about it

Neon: do you think its because he's with the fifth air force

Because the fifth air force is also referred to as the Forgotten fifth the reason they're called that is because they are stationed in Australia and their job right now is to basically run a containment war against Japan trying to slow them down and contain them to the Pacific and at this point in time nobody cares about the Pacific Theater the entire world is watching the European theater.

Commander: so thats why he's mad cause his not in the main area of WWII to actually use his bomber like it was intended to be used

Andersen: plus there might be more to it then just not getting to use his bomber like it was made to be used

Rapi: i agree there might be more to it then location

Ingrid: plus it sounds like he's being sent to stall one front of the war while the other side is getting more support

As America and Great Britain fight their way through North Africa into Italy to take back France and eventually overthrow Germany that's where the majority of the funding is going that's where all the attention and glory is that's the place where young motivated men like Jay Zer want to be but that didn't happen

Ingrid: so we were right about other issues that were going on

Anis: plus most of the funding was going to the european theater

Rapi: yes i can see the pacific theater getting less funding due to the european theater getting more attention

Neon: and the pacific theater wont be getting newer weapons and vehicles due to that as well

Snow: yes neon does have a point as well with how little support the pacific theater is getting

So Jay shows up to Australia he is the FNG the Fucking new guy nobody trusts him he has zero street cred nobody wants him in their crew now this is partially due to the fact that he's a new guy and that's just how it goes for new guys sure but mainly it's because the Japanese are kind of kicking America's ass right now it's mid 1942 America just got involved in this war a lot of their pilots are inexperienced a lot of their equipment's outdated and everybody's giving all the funding to the European theater

Andersen: that right there is a problem with many of their pilots being inexperienced

Snow: and with all their equipment being outdated as well

Commander: add on to all the funding that their not getting

Anis: plus their getting there ass kicked hard due to the enemy knowing that they have the advantage

Rapi: i have to agree with you there anis

Neon: they dont have enough firepower to win right now

So it's not a great time and you got to remember since this is 1942 America hasn't come out with the Hellcat or the Corsair yet meaning that America has no fighter plane capable of going toe-to-toe with the Japanese Mitsubishi zero so even if the bombers did have a fighter escort they weren't capable of going toe-to-toe with the Japanese zeros anyways.

Commander: thats not good really not good

Snow: indeed little brother that is very bad for the bombers

Neon: and their fighters dont have proper speed and firepower

So it has never been more dangerous to be inside of a bomber it has never been more important to have everybody in that Bomber Crew as good as possible to increase everybody's chance of survival if so facto nobody wants to risk it on giving a new guy a shot

Anis: yeah thats how it is for a lot of new guys

Neon: ya i remember when you treated me like that anis

Anis: yup i did neon

So it becomes apparent to Jay early on that if he ever wants to get up in the air he's going to have to do some gangster[] so he goes over to the bulletin board and on that bulletin board are the missions that are deemed so incredibly dangerous that they are volunteer bases only and he starts volunteering for all of them filling.

Commander: how come we dont have something a mission board

Andersen: we never thought of a mission board but that might help give out missions when me and other deputy in Chief's are in meetings

Ingrid: and the big three like Elysium can have this to give out missions that we need done as well

in any position where he's needed the majority of these missions would wind up being reconnaissance missions which is where they're going to take a B7 Flying Fortress instead of filling it with bombs they're going to fill it with extra fuel tanks equip it with cameras and send it way off into enemy held territory all by itself to hopefully get some valuable Intel.

Neon: oh intel missions the most valuable of all missions in my opinion

Rapi: yes intel missions are very important to the success of any mission

now as I'm sure you can imagine a single bomber flying alone in enemy-held territory is extremely dangerous and nobody is about to let their pilot or co-pilot be the brand new guy fresh out of school so Jay just has to fill in wherever there's a gap over time he winds up doing everything he's a tail Gunner a ball gunner a waist Gunner
a navigation guy a radio guy he can do everything.

Anis: wow so he's done everything on a bomber except being a co-pilot and a pilot yet

and eventually he works himself up enough credit that they let him be co-pilot for a little while and while he's working as a co-pilot he figures out something very very important you have to remember he's an engineer he loves taking things apart figuring out how they work why they work trying to make them better and while he's sitting in the co-pilot seat he figures out how the Japanese zeros are tackling the b7s you have to remember this is 1942 the b17s that they are flying are the B17 bees they are the first generation of mass-produced b17s ever and they have one fatal flaw and the Japanese figured out how to exploit it.

Rapi: it seems like their enemy was smart enough to use the b7s fatel flaw

Ingrid: indeed it seems like a massive fatel flaw that should of been fixed early On

you see the b17s have a ton of machine guns all over them to defend themselves they have a tail Gunner a ball gunner a waist Gunner on each side and a turret
on top the problem is none of those can shoot in front of the plane the only thing the front of the plane has is two 30 caliber Flex guns which you can kind of see right here.

Neon: so the guns on the front of the b7s are terrible guns due to their weak firepower

Snow: thats what it sounds like neon

which might as well be nothing at all when it comes to shooting down an actual plane later generations of the B17 would end up getting more Firepower and turrets on the front to help alleviate this issue but at this point in time they didn't have that so the Japanese zeros would approach from behind well out of range the machine guns pass the B17 all together and then go and do a U-turn and approach the B17 head on and shoot it down where the B17 had no way to defend itself.

Commander: thats a good strategy to use against a bomber

Andersen: indeed a very good strategy against the b7

and during his time as a co-pilot Jay Zer caught on to this and developed a plan fast forward Jay Zer on his first mission he finally got enough street cred and there was finally a mission dangerous enough that they were going to let him be the pilot.

Everyone leans forward wondering whats going to happen now that jay's in the pilot seat. With many thinking he has thought up some way to takes away the zero's advantage against the b7s

sure enough a Japanese zero shows up does the exact same thing passes outside the range of the guns does a big U-turn comes back to confront J's b17 head on as soon as a zero gets within range Jay takes his B17 turns it up on a wing tip and Banks exposing the belly of the B17 to the zero forcing the zero to go the exact opposite direction and down putting it directly in the firing lines of both the belly Gunner and the tail Gunner shooting down the zero.

Commander: so he did come up with a maneuver against the zero's

Anis: yeah and it looks like it works pretty damn well too

Rapi: agreed i wonder if he made anymore maneuvers

and that is just one of multiple combat Maneuvers that Jay has engineered inside of his head pushing the B17 airframe to its absolute limit fast forward into the mission he lands the plane no problem the entire crew gets out out and swears that they are never getting on a plane with Jay Zer flying it ever again and that becomes a new Norm for a couple months Jay went from the new guy that nobody months Jay went from the new guy that nobody trusted to fly to now he's so good he's crazy and we're scared to fly with him.

Anis: huh well look at that nobody wanted to fly with him at first cause he was the new guy now they dont want to fly with him cause of his piloting

Commander: yeah even if his piloting is crazy good they believe his crazy due to how he pilots

Rapi: plus everyone on the base is too scared to fly with him

that was until a bunch of new reinforcements showed up on the island and among them was none other than his best friend Larry Bird I mean Joe sarnowski so Jay and Joe start volunteering to go on a bunch of dangerous missions together same thing  happens every time they fly on a mission pretty much everybody else on the plane refuses to ever go on a mission with
those two ever again because they're absolutely crazy but every once in a while they find somebody just crazy
enough to keep flying with them.

Anis: well you know the old saying about brids of a father flock together

Mary: indeed they do anis and this bomber crew proves just that as well

Commander: plus everyone here is a little bit crazy in their own right

Snow: i know i cant deny those claims

and over the course of a couple months they build up an entire air crew that starts volunteering together on every Dangerous Mission available earning them the nickname the eager beavers making up the team we have Bud THU apparently the only man smart enough to be a navigator and crazy enough to fly with these guys and team we have Bud thues apparently the only man smart enough to be a navigator and crazy enough to fly with these guys and then of course we have Jay Zer as the pilot Joe sanoski is the Bombadier and from there it just gets completely out of hand because after that we have the radio expert William Bon AKA Willie he is one of the most experienced bomber crew members in the entire US military at this point that's been on countless missions one of which his B17 landed to refuel when his crew was ambushed by 500
Japanese soldiers they took the machine guns out of their B17 and proceeded to defend themselves in a firefight for 10 hours until the Australians showed back up and during that 10 hours Willie had 14 confirmed kills four of which were in
close quarters combat two with his Colt 451 1911 and two with his knife Jay Zer
said he didn't plan on getting in any knife fights at 30,000 ft but if he did he had Willie next we have camera expert,
and waste Gunner George Kendrick typically on a B17 you're supposed to have one waste Gunner on either side of
the plane but Kendrick preferred to man both sides completely by himself when Jay Zer asked him if he wanted to find,
another waste Gunner for the other side Kendrick said and I quote these are my guns and I'm going to shoot all of them. I don't need to be bumping asses with another guy while I do it which is the most American fucking thing I've ever heard in my entire life next we have Johnny AEL a 19-year-old Farm kid that's so mechanically gifted that he is deemed
more valuable as a mechanic on the ground than he is a member of a bombing crew despite that he wants to be a pilot.

Anis: ok i believe jay made his team from the most crazy of the army and there is nothing you can say to change my mind on that

Andersen: i wont say a thing to change your mind anis cause i agree with you they are the crazyest army personal i have ever seen

Commander: i agree with andersen here thses guys put the most crazy of the nikkes to shame

Snow/Rapi: all three of you are correct on that point

With everyone else nodding their heads in agreement due to how insane thses men were. But couldnt help but admire them for how brave they were as well.

so Jay is teaching him how to become a pilot but in the meantime he's the topside turret Gunner.

Pepper: its nice to see that jay is taking the time teach to johnny on how to become a pilot

Ingrid: yes it is wonderful that jay is teaching johnny how to be a pilot if he's ever badly hurt

next we have the tail Gunner and he is the biggest fastest strongest man in the entire Fifth Air Force Herbert Pew AKA pudge there was a couple other stragglers that came and went went on a couple missions here a couple missions there but this was it this was a core group of men that became best friends and went on the most dangerous bombing runs and reconnaissance missions that the war had to offer.

Anis: huh their just like us a commando like unit?

Snow: yes their just like you guys but there still a regular army unit

Anis: huh they act more like a commando though

Commander: none of us dont disagree with you anis is just that their still a normal army unit at the end of the day

because of this they very quickly built up an incredible reputation and became too valuable to lose at which point leadership doesn't let them go out on the dangerous missions anymore and they send them out on a regular bombing run with like 10 other b17s.

Neon: now thats stupid why would you not want to send out your best bomber to complete missions anymore?

Andersen: its cause their leadership doesnt want to loose their most useful unit neon

Anis: and lets not forget that the central government also does that with commanders they like

Andersen: yes you are correct with that statement anis

and if that wasn't bad enough they're going to make Jay and his men be the first bomb bomber in line which if you don't know is the safest bomber in the entire run because as soon as their bombs hit the ground that's what alerts
the enemy that they're even there so when they go through there's no enemies Manning the anti-aircraft guns so
they're done and gone by the time there's any enemies returning fire it's that second third fourth fifth sixth
seventh eighth plane that faces the real danger.

Mary: thats really a disgusting fact to me, that so many young men will die after jay and his bomber does thier run

Commander: i agree with you there mary it it horrible to loose so many bombers and man

Rapi: thats how many people dont really plan things out and go with the fastest way to get things done commander

Commander: i know rapi i know but i dont have to like it

and that's just not okay with Jay and his men so they go out on the mission just like they're ordered to and they are the first ones to drop their bombs just like they're ordered to they make a clean getaway they get out to open ocean at which point Jay tells his men get ready for a fight cuz he does a U-turn goes back in flies over the enemy compound at a 1000 ft while his men from the ball turret the waist guns and the tail guns open fire on the enemy's anti-aircraft positions on the ground literally becoming a ground attack plane like their an antique C130.

Everyone smiles at the fact the jay and his crew cared alot for the other bombers that they went back to take out the enemy anti-aircraft positions

Snow: its nice to see that he cares for his fellow bombers

Anis: that proves their great guys

they were able to knock out all of the enemy spotlights and most of their anti-aircraft positions and every single
B17 on that mission made it back home so Jay the eager beavers and all the other b17s on this Mission make it back to base
completely okay. At which point Jay is treated like a hero by his commanding officers no I'm just kidding you see the commanding officers can't give themselves a bunch of medals if their men are defying orders but doing the right thing because it makes them look bad so naturally Jay is somehow the bad guy here so he and the eager beavers are all confined to quarters pending court Marshal the only reason that Jay and his entire crew weren't kicked out of the military right then and there was because there was a journalist in
Australia with the fth Air Force that heard the story from one of the other B17 Crews and they reported on it writing a story that would end up getting read by a congressman that wanted it investigated and he demanded and ordered that chain of command to give Jay Joe and all of his men on that air crew a silver star so at that point Jay and all of his men get a silver star.

Neon: i dont like their leadership even more now then before

Anis: it sounds like they care for nothing but their reputations and not the men they lead

Commander: how the hell did they even get into leadership positions?

Ingrid: that i have no answer for commander

leadership just kind of has to drop the issue but also fuck these guys we're not going to give them easy missions anymore we're only going to give them the hardest missions we have and if they die they die we don't really care anymore because they made us look bad.
which is exactly what Jay and his men wanted all along so it all works out all right.

Pepper: in the end jay and his crew get what they always wanted

Rapi: indeed they did pepper and they get to put themselves at the front of the spear then

Anis: i still hate the fact that their commanders are no trying to actively kill jay and his men

Commander: your not the only one anis i hate that fact as well

fast forward next big Dangerous Mission officially known as Flight of the gishes naval code Breakers  have deciphered enough messages to figure out that in the city of rabou there's a hotel and the penthouse of that hotel is being used as an exclusive Officers Club where they are being entertained by a bunch of geishas and getting hammered and among those officers is rumored to be none other than Admiral Yamamoto the leader of the entire Japanese Navy their mission is to fly in with a single B17 under the cover of night bomb that hotel take out all the high ranking officers and make a clean getaway so Jay and the crew get pulled in they get briefed on the mission no big deal everybody's going to go off to bed they got a big day tomorrow everybody except for Joe
sarnovsky he stays up all night long studying the map of the city of rabou
nobody knows why they just think he's over cautious they go to bed Joe stays up.

Anis: why is joe studying the map of rabou?

Commander: i think he's looking for the fastest route out of rabou

Ingrid: i have a feeling that not what he's looking for but i dont know what he's looking for

Snow: i agree with you on that ingrid its just a gut feeling but i think he's up to something

fast forward the next day they take off on their mission Jay flies them all the way there gets them real close to the hotel at which point Jay can actually send the controls of the plane over to Joe sarnovsky in the Bombay so Joe can control the plane and really line up the shot that he wants with this bomb.

Neon: thats actually a pretty cool feature for a bomber to have

Rapi: yes its a very helpful feature built into those B7's

so Jay sends the controls over to Joe Joe opens the bomb doors and veers way off course Miles and Miles off course like 10 miles off course Joe steers This Plane essentially blind driving the plane just from what he can see outside of the bomb bay and then before anybody even knows what's happening Joe just says bombs away drops the bombs on a seemingly random location and sends the controls back over to Jay.

Snow: what did joe just bomb to nothingness?

Andersen: i think he selected another target to hit instead of hitting the hotel

Commander: then he was looking for another higher priority Target all that night he stayed up

everyone is completely confused nobody knows what's going on the bombs make impact and there is a humongous
explosion way bigger than this 500lb bomb could have ever done on its own Joe had just hit a major Ammunition Depot for the entire Japanese Navy and his single bomb set off a chain reaction blowing up the entire facility.

Everyone went wide eyed at the explosion that joe caused by targeting an ammunitions dump

Anis: he decided that ammo dump was more important than a hotel didnt he?

Commander: yes he did anis but why did he target the ammo dump instead of the hotel

Rapi: i agree with that question commander

come to find out Joe sarnoski didn't feel right about killing innocent gisha girls and he decided that he was going to find a Target that was just as if not more valuable than the officer club and blow that up instead.

Andersen: oh thats understandable he cared about civilian lives more then the mission that was given to them

Mary: it shows that he knows right from wrong and that he is not all about glory

so they make it back to base tell leadership everything that happened and Leadership is absolutely
Furious that they decided to do their own thing instead they interrogate the entire crew but nobody is ratting on Joe

Pepper: im glad that the entire crew is so loyalty to each other

Neon: yeah their just like us counters with our loyalty to each other and the commander

All of squad counters and snow white give out small laughs at how neon compared themselves to these brave man

so as a punishment they're ordered to do the mission again and this time do it right but that is essentially a death
sentence because now they know that the Americans are bombing the city and they're going to be on high alert so they're just going to do it anyways and I think leadership was actually trying to get him killed.

Snow: his right that is a death sentence to do that mission again

Commander: i dont like how they treat for thinking men like this

Andersen: their leadership most likely doesnt care about them due to hurt pride commander

Commander: i know but i wish people didnt let pride get in the way of working with other people

but it's not really going to work out that way so crew goes to bed early Joe sarnovsky stays up all night again studying the map of the city of rabul and yet again the same exact thing happens Jay gets them all the way there completely undetected sends the controls of the plane over to Joe Joe opens the Bom Bay veers Way off course Miles and Miles off Course bombs a seemingly random location and there is an even bigger explosion than the day before it is an enormous explosion Jay
had just taken out a major Fuel Depot again for the entire Japanese Navy.

Rapi: thats smart of him to target a fuel depot

Anis: plus the entire crew is fucking with their leadership

Pepper: it also proves that these man care about civilian lives

they make their way back to base at which point they are effectively grounded and Leadership will never give them a B17 to fly again because they refuse to follow orders and and they are given absolutely no credit for single-handedly bombing major Fuel and ammunition Depots in the city of rabou all right so leadership's being a bunch of dicks they're not going to let Jay and the eager beavers fly any more the good b7s which sucks because at that point there's really nothing that they can do unless they plan on building their own airplane which which is exactly what they do.

Everyone just nodded their heads in agreement that the leadership are just being a bunch of dicks

Anis: cant believe that their leadership is stealing credit for somethin they didnt order or do themselves

Commander: their nothing but glory hugs anis thats all they'll ever be

so Jay and the Beavers go out to the Boneyard and the Boneyard is not just where planes go to die they go there to be cannibalized for any good parts they may have left to keep all the other planes still running

Neon: im glad theres no boneyard for us nikke

Anis: ya that would be very damn creepy if there was

Rapi: i agree with the both of you

Commander: i think my heart would break if there was one

Ingrid: i would be very angry is there was one for nikke here

Andersen: agreed

and what they come across is what used
to be a B17 it has been stripped of every usable part and is covered in bullet holes and there is no way that this thing is going to fly the only identifying characteristics of this plane at all was The Faded word Lucy up on the front and the tail number 2666 which would later bring about its nickname old 666.

Neon: is it wrong that i want to know what old 666 would look like if it was a nikke like us

Snow: no it not wrong to want that neon

Mary: i hate to say this neon but in old 666 current state she would likely be badly damaged

Pepper: i have to agree with mary on this one neon old 666 would be to badly damaged

Anis: why dont we have an ariel type nikke to support us?

Commander: i have to agree with anis

Andersen: according to the central government ariel type nikkes would cost to much to make

Anis: that sounds just like them to say

so now they have a plan they just need to fix it a seemingly impossible task but they have Jay Zer the engineer and Johnny Abel the 19-year-old mechanical Prodigy that set forward restoring this plane

Anis: of course they have the two best people there to fix up old 666

Commander: yes they do anis plus i bet their going to chanhe some things on old 666

Neon: like giving it more firepower?

Rapi/Snow: maybe neon just maybe

while everybody else on the crew goes out and steals all the parts they need to do it I mean strategically transfers equipment to an alternate location.

Everyone couldnt help but laugh at how he turned steals into an acronym for just taking other peoples stuff like it was a mission

Anis: hehehehehe.... Thats a good type of transfers right there

Ingrid: indeed a good way to say that is was stolen

some of the equipment that the eager beavers managed to acquire included four new Cyclone engines radio equipment camera equipment and 19x .50 caliber machine guns.

Snow: at least they were able to new equipment for that old b7

Neon: yup and when their done fixing it up it'll the most powerful b7 there is

Anis: only one way to find out neon so lets keep watching

right off the bat we have a problem because right around the time that the Beavers start finding all of this amazing equipment a bunch of other air Crews seemingly have lost a bunch of their amazing equipment so a bunch of them are going to go back and try to steal it off of Old 666 at which point the only logical solution is for the entire crew to start living on Old 666 while they restore it all day and all night and spread the word that the 50 caliber machine guns are loaded and if that doesn't work you get to fight Willie about it.

Rapi: ya i would not want to fight willie about it

Snow: indeed i agree with you on this rapi

Anis: welp at least their fixing old 666 to be better then before

Neon: yup its going to have more firepower then ever!!!

at this point leadership has completely lost control of the situation everybody's calling Jay Zer and the eager beavers Pirates and Renegades everybody's looking at leadership to stop them at which point leadership is kind of like fuck I think they might be talking to me and I don't want to fight Willie so we're all just going to look the other way.

Andersen: they may be called pirates and renegades but their updating something that is considered old and outdated

Ingrid: agreed the standard mass produced B17 is a bit outgunned in everything on it

Commander: i have to agree with the both of you

Anis: ahahahaha their leadership is to scared to fight willie!!!

Mary: it looks like they arent brave enough to fight him

Snow: on the plus side they looked the other way do to this

Rapi: at least this proves leadership is smart enough not to challenge them on what their doing

like we talked about earlier in the video
there's not much Firepower at the front of a B17 so they take a 50 caliber machine gun mount it right on the nose
cone and they line it up with the rivet line going down the center of the cab and they rig it up so that there's a button inside the cockpit for Jay zemer to hit to be able to fire the 50 caliber machine gun so all he has to do is aim down the rivet line at the enemy and fire he calls it his schnaz gun.

Neon: yay more firepower for old 666!!!!!

Anis: commander didnt you also name your gun as well?

Commander: yes i did anis

Andersen: it was smart of them to line up a 50 cal and tie the control of it to the cockpit

Ingrid: i agree with you on that andersen cause it was smart of them to do that

then the other two 30 caliber guns on the front of the B17 are replaced with 50 Cals the Navigator compartment usually had one 30 caliber machine gun now it's going to have dual 50s then the seat for the radio guy who typically never even had a gun oh well we're going to cut a hole in the plane and give him 2 50 caliber machine guns as well then we get to George Kendrick's area the waste guns typically there's one 50 caliber on each side double it now we're getting dual.
50s on each side and because that's not enough we're also going to cut another hole in the bottom of the plane and give
him dual 50s there as well that way when Jay Banks up in front of a zero not only can the ball turret Gunner hit the zero
Kendrick is also going to be able to hit the zero as well then in case any of the guns malfunction they have three extra
50 caliber machine guns strapped down on the Inside of the plane old 666 now has more than double the Firepower of any other B17 in the Pacific Theater.

Neon: yeah he's right old 666 does have more firepower then B17 at this time!!!

Rapi: yes they do neon and i guess old 666 would be hard for many pilots to take down

Snow: i agree with you rapi old 666 would be hard to beat due to its now upgraded state

Commander: hey ingrid do you think they would make old 666 a new standard model for all B17's?

Ingrid: i dont beleive so commander due to being so heavily armed they might make one or two more old 666 bit naver mass produce it

Commander: huh i thought they would mass produce old 666 due to its improvements but I guess you're right

and after shedding over 2,000 lb it is also
the fastest.

Anis: actually not I think about it he's right old 666 might be faster than any other B17

Mary: yes but speed is not everything anis

Anis: i know mary but speed does help though

Snow: yes speed does help but if you dont know how to use those weapons they're pointless

but all that Firepower isn't going to be worth a whole lot if they don't know how to use it so Jay and Johnny continue working on the plane while everybody else is sent out to go train and become experts on the m2 50 caliber machine gun the Beavers get to the point where every single member of the crew can assemble and disassemble the M2 Browning in under a minute while

Neon: wow so they became that good at using those 50 cals

Pepper: but you have to remember neon that these guys are regular humans not Nikkes like us

Neon: I know but that's still impressive that they are able to do that

Pepper: indeed it is impressive Neon

Joe and Jay also make it a rule that every Gunner inside of their aircraft has to link their own ammunition belts and they're going to change up how they do ammunition.

Everyone: going to change up how they do ammuition!?!?!

Amis: how are they changing up their ammunition?

Snow: I'm wondering the same thing as you are anis

you see at this point a B17 50 caliber machine gun had an ammo link that went armor piercing round armor piercing round incendiary round incendiary round Tracer round

Andersen: yes i believe that was standard machine gun belts even back during the first rapture invasion

Snow: yes that was indeed how the machine gun belts were like during the rapture invasion

Commander: huh the more you know

if you don't know a tracer is like the little one that looks like a laser beam coming out from Star Wars they do that so that you can tell where your fire is going and so that your friends can see where your fire is going.

Commander: well i was going to ask what a tracer round was but never mind thank you the fat electrician

they start linking their amunition so it's armor piercing round Tracer round and they do this for psychological warfare because when you're shooting every other round is a tracer round out of a machine gun it is going to look like old 666 is something out of Star Wars straight up shooting laser beams at the

Rapi: that would be some series psychological warfare for any normal person during that time

Anis: ya i can imagine old 666 shooting laser beams at enemies

Neon: yeah that does look so amazing though!!!

so they finish up the plane and they start volunteering for every single Danger mission that they can find they
volunteer for so many missions so often that they never actually got an opportunity to finish the nose art on
the plane like you see all the other bombers have in the movies and in the old pictures and that's why the plane never got a cooler nickname other than
its tail number old 666 now most of these missions just like before a Recon.

Anis: welp here comes the recon missions all over again

Neon: awww they wont be able to show of their new firepower

Rapi: i know the both of you dont like recon missions but they are important right Commander?

Commander: yes rapi is right you guys recon missions are important

it is Jay the eager beavers and old 666 going up into enemy territory completely by themselves and every single time they come into enemy zeros they light them up the new machine guns are incredible an old 666 is the aerial equivalent of George Foreman on his second title run it's big he's fat he's got terrible gas mileage but if you're going to stand in the pocket and trade with then you're probably going to get put in the ground allegedly with the combination of increased speed increased Firepower Jay's piloting tactics and the entire crew's new found machine gun proficiency they were shooting down so many enemies that it became unbelievable so the crew came back and people started doubting them.

Anis: really why are they doubting them?

Snow: its always like that you come back from a mission mostly intact people believe that there barely any enemy resistance

Anis: still not fair to doubt them to do though

so they're like fine we're just going to rig up the cameras to turn on every time we start firing the machine guns that way we film us shooting down the enemy Fighters which is the most World Star shit I've ever heard in my entire life they were literally kicking so much ass that to get people to believe them they had to prematurely invent the GoPro 70 years ahead of time.

Rapi: you know thats a very smart idea they did with the cameras linked to the machine guns like that

Anis: plus it is pretty cool that they prematurely invented the body cam just tos how the amount of kills that they got

Rapi: yes you do have a point there anis

the beatings continue for a little while old 666 the eager beavers and Jay Zer
build up this enormous reputation and eventually leadership would approach Jay with the most dangerous Mission he'd ever heard of.

Anis: huh they gave them another Dangerous Mission just like last time right guys?

Neon: yup

Rapi: yes they did indeed anis but what is the mission if its so dangerous?

Snow: i have to agree with you on this rapi cause im curious as to what this mission is

With everyone else also wondering what this mission is and wondering if it will get these great men killed due to the leadership tired to due last time against them.

all right so here's the mission the Marines are going to make a 40,000 man amphibious Landing in banville but
before they do that they wanted to get aerial footage over the coastline because they wanted to find out where all the reefs were so the Marine Corps didn't get caught up on the reefs with their amphibious Landing Vehicles.

Ingrid: that right there is a very important mission

Commander: i beleive so but we dont know the entire mission yet

Andersen: i agree with the both of you but i cant help but feel like this mission is going to be different this time

the problem with that is the only way to get enough high definition in that footage to be able to see reefs that are underwater is to use a tri Metrion camera setup which is three cameras
where they merge all the footage together and the only way to actually film this and make it work is to fly in
a perfectly straight line under perfect weather conditions and they can't move
the plane at all even a single degree of tilt would ruin the entire thing.

Neon: thats going to be very hard to even do

Mary: yes plus it would be hard even for the best of pilots due to unpredictable nature of anything happening at the time

Rapi: plus there might be enemy patrols in the air at the same time as them

Anis: so their stuck in a hard spot if their caught by an enemy Patrol

and in order to film this Coastline they're going to have to do that for 22 minutes straight in enemy territory and that enemy territory may or may not have enemy Fighters and anti-aircraft guns on the coast and if there is anti-aircraft guns on the coast it's pretty much game over because again they have to fly in a perfectly straight line for 22 minutes straight in Broad daylight the
worst Gunner on the planet has enough time to get dialed in and shoot them down.

Anis: yeah that would make any mission the most dangerous

Neon: yeah even the worst gunner can get lucky in the daytime

Rapi: especially if there is a ton of anti-air guns on the coast as well

The rest of the nikke nods their heads in agreement with rapi while they were hoping that there was no AA-guns on the coast.

and that's assuming they even make it to the coastline because banville is 600 miles into enemy-held territory.

Commander: and now the mission just got even more dangerous than before and I have a feeling that his leadership only asking him to do this and not his air crew

Ingrid: i agree with you on that feeling your getting commander

Andersen: i agree something doesnt feel right eith jay's leadership

because of this the leadership only
approached Jay with this Mission because they were just hoping that he would pilot it they never in their Wildest Dreams imagined that his entire crew
would volunteer to go on this Mission because it had such a low chance of survival.

Commander/Anis: yup there it is they want only jay to do it due to his skills as a pilot

Pepper: is leadership still mad at jay or do they want him to do it due to his skill?

Snow: most likely its both as they only asked him and not his air crew pepper

Pepper: oh thank you snow white

Snow: your welcome

Anis: still you would think that his leadership would ask the entire crew and not just jay

Rapi: it most likely has to due with the low survival rate mentioned for the mission anis

Anis: wait they think jay's crew would just abandon him like that?

Ingrid: they likely thought like that anis

despite that after being briefed on the entire thing Jay Rush rushes over to the barracks where the Beavers are briefs them on the entire thing and he's like look I'm calculating there's like a 10% chance that we survive this I don't expect any of you to go with me I don't
blame you if you don't in any way but if you do want to volunteer there's nobody I would rather have up there with me than you guys.

Commander: now that is how a true leader is like when given a Dangerous Mission caring about his team rather about himself

Andersen: agreed a leader should always care for themselves last and the team first

Ingrid: indeed it how many people believe a leader should act

Snow: yes but not all leaders will act like that due to their ego and hubris that will get all that followed them killed

Everyone nods their heads in agreement on how many commanders and leaders are not always thinking of their people first insteed focusing on themselves

at which point every single one of the eager beavers stands up and they're going with him who's car are we going to take later on when retelling this story one of the Beavers is quoted as saying 'we thought so much of Captain zener and his abilities that we didn't give a damn where we went just so long as he wantedto go there anything okay by him was okay by us'.

Anis: now that is a team you can thrust to have your back right guys?

Neon: you got that right anis

Rapi: i wouldnt mind having these men by my side

Snow: i have to agree i woupd like to have these men at my side in battle

Mary: i wonder if they have medical training?

Pepper: they probably have basic medical training Mary

Commander: those men are loyalty their leader I can respect that very much

Ingrid: i remember when you used to have such men by your side andersen

Andersen: yes i remember but their gone now

Jay then runs back over to the colonel that had just briefed him as he is pinning the volunteers slip onto the board to collect volunteers for this Mission Jay grabs a paper crumples it up says that him and the eager beavers are going to take the mission on one condition.

Neon: huh i wonder what the condition is going to be?

Andersen: he probably wants to do the mission their way or they want the leadership to back off

he does it how he wants to do it and they have no further input he will get the mission done at which point the colonel agrees.

Anis: i guess you were right on the money with that guess andersen

Andersen: i guess i was but it should of been obvious with how the entire crew of old 666 acts against their leadership way of doing things

Anis: i guess you got a point on that one

and it's settled the only thing to do now is to get prepared for the mission and wait for Army meteor ologist to tell them that they're going to have a day clear enough to actually pull this off it's monsoon season a couple of weeks go by and then finally they get word from the Army weather guys hey tomorrow is the day the weather's going to break you can get this Mission done so they all get prepped and they take off first thing in the morning when it's still dark out for this Dangerous Mission so they take off they're making their way over to banville they get like halfway there it's still dark out everything's going great and Leadership radios over to Jay and they're like hey by the way um extra credit it would be pretty cool if you could pop up to the top of the island and film buak passage as well we don't need tetragon footage just normal footage would work you can do it while it's still kind of dusk out if you could get that done too that'd be great at which point Jay is like no no I don't I don't need extra credit during this extremely dangerous mission that wasn't what we agreed to I'm not doing that then they're like well too bad it's an order to which he just like hangs up on the guy he doesn't really care he's going to do what he wants anyways cuz that's been hiso the entire time.

Everyone just shocks their heads in disappointment at how leadership just turns their backs on the one condition they agreed to with jay by using the potion as a higher up. With anis and neon just booing the leadership of the fifth for going back on their deal with jay.

okay fast forward they get all the way to banville it's still too dark out for them to start filming with with this Tri Metron footage so Jay asks the crew and he's like look uh I can do a U-turn we can fly 15 minutes out over the open ocean do another U-turn come back that'll be half an hour that should be bright enough by then or we could fly like 45 minutes north film buak passage and then come back and do this after and the crew is like I don't whatever I don't care so they go they film Buak passage then they come back it is now broad daylight so they start filming their Tri Metron footage they get 5 minutes into the 22-minute run.

Anis: at least that side mission gives them something to do while they wait for the morning light to rise up

Ingrid: you do have that right anis but i have a bad feeling about this for some reason

Commander: your not the only one miss ingrid cause me and snow are also getting that feeling

Snow nods her head in agreement with the commanders words while everyone else looks at the screen in concern for jay and his crew on old 666.

and they come up on a Japanese air strip and on that air strip is over 20 Japanese zero and he can see men running out to the planes to come get him. now Jay doesn't realize it at this point but these weren't just normal Japanese zeros this was one of the best fighter squadrons that Japan had that was specifically brought in to go take out Admiral Halsey and in this Squadron they had two Aces with a combined over 30 confirmed air-to-air kills and even if this wasn't a specialized badass Fighter Squadron 20 on one is still completely undoable they'd gone up against against 5 6 7 zeros they'd never gone up against 10 let alone 20 plus.

Anis: oh no thats really bad like big time entire fresh off the training ground kind of bad

Rapi: i have to agree with you on this anis due to the fact that these are purpose built fighters against a bomber

Neon: they got this you guys just you watch they'll be fine

Pepper: i hope your right about this neon

Neon: of course im right about this they have a heavy amount of firepower so they'll be fine

it's at this moment that Jay has to make a decision because he knows that by the time all the Japanese Zeroes get up in the sky get in their formation and actually attack him he's going to have just enough time to finish this camera run however then he's going to have to fight his way out which is probably a death sentence or he could cut and run right now and he's almost guaranteed to be able to get away with a 20-minute Head Start.

Everyone leaned out of their seats to see what decision Jay would do. Wondering if his going cut and run or is he going to see the mission through.

Anis: come on your a group of the bravest and crazest man dont run now please

he's taken a second to weigh his options and really think about it and he's just about ready to cut and run and looks down at the water and he can just see all these reefs just right below the water and he just envisions 40,000 Marines and their amphibious Landing Vehicles hung up on these reefs getting cut down by enemy defenses and machine gun fire and he decides that he's going to risk it to try to save these guys.

Everyone leans back releasing a breath they didn't know they were holding at hearing that jay didnt decide to let all those men get killed.

Mary: its nice to know even with them being in danger thar jay and the eager beavers still care with their allies

Andersen: indeed it is nice to know that they care cause many people in their position would run away as soon as trouble appeared

Anis: i hate how some people would abandon their allies in situations like this

Rapi: its due to the fear of death anis many people are afraid of dying

Anis: i know rapi but it doesnt mean i have to like them even then

and for the next 17 minutes the crew gets ready for a fight as Jay keeps the plane completely straight and level in broad daylight as all the zeros get up in the air to come get them fast forward 17 minutes later two dozen Japanese zeros have caught up to them and they are trailing just behind 666 out of machine gun range right as George Kendrick comes over the radio and says give me 30 more seconds.

Neon: come on an finish the filming the reefs so you can fight back

Commander: come on 30 more seconds and then you can fight back

3 Zeroes pass along the outside do their U-turn to begin their attack run against 666 then George Kendrick radios again that he has a film done.

Neon: yes they can fight back now!!!!!

at this point it's too late for Jade to do his normal evasive maneuver where he plays chicken with one of the zero so he just lines up the nose of the plane and his schneer gun with the lead zero shooting it down Joe sarnowski down below inside the nose cone Manning those guns manages shoot down one of the other zeros.

Neon: yes they took down two of those zeroes!!!!

Anis: come on and take out the third one already

and the third and final zero was able to riddle the cockpit with 20 mm cannon fire this fatally wounds both Jay Zer and Joe sarnowski takes out all the navigation equipment for the plane as well as the entire oxygen system.


Mary: jay and joe are in need of medical attention right now

Pepper: why isnt jay letting his copilot take control?

Snow: their in a dog fight right now pepper so the need all hands to Focus on their guns

Pepper: oh i understand but i still dont like it

Jay Zer is now slowly bleeding out inside of this cockpit with no way of knowing where he has this plane headed other than Instinct and a compass that he's holding in his hand and he has about 30 seconds of oxygen left before the entire crew passes out from hypoxia and the
remaining Japanese Zeroes all now know that this is not not a normal b17.

Andersen: thats not good they need to find away to get oxygen fast or they'll not make it

Ingrid: indeed but i wonder how jay will handle this

Commander: oh no thats not good they figured out that old 666 is different then all the over ones they faced

Rapi: they might change up the tactics they use to take out jay and everyone else

their typical tactics aren't going to work and they just begin swarming every direction they can firing from all angles Jay immediately puts the plane into a nose dive desperately trying to get below 10,000 ft so him and his men can breathe with the oxygen system down he drops
15,000 fet in just under 30 seconds that is over 3 miles in 30 seconds This Plane
drops before Jay pulls it back up and he estimates that they're at 8,000 ft he doesn't actually know because the
altimeter is broken and the only way he can tell the altit that they're at is because he's such a good pilot he can look at the pressure gauge for the engine manifolds and be able to tell.

Anis: welp they did change up tactics like you said rapi

Rapi: thats just in mass swarm tactic anis

Anis: well you have to admit that its useful tactic rapi

Ingrid: well that is one way to solve your no oxygen problem

Andersen: indeed it is ingrid

Commander: he really is a great pilot if he can tell altitude from the pressure gauge

Snow: i agree with you on how good of a pilot he is commander

at this point the entire situation devolves
into an allout chaotic dog fight Jay while still bleeding out is pulling off combat Maneuvers inside of a B17 that most Pilots would never even attempt and his crew instinctively knows how he Pilots that they are able to pick off these Japanese zeroes one by one your average dog fight at this point in time lasted for less than a minute and this dog fight would drag out for over 45 minutes and the entire time Jay Zer is losing more and more blood and more and more control of the plane because at some point both Rudders would become damaged and he would no longer be able
to actually turn the plane using the Rudders.

Commander: that has to be the worlds longeat dog fight right?

Andersen: i do not know commander but it is impressive

Ingrid: plus it does go to show how hard it is for the zeroes to take down old 666 though

Anis: thats not good how is he going to turn the bomb with no rudders?

Neon: i believe jay will think of something anis im sure of it

Pepper: jay and joe have lost to much blood i dont think they'll make it back with everyone mary

Mary: we dont know that yet pepper they might just make it back with everyone

but he's such an incredible pilot that he begins individually throttling all four Motors throttling one side up and the other side down turning the plane that way throughout the course of this firefight the eager beavers shoot down and completely destroy five Japanese zeroes critically damage and send back a bunch of other ones and by the end of this firefight there's five or six left fully
functional and coming to get them and they are almost out of ammunition and right as it looks like this is going to be the end the zeros peel off and do a U-turn as they have to go back because they've ran out of fuel at this point Jay Zer passes out and the co-pilot is
finally allowed to take over the aircraft.

Anis: you were right rapi he did think of some way to turn the bomber withput the rudders

Rapi: indeed

Neon: see the zeroes were no match for the heavy firepower of old 666!!!!

Snow: yes but their almost out of ammo neon

Neon: oh thats not great at all

Ingrid: i guess thats one down side to fighters they cant carry much fuel

Andersen: indeed even with improvements made to fighters since then they still cant carry nearly as much fuel as bombers

Pepper: thank goodness the jay let his copilot take control now so he can rest

something that Jay Zer refused to let him do In the Heat of the fight for the entire flight back Jay is coming in and out of Consciousness and the last thing he remembers is them landing and the ground crew rushing in as he hears the medic say get the pilot last he's already already dead.


Commander: ive never seen those two so mad before huh

Rapi: well they do take alot of pride as medical professionals

Anis: plus it shows they care for all their patients

Neon: and it shows that they dont like how those medics handled the situation

he would wake up in the hospital days later to find out that he had lost over half the blood in his entire body.

Pepper: thank goodness that jay survived

Neon: wait he didnt say if joe survived as well?

Mary: he'll probably say it in a bit neon

but the Intel that they had gathered was going to be used to launch operation cartwheel a highly successful Allied offensive that military planners credited that success to the Intel that Jay Zer and the eager beavers had gathered because of this both Jay Zer and Joe sarnowski were to receive the Medal of Honor.

Anis: thats good all of them got the credit thay deserved after all this time

Ingrid: yes and i do say its credit well deserved

Rapi: and its nice to know that the intel they gathered helped so many other

Commander: its nice to know the landings were a success due to jay's decision not to cut and run

unfortunately Joe would have to receive his POS humously according to the accounts of the rest of the crew he was struck by a 20mm round during the first engagement despite that he still managed to man the machine guns at the front of the B17 shooting down an additional two Japanese zeros before
succumbing to his wounds.

Everyone lowers their heads in respect to joe having fought with such Grievous wounds on his body.

as for the rest of the eager beavers four of them sustained injuries but they all survived and all of them were awarded the distinguished service cross for this Mission making this the most decorated
air crew in US military history and making this the most decorated mission in US history.

Mary: at least the rest of the crew survived the mission

Andersen: indeed it is mary

Anis: its amazing that these crazy man are that most decorated air crew in history

Neon: yeah i wonder what other medals did the eager beavers get?

according to the official Japanese reports this story is highly exaggerated because according to them they only sent up 70 to intercept old 666 and none of them were shot down however when you take into account the verifiable fact that old 666 was hit with 5 20 mm Cannon rounds and sustained over 187 bullet holes and the crew depleted all of their ammunition literally thousands of pounds of 50 caliber rounds it kind of sounds like the Japanese official reports are fucking lying so that they don't look bad.

Anis: wow take about sore losers for hiding that do to what hurt pride?

Rapi: that or it was the mentally that the Japanese military had during this time anis

Anis: i guess your right rapi

in conclusion now you know the story of Jay Zer and the eager beavers a bunch of young men that blurred the lines between bravery and Insanity that ultimately were deemed so reckless that the government wouldn't give them a B7 to fly so they built their own and became the most decorated air crew in American history. thank you for watching best way to support the channel is go by some merch over the fat electrician.

comom quack bang out that was a long video this time around uh when you're editing this one and posttop just cut out all the parts where I got teary eyed those weren't emotions my office is infested with onion cutting ninjas.

The screen slowly goes dark as it turns back to data files while DA-14B looks for the next data file on the next universe for them to see. With everyone laughs at the onion cutting ninjas part as they understand that this story is very emotional

Andersen: ingrid this viewing has given me an idea on creating gear that can lit some mass produced nikke fly to give limited air support

Ingrid: that would be a good idea

Commander: on the plus side creating some flight based gear instead of a new Nikke would be cheaper for the central government

All the nikkes nod their heads in agreement with the flight based gear would be helpful in some situations



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