
By just_a_dash_of_color

244 2 9

Avery is a shy girl. Her best friend Jess is popular. Together they make the perfect duo. Until Matthew arriv... More

What happened to this story?(AN)


34 1 0
By just_a_dash_of_color

The First Date- one of the most awkward situations a girl can willing throw herself into. Guys were not my thing. Not that I swung the other way in relationships. I just never actually got to call anything mine. I had "kissed" one boy at a party. It was a dare. Funny thing was I didn't actually kiss him... I grabbed his face, pushing my thumb between our lips, so they never actually touched. I immediately dragged him behind a tree, and made him swear not to tell that I had not carried out the dare. Meanwhile, the group we left behind assumed that I was turned on and just dragged Makenna Fall's brother behind that tree to make out with the little dweeb. Reality was, I was pressing my fist under his chin threatening to sucker punch the kid's teeth out if he told a soul. Poor Clayton. He's terrified of me to this day. Another funny fact, is that's the most outspoken I've ever been. The most courage I had ever had was forcing a dorky boy that still slept with his nightlight (even though we were well out of our elementary school days) to keep my secret... To cover my lie.

The First Kiss- the second most awkward situation a girl can willingly subject herself too. Why something so intimate doesn't rate first, is because it'll only last a few seconds at most. Another reason, is when it's the right time, it's just natural. You simply just do it, unlike the date, which last hours, and you have to force yourself to put effort into it. With The Kiss, it just happens, and once its happening, no matter how horrible The First real kiss is, it's perfect in every way. No girl likes being covered in her partners' spit, and other people's tongues just shouldn't be in your mouth. But that's just part of The First Kiss. What made mine so special, was that it was with Matthew Peeves. The Matthew Peeves. I hadn't known him for a full 24 hours.Yet there we were. In the light of a fire. On the banks of a lake. Bundled up in our coats and blankets... The actual date part barely mattered. It was just a set up for the big kiss

We, well I, had decided that evening to go to the movies. I thought a movie was a neutral option. If he wanted to be cliché, he'd turn my head, and just smash my lips to his in the middle of the stupid horror flick we'd chosen to see. Another cliché option was me being "terrified" (or not, since it took a lot to scare me) and us getting cozy together. Him pulling the classic movie move, where the guy thinks that he slyly put his arm around you and you just shut up and let it happen. The last option was not a romance novel cliché. It was more of a classic Avery cliché. We would both just sit there, watching the movie, and I could hide inside myself. No forced conversations, and the silence would never be awkward. Matt had a different cliché in mind, though. That southern charm cliché.

"Uh, you missed the turn."

"Mm. Pretty sure I didn't."

"I know you're a confident person, but you are very new to this area. The movie theater is down that road."

"I know you think I'm taking you to a movie, but you are very new to me. Our turn isn't for another 5 minutes." I stared in awe.

" Matt, where are we going?" I was a tad nervous, not knowing where I was going. First I was rushed to get ready after he showed up half an hour early, ( I had barley touched a foundation brush, and Jess had just finished curling my hair and was neatly pinning a black knit beanie in place when he arrived) and now I was being taken to a disclosed location. How could I not be even the slightest bit flustered?

"Baby, just trust me." Did Matthew Peeves just call me baby? Was Matthew Peeves really driving me to a mystery location? I wanted to smile, and wonder in excitement where we were going, like a normal girl. But my nerves got the best of me. I sunk back in my seat, and felt the blush rising up my cheeks.

Tonight would be a long night...


We pulled up next to a park about 10 minutes away from the city limits. This was the back woods area. When I was younger, I frequented this park with my mom often. I felt comfortable knowing the area. I opened the door and when my feet hit the soft powdery layer of snow, I mentally thanked Jess for picking out an outfit with many layers. I was against it, saying we'd be inside, but with us catching an earlier movie time, she refused to allow me to come home at 9 o'clock. She said we'd probably go on a walk through the streets, or grab a bite to eat at the outdoor café on East Street. I blushed at the thought of eating on the patio at the small shop. The actual building of the café only consisted of a unisex, one stalled bathroom, and a kitchen. The patio was decorated with heat lamps, cushioned chairs, and soft romantic Christmas lights. The cobblestoned ground added a more romantic feel, and the whole area was covered with a black awning, keeping the snow out. My heart swooned as I thought about eating there with Matthew. Maybe I'd mention it after we left the theater. That was when I thought my night would land me in a dark room. Not a dark park.

Matt came up and shut my door, and grabbed my hand, leading me down a familiar path lit with fairy lights, leading the way through the trees to a wide open field. I looked towards the opening in the trees before Matt took a sharp left off the well traveled path, into the unknown trees. He pulled a small flashlight out of his coat pocket, and clicked it on.

"Where are we-"

"Sh, you'll attract all the bears if you talk too much," he said giving me a sly smile and a wink over his shoulders. After a few more minutes, I looked ahead and saw a soft orange glow, and smelt wood burning. Matt squeezed my hand and flicked the flashlight off, following the glow. We reached a canvas of branches, which he pulled back and waved me through. I stepped out from the cover of the trees and saw a wall of knit blankets held up by thick branches, and tied with black cables. It looked like a teepee, but after walking to the front, I realized it was a shallow dome over more blankets. Space heaters sat on either side of the structure , and a picnic basket sat under the blanket dome, keeping it safe from the snow. A campfire sat in front of it all, and battery powered lights were strung all around the area. It all looked out onto a lake, or more like a large pond. I gaped at the scene until Matt led my gloved hand to sit, wrapping a blanket around my thin frame along with his coat that smelled like a warm fire, and joy.

We sat cross legged , the basket separating us and he opened it. Amazing smells of spaghetti take out (which was from the same café I was wanting to go to) and fresh bread wafted into my nose. He pulled out the still warm tin box that held the pasta dish, as well as the bread. He continued with pulling a plastic bag out with snickerdoodle cookies, and two thermoses. The bottom of the basket was filled with hot-to-cold packs that you get in casserole totes. The packs were obviously warmed to keep everything nice and toasty in the snow. I watched as a few flakes fell, but the actual snow fall had almost died out, with just a thin layer on the ground. The small flakes were most likely from the canopy of pine branches above, and they sizzled when they hit the fire.

"Coffee, or Hot Cocoa?" Matt interrupted my thoughts of snow, pulling my attention back to him.


"I brought both. I didn't know if you liked coffee, but I thought hot chocolate was a safe option. I should've brought tea as well, but you know, I just-"

"Coffee is perfect." I gave a small smile, cutting him off, as he pulled a coffee cup out, and a bottle of powdered hazelnut creamer, and sugar. I could tell he was nervous as well. Shocking considering he was so confident until this moment. He poured the coffee into a mug, and gave it to me to doctor with cream and sugar, as he pulled out another mug, pouring himself a cup.

We sat in silence for a few moments, adjusting our coffee before he asked " So, you hungry?"

"Yeah," I breathed out a small laugh. He pulled out forks, opening the take-out box.

"I didn't bother with plates. I wanted it to be perfect, and paper plates weren't up to par for this occasion. The glass mugs were risky enough, you know. I thought we could eat it straight outta' the box. I guess I could've thought this through but..."

I listen to him babble, as I take the fork and delicately swirl it around the dish, taking a small bite. I refrain from slurping, as he digs in as well. I also take a piece from the gourmet loaf, and tear chucks off, popping them in my mouth. The butter-garlic coating compliments the tomato sauce. I had kept quiet, the whole way through our meal when finally he offered me some of the cookies.

"My sister made them from scratch. Best snickerdoodle you'll ever taste. She likes to add nutmeg, rather than just cinnamon and sugar."

"Uh, I'm allergic to cinnamon."

"Right... I should've asked first..." I watch his face fall as he zips the bag up.

"I'm kidding, Matt. Snickerdoodles are my favorite." I smile as he breaths a sigh of relief. I take the bag, and bite into the perfect cookies.

"Mmmmmm... Oh my god, you were right. These are fantastic."

"I'll tell her you said thanks!"

After I finished three cookies, I reached over into my purse, full, and grabbed a stick of gum, painfully aware of my rancid coffee and pasta breath. I saw Matt do the same with mints, not paying attention to me as I chewed my gum. An hour into the date, and I was shocked that it was coming with such ease. I hadn't said much, but he obviously had no problem carrying the conversation. It was a perfect night thus far. Easier than I thought.

"So, you want to tell me about your life back in Georgia?" I decided to ask in a small voice. I felt the need to at least try to converse with him.

"Nope." He popped the p at the end, making my question seem more irrelevant. My face heated up, and my jaw opened and closed trying to find words. Was his life back home a touchy topic? His curt answer made me nervous. I felt like it was the wrong question. I was speechless. I just stared wide-eyed. This was not happening. " Well not right at the moment. I have something else I want to talk about. You look scared? You okay?"

"Uh, ye- yeah, " I managed to stutter out, "I-I just th-thought I asked a risky question... The way you said 'nope'."

"Oh! No. I just wanted to ask you a question before we talked about anything else." He smiled. " You know, I really admire your shyness Avery," he added as a last second thought. I smiled.

"What's your question?" My voice came out as a whisper in the quiet night. He replied his smooth, dark, chocolate covered voice mirrored my whisper in the most seductive way possible.

" Avery Lane, I've known you for less than 24 hours. I was wondering in such a short time frame, would it be acceptable for me to kiss you about now?"

I didn't verbally reply. Just gave a small nod, not dropping the serious expression on my face. Matthew leaned over the small basket, standing on his knees. He gripped my shoulders softly, hobbling over before lowering himself to my significantly shorter eye level. He gave me a soft smile, before cupping a gloved hand against my warm cheek. He placed his other hand on my hand in my lap. My memory went fuzzy. Kissing seemed natural, I guess since I don't remember anything but him grabbing my face, and then his soft lips pulling away after a small, but firm kiss placed on my mouth. I opened my eyes that had automatically closed when he touched his lips against mine. And then I did the unthinkable. I firmly pressed my lips back against his. Not even processing my first kiss. Just knowing I wanted more. He moved into it, his hand still on my cheek, the other moving to the nape of my neck, gently tangling in my hair. I felt us lower back. I heard the snow crunch under our blankets as my back touched them, bearing my body weight, as well as the weight of the man on top of me. His tongue traced my lips, and soon entered my mouth, probing my own tongue. He pulled away to catch his breath, and peppermint danced on my lips, left there by his. He went back for more. And more. And once again. It felt like seconds. But when he ended the passionate session with one last kiss on my numb lips, it had been a solid five minutes of just weird sucking motions that ended up just being natural. He sat back up, pulling my forgotten blanket back around me, as I took my hands off his strong chest. He frowned in disappointment.

"Damn, I thought that maybe you had kissed only a few guys in your life."

I stared dumbfounded. "Um, pardon?"

"How many guys have you kissed."

"N-n-no... None..."


"Again, pardon," I said more firm this time.

"No one can kiss that good the first time. First kisses are supposed to be wet, and gross. Avery, my first kiss, the girl had to wipe the lower half of her face off because I had soaked it, and we didn't even attempt to use tongue. You just acted like you've done that a million times."

"No... I just did what was natural."

"Well... Damn..." He breathed out a smile, and laugh. In that moment everything was perfect.

That moment led me to realize that my first date, and kiss were anything but real-world cliché. Matt and I had literally defied all normal laws of awkwardness, and chosen to fulfill a romance cliché. A date filled with clichés was apparently perfect. The rest of the date was a blur of lips meshing. Next thing I know, I'm sliding down the back of my bedroom door. Smiling. Remembering. Reminding myself of the perfection my first kiss was. Thinking about the small kiss he gave me in one last cliché on my doorstep.

The First Date- the least awkward situation Avery Lane could ever subject herself too.

The First Kiss- the first most passionate thing Avery Lane did subject herself too. And God, was I thankful it was with the biggest cliché: Matthew Peeves.


AN: Done! Five chapters in, and this is my favorite. I know I used the word "cliché" a lot. That was the point. I hope you guys enjoyed! Please comment and vote! I love hearing from you guys! It makes me do a happy dance that not only do people take the time to read something I wrote, but also comment on it, and vote for it! It's like a giant Internet hug from people :)! I took a lot longer to write this in hopes of making it significantly longer! I typically pop out a chapter and then take a few days to think about it before I publish it, so I can change anything I want, or add details. This chapter, I spent weeks writing, and then days building it up from a skeleton to a detailed fantasy date. I know it is a romance book, and fiction (well duh, I wrote it), but I hoped you guys would get into it. Almost like it was happening to you. I also wanted to start chipping away at this shy facade Avery has, and start showing her true colors! Anyways, let me know what y'all think! Even if you hate it, tell me why! As always, love y'all! Xxx ~Kami.

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