Breaking The Rules | JENLISA

By KpopInYourArea

17.2K 573 44

(ON-HOLD) It's normal to like a Professor sometimes but for her, it more than that. Seducing eachother during... More

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜
Professor (1)
Ms Park (2)
Sick (3)
Friendship (4)
Text (5)
Interaction (6)
Trapped (7)
The kiss (8)
Elect (9)
Confused Feelings (10)
Secret (11)
Dinner (12)
Late (13)
"Make out" Exam (14)
The Hot Get Hotter (15)
Lie Continues (16)
Together (17)
Party (19)
Mine -M- (20)
No Turning Back (21)
She fell first but Lisa fell harder (22)
"First Day" - M - (23)
Trouble - M - (24)
The end of the beginning (25)
Secrets Out (26)
Forgiveness (27)

Caught (18)

499 26 0
By KpopInYourArea

"Woah! look who's in a good mood for 2 days straight!" Jisoo said, watching Jennie as she does her casual morning routine. It had finally been the weekend, and alot had pretty much happened.

It had been 2 days, since Lisa and Jennie gone out. They talked more than they usually do, even inside of school. Though, it's a lowkey thing.

Lisa was still her professor, so she had to act like it. Luckily, they were pretty much good at acting. Only rosé, knows about their friendship.

"Keep the streak going!"
Jisoo said happily, while patting the younger's back. Jennie got back to her perfect routine, and never once bragged to Jisoo. Thankfully.

"Hey, why can't i be happy?"
Jennie asked, watching Jisoo as she grabbed some more eggs. They were currently eating breakfast right now, jisoo planned to stay in and mostly play games.

"I don't know, you seem like a person who would be in a bad mood 24/7" She said, Jisoo and Jennie got along pretty well. They just happened to click, meant to be best friends.

They knew some secrets from eachother, and as roommates ofcourse they will get along. Also, aside from the fact that Jisoo had finally managed to talk with Rose.

It was such a big achievement for her, both the Kim celebrated in their own dorm. But suddenly got in trouble because of how loud Jisoo blasted the speaker.

"Whatever, Chu. I'm just in a great mood"
Jennie said throwing a crumpled paper at her, great mood for what? You may ask, well the question would probably be very obivous. Unlike, jennie and lisa saying goodbye to eachother any not talking.

They were talking alot over the phone aswell, that's how close they got. But never had they done any intimate things, it had been quite awhile.

"Please, keep it that way Jendeukie" She grabbed her phone, and quickly flopped into the couch before Jennie could do anything.

"And what are you up to this weekend, Chu?" Jennie turned to see, Jisoo already getting comforted in the couch. Blanket over her, as she sat. Her head resting on the pillow, turning on the TV and going on her phone.

"I'm going to grind, CODM"
She opened her phone, to that certain app. Jennie looks at her confused.

Jennie questioned, their conversation were out of pocket but this is what they usually talk about aside from her crush.

"Yeah, wanna know a secret?"
Jisoo said, as jennie waited for her to tell whatever secret she was gonna say.

"I convinced, Rosé. To download and play duo with me" She smiled happily, and it seemed like she was texting someone on the phone. Rosé and Jisoo got close, but never thought they'd be this close.

Rosé didn't seem like the type to play games, but it was cute to witness it.
"Alright, you have fun then"

Jennie said, getting off the chair as she went to her room to grab her jacket.
"Where you going?"

Jisoo slightly shouted, curious because it seems like Jennie was going to leave. It was only 10pm, on a saturday. It's a good day just to stay in, and do nothing.

"Uhm..I'm going to the library" Jennie said, making her way out of the room to grab her phone. Jisoo looks at her, her smile turning into a smirk.

"Why are you looking at me so weirdly?"
Asked Jennie, it was awkward because Jisoo was squinting her eyes with a smirk on her face.

"Are you sure you're going to the library, or somewhere else?" Jisoo asked suspiciously which got Jennie taken aback, she could only laugh at the awkward atmosphere. As if Jisoo knew already.


Jennie lied, and wasn't technically going to the library.

"Ofcourse, i have to grab some textbooks..for math" She said, trying to approach the door to finish the awkward conversation before she gets caught.

"Math? But i literally saw your-"
Before jisoo could say anything else, Jennie turned the doorknob quickly leaving the place. She hurriedly makes her way to the hallway.

She looks at her phone if she had received any messages, none yet so far. Jennie wasn't going to library, she didn't feel like doing any studies especially on a weekend.

She was going to walk to the nearest convience store, a walking distance.

She was greeted by the employee as she got inside, hoping that Jennie brought her wallet she made her way to the snack area right away.

She took a little while to decide what she wanted, overall she had already eaten breakfast. She should eat something light.

She grabbed 2 chips, and made her way to the drink area. There had been so many good drink choices it was pretty hard, it got her thinking alot.

"Take the chocolate, i heard this brand was good" Someone approached Jennie, as they saw her state. They pointed at the chocolate milk they were mentioning, It got jennie a little shocked to who was talking to her.

She looks at her side, hoping it would be someone she knew. But wasn't.

She casually said, she'd never thought she would come across the guy again after their last encounter.

"Hi Jennie, sorry for barging into your privacy. It seemed like you were thinking really hard" He laughed, while adjusting his glasses. Jennie opened it, and wondered whether she should really get what he suggested.

"Also, i'm sorry for the last time we met. It wasn't really appropriate of me. Hope you can forgive me"
He says while looking at Jennie, instead of Jennie grabbing the one he suggested. She got the vanilla instead, and looked at him.

"No worries, we're good Jimin"
She stood up, finalizing what she bought. And making her way to the counter as Jimin follow her from behind, he also had bought something.

"So what are you up too Jennie?"
He says, starting a conversation between them watching as Jennie was paying for all her stuff.

"I'm going to work"
Again, Jennie lied.

"Do you have time to hangout? Maybe the park or place there nearby" Jimin asks, smiling at her. She just finished paying for everything, and ad all her stuff in a bag.

She faced Jimin.
"I'm gonna have to reject, sorry Jimin. Maybe next time, today is packed for me"

Jennie said, but in all honesty she just wanted to get away from him. She doubted she'd be friends with Jimin, he was like the other boys. This wasn't the first time she'd experience this.

And she swore, they always say the same thing.
"Ah..that's okay. May i have your number?"

He asked this time more gentle, then last time. Jennie thought for a second, she knew that if she didn't give he'd probably be annoying her.

So she gave in, and gave her number. Hoping after that, Jimin would leave her alone. He looked very happy, and even bowed to Jennie thanking her alot.

"Thank u!"
He said, Jennie tried to smile at him. It was just awkward.

"Well, I'm gonna go now..bye"
Jimin nodded, as Jennie makes her way outside the store taking deep breathes. She glances to make sure Jimin wasn't following her and he wasn't which was good

Jennie mumbled to herself.

"I love these kind of chips!"
Jennie smiled watching the taller one squeal after seeing what she had bought for her, she look and was like a total child.

"All for you, Lis" She said, Everything Jennie had done. Had been for lisa, she lied to Jisoo and Jimin.

Because today, today was the day Jennie and Lisa arranged to hangout. The two of them, since they got very close.

They went to a park, and had basically set up their own picnic. They didn't have to worry about anyone recognizing them, because the park was rarely visited.

Though, it was beautiful. It had everything.
You could even say, this hangout is like a date.

"Look at youu! Lili, your face is a mess"
Jennie couldn't help but laugh, because lisa had been eating quite alot of stuff. She had brought some food aswell, and they've been there for almost 30 minutes.

Jennie grabbed the tissue and made her way near lisa, wiping her face which made her freeze.

Says jennie, sitting close infront of lisa now. As she takes a bite of her food, they were enjoying the wind and quietness. Even when it's a silent atmosphere, they were comfortable.

"You know, it was a great idea hanging out today. I wouldn't know what i would have done, except mark exams" Lisa laughed, watching Jennie as she eats. If you saw these two, you'd think they're a couple.

"Ofcourse, i hope you're enjoying my company so far" Jennie replied, showing her gummy smile at Lisa.

"I do, thank you Jen"
They look ateachother smiling, soon after they continued what they were doing. Lisa brought some stuff, fun stuff.

Yeah, no. Not those stuff..

She bought some sports stuff, maybe to play after they ate. There was a lot to do, a lot to enjoy.

"You know, i would consider this a date if you ask me Kim" Lisa said boldly, watching Jennie as if she choked on air.

"Date?? Date.."
Jennie scoffed, leaning towards lisa a little bit. She got an idea.

"Do you want it to be a date?"
Lisa just froze, she just straight up froze like she's been iced. She stopped working, not even Jennie could help her get out of it.

"I-I'm just saying"
Lisa's cheeks turned red, looking up in the sky instead of Jennie who was clearly teasing her again.

"Then it's a date" Jennie confirmed, backing away from lisa to enjoy her savory food.

"But in all seriousness, thank you Jen" Lisa said, looking at Jennie. Never thought they'd be friends after what they've been through, she gave her a chance.

After all, being friends with a student wasn't such a bad thing. A relationship, would be another situation.

"I haven't felt this bright in such a while"
She confessed, stopped looking at Jennie as she layed her body down to stare at the beautiful blue sky.

"Anything, lis. You can count on me" Jennie assured, even though she also didn't expect things to go this way. She couldn't be more thankful, to finally be able to have Lisa.

Especially by her side.

Jennie glanced at Lisa, who was laying down having her eyes closed. She couldn't help but stare at her, she was lucky to be able to be with this girl even if they're not together.

Someday, it was her goal.

"It's funny, you know? I didn't think i'd ever become close with one of my students" Lisa took a deep breathe, the area was so quiet she could fall asleep right now. She heard a chuckle coming from the mandu.

"Don't think of me as your student lili, even if i am. We're outside of the university" Jennie said sparing another look at Lisa who she saw nodding her head, she took a deep breathe and couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, you're right."
Lisa agreed, Jennie decided to put down the food she was eating and sat down beside Lisa.

"Nini. What do you think about love?" She said, out of nowhere which caught Jennie for a bit. Jennie layed down beside Lisa, before she could answer her question.

Both of them looking at the sky.
"Love is a great feeling, it makes me feel happy"

She simply said.
"What about you?"

Jennie asked, they're weren't looking at each other but lisa finally opened her eyes staring infront.

"I've had a complication with Love, but i know love is great when it's with the right person" Lisa said, as there was a silence between the two.

"How can you be sure if it's the right person?"
Jennie asked with a hint of confusion.

"You don't make sure it is the right person, cause you will already know it" Lisa said, her head turning to Jennie who was looking up at the sky watching as she found her gummy smile adorable.

"How will you know already?"
Jennie asked, also turning her head to Lisa as they make eye contact. Laying down beside eachother, looking at eachother.

There was a silence, lisa swallowed her saliva as she felt her heartbeat move so fast. But she couldn't stop looking at Jennie, as Jennie felt the same.

"When you feel it"
Her eyes not leaving hers, she swore there was alot of butterfly wondering around her stomach.

" if your heart is beating so fast with every move they do. Everytime you see them, you feel a weird feeling on your stomach. You can't help but smile widely, whatever they do." Lisa said, they were still looking at eachother.

Little did Jennie know, Lisa had been describing what she had been feeling. (our little secret)

"Do you feel it?"
Jennie said.

Another silence fills the atmosphere, but it was uncomfortable.
"I do"

Lisa said, who couldn't deny things anymore. She was in denial before, but now she doubted she couldnt handle it.

It was best to say, then to hide.
"It's a feeling, i've never felt not even with my past lovers"

Lisa confessed, talking about her past relationships. It was hard, but she was comfortable enough to open up for her

"Then whats stopping you from confessing?" Says Jennie, she was trying to bombard her with questions. But with their topic, it got her very curious.

She loved Lisa from the very beginning, it this was the first time they ever talked about things like this.

Lisa said, she was going to speak but she stopped while Jennie was waiting for her response.

"I worked hard to get where i am and.."
Lisa took a deep breathe.

"As much as i want to be with them, i dont wanna lose-"

They heard someone yell.

"What i had worked for"
Lisa managed to finish her sentence before, hearing someone say her name. They both suddenly got up, suprised to whom it was.

"Lisa and Jennie?!"
They looked at the person, and at eachother as they couldn't even move. Like 2 kids caught doing something bad, and had been caught by the adults.

They look at the culprit, it wasn't just one. It was 2..

"J-Jisoo?! Rose?"
Jennie said, standing up as they were approaching them.

"Uhm..what the fuckkk Jendeukie?" Jisoo said, processing what she'd just seen between the two. It was obivous, they had alot of tension.

Lisa also sat down, they were caught so she wouldn't have time to run away.

"What the? What's happening here? A date?" Rose said, who's already infront of the two. Looking as if she was scolding them.

"W-What? got it wrong"
Jennie denied, but obviously those two already annouced it was a date. But Jisoo was there, and she had no idea the connection between Lisa and Jennie because all she knew she was her professor

She was the one mostly shocked, and what was shocking also was how Rosé and Jisoo was together.

"Are you two having a date?" Lisa backfired Rosé, as she saw those two. In a park, what could've they been doing if they hadn't seen Jennie and Lisa.

"What?.. Ms Manoban?? Jennie, what the.." Jisoo still shocked, as Rosé let her process everything. Jennie sat back down, it was time to tell them.

"Are you two dating??"
Jisoo blurted out, having such a shock face while she covers her mouth. Little did they know her question, made the two red as hell.

"N-No! Not yet!" Jennie shouted.

Lisa glanced at Jennie, biting her lips to prevent herself from freaking out. This was alot to handle, especially as they've been caught.

Lisa had been caught, especially of a student she knew. Jisoo, who had no knowledge of whats happening.

"This is a mess"
Jennie hid her face on her bag, as she didnt know how to explain the two about them hanging out. When she also lied to her roommate.

"Okay..okay. First of all, we're not mad. We're just suprised, Lisa you could've told me you were courting Jennie"
Rose spoke, they took them by suprise when she mentioned about "courting"

"What? No! Look, we just wanted to hangout" Lisa said, putting both her hands up surrendering. Telling them in all honesty, and dignity that she wasn't lying.

"Oh and Jisoo, i'm sorry you had to find this out. You must think of me differently, since i am your professor" Lisa stood up, grabbing jisoo's hand as she bowed in respect. All of them looked at Lisa, confused by her sudden action.

"Oh? That's fine, you know what! I don't mind at all" Jisoo stopped her from bowing because it was a weird feeling, and she didn't like it. She should've been the one bowing instead of her.

"Really?" She looked at her in confusion, she was worried Jisoo would be the type of person to report to the head office. Guess she was wrong after all.

"Yeah, i think it's really cool."
Jisoo shrugged, as lisa finally backed away.

"So Jennie, Lisa Kim? That was her?" She said out of nowhere, Jennie's eyes widen she didn't think she'd remember about the made up name she gave to lisa.

Lisa looks at her.
"Lisa Kim?"

She wasn't mad, but she was just a little confused.
" was just a name. Cause she saw the call..and i had to make something up"

Jennie said, chuckling even if she tries not to make it awkward. She fails too.

"Can we join you guys then?"
Rose asked, Jennie and Lisa look at eachother. Both of them wanting to have their time alone, but they felt bad that they didn't wanna reject them.

Lisa looked back at them.

Both Jennie and Lisa was watching the two play, Rose and Jisoo as they were playing badminton. They were like parents looking after their kids.

The reason Jisoo and Rose had been together was that they also wanted to hangout, instead of playing CODM. It was Rose's suggestion.

It just had been a coincidence they had met in the same park, but now they were all hanging out together even though Jenlisa wanted to have their alone time.

"Who knew Jisoo was good at sports"
Jennie said, watching them as she was sitting beside lisa whom she was watching also. They couldn't help but laugh everytime Jisoo also goofs around Rosé.

It was very obvious that they had liked eachother, there was no denying that.

"They look great together"
Said Lisa, Chaesoo's laughter could be heard as they were busy in their own world.

Jennie let out a deep breathe, her head slightly moving.

"Uhm..also Jen? Can i ask"
Lisa said, as Jennie hummed in response.

"My friend Bam, is setting up a party tomorrow. You wanna come with me?"
Jennie looks at her, it didn't take her awhile to response as she nodded her head.

"Course, i love parties" She said, as Lisa smiled turning back to Chaesoo. She didn't know who to invite since Bam recommended she'd invite.

Lisa had already invited Rose, and she might've invited Jisoo aswell. So why not Jennie.

"I'm getting a little sleepy"
Jennie said, stretching her neck. Her position wasn't comfortable, as she continued to watch them.

"Come with me"
Lisa said, as she faced Jennie. She stood out and offered her hand, Jennie looked at her confusedly but accepted it.

They both stood up and let Lisa drag whoever she was bringing her.

They moved to one of the tree that was just right behind them, you can still see everything in sight. Lisa sat down and patted the ground beside her.

Jennie couldn't help but laugh, as she sat beside her. Finally her back resting onto something, they were sitting beside eachother again.

"Put your head on my shoulder"
Lisa insisted, as they looked at eachother. Jennie didn't hesitant to lean her head ontop of her shoulder, looking infront they still saw Chaesoo playing badminton while under the tree.

It wasn't so bright anymore, but it was a little chilly.

"Thank you"
Jennie said, she could feel lisa nod and smile while Jen also closed her eyes as she lets herself drift to sleep.

Lisa on the other hand didn't bother to move except for her eyes.

Lisa whispered, it only took a couple of minutes till she heard compelete silence from Jennie assuming she'd be asleep.

Her hand accidentally touching Jennie's arm, as she held her cold. She grabbed her Jacket that she had luckily had in her lap, and placed it over Jennie so she wouldn't get cold.

Lisa's head rested on the tree, as she watches the two play. She herself was getting sleepy aswell, so she didn't mind sleeping too.

Lisa's eyes slowly close, as her head falls gently ontop of Jennie's. Both had completely fallen asleep, under the tree.

"Awh, look at those two"
Rose said trying to catch a breathe after the game of badminton, Jisoo was pretty competitive but they both had fun.

As soon as they finished they made their way back, not finding the two in the spot but more likely in the tree.

Both asleep, they seemed comfy with eachother. Jisoo immediately grabbed her phone and took so many photos of the two, without making any noises because they didn't want to wake them up.

They saw how Jennie wrapped herself around Lisa, and lisa's hands was holding her side.
"Are you sure they're not a couple?"

Jisoo asked, drinking her water. Rose shook her head, still looking at them as they sat on their picnic spot.

"They sure look like one"
Jisoo said also sitting down beside Rose, they were looking through Jenlisas stuff especially their snacks as they got hungry.

"They should be"

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