A Usurper's Cause (Book #4)

By heytheregisela

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(BOOK #4 in the Secrets of Aristol series.) Being separated from Eldon leaves Elouise vulnerable to her enemi... More

Part I.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Part II.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part III.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Part IV.
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Part V.
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four

Chapter Thirteen

39 5 0
By heytheregisela

Haven kept pulling Eldon by his wrist toward Udolf's manor. Unfortunately, Eldon insisted on dragging his feet as he stared up at the colors in the sky.

"Eldon, hurry," she demanded, yanking him harder.

"What are those?" he asked, forcefully halting in his tracks.

"I don't know." Haven sneered back at him.

This was pointless. No matter what she did, he would stop and stare at those lights. There was no use fighting it. After a dreadfully long stroll around the city, which mainly consisted of Eldon trying to touch everything, Haven just wanted to curl into bed and forget any of this even happened. Well, after she spoke to Udolf about Elouise's visit, that is.

Haven released Eldon and stood beside him, folding her arms across her chest. She took a deep breath before gazing upward at the waves of light.

"Do you hear that?" he asked her, voice hushed.

"Hear what?" She side-eyed him.

"It's like... whispers. You don't hear 'em?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "It's like they're comin' from those lights."

I'm not the one who is apparently part angel. She shook her head, unsure how much she believed that. Udolf had seemed serious when he'd explained everything to her about the previous guardian, and how he'd been the Angel of Healing reborn as a human. And she supposed she had no right to be a skeptic when she'd told him about the angels in the first place.

Haven then looked at the sky again and pursed her lips. Well, if it is true, then speak louder. Let him hear you. Fix him.

"Remember," Eldon uttered, and Haven's heart leaped. "They said to remember." He turned to her, eyes comically wide. "You didn't hear that?"

"I told you I don't hear shit," she snapped.

"Was I imaginin' it?"

Haven watched the lights slowly faded to nothing, revealing the dark mass of the night sky once again. She sighed and lowered her shoulders. So much for that. "Come on." She took hold of his wrist again—less roughly this time. "Let's get some rest. You wouldn't want to be sleepy and grumpy on your birthday."

He followed without protest and remained silent the entire way there. She caught him sneaking peeks upward, increasing her eagerness to seek Udolf out and discuss this whole matter with him.

The guards patrolling the lawn ignored them as they made their way into the building. Haven let go of Eldon and called out for Udolf. They'd returned much later than she'd anticipated, but she was certain he hadn't gone to bed yet. She spotted a servant bustling by and ordered him to find Udolf for her and let him know she needed to speak with him. She then plopped onto the stone throne while she waited. Eldon tilted his head, staring curiously at her. She glowered in return.

A moment later, Udolf entered the foyer. Haven waved Eldon away, demanding him to leave them be. However, Udolf snatched Eldon by the sleeve of his raggedy beige shirt and pulled him back.

"Actually, Haven and Eldon—"

"Ah, well look at who has finally returned," Godwin's voice echoed.

Haven jolted upright, her breath getting caught in her throat. Godwin emerged from the same open archway Udolf had come from, his devious grin strained.

Godwin glanced at Eldon, then at Haven. "Did you two enjoy yourselves?" He raised a finger. "I certainly hope you did, because that is the first and last time you ever leave."

Eldon gaped at him. "Why? It was her idea." He pointed at Haven.

Haven relaxed and rolled her eyes. "Why, thank you, Eldon."

"Oh, I know it was." Godwin snarled at her and moved closer. "Do you have any idea how much you could have risked?"

Sure. Eldon had been here before with Elouise. Any of the citizens could've recognized him, but they didn't. Half of the people don't care to remember faces or names, and none of them were involved with Inferum cantivat. So, really, what was the risk?

Haven lifted her eyebrows. "My mistake. It won't happen again." She descended the short steps and tried passing him, except Udolf stepped in her way. When she groaned and attempted to walk around him, he held her still.

"Don't fucking touch me." She shoved him back.

Udolf frowned and shook his head. Those little bunched nerves in her stomach twisted.


Haven turned back around and did her best to smirk. "Punish me, then. But only me. I forced him to go."

Godwin chuckled and slapped a hand onto Eldon's shoulder. She watched him dig his long fingernails into it. Eldon grimaced, yet he didn't dare to say a word or make a sound.

"He is not a child," said Godwin. "He knew what he was agreeing to and still decided to go through with it."

Haven narrowed her eyes at him. "You need him, Godwin. You can't hurt him."

Godwin feigned a gasp and placed his other hand on his chest. "I am offended you would think I would torture him as punishment."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I am going to make him understand just how grave this situation is and how serious he should be taking it." Godwin turned to Eldon. "I have been easy on you these past months, because you were recovering. But, as you've proven today, you are much better."

Haven noticed the bob of Eldon's throat as he swallowed.

"I am," Eldon plainly said.

"Good," Godwin responded, grin widening. "Now we can move onto phase two."

"What's phase two?"

Godwin snapped his fingers at Udolf. Udolf hastily unsheathed his scimitar and handed it to him.

"Your original sword is still locked away at the castle," Godwin explained, running his finger down the side of the blade. "I will send Haven to retrieve it for you."

Haven recoiled. "What?"

"In the meantime..." Godwin handed the scimitar to Eldon. "You can practice with this."

Eldon drew his eyebrows together as he carefully examined the weapon.

"You used to be quite the swordsman," Godwin elaborated. "You were great with a bow as well."

"I was?" Eldon looked up at him.

"Tomorrow, on your twentieth birthday, your training begins. Haven will leave first thing at dawn." Godwin met her eyes and snickered. "A quick job. You should be in and out of there. Understood?"

Haven bowed her head. "Yes."

"Very well. Now get to bed. All of you." Godwin stormed out of there, leaving them standing in daunting silence.

Haven swore she could hear everyone's heartbeats, including her own. She forcefully raised her gaze and breathed in calmly. But as she turned to leave, Udolf whispered, "You heard him, Haven. That means no stalling to speak with your little prince."

Haven curled her lip. "As I mentioned before, Udolf, I have better restraint than you. I can only imagine the lack of self-control you possessed earlier with her." He showed no emotion, so she left, deciding she didn't actually care to find out what he and Elouise had spoken about.

She vaguely heard Eldon question who the "her" she had mentioned was. She didn't hear if Udolf answered.

The sun hadn't even begun to rise when Haven was given a wake-up call by Merek (courtesy of Godwin).

She rolled out of bed and got dressed in black leather breeches, a long and loose white shirt with a navy-blue bodice that she erratically laced up in front. She slipped her dagger into place on her side, put on her brown boots and reached for her hat and grappling hook on her way out.

Godwin awaited her in the yard and went over the instructions again.

"You get there, find his sword, and return immediately."

Haven sighed, sliding the rolled rope up her arm. "Why is retrieving his sword even necessary?"

"Oh, it isn't, really. I just wanted him to see yet another thing Her Highness stole from him." He cackled to himself.

Haven set her mouth into a straight line and averted her eyes.

"Oh, come now, Haven," he spoke again. "Do not make that face as if you actually care about her."

"Of course. Then I will be on my way." She turned to leave, then glanced back when she heard him laughing again.

"I can simply take you there," he informed, grinning hideously. His teeth were looking blacker by the day. She was surprised they hadn't fallen out yet.

But she focused on what he'd said and raised an eyebrow.

"You will have to return on your own, though," he continued. "I will be too busy to go to you and teleport us both back."

"If you can just do that, why do you need me to go?"

"I like ordering you around." Then he waved his hand and that strange sensation from the last time he teleported her overwhelmed her body again.

Her surroundings spun, twisted, and blurred until she landed hard onto dried and dead grass—right outside the castle walls. She groaned as she carefully got herself up and onto her feet, craning her neck to see how high that stone wall was.

Haven sharply inhaled and allowed the rope to slide down her arm. She unraveled it completely and twirled the hook and tossed it upwards. It latched onto the top, and she yanked it, ensuring its security before ascending. As she reached the top, she threw her right leg over, then the other, and merely sat there a moment, overlooking the stables and part of the garden.

And her lips twitched when she spotted the backdoor to the kitchen, her thoughts going back to the night she and Henry sneaked gold into the castle through there. He'd been so evidently nervous out of his wits. And still, he remained steady throughout the entire mission, even when they were almost caught by a guard.

Haven turned the rope and hook over and slid to the ground. She pulled on it hard enough to drop it, then quickly rolled it back up and turned to face the garden. The barracks were past that area, and she tried not inwardly whining as she considered the fact that she would have to sneak past the squires. They always began their practice ridiculously early.

Fortunately, with lack of sunlight, getting past would hardly cause her to break a sweat. And with that thought, she crept low and ran across the open lawn. She paused near the stables and pressed her back against the wall before peering over.

No guards in sight yet.

She took a breath and ran toward the garden next. Sounds of clanging metal suddenly reached her ears, and she ducked behind one of the hedges. The woman walked on past, yawning obnoxiously loud, unaware of Haven's presence behind her.

Haven wanted to laugh at that. Pathetic.

And the royals wondered why they were often attacked.

Once in the clear again, Haven made her way through the short maze and emerged on the other side, right next to the old ash tree. She could hear the barking orders from the Captain of the Guard and the exhausted grunts from the trainees. Her eyes involuntarily flickered to the castle and settled on a particular open window she'd sneaked in through a few times. And her heart felt heavy as temptation to go over there overcame her.

Focus. Like you told Udolf, you have better restraint.

Haven sighed and continued onward. She sneaked around to the entrance of the barracks where a few knights entered and exited. For fuck's sake, the sun was only starting to rise. Did these soldiers ever sleep?

She raised her gaze and groaned, recalling that the Queen's Guard's room was on the very top floor. Of course it was.

Haven weighed her options: climb her way to the top and—most likely—have the most miserable experience doing so or go right through the front and up the stairs like a normal person. She was not a normal person, though. But going inside where anyone could easily spot her was quite daring; and she refused to spend her morning, half-awake and irritated, trying to scale this brick giant in front of her.

Thus, Haven waited until it seemed no one else was going to leave or enter and went for it. The door had been left wide open and she stopped halfway when laughter caught her off guard.

"Aaron, you jester," someone teased.

Haven reached the entrance and poked her head inside. The parlor to her left sounded crowded with people, and the archway into that room was before the staircase straight ahead. She grabbed her dagger and held her breath, stepping inside.

"Do you need anything else, Sir Aaron?" another asked.

"I'm fine, Booker," Aaron—she presumed—answered.

Haven exhaled softly and crept along the wall, halting just before the opening. She stared up at the ceiling, clutching her dagger harder. If anyone stepped out now and spotted her, she would have no choice...

She glanced at the stairs. They were so close.

Just go. Go as fast as you can, they won't even notice; or they'll think you're another soldier who came back.

Haven sucked in her breath a second time and ran toward the staircase. She climbed them without looking back. Judging by the casual chatter, she'd indeed gone unseen.

Pathetic, again.

The rest of the trip up was simple. Aside from narrowly avoiding being noticed by a few knights that exited their bedchambers as she passed by, it went well. She almost felt disappointed by how well. She didn't mind a challenge sometimes.

Finally, at the top floor, she smirked and strolled up to the door with the golden plate that read: QUEEN'S GUARD

Haven grabbed the doorknob and turned it, then nearly fell when the door was abruptly opened for her. She stumbled right into the person, the side of her face brushing against their chest and giving her a whiff of citrus.

And she widened her eyes. Shit.

Haven jerked backwards and gawked up at Henry who glared at her in return. She blinked hard a few times and swallowed hard, recollecting herself.

"What are you doing here?" they asked each other.

He pointed at her, squinting. "I do not need to explain myself. You, of all people, do not make sense being here. You've been silent for months and now suddenly here you are?" He shook his head. "This is not looking well for you."

She crossed her arms and snickered, her confidence flowing back. "Oh, did you miss me, Hank?"

"It's Henry. And no, I did not!"

"Such a romantic you are." Haven put a hand on his chest and did her best to ignore how wonderfully sturdy it felt as she shoved him away. She walked further into the room and mindlessly glanced around, goosebumps rising on her arms as she realized she was seeing things as Eldon had left them.

"I am going to ask you again," Henry started, "what are you doing here?"

Haven turned to him, cocking her head as she carefully studied him. His light brown hair was chaotic, strands sticking up in every direction. The darkness beneath his eyes was far more visible than she remembered and the color of his eyes themselves were a little duller, falling more to a gray-blue hue rather than their usual blue green.

At least he was sober.

"Did you sleep in here?" Haven asked.

"Why are you changing the subject?" Henry furrowed his brows. "And no, I did not. I came here, just now, because I was told—" He paused and tensed, his gaze flickering once across the room as if something or someone there had caught his attention.

Haven whirled around to see for herself. She saw nothing out of the ordinary. Deciding to let that go, she searched their surroundings until she found Eldon's sword against the full statue of metal armor. She walked over to retrieve it and Henry immediately ran past her, shielding it.

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

"I need that," she said.

"For what?"

Haven sighed. She really did hate lying to him... "I'm at a loss, Hank, so I'm going to do what I know best." She pointed down at the sword. "I'm going to use magic to locate him."

"Magic?" His eyebrows shot up. "You mean a spell?"

"Precisely. For a successful locating spell, I need the individual's most meaningful possession."

"His sword," Henry breathed. "Of course. It was made and given to him by Davidson. Oh. How did I not think of that before?" He was mostly speaking to himself, but Haven drew back, stunned by his words.

"What are you going on about, Hank? You've tried this already?"

His lovely tan face blanched. "I... I don't know. No, I mean... yes. Yes, I have. I have tried it. And as you can see, it did not work." He moved out of the way. "I am not an expert of magic. I didn't even consider his sword to be the perfect item to use." Then his features softened completely as he stared right into her eyes.

"Is that truly what you are going to do?" he questioned, a voice so gentle that she mentally cursed herself for wanting to give into it.

Haven diverted her attention to the sword and nodded once. "Yes." She quickly reached down, seizing it. She wanted to turn away and flee before he could say more, but he touched her arm, and she regrettably met his hopeful gaze again.

"Thank you," he whispered.

She swallowed, painfully. Then, without replying, she breezed past him and left.


Haven arrived back in the Outlands early the next morning. She sneaked her way through the city and exhaled in relief when she reached Udolf's manor. Unfortunately, upon approaching the entryway, she heard the stern and grating tone belonging to his aunt.

She entered cautiously, unsure whether to duck and run straight for her room or linger. Udolf sat on his throne, his cheek resting against his fist as he stared blankly at the floor.

"This is not what your father wanted," Madam Rosa said to him, her frail frame hidden beneath a thick fur coat. She had her arms folded across her chest as if to shield herself even more.

Udolf snorted, still refusing to look at her. "You forget I do not give a damn what he wanted." He noticed Haven then and his irritation visibly dwindled.

Haven started walking and was startled by the low growl coming from her left. She looked and gasped upon finding the black pet wolf, Beauty. This caught everyone's attention, specifically Madam Rosa's.

The lines around her lips wrinkled terribly. "What is she doing here?" She eyed her nephew with such disgust that Haven felt tempted to use the sword she currently wielded.

"I thought you had banished her," Rosa continued, then immediately scoffed. "Do not tell me you are whoring around with her again. I thought you were through with this little fantasy of yours."

Haven sneered at her.

Udolf, on the other hand, laughed and sat upright, lowering his hand. "Who I chose to have fun with in my bed is my business. But no." He waved to Haven. "You are not here to discuss any of that with me, though. Go on, keep whining about how much you despise my ruling. I assure you I'm listening."

Haven's lips twitched. Udolf's best sarcastic tone always came out with his aunt, and it never failed to amuse her. Despite what he'd said, the second his aunt began talking again, he leaped from his seat and made a beeline for Haven. He signaled for her to follow him as he headed down the hall.

"Udolf!" his aunt screeched. "You cannot walk away from me! You are going to need me when you realize you cannot do this on your own!"

Udolf grinned at Haven, and she shook her head. They reached the end of the small corridor where he opened the door to his study and held it for her to go in first. She did, followed closely by the wolf.

"I am relieved you are back," Udolf said as he closed the door behind him. "Now Eldon will bother someone else." He rolled his eyes.

"Just deal with him for now, Udolf," she told him. "This is temporary."

"We've been saying that haven't we? I wonder if it'll ever be true."

The door opened again and Eldon himself entered.

"You're back," he greeted her, seemingly more exhausted than she'd been getting used to.

Udolf went to him and extended his hand. "Yes. Now return my sword to me."

Eldon obliged. Udolf snatched it from his grip and sheathed it. Haven glanced over at Beauty who wagged her tail excitedly. She realized why when Eldon acknowledged her. Beauty ran up to him like she hadn't seen him in months.

"You always had a thing with wolves," Haven mentioned.

Eldon merely smiled.

Udolf leaned into her. "Which reminds me," he whispered, "I want to show you something later."

She inclined her head. "What?"

Again, the door opened, and Haven tried not to squirm when she saw it was Godwin. He sauntered inside, staring directly at her like he knew something. She lifted her chin higher and hardened her expression.

"Ah, so you've returned," he said, raising his hands, palms up. "I presume it all went according to plan. There were no interruptions?" The right corner of his mouth twitched upward, a knowing smirk that made her blood boil.

She gritted her teeth and shook her head. "None."

And a grin brightened Godwin's face. "I am glad to hear it, my dear Haven." He gestured to the sword, and she handed it over to Eldon.

Eldon accepted and created distance between himself and the three of them. He casually swung the weapon around, testing it. Then he nodded and beamed at them.

Godwin went and stood beside him, snaking an arm around Eldon's shoulders. "Although I did enjoy our lesson yesterday, I do think I am going to put Udolf in charge of training you from now on."

"What?" Udolf hissed, his eyes practically bulging. However, with everyone's attention on him, he quickly recovered, clearing his throat and calmly repeating his question. He even feigned a smile to go along with it.

"You should be honored, Udolf," said Godwin. "I am giving you the task of training our guardian, because I believe you to be quite the skilled fighter."

Haven snorted and everyone turned to her next. She tapped her chest with her forefinger. "I am the one who taught him everything he knows, so of course he's good."

"Then you should be the one tasked with such an honor," Udolf suggested, that fake grin of his seeming like it was beginning to hurt his cheeks.

"Oh, no thank you," she responded sweetly. "I already have enough on my plate—like taking care of you."

"Watch it."

"I can't wait, then," Eldon chimed in.

Udolf briefly closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. When he exhaled, he faced Eldon and said, "Yes, it will be grand."

"It certainly will be," Godwin interfered. He dropped his arm from Eldon's shoulders and instead ran his fingers through Eldon's hair like he was some sort of pet. Well, that certainly was what Eldon meant to Godwin, wasn't it? A mere pet in a scheme he gave no consent to be a part of.

"We are going to get you strong and ready," Godwin elaborated. "Therefore, one day, you can fight alongside everyone and get your revenge for what she did to you."

Haven didn't miss the agony that flashed across Udolf's face. Fortunately for him, it was gone before Godwin could see it.

Godwin stepped away from Eldon and walked to the door. He opened it and looked at all of them one last time. "For everyone's sake, I do hope you are each doing your part." And he left.

The three of them stood there in plaguing silence until Eldon loudly sighed and stepped forward.

"I'll be out back if ya need me," he said, slowly moving away from them.

"Alright," Haven responded.

Eldon left and Udolf groaned like he'd been yearning to do that all night. Haven finally couldn't resist chuckling.

"What are you laughing about?" he demanded.

"I just have this little feeling you wouldn't resent him as much if it weren't for—"

"Shut up." Udolf started leaving the room next and only paused to whistle for Beauty to follow. He then looked at Haven again and added, "When night falls, let us meet in here again." He walked out of there without waiting for her confirmation.

He must've known he'd piqued her curiosity enough. Thus, as soon as the sun set, and Eldon had wished her a goodnight, she went down to meet him. She approached the study with caution, especially once she noticed the door ajar. Whispers could be heard from inside. She crept up closer and peered inside, finding Udolf alone and sitting at his desk, furiously writing away on a piece of parchment. The feather at the end of the quill kept brushing his jawline and she thought she saw some ink stains on his ruffled beige collar.

Haven smirked and shook her head. You never change, do you? She lightly pushed the door open and cleared her throat, gaining his interest. He raised his head, revealing a few more ink smudges on his chin. She pointed to her own and he glowered at her as he reached for his handkerchief.

"What're you writing?" she asked smoothly, kicking the door shut behind her.

Udolf threw up his hands. "Yes, that sound will not be suspicious!"

Haven reached his desk and leaned over to get a peek, but he swiped the parchment off the desk. She snickered. "I saw her name."

"It's a letter."

"You're writing her a letter?" Haven feigned a swoon, fanning herself. "How romantic."

"It's not. I'm just asking her not to worry too much and that I've got this under control."

"Except you don't."

"Not yet." Udolf rose from his seat and readjusted his long black coat. He walked over to the shelves on the left wall and plucked out a few books that were falling apart at the seams. To make matters worse for them, Udolf carelessly tossed them onto the ground until he could grab whatever he'd hidden behind them.

So, when he came up to Haven with a simple vial, she narrowed her eyes at him and folded her arms across her chest.

"What the fuck is that?" she demanded. "It's empty. Whataya want? My blood?"

Udolf furrowed his brows. "There's something in here."

Haven flickered her attention to it. "Barely a drop."

"And maybe just enough for us to decipher what exactly created this liquid."

"What are you going on about?"

"This is the potion Godwin used on Eldon." Udolf held it up higher in front of her. "The last bit of it."

Haven snorted. "You expect me to believe that? How would you have gotten your hands on it? I thought he said he was getting rid of it after Eldon went unconscious."

"I thought so, too. But while he was occupied earlier, I went into his room and found his box where he keeps his potions. This was in there. I recognized the color. It has to be it. Look." He shook the tiny container, and they watched as the blue-violet liquid shimmered, just as it had before.

Haven's heart leaped, and she widened her eyes. "Why would he keep it somewhere we could easily find it?"

"I don't think he expects us to do anything with it. After all, neither of us want our memories gone, do we?"


"But I figured there is something we could do with it."

Her pulse quickened even further, wondering if his mind had gone in the same direction hers was heading in. The mischievous smile that made its way across his face told her enough, but his confirmation was greatly appreciated.

"If we can figure out the ingredients, I'm certain we can create a cure for it."

Haven extended her hand, and he handed it to her. She raised it up to her right eye like that would help determine what Godwin had put inside. "This will probably be impossible, but..." She lowered it and grinned at him. "I love a challenge."

"I know you do."

Haven concealed the vial inside her palm, curling her fingers around it tightly. "I'll handle this, then. I always loved experimenting with different potions. This should be no different. I guess the only problem is that I'll need test subjects."

"Pick anyone you want."

"I think your aunt would be a great candidate, don't you agree?"

His eyes darkened as he smirked in response. He then walked back over to his chair but paused by the large glassless window, allowing the breeze to play with his front curls. Without facing her, he said, "I've always preferred this time of day. Everything is quieter. It helps clear my mind... helps me think better."

She snickered and shook her head. "What are you thinking about?"

"A little bit of everything." His eyes slid back to hers. "Like us."

Her muscles tensed, and her amusement was gone. "Why would you think about that?"

He drawled out a deep sigh, shifting in his spot. "I don't think about the ending, but the during." He nodded. "If it weren't for you, I would still be pathetic, but"—he squinted—"don't you dare tell anyone that."

"Oh, I'm telling everyone." Haven laughed lightly, and he rolled his eyes. And when she stopped, she swallowed hard as a funny feeling formed inside her stomach.

She often avoided dwelling on the past. There was too much there—too much that even the good memories had to be left behind because the bad was intertwined into them. Her past with Udolf was chaotically both; and it really wasn't either of their fault.

"I should get to bed," she spoke up again. "You should, too."

"Yes. I'll leave in a moment." Udolf sat down on the windowsill and resumed staring out like he hoped to find answers to whatever plagued his mind.

Haven glanced at the letter now sitting at the edge of his desk and pursed her lips. But she said no more as she turned and left, her eyelids suddenly too heavy for her to ignore. Once she was in the safety of her room, she examined the vial again and took a deep breath.

She could do this. How complicated could the recipe truly be anyway?

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