
By Lilliekv

42.1K 2K 86

disclaimer ; all the content used in this picture, music, clips and certain voice overs do not belong to me... More

prologue ;
CHAPTER 19 (⚠)
CHAPTER : 20(⚠)
CHAPTER : 22(M) (last)
Bonus chapter ;
New story


1.2K 70 1
By Lilliekv

Jungkook said those words as Tae felt the blood rush to his manhood. He looked deep in Jungkook's eyes.
Jk : I think I am in love with you Alpha. Every night I always missed you. Last night when you slept with me i felt like I can stay with you forever.
Taehyung looked lovingly at Jungkook when his hands started to caresse his waist.
Tae : The first time I saw you I fell for you Princess. I have nothing to explain because I am head over heel only for you.

Jungkook smiled and he stand over his toes and hugged Taehyung who hugged him back.
After staying for 10 to 15 minutes Jungkook pulled away.
Tae : I have to take shower princess or Eomma will kill me.

Jungkook nodded. He gave a peck on Tae's cheek and ran to downstairs.
Tae chuckled out. But when he looked down to see his painful buldge. His cock turned into rock which needed to calm down.

After taking a cool shower Tae came downstairs where he saw his whole family is sitting with Jungkook while talking about something and there is someone who is his unwanted guest.
Tae : (mind) what is this Min M***er f***ing Yoongi doing here? This boiled Mandu....

Taehyung walked fast toward Jungkook and sat down beside him.
Tae : Good Morning everyone.
Yg : Is it for me too?
Tae : I don't say a person who just sleeps all the time, because they are always asleep.
Yg : Right the person who always asleep , how can he heard the Good morning word.
Jk : Alpha, Why are you talking like this?
Jin : Yoongi and Tae both are childhood friend because of Jimin and both of then hate each other. Enemies. But for Jimin they behave like friend.

Jk : Oh! Alpha Yoongi hyung is the one who helped me to get the part-time job in café.
Tae : oh! one good thing he did in his life.
Yg : Oh really do you think so? But you know what you are the blind one who cannot see anyone's good.
Tae : You never did any good in my life.
Yg : Oh really! You should be thankful that I stayed even friendship with you.
Tae : It is not friendship it's called Enemyship.
Yg : Your dirty face don't deserve even my Enemyship.
Tae : Oh really you, you do look like a cat from Gwangju market.
Yg : And you, you look like a chimpanzee from China.
Tae: Oh really you have better knowledge about Chimanzees right. Do you had relationship with those chimpanzee. Huh!

This argument started to get more heated. Jungkook looked at Jin and Namjoon.
Jk : Appa Eomma!
Nj : If you want you can stop it bub!

Jk : okay. He hold Tae's hand .
Both of them stopped arguing.
Jk : Alpha and Hyung both of you if don't do friendship I will leave my friendship with you hyung and Alpha I will never sleep with you in same bed also no kiss.
Tae /Yg : Nooooooo.
Tae : Okay I will be friend with him.
Yg : Me too.

Jk : Good. Friendship is hard but you both can try slowly slowly okay. So now let's eat breakfast.
Tae : Okay my princess.

All if them did their breakfast. And when Namjoon spoke out.
Nj : Tae and Yoongi I have some important talk with you both.
Both nodded.
Jin : Bub I have some talk with you too.
Namjoon and Jin looked at each other nodded their head.

Time skips, Jungkook entered into Jin's room.
Jin : Bub come sit down beside me.
Jungkook nodded. He moved toward Jin and sat down beside him.
Jin took the hand if Jungkook and sloly started talking.

Jin : Kook I know this engagement is just a suddenly happened with you. The marriage is in next month. Kook it is a perfect time to get along with your Mate. But at first you need to know about everything your mate and his family.
Jk : Means.
Jin : Kook I want you to listen me carefully okay.
Jungkook nodded.
Jin : So in around 1994 ...... Jin described the whole past with Jungkook.

Jin : Now after many years we came to this power. But our only problem is Minjoon and His son Haejoon who are doing with Korea. They are selling South Korean people as sex slaves to North Korea. Haejoon r*ped almost 20 to 30 omega boys and girls and 2month ago his eyes fell on you.
Jk : what? (Widened his eyes)
Jin : Yes bub. Haejoon even send men to kidnap you but you remember you beat them.
Jungkook nodded.
Jk : Now what I should do. (Tensed)
Jin : next week on Sunday is Blood Moon day. In this dy if your mate marks you then no one can make you and your mate apart.
Jk : That means..
Jin : I know it is a huge decision but for you and Tae's safety I am telling you for this. Please think about it. And Tae is a gentleman bub. He will never touch you without your consent.
Jk : I know Eomma.
Jin : Kook please don't think me as selfish . I am tensed you both. The more time you will take the more you will make it risky.

Jungkook nodded and left the room..
Jin : Oh Moon Goddess please keep everyone safe....

To be continued........

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