The Truth In Lies

By 33nbeebe

45 7 10

Private investigator, Aeros Bender, discovers a file on his desk of his long-lost crush, Dalilah, with a phot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

8 2 4
By 33nbeebe


The familiar smell of fabric woven into yarn was one Dalilah found comfort in, like fresh linen mixed with a deep-rooted creative flow that promised to turn into a variety of clothing. In the small storage room at the back of the store, that smell was wonderfully concentrated. Her fingers tingled to start working on a crop top sweater at the sight of any yarn as she took inventory of the hundreds of colorful, delicate, and bulky yarn in the back of her little store. Her happy place. Clipboard in hand and pencil creating a bridge between her lips and fingers, she found herself staring at the different colors and grinning at what she had accomplished rather than actually taking inventory.

Her own yarn shop was all she ever wanted and she worked so hard to invest in it. Even though the lighting flickered, the storage space was far too small, causing her to stack boxes in the center of the room instead of on the racks that wrapped around the black walls, and there was no windows, she thought the vintage feel of the old building paired nicely with the cozy feel she wanted her store to have. At least that was what she told herself.

She reached out and touched the chunky wool that ran softly under her fingertips, thinking that the twisted purple and orange yarn would make a great shawl.

The door burst open, making Dalilah flinch and retract her hand back to the eraser of her pencil that was hanging between her teeth. Willow raced inside like a fire was under her, tight spiral hair as unruly and wild as her brown eyes, a wide smile that showed off her pearly white teeth and some of her gums. Her flushed cheeks displayed an uncharacteristic, fallen-in-love rouge. "Dalilah!" Willow whisper-yelled, black fringed bangs getting swiped aside to show off her smooth dark complexion. The door slammed closed behind her and she leaned her back against the door while breathing heavily, flustered.

Dalilah put a hand over her chest to slow her heart rate. "Geez, you scared me."

"There is a man outside."

With narrowed eyes, Dalilah shifted her gaze to the side, questioning why that was cause for such an influx of energy for a typical situation. "Great," she dragged out the word, "can you help him?"

Willow's hands snatched the clipboard and set it down on a pile of boxes that still needed to be unpacked. She placed her hands on either of Dalilah's shoulders. "Not just any man. An incredulously sexy man. I've never seen a specimen quite like him before."

Dalilah laughed and flung her head back. "You are so boy crazy, yet you can't talk to one. Would you just go help him? Then you can ask him out. But make sure he buys something because we need the income."

"I can't," she explained with an eyeroll.

Dalilah crossed her arms. "Why not?"

Her dark brows lifted, exposing her large eyes that complemented her other smaller features. "Because he asked for you."

A slimy shiver spindled down her spine as her back stiffened with alert. She planted both hands on Willow's arms and squeezed. "No. Tell Dominic—tell him I'm not here." A sudden rush fled her as if he was there, watching her lie.

Willow shook her head and smiled wider. "It's not Dominic."

"Oh," she said with a concealed relief washing over her. "Who is it then?"

Willow shrugged, maneuvered her hands to Dalilah's back and shoved her toward the door. "I don't know, but can you send him my way?"

"Sure." She giggled. She stepped past Willow and turned the gold knob, pushing open the door that led behind the counter in the back of the store while eyeing her frazzled employee. Dalilah turned her head away from Willow to face the stranger, beached-tousled ponytail whipping around her head. She glanced at the dark-haired man who was, at least, a foot taller than her and wore a fitted black coat with a simple gray shirt beneath. His large hands were perched on the counter top, gripping it like he was ready to either crush it or lurch over it. When she felt his penetrating gaze lingering on her face, she met them, and what she saw startled her. She took in his face with irrevocable attraction. Steely dark eyes glistened beneath hooded brows that led to a pointed nose, thin lips, and stubble that covered his high cheekbones and hollow cheeks. It had been a while, and she wouldn't have recognized him if she hadn't sufficiently stalked his social media over the years. She was quick to determine that his photos did not do him justice. Pining over the man she had always had a silly little crush on via a computer screen was a stark contrast to the overwhelming and intimidating sight of him standing in front of her, seeming to want to devour her.

Prickles of a shallowly buried infatuation arose as her eyes widened in excitement. Whatever led him to the decision to see her, she would never question.

Her initial reaction was to shake off the nerves by pretending the decades of time they had last seen each other never happened. She wanted nothing more than to relax him enough so he would stop his gaze from continuing to burrow in her churning gut.

There was no reaction in his distant demeanor as she confidently walked around the counter. "Aeros! Oh my gosh." Her momentum propelled her closer to him for a hug. When his stone-cold expression didn't change, she was going to stop herself. But, she was committed to the idea of not making this meeting awkward and something she'd regret. So she opened her arms and approached him. Her torso would be upon his in a second and he still made no move to open his arms. She'd wrap her arms around his if she had to. Luckily, that didn't have to be the case. He unfastened his arms and, at the last second, snatched her deep into his embrace, covering all of her.

"Hi!" she squealed.

He didn't respond. Instead, he squeezed her into his solid body farther and held her there.

She swore his nose touched the top of her head as he let out a husky yet soft chuckle. The moment for a friendly, acquaintance hug had passed. And so did another moment. He made no move to let her go, so she decided to enjoy the hug with an old friend. That was when it hit her. His cologne. Her senses were swathed by notes of sultry spice that she would forever remember as Aeros Bender's scent. Something she could call upon for future social media stalking. More of him wrapped around her, concealing her into his body and creating a protective barrier where she wanted to curl up and sleep. Even if the feeling stemmed from a simple platonic friendship, she hadn't slept in months and dreadfully wished Aeros held the answer to how.

He finally let her go and she suddenly didn't know what an appropriate amount of distance between them should be. She took two measured steps back. One for her and one for Dominic. Aeros watched her movements like a hawk, like somehow he knew her thought process. Finally, his sharp features softened into a sexy smile while his eyes sparkled with that unique Aeros charm. "Dalilah Davis," he groaned in excitement. He leaned one hip against the counter, crossed his ankles and arms.

"Wow! What a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"I had a meeting a few blocks down and saw your name in the window. Thought I'd say hi."

He looked around the store, eyeing the ornate, wooden shelving in square patterns that were full of hundreds of yarn balls and the racks of crocheted tops, sweaters, shorts, and other items of clothing she had made herself and put for sale. Then his eyes lingered on a stack of fanned out papers displayed in a circle on a wooden table that consisted of patterns she had created. At first, she was proud because he seemed to be impressed. It didn't last long. His grin turned down as he observed the ceiling and saw the water stains from last winter and the panels that didn't fit properly due to the weathering. Next was the somewhat warped windows that bowed concavely, scratches further distorting sight. In a full circle, he swooped his line of vision along the rickety floorboards that were stained from years of people walking on it. Even when she went on her hands and knees and scrubbed for hours, it didn't make a dent in the decades of filth and past tenant's neglect.

Embarrassed, she was desperate to distract him from the rest of the unkempt parts of the store. "How nice of you to stop by. How have you been?"

Dark eyes latched to hers, trying to tell her something she couldn't decipher. "Good," he said with a cool tone lining the one word. "How about you?"

"Good." A silent moment stretched beyond Dalilah's liking. If he continued to stare at her in the brooding manner he was, she was going to get lost in his atmosphere. "Looking for yarn?"

He stood straight with a smile, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Oh yeah. I'll take all of it," he winked then let his eyes wonder the quaint store again. "Will that be enough for you to fix this place up?"

She covered her mouth to giggle. "I wish."

His eyes barreled back to hers, startling her again with his quiet judgement.

"Just kidding, I actually like it," she lied, so that it came off as intentional. "Gives it that perfect vintage atmosphere to better sell yarn."

He didn't say anything, smile slowly turning to a subdued grin.

"I mean," she changed her mind in hopes he'd bring back his smile because it put her more at ease, "it's a sale's tactic. Buy the yarn before this place caves in on you. It makes for great impulse buys."

The endearing smile returned as the front door opened, stealing both their attentions with the cool summer breeze. "Ms. Dalilah!" the young girl of ten shrieked from across the room, carrying a shopping bag she knew was full of her new project.

"Hey, Maggie! How's it going?"

Maggie's round face brightened as her almond eyes shined behind a delighted smile. She ran to Dalilah for a hug, saying, "Good."

Maggie's mother stood at the door frame, one hand on the glass door, propping it open. "Pick her up at six?"

"Yes. Six."

Her mother sent a suspicious glance at Aeros, made a judgment, then gave him a friendly wave. Aeros reciprocated before Maggie's mom left. Maggie released Dalilah and rifled through her silver bag, pulling out her new project that appeared to be a red scarf made of cheap, rough cotton. "Lookit!"

"Wow! That looks great."

Maggie frowned. "No! I need help. The edges are all," with her hand she made zig-zags, "crooked."

"Oh," Dalilah took the garment in her hands to inspect the pattern, "looks like you stitched through your turning chain."

Maggie's head craned back with annoyance and an eye roll. "Am I going to have to take it all out?"

Dalilah laughed and gestured to an open door that sat beside the room that Willow was still in. It was the small room she taught classes in. Inside was a large wooden table, plenty of mismatching chairs surrounding it and a small square window. Hanging on the walls were a few paintings from local artists she adored. "Go in, and we'll talk about it."

"But, I want to know before the others get here."

Just as Maggie said that, the front door opened and another one of her students strode in. Dalilah's eyes shifted to Aeros who's eyes were wandering around the store again. "I'm sorry, Aeros. I have a class right now."

His head snapped to her. "Oh, no worries. I just wanted to pop in and say hi. That's all."

It appeared as if he was making a move to leave and she impulsively reached out a hand to stop him. Aeros was here. She didn't want him to leave yet. At least before she knew if Dominic was going to show up like he had a few nights ago. "Wait. Why don't you take the class?" she gestured to the room that Maggie was walking into. "Do you have time?"

"A kid's crocheting class?" His brows raised.

"Hi, Ms. Dalilah," the second student greeted before making her way into the room with Maggie.

"Hey, Loraline." She was quick to take a step toward Aeros with a questioning look. "Yeah," she said with quick anxiousness. Maybe if she could keep him there till closing time, she'd have someone other than Willow to face Dominic with if he showed up when it got dark. "Can you stay?" Before she could read his rejection, she averted her eyes, gulped, and silently chanted the word please.

"Sure. I'm up for the challenge."

Her gaze shot to his, reading his lie by his clenched jaw, but also slight excitement lingering in his eyes. She was so relieved, she felt an invisible force give her a push toward him for another hug, but she stopped herself from the follow through. Instead, she used the momentum to pivot on her heel and enter the room she held her class in and gestured for him to enter.

Over the next hour, the kids were busily crocheting scarves, hats, and blankets while Aeros was busy making tangles in his yellow yarn. Some was wrapped around his fingers, and the rest around his hook. Dalilah couldn't get enough of his frustrated expression as he kept eyeing the kids' work and asking them how they did that so easily. The kids just laughed and made fun of him, which he took with the upmost grace and self-deprecating banter. Willow had joined the class, helping the seven students while hovering around Aeros longer than the rest. The only time she left was if a customer came in looking for a new ball of yarn for their latest project.

The last kid left and Dalilah was alone with Aeros again. She sent Willow to finish inventory in the back as a way to signal that she wanted to be alone. Willow agreed with a wink and waved goodbye to him.

Dalilah crossed her legs under the table, laid her hands in a clump on her lap, and leaned forward so that her chest pushed against the edge of the table. She watched carefully as Aeros tried to untangle the mess in his hands as if not caring that the class had ended and was dedicated to mastering the craft in one short hour. She giggled. "You're just terrible at this."

His hard eyes widened with surprise by her comment. "Teachers aren't supposed to be rude to their students." He let a moment go by to hold the tension before he smiled.

"They can if their students aren't paying for the class." She eyed him scraping off the yarn from his raveled fingers. "Gosh, do you have trouble using a pencil too?"

"Dalilah Davis, you sweet talker you."

She scrunched her nose and laughed, enjoying the flirtatious banter. "How come the hook won't go through the stitches easily?"

"Because you're pulling them too tightly."

When he gave a frustrated growl, she laid a gentle hand atop his project as a gesture for him to put down the work. He set it down, sat back, and crossed his arms with eyes that shined like a million stars. An amused expression emerged over his face as he continued to glare at her.

"How's your sister?"

"Olivia? She's doing well."

"Do you know why she stopped talking to me?" She felt the need to mimic his relaxed posture, so she leaned back to seem less interested than she actually was. "I've always wondered if I did something wrong."

His brows furrowed. "I didn't know she stopped talking to you. I thought you two just outgrew each other."

Dalilah shrugged. "Not at all. I tried—still try talking to her, but she never responds."

"She hasn't been great with the communication lately, but when I get a hold of her, I'll ask."

Dalilah sat up straight and leaned forward, reaching across the table and tapping his side of it. "No. Don't. That's okay."

As if her hands were a command for him to come closer, he obeyed by scooting his chair in and laid his elbows on the wooden surface.

"I heard you're a successful private investigator now. That's exciting!" She smiled wide and again mirrored his position.

A hook caught his brow as he arched it. "Keeping tabs, have you?"

She shrugged and admitted, "Every now and then, I get snoopy. Always hope to see you're doing well." She gestured to him up and down. "Clearly, you are."

"Look at us. All grown up with our own businesses." He held out a fist for her to bump. "We're killing it."

"Right, though?" With the need driving her to be unpredictable and keep him interested, she took her fist and gently laid it atop his instead of on his knuckles.

He laughed and retracted his hand. "So, when do you close?"

"When the class ended."

His brows shot up in surprise. "I'm special enough to keep Ms. Dalilah after hours?"

"I guess so." She stood, reached to his disaster of a creation and began untangling the mess and balling the yarn around her fingers for reuse.

"Hey, that was a masterpiece—my masterpiece you just destroyed."

She batted her eyes. "Oh no, no. I'm saving this forever. Aeros Bender's creation will sell for millions one day," she whispered in a mocking tone. She started out the door, desperate to feel him chase her a bit. Just as she had hoped, he stood and followed. He turned to the window, locked it, then turned the light off before exiting the room.

"I'm going to get ready to walk home with Willow." She stood behind the counter, fiddling with the cashier, realizing Willow had already closed it out. However, she was committed to looking like she knew what she was doing, so she kept tapping away at nothing. "It was great seeing you again."

He emerged from the room, eyes glued to her. "Would you like for me to drive you and Willow."

"I will be taking the girls home," a craggy voice from the front door sent nauseating waves to physically push her back against the storage door. Dominic stood, shoulder resting casually against the door frame, lighting a cigarette and glaring at her like she was easy prey. Wearing all black made him look like a sinister shadow disrupting the warm yellow lighting.


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