Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader


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In a realm where curses manifest from the darkest corners of human emotion, and jujutsu sorcerers stand as th... Еще

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

545 29 3

Yo, author again.

I'm gonna put a video in the header that I find interesting.

You might have a sneak peak to what I want to do :D

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"...Faye?" Y/N to his phone, he was in an ally of sorts.

"Y/N? How's Tokyo treating you?" A womans voice was clear, it had a curious tone to it. Yet strength. This is Faye...

"It's... lively," Y/N replied, his eyes on the amount of people moving past the alley "How's the training going in the States?"

Faye chuckled on the other end, a sound that carried both weariness and satisfaction. "Intense as ever. America's no joke when it comes to Jujutsu training. But I'm making progress."

Y/N: "Good to hear...You know Yuta-"

Faye: "Went to train in Africa? I know. Hakari is out too." She replied

Y/N: "...Damn I can't beat you to nothing, can I?...You said you were training?"

Faye: "Yeah...I can't get any weaker..."

Y/N: "Oh of course..." He said, a smile touching his lips. "Just don't overdo it Faye...Ok?"

Faye: "Could say the same to you. Heard you've got your hands full with the new recruits," Faye teased, quickly responding to

Y/N's gaze shifted across the station to where Yuji and Fushiguro were waiting. "Yeah, they're an interesting bunch... There's potential... One of them is the vessel of Sukuna... One the son of Toji... And another... Well, I haven't met that one yet."

Faye: "Oh, I know that's fun?"

Y/N: "...Tell me about it..."

Faye: "Hehe....Well keep an eye out for them, Y/N...And for yourself," Her voice turned serious. "I've heard rumors about the Cursed Wombs..."

Y/N's expression hardened at the mention of the Cursed Wombs. "I will. Stay safe, Faye. We need you back here...Or I'll come to you?"

Faye: "You can't transverse Miami..." She laughs, her laugh dying down as the phone goes silent "Take care."

Y/N: "...You too..."

The call ended.

Y/N pocketed his phone just as Gojo Satoru arrived, her blindfolded presence as striking as always.

Yuji turned to Y/N as he approached. "Everything okay?" she asked, noting the solemn look that had briefly crossed his face.

"All good," Y/N assured her, the professional mask sliding back into place. "Let's focus on the task at hand."

Yuji: "Oh, I thought it was about a mission or something like that..." She looked off, not long again in her distinct Jujutsu Tech uniform, turned back to Y/N. "Isn't it odd for there to be just three first-years?" she pondered "

"It's rare to find someone who can see curses before they're trained," Y/N replied, his eyes scanning the crowd.

Yuji nodded in understanding, "And I was the last-minute addition, right?"

Fushiguro affirmed, "Our school's unique. Everyone comes from different backgrounds."

Yuji smiled back, adjusting her uniform. "Gojo, thank you for ordering this. It fits great! I like the hoodie addition :D"

Gojo: "Nice! I knew it was a good pick!...Y/N I heard you on the phone with Faye, what were y'all talking about? The mission?"

Y/N shook his head slightly. Not a yes or not shake. Yet a silent signal that it was a discussion for another time. "Focus on the now," he advised.

And the 'now' was certainly demanding attention. A girl with an unyielding stance and a fiery gaze caught their attention.

Not far from the station where Yuji Itadori, Satori Gojo, and Megumi Fushiguro waited with Y/N Shinai, the group's attention was caught by a commotion near Takeshita Street. A young woman, fiery and resolute, was in a standoff with a man who held out a business card with a flourish. He was scouting, his eyes skimming the crowd, seeking someone to be the face of a campaign.

"You there, are you on the clock?" he inquired, his voice smooth, practiced. The woman, unimpressed and clearly in a hurry, dismissed him with a curt, "No, and I’m not interested." But he was persistent, following her,

"Just hear me out—"

She quickened her pace, eager to put distance between them, when the man let out a sigh of defeat.

From the sidelines, the group watched as the woman seized the man’s collar, her voice sharp as she cut through his excuses. "Hey, what about me? You think I'm not model material?" she demanded, her spirit undimmed by his apparent disinterest.

Taken aback, the man stuttered, his eyes wide, "Oh, um, I'm actually in a hurry right now…"

His attempt to sidestep her question only fueled her determination. She yanked him back, demanding an answer, "Don't you dare run from me!"

The scene unfolded like a street performance, drawing the eyes of passersby. Gojo couldn't help but chuckle, nudging Y/N, "Looks like we've found our new recruit." Fushiguro watched with a silent "tsk," not quite hiding his interest.

Y/N merely nodded, an amused smile playing on his lips. This young woman's tenacity was undeniable—a trait that would serve her well in the world of jujutsu sorcery.

Itadori and Fushiguro watched with a mix of secondhand embarrassment and respect. "How about to go talk to her?" Itadori muttered under her breath, her previous encounters with the jujutsu world making her wary of such confrontations.

Fushiguro, ever stoic, simply clicked his tongue, "Should we?" He continued to look up at the situation

Y/N observed with quiet approval. "Hm...Well, she's got the right attitude," he noted.

At that moment, Gojo waved at the determined young woman, her blindfold somehow not obscuring her ability to witness the scene. "Hey! Over here!"

The young woman turned, her earlier fire now mingled with curiosity. "Part of the jujutsu crew, huh? What's the deal with the blindfold?"

It was clear from her demeanor that she was the one they were waiting for—the new recruit with a backbone of steel and eyes full of unspoken stories.

As the girl approached, her confident strides closing the distance, the air seemed to hum with the promise of new beginnings and untold potential. It wasn't until she stood before them, her gaze flicking over each member of the group, that she offered her name.

"Nobara. Nobara Kugisaki." Her introduction was as much a declaration of intent as it was a greeting. The adventure was just beginning.

She looked over to Y/N as they made eye contect

Y/N's analytical gaze meets her challenging stare, finding a kindred spirit in her fierce independence.

Gojo breaks the brief silence, her voice light with anticipation. "Welcome to the team, Nobara. I think you'll fit right in." She gestures towards Y/N and the others. "Your teammates are just as spirited."

Nobara's gaze shifts from Y/N to the others, sizing them up with a quick, discerning glance. "I don't just plan on fitting in," she replies with a smirk. "I plan to stand out."

Yuji chuckles, stepping forward to offer a handshake. "That's the spirit! I'm Yuji, and this is Megumi," she says, gesturing towards Fushiguro, who nods in greeting.

Megumi adds in his calm manner, "Every sorcerer brings something unique to the table. It seems you'll bring quite a lot."

Nobara accepts Yuji's handshake, her grip firm and assured. "I don't do things by halves," she states, her eyes still locked on Y/N as if silently acknowledging the unspoken challenges they'll face together.

Y/N finally speaks up, his tone even but warm. "Looking forward to seeing what you've got, Nobara. We have a lot to cover, and your training begins now."

Gojo claps her hands together, signaling the end of the introductions. "Let's move out. Tokyo won't cleanse itself of curses."






Y/N appears as the others follow in his teleportation.

"This level of speed is insane... How do you move so fast? You moved all of us and yourself with one glance..." Yuji asks as Y/N looks to them

Gojo: "Y/N has the ability to displace himself in space in any form or shape, yet if he knows someone's else's cursed energy signature perfectly he can also do this to other people! He has the potential to use this to erase people from existence!" She smiles as she reveals this to the group

Y/N: "...That last part is however very immoral...And I would never do that to any enemy."

Gojo: "Heh. Sure."

Y/N: "..."

Gojo: "Then he has his other ability! He can!-"

Y/N covers her mouth.

Y/N: "Stop talking..."

Gojo sits there in silence before as she doesn't say a word

Y/N: ". . .Oh shit, break free." Gojo suddenly has the ability to talk as she kissed Y/N's hand as he moves it, seeing black lipstick on his hand "..."

Megumi, who has been silent the whole time begins to speak. His voice, usually measured, carried a hint of curiosity as he addressed Y/N. "So, your abilities... they're not just about displacement. There's more to them, isn't there?"

Y/N glanced at Megumi, a wry smile playing at the edges of his mouth. "You could say that," he replied cryptically. "But let's just focus on what's necessary for now."

Gojo, still recovering from Y/N's silencing technique, shot him a playful glare but remained silent, her usual boisterous demeanor momentarily subdued.

Yuji, intrigued, leaned in closer. "But how do you decide what's necessary? Your powers seem... limitless."

Y/N looked at the group, his expression becoming more serious. "Limitless...No...maybe. But with great power comes great responsibility. I choose to use my abilities to protect, not to dominate or destroy."

Nobara nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a newfound respect. "That's what makes a true jujutsu sorcerer," she said, her voice firm.

Gojo, breaking her silence, begins to speak "I, of course, simply choose to dominate. I've never lost to Y/N in a fight. He's weaker than me because he doesn't want to use his trump card :D"

Gojo's words hung in the air, a playful challenge mingled with an undercurrent of seriousness. Y/N just rolled his eyes, a half-smile betraying his amusement. "One day, Gojo, we'll settle that once and for all."

Before anyone could respond, a sudden disturbance caught their attention. A dark hole materialized nearby, its edges swirling with cursed energy. Y/N turned towards it, a look of recognition flashing across his face. "Right on time," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the emerging threat.

"This is your training for today," Y/N announced, addressing Yuji and Nobara. "The two of you alone will fight this cursed spirit. Megumi, you can sit out, but otherwise... there's no go. Just go fight."

Yuji and Nobara looked back to Megumi, who was shocked. Megumi looked back to Y/N

Megumi: "What?? No why can't I?.."

Y/N: "...You want to fight?"

Megumi: "...Yes."

Y/N: "..." He nodded "...But remember, this is about teamwork."

Megumi, with a firm resolve in his eyes, stepped forward. "I'm not sitting it out," he stated, his voice steady and confident.

As the cursed spirit emerged from the dark hole, its malevolent aura unbelievable, Yuji, Nobara, and now Megumi prepared for battle. Y/N watched from the sidelines, his eyes keenly observing their approach.

Yuji, always quick on her feet, charged towards the spirit, her cursed energy flaring around her. Nobara, ready with her straw doll and nails, followed closely, looking for an opening to strike.

Megumi, summoning a shikigami, coordinated his attack with the others. His calm demeanor belied the intense focus he brought to the fight. The spirit, facing the combined might of the three, lashed out wildly, its movements erratic and dangerous.

Yuji nimbly dodged an attack, her agility on full display. "Keep it distracted!" she shouted, weaving through the spirit's assaults.

Nobara, seizing her moment, launched a nail that struck the spirit, eliciting a roar of pain. "Gotcha!" she exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the target.

Megumi, his shikigami circling the spirit, found an opening. "Now!" he called out, directing his shikigami to strike. The spirit, momentarily stunned by the coordinated attacks, faltered.

The trio closed in, their attacks synchronized and precise. Yuji's powerful strikes, Nobara's strategic hits with her nails, and Megumi's shikigami working in tandem overwhelmed the spirit.

As the spirit weakened, Megumi delivered a decisive blow, his shikigami piercing through its core. The spirit dissipated, leaving the air clear of its malevolent presence.

Panting, the trio exchanged looks of exhaustion mixed with triumph. Y/N approached, a look of approval in his eyes. "Well done. You three worked together seamlessly."

Yuji, still catching her breath, managed a smile. "Thanks, Y/N. That teamwork made all the difference."

Nobara, wiping sweat from her brow, nodded in agreement. "We've got a good dynamic going."

Megumi, his usual stoic self, added, "It's important to understand each other's strengths. We complement each other well."

Y/N nodded, his gaze thoughtful. "Exactly. Remember, the strength of a jujutsu sorcerer isn't just in individual power, but in how you work as a team. You've shown great potential today."

Suddenly, everything around them turned black and white as Gojo and Y/N began to smile, turning to it.

Y/N: "Gojo. You're with me right?"

Gojo smiled as she tugs on her blindfold. Completely taking it off.

Gojo: "Let's do it, shall we?"

A special grade curse appeared in front of them as it roared out. She brought her hand forward.

Gojo's smile widened as she stood beside Y/N, her blindfold now removed, revealing her eyes that held an intense and focused gaze. The air around them seemed to crackle with energy, the world rendered in stark black and white by the intensity of their presence.

Y/N nodded at Gojo, his own expression mirroring her determination. "Together, then," he said, his voice steady and confident.

As the special grade curse materialized in front of them, roaring menacingly, Gojo extended her hand forward, her cursed energy surging powerfully. The curse, sensing the immense power before it, hesitated momentarily, its primal instincts aware of the formidable adversaries it faced.

Gojo, unleashing her Limitless technique, manipulated the space around them. "Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue," she called out, as a gravitational pull began to form, drawing the curse towards them but keeping it just out of reach, trapped in the infinite space of her making.

Y/N, teleported forward as Gojo followed him. Y/N kicked the cursed back as Gojo caught it, her once blue attack turning red as it was sent back to Y/N as it roared out

Y/N's quick teleportation, paired with Gojo's fluid transition from Blue to Red, created a seamless and devastating attack.

The curse, caught in the midst of their coordinated assault, let out a deafening roar. It struggled against the overwhelming force, but Gojo's Red technique amplified the impact of Y/N's kick, hurling the curse back towards Y/N with increased velocity.

Y/N, ready for the rebound, channeled his own cursed energy, preparing for the final blow. But he stopped, moving to the side as the curse flew by him.

Y/N: "Let's showcase the world...."

The curse stood up, roaring out at Y/N. Looking around before looking at Yuji, Megumi and Nobara. Suddenly vanishing as it appeared to attack the group but Yuji was ready.

Jumping at the monster as she punched it.

Instantly creating a black flash.

"What...Is this..." Yuji questioned herself as time almost froze around her The curse was sent flying back as Y/N appeared behind it.

"siht fo dne eht si sihT"

Suddenly, the cursed stopped.

The world came to a halt as the space around the curse became enclosed. Getting tighter and tighter before it was the minimal amount close to being crushed as Y/N stated...

Y/N: "Now burn."

Suddenly the curse yelled out as it exploded into nothing.

"...No one attacks my students like that...And expects any less than a death befitting of one on the bridge between wrong and unforgivable..."

Tha aftermath of his actions left a tangible impact on each team member, their reactions brimming with a profound mix of shock, respect, and realignment of their understanding of Y/N Shinai. And the jujutsu world.

Yuji was still in a combat stance, slowly unclenched her fist, her eyes wide and shimmering with unspoken thoughts. "...Wow," she whispered, her voice a mix of awe and a dawning realization of the immense responsibility they bore.

Megumi, usually a bastion of calm, allowed a rare flicker of surprise to cross his features. His gaze lingered on Y/N, analyzing every nuance of the moment. "To protect, to defy odds... that’s the essence of our strength," he spoke quietly, internalizing a profound lesson in power and responsibility.

Nobara’s eyes were ablaze with an ignited spirit, her stance embodying her fierce nature. "That's how you make a statement!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing her inner fire and admiration. "No half measures with us," she added, her resolve steeling further, inspired by Y/N’s formidable display.

Gojo, observing the scene with a blend of pride and satisfaction, her eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. "Classic Y/N," she mused, a playful yet approving tone to her voice. "Setting the bar high, as always," she added, a subtle nod to both Y/N's strength and the path the students were embarking on.

Y/N was quiet, before he began to speak. Looking back to the group"...Let's go ...Unless you all have places to go...?"

"...Nah..." Yuji creeped in

"I believe I'm free..." Nobara backed up

Y/N: "... Cool. Megumi?"

"... Sure, why not?" Megumi says, sending out a smile before--



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