Abhiya: One shotssss????????

By Unknownsomeone_

29.3K 1.2K 411

This is a one-shot story about Abhiya, packed with love and passion. It explores their intense connection and... More

Kabab main haddi????
Trekking, Talk, and Tears of Laughter
Jiya consoling?
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Say Hiiii!!
Yeh collage ka pyaar
Expect the unexpected
Char Kadam - A Journey Back to Love
Mafia softened?
Then or now?- 1
Now or then?-2
Uff yeh argumentsssss🥲-1
Uff yeh argumentss-2
The Unlikely Duo
Echoes of the Past-1
Echoes of the past-2
Unmasked Hearts
Drifting apart
Drifting apart-2
Mere bestf ki shaadiii
Kisi aur se shaadi?
Misunderstood hearts
Forbiddenn ♥️
Commitement 🫶🏻
Friends to lovers?
Divorce it is
Karwa chauth🌙
Yahi Tak Tha Safar Humara
Kal ho na ho


817 25 5
By Unknownsomeone_

Abhishek and Jiya had been happily married for two years. Their love had grown stronger with each passing day, and now, they were about to embark on a new journey together – parenthood. Jiya was pregnant, and the couple couldn't have been more excited.

In the early stages of her pregnancy, Jiya decided to surprise Abhishek with the news in a way that would be etched in their memories forever. She carefully planned a surprise evening at their favorite rooftop restaurant, where the city lights sparkled like stars.

As they settled into their private corner, Jiya couldn't contain her excitement.

Jiya: (smiling) Abhi, I have something special for you tonight.

Abhishek, intrigued, raised an eyebrow.

Abhishek: (grinning) Really? What's the occasion?

Jiya signaled to the waiter, who discreetly brought a small, elegantly wrapped box to the table.

Jiya: (teasing) Open it and find out.

Abhishek, with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, unwrapped the box. Inside was a pair of tiny baby shoes, nestled in tissue paper.

Abhishek: (eyes widening) Baby shoes?

Jiya beamed with joy as she confirmed his suspicions.

Jiya: (nodding) Yes, Abhi. We're going to have a little one.

Abhishek's expression shifted from surprise to sheer delight as the realization sunk in.

Abhishek: (overwhelmed) Seriously? A baby?

Jiya: (nodding) Yes, a tiny addition to our world.

Abhishek, filled with emotions, pulled Jiya into a tight hug.

Abhishek: (whispering) This is the best surprise ever, Jiya. I can't wait to embark on this journey with you.

As they enjoyed the rest of the evening, the city lights below mirrored the sparkle in their eyes. Jiya's thoughtful surprise had set the stage for a beautiful chapter in their lives, marked by the joyous anticipation of parenthood and the love that would only deepen with the arrival of their little one.

Lets dive in their pregnancy moments

As they prepared for the arrival of their little one, Abhishek was by Jiya's side every step of the way. He was determined to make this pregnancy as comfortable and memorable as possible for his beloved wife.

Abhishek: (lovingly) Jiya, I can't believe we're going to be parents. You're going to be an amazing mom.

Jiya: (blushing) And you, Abhi, will be the best dad. I'm so lucky to have you.

As Jiya's pregnancy progressed, Abhishek took on extra responsibilities. He cooked her favorite foods, made sure she took her vitamins, and even read books on parenting. But most importantly, he was her rock, always there to offer a loving embrace or a reassuring word when pregnancy-related discomforts or anxieties struck.

One evening, Jiya had a sudden craving for mangoes, even though it was the middle of the night.

Jiya: (with a longing look) Abhi, I need mangoes right now.

Abhishek: (determined) Don't worry, love. I'll get you the sweetest mangoes in the whole city.

He rushed to the market at midnight, searching for the best mangoes he could find. He knew that making his pregnant wife happy was his top priority.

Jiya: (teary-eyed) You're amazing, Abhi. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Abhishek: (smiling) I love you more than anything in the world, Jiya.

During her pregnancy, they attended parenting classes together, setting up the baby's room with excitement, and talked about the dreams they had for their little one.

Jiya: (with a laugh) Abhi, imagine all the places we'll take our child to.

Abhishek: (dreamy) I can't wait to see our baby's first steps, to hold their tiny hands.

But the journey wasn't without its challenges. Jiya experienced moments of anxiety and uncertainty, especially as the due date drew near. Abhishek was there to reassure her, offering his unwavering support.

Jiya: (worried) Abhi, what if I'm not a good mom?

Abhishek: (tenderly) Jiya, you're going to be the best mom, just like you're the best wife. We'll figure it out together.

Finally, the big day arrived, and Jiya went into labor. Abhishek was her pillar of strength throughout the long hours of labor, offering encouragement and soothing words.

Abhishek: (reassuring) You're doing great, Jiya. I'm so proud of you.

Jiya: (with determination) I can't wait to meet our baby.

When they held their newborn in their arms for the first time, their hearts overflowed with joy and love.

Abhishek: (with tears in his eyes) We did it, Jiya. Our little one is here.

Jiya: (overwhelmed) Thank you for being with me every step of the way, Abhi.

Their journey into parenthood had its share of ups and downs, but through it all, their love and support for each other remained unwavering. As they gazed at their newborn, they knew that their family was now complete, and their hearts were full of gratitude for the beautiful chapter that had just begun.

Amid the tender glow of anticipation, Jiya's pregnancy became a tapestry woven with shared moments and whispered conversations between her and Abhishek. In the quietude of their home, they found joy in the subtle kicks that transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary.

As they stood before the nursery, Abhishek painted visions of the future with gentle strokes of words. "Imagine bedtime stories and laughter echoing in this room," he mused, his eyes reflecting dreams of a family.

Jiya, her hands cradling her growing belly, smiled at the prospect. "A home filled with love and laughter, just like us."

Late at night, as the city slept, they lay side by side, hands intertwined over the burgeoning life within. Abhishek whispered promises to their unborn child, promising to be the anchor in the storm, a guide through life's labyrinth.

Days turned into weeks, and the excitement swelled. Abhishek, with a glint of mischief, suggested, "We should compile a list of baby names, each carrying a piece of our story."

Jiya agreed, and together they embarked on the delightful journey of choosing a name that would become a legacy, intertwining past, present, and future.

Amidst the fragility of pregnancy, they navigated doctor's appointments hand in hand, marveling at the ultrasound images that unveiled the silhouette of their little one. Abhishek, his voice filled with awe, whispered, "Can you believe we're creating a life together?"

In quiet evenings, they sketched visions of family vacations, birthday celebrations, and the simple joys of parenthood. Abhishek, his gaze fixed on Jiya, confessed, "I can't wait to see you as a mom, guiding our child with the same warmth and love you've given me."

As the due date approached, their conversations shifted to the logistics of parenthood. Abhishek, with a mix of excitement and nervousness, assembled baby cribs and fumbled with tiny onesies, while Jiya laughed at his adorable attempts.

In those pregnancy moments, conversations, and future plannings, Jiya and Abhishek embraced the transformative power of their love, weaving a narrative that transcended time—a story where each heartbeat, each shared dream, became a chapter in the extraordinary journey of building a family together.

The soft morning light spilled into the kitchen as Abhishek hummed a tune while preparing breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzle of eggs filled the air. Jiya, still nestled in the warmth of their bed, caught a whiff of the delightful symphony drifting from the kitchen.

Jiya: (calling out) Abhi, what's happening in there?

Abhishek: (smiling) Good morning, my love! I thought I'd surprise you with a special breakfast.

Jiya, a hint of curiosity in her voice, made her way to the kitchen. She found Abhishek orchestrating a culinary masterpiece, a spread of pancakes, fresh fruits, and a steaming cup of coffee.

Jiya: (smiling) Wow, Abhi! This looks amazing.

Abhishek: (playfully) Well, I thought the queen deserved a royal breakfast.

Jiya's eyes shimmered with gratitude as she took a seat at the table, her hands gently cradling her growing belly.

Jiya: (softly) Thank you, Abhi. This is so thoughtful.

Abhishek: (pouring coffee) Anything for you, Jiya. You're creating a miracle, and I want to make sure you feel cherished every step of the way.

Jiya's emotions welled up, and she blinked back tears, feeling the weight of Abhishek's love.

Jiya: (teary-eyed) I never imagined I'd be so lucky to have you.

Abhishek, joining her at the table, reached for her hand.

Abhishek: (tenderly) You and our little one mean everything to me, Jiya. I want to be the husband and father you both deserve.

Jiya, touched by his sincerity, leaned in for a sweet kiss.

Jiya: (whispering) You're already everything I could ever ask for.

They sat together, savoring the breakfast Abhishek had prepared, the warmth of their connection radiating through the shared moments. In that kitchen filled with love and the promise of new beginnings, Abhishek's simple gesture became a testament to the depth of their bond, a love that flourished in the tender moments of care and consideration.

Jiya, her eyes sparkling with mischief, looked at Abhishek with a playful grin as they sat on the couch, contemplating the gender of their unborn child.

Jiya: (teasingly) You know, Abhi, if it's a boy, he's definitely going to be a mamma's boy.

Abhishek, raising an eyebrow, played along with a smirk.

Abhishek: Oh, is that so? What if it's a girl?

Jiya: (leaning in) Well, then she's going to be mummy's little princess, of course.

Abhishek chuckled, imagining the scenarios Jiya painted for their future.

Abhishek: (grinning) Are you trying to prepare me for a lifetime of rivalry with our son or spoiling our daughter?

Jiya: (laughing) Maybe a bit of both! But honestly, Abhi, we'll be the best team, no matter what.

Abhishek, embracing the light-hearted banter, pulled Jiya into a gentle embrace.

Abhishek: Team us, huh? I like the sound of that.

Jiya: (smirking) Just be ready for lots of tea parties or soccer matches, depending on the kiddo!

Abhishek: (playfully) I'll keep my soccer shoes and tea set ready, then.

As they shared laughter and dreams about their soon-to-arrive bundle of joy, Jiya and Abhishek reveled in the joyous anticipation of parenthood. The gender of their child became a playful canvas for their imaginations, a shared secret that added an extra layer of excitement to the beautiful journey they were embarking upon together.


Jiya, sitting on the couch with a mischievous glint in her eyes, turned to Abhishek, who was browsing through a parenting book.

Jiya: (smirking) Abhi, what if our little one turns out to be a lover boy like his father? Always flirting with the girls.

Abhishek looked up, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

Abhishek: (grinning) Well, he'd certainly inherit the charm!

Jiya laughed and then, with a mock-serious expression, continued.

Jiya: But what if it's a little flirty girl who grows up to choose her own husband?

Abhishek, trying to keep up the banter, leaned in with a smirk.

Abhishek: (flirting) Oh, in that case, I'll have to make sure I'm the most charming option, won't I?

Jiya, enjoying the banter, gave him a playful nudge.

Jiya: (teasing) You'll have to compete with the other dads, Mr. Charming.

Abhishek, his tone shifting playfully to a hint of possessiveness, responded.

Abhishek: (smirking) No competition. Our little girl would be smart enough to choose her dad.

Jiya, sensing the mock possessiveness, grinned.

Jiya: (laughing) Possessive much, Abhi?

Abhishek: (with a wink) Just protecting my territory.

Their banter continued, a blend of teasing and affection, as they playfully envisioned the future dynamics of their family. In those lighthearted moments, Jiya and Abhishek embraced the joy of imagining the personalities their child might inherit, savoring the shared laughter that became the melody of their anticipation for the little one's arrival.

Jiya, her belly rounded with the promise of new life, sat on the yoga mat with a slightly apprehensive expression. Abhishek, donned in workout gear, knelt beside her, a reassuring smile on his face.

Abhishek: (gentle) You're doing great, Jiya. These exercises will help you stay fit and comfortable during the final trimester.

Jiya: (nervously) I just don't want to lose my figure, Abhi. I've always loved staying active, and now...

Abhishek: (encouraging) We're not trying to change you, love. It's about keeping you and our baby healthy. Trust me, you'll be as radiant as ever.

Jiya took a deep breath, and they began the gentle exercises together.

Abhishek: (supportive) Remember, it's not about losing your figure. It's about embracing the changes and ensuring a smooth journey for both of you.

Jiya, as they moved through the routine, gradually relaxed into the exercises.

Jiya: (smiling) You always know how to calm my nerves, Abhi.

Abhishek: (grinning) That's what husbands are for, right?

As the session continued, Abhishek adjusted their positions and provided steady support.

Abhishek: (playfully) Look at it this way—our baby will have a fit mom who can keep up with their energy.

Jiya chuckled, realizing the truth in his words.

Jiya: (teasing) And a dad who's a fitness coach!

Abhishek: (grinning) Team effort, always.

As they concluded the exercise routine, Abhishek gently kissed Jiya's forehead.

Abhishek: (tenderly) You're more beautiful than ever, Jiya. Your figure is just part of the incredible journey we're on.

Jiya, touched by his words, leaned into his embrace.

Jiya: (softly) Thank you for always being my rock, Abhi.

In that shared moment of vulnerability and strength, Jiya and Abhishek affirmed the beauty of their connection, transcending physical changes and embracing the profound transformation that awaited them.

The hospital room was filled with a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy as Jiya, clad in a hospital gown, lay on the bed, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and excitement. Abhishek stood by her side, holding her hand, providing a steady anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

Jiya: (voice shaky) Abhi, what if something goes wrong? What if I can't do this?

Abhishek: (softly) Hey, look at me. You're strong, Jiya. We've been through so much together. You can do this, and I'm right here with you.

Jiya gripped Abhishek's hand tightly, seeking reassurance in his touch as the reality of impending motherhood loomed over her.

Jiya: (teary-eyed) I'm just so scared, Abhi.

Abhishek leaned in, brushing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Abhishek: (whispering) It's okay to be scared, love. We're in this together, and the doctors are here to take care of you.

The medical team bustled around, preparing for the delivery, and Abhishek maintained a comforting presence by Jiya's side.

Jiya: (nervously) What if I can't handle the pain?

Abhishek: (with a reassuring smile) You're stronger than you think. And soon, we'll meet our little one, and all of this will be worth it.

As the contractions intensified, Abhishek continued to offer words of encouragement, reminding Jiya of the incredible strength she possessed.

Abhishek: (smiling) Our baby is on the way, Jiya. You're doing amazing.

Jiya, in the midst of the intensity, found solace in Abhishek's unwavering support.

In the sterile glow of the operation theatre, Jiya lay, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and determination. Abhishek, clad in surgical scrubs, stood by her side, offering unwavering support. As the medical team orchestrated the delicate dance of life, the rhythmic beeping of monitors provided a backdrop to the intense moment.

Abhishek's voice, calm yet charged with emotion, cut through the clinical atmosphere,

"Jiya, you've got this. Just a little more. Push, my love."

Jiya, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, clenched Abhishek's hand, drawing strength from their intertwined fingers. The medical team echoed Abhishek's encouragement, their collective energy focusing on the miracle about to unfold.

The room held its breath as Jiya summoned every ounce of strength. Abhishek's soothing words became a lifeline, grounding her in the midst of the intense experience.

"You're doing amazing, Jiya. One more push, and we'll welcome our little one into this world."

Time seemed to pause as Jiya, guided by Abhishek's unwavering support, pushed with all her might. The room erupted with the cry of a newborn, a symphony of life that resonated with the depth of their love. Abhishek's eyes glistened with tears of joy as he witnessed the culmination of their shared journey.

In the delivery room, Jiya, amidst the intensity of labor pains, clutched Abhishek's hand with a vice-like grip. Abhishek winced but offered words of encouragement.

Jiya: (through gritted teeth) Abhi, I can't do this!

Abhishek: (encouraging) Yes, you can, Jiya. Just a little more.

As the pain intensified, Jiya, overwhelmed, unintentionally bit Abhishek's hand, causing him to wince in pain.

Abhishek: (grimacing) Easy there, love.

The doctor, amused by the situation, chuckled.

Doctor: (laughing) Ah, the joys of childbirth. It's perfectly normal, Mr. Abhishek.

Jiya, amidst the pain, managed to utter something unexpected.

Jiya: (grimacing) This is all your fault, Abhi. We should've used contraceptives, you idiot.

Abhishek, taken aback, exchanged a sheepish glance with the doctor.

Doctor: (smirking) Well, Mr. Abhishek, seems like you've got some explaining to do.

Abhishek: (nervously) Uh, Doc, it's not the best time for this conversation.

Jiya, in the throes of labor, continued with unintentional candidness.

Jiya: (wincing) You owe me for this pain, Abhi.

Doctor: (chuckling) Looks like you've got a lot of making up to do, Mr. Abhishek.

Abhishek, trying to keep the atmosphere light, managed a weak smile.

Abhishek: (smirking) I promise, Doc, I'll make it up to her.

The doctor, playfully taunting Abhishek, added fuel to the fire.

Doctor: (smirking) Let's hope you're as good at parenting as you are at... family planning.

Jiya, amidst the pain and embarrassment, managed a faint smile, appreciating the humor in an unexpected moment. As the laughter echoed in the delivery room, Jiya and Abhishek, despite the unexpected twists, found solace in the shared journey of welcoming their little one into the world.

In that sacred moment within the sterile walls of the operation theatre, Jiya and Abhishek experienced a profound connection, their love transcending the challenges and uncertainties. The cry of their newborn echoed the beginning of a new chapter, a testament to the strength of their bond and the enduring power of love.

In the serene aftermath of the delivery, Jiya held their newborn son in her arms, a tiny bundle of joy that had just entered their lives. Abhishek, gazing at them with awe, couldn't help but smile.

Abhishek: (whispering) He's perfect, Jiya.

Jiya: (smiling) Our little prince.

As the new parents marveled at the tiny features of their son, a sudden memory crossed their minds, and they shared a knowing glance.

Jiya: (grinning) Remember when we joked about having a lover boy?

Abhishek chuckled, the earlier conversation resurfacing in their minds.

Abhishek: (laughing) Seems like we got our answer. Our little charmer has arrived.

Jiya: (teasing) Watch out, Abhi, he might be a little flirt like his father.

Abhishek: (grinning) Well, we did say we'd be the best team, didn't we?

They laughed together, embracing the joy of parenthood and the delightful unpredictability of their son's personality. In the warmth of the hospital room, surrounded by the soft sounds of their laughter and the gentle coos of their newborn, Jiya and Abhishek cherished the beauty of the present moment and the love that had brought them to this magical chapter in their lives.


Yayaaa!! A pregnancy shot finally😂 I got so many requests for this but yeaa finallyyy🩷

How wassss itttt? Do comment down beloww

And suggestions for the nexttt


So sorry for being irregular- Exams are on their way so I have to be a bit considerate towards them as well😭🤞 Though I have made 2 more draftss, So I'll update soon✨


Love love lovee🩷

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