At The Beginning With You

By Havingfunwithfanfic

67.7K 2.8K 346

The gods see the world being destroyed during the Long Night and decide to fix things. Daemon and Rhaenyra ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 18

1.4K 65 10
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Rhaenyra meets Alicent. Baelon talks to Daemon about Aemma. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Something was happening with her family, everyone was acting strange and they would not tell her why. Her mother watched her more closely than before and she was not allowed to go anywhere without guards and her nursemaid unless she was with her mother, uncle, or grandsire. Her mother was nervous and could barely stand still and Rhaenyra had not seen her father since he had hurt her. Her grandsire had told her that her father would not be approaching her until his anger had passed. She also had not seen her mother and father together for a while, but her mother did not seem too sad about it so she did not think there was a problem.

Rhaenyra had been able to get away from her guards and nursemaid, she was surprised she had gotten to the gardens without people seeing her. She was happy that she would be able to play for a little while without her guards glaring at people who walked by. She had barely been there for a few minutes when she heard some sniffles coming from behind the thicker bushes. It sounded like someone crying and she was curious. She made her way around the bushes and stopped when she saw a pretty girl with brown reddish hair. She just stood there for a moment watching as tears ran down the girl's face. She wondered what had made her sad that she had decided to hide in the gardens.

"Are you hurt?" The girl was startled at her voice and her eyes widened when she saw Rhaenyra standing there. "I can call for a maester."

"Princess." The girl wiped her tears away. "I apologize, I did not know there was anyone here. I will leave."

"You do not have to go." Maybe someone was after her and that is why she was hiding. "Are you hiding from someone? Did someone hurt you?"

"No," Rhaenyra frowned at the girl's denial until the other girl let out a sigh. "I received some news today."

"Were they bad news?" She wanted to know.

"I do not know yet." The other girl shrugged. "They were not the news I was expecting."

Rhaenyra was not sure why that would make the other girl cry.

"What is your name?" Rhaenyra sat across from the girl, her back to the brush. "I am Rhaenyra."

"I am aware, everyone knows who you are, princess." The girl's comment made her smile. Rhaenyra liked people and she was happy that people liked her too. "I am Alicent Hightower."

"Do you live here now?"

"Yes, my father works with the king." Alicent still did not look very happy. "He is making me wed someone."

"And you do not like the man he is forcing you to wed?" Rhaenyra's eyes were wide as she stared at Alicent, she could understand why Alicent would be crying if her father was forcing her to be with someone she did not want to be with. "Are you in love with someone else?"

"What? No, of course not." Alicent looked scared now like it would be an incredible sin for her to fall in love.

Rhaenyra was not sure why Alicent would be afraid to love someone. Rhaenyra loved her uncle and she would wed him one day, there was nothing wrong with loving him. Nyra loved her uncle-husband and seemed very happy with him. Maybe Alicent needed to find a handsome knight to fall in love with or a prince. Rhaenyra frowned at the thought and shook her head, not a prince. The only prince was her uncle and she would not share him, he was already wed to another woman and Rhaenyra did not want to have Syrax eat two people. What would happen if her dragon was too full after eating the first one? She did not want to wait an extra day to wed her uncle. No, she would help Alicent find a handsome knight to love.  

                                                          Rhaenyra Targaryen (3 years old.)


Daemon was still shocked that his brother had divorced Aemma. He had always believed that Aemma was the love of Viserys's life and that he would never leave her, no matter what. Daemon had been jealous of the love his brother and wife shared, especially because he never believed he would be able to love a woman like that. Then, he had seen his future self with Rhaenyra and understood that he would feel that same kind of intense all-consuming love, just that his bride would not be ready for a few years. He actually hated to think about his small niece in that context, it was still strange to him.

Even after knowing about Viserys's divorce Daemon had not attempted to speak to his brother. He was angry at Viserys for all the things he had said and done lately, and his divorce just added one more thing Daemon did not agree with. One thing he had learned was that his brother did not care for his opinion. Viserys did not seem to hear anything his family was telling him, he only listened to Otto now. Damon had been right when he said Viserys had not done anything for him. Daemon had not wanted to believe his brother would change so much in the future that he would exile him for stupid things, but he could see now that it was all true. If his brother was acting this way while he was just a prince, second in line to the throne, he did not want to think what Viserys would be like when he had the power of a king.

Daemon knocked on his father's doors and waited until he was allowed to enter. His father had sent for him, saying they had something important to discuss.

"You have to speak to Viserys." His father had not said anything when Daemon walked in and he could not keep quiet, his brother was making a huge mistake and Daemon had to make sure her niece and good sister were protected. "He cannot simply divorce Aemma and wed that Hightower whelp. What would happen to Rhaenyra and Aemma if he is allowed to continue down this path?"

"Viserys will not change his mind." Baelon shook his head sadly. "I spoke to him for several days before he finally went to the king and attempted to convince him that he was making a huge mistake. But your brother believes he knows better than anyone else and refused to listen to me."

"I cannot believe this. Why would grandsire allow this?" Daemon was sure that Jaehaerys's illness was affecting his mind. "He and grandmother forced me to wed the bronze bitch because they believed we needed a stronger alliance with the vale and now he is okay offending the Vale in this manner? I do not understand."

"Father decided to allow the divorce after I asked him to." Daemon would not have been more shocked if his father had pushed him. "Once I understood Viserys would not change his mind I spoke to my father. I knew Otto would convince Viserys to blame it all on Aemma and he would attempt to convince my father to allow him to take Rhaenyra from her. I could not allow it, so I spoke to my father and made sure he was aware of what was happening and all the things Viserys had done. My father agreed to annul Viserys's marriage and allow me to handle things."

"What is going to happen now?" Aemma would not be allowed to stay here without being wed and Daemon would be damned if he allowed his niece to be under the power of Otto Hightower, but he did not want Rhaenyra to be taken away either. "You know that Aemma would not be allowed to stay here and Viserys could take Rhaenyra away."

"Not if she is wed to someone of higher ranking."

"What?" He was a bit confused about what his father was attempting to say. There were only two people who were higher in rank than Viserys and his grandsire would never wed Aemma. Even while they were Targaryens and wedding within the family was common, they would never wed a father to a daughter or a grandfather to a granddaughter. The only other person who was higher in ranking than Viserys was... Daemon's eyes widened as he looked at his father. "You are planning to wed Aemma?"

"Yes," That was something he had not expected and he was not sure how he was supposed to feel about it. "Aemma should not be made to wed another man who will not care for her as he should. Even when most people do not consider her so, she is still a Targaryen and part of our family and it is our duty to care for her. I will not allow Rhaenyra to be separated from her mother and I will not allow Aemma to be treated that way either."

"And the only solution you could find was to wed her?"

"I know that this is not easy." His father gave him an apologetic look. "You have to know that I loved your mother with all my heart and I wou..."

"Father." Daemon shook his head and gave his father a small smile. "I do not blame you for wanting to wed again. I know you loved mother, but she has been dead for the past six and ten years. I am actually surprised that you have never wanted to wed before."

"So, you are not upset that I want to wed Aemma?"

"No, I am just a bit shocked." Daemon frowned. "Do you even see Aemma that way?"

He had never seen his father look at Aemma with anything but familiar love. How were they supposed to consummate their marriage if they did not see each other as a man and woman? Then he noticed the way his father's face reddened and chuckled.

"Oh, so you do see her that way." He chuckled when his father glared at him. He could not blame his father for wanting Aemma, she was a gorgeous woman and many men wanted her. "Well, well, who would have thought?"

"Do not do that." Daemon was enjoying his father's discomfort and Baelon knew it, that was why he was glaring at him. But besides the discomfort, Daemon could also see the apprehension on his father's face. "Just tell me if you are okay with this or if this is going to be a problem."

"Well, would you retract if I said I was no?"

"Damon, I do not want to play games." His father let out a sigh. "I am already in what seems to be a not ending fight with one of my sons, I do not want to lose the other."

"I do not mind." He decided to put his father out of his misery. "You deserve to be happy and so does Aemma."

"It is not like that." His father's denial was very quick and defensive. "I am just attempting to help her."

"Aha." Baelon narrowed his eyes as Daemon smirked at him. "I understand what you see in her. Aemma is gorgeous. Good job, old man."

"Old man!" His father glared at him before his hand shot out and slapped the back of his head. "Watch it boy, I can still beat you."

"Can you?" Daemon's amused smile would not leave his face. "Are you sure you can do that with your lips permanently attached to Aemma's?"

Baelon grabbed one of the books on the corner of his desk and threw it at Daemon's head. He was able to move out of the way making the book hit one of the walls instead.

"Get out!" His father glared at him as Daemon reached the door.

"Remember to be careful." Daemon opened the door before turning to his father, a smirk still on his face. "Aemma is much younger than you, we do not want your heart to give out while you are attempting to satisfy your new wife."

Daemon ran out the door when his father picked up another book and threw it in his direction. He was going to enjoy this, he needed someone to annoy. He could not wait for Rhaenyra to find out and then they could both annoy his father. His small niece was always willing to play a good prank. 

                                                   Daemon Targaryen (19 years old.)

                                                   Baelon Targaryen (43 years old.)

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