Parenthood - A Journey [COMPL...

By TereBin_

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Sometimes a love story starts from parenthood. Cocer by : @chupkaroswaraaa More

1. We collide again
2: Pregnant
3 : Worth
4 : Trust?
5 : Leave
6: Conversation
7: Your dreams are mine now
8 : Fight
9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai
10 : Shohar
11 : Engaged
12 : Insecurities
13 : Wild Life Photographer
14: Be mine
15 : Unsaid Confession
16 : Love Vs Fear
17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan
18 : Meerab's POV
19 : Selfish?
20 : Confession
21: Hospital and Pregnancy
22: First kick
23: A perfect Mismatch
24 : God Bharai
26 : Meri Meesam
Epilogue ❀️
BONUS ( First Step)

25 : Delivery

2.4K 146 38
By TereBin_

India lost the match 🥺🥺 breaking my heart. Still, I would say they tried their best❤️❤️ mood bohot off tha toh likh dia. I know the team tried their best and I respect them. My heart broke when I saw them crying. That hurts yar. They deserved the trophy. Anyway, if someone is from Australia who reads my story then congratulations ❤️

It's Meerab's 9th month and now her baby bump is clearly visible. She is given a delivery date of this week. She doesn't walk and stays in bed most of the time with Murtasim. He spends most of his time with her and avoids going out because he fears her water broke. He wants to stay beside her every time she needs him and their togetherness and growing love is his strength. He completes her every wish and stops getting angry with her, even when she makes a mistake he used to ignore her as pregnancy needs a healthy environment.

Right now Meerab is reading a book " Twisted Love". Murtasim brought many books for her. She used to watch horror movies which Murtasim despised and he asked her to read books instead and brought books which she asked for. He walked towards her who was busy reading books with a smile. She was so engrossed in reading a book that she didn't even notice him.

"I'm much better than your fictional men", Murtasim whispered near her ear. Meerab flinched hearing his husky voice and closed the book to look at her husband who was sitting beside her. She smiled looking at him as his smirk was also killer. She felt her cheeks heating up noticing his intense gaze on her.

"From when you began liking me?", Murtasim asked taking her hand in his. Their fingers intertwined as she felt herself downing in his love. What can she tell about him? She falls in love with him every second every day. She has seen many people falling for bad guys who don't respect women but she is in love with a guy who respects her a lot. For him, she is not just his wife but a person who has equal rights to interrupt him. He never asked her to bow her head in front of him just because he was her husband and that thing impressed her a lot

"I will tell you when our baby will come and call you baba. Hana baby?", Meerab asked placing her hand on her belly. Murtasim smiled and placed his hand on her belly to feel a kick but didn't feel anything. He looked at her to ask why it was so but Meerab closed her eyes tight.

"Btao na Meerab ", Murtasim requested placing his head on her belly but Meerab pushed him which shocked Murtasim, and looked at her to see her crying.

"What happened?", Murtasim asked panicking seeing her sweating and taking long breaths. He moved towards her and placed his hand on her cheeks softly. Meerab cried more and looked at him to request

"Take me to the hospital. It's paining a lot", Meerab yelled holding his shoulder. She placed her head on his arm keeping her whole weight on him. Her hold on his shoulder tightened when the pain increased and she started crying loudly.

For a second Murtasim was stunned and panicked seeing her crying but soon he realized the reason he supported Meerab to walk as he couldn't pick her up in this condition. Picking up might lead to miscarriage and he fears this as this will eventually harm Meerab. He held her hand helped her to lie on the back seat and sat beside her. He asked Bhaktu to drive and sat while keeping her head on his legs.

He clenched his hand into a fist controlling his tears and seeing her crying. He held her hand and kissed the back of her hands rightly gaining strength as he didn't have the energy to give her strength. He is feeling too weak to sit with Meerab. He feels himself the reason for her tears, if she was not pregnant then she would be happy. He closed his eyes taking long breaths to control his tears as he needed to assure her. If he can't control himself then how he will handle her? How he will assure his wife?

"Everything will be fine Meerab. Please don't cry. You are very strong", Murtasim said and bit his lower lip to control himself from crying but a sob escaped from his mouth hearing her cries.

"Control Murtasim", he reminded himself but couldn't control himself for a long time and started crying with her. He can't see her crying and feeling himself as the reason for her tears makes him feel like her culprit. He knows he should not have made her pregnant because she needs to beat the pain now. He stroked her hair softly assuring her everything would be fine when he is also scared of the outcome. His hands shivered when Khanna told them they reached. He ran inside and came with a stretcher and nurses

He wiped his tears but no use because fresh tears escaped from his eyes. Meerab held his hand and looked at him worried

"Agar tum na chale toh delivery nahi karvaungi. Stop crying. It's my delivery, not yours", Meerab shouted at him angrily seeing Murtasim crying. She felt irritated noticing him too weak at this moment. Right now she needed him the most and this guy handled her to the nurses. Why should she go with them? She needs her husband by her side, not anyone else

"I'm with you and why can't I cry? Y... You are in deep pain because of me. I'm sorry", Murtasim apologized while walking with Meerab and the nurses but he had no idea who was walking with him and where they were taking him as he was looking into Meerab's eyes. He was moving according to the stretcher forgetting the whole world. He wiped her tears when the stretcher stopped moving and he looked upwards to see the nurse opening one door and taking Meerab inside. Meerab didn't leave his hand and tightened her hold on his hand

"Murtasim", she looked at him pleading with him to come with her. She knows male doctors do delivery most of the time and she is feeling suffocated to think of letting another man see what is just Murtasim's right. She closed her eyes when the nurse tried to separate their hands as she couldn't afford to leave him. She can't trust anyone other than Murtasim

Her life taught her many lessons and the best lesson she got is never to trust anyone. That's the reason she wants Murtasim to support her because his presence will give her strength. She is scared, broken, and nervous about delivering a baby as she is the one who will decide the baby's life now.

"Wait outside", the doctor said after separating their hands but Murtasim shook his head staring at Meerab whose face was wet because of tears and sweat. How can he leave her like that? She needs him the most and he can't trust anyone. She is too fragile, what if doctors hurt her? Her tears are breaking his heart and making him helpless to leave her in this condition

"I can't. She is crying a lot. I might help you. Please let me stay?", Murtasim asked pleading with the doctor to let him stay with Meerab and looked at Meerab whose lips fumbled seeing him request to bend his head in front of someone again. She nodded telling him she needed him and he made the right decision by asking doctors.

"Wear this mask", the doctor said after forwarding one mask toward him which confused him. Why mask? This is just a delivery, not a pandemic then why? And how he will talk to her?

"How I will talk?", Murtasim asked

"Like you do every day. If you can't then go out", the doctor replied sarcastically

"I can't", Murtasim replied immediately

"Then listen to doctor stupid man. Wear it and come here. I can't handle this pain Murtasim. I will not let doctors start this treatment until you come ", Meerab shouted angrily wiping her tears as she realized she was not alone but between many doctors and nurses. She felt her body shivering looking at the surroundings

Murtasim nodded and walked towards Meerab. He held her hand and noticed the doctor covered Meerab with a bedsheet and then moved down and lifted the bedsheet. He pulled Meerab's dress down panicking Meerab. She looked at Murtasim telling him what the doctor was doing. She was about to move her leg when the doctor said

"Don't move and keep your legs wide. When I say push use your strength to push baby out. Understood?", the doctor asked to which Meerab nodded. She gestured for Murtasim to move his face towards her when he followed her order Meerab said

"I'm feeling uncomfortable Murtasim. Can you go to his place and undress me?", Meerab requested to which Murtasim shook his head as he knew he couldn't do anything. He is just her husband, not a doctor, he is also feeling uncomfortable letting the doctor see Meerab but this is the doctor's work.

"For baby please let him. I'm with you", Murtasim said and kissed her forehead removing his mask. Meerab closed her eyes and flinched when she felt herself naked and the nurse placed her lower on the table. Meerab started breathing heavily feeling uncomfortable, scared, and nervous. She felt blessed but when she felt someone else looking at the place where Murtasim didn't look made her feel very uncomfortable. His words gave her courage but still, this looks too weird to let someone touch her body. She broke down with tears when she felt the doctor's finger touch her thighs.

"Push", Murtasim heard the doctor's command and noticed Meerab looking at the ceiling lost in her thoughts she regretted not letting Murtasim touch her and destiny forced her to let someone see the part she was hiding from her husband but not anymore

"Meerab please push", Murtasim requested softly caressing her hair softly and he kissed her forehead again assuring her and letting her know he was with her. He can't imagine what she must be going through, he knows what she must be going through a lot as she was too hesitant to walk with him initially and the reality is scaring him.

He can't even ask her to stop crying because she must be going through extreme pain just because of him. He is the culprit who got her pregnant and now because of him she is suffering. The doctor roamed his hand on her belly which scared Meerab and she looked at him pleadingly as this was very hard for her. Murtasim pressed her hand assuring her that he was with her.

Meerab pushed and closed her eyes tightly to use her full power to push but when she felt the baby coming out, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She started crying very loudly as this pain was unbearable compared with any heartbeat she received till now. She dug her nails into his hand and sobbed  feeling the doctor's hand on her abdomen

"It's paining Murtasim. I can't bear it anymore ", Meerab said while crying

"Can you operate her?", Murtasim asked while caressing her hair softly trying to soothe her pain and just to distract her but Meerab didn't change her expression.

"No, you can't do that now", the doctor replied and looked at Meerab

"Mam please push and don't close your eyes. Try your best please ", the doctor said looking at the couple who were crying together just then the doctor noticed Murtasim's legs were shaking in fear

"Don't worry she can take rest till she gains strength. Just don't let her faint. It takes 2-3 hours too so let her rest", the doctor assured Murtasim and placed his hand on Murtasim's shoulder. Murtasim stopped shivering and looked down towards Meerab. Tears fell from his eyes seeing Meerab so helpless and in pain just because of him. He moved his hand towards her eyes and wiped her tears

"Don't lose strength Meerab. I can't live without any of you. I love you a lot", Murtasim confessed and moved towards her and kissed her forehead. Meerab cried hard placed her head on his hair and pulled him towards her more

"I love you too. I will not mind if I die...", Meerab confessed with tears but was interrupted by Murtasim

"Shut up. You need to confess this in w grand way not like this. Now if you gained strength please push Meerab", Murtasim requested to which Meerab nodded and used her strength to push the baby again. Murtasim sat near her bed and placed her hand under his cheek as he wanted to feel near to her. He will die if something happens to her.

"Murtasim I will faint ", Meerab said when she was totally exhausted. It's been 1½ hours already of her trying to push the baby and him constantly supporting her and assuring her everything will be fine. Now she can't do this anymore as she is very tired

"Please don't do. For once bear this pain", Murtasim requested kissing her hand and joining his hand which broke Meerab's heart as she could se anything but not Murtasim bowing his head in front of her and crying. His tears break her heart as he used to say he won't cry but from the time she entered his life, he cries daily which breaks her into millions of pieces

"I can't. I'm tired and the pain is unbearable", Meerab told the actual reason but when she noticed Murtasim looking away and breaking down in tears she gained strength and pushed again. After 20 minutes she felt tired and fell on the bed when the doctor pulled the baby out. She started crying loudly when she heard the soft cries of thier child.

Soon nurses placed cotton near her hole and were about to make her wear lower but Meerab asked Murtasim, who was waiting for the nurse to come out after cleaning the baby.

"Please tum pehna do", Meerab requested to which Murtasim nodded and helped her to dress again and wiped her tears softly

"My strong and warrior Meerab", Murtasim whispered and kissed her forehead softly. Just then he heard a clicking sound and noticed the nurse coming out of the bathroom and giving the baby to Murtasim

"Congratulations it's a girl and she is healthy", the doctor congratulated the couple with a smile

"Now you can take a rest", the doctor said to Meerab and left the hospital room leaving Murtasim and Meerab to cry together again. Murtasim walked towards Meerab slowly as he feared dropping the baby and sat beside her

"She is so small and cute Meerab. She is my junior Meerab. She is so fragile. I might drop her Meerab. How we will take care of her? Can I be a good father? She is... Very soft... I...", Murtasim said but stopped when he ft Meerab's hand on his lips. His hands were shivering as he was very scared to hold their baby and he didn't want to lose Meesam. He is scared, will he be able to become a good father? Can he keep his Meesam safe?

"You will be the best father Murtasim and we will manage. I'm sleepy but I want you beside me when I open my eyes", Meerab requested to which Murtasim nodded. Meerab moved towards Murtasim and kissed Meerab's forehead saying

"Humari ( Our) Meesam", she whispered and dozed off to sleep. Murtasim smiled seeing her sleeping and placed the baby on the crib. Happy tears made their way through his eyes and he hugged sleeping Meerab

"Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift", Murtasim said and heard a knocking sound. He wiped his tears and walked outside to see Ma Begum, Anwar, Wakas, and Aneela standing. He walked towards Ma Begum and engulfed her in a hug

"It's a girl. I'm so happy Ma",  Murtasim said happily telling all of them about the child and smiled when Ma Begum rubbed her hand on his back

"Congratulations", Ma Begum was congratulated followed by others who congratulated him and forced him to go home and come with Meerab's clothes as the doctor told them they needed to stay at the hospital for 2 days. He thought of buying dresses for his princess as well but took a little longer to come. Meanwhile, Meerab woke up and the first thing she asked her husband from the family members who were sitting near her

"Where is Murtasim? I want to see him", Meerab requested. She scanned the room and found every person inside the room except the one she needed the most. Her husband, Murtasim whom she loves the most and depends upon. She looked towards the ceiling feeling emotional as she asked Murtasim to stay but he didn't. She is still feeling pain and wants him to assure her but he is not here. She placed her hand on her abdomen feeling pain and difficulty in moving

Wrote it in detail because someone asked for it❤️. I don't know if I did justice to them or not but I tried my best. I wrote delivery for the first time and I was upset as well.

Will be waiting for your reviews ❤️

Also thanks for replying on the last chapter. I will not include Haya.

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