The Gryffindor Wolf - FredWea...

By 0xBloodyInspiredx0

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Riley is the adopted daughter of Remus Lupin, and her life was pretty damn good, despite the fact that she wa... More



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By 0xBloodyInspiredx0

A loud snapping noise made Riley shoot awake.

She looked around quickly. She was in the living room in The Burrow. Fred had his arm around her, holding her close to his chest, George was by her feet. Ginny and Ron were curled up on another sofa asleep, and Molly was sat in a chair opposite them, knitting.

"Hey, it's okay. You fell asleep, so I carried you in." Fred said softly down to the girl. Riley smiled at him slightly and nodded.

"That will be Remus, dear." Molly smiled slightly, placing down her knitting and moving to Ginny and Ron to wake them up.

"Up to bed." Molly ordered softly as the two youngest Weasley's woke up.

"But Mum," Ginny protested sleepily.

"No buts. Go on." Molly chuckled. Ginny and Ron groaned and padded up the stairs as Bill appeared at the stop of the stairs leading from the basement. He gave Riley a small nod and reassuring smile when he saw she was awake.

A knock on the door turned everyone's attention, and Molly rushed over to answer it.

The moment the door opened, Riley caught sight of Remus. He looked flustered and concerned. Molly enveloped him in a welcoming hug as he apologised for taking so long. Molly, of course, dismissed the apology, saying it was no trouble at all.

Remus locked eyes on his daughter and sighed sadly as he stepped into the house, clutching a dusty old box.

"Come here, Pup." He urged softly. Riley plodded over to him, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Remus pulled Riley into him and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry you didn't get a few days." he said softly.

"I'm sorry you didn't." Riley chuckled.

"How you been?" He chimed.

"Alright. I -" Riley started. "I decided. About the Scar Treatment," she said quietly.

"We don't have to talk about that right now." Remus laughed.

"No, I want to have it done." She smiled up at him. "When we have figured out whatever is going on right now." she laughed.

"Okay. I'll sort it for you." He said, half laughing. "Hello, boys." Remus smiled at the twins who were now standing across the room.

"Moony," The twins coursed, happily.

"Can you give me a few minutes with Molly and Arthur before we come get you?" He asked softly. Looking down at his daughter, who was still in his arms. Riley nodded and stepped back.

Remus, Molly, and Bill all disappeared back into the basement. Fred and George both walked sheepishly over to Riley.

"What do you think they're talking about?" George asked curiously as the three walked out the front door and into the garden.

"Probably Sirius being innocent." Riley shrugged. Riley slumped back into Fred's chest as George passed around lit cigarettes.

Riley couldn't shift a scent she had picked up. It was Sirius. She had thought she had just smelt it on Remus, but now she was outside. She could still smell it.

"Bloody fool." Riley hissed as she walked quickly up the path.

George and Fred looked at each other, confused, before following her up the path. She stopped at the gate and bent over it, slightly looking behind the fence.

Then she saw him.

A black shaggy hound laying flat on its belly to hide behind the fence. Looking up at her happily with bright blue eyes.

"Are you mad? Or just thick?" Riley asked in a hushed tone. Clearly amused to see Sirius hiding.

"What is it?" Fred asked quickly as he looked over the fence. "Oh. Hi Mr Black." he smiled. George then followed suit, looking over the fence.

"Hello." George grinned. "Wait, why are you here?" He asked, confused.

"Trying to get captured. Like Harry and I didn't risk our lives to free him." Riley stated disapprovingly. "I hope you know that Mrs Weasley is not going to be happy you're here. And she has sons who work for the Ministry." Riley chuckled mockingly.

"Bill doesn't technically work for the Ministry." Fred pointed out.

"No. But Percy could any day. Do you think Percy would keep his mouth shut about this?" Riley asked quickly. She was trying to be stern, but it was hard when she could feel how happy Sirius was to see her. 

"If he knows what's good for him. He will." Fred shrugged.

"So what? Are you just hiding until you know if you're allowed in?" Riley asked, amused.

The dog nodded slightly.

"Can I pet you?" Riley asked teasingly.

The dog nodded again, this time slightly more excitable.

Riley leant over the fence and started patting the dogs head. Giggling happily as Sirius accepted the fuss off his daughter.
After a few moments, Riley pulled her hand away.

"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't see you now." She chuckled. The dog let out a small chuff, and Riley and the twins headed back to the door.

They finished their cigarettes and stayed looking up at the sky. After a short while, Molly opened the door and looked at the three teenagers, Remus stood next to her.

"Boys, upstairs, please." Molly asked softly. She didn't look too amused.

"Can't I stay with her?" Fred asked quickly.

"Not right now, dear." Molly smiled. "I need you two to make sure Percy doesn't come down the stairs." she sighed. "I wouldn't want him to be conflicted when he gets a government position." She explained.

Fred sighed and nodded. He pulled Riley into him a little more and looked down at her.

"Give me a shout if you need anything, m'love." Fred said gently. Riley nodded, and without even thinking, he placed a soft kiss to her lips.

"Go on up then." Molly smiled happily.

Once the boys trotted up the stairs, Remus waved his wand, soundproofing and protecting the whole ground floor and basement of the house.

"Come on then, Pads." Remus called softly.

The dog hopped over the fence and ran towards the house. But Molly stopped him before he could enter the door.

"Now you listen to me." She said lowly. "My children are here. If you so much as look like you will cause any trouble, I will make you wish you were with a Dementor"

The dog cowered slightly and let out a small whine. Remus and Riley couldn't help but laugh quietly at Sirius' face. Like a child that had been scoulded.

Molly lead Remus and Riley down to the basement, Sirius following carefully. Sirius knew, Molly never believed he was guilty of working with Voldemort. But he also knew that Molly was aware he could be a touch, unpredictable. Not to mention how protective Molly was over her children, which included Riley too.

When Riley stepped into the basement, she was shocked to see it looked different. All of Arthur's Muggle trinckets had been shrunk and moved to the corner of the room, and there was a large rectangular table that stood in the middle of the room. Books, files, boxes, and papers sprawled out over it.

Arthur, Charlie, and Bill were all sat dotted around the table, watching them enter the room. Riley turned back to Remus, looking slightly panicked.

"It'll be okay, Pup." he cooed. "It's just going to be a long night."

Riley nodded and looked back down at Sirius, who was still a dog.

"Are you going to change back, or?" She asked expectantly.

In a blink of an eye, the dog was gone, and Sirius stood in front of her. A pair of black slacks hanging from his legs, his bare feet firm on the ground. His tattoo covered chest bare, too. His hair and beard were neatly groomed, and his smile and eyes were bright.

Remus handed Sirius his cloak, and the man took it, greatfully. Riley waited while Sirius flung on the cloak, and his eyes rested on her again.

"Hey, Kiddo." Sirius smiled softly.

Riley laughed and lunged at him. Sirius was taken by surprise, but he didn't wait long before squeezing his daughter tightly.

"What are you doing here? You could get caught." Riley asked, muffled by her Dad's shoulder.

"I have things I need to tell you, too." Sirius said sadly. "And I needed to be here for you." he smiled.

Sirius looked at Remus, his eyes saying more than his words ever could. And of course,
Riley could feel it, too. The relief and pure joy Sirius felt the second Riley hugged him was undeniable.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Remus chimed.

Riley nodded and pulled away from Sirius laughing slightly, wiping the tears that had gathered on her cheeks. She had never thought she'd have been so happy to see Sirius. But she felt relief, too. He was here with Remus.

She had two parents. Two Dad's.

"Wand, please Sirius." Molly demanded, holding out her hand expectantly. Her tone was less sharp now. How could she continue to be stern with a man who had just made Riley so happy.

Sirius smiled politely and passed the woman his wand without a second thought.

They all took their seats at the table. Riley at the foot of it with Bill and Sirius closest to her. Well, everyone took their seats, but Molly, who had started stress cleaning around them.

"At the table with the big boys now, Lil Wolf." Bill joked as he passed her an Ash tray. Everyone but Molly chuckled slightly, appreciating the man's ice breaker.

"Stop it, Bill. It's not funny. She's just a child." Molly scoulded. Riley laughed under her breath as Bill held his hands up in surrender. Lighting herself a cigarette and putting her packet on the table for anyone else to grab one.

"How do we start then?" Arthur chimed, trying to sound happy.

"I guess we talk about the Faoladh part first." Charlie suggested.

"And who knows the most about that?" Sirius questioned.

"Me and Charl know most about the legends, Dad has the paperworks" Bill said politely.

"Tell us what you found out then." Remus said encouragingly, taking two of Riley's cigarettes and passing one to Sirius.

"So," Arthur started. "Maureen O'Neil. Your Great Great Grandmother," he said to Riley. "Was from a Pureblood Irish, very Irish, family. We followed her family tree all the way up." Mr Weasley informed as he passed Riley a folded up piece of parchment, her mother's family tree. Riley unfolded it and looked over it as Charlie began to speak.

The first thing she noticed was that she had no living relatives on this side of her family. No Cousins, no Aunts or Uncles, nothing.

"They date back all the way to the first Ministry records. But one set of records stands out above the rest." Charlie smiled slightly and passed Riley another booklet.

"The Wolf's Act?" Riley said, confused and flicked open the page. "Fucking hell! 1104 AD?" Riley gaped at the age of the document.

"It was a protective order put in place to shield the last of the Faoladh's, once they starting being hunted" Bill informed. "They scratched off each name as they were killed. Not always able to be kept safe." he said sadly.

"But the only name not scratched off is Jonathan O'Neil" Arthur added. Riley's eyes skimmed over the family tree that was still open infront of her. There he was; Johnathan O'Neil, near the top of the line.

"So what? Does that mean that is definitely what I am?" Riley asked confused.

"It makes it more likely" Bill said softly.

"This is crazy, if she was already a shapeshifter of sorts. She shouldn't have been able to be an Animagus, would she?" Remus asked quickly.

"There's not really anything to say she couldn't." Charlie shrugged.

"How do we check?" Sirius asked. "Is there something we can do to check if she's a Faoladh?" He clarified.

"There are old wives tales" Bill shrugged. "Some aren't very nice to do" he added.

"Do them" Riley said calmly. Everyone looked at her shocked.

"You don't know what they are." Charlie pointed out.

"Will it kill me?" She asked plainly.

"Well, no." Charlie said carefully.

"Then do them." Riley shrugged.

"What are they?" Remus asked carefully.

"The first says they smell a certain way to European Werewolves. One says if you put silver in their mouth, their eyes glow. Another says if you cut them with silver, it heals instantly. And the last -" Bill started.

"You're not doing the last one." Charlie said quickly.

"Tell me." Riley said clearly.

"Let's do the others first." Bill said softly, an uneasy look on his face.

"You are not cutting my daughter." Sirius laughed slightly crazed. 

"Have you seen my back?" Riley joked. "I'll be fine."

"Can you turn back into a dog and get a good smell of her, please?" Charlie suggested.

Sirius nodded with a sigh and stood up, shrugging off the cloak again. He turned to Remus and waited for him to turn him into his Animagus form. Remus sighed and flicked his wand at the man. Riley put the cigarette butt in the ashtray and met the dog on the floor, petting up his back while he smelt her hair and face.

Sirius nudged the girls head before trotting back to Remus.Once Sirius was back to his normal form he threw the cloak back on and sat in his seat again.

"You got it?" Bill asked. Sirius nodded slightly and took his cigarette from the ashtray. "Go on then Remus" Bill encouraged.

Remus stood up and pulled Riley into him, hugging her as he tried to smell her.

"This is really weird." Riley said awkwardly.

"I am also pretty uncomfortable." Remus joked.

The men at the table all chuckled slightly, completely understanding how strange this was. Remus let go of Riley, and they both took their seats again.

"Do you know what normal Werewolves are supposed to smell on Faoladh's?" Riley asked. Charlie and Bill both nodded slightly.

"Do you know what you smell like usually?" Bill asked her, chuckling.

"Only what Fred has said." Riley said quietly.

"What did you smell on her, Sirius?" Bill asked politely.

"Other than the stench of your brother?" Sirius quipped.

"Careful. That's my son." Molly warned. Sirius chuckled, slightly, shooting her a playful grin.

"She smells like vanilla and Roses. And kind of spicy." Sirius explained.

"Apparently, it's Cinamon." Riley added cheekily. She chuckled slightly as Sirius rolling his eyes.

"That's not what I got, at all." Remus said shocked.

"Go on" Charlie encouraged.

"Minty sweet and Citrusy." Remus shrugged. "Like usual"

"So I smell like a Mojito to you?" Riley chuckled.

"Without the rum, pretty much." Remus said seriously. "Is that how Faoladh's smell to every other Werewolf?" He questioned.

"Yes. But not many other Werewolves know the legends anymore." Bill shrugged. "There is a good chance that when she was attacked, the smell just triggered something in them." he explained.

"Why isn't that same thing triggered in Remus?" Riley asked, confused.

"He is probably just desensitised to it." Charlie shrugged. "Even though he locked himself away from you every moon, he'd have still been able to smell you."

Riley nodded understandly as she watched Bill rumage around in one of the boxes on the table, and he pulled out a small blue velvet bag and a sleek red case. He walked over to Riley with both in his hands and perched on the table next to her. He placed the case down and opened the velvet bag, tipping it into his hand.
A chunk of silver tumbled into his palm. It was smooth and an inch or two round.

"Open up." Bill chuckled. Riley glared at him playfully and took the silver from his palm instead. She looked around at the table and saw everyone was watching her closely.

She popped the cool metal into her mouth and looked around again. Everyone sighed with pursed lips, and Remus ran his hand over his face when he saw Riley's eyes glowing. Concern spilling from all of them.

This wasn't great news to any of them. Faoladh's had been hunted to extinction. The last thing any of them wanted was Riley to have a big fat target on her back.

Riley took the silver chunk from her mouth and dried it off on her shirt, and placed it on the table. She grabbed the red case and opened it. A small silver dagger lay in it snuggly.

"Riley, I think we already know, Sweetheart." Molly said softly from beside her.

"It's okay. I want to know if it works." Riley muttered. She stood up and handed the dagger to Bill, turning side on in front of him so he could get to her back and raised her shirt slightly.

"Are you sure?" Bill asked carefully. "There's nothing saying if this is true or not." he reasoned.

"Just do it." Riley sighed.

"Riley." Sirius protested.

"If Bill doesn't do it. She will do it to herself," Remus sighed. "She's a stubborn one."

Bill looked back at Remus, uncertainty all over his face, but Remus just nodded slightly. Bill took a deep breath in and held Riley's side. He pressed the tip of the blade between her scars and swiped it across her skin. The group all winced as they watched Riley flinch, unable to see the cut Bill had made.

A slow trickle of blood appeared, just enough to leave a line where she had been cut, and a small droplet that lingered at the bottom of it.

"It's stopped hurting." Riley said softly.

Molly moved quickly, leaning over Charlie and handing Bill a cloth. Bill wiped the blood off Riley's back, and it was like she hadn't been cut at all. The skin looked untouched.

"It's gone," Bill beamed. "It actually works." Riley dropped her shirt and swung back around to Bill.

"No way. Let me try. " Riley laughed, taking the blade from the oldest brother.

"Oi! No." Bill rushed as he tried to grab the dagger once more. Everyone else jumping up from their seats, ready to stop her.

But Riley took a quick step back and ran the blade on  the back of her arm lightly.

She watched as the blood gathered and a moment later ran her thumb over it. She saw through the smeared blood that the cut wasn't there.

"Wicked." Riley chimed.

"Give it back, you deranged girl." Bill ordered playfully. Riley laughed slightly and handed the dagger back to him carefully. "Clean your arm, y'weirdo." Bill instructed, handing her the cloth. Riley giggled and cleaned the blood off her arm.

"Probably best to hide that Dagger Bill." Arthur quipped. Bill nodded quickly, completely agreeing that Riley shouldn't get to show off her new party trick.

"What was the last one?" Riley asked, intrigued.

"No," Charlie said plainly.

"Just tell me," Riley insisted.

"I'm with Charlie on this one," Arthur sighed.

"What is it?" Sirius asked curiously.

"A Curse isn't supposed to work on a Faoladh," Bill said carefully.

"Absolutely not!" Molly announced.

"What Curse?" Riley asked, confused. "Like all curses?" She asked.

"No. Just the one," Bill spoke mysteriously. "A Faoladh is supposed to be so unwavering that it won't work." he half explained.

"That sounds like a load of shit." Riley scoffed.

"Oh really?" Bill mused. "Would you hurt me Lil Wolf?" Bill almost dared.

"Bill, don't you fucking dare." Charlie warned.

"What kind of question is that? Ofcourse I wouldn't hurt you." Riley rolled her eyes.

"Bill, you need to explain a little." Remus urged, confused. Bill turned to Remus and sighed.

"Its the Imperius Curse that isn't supposed to work on them. If they don't want to do it, they just won't." He explained.

"Are you mad?" Sirius scoffed. "I swear, if you even think of raising your wand to her -"

"Will you stop?" Riley interjected. Sirius looked at her, shocked.

"You want to try? It's illegal." Sirius spoke quickly.

"It's not to him." Riley rolled her eyes. "And surely it's my choice, right?"

"We have seen enough. We know what you are now." Charlie tried to reason.

"Do you want to try it?" Riley asked Bill, ignoring the protests of the others.

"I'm kind of intrigued. But they are right. It could end badly." Bill chuckled.

Riley looked at Remus, who looked just as intrigued as she did.

"You wanna know, too. Don't you?" Riley asked her stepfather.

"No," Remus answered quickly.

"I know when you're lying, Moony," Riley chuckled.

"Are you lot actually debating this?" Molly asked angrily. "Using an Unforgivable Curse on a teenage girl?" She added frantically.

"Molly, she has never known who she is or what she can do," Remus sighed. "I think it's time we let her have answers." he admitted.

"I can't believe you're okay with this." Sirius rolled his eyes. Riley could feel the dread coming from Sirius, like his blood had run cold in his vains.

"I can't watch this." Molly sighed and walked up to Riley. The older woman put her hands on both of her shoulders and looked her squarely in the eyes. "Are you sure dear?" Mrs Weasley asked. Riley gave her a small smile and nodded.

Molly engulfed the girl in a hug and kissed the top of her head. She let the young girl go and vanished up the stairs from the basement, Arthur, close behind her to comfort his wife. Giving the girl a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder as he passed.

Bill stood across from Riley, Charlie, Remus, and Sirius all close behind him. They were all anxious, and Sirius was slightly angry.

"Are you sure?" Bill asked.

"Yeah. Go for it." Riley smiled. "Just don't have me kill anyone." She joked. Bill let out a small laugh at her comment as he drew his wand and pointed it at the girl.

"This is so wrong." Charlie sighed.

Riley nodded at Bill one more time. The oldest brother took a breath, not dropping his focus from the girl.


Riley wobbled on her feet but managed to balance before she fell. She almost felt drunk. Drunk and underwater. A haze had washed over her, slowing her down, dulling her senses. She could hear the blood pumping through her ears and her heartbeat pulsing through her body.

But she felt like her.

She was aware that she was trying to be controlled, but she didn't have to fight it.

It was almost like a bee outside a window. You know it's there, but it can't get in.

Attack me.

Hit me.

Stab me.

Bite me.

"Can you hear me?" Charlie asked. His voice definitely sounded like she was underwater. Muffled but clear enough.

"Yeah. You're muffled. But I can hear you." Riley said softly. Her voice sounded exactly the same.

"Can you walk?" Charlie asked.

Riley took a few steps forward and turned on her heel, walking back the other way. It was almost like walking in a dream, smooth and fluid.

"Drop the Curse Bill," Charlie instructed. "She's proven it don't work."

Riley heard Bill chuckle slightly, and Riley felt herself go back to normal.

She gasped, and her knees bucked. She fell on them laughing quietly, not expecting to feel heavier, looking around at the men around her. Sirius was beside her in an instant, scooping her arm over his shoulder and lifting her up.

"That was so strange." Riley chimed.

"Could you tell what he was going to have you do?" Remus asked curiously as Riley sat back in her seat with Sirius's help. Even though she didn't really need his help, but he didn't give her much choice. Riley nodded and looked up at Bill.

"You'd have been fucked if I had done it." She said carefully.

"I had back up plans." Bill shrugged and pulled out a small bottle of Whisky from his pocket. He placed it infront of Riley. "Drink up, you've earned it. Faoladh." He smiled and shot her a playful wink.

Riley cracked open the bottle and held it up in a mocking cheers to Bill before taking a gulp. Bill laughed slightly and took his seat again, Riley looked around at the others who were all staring at her.

"So, could there be others?" Riley asked, glancing between Bill and Charlie.

"Not likely." Charlie said with a sad smile.

"Not until you have kids anyway." Bill said slightly cheerier. "And it will still only be a small chance they will have the gene."

"Ugh, kids." Riley grimaced and took another cigarette from the box.

"You love kids." Remus chuckled.

"Other people's kids," Riley said seriously. "So if any of you lot wanna take one for the team. I will happily babysit." She smiled.

"She's not allowed kids. Not until i'm dead." Sirius said plainly.

"Why isn't she?" Bill chuckled confused.

"Over my dead body, will she be making any." Sirius answered quickly.

Bill and Charlie looked at each other and laughed cheekily. Sharing a silent lets-not-tell-Fred-that look. Remus was shaking his head, amused by his friends repulsion to having a teenage daughter.

"You were not built to have a teenage daughter, my friend." Remus chuckled.

"Well, let's move on from that topic, shall we?" Riley announced uncomfortably. "Why do you two feel so concerned still? Will being a Faoladh be a problem?" Riley asked Bill and Charlie.

"Well, it isn't going to be exactly safe for you to be a Faoladh," Charlie explained. "Other Werewolves might try and hurt you. Merlin knows what the Ministry or Beast Snatchers would do. "

"And then there was a prophecy. About The Last Faoladh. Most kind of assumed it would have played out hundreds of years ago." Bill suggested.

"A prophecy?" Riley asked, confused, taking another drag of smoke.

"It's what was on the last page of that book. Snape must have ripped it out in preparation for you to have it." Bill said softly.

"Fantastic." Sirius scoffed. "Another sodding prophecy." He rolled his eyes. Riley looked at her father, confused for a moment.

"We will come back to that comment," She stated before turning back to Bill. "What does this prophecy say?" Riley urged.

"I can't remember exactly. I will have to find my copy of that book. But it is basically a war time prophecy. Saying that the Last Faoladh will either rally the resistance or destroy them." Bill explained carefully.

"Well, that's cheerful," Riley said sarcastically. "A war. How lovely. No heads up about what said war is about? No? Fantastic"

"Prophecies aren't always correct, Pup." Remus pointed out.

"I wanted to talk to you about that, Moony." Sirius said carefully to Remus.

Everyone turned their attention to Sirius and Remus. Sirius felt wholeheartedly uncomfortable and a little freighted. And Remus was washed over with sudden nerves and anxiety, clearly recognising something in the way his oldest friend spoke.

"Well, spit it out." Remus said impatiently.

"There have been whispers." Sirius started. "That the Dark Lord is still out there."

"There have always been whispers." Remus said plainly.

"I've heard them too," Bill said carefully. "That he has found a servant." He said carefully.

"Bullshit." Charlie scoffed. "We shouldn't do this in front of Riley anyway." he dismissed.

"I think Riley can handle a conversation." Riley quipped.

"It isn't a conversation. Because it's not true." Remus said, shaking his head. Denial and a slight twang of fear washing over Riley from him. "And Charlie is right. I refuse to let you listen to this. You have enough on your plate right now."

The group fell into an awkward silence. All reaching for a cigarette and not uttering a word until they had all finished smoking. Riley could practically smell the tension in the room. Remus hadn't looked away from Bill since he had last spoken.

"You said another prophecy." Riley turned to Sirius. "Is that something I need to know about?" She asked softly. Sirius sighed and nodded, inching closer to his daughter.

"Remus said you had been asking about why your professors seemed nervous around you," he started. "Well, it's because of an old Black Family prophecy. Not many people know about it, but Dumbledore would have told some of your professors."

"Right?" Riley urged slightly confused.

"Riley, when you were born, strange things used to happen around you. Really strange things," Sirius said calmly. "If you ever cried or threw a tantrum. Well, you shattered windows or moved furniture. You unlocked doors and windows, blew up a spider that was in your cot."

"Isn't that just accidental magic? Like most wizarding kids?" Riley questioned.

"Most accidental magic is done out of Self Preservation. Not necessarily hightened emotion." Sirius stated.

"It got less frequent the older you got. Pretty much vanished when you moved in with me. Every so often, you would slam a door or manage to steal snacks off the top shelves or something along those lines." Remus said calmly.

"We thought it would be nothing. That it would fade. Until the last full moon, at least. That's when we realised you could still do it." Sirius smiled.

"What did I do?" Riley asked, confused. Racking her brain for what she possibly could have done strangely the night her and Remus fought.

"You conjured a Corporeal Patronus, full bodied. Injured, losing blood. Without flinching." Sirius started "without a wand. As a wolf." he smiled slightly.

"So?" Riley asked, confused.

"That's not possible, Pup. Some spells just can not be done without a wand or incantation. Never mind the terrible amount of energy it would have taken." Remus said softly.

"Well, it is possible because I did it." Riley reasoned with a chuckle. Not quite believing it was as dramatic as they were making out.

"Show her the prophecy, then we can explain a little." Bill smiled.

Sirius reached under the table and pulled out a box. The same box Remus had in his hand when he arrived. He slyly opened it away from Riley's gaze and pulled out a small scroll of parchment. Handing it to her gently.

Riley took it, not breaking her gaze from Sirius, until she un-raveled the parchment. It was worn and brittle, like it was older than everyone in the house put together. Riley took a deep breath and began reading the words on the page carefully.

There will be a day where the Noble name Black must end.
It will end where it began, amongst fire and destruction.
A full circle of the power forgotten, reignited in the traitor's daughter.
Capable of the impossible, but for good or evil, it is uncertain
A choice must be made;
Water or Blood?
Phoenix or Snake? 
Light or Dark?
Logic or Rage?
One cannot be sure until The Last Black feels her world fade.

Antiqua potentia amissa
Antiquis sicut tempus
Renatus in novissimo Nigrum

"Why do you think this is about me?" Riley asked, panicked.

"Because, after me. You're the last one. And you will either have children, when you are much much older, and they will take their father's name. Or you will die with the name Black" Sirius explained.

"I don't have the name Black" Riley pointed out.

"You were born with it" Sirius reminded gently.

"I don't think this is about me" Riley said plainly, shaking her head slightly and pushing the scroll away from her. "I don't even know what the fuck it means" She said sharply. "The power forgotten? As old as time? What kind of vague bollocks is that?" She rushed.

"You've read about it, Lil Wolf" Bill cooed. "I gave you a book years ago, before I knew you were a Black" he said softly. "About Ancient Magic users. Those that can fully control and harness it"

Riley scoffed harshly. Finding it absolutely hilarious.

"Those men. That all ended up evil? You think that's me?" She asked, almost amused.

"That's why the teachers were a bit cautious. But nothing says you have to be evil. People who want power, get lost to it. That's all" Remus said softly.

"I can't do Ancient Magic!" Riley insisted.

"Riley, you've been doing it your whole life. Nonverbal duelling and charms, wandless patronus', you can do any spell in a matter of days, if not instantly? All as a kid? You have a gift, plain and simple. " Remus tried to reason.

"All Ancient Magic is, is a natural gift. Common magic makes sense. There will be things that you can do that take a little more practice. " Sirius tried to reason calmly.

"This!" Riley snapped, pointing at the scroll. "Is not about me!"

"Will you just look at something?" Remus said impatiently.

Riley rolled her eyes and took another swing of alcohol from the bottle.

Bill looked at the girl with pain in his eyes. She's too young. She doesn't need this. She is supposed to be worrying about school and gossip. Not prophecies. Not wars. Not legends. Not this.

Bill handed the girl, who he sees as his sister, a cigarette. She took it with a small nod and stood up, bouncing her leg irritably as Remus opened the box once more. He pulled out another dagger. Sheathed in a black leather holster. He drew the dagger and placed it in front of Riley.

Riley looked down at it with her jaw clenched. Unsure of why she had to look at this. Admittedly, it was rather nice. Black Dragon Scale hide wrapped around the handle, just like the sheath and holster, with an untouched blade.

There was something engraved down the center of the blade.

The Noble House Of Black

Riley flipped the weapon over and looked at the engraving on the other side. Slightly apprehensive of the blue, black glow that surrounded it.

Toujours Pur. Jusqu'au dernier

Riley let out an angry scoff.

"Always Pure" She said angrily. "What a fucking joke"

"Pureblood mania was always writhe in the Black household" Sirius said with an equally disgusted voice. "I never agreed either" he stated almost proudly. "Thats what makes me the traitor"

"What do you see Pup?" Remus asked gently.

"What do you mean? what do I see? It's a fucking glowing dagger!" Riley said desperately.

The room ran cold. A strange mixture of fear and realisation pouring from all four men. They all looked at her, unmoving.

"It's not glowing for us." Charlie broke the silence.

"What?" Riley asked in disbelief.

"It's Goblin metal. It holds traces of Ancient Magic" Sirius said softly. "The fact you can see it-" Sirius sighed "You definitely are The Last Black"

"No" Riley said, plainly. "No!"

"Pup-" Remus tried to calm her.

"Do not!" Riley warned, glaring at her stepfather with glowing eyes. "You knew! You never said shit! I spent years being looked at like I was a fucking monster. And you said nothing!" Riley shouted.

"You are not a monster." Remus shot back quickly.

"Am I not?" Riley laughed. "I'm an Empath, so I can control how you feel. I could make you happy that I hurt you." She hissed.

"It is a flip of a coin if The Last Faoladh will destroy the resistant in a war. And now this?!" She yelled frantically. "The last Black? Ancient Magic? What? One wizard in the whole of History didn't turn evil?" She questioned. "Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that you trust I won't be like the rest?" She asked Remus desperately. "Can any of you?" Riley's eyes flashed around the room.

"Yes," Remus and Sirius said clearly.

"I can too," Charlie said seriously.

"It was never a question," Bill shrugged.

"I do not want this," Riley said with a clenched jaw. "I do not want any of it." She looked around the room. Disgusted by the pity the four men felt for her.

"I don't want to be a leader or evil. I don't want to be a legend or the last in some fucked up magical dynasty" she said clearly. "And I definitely do not want any of your fucking pity"

"We only pity you because you don't have a choice, Lil Wolf" Bill said softly. "No one wanted this for you. But d'you know what? If there is anyone I know, who I think can be trusted with all this-" Bill smiled gently. "It is you"

"What am I supposed to do with all this?" Riley asked, her voice breaking.

"You learn to control the Empathetic Abilities first." Remus said carefully. "Ancient Magic runs off emotions a lot of the time, before you can control it. So get those in check and it will be okay. "

"I can't even start until September," Riley reminded helplessly.

"I can help with that until you go back to school," Bill said helpfully.

"You're supposed to be working," Riley reminded.

"This is probably slightly more important," Bill chuckled. "Get your head straight and start reading those books, and we will go from there."

Riley nodded slightly and her eyes settled on the floor. Her mind was spinning. Prophecies and Ancient Magic. Whispers of Voldemort.

"Is there anything else i need to know?" Riley asked weakly.

"Just that you can't tell anyone" Sirius said softly. "No one outside of people who we already know can be trusted"

"You're supposed to be Registered with the Ministry as an Empath and an Animagus. You're also supposed to be interviewed regularly at the Ministry if you can use Ancient Magic." Bill said slowly. "But we aren't going to tell them. Okay?"

"Okay." Riley agreed.

"Then that should be everything. At least everything major." Sirius sighed.

"Then I'm done." Riley nodded, turned away from the table and started walking away. Her chest started tightening and her breathing got heavier.

"Riley, wait." Remus said gently, hoping to calm her down. Recognising instantly the way her breathing changed.

"I said I'm done." She spoke a little sharper.

The four men watched as she stood at the bottom of the stairs for a moment. Turning slightly and holding out both of her hands. Her Cigarette box and the bottle of Whisky shooting to her in an instant. She caught both with ease and disappeared off up the stairs.

Riley walked quickly up the stairs and straight into the kitchen, where Molly was washing up from dinner, Arthur sat at the table watching his wife sadly. They both turned quickly when they heard footsteps.

"Oh, Riley." Molly sighed and moved quickly to the girl, drying her hands on a towel as she went.

Molly held the sides of the girls face gently and tried to urge the girl to look at her, watching how her chest rose and fell frantically. But Riley was having none of it, her gaze firm at her feet.

"Look at me, sweetheart," Molly cooed.

Riley took a shakey breath and looked at Molly, glassy eyes glowing bright. Hating the feeling of pity that was spewing from the woman.

"What do you need dear?" Molly asked softly.

"Air." Riley choked out. Molly sighed slightly and hugged the girl.

"Dont go far or for too long." Molly instructed, and let the girl go. Riley nodded and made her way quickly to the door. The Weasley parents watched as the girl disappeared down the front path, breaking off into a run the second she was through the gate.

"This isn't fair on her Arthur." Molly sighed.

"It was never going to be." Arthur agreed.

Molly and Arthur heard footsteps coming down the stairs, they looked at eachother slightly panicked. Before they could react they were faced with the sight of the twins walking sheepishly around the corner.

"Boys," Molly sighed disapprovingly.

"We know. But -" George started.

"Was that Riley leaving the house? We heard the gate." Fred asked worried.

"Yes. She's gone on a walk to straighten her head," Molly admitted. "Just give her a little while Fred."

Fred sighed and nodded. Busying himself with preparing to feed Bandit, who was happily climbing over his shoulders. George sat beside their Dad, clearly worried about Riley, poking the handles of the wands around in the vase at the center of the table. Fred sat next to his twin and fed the baby Niffler, no one speaking. They must have stayed like that for almost half an hour.

Charlie and Bill were the first to resurface from the basement, wads of parchment hanging from Bill's hands. They took their seats opposite twins silently. Remus, gripping a box, and the black shaggy dog were next. Remus sitting next to Fred, leaving a space between them for when Riley returned, and Sirius on the floor facing the table.

"You don't have to hide." Fred said, softly, to the dog.

"Percy is sound asleep. And this floor has a silencing charm on it." George added.

Sirius shook his head slightly and stayed sat on the floor without moving.

"Go on. Have a cup of tea." Molly spoke softly as she handed mugs to everyone at the table. Smiling sweetly at the hound.

Remus flicked his wand at Sirius and he was human again. The curly haired man taking a seat opposite Remus.

"Thank you, Molly." Sirius smiled softly as he was handed a hot mug of tea. Molly smiled happily at the man as she placed an ashtray on the table. Fred looked at his Mum confused. She hated it when they smoked in the house.

"It's a one off." Molly chuckled as she caught the look on her son's face. Fred and George laughed slightly and nodded.

George stood up and opened the door and windows before placing his packet of cigarettes on the table. Everyone took one, even Molly. Which shocked them all.

That's when Fred realised something quite bad had been told to Riley. If it was enough to make his mother smoke, then everyone was terribly worried about the girl. Was this about being a Faoladh? Did it come with an array of downsides? She had lived her life like that for years, what could be different now?

Or was she something else?

"What happened down there?" Fred asked concerned.

"She will tell you when she's ready Fred." Arthur smiled slightly. Fred nodded and sighed.

"What is she?" Fred tried again.

"Important," Bill sighed. "Important and burdened."

"Will she be okay?" Fred asked softly.

"Yes, she always is." Remus tried to reassure him.

But Fred couldnt help but not believe him. Remus couldn't even look at the boy when he spoke.

Fred sighed and began turning his attention back to his cigarette and mug of tea, petting Bandit who was curled up in his lap. He couldnt shake the horrible feeling that lay in his gut, the feeling that Riley needed someone with her. His chest aching for her, like he was watching her cry right infront of him.

Riley didn't particularly know where she was running to. She just needed to get away from the house. Each stride she took matched her racing heartbeat. Her head was spinning. Echos of everything she had learned ringing loud in her mind.

The Last Faoladh

Whispers that the Dark Lord has found a servant.

You will be hunted.

Light or Dark?

The power forgotten

Either rally or destroy the resistance.

The traitor's daughter

The Noble House of Black

Phoenix or Snake?

Amongst fire and destruction.

Ancient Magic.

You are the Last Black.

The Last Faoladh.

The girl stopped running. Her head pounded as she held her hands in her hair. She shot around, desperatly looking around her. Praying to see a way out of all of this. Looking for some sort of answer.

Panting. Gasping. Spinning.




Riley let out a blood curdling scream of frustration as she dropped to her knees. A ring of flames erupted around her as she hit the ground, spreading across the grass in a three meter radius surrounding her completely.

She watched defeated as the flames fizzled out after a few moments. Leaving the grass charred and smoking. She fell back onto her butt and sobbed, bringing her knees up to her chest and hiding her head in them.

Amongst fire and destruction.


Riley cried until there were no more tears left to spill, her head thumbing relentlessly. Then and only then, did she try to find her feet.

She saw blood soaked into the front of Fred's shirt that hung off her. Her hand shot to her nose and upper lip, fingertips stained crimson at the touch.

Riley sighed heavily and wiped her hand dry on the fabric. She gathered her hair, praying there wasn't any blood in it, and tied it in a messy bun too keep it out of her face.

She pulled out her packet of cigarettes and the small bottle of Whisky from her waistband. She pulled out a cigarette from the box, nestling it back into her shorts, and waved her hand infront of it.

Riley watched as the cigarette burst into a flame and dulled into a cherry red ember, and inhaled. The taste of her blood seeping into her mouth.

Putting one foot infront of the other, she shakily made her way back to the Burrow, praying everyone had went to sleep.

Fred was the first to move from the table. He popped Bandit on George's lap before he moved. He filled the kettle and gathered the mugs without uttering a word. Everyone else was slightly confused, but let the boy busy himself in anyway he wanted.

He didn't really know what he was doing, he was just on autopilot. Fred prepared everyone's cup, and one for Riley too. A gut feeling that she would be back soon. Fred placed everyone's mugs back infront of them a few minutes later, all now filled and hot once more. Then he stood facing the window, hunched over the counter.

"That's it." Sirius huffed. "It's been long enough. I'm going to find her." he announced.

"No point." Fred murmered, half dazed by the stars.

"I beg your pardon?" Sirius shot.

"There's no point going to look for her," Fred said clearly, not turning around. "She will be back soon. No point in risking yourself." He said softer, glancing back at the man in the reflection of the window.

"And what makes you so sure of that, boy?" Sirius questioned, harshly.

"Sirius." Remus warned.

"It's okay Remus," Fred chuckled. "I'm not sure. Just a hunch." he explained.

"Just a hunch." Sirius laughed, mockingly.

"Sit down Sirius. I wouldn't want to piss her off by being rude to him right now." Remus shot sternly.

"You trust him?" Sirius asked shocked.

"Undoubtedly." Remus answered.

Bill and Charlie shared a questioning look. Small smirks on their faces as they looked at their brother gazing out the window.

It wasn't long before Fred saw Riley appear from the darkness. Wobbling on her feet, just off in the distance. Fred smiled happily and stood up straight. But his smile didn't last long as the girl drew closer. She was, yet again, covered in blood.

Fred hauled off his shirt and threw it on the counter, sprinting out the door and towards a very shakey Riley.

As Riley opened the gate and stepped in carefully. Her knees bucking when she tried to take another step. Before she could hit the floor, Fred's arms were around her, lifting her back up.

"It's okay, I got you." Fred cooed quietly

He picked her up with ease, holding her close as she buried her face in him. Fred carried her back into the house, everyone on their feet wearing worried expressions. Fred sat her on the countertop and stood between her legs, he chuckled slightly as he removed the cigarette box and half full Whisky bottle from her waistband.

"What happened?" Sirius asked quickly.

"Give her a minute Sirius." Molly said softly, as she moved quickly to the sink and soaked a cloth and rung it out a little. Molly handed the cloth to her son and took in the sight of the girl on the counter.

Dazed and staring dead ahead shaking, blood drying on her face. The rest of her skin blochy from crying.

Fred began gently cleaning off the blood from Riley's face and neck. No one spoke and everyone but Molly reluctantly sat back down, they just watched Fred look after her. Conflicted between thinking the moment was sweet, or heartbreaking.

Once Rileys face was clean Fred rinsed the cloth and moved back to her. He quickly cleaned away the blood from her hand, and the dirt from her knees. Until he was stood infront of her again.

"Can you look at me please, Beautiful?" Fred cooed quietly. Riley shifted her gaze up to him, her eyes almost sparkling again when they locked on his.

"Do you want me to change your shirt and clean any blood that seeped through? Or do you want to do it?" He asked quietly. Riley nodded slightly. "Words, M'love" He reminded softly.

"Y-You" Riley croaked out.

Fred nodded slightly and grabbed the top he had taken off on his way out and placed it over her thighs. He carefully lifted the blood soaked shirt over her head, careful not to swipe the blood over her face, and dropping it in the empty sink. Fred's body blocking the view of her from everyone but his Mum, who was stood at the edge of the room, leant in the corner of the counters.

He gently ran the wet cloth over the pale marks the blood had left on her skin. Most of the marks were across her chest and the swells of her breasts.

"Are we all just going to pretend that isn't happening?" Sirius asked, annoyed.

"Fred is probably the only person she will let touch her at the moment, Pads." Remus sighed.

"This doesn't bother you?" Sirius shot to Remus.

"No." Remus shrugged.

"She is covered Sirius." Molly reassured.

"Hardly matters." He dismissed.

"With all due respect Sir. As much as i can understand your discomfort with me doing this" Fred said politely as he carried on cleaning Riley's skin. "If you think I'd even have one lewd thought or try anything, while Riley is so clearly not okay and I'm trying to look after her," he spoke softly. "Then you do not know the first thing about me, how I was raised or how I feel about your daughter."

George and Remus laughed under their breaths at Fred's polite scoulding, while Bill, Charlie and their parents all smiled proudly at Fred. Sirius looked taken aback for a moment, before he nodded once and smiled ever so slightly at the boys words.

Good answer boy

Fred finished cleaning the blood from the areas of Riley that weren't covered by her bra. He carefully placed the clean shirt over her head and guided her arms through the sleeves gently, smiling at her softly.

"Your bra had blood on it too." He whispered. Riley just nodded and didn't move, her hands still gripping his upper arms. "Do you want me to?" Riley nodded again slightly.

Fred carefully moved his hands up the back of the top, trying to avoid running his fingers along the scars. But when he found the strap of her bra he grazed over one, the worst one. She flinched slightly at the touch and drew a sharp breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Fred cooed quietly. "It's just me, Love."

Riley relaxed slightly as Fred pulled the strap from her back. Feeling him fumble with the hooks. "How on earth do you deal with these every day?" He asked chuckling.

"You're embarrassing yourself, Freddie." George quipped from behind him, earning a chuckled from the others. Fred laughed as his face turned bright red. Once he finally freed the hooks, he grinned in triumph. He slipped his hands up her sleeves and guided her arms through the straps, letting her pull the bra from the front of the shirt.

"I didn't think the first time I'd do that, would be infront of our parents" Fred whispered to Riley, with a cheeky smile and red cheeks.

No one else had heard what Fred had said, but most didn't really care what it was. It was like one joke from Fred snapped her back to reality, and Riley started laughing quietly.

She took the cloth and moved it up the front of her shirt. Blindly wiping away any blood that had gathered where Fred wouldn't dare touch. Riley moved the cloth to Fred and wiped away the smears that had gotten onto him when he picked her up. Guiding his chin, with her still shaky hands, when she moved to his neck.

"I'm sorry about your shirt. I will replace it." Riley said softly.

"Don't be daft. It will wash out." Fred smiled. He carefully removed the hair tie from her messy bun, and ran his fingers through her hair lightly. Smiling softly as he watched the bright red locks frame her face perfectly.

Riley removed the cloth from him and placed it in the sink with the blood soaked shirt. She guided Fred to her gently, by the side of his neck, and placed a kiss to his lips. Smiling gently against eachother as Fred wrapped his arms around her protectively.

"Disgusting." George teased.

"Oh shut up, just because you're alone." Bill shot.

"Speaking of," George smiled and walked up to the couple. "You good Sunshine?" He asked sincerely.

"Yes Georgie. You can go to bed" Riley laughed weakly.

"Things to do tomorrow and all that" George quipped.

"Yes. Things. " Riley said knowingly.

George shot them both a wink and trotted off up the stairs with his tea.

"How can he call anyone disgusting?" Charlie asked, shocked.

"We try to ignore his doublestandards." Fred laughed, as he helped Riley off the side.

Once Riley was sat next to Remus, Fred passed her the hot mug of tea and her packet of cigarettes. He sat next to her happily, pulling his chair closely to hers.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you both." Riley said sheepishly to Remus and Sirius.

"That's okay, Pup." Remus chuckled.

"We expected it." Sirius smiled.

"Wanna tell us what you did to earn such an impressive nose bleed?" Bill asked excitedly.

"William!" Molly scoulded quickly.

"What? She's fine!" Bill defended.

"It's okay," Riley chuckled. "I. Erm -" she stuttered slightly. "I kinda screamed and sort of set a fire." she said sheepishly.

"Details." Charlie demanded playfully.

"It just kind of erupted around me and faded out after a few moments." Riley tried to explain.

"Wicked." Bill chimed.

"Here," Remus chuckled, handing the girl a chocolate bar.

"Eat this, it will help." Remus, Sirius and Riley coursed. Riley and Sirius chuckled slightly as Remus hung his head embarrassed.

"You never change, my old friend." Sirius chimed.

"Is no one going to tell me why fire erupting from Riley is suddenly normal?" Fred asked confused.

"I will tell you later, m'love. I swear." Riley smiled as she squeezed Fred's hand that was on her thigh. Fred smiled softly at the girl.

An excitable squeek drew everyone's attention. Bandit scurried from George's empty chair, over Fred's lap, and on to Riley.

"Hey, lil bud." Riley chimed as she scooped up the Niffler.

Remus smiled slightly before looking back at Sirius. Then he looked back at his daughter holding a baby Niffler quickly, realisation in his face.

"No!" Remus shot. "Absolutely not. You are not keeping a Niffler!"

"It's too late. He is mine and Fred's." Riley smiled. "His name is Bandit." She chimed as she placed the Niffler on the table and fussed him.

"Have you not noticed him with Fred all night?" Arthur chuckled.

"I have been a little distracted" Remus admitted. "Riley, you can't keep him." he said a little sterner.

"So you can keep secrets, but I can't keep a Niffler?" Riley challenged cockily.

Everyone stiffled a laugh. Glad to see she was somewhat back to normal, cracking jokes and pushing buttons.

"She has you there, mate." Bill joked.

"I think we should let her keep the Niffler." Sirius smiled.

"No. He will destroy everything." Remus stated.

"He's actually quite well behaved." Fred beamed.

"Pup, no." Remus sighed.

"Pup, yes." Riley mocked and grinned.

"Riley, no." he said a little firmer.

"Riley, yes." Sirius beamed.

"No," Remus laughed as he looked at Sirius. "You don't get a say."

"He does get a say." Riley smiled.

"Is that because he is on your side darlin'?" Fred smirked as he took a sip of his tea.

"Yes." Riley said as if it was obvious.

"And what if he wasn't?" Bill laughed.

"Then I would ignore him." Riley shrugged.

"Ouch." Sirius mocked hurt.

"Don6t take it personally," Arthur laughed. "She has spent entirely too much time with Fred and George."

"Me and Georgie are great examples." Fred beamed.

"Yes, I'm sure you are." Charlie said sarcastically.

"Let's not go into the details of the letter I received this morning." Molly smirked as she took her seat.

"Is that the Riot Day letter?" Remus asked happily. Molly nodded slightly as she rolled her eyes. "Can I see it? I haven't been home to read it yet." Remus grinned.

Molly laughed slightly and pulled out a letter from her pocket and passed it to Remus. While Remus read through the letter Fred passed around lit cigarettes to everyone, other than his Mum who shook her head slightly at the offer.

Remus laughed quietly as he read through the letter until he passed it to Sirius. Who read through it excitedly, a sparkle in his eyes and a large grin on his face. Pumping out pride and joy as he realised his daughter is just as mischievousness as he was.

"Who did what?" Sirius asked happily.

"It was a team effort." Riley chuckled.

"Riley planted the shampoo in every common room with Ginny -" Fred started.

"You got Ginny involved?!" Molly asked quickly.

"She was with Riley, she was fine!" Fred defended quickly. "She didn't get any of the blame."

"The girl looks far to innocent to be blamed" Riley sniggered as she blew smoke from her nose.

"But yeah, Riley planted the shampoo, and enchanted the Hall's ceiling. And she showed us how to transfigure the creatures and things, " Fred beamed proudly. "And she did the strategy side of the plan."

"You've became their bloody ring leader?" Bill asked shocked, laughing slightly.

"I have never been more proud." Sirius grinned.

"Oi! They could get into serious trouble!" Molly scoulded as she swatted Sirius' arm.

"McGonagall loves us. She wouldn't let anything but detention happen." Riley chuckled.

"Ahh. Minnie had a soft spot for us too." Sirius smiled thoughtfully.

"Minnie?!" Fred asked shocked. Laughing slightly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Riley asked Sirius jokingly.

"It's a much shorter list to ask what is right with him." Remus teased.

"That starts, and ends, with my hair." Sirius quipped, jokingly flicking his curly locks.

"You do have very nice hair." Bill admitted.

"And tattoos." Charlie added.

"Speaking of tattoos," Riley grinned cheekily. "Can I have one?" She asked Sirius.

Sirius smiled slightly at the thought of her asking his permission. Though he was confused as to why Riley was asking him and not Remus. He was also absolutely certain that if he were to say no, she would completely ignore him.

"Why are you asking me, and not Moony?" Sirius questioned playfully.

"I've already said I don't mind, as long as she asks you." Remus chuckled. Sirius nodded understandingly and turned back to Riley.

"Where are you thinking of having it?" He asked softly.

"Over the scars." Riley answered with a shrug.

"What are you hoping to get?" Sirius asked intrigued.

"I have a few ideas." She smiled.

"Okay, well, once you have decided, let me know." Sirius grinned. "I don't mind you having one as long as the design is nice." he chuckled.

The group sat and spoke a little longer while they finished their drinks, until Remus said that him and Sirius should head off and let everyone get to sleep. Molly handed Sirius back his wand with a happy smile, said her goodbyes and let Riley and Fred see them out.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Remus asked his daughter softly as he held her close.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just need to think things over a little." Riley chuckled. Remus nodded understandingly and let the girl go.

Sirius smiled at her, she could feel him so clearly. Proud, content, filled with love.

"Thank you for coming" Riley smiled and hugged the curly haired man.

"That's okay, Kiddo." Sirius chuckled as he held her. "You make sure you let me know if you need anything." he ordered gently. "Arthur has my address"

"I will," Riley agreed. "Do you have your dagger?" She chuckled.

"That's not my dagger. It's yours, " Sirius laughed. "No one has ever used it before. It's always been left for you."

"I don't know how I feel about having something that says always pure on it" Riley grimaced slightly as she pulled away from her father.

"Don't think of it as Pureblooded. Try and think of it as Pure of Heart." Sirius advised with a wink. Riley gave an unconvinced nod and half laughed.

"I'll come and check on you in a few days. You rest and don't over excert yourself." Remus ordered Riley.

"Maybe." Riley chuckled.

"You look after her." Remus instructed Fred as he pulled the boy into a hug.

"Always." Fred grinned.

When Remus let go of the boy, Fred turned to Sirius. Black didn't look half as aggravated by the boy as he did when he first arrived, clearly starting to realise he wasn't a bad lad. But when Fred held his hand out to Sirius, with a smile, to shake his hand. Sirius scoffed laughing and rolled his eyes.

"Put your hand down, boy." Sirius instructed, amused.

"Yes, Sir" Fred chuckled.

Sirius gave the boy a small nod before transforming back into a dog.

The pair watched as Remus and the shaggy black dog walked to the end of the path. Remus crouched down and put his hand on the back of the dog. And in a blink of an eye the pair were gone. The lingering sound of the snap echoed in the last still moments of the night air.

Fred closed the door after them, to see Bill and Charlie stood behind them, and Arthur and Molly gathering the cups from the table.

"You did really well tonight, Lil Wolf." Bill said softly to Riley.

"We all thought you were going to go on a rampage." Charlie chuckled.

"Thank you for your faith in me." Riley scoffed sarcasticlly.

"You should have gone on a rampage," Bill chuckled. "The fact that you didn't shows you have more control over yourself than you think." he smiled.

"Or she's insane and unbothered by life altering information" Charlie chirped.

"Either fits." Riley shrugged.

"You're not insane." Fred chuckled.

"You're just a Black." Bill teased.

"You four. Off up to bed now, get a few hours sleep before everyone is making a racket again." Molly instructed.

"We have to feed Bandit soon, but we will after." Fred smiled as he wrapped his arm around Rileys waist.

"Aww, look at these pair." Bill mocked nudging Charlie, gesturing to the couple.

"Bed." Molly ordered again.

"Alright, fine." Bill huffed. Charlie and Bill begrudgingly made their way up the stairs. The last thing anyone heard was Charlie's grumbling protest of;

"Anyone would think we are still thirteen." Earning a small chuckle from the four who were still in the kitchen.

Fred quickly moved infront of Riley and picked her up by the backs of her thighs. A wide grin on his face and a little glint of mischievousness in his eyes.

"Fred!" She protested quickly as her face burned red. Embarrassed that Fred was being so flirty infront of his parents.

"Be careful with her, Fred dear." Molly chuckled as she waved her wand over the sink. Uttering a spell to remove the blood from the shirt and cloth that sat in it.

"She's fine," Fred beamed as he carried Riley over to the countertop by the sink. "Aren't you m'love?" He asked cheekily as he sat the girl on the countertop.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Riley chuckled slightly. "Don't worry Mrs Weasley" she reassured.

"Molly, dear." The woman reminded.

"Right, sorry." Riley smiled.

"Are you sure you're alright Riley?" Arthur asked sweetly.

"I think so." Riley nodded.

"If you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to ask," Arthur said warmly. "We all just want to help you figure this out as smoothly as possible."

"Thank you." Riley smiled softly as she pet Bandit, who was on Fred's shoulder.

"You can carry on up, Arthur Love, I won't be long." Molly smiled. Arthur nodded happily and leant towards his wife placing a warm kiss to her cheek.

Riley could feel Molly's reaction. The kick of excitement and flutter of pure love. It warmed Riley to think that; even after all those years of Molly and Arthur being married, and seven children later, they still loved eachother so deeply. Still able to make each other's heart's flutter.

Arthur made his way up the stairs as Molly threw the shirt and cloth into the laundry basket. Then she turned to Fred and Riley.

"Oh, what have I done now?" Fred asked, laughing. Recognising the look in his mother's face.

"I just wanted to ask you two a few questions. Now everyone else is gone." She smiled knowingly.

Riley shifted, nerves tingling over her body. She knew something was going to be said about her and Fred.

"Go on," Fred urged, unphased. Molly sighed and looked between the two teenagers.

"Are you two-" Molly started. "Being safe?"

Riley choked on a laugh, quickly slapping her hand over her mouth in panic. Her face burning bright red.

"We havent-" Fred laughed as he watched the girl panic. "We haven't done anything." Fred reassured.

"Do not lie to me, Fred Weasley." Molly warned softly.

"We really haven't." Riley chuckled, still shocked.

"Then why is there a bruise on your collar?" Molly asked with raised brows. Rileys face dropped when she realised Molly must have seen it when Fred was cleaning the blood off her.

"Oh, merlin," Riley groaned, her face turning impossibly redder.

"We were just fooling around. I haven't actually touched her." Fred explained with a shrug.

"Fred!" Riley protested.
Don't tell your mother.

"Riley dear, I have seven children," Molly chuckled. "There is nothing either of you can tell me, that will shock me."

Riley nodded, wholeheartedly uncomfortable.

Molly talking to her about sex wouldn't have phased her a year ago, but now she was with Fred, it made her skin crawl. She kind of thought Molly wouldn't be okay with the idea of her kids fooling around with anyone. Never mind the toublemaking wolf-girl.

"Well, you know about the box in the bathroom if you ever need anything." Molly smiled and began filling the sink with soapy water. Molly really was unphased by the conversation.

"Box in the bathroom?" Riley asked Fred, confused.

"It has condoms and lubes and stuff in it," Fred shrugged. "Been there as long as i can remember." He chuckled.

"It's been there since Bill was around twelve." Molly smiled. "We had six boys and baby Ginny, so we thought it was a good idea for it not to be strange to have them accessible," She half explained. "Didn't want anything to be hidden or secret. Would much rather be asked about things and have my children be safe than making mistakes that could be prevented." The woman shrugged.

"Though these days I think it's only George who takes them." Fred added.

"Ofcourse it is." Riley rolled her eyes.

"You should probably keep some on you too now, Fred. Just incase." Molly suggested. "You too, Riley."

"If I say I will take some, can we stop having this conversation?" Riley asked awkwardly.

"Okay." Molly chuckled. "Just know if you need anyone to talk to, you can come to me. Having two fathers probably isn't the easiest when it comes to that sort of thing as a young woman."

"I will consider it." Riley pointed out jokingly.

"As for you," Molly turned to Fred. "I would imagine Bill will corner you at some point to talk to him about this again." she joked.

"Am I not allowed to ask you questions?" Fred laughed.

"You can, but I can't imagine you'd want to." Molly chuckled.

"Good point." Fred agreed. "Anyway, leave that," he instructed, gesturing to the sink filled with cups and soapy water. "I'll do it. Go and get some sleep, Mum. " Fred smiled.

"Dont be daft." Molly scoffed.

"Mum. Go." Fred said a little sterner. "You know you will be the first up. So go." He laughed, passing his mother a towel to dry her hands.

"Fine. But only because you have to feed Bandit." Molly sighed.

"Thank you." Fred grinned.

Molly dried her hands and nudged Fred out of the way to get to Riley. Earning a chuckle from all of them. Molly guided the girl into a small hug and kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight, dear." Molly smiled as she pulled away and squeezed the girls cheek.

"Goodnight, Molly." Riley grinned.

Molly turned to Fred and pulled the boy down to her height firmly. Squeezing him and muttering something in his ear that Riley didn't quite catch. Fred chuckled and kissed his Mums cheek as they pulled away.

"Night, Mum." Fred grinned.

"Love you both." Molly beamed as she walked away from them.

"You too." Riley giggled.

"Love you, mum." Fred smiled as he plunged his hands into the sink.

Riley waited until she heard Molly trudge up the creaking stairs and shut her's and Arthur's bedroom door. Then she burst out laughing.

"You looked so uncomfortable," Fred laughed as he washed the cups.

"I thought I was going to cry," Riley gasped. Grabbing a bottle and the kettle from her seat on the counter.

"I thought you were comfortable with my Mum?" Fred asked sniggering.

"I am normally. But I didn't really expect to be with her son." Riley pointed out, still laughing as she mixed the milk for Bandit.

"You literally could tell her anything, and she wouldn't care." Fred chuckled.

"I kinda thought she wouldn't want me with you," Riley admitted. "Never mind potentionally fucking you" she laughed, placing down Bandits bottle to cool.

"Potentially?" Fred asked jokingly.

"Eventually." Riley shrugged. "What did she say to you? When she hugged you?" She asked intrigued.

"Not telling." Fred teased as he put the last of the mugs on the drainer.

"Oh please?" Riley giggled.

"She said she hates you," Fred joked as he took his place between Riley's legs again. He carefully removed Bandit from Riley's shoulder and placed him on the side. When he looked back up at the girl she was glaring at him.

"Now I'm worried." Riley admitted.

"She obviously didn't say that." Fred chuckled.

"Why can't you tell me what she said then?" Riley laughed as she rested her hands on his neck and shoulders.

"I can tell you." He shrugged with a cheeky smile.

"Then tell me." Riley groaned, giggling.

"Hmm," Fred hummed thoughtfully. "Convince me to." he grinned cheekily.

Riley smirked at him and moved to the very edge of the counter as she pushed her lips to his. His hands falling to her hips as she glided her tongue across his lips.

They melted into the gentle kiss, tongues caressing each others lovingly until Riley pulled away slightly. She nipped gently along his jaw until she came to his ear.

"Tell me," She whispered, loving the way he took a shakey breath at her breath licked the shell of his ear.

"Said she's happy for me," Fred mumbled. His hands trailing up Riley's sides slightly. "That you're perfect for me." he added as he dipped his head to the crook of her neck, kissing and nipping at the skin.

"Perfect." Riley scoffed in a giggle.

"You are perfect." Fred said sternly.

Riley's hands found Fred's hair and gave it a light tug, wrapping her legs loosely around his waist, earning a low groan from him.

"She thinks I'm perfect for you now," Riley quipped. Pulling him closer with her legs until his crotch was firmly against her core. "But I can't imagine she would if she knew the shit going through my head right now."

She could feel Fred's crotch hardening against her as he hummed in response.

"Wanna share those thoughts with me, Angel?" Fred asked. The rumble of his voice against her neck made her whimper. The noise made something snap inside Fred, along with the knowledge that his dick was firmly against her center, and he pulled her closer quickly. Her whole body pressed firmly against him as he reconnected their lips desperately. Hands running from eachothers cheeks, to in their hair, to on their necks. Gripping firmly, possessivly, as they gasped and moaned quietly into it.

"This counter," Riley started between kisses. "Is the perfect height," she giggled. "For you to fuck me like this, on it."

"Trouble." Fred chuckled, quickly moving his hand to her waist under her shirt. Fingers dipping into her flesh in such a delicious way it made her moan softly.

He could feel her core and thighs twitching against him, causing him to groan quietly every time. It took every bit of self control he had not to grind himself against her. To let her feel every inch of him as he made her whimper and whine without removing a single piece of her clothes.

"Fred, I -" Riley gasped. "I want you."

"I know, Baby Girl. I want you too." Fred said breathlessly. He moved his hips back slightly, desperate to not go too far, and rested his forehead on hers. Riley whined slightly at the loss of contact.

"Freddie, please." Riley whispered, holding his face and neck. He chuckled slightly.

"As pretty as your begging is, Princess," Fred said lowly. "You know we can't," he added. "You said yourself. You wouldn't want to hide your body from me." he smirked.

"I know." Riley sighed.

"Though, for the life of me, I can not figure out what it is that makes you want to hide." he chuckled as he stepped away a little further.

He took in the sight of her. She was stunning. Her figure was amazing. And even if it wasn't, he loved her too much to think anything but; perfection.

Riley's eyes dropped to the floor and her shoulders slumped a little. She wanted to tell him. She had told George. Why hadn't she told Fred?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Fred cooed. Suddenly panicked, worrying what he had said or done wrong.

"It's my back," She admitted quietly.

"What?" Fred asked confused. "Is it hurting?" He rushed.

"No, it's not hurting," Riley chuckled. "It's just the scars -" her voice shook.

"You don't have to tell me anything, Beautiful." Fred said sweetly, running his hands up and down her arms.

"The scars are the reason why I don't want to be naked in front of you." She finally said quietly.

"Why?" He questioned. "Darlin, I bandaged them. I've already seen them." Fred reasoned.

"I know. And i know they aren't an issue for you. It's more like -" Riley sighed. "I wouldn't want you to look at them, in that kind of scenario, and have you pity me. Or you touch them, and I flinch away from you." She explained.

"Riley, I don't pity you." Fred said seriously.

"I know you don't on a whole," Riley said softly. "But I'd be worried you do." She shrugged. "And I flinched at you grazing over one of them undoing my bra earlier. How am I supposed to have sex with you, if you can't touch my skin?" She almost laughed.

Fred felt sick. A dreaded thought going through his mind. He watched her face closely, praying not to see any hint of a lie or false truth. 

"Are you having that procedure done, because you want it. Or because you want me?" Fred asked softly.

"It's not because of you," Riley said seriously. "I've looked at my back probably five times in five years. There are only a few people I have willingly shown it to. I don't want to have this procedure done because I want you to look at my body, " she explained softly. "I want it done so I can look at myself."

Fred knew she was telling the truth. But he couldn't help but feel like he still played a part in it.

"Fred, it's not because of you, M'love." Riley cooed. Fred nodded understandly, he hated there was nothing he could do to make her feel better about this. It wasn't something anyone could fix.

"Can you try something for me?" She asked softly. Fred nodded slightly.

Riley pulled him back towards her, wrapping her legs around him again. She kissed him. Softly, tentively. Trying to get him to relax a little. Hating the thought that he thinks she is having a surgery because of him.

He did relax fairly quickly. His hands finding the side of her face and her hip once more.

Fred wasn't entirely sure what Riley wanted him to do, but he kissed her happily. Lapping at her tongue with his sweetly, holding her close to him.

This kiss wasn't full of need. It wasn't possessive or desperate. It was full of trust.

And then Fred realised what she wanted him to do.

He kissed along her jaw and to the soft spot in the crook of her neck. Fred nipped lightly at the skin. Kissing and running his tongue over it as Riley whimpered slightly. She nuzzled into his shoulder, kissing his collar bone lightly. Then Fred moved his other hand so he held both of her hips. Kneeding her skin through her shorts.

"Are you okay, Beautiful?" He asked softly against her neck.

"Yes." Riley answered breathlessly.

Fred ran his palms up her sides under her shirt, purposely not being careful of her scars. He could feel them, ever so slightly. The smallest dips from the bite mark that plagued her side, the smallest ridges as his fingertips grazed edges of the claw marks.

Yet she didn't flinch, not yet. Riley had carried on breathlessly moaning at the kisses he left on her neck, as she held a hand in his hair and kissed along his collar.

He kept running his hands where she had allowed so far. Cherishing the way she trusted him and the feeling of her skin under his hands. He edged his fingers further back ever so slightly, and she still didn't flinch.

Fred wondered how much she could actually feel. If she could feel his fingers brushing her skin. He thought surely she would have some sort of nerve damage from the way she had been cut.

Riley pulled Fred closer. Almost urging him on. She wasn't anxious at all, and it surprised her beyond measure. She felt completely safe with Fred. He didn't think anything of the scars, he hadn't eased up his consistent touch.

Being urged closer to Riley, made Fred almost desperate. He hadn't realised how much he wanted to touch her skin, to feel all of her.

As his hands came back down to her hips he gave her a light squeeze, before bringing his hands a little closer together at the small of her back. Hesitating in bringing his hands further up.

Riley still didn't flinch or gasp. She just moulded into him, pushing herself further to him as she kissed along the muscle between his shoulder and neck.

"It's okay," Riley whispered. "I'm okay." she reassured between her quiet moans from Fred's kisses on her neck.

Fred hummed in response, his lips locked on her neck, and edged his hands up higher.

He moved his hands, coming together and then back apart, along the skin above her shorts. And Riley... moaned?

"You okay, m'love?" Fred asked softly against her neck.

Riley nodded and hummed contently. Fred moved one of his hands up higher, still firm against her back.

He knew exactly where the worst scar was. The only one that hadn't healed flat, but rather an inch-wide dip. He hadn't touched it yet, he was just next to it and just under it. It ran from between her shoulder blades to just above his hand on her right side.

Fred hadn't realised it, but much to her surprise Riley quite liked this. She liked him being so close, his hands roaming over her bare skin. Thankful his touches were firm and not light, so she could feel every moment clearly.

Riley guided Fred to look at her for a moment. Both looked completely calm and comfortable, and she pushed her lips to his.

As they melted into eachother Fred completely forgot what he was doing. He held Riley flush against him, and his hands brushed over the scar, but neither noticed.

Too lost in eachother to realise.

It wasn't until his fingers were holding the back of her neck under the shirt, with his arm directly between the blades of her shoulders, and his other arm wrapped around her middle, that he had realised she hadn't reacted.

Fred kissed her firmer, when she tugged at his hair slightly, letting his hands run over her back and hips as he pleased. Riley almost leant into it, his touch, absolutely loving how close he felt. How close she let him.

Until an angry shout snapped them from their moment. Fred and Riley looked to the side of them to see Bandit. Stood on his hind feet, almost glaring at them.

They both laughed slightly.

"I think someone is hungry." Riley giggled.

"I think you might be right." Fred agreed.

He nudged her head with his lightly, and she turned to look at him. Fred placed one last light kiss to her lips before pulling away. Letting his fingers run over the skin on her back as he removed his hands from the shirt.

They took Bandit out into the back garden, sitting on the floor and looking up at the sky, which was slowly getting lighter. Riley was sat between Fred's legs like usual with his arms around her waist, tracing circles on her hip.

Riley fed Bandit and lit both her and Fred a cigarette each. Neither spoke much, not feeling like they had to, while they smoked. Not wasting much time before they headed up to bed.

Riley chuckled to herself when she saw the twins bedroom, properly for the first time that day. It really hadn't changed much since the first day she had seen it. Piles of papers and Notebooks cluttering the two desks, the two beds pressed against either wall.

Usually there was quite a gap between the beds, but right now there were three mattresses sprawled out in the room. Ron snoring on one, Ginny curled up on another. The third lay empty, supposedly for Riley. Molly probably didn't know that her and Fred would share his bed.

Yet they did. Fred creeped in first, laying flat on his back, holding up the blanket for Riley. She crawled ontop of him, placing a kiss to his lips and she settled into him.

"Night, Gorgeous" Riley hummed as she buried her head in his neck.

"Goodnight, Beautiful" Fred chimed, wrapping his arms around her, tucking the blanket around them as he went.

A/N - Heya, I would love to hear if you're enjoying this story so far or have any ideas about things you'd like to see in it.
Drop a comment or a message to let me know what you think and don't forget to vote - BloodyInspired xoxox

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