Red vs Blue and the Corporal...

By The212thproductions_

2.6K 113 18

Red vs Blue with a Corporal returns with season 2. More than 3 months had passed since Agent Tex arrived and... More

OC: Private Freya
Ep 1: Everything old is new again
Ep 3: Red vs Bleu
Ep 4: The joy of toggling
Ep 5: Sweet Ride
Ep 6: Last words
Ep 7: Nobody likes you
Ep 8: Nine tenths of the law
Ep 9: In stereo where available
Ep 10: Radar love
Ep 11: I dream of meanie
Ep 12: Room for rent
Ep 13: Me, myself and you
Ep 14: An audience of dumb
Ep 15: Aftermath, before anomaly
Ep 16: What's mine is yours
Ep 17: Nut. Doonut
Ep 18: Dealer incentive
Ep 19: K.I.T. B.F.F

Ep 2: Motion to Adjourn

145 6 0
By The212thproductions_

Outside the Blue Base the Reds were engaged in against the Blues who were in cover from the incoming bullet fire. 

Church: Okay, Tucker, I need you to get up there, help Caboose shore up the defence, establish a suppressing fire, and hold that position until further notice.

Tucker: I didn't even know what half of that meant.

Church: Just go over to Caboose's rock, and fire your gun a bunch.

Tucker: That rock? Yeah, I don't think so.

Church: We do not have time to discuss this.

Tucker: Sure, no time for you to discuss it. You get to hang out here with Nancy No-Bullets shootin' the breeze. Meanwhile, I'm out there, running around, eating a machine gun sandwich.

Church: Tucker, we're gonna give you covering fire.

Tucker: Covering fire? Unless that means you're gonna build a huge, bulletproof wall between me and them, I think you needs to come up with a new plan. Preferably one that involves me keeping the same quantity of blood that I have right now.

Church: No problem. Oh wait wait, does the blood have to be in your body?

As that was happening Steve, Simmons and Grif were all firing their Assault rifles on the blue base, littering the walls with bullet holes and Grif seemed to have gone crazy with the trigger fire.

Grif: GGGGuuuuyyyysss... I-I can't ffeeel my handdds.

Simmons: Maybe you should lay off the trigger, you dumbass.

Steve however was firing his assault rifle so hard with no recoil as he reloaded with absolute ease. 

Grif: show off!

Meanwhile Church was giving out his orders to combat against the attacking Reds.

Church: Right...Freya right? I need you to return fire right fucking now!

Freya: need to be so fussy about it.

And she took out her magnums and returned fire against the reds. Though she had to duck several times as bullets ricochet went by. 

Church: Alright you, Doc, get over there and help Caboose!

DuFresne: My name isn't Doc, it's DuFresne.

Church: Yeah. I can't pronounce that, so from now on, your name is Doc.

DuFresne: I'm not really comfortable with that. I'm not a doctor, I'm a medic.

Tucker: What's the difference?

DuFresne: Well, a doctor cures people. A medic just makes them more comfortable while they die.

Tucker: Mental note: don't ever get shot.

Church: It's settled then. Your name is now DOC.

DuFresne: Alright, but I don't think it'll stick.

Tucker: Oh, trust us, it'll stick.

Church: Now get over to Caboose, and help him hold that position.

Doc: I don't have a gun, I'm a pacifist.

Church: Well then just get over there and yell "bang bang bang".

Doc: Eh, I don't know. Even that sounds pretty aggressive.

Tucker: Oh, come on.

Doc: Besides, I'm not supposed to get involved unless someone gets hurt.

Church: Huh. I see.

Church then looked at Caboose before raising his sniper and then fires one shot onto Caboose.

Caboose: Ahow! My foot...

Church: Well, looks like Caboose has hurt himself. Maybe you should get over there and help him, Doc.

Doc: You know, you could have just asked nicely.

The Reds were still firing on to the blues though they didn't seem to bring enough bullets with them as their supply was running low. 

Steve: Changing mags! 

The Corporal tried to change but realised he was out.

Steve: Damn, I'm out! Hey Grif could you pass me a couple rounds?

Grif: Me? I don't have any extra. I'm down to one bullet.

Simmons: Wha- How can that be? You're the one who carries all the extra rounds in to battle.

Grif: Wait, since when?

Steve: Since the last staff meeting we had!

Grif: We actually talk about stuff in those things? I just fall asleep inside my helmet.

Simmons: Well, you missed your job assignment, and now we have no ammo.

Grif: What's your job?

Simmons: Me? I'm the Social Chairman.

Grif: Then what's your job Steve?

Steve: I'm the Vice president.

Grif: Seriously!?

Sarge: Grif. Me and Treasurer Donut are empty. We need some clips.

Simmons: Hey Grif, you remember that one bullet you have left? I thought of the perfect way you can use it.

Steve: I fully support your decision Simmons

As the gunfire was ceased, Doc had finally made his way over to Caboose who was still injured from the bullet wound.

Doc: I'm here Caboose, where're you hit?

Caboose: Ah, ow, ow, ow, my foot, my foot! 

Doc: The left foot?

Caboose: Ah, left. Let's see, that makes an L with this thumb and..

Doc: I'm just gonna assume it's the bleeding one.

Caboose: Yeah, the red one. I can't believe Church shot me.

Church: Oh don't even start, Caboose!

He yelled out with an echo throughout the canyon. 

Doc: Anything else?

Caboose: Uh, well what?

Doc: Anything else?

Caboose: Uh-wait, what?

Doc: You have a bullet wound in the foot. Is anything else wrong?

Caboose: Uh... Oh, I got one. Uh, well, sometimes when I fall asleep at night I think about my parents having sex, and I get really really mad for some reason.

Doc just stared blankly after hearing that. 

Doc:...Okay I'm just gonna start with the foot.

Caboose: Okay.

As that was happening the trio of blues realised that the Reds had stopped firing on them all.

Tucker: Hey dude, why aren't the Reds firing?

Church: I don't know, maybe they're outta ammo.

Sarge: Hey, Blues! We are giving you a chance to surrender!

Church: Surrender?

In Steve's head Allison who had her helmet off just rolled her eyes on the sight before themselves.

Allison: This is gonna be embarrassing for us...

Steve: I know, tell me about it...Oh, they've got themselves a new recruit now.

Allison: Wait what?


Tex is talking to Steve at the end like how Cortana talks to Chief in Halo 4, if anyone was wondering.

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