Cherry Red - George Weasley

By LouWrites4you

150K 4.3K 965

"Autumn used to be my favourite season, until I met you" Autumn Carrow was a Slytherin alumni, similar to th... More

Cherry Red
1 - sixth year
2 - unlucky
3 - Drinking games
4 - Like one would savour a woman
5 - Gryffindor-like
6 - George Weasley Loved Long Legs
7 - The Library
8 - Red Dress
9 - Drunken Words
10 - Evil
11 - The Savior
12 - Brooch
13 - Mistakes and Mischief
14 - Point proven
15 - Amycus Carrow
16 - Bloody Nose
17 - Curiosity Killed The Carrow
18 - Blood Suits You
19 - Delicate Touch
20 - The Weasley Touch
21 - Broken Bones Heal
22 - You've Grown
23 - Short and Sweet
24 - George Weasley Is A Dead Man
25 - Stained
26 - Gryffindor vs Slytherin
27 - Disappearance
28 - Saving Autumn Carrow
29 - Death Follows
30 - Acceptance
31 - Saviour
32 - Marriage
33 - Already Dead
34 - Lean On Me
35 - Us Against Them
36 - Wedding Planning
37 - Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
38 - I Do. Do You?
39 - Betrayal Cuts Deep
40 - Silly Girl
41 - You Feel That?
42 - Jump


2.5K 58 15
By LouWrites4you

Ten Years Later

Twenty eight, the years had flown in and Autumn's birthday had snuck up on her as it always did. She was twenty eight today, come to think of it Autumn had always been filled with dread when it came to aging. She'd always imagined she'd end up like her mother, slowly withering away under the weight of a horrible husband. She at one point hoped she'd never reach twenty one never mind twenty eight but here she was.

She reached a hand out to the other side of the rather large bed only to be disappointed to find it empty. Scrunching the covers in her hand for a brief moment while she hoped she'd have been able to roll over into an early morning birthday gift. Though, it hadn't been so easy now to get away with such activities.

Pulling back the white sheets and twisting to slide her feet into the rather cosy slippers beside her bed she sucked in a breath and letting a smile cover her face. She wasn't living how she'd feared she would be. She  wasn't in the same situation her mother had been in. Her mother whose picture sat on the unit by her bed. God she missed her, at first she'd blamed herself for losing her mother. She'd experienced so much loss that day in both death and friendships —like Daphne who was now to serve life in Azkaban— but she'd also gained so much that day. She had gained a loving husband and that was something she could never lose.

The silk of her dressing gown hugged her tightly as she opened the bedroom door and closed her eyes prepared to be bombarded. Though after a few seconds she peeled her eyes open to an empty hallway. Strange.

Making her way down the stairs she could hear the panicked whispered "shh!" From more than one individual.

Her heart leaped hearing those tiny little voices that made her life what it was. Then she heard a husk shh from George himself. Just when she thought his morning voice couldn't get any sexier, he liked to prove her wrong.

Entering the living room she could hear giggles coming from the kitchen and while walking around into the kitchen she seen a little bum and two feet sticking out from the very edge of the island. She couldn't help but let out a laugh, "oh no!" She tried her very best to sound concerned, "where are my babies?" She placed her hands on her hips watched the little body shake with laughter, "Leo?" She called, "Siri?"

Leo. Leonardo Fredrick Weasley named after Lee Jordan and Fred Weasley, Leo had been their first born baby boy. Autumn hadn't believed she could love George more until she watched him become a father and then came his baby girl Siri. Sirielle Molly Weasley. Named after Sirius Black and Molly Weasley.

"I'm here Mummy!" The smaller of the two came hurdling out from her hiding spot clutching at Autumn's legs.

"Siri!" Leo huffed standing up, "the birthday prank was working!" He stomped his little foot.

Leo had been six and Siri three.

Siri popped out a pouted lip while George stood attempting to crack his back. It was rather difficult for someone his height to be hunched down how he had, "I'm sorry!" The littlest let her bottoms lip shake slightly knowing exactly how to tug her dad's heartstrings.

"Now now" Autumn bent down nodding for Leo to make his way to her, "I think that was the best birthday prank, all thanks to both of you—"

"And daddy" Leo interjected.

"—and daddy" Autumn looked up to see the delicious smirk covering George's face, "I'm glad you told me when you did or I might just have been calling the ministry to send out a search party" she squeezed them both into a large hug, "I believe you two might be taking up the mantle of being the best pranksters in the Weasley family" she tried to whisper knowing George had heard.

"Ouch mummy" George lifted a hand to his heart, "you wound me"

"Happy birthday mummy!" Siri squeaked whilst jumping up and down.

"Does this mean you're old now?" Leo giggled.

"I most certainly am not old" she stood tall again, "just you wait until your twenty eighth birthday and I'll remind you of this very moment"

"I'm not sure mummy" Leo looked down, "I hear your memory goes with old age, you might not remember—" he giggled and hurried around to his dad whilst Autumn ran toward him with the tickle fingers, "daddy help!" He laughed jumping into George's arms, "ha!" He looked back to Autumn, "I'm safe from your tickles now"

"Alrighty" George interrupted, "I think you two need to get ready for the super special birthday present we have planned for mummy" he looked between the two, "what do we think?"

"We gotta be quick"

The pair answered together.

"Alright run up stairs and brush your teeth and hair" he placed Leo down, "I'll be up soon to help you get yourselves ready" he nodded for the two to run off.

"A special birthday present huh?" Autumn cooed after hearing their little feet thump up the staircase, "and here I was thinking you were my present" she smirked whilst sipping the piping hot tea George had poured for her.

"I'm now both a wedding present and a birthday present?" George stood in front of her and placed the cup down. She thought back fondly to their second wedding, a wedding that allowed everyone to attend. They'd intended on hosting it sooner than they did but after everything that had gone on and wanting to make it perfectly they'd waited three years. Autumn had been twenty one when they'd had their big wedding as they all called it and that had been the night Leo was conceived, "are you trying to tell me something?"

She smirk at the memory now, "perhaps"

"I think we have room for more" George was referring to the two little rascals they already had, "don't you?" Autumn leaned up to kiss her husband sweetly tugging at the back of his hair. George couldn't help but let out a hum of pleasure, "mums coming to collect the kids early"

"How perfect" she hummed into kissing him again feeling his hand go from the counter top to slipping around her waist.

"I think you should head up to our bedroom" he smacked her bum hinting for her to jump and catching her rather effortlessly, "I bought you the most beautiful dress which I hid in a box under the bed" he carried his wife up the stairs whilst hearing the water run in the kids bathroom, "I think you should get prepared to go for a nice shower" he opened the bedroom door walked in and shut it tight, "and as soon as I get the kids ready and out—" he dropped her gently on the fluffy bed, untying the dressing gown to see those sweet little silk jammies he bought her clinging to her body, "I'll join you" he kissed from her jaw to her chest, where the silk stopped just above her nipple.

"Please—" she begged, wrapping her legs around his torso.

"Daddy!" A little voice yelled, "nanny will be here soon"

George looked down at his watch, "ten minutes baby" he whispered into her ear, "I know you'll wait for me nice and good Hm?"

Autumn pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the bed as he went to leave, "maybe" she smiled, "or maybe I won't be able to refrain from touching—"

"You know what happens when you misbehave baby" and with that he exited and she heard the excited squeals of her two babies. She loved how attentive he was to both her and their children but god did she ache for him right now.

She tried distracting herself, bending down to look under the bed and see a large black box. He really had bought her a dress. The box was large and beautiful tied with a green ribbon. Unable to wait she pulled it out and placed it atop of their bed, and shook a little with excitement. The silk ribbon fell over the duvet after she tugged it, pulling the lid of the box open a sob could've escaped her at the sheer beauty of the dress.

It was below the knee length and was covered in stitched on flower designs. It had an illusion of being a near see-through material with the colour but it wasn't. The sleeves puffed out a little and the skirt looked as though it would bounce around with her. It was silk and would cling to her perfectly.

George loved how silk fitted her. Ever since those jammies in the closet when she went off to find him.

Hearing the front door open she realised just how long she'd been stood there for.

Tearing herself away from the box she entered their on-suite bathroom with a large glass shower and turned on the shower. She heard him entering the bedroom and closing the door and she stared ahead until she caught him in the mirror. He'd stopped in the doorway watching her slowly slide the shorts down her legs to reveal the lace panties he'd bought her only a month before for Valentine's Day. This woman amazed him every day and today was no exception. She turned to face him and gripped the bottom of the top.

"Help me?" She suggested looking up at him innocently.

George's smirk had always got her going. Especially when he stalked toward her tearing the T-shirt her wore over his head in one quick motion. He stopped in front of her and looked down to the tartan jammie bottoms he still wore that she'd bought him for his Christmas, "take them off for me, sweetness?" She hadn't hesitated before dropping down to pull them to the floor and sticking a finger into the band of his boxers, "not yet, stand up" he demanded knowing Autumn's pleasure came from being submissive and praised, "good girl, are you wearing the matching bra?" He questioned.

She shock her head, "not comfy to sleep in my love" he smiled at that.

"Go get yourself wet for me" he nodded toward the shower, watching her make her way under the water and the silk sticking to her like it hadn't before. Her nipples poking through staring at him.

"I want another" she mused as he made his way to her, "I want another baby" she ran her hands over his bare chest, "we still have to name one—"

"After your mother" he finished her sentence.


"Look at you asking so nicely" he tilted her head up, "I think we can make that happen if you're good?"

Autumn Weasley had little to no time to get herself ready. Her legs ached in more ways than one and she had pulled some of her hair back into a clip. She now sat on the bed whilst George slipped on her heels caressing the bottom of her legs as he did, "I know your sore baby, did I go too hard on you?"

"Never" she mused as he lifted her bridal style from the bed hearing her shriek with laughter.

He'd taken her to his mother's house. She hadn't known why yet but the place was in darkness. Until George opened the door and more people than she could count jumped up yelling out a Happy Birthday to her. Her cheeks flushed and her heart pounded. Her family was here, or rather George's family but they'd all give her a telling off should she not refer to them as her own family. Her friends were here. Her children were here.

Molly was first to greet her, pulling her into a hug, "I made you a new cardigan dear" she smiled pointing to one of the paper bags on the table.

"Thank you Mol" she grinned, "you know how much I love your sweaters and cardigans"

"I included some initials on the sleeve of this one" she winked and Autumn knew she'd love it even more for that.

"Happy birthday Autumn!" Fred pulled her into a large hug. Fred and Autumn had been somewhat close before but they'd been like a real brother and sister after the wizarding war. Fred had a follower preparing to end his life as he scrambled around for a wand and eventually closed his eyes knowing it was his time. Though, Autumn had decided otherwise and when he heard a body drop it hadn't been his own. He still recalled her words to this very day 'what kind of a wife would I be if I let my husband's twin die?' After he'd reprimanded her for the simple fact she could've had herself killed which would result in George killing him. "I made you a scrapbook" he continued, "one I think you'll enjoy"

"A scrapbook?" George repeated.

"Yes, filled with baby picture of your little ones— of course I left room for you to add more" George smiled at that, "but that's not the best part, I added all George's embarrassingly adorable baby pictures—"

"You didn't"

"oh you bet I did"

The pair continued with their bickering as she made her way over to Pansy and Draco, "thank you for coming, I know you're both rather busy" she turned to Pansy and looked at her for approval to touch which was granted. She lifted her hand to Pansy's very pregnant belly, "baby Wood" she smiled over to Oliver who had joined George and Fred.

"We've decided on her name" Pansy grinned.


"Mhmm" Draco looked to Pansy with a very uncommon grin on his face as though he knew something Autumn hadn't, "you're birthday gift isn't really a physical gift, more of a question"

"Please, go ahead" Autumn laughed at the little kick she felt as Oliver stood now by his newly appointed wife, placing an arm around her back. George followed suit.

"Oliver and I were wondering" she looked to see her husband nod, "if you and George would be her godparents?" Autumns eyes widened immediately and she grabbed Pansy's had.

"Of course we will!"

"That's no even the best bit" Oliver nudged Pansy, "tell them the name"

"Her name is to be Poppy Autumn Wood" that made Autumn's eyes tear up in an instant of finding out, "I was hoping you'd bake a cake for the baby shower next week, revealing her name?" Autumn owned her own bakery, she and Theo worked whilst George and Fred had opened Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.


As if Autumns birthday couldn't have gotten any better she watched George run toward the door after she'd eaten some of the cake Theo made her in surprise. She made her way toward the door and watched as Theo entered immediately pulling her into a hug, "happy birthday gorgeous" he gushed before tilting his head toward the door.

"Lee—" she felt the tears run down her cheek before she'd even finished saying his name.

Lee Jordan-Nott had nearly died that night ten years ago. He'd nearly died but he didn't. After months and months in care trying to rebuild his life he pulled through and here he was in his chair holding his arms out wide to pull Autumn into a hug. He had just had an Op days before so she hadn't expected to see him, "Auttie"


Lee is alive! And I waited till the very last moment to tell you😭🤣 I also couldn't bring myself to kill off Fred and so I didn't lol this is my book after-all.

I hope you guys enjoyed, I definitely did.

Now for Dracos book which I will be releasing the first chapter shortly, until then enjoy a little sneak peak below:

⚠️Draco Malfoy's book is now available/published!! Go check it out : )⚠️
I present to you Draco Malfoy and Ivy Wood—

Ivy Wood had been the younger sister of Oliver Wood, Gryffindors Quidditch royalty. She however had been sorted into Slytherin just like her mother had been many years before. Her mother who fell in love with the Scottish Gryffindor who was her father. She had always felt welcome, despite her and Oliver bickering about whose house had been better, they were always there for each other. She had always been surrounded with love, or at least by her parents and brother.
Of course she had her close friends in Slytherin but she liked to stay as friendly as possible with those from the three remaining houses.

Draco Malfoy was Slytherin through and through. He cared only for your house and blood purity, he didn't necessarily see the person. When he had been much younger he had been worse as you'd imagine, a teasing little git. Now he could just be cruel.
He had never taken to Ivy Wood, for a few reasons. First being that half her family had been Gryffindors despite their pure blood status. Second would be her openness to speaking to people like Hermione Granger or Neville Longbottom in classes. Third and the only reason she hadn't known already was how incredibly beautiful he found her and how much it hurt him to think about. Such a beautiful girl wasted by her personality.

Draco and Ivy were opposites in most ways but specifically that she had always known love and he hardly knew what love felt like.

Draco Malfoy had, as of late, been thrusted into becoming a Death Eater and was advised he'd soon receive the mark, the gift. He should've felt privileged, honoured even but he felt ashamed in a way, especially when Ivy Wood wandered past an argument he and his father had been having over the break when they'd been in The Three Broomsticks. She hadn't heard much, in fact she'd only heard his father telling him how proud he'd be should Draco fulfil his destiny and he couldn't even be sure she heard that much but all he knew was the look of pity she had thrown his way. He hated being pitied by anyone but that person being Ivy Wood only made this worse, he was used to it in some ways from his mother but he'd be damned if that witch believed for any reason he needed her pity. When they returned he'd make sure she knew just that.

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